The Telemachus Story Archive

Part 4 - Transmission, Part 1
By Scorpio

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Eclipse - 4.Transmission Part 1


Image created by Jared4ever using AI tools


Jonson and Tye were amazing gymnasts, sexy partners living in the prime of their lives. They were ready for regional championships in the gymnastics world but had withdrawn from the tournaments to become secret agents. But on the eve of their departure at a secret training facility, they were taken somewhere else.

They had been scouted by a civilisation of sex hungry alien men in a distant galaxy far from Earth. They had travelled through a blood moon portal to the jungle world of Attica.

After arriving in the jungle they have been hunted and captured, they are about to realise their future life as the revered Pleasure Primes of Attica.

They are being taken to the Solar Temple, to the High Priest, who will become their new master, in a world of bondage, torture and pleasure extraction.


At the Solar Temple, after the Communion Rites had concluded.

Zephir was ready, he had adorned himself in his magical bones and was wearing his ceremonial loincloth, he was wet with anticipation. He loved this part of the Attican life cycle, but it was also a time of anticipation. He was nearly three hundred Earth years old, yet he didn’t look a day over forty. He was in his prime and had kept Danteros happy and satisfied for nearly two-thirds of his long and lusty life so far. Not as muscly as Tzofira, and he didn’t have those handsome earth-like features that his Scout sported, but Zephir was still an imposing figure. He needed to be, especially with the number of opposing nations trying to overthrow his rule and the power of Danteros throughout Attica.

The Temple had been prepared and the streets and passageways were adorned with banners. Every captive had been oiled and prepared, no captive had been permitted to orgasm for several days so the temple’s sacred cum load was high.

Danteros had dined on The Five’s pleasure during the recent Communion Rites earlier that day, but he too had not tasted fresh cum in days, even his omnipotence was waiting and prepared for the new Earthlings’ arrival.

So then, although the arrival of the new Earthlings, is always considered the quinquennial highlight of the Attican cycle and revered like the arrival of orgasm, it was also the period of highest stress for the High Priest and his Scout, Tzofira. They both held the responsibility of satisfying Danteros; their God’s almost insatiably need for sexual arousal and satisfaction. This was a time of anticipation and build-up, but only when Danteros was satisfied with the new Earthling stock would Zephir and Tzofira start to settle down and begin to work their magic with the assurance that their lives were safe for another five Earth years. Until the next Pleasure Prime replacements have been sourced, abducted through the Blood Moon Portal and captured in the Attican Jungles according to Temple ordinances.

So today was life and death for Zephir and Tzofira. If Danteros rejected the offerings, they would be incinerated in the fires of Danteros.

It was the last thing on his checklist, Zephir personally made his way to the outdoor amphitheatre and checked the various implements and pleasure stones. Before he checked the raging hot coals of the fire pit, fresh logs had been prepared and coated in the ritual oils, they would burn hot and clean when thrown into the fire’s furious red-hot coals later that day. The blowers had been installed deep inside the pit, they would fuel the flames high and strong.

Zephir then checked the roasting frames ensuring the priests had polished them. They were gleaming in the midday sun. They were ready for the transmission rituals. He trusted Tzofira’s choice and having seen the vision of the new Earthmen’s capture, he was certain that Danteros would be pleased. If Danteros were to reject them, then the Earth boys would witness his and Tzofira’s incineration before being ravaged by the fires themselves.

But that was not going to happen, the evening transmission would proceed as planned according to the Boi Rahan rites. Once the Mantle of Pleasure had been transferred and the new Boi Rahs commissioned into service, the outgoing Primes would be roasted over the fires; and the flames would torture them, a fitting end to their service and a fitting welcome to new anointed offerings to Danteros. Their Boi Rah title names would be abolished, annihilated in the flames.

