Hi, welcome to the House of Telemachus blog. Please feel free to contribute by posting a message to the address below. Especially, I would like to hear your views on the stuff that you particularly like, the stories and pictures of all the contributors. The more positive comments we all receive, the more fired up we are to do more!

To post a message directly to the blog, send it to the email address below with the word 'BLOG' at the start of the subject line.

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Saturday, 22 January 2011 10:51 From: Telemachus

Holiday hangover

Hey guys, after the holiday bonanza things are a bit lean this week. However, over the past week I have been checking loads of the links, removing a few dead ones and adding several shiny new ones. Check 'em out! Blogs are listed over on the right of this page and other websites are under the 'LINKS' button back on the main page.

And if you want me to add a link to your website (or to any website you think will suit you guys) then let me know. Priority will be given to links which have a banner though! And if you already have a link here, but no banner, then please, please send me one! Or drop me a line and I'll see if I can whip one up for you.

Enough with the whips!!!


Dave Telemachus

Wednesday, 5 January 2011 11:15 From: Telemachus


The start of a brand new year is a good excuse for a little reflection.

I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the contributors who have made this website what it is. Not just to the amazing authors and artists who have kindly allowed me to exhibit their incredible work, but also to the many individuals who, through the blog and in private emails, have encouraged and inspired me.

I have contacted my service provider for a few statistics in case you are interested. During 2010 we had a total of 129,403 unique visitors, and total of 9,114,792 hits. In December 2010 the average hit rate was 24,972 per day!

Top of the list were the amazing Americans, second were the brilliant Brits and third were the gorgeous Germans. I have a special love for Germany as I lived and worked there in my 20's. I even tried to learn the language, but they would usually laugh and reply in English so I guess language skills are not one of my major talents - even though I did get an O level in Latin. No, Honestly!

Just to round out the top ten - 4th Canada, 5th France, 6th Australia, 7th China, 8th Italy, 9th Taiwan, 10th Spain. And in last place at position 173 - one guy in Aruba! Thank you, whoever you are.

So a great big THANK YOU to you all, now keep those hits cummin'

Cheers and Happy New Year

Dave Telemachus

Saturday, 1 January 2011 12:25 From: Telemachus


And more goodies!

Part 2 of Herodotus' epic tale is now available, plus new stories from Hooder, David Circe and Jotto



Friday, 24 December 2010 10:07 From: Telemachus


Whew, what an upload this week!

A magnificent new illustrated story from Herodotus - Ramses Tale.

More text stories from Hooder and David Circe. PLUS new authors Jotto and Will Scott (see his other works over on Amazon!)

AND more pictures from the mischievous pen of Franco, plus some works by the talented artist Jotto.

Just call me Santa!



Tuesday, 7 December 2010 11:51 From: Chris


Hello Dave,

I've just been catching up on the new stuff! I love the 'HairyBeast' pic, I don't know which Bootlust trooper he is though, but I'm guessing it isn't Von Rath (hehe).

I'm not a big fan of the Bullneck boys - I prefer my guys on the lean side - but I loved the Visitor story, very reminiscent of the early Bond villains, but with a neat twist! And, of course, uniforms always do it for me.

I'm still working my way through all those amazing text stories, the contrast between Circe's full-on action stuff and Hooder's more subtle tales is fun, both are great reads, I do hope there are many more to come. Although my all-time favourite author (so far) is Tyler Bernard. I really love his stuff!!

Keep it up!

Chris Fellowes (aka CPF of London)

Saturday, 4 December 2010 10:59 From: Telemachus

New Stuff

More stories from the inventive minds of Hodder and David Circe! Check them out in the (free) text stories pages.

And there is a brand new, fully illustrated, complete story based on an idea from the wicked, twisted and totally evil brain of Bullneck (dontcha just love 'im?) in the members only section.

Plus a 'hairy beast' illustration in my gallery, this guy is based on one of my all-time favourite troopers from Bootlust - bet you can't guess which one it is!



Saturday, 27 November 2010 09:39 From: Telemachus

New authors

Hey Guys,

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of adding a new author to our little community, David Circe, creator of the Murant World stories.

This week I am delighted to add the first of a whole new collection of stories by the UK author Hooder!

I hope you like the stories and, if so, that you will let us know, either by emailing me or the blog, or sending your comments directly to the authors.


Dave Telemachus

Friday, 12 November 2010 10:51 From: Telemachus


Hey Chris,

Thanks very much for the email. Your comments are very much appreciated. I definitely like a man in uniform, especially when he loses it in unfortunate circumstances, hehe.

Enjoy the text stories! There is an amazing variety of 'situtations' you can find there.



Monday, 8 November 2010 10:54 From: Chris

Amazing Site!

Hey telemachus, I recently found your website. Wow! What is amazing is the sheer variety of stuff here. The pictures by Herodotus and Franco are eye wateringly good, and I have only just started on the text stories. Super stuff!

