Hi, welcome to the House of Telemachus blog. Please feel free to contribute by posting a message to the address below. Especially, I would like to hear your views on the stuff that you particularly like, the stories and pictures of all the contributors. The more positive comments we all receive, the more fired up we are to do more!

To post a message directly to the blog, send it to the email address below with the word 'BLOG' at the start of the subject line.

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Saturday, 24 December 2011 10:51 From: Telemachus

Happy Holidays

Three great new stories this week. The redoubtable Hooder, the amazing ProfGuy15 and the excellent Cicero!

Have a great holiday season guys. See you in the New Year!



Saturday, 17 December 2011 11:54 From: Telemachus

Remote Garrison

Hey Guys,

A new mega-beefy-boy story set in the amazing Gooniverse of Bullneck's wicked imagination! It's all about Goons vs Beanies, and if you have no idea what that means then you should check out the story.

Storyline supplied by Bullneck, words and pix by me.



Sunday, 11 December 2011 14:32 From: Steve


Hello Dave

Thanks so much for linking to my website - I've got some more traffic coming by thanks to the link.

I've updated my link to your site on mine, originally it was just a written link, I didn't realise you had some banners so I pasted one of those into my links page - makes it stand out more.

Love your site by the way, and the way you blend written stories with your art.

Best of luck to you.


(aka Rusty McPhee)

Saturday, 26 November 2011 10:11 From: Profguy15


Hi Dave,

I read your new Kiss story and really enjoyed it! The story itself was great--I enjoy stories that include a heroic but over-confident hero being captured (in this case by hypnosis, one of my favorites). I also really liked that the abused sidekick gets his revenge on the hero. Your illustrations were, as always, spot on! You are such a great artist.

I would love to collaborate with you on another story if I can ever find the time to write something new. If I do, I will definitely let you know.

Great job, Dave! I look forward to seeing more of your work on your site.

Be well, Tom

Saturday, 12 November 2011 10:50 From: Telemachus


Hey Guys,

You may have noticed that every week there is always a new story from Hooder. If you havn't read any of them yet then you are missing a treat. There are now over 50 of them, all different, all good. And there's still more to come. And don't forget that he (like all other artists) appreciates feedback. So if you read one that especially 'hits the spot' then please, please drop him an email!


Dave Telemachus

Friday, 11 November 2011 13:29 From: Peter Parker

Kiss is but a kiss

hi Telemachus

Just read through the new story by Cicero. Great story line, i enjoyed reading it but it would have been good to have shown more of the abuse that Talon suffered so that we could understand why he turned on his master. Loved the branding at the end though - that was a nice touch. Illustrations were first class as usual. I've no idea how you do it and how long it must take you but the effort is well worth it. If i'm being uber critical then the 'old man' could have looked a bit older but it's a minor point. Please keep up the good work. You can rely on my continued patronage.

Regards and best wishes


Wednesday, 9 November 2011 21:05 From: Bullneck

Kiss is but a kiss

Really enjoyed Cicero's 'A Kiss Is But a Kiss?' with its blend of magic, treachery, and a hapless hero who has little idea of what fate awaits him! Dave's renderings really draw out the characters and the medieval tone is conveyed through a really rich attention to textures and details. Don't want to give away too much of the plot, but if you like arrogant wannabe tough guys, a splash of wizardry, and have always empathized with unsung squires like Sancho Panza, then you'll enjoy this wickedly twisted tale!



Friday, 4 November 2011 12:32 From: Telemachus

The British Khaki Academy


A couple of us here in the UK are trying to get together a group of like-minded guys following the traditions of the excellent US Academy ( ) but based on the British Army instead of US Cops. As a start we have set up the following yahoo group to bring together instructors and cadets for action based weekends etc.

We also hope that, when resources permit, we will also be able to produce picture story sets and even videos in the Academy tradition. Note that this is a volunteer-only group, also note that we are NOT interested in porn exchange or individual hook-ups. There are other sites for that.

If you are in (or near) the UK and think that you just might be interested then please visit us at . All constructive criticism and suggestions for improving the group will be very welcome.


Sunday, 18 September 2011 11:10 From: Telemachus


Hey guys,

There is a great new story written by the amazing Kyle Cicero especially for this site which you should enjoy - Runt Revenge. Part 2 posts next Saturday. Feedback is very welcome! I know Kyle has his fingers crossed waiting for your comments.

In the Links section I have added a new collection of websites dedicated to the Sleepy fetish. Let me know if you like 'em, and if you know of any others please, please send me the link!

I was intending to add another list dedicated to the uniform fetish but I don't have that many suitable links yet. If you know of any, please pass 'em on. Thanks.


Dave Telemachus

Wednesday, 7 September 2011 16:34 From: Telemachus

Sore bottom 4 Travis

A message from Mitchell ( )


I would like to invite all my friends to visit a blog that Bruce set up for a story that he and I created. It's a long tale of a bad boy named Travis and the strange (though well-deserved) predicament he finds himself in. Bruce plotted out the story and made all the wonderful images (over 50 of them!!!!). I wrote the story.

It's been a labor of love. We hope you like it.

Bruce and Strictop

Find it here:

Saturday, 20 August 2011 10:02 From: Telemachus

New stuff

Hey guys,

I have received a couple of emails recently asking when certain authors/artists will be adding new stuff. The simple answer is - when they feel inspired enough to do so. And nothing inspires an author or artist like feedback, and there has been a noticeable lack of feedback recently. However I do know from personal experience that one good email can be enough to get the creative juices flowing again - you should see the state of the furniture!

So pick your favourite contributor and send them an email saying what you like about their stuff.

And don't be afraid to try your own hand at creating stuff. Even creative geniuses like Cicero and Herodotus started out as doodlers and scribblers!

I hope to hear from YOU!


Dave Telemachus

PS: If the author/artist in question doesn't actually have a visible email address send the message directly to me and I'll make sure it gets passed on immediately.

Friday, 12 August 2011 11:04 From: Telemachus

Life is a riot

Hey Guys,

Just a word of thanks to the kind people who emailed me re. the London riots. Here in North London I live between Enfield to the north, Tottenham to the east and Wood Green to the south, all of which had their fair share of trouble. Even the supermarket at the end of my road got hit. The situation seems to be calming down now, although that is probably more due to the rain than our useless government!

Real life sux. No wonder some of us prefer the Fantasy world. So it's back to reading smut, rendering porn and playing Oblivion [TM], hehe.

Dave Telemachus

Disclaimer: No pixels were harmed during the creation of the illustrated stories on this site.

Saturday, 4 June 2011 11:10 From: Telemachus

Green Lantern!

Wow! A complete new picture story from the hugely popular Herodotus, check it out in the Herodotus galleries --- Green Lantern Defeated ---. Enjoy!

And don't miss the latest arousing text story from the talented pen of Hooder.



Sunday, 22 May 2011 10:55 From: Peter Parker

Re. Tyler Bernard


Oh Tyler is as good as ever. That was brilliant. Very exciting. really enjoyed it. The guy is a master. Like a drug i'm ready for more whenever he can provide it.

going to read it again now.

thanks Telemachus

Peter x

Saturday, 21 May 2011 09:45 From: Telemachus

Tyler Bernard

After a long hiatus I'm delighted to announce that Tyler Bernard has submitted a new story. If you haven't read any of his works before then I would urge you to do so now. You will be in for a real treat.

Like all artists Tyler thrives on feedback and withers on silence, so if you like his work, send a message, long or short, to the blog, the address is at the top of the page.

And don't forget to check the latest Hooder. Again, feedback is very, very welcome.



Sunday, 8 May 2011 10:31 From: Herodotus

Hot Tip

Hey Dave, I just wanted to say for your blog that Jotto's work is fuckin' wonderful!

Great drawing, super imagination! Thanks!

Saturday, 7 May 2011 11:19 From: Telemachus


Hey guys,

If you like the works of Jotto (and who doesn't?) then you will love Kalabro's art blog at .

Check it out and enjoy!



Wednesday, 20 April 2011 11:45 From: Telemachus

Fair View Sue

Following the recent closure of her blog, Sue has relocated to a new home -

If you haven't checked it out yet do so! It's pretty good AND you will see a special new Herodotus pic there.



Sunday, 10 April 2011 10:37 From: Telemachus

Herodotus, Hooder and websites

Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the great new Herodotus pix, more next week! And there are plenty more Hooder stories queued up!

BTW: A couple of regular visitors emailed me last week to say that they couldn't access this website anymore. Which seemed strange as most other visitors were having no problem at all. After an investigation it turned out to be a minor firewall issue on one of my service providers servers. It would only have affected a very small percentage of visitors but I'm happy to say it's all fixed now.

If you do have problems in the future then please, please, email me immediately - otherwise I won't know that there is a problem. If you are computer savvy then it would also be helpful if you did a traceroute to see where the blockage is. Just Google 'run traceroute on MAC' to get the instructions how to do this - replacing 'MAC' with whatever operating system you use of course!

Basking in gorgeous sunshine here in Olde Londone Towne!



Saturday, 2 April 2011 11:09 From: Telemachus

Spring Break

Hey guys,

I hope you are are enjoying the bright Spring weather (or Autumn if you're south of the equator). And I certainly hope you're enjoying the recent stories from David Circe and Hooder. David tells me that he has had an upsurge in visitors to his own site since his stories started to appear here. Always glad to help!

I have several pix and stories in the pipeline but real life and commissions are slowing the gears a bit.

And, as always, I look forward to email and comments from you! Anything you want to share in the way of praise, (constructive) criticism and suggestions for future works or site improvements are always welcome.

Anyway, enjoy whatever weather you are getting, wherever you are.


Dave Telemachus

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