Hi, welcome to the House of Telemachus blog. Please feel free to contribute by posting a message to the address below. Especially, I would like to hear your views on the stuff that you particularly like, the stories and pictures of all the contributors. The more positive comments we all receive, the more fired up we are to do more!

To post a message directly to the blog, send it to the email address below with the word 'BLOG' at the start of the subject line.

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Saturday, 6 October 2012 10:22 From: Telemachus

End of the holidays!

It seems all my old pals are back from their vacations at the same time!

More text stories from Cicero and Handy, a brand new gallery of hot guys from Priapus and some new and naughty illustrations from Franco!

Plus both Herodotus and Jotto are working on new and amazing illustrated stories, watch this space!!!

Welcome back guys!

Saturday, 8 September 2012 09:56 From: Christian QMS

Congratulations on a great site

Hi Dave,

Thanks for placing my group, Jean-Christophe Stories in your links. I do appreciate that you did this.

In making contact with you, I didn't expect this to happen but I am delighted to be 'connected' to "The House of Telemachus".

I have to say, over recent days, I have been a frequent visitor to your beautiful site and it never disappoints me. Always there is something new to discover and the breadth of interests is astonishing. I can truthfully say it is now one of my favourite sites and I congratulate you.

I have just finished reading "The Fall of the Jaguar King" by Herodotus. What can I say about it?

It's a great story; highly charged, erotically written and beautifully illustrated. Reading it was an absolute pleasure.

Kind regards,


Friday, 7 September 2012 11:40 From: Telemachus


Hey Guys,

I'm currently looking at setting a major story (or even a series of stories) in the fictional Runequest world of GLORANTHA.

If there is anyone out there who enjoys the stories on this website and would like to contribute to the project, or even just chat about sword, sorcery and sandals in general, then please drop me a line at

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Dave Telemachus (currently lost in Skyrim)

Tuesday, 28 August 2012 16:18 From: Telemachus

New stories

Hey guys,

It's been a bit quiet over the last few weeks due to many of us being off on our summer holidays. However the stories are starting to flow again. And there are some great new contributions being lined up, including a hot new Jungle Boy story from Jotto and an amazing new series from Herodotus (I've already see the first couple of chapters - WOW!)


Dave Telemachus

PS: 'TripleDistilled' I'm getting your emails but my replies to you are bouncing! Your mailbox may be full?

Thursday, 9 August 2012 10:38 From: Telemachus

Rebel with a cause

If you have read and enjoyed the various stories I have published here set in the amazing Gooniverse of Bullneck then you will certainly love the new illustrated book 'Rebel with a Cause' by my old pal Biff Schweinebar which is available from Bruno Gmunder Books, and is now (finally) available from the mighty Amazon!

Set in an oppressive quasi-militaristic future, it tells of loads of hot, rough, uniform action with big dumb vicious cops versus the smarter rebels and pushes the boundaries of hot sex and violent action.

For a preview check out the advert on the main page of this website.



Friday, 22 June 2012 10:13 From: Paul


Hey Dave how are you? Sorry I haven't been in touch much recently, have been working on story ideas but haven't got anything complete yet to send you, rest assured I will definitely forward anything I get done directly to you...

Anyway, I go to this kink club called 'Collared' every now and then, very friendly club in Kings Cross, and they are running a short kinky story competition, didn't know if you, or one of your other writers, might be interested in entering?

It's free entry and theres a £300 first prize. I can't enter myself as I know the organiser. It's some sort of promotional thing to get more traffic to their website, but as I understand it, they've hardly had any entries at the moment. I said I'd see if I could drum up any more interest :) I don't have anything to gain out of it myself, it would just be nice if someone I know won it (and maybe they could buy me a drink or something!)

Anyway here's a link, you have to sign up to their website to enter but it's all free, I know it sounds like some sort of dodgy scam but I trust the people involved, I wouldn't tell you about it otherwise :) The closing date is very soon so don't leave it too long if you have something you want to put in

p.s the other advantage of signing up is you can see some of my kinky pictures :)

Been loving the recent updates to the site, some really hot stuff going on, I wish I could contribute more, but I'm sure I'll have something else done soon :)

Hope you are keeping well x

Tyler Bernard)

Saturday, 26 May 2012 15:06 From: Telemachus

More goodies

This week the start of the epic adventure FALL OF THE JAGUAR KING by Herodotus!

And another chapter of the Cicero story THE SCARLET AVENGER vs DOCTOR DOOM

And more pix from Franco and the amazing Jotto!

Next week we have loads more stuff, including a whole new gallery from Jotto devoted to the characters of that great artists Patrick Fillion.


Dave Telemachus

Saturday, 19 May 2012 12:16 From: Telemachus

What a week!

This week the JOTTO picture story - SUPERBOY and LEX LUTHOR. Holy Junk! What will the nefarious Lex do to his super-victim!!!

Another chapter in our Saturday Serial - THE SCARLET AVENGER versus DOCTOR DOOM! I hope you're enjoying it!

And starting next week is the epic story of lust and betrayal in the jungles of Mayan America. THE FALL OF THE JAGUAR KING

Chapter one - 26th May 2012

Chapter two - 2nd June 2012

Chapter three - 9th June 2012

Written and illustrated by HERODOTUS exclusively for this site!

And don't forget all the other goodies in the text stories, galleries and don't forget to check out the links to many other hot websites


Dave Telemachus

Monday, 23 April 2012 12:26 From: Telemachus

Bandwidth Problem for 21st-22nd April 2012

Due to some unexpected (and very positive) reviews of this website recently the number of visitors has soared, which is good news, but the bad news is that this pushed the website bandwidth over its limit on 21st April resulting in a temporary service outtage. Fortunately my service provider has now upped the limit and we are back online again. My humblest apologies for the lack of service over the last couple of days while we sorted things out!


Saturday, 14 April 2012 19:52 From: Andy

Big Fan

Andy here, big fan of the website, a highly recommend it for anyone who likes 3d art, for me it's one of the best selections i've seen. Recently I requested a custom story (gym daddy) and it came out fantastic! so i highly recommend joining the site!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012 13:46 From: Bambamtop

Scarlet Avenger


I just love the new story by Kyle Cicero and art by Herodotus. These two are such gifted talents and together they are the dynamic duo.

Thank you for sharing their talents with us.

Looking forward to the Saturday post.


Saturday, 7 April 2012 13:55 From: Telemachus

Happy Easter

WOW, do we have a bumper Easter for you!

The first chapter of the amazing new story from Kyle Cicero, illustrated by the imaginitive Herodotus!

Another instalment of the illustrated adventures of Vencenzio by Jotto!

Chapter 7 of more from The Mutant World Chronicles by David Circe!

Plus more fantastic new pictures by Franco, Herodotus and Jotto!

AND lots more stuff all queued up for next week.



Dave Telemachus

Saturday, 31 March 2012 11:07 From: Telemachus


Remember those Saturday morning hero serials? You younger guys may not but some of us still do, hehe. Every week our noble hero would face a fresh challenge and a new peril. Ah, happy days.

Well the great tradition is alive and well - watch out for a fantastic new serialised story written by Kyle Cicero and illustrated by Herodotus - The Scarlet Avenger vs Doctor Doom. Chapter one starts next week on Easter Saturday!

And don't forget the regular favourites, another chapter of David Circe's story set in the Mutant World, a fresh complete short story and illustrations from Jotto and more pictures from the wicked pen of Franco.

Plus, if you haven't yet read any of the stories of Hooder then you are missing a treat.



Saturday, 24 March 2012 10:54 From: Telemachus


Hey Y'All,

I been adding a load of new pix and stories over the last few weeks, with more to come. I do hope you are enjoying them. I can especially recommend the stories of Hooder, if you haven't seen them yet then go take a look, they are extraordinary.

I'm especially delighted with the latest illustrations from Jotto and Franco. Check 'em out!

Plus there are some great new stories being put together right now, so watch this space!


Dave Telemachus

Monday, 27 February 2012 10:35 From: Maxim


Hey Dave - loving the new pic Training Discipline! Looking forward to more.



Thursday, 19 January 2012 12:04 From: Telemachus

Another year gone

Hi Guys,

Another new year and time for a little reflection. During 2011 the average hit rate per day was up to ~30,000 compared to ~25,000 for 2010. As Mr Burns would say - Eeeeeeeeexcellent! I could go on and on about the statistics (I may look like a hunk but I think like a geek) but I won't, it's enough to say that overall interest in the site has risen around 15% in 2011 compared to 2010.

So a great big THANK YOU to all the guys who have posted messages on the blog, emailed me privately, sent stories and pictures for publication, and generally everyone who has simply visited and enjoyed my lil ol website.



Tuesday, 17 January 2012 11:45 From: Peter Parker

Robin vs Eric the Black manta

Hi Telemachus,

just read through the latest chapter of Robin vs Eric the Black manta by Cicero. Brilliant, excellent, engaging and absorbing. I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Can't wait.

Love the site - please keep up the good work



Monday, 9 January 2012 12:46 From: Telemachus

Herodotus and Jotto art

Hi Rx4Jx,

Thanks very much for the kind words. I have forwarded your comments on to Herodotus and Jotto. Fingers crossed for some new stuff soon.

I haven't heard from Wolfpek for a while, hopefully he's OK and we'll see some new stories in due course.


Dave Telemachus

Monday, 9 January 2012 12:43 From: rx4jx

Herodotus and Jotto art

Thanks for managing a great website. I enjoy the stories and the pix.. Would love to see more artwork and stories by Herodotus and Jotto.

Your work w/ Wolfpek, Prophecy, is super as well. More like it, please!


Saturday, 31 December 2011 11:11 From: Telemachus

Happy New Year

The end of another year! New stories from Cicero and Hooder, plus new art from Franco. With more to come. Enjoy!

And may your new year bring you everything you wish for.



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