But what I really like the best are the illustrated stories in the members only section, I must admit that I don't go for the usual vanilla poses and stuff on most artwork sites, no matter how hunky the guy might be. For me it is much better to have hunks displayed in some sort of context, such as a good dramatic storyline with some strong physical action. There seems to be tons of that stuff for the hetero market, but a remarkable shortage for us gay boys. But plenty here, AND I get the impression that you like your hunks in uniform, at least to start with. SO DO I!

Keep it up!


Tuesday, 12 October 2010 11:02 From: jandoerlidoe


This site realy harbors high quality art work !

A pic that realy draws my attention is "Enslavement" by Herodotus.

Here we see the captured "penis man" hooked up on a machine.

This machine is obvious not the usual cum milking machine.

To me it looks like penis man is hooked up on a machine that siphones of his sexual energy.

Is young, virile, penisman being sexualy vampired with a machine ?

On his cock, balls, neck and niples there are white, glowing "lights" are these "energy absorbers"...

Is "Herodotus " showing us something that he knows a lot more of ?

I would not be suprised, for such machines do realy exist.....

Thursday, 30 September 2010 10:04 From: Peter Parker

Brit Cop

Hi Telemachus

Just a quick note to say how much i loved what you did with the Brit Cop story. You credited me with the original idea (many thanks for that) but then you took it forward and did a great job. I love the opening picture with the chav reflecting in the cops sun glasses - excellent. It's the attention to detail that really makes your pictures work. Many thanks and please keep up the good work.


Saturday, 4 September 2010 12:06 From: Telemachus


Hey guys,

I hope you like the new 'fetish101' series of individual pix, any ideas for new ones will be gratefully received BTW!

Also a note to anyone who has contributed stories etc. to any part of the website, please let me know if you would like a free subscription to the membership only section.

And a special thank you to Bullneck, Mitchell and Sailor Al for all their recent input and encouragement.

Plus, two new illustrated stories are currently in the pipeline - A heart-throb movie star has problems with an over-enthusiastic adoring fan, and another instalment in the saga of the Gooniverse.

Finally our best wishes to Aussie who has health problems at the moment. Get well soon darling - we miss ya!


Dave Telemachus

Sunday, 22 August 2010 11:26 From: Telemachus

Missing emails

I was chatting to a friend yesterday and I discovered that he had sent me two emails recently which never arrived. I hope this is an isolated incident but if you have sent me an email and I didn't respond then please resend it. I ALWAYS reply to personal emails. In the meantime I'm checking my junk mail settings and firewall just in case something is wrong there.

Dave (Telemachus)

Sunday, 8 August 2010 19:48 From: Telemachus

Frogman Lee

I've added a link to Frogman Lee's excellent Blog - check it out. See 'frglee3' on the side panel =>

Saturday, 7 August 2010 18:44 From: Rod

NYC Poser people

Is there anyone in new york who is familiar with "Poser 8"? I would like to make contact with you.


Rod (Domingo Rodriguez)

Saturday, 31 July 2010 10:44 From: Telemachus


Good news from Tyler (see below). And if any of you guys want to try your hand at writing some stories of your own, drop me a line!

My basic rules: No females, children or dumb animals in sexual situations, real or implied. And I'd prefer the violence to be more comic book than serious gore.

I'm also prepared to act as a sub-editor if you have worries about spelling and grammar, but that's your call


Saturday, 31 July 2010 10:22 From: Paul

From Tyler Bernard

Hi Dave!

Sorry about the lack of new stuff recently, please reassure people I am still alive...

However I have started a new story in the last few days, first writing I've done for ages... I don't know if its going to develop into anything. It's called 'Chastity Island' if I can get it together will mail it straight to you. Have some free time next week so might try and sit down and focus on the writing a bit... (get some new episodes of the existing stories done too)

Hope all is well. Site looks good, and have been enjoying recent updates

Say thanks to everyone for all the kind comments, really do appreciate it


Tuesday, 27 July 2010 11:49 From: Telemachus

Re Tyler Bernard

Hi Ken,

I've forwarded your message on to Tyler Bernard. He's promised to do more stuff but nothing yet I'm afraid.

Cheers and thanks for the kind words re. the website


Tuesday, 27 July 2010 11:49 From: Telemachus


A couple of guys from the US have asked about paying the subscription in US dollars instead of Euros. You should be able to pay in any currency via the subscription button and Zombaio will then convert it to Euros. Give it a go. If you have any problems them please, please let me know.



Tuesday, 27 July 2010 11:39 From: ken


First off, GREAT site as always. The stories, the art, couldn't be better. I know I've asked this before, but WHERE is Tyler Bernard??? He has left us hanging on so many unfinished stories. Is he ok? Is he alive? Pissed off at someone or something? Whatever it is, PLEASE fix it. I'm sure I speak for others, YOU ARE MISSED. So, please, please come back with your fantastic writing/stories. We are waiting. Thank you...Ken.

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Mitch Men
Mitch Men

Fins Land of Gay Art - Blogspot

The Art of Kalabro

Bullneck's flickr
Bullneck's flickr