So Zephir, pleased with the amphitheatre, made his way back to his private annex in the temple. As per his orders, Casey and Kel, the outgoing Pleasure Prime Boi Rahs were taken to Zephir’s private rooms. The two fitness gurus from five earth years earlier had been kept in peak physical condition. Their bodies worked daily in gruelling feats of anaerobic and aerobic stress, it was part of their tortuous routines, public displays of strength and stamina. Cruel displays which often brought them to death’s door. They had endured five long Earth years worth of this kind of torture. Five long years of pleasure extraction, their virile bodies milked, their pleasure enjoyed by Danteros and by kings, noblemen and friends of the Attican temple; their semen and pre-cum priceless. Their bodies were toys for the sexual gratification of the privileged. They belonged to the High Priest.

“Thank you for coming Din and Sagh!” The High Priest said as the Pleasure Primes were forced into Zephir’s playroom.

Pleasure Primes were given specific names when commissioned into Danteros’ service. Casey was commissioned as Boi Rah Din, meaning delicious Earth male with light spiky hair. Kel had been commissioned as Boi Rah Sagh which meant delicious Earth male with a deep voice.

Casey and Fin hated those names; the names meant captivity, bondage and subjugation to them. They had been captured and turned into sexual toys with god-like status, yet without the powers of gods. Magnificent sexual playthings. They had been tortured to the edge of their lives so many times, yet the healing magic was indescribably erotic, it restored every cell in their bodies, it felt magnificent, and it made them crave pleasure. The roller-coaster of pain and pleasure along with the various types of proteins and herbs they were fed, combined with the evil magic of Zephir and Tzofira kept their bodies tight and perfect. It kept their bulging loincloths, so full of their sex, moist and craving attention.

Casey felt the ropes cutting into his wrists, he had been in this room in Zephir’s chambers many times, sometimes with Fin and other times his body was ravaged alone. He had spent hours of his existence in Zephir’s custody. Today he was thrown in along with Fin. The priests were unusually cruel and forceful that morning. Fin was thrown into the room and into the arms of waiting priests behind Casey. His bonds were tight too, he had hardly slept that night. Every time he dosed off, he was awoken by a scorching hot dildo forced into his body. He was wired and exhausted at the same time, he couldn’t think straight, and his arse was sore. The loincloth thong clung to his body tightly and every movement hurt both physically and mentally. One look at Casey and he knew that ‘Case’ had been through a similar harrowing night as well. Casey’s eyes were sunken, and he looked terrible.

“I trust you slept well!” Zephir said turning to face them and with a smile on his face.

“Fuck you, High Priest!” Casey spat back, before one of the Priests slammed his fist into Casey’s left cheek, causing the magnificent Earthman to fall backward onto the floor.

“Shut up Earth boy!” The priest said wrenching Casey to his feet almost as quickly as he had taken the fall. Casey’s head was held upward by his hair, and he was forced to look toward the High Priest.

Several priests rolled two bondage devices to the centre of the High Priest’s parlour. They locked both devices in place and set about configuring them. They were made of heavy wood and were adjusted to an eighty-degree angle. The central fixture would hold their bodies, fixed by metal clamps, their legs stretched wide, their arms shackled above their heads on either side of a thick central brace. A neck-choking restraint would be tightened to the High Priest’s satisfaction leaving them helpless and at his mercy.

“Tie them!”

Was this to be a morning milking, or a morning torture session? They were used to Zephir’s sexual whims, either way, the High Priest would get what he wanted. Was it to be blood or cum, pleasure or slow agony?

They fought the priests as best they could, writhing and twisting their magnificent bodies as the priesthood manipulated their bodies into position, the cold steel biting into their skin, their breathing restricted as the choking devices tightened back into the wooden brace. The metal straps around their chest, abdomen, arms and legs were also tightened so that their bodies were stuck fast to the thick wooden central braces.

“Gah, ugh!” Fin winced his face and made fists above his head and he tried to get words out, but the choker restraint, a favourite of Zephir, was not allowing it. His bondage made him horny; he was always horny, and he looked across to Casey, he felt lust fill his entire being. Casey’s struggling body, and his erotic loincloth, made Fin’s lust thrive. He felt his penis tingle, they had conditioned his sexual responses, his arousal to his bondage. Even the torture, held promise of healing, eventual pleasure. Fin desperately needed to feel his bulge, feel his penis. They had denied him that dignity ever since he and Casey had been captured in the Jungle.

They were at Zephir’s mercy once more, but today was different, it was later than usual, normally that would have edged him mercilessly for hours. Or maybe subject him to searing acid drop torture by now.

Their attention was drawn by the High Priest.

“Are you nice and snug, are you comfortable on your bondage braces?

Casey struggled as much as the choker allowed, his legs were being pushed by two tight metal restraints on each leg as well as the ankle restraints and the chest and ab restraints were also ratcheted tight. He was helpless and so was Fin.

The High Priest continued, after approaching Fin and caressing every staining muscle, Fin’s bulge was wet with expectation, he knew Zephir always drank from his bulge, it always felt exquisite, and his penis oozed pre-cum in expectation. Casey too was super horny, he was oozing a long thin line of his Boi Rahan offering, his pre-cum was plentiful as usual.

But Zephir refused to touch or lick their loincloths or their thongs. They were being rejected, it was erotic torture for these two Pleasure Primes who had been meticulously manipulated to produce pleasure and nectar.

Fin moaned in disappointment, glancing at his bulge and then at Casey’s beautiful and fertile manhood bulge.

Zephir laughed at their writhing bodies, so expectant, craving, and longing to be touched and enjoyed.

“You have served Danteros with excellent and rich pleasure Boi Rah Din and Boi Rah Sagh, but your reign is coming to an end. You are to be replaced today!”

Casey felt exhilaration at first, the happiness ran through his mind like a freight train. He held hopes of their release; would they be sent back to Earth? Would they be granted freedom? He then felt the fear follow the happiness like a black shroud covering his head. What was this crazy High Priest going to do to them? Casey looked across at Fin, Fin was struggling frantically, he had worked out that the news was not good.

The sharp pain in his upper back and along the back of his legs confirmed his fears. He felt them pierce his skin, his buttocks too. The spikes emerged from the wooden brace that his body had been tightly restrained to and stinging pain shot into his body.

“Yes!” The High Priest hissed.

“Acute pain, are you comfortable gentlemen?” He said as he approached Fin.

Boi Rah Sagh, I have enjoyed the deepness of your moans of delight over your reign as a Pleasure Prime. Your torture, so invigorating, so arousing, so refreshing, works of pure erotic bliss!” He felt Fin’s body heat, Fin was twitching and vibrating as his body became used to the spiky stimulant of his bondage device. He couldn’t speak, his choker was too tight, but he glared at his tormentor.

“You two have learned to control your breathing, your pain is sacred, it must be extracted, like everything your bodies offer, I enjoy the extraction the most!” Zephir said.

“So fertile too!” Zephir licked Fin’s moist loincloth bulge, his fingers caressing Fin’s full and meaty testicles wrapped in the sacred erotic loincloth. Fin always tasted sweet to Zephir and Fin’s beautiful penis felt full and rich to his tongue.

Fin felt the sensations of pleasure and searing pain envelop his body, the spikes had progressed out further and were ripping into his back.

“Feel the sting, Boi Rah! Feel the pleasure as I enjoy your Boi Rah bulge.”

“Mmmmph!” Fin was screwing his face; the agony was increasing, and the sensations of pure delicious pleasure buzzed through his penis. Zephir was an expert bulge manipulator; his fingers could make him tingle in delight.

“N, Nooooooo!” He pushed past the agonising pain in his throat, his body wracked in dual sensations. Acute searing and increasing pain coupled with luxurious and luscious pleasure filled his loincloth thong bulge. He wanted to rock his hips, but he had to control his sexual reactions, he would lacerate his back into mince if he couldn’t control himself.

Zephir smiled and withdrew his loincloth worship, leaving Fin in a world of dual sensation. Blood was starting to ooze down the back of the frame onto the floor surrounding Fin.

Casey’s eyes widened as the High Priest’s attention was returning to him. He could see how fast Fin’s body reacted to Zephir’s loincloth worship and Zephir was heading his way. He tried not to struggle; the spikes were pushing viciously into his almost naked body the pain was inescapable.

Delicious and pure pleasure buzzed in his penis, it was priming his bulge for the High Priest’s attention and Zephir went to work worshipping him as he had watched him worship Fin.

After fifteen minutes both Boi Rahs were trembling in the dual pleasure pain treatment and Zephir stood back to watch them struggle and moan and writhe. It was a wonderful and erotic morning pleasure for Zephir to watch. But the day needed to progress. So, Zephir ignored their struggles and moaning, the pleasure he had ignited inside the penises and thong bulges would last for an hour or so, so he continued his commentary.

“Two new Boi Rahs from Earth have travelled the stellar pathway, through the Blood Moon Portal. Younger and as beautiful as you when you arrived here in Attica. Chosen by Tzofira to be the next Boi Rahs, The magnificent Pleasure Primes to serve Danteros.”

Fin was oozing pre-cum, Casey too, their fertile bodies reacting to the magical and luscious spikes of pleasure invading their penises, but their backs, buttocks and their legs were being pierced with the passing of each minute.

“Your bonds will keep you secure and tight against your devices Boi Rahs, the hundreds of spikes will continue to emerge slowly and pierce your bodies until we have collected enough of your blood for the transmission rites. Your pleasure will continue to signal your bondage device to extend its razor-sharp needles into your bodies as your torture progresses.”

He didn’t know what to concentrate on, the pleasure was deliriously sublime, but was like a sweet frosting on top of the searing pain enveloping his body from behind, from the emerging needles. Casey pulled desperately on his wrist restraints, the ropes were way too tight and strong; they had used a ratchet device to tighten them. He was helpless, and his throat was on fire, the choker restraint was adjusted to let him breathe, but only under duress.

He spattered his words toward his cruel master “T, t ransmithon?” Casey couldn’t pronounce the word properly, but Zephir understood the question perfectly.

“Yes Transmission!” Zephir said smiling, he was watching their loincloth bulges throbbing with pleasure, their struggles against their bonds were such an erotic sight, he could never tire of it.

Zephir walked over to Fin, he licked the Boi Rah’s sweet sweat, and then began to chew on Fin’s left nipple, causing Fin to scream out; the High Priest was extracting some kind of punishment. But he retracted from Fin’s nipple, and let his hands caress the Boi Rah’s upper body and abdominal musculature. He spoke loud enough for Casey to hear as well.

“Today is your final day as Boi Rah Pleasure Primes! Danteros demands new pleasure, fresh human semen, produced from new magnificent cum cows! You are being replaced, you have aged well, but aged beyond Danteros’ service specifications.”

“You must be punished!”

He paused and watched them struggling in their pleasure-pain cacophony; their bondage devices creaking as they fought their bonds.

“You will be milked one last time as Boi Rah’s your semen will anoint the new Boi Rahs, your names will be withdrawn, and I will name the new Boi Rahs by the authority of Danteros! You will then be roasted over the raging fires of Danteros, your screams will join with the screams of pleasure from our new group of captured, virile warriors. Your reign as pleasure royalty will be terminated in the flames!”

Zephir let out a long and evil laugh, it was more like a cackle combined with a whine of delight.

Fin and Caseys’ eyes widened as the horror settled in their brains.

“N, N, noooooghhhhh” Fin gurgled.

Casey didn’t care about the needles piercing his body, his struggles causing his back and exposed buttocks to be cut to shreds.

Blood ran down the central pole their bodies were strapped to. Pre cum continued to ooze through their delicious loincloth thongs.

“Good, I think I have enough of your blood gentlemen!” Zephir said having filled two small golden goblets with their cruor.

“My priests will undertake their usual ministrations on your bodies soon when the pleasure magic subsides. They will drag you to the cool waters of desire, the stream will restore your body and make you horny, and they will prepare you for the transmission rites later tonight. The flames will take your lives to the edge of death tonight, they will ensure your Pleasure Prime mantles are incinerated from your bodies. But you will not die today!”

“MON - ST - ER!” Casey screamed, nearly passing out from the searing pain in his neck and his lacerated body.

Zephir laughed again and left the treatment room, he had work to do, and the potion needed his attention. He left them to consider their harrowing final day as the anointed Pleasure Primes of Danteros, their fates were sealed.


Their arrival is imminent, Jonson and Tye are transported on the Golden Chariot impaled on golden phalluses.

They had travelled a further kilometre through the jungle along a bumpy and undulating road, which more resembled a track. Three priests of Danteros, Tye recognised as the priests that were involved in their hunt and capture back at the bog, were pulling the transport Chariot.

Every bump forced the golden dildo deep into his body, he was bouncing up and down on the implement, it had stopped hurting ages ago, Tye’s pleasure started to show on his face, he moaned at every bump, his muscular gymnastics honed body shimmered in sweat and his muscles strained, he needed to use the dildo to assist his ability and sore legs to keep upright without stumbling over the undulations. The ankle restraints pulled on his legs and the ropes above his head tightly wrapping his wrists together were strong. He could hear Jonson moaning, Tye knew Jonson would be super aroused, Jonson always liked Tye’s length inside him.

They came to a halt and only the sound of their ‘Mmmphs’ and struggles, the clinking of the metal clasps holding their legs apart and the creaking of the ropes as they continued to struggle.

The two Captains who had been walking on either side of the golden transport Chariot jumped back aboard. They rotated Jonson and Tye, so they were facing the centre of the Chariot, and then the Captains locked Jonson and Tye’s bondage poles in place.

The leather gag muffled Jonson’s outbursts, and his choker was tight too.

Jonson’s moan was pure erotic decadence to Tye’s ears, he knew ‘Jono’ would have no choice but to get off on that golden phallic cock ravaging his boy pussy.

“Fuuuuuuuck, Mmmmhmmmmm!” was all Jonson could moan through the tight choker, the sight of Tye spread and bound opposite him filled him with erotic thoughts, he could also see what looked like a huge green leafy curtain in front of them, ahead of the Chariot.

Someone was approaching.

Jonson knew him, it was the guy that had stalked them all those months, he’d seen him at the competitions, their training sessions and the night before they somehow arrived in this godforsaken, hot and steamy jungle.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmph! Yo - u.” Jonson was fighting his bonds furiously as Tzofira jumped up on the Chariot and walked up behind Tye.

Tye could see Jonson’s distress, his widening eyes and his frantic struggles, but he wasn’t able to turn his head, the choking device held his head and upper torso to the golden pole. He turned his eyes and felt the warm hand caress his left butt cheek.

He let go of Tye and walked to the space between Jonson and Tye, finally allowing Tye to lay eyes on their captor. Jonson was right, way back at Lava A GoGo, he had, back then, before their show recognised this guy.

Tzofira was almost naked, except for an elegant green loincloth, green choker necklace and green leather armbands. The loincloth tapered from his hips and narrowed only barely covering an impressive bulging thong. The rear of the loincloth barely covered two impressive buttocks.

“Agh, the big day has finally arrived, I have been planning this day for a long time, three of your Earth years, to be exact! From the day I first laid eyes on you two. I knew - I knew it had to be you!”

Jonson splatted a series of expletives into his gag, his glare was like a laser beam. Tye’s face screwed up and his struggles caused the golden dildo to push into his body deeply, he didn’t care, he just needed to get free, and crash tackle this guy, Jonson was right about him all along!

Tzofira walked across to Jonson.

“Pretty boy, number one! Agh yes, such a graceful gymnast, your floor routines and that ‘artistic’ little smile you give at the end of the routine as you try and conceal your deep breathing, is so fucking sexy boy!” Tzofira said, reaching around Jonson, feeling the strength in Jonson’s muscular lats and upper back.

“That gorgeously honed body, that little waist and that…” Tzofia Paused momentarily, “beautiful bubble butt! By the way, Jonson, isn’t it? How does your beautiful butt enjoy the sacred golden phallus? I hope it satisfies your sexual need?”

Jonson twisted his hips, he couldn’t release his impalement on the dildo, spittle ran down from the left corner of his mouth and Tzofira, wiped it off before consuming it off his finger.

“Mmmm hot earth-boy spittle, very nice!” he said, stepping back into the space between Jonson and Tye. They both fought furiously against their bonds and watching Tzofira like hawks.

“You keep that up boys, your bulges are going to strain, ha ha ha!” Tzofira said with an evil chuckle. “Loosen their chokers and remove their gags.”

“Bah, Jonson took a deep satisfying breath, his head resting back on the thick golden pole.

Tye spoke first, his deep sexy voice rasped at first. “You! Who the fuck are you, where the fuck are we, what the fuck…?”

Tzofira cut him off mid expletive! “Questions, questions, so many, as you Earthlings say, ‘fucking’ questions. I will give you two the executive summary because we have a lot to get through today, you two have a big afternoon ahead!”

Jonson’s bonds clanged and creaked as he struggled, his delightful little moan made him almost irresistible to Tzofira, the dildo was making Jonson horny, his bonds were somehow erotic, but at that moment he just wanted to free himself and Tye, he craved freedom more than anything.

Tzofira controlled the urge to rape them both, he wanted those magnificent bodies so much, they elicited his deepest sexual yearnings, but he had to wait, the ceremony had to be performed, they were not his to enjoy! Yet.

“My name is Tzofira, I travelled to Earth to find you. You are the finest, most erotic examples of Earth’s many interesting creatures. The pinnacle of sexual decadence! I brought you here through the Blood Moon Portal. You are on Attica, in the jungles of Attica to be exact! The third planet in our Stellium. We are in a galaxy far from your Milky Way. But enough of the Astrophysics. You will have to take my word for it!”

Jonson, glared at Tzofira, “Why are you dressed like a fucking savage? Untie us!” He demanded.

Tzofira ignored Jonson.

“We have moved away from all that, we serve the God, Danteros! He craves pleasure, he feeds on it. Bondage, pleasure, pain, bondage. These are simple yet deeply spiritual, immensely powerful and crucial to the Reign of Danteros in this region of the Galaxy. Attica is the erotic centre of Danteros’ rule. We give Danteros what he craves, he provides for our physical and sexual needs. We enjoy such depth and fulfilment in serving him.”

“Danteros allows me passage to and from this solar system to Earth. Only I have experienced the chaos that your planet has to offer. Your breed of humankind is complex and dangerous. I extract only the most erotic and beautiful of the males of your species. You will service every need of Danteros, he will feed on your pleasure, dine as you writhe, bound before him. You will satisfy him, or you shall die!”

Tye had had enough! “Don’t be fucking crazy man! Is this some kind of fucking joke, we’re not on some distant planet, we must be on an island in the Pacific, this is some kind of fucking sick joke or something! We’re supposed to be on training briefs for the next twelve months, so cut the mumbo jumbo, free us and get me to your outpost headquarters, NOW!” He screamed as loud as he could.

Tzofira just nodded toward Tye before his choker was re-tightened, causing Tye to gasp. They re-tightened Jonson’s too.

Tzofira smiled as he made his way to the side of the Chariot where he stood holding on to a golden set of handrails. He made a sign with his hands to various priests who had assembled around the golden Chariot.

“Open the gates!” He said with a deep and authoritative voice; this was the moment he had been preparing for all this time.

“Struggle gentlemen, show them your perfect white teeth, show them your magnificent bodies, Tzofira’s gift to Danteros!”

The Horn sounded and deep slow thumping of the sacred drums signalled the arrival of the new Pleasure Prime candidates.

That curtain of green leaves and vines that Jonson had noticed, parted outward from the temple toward the waiting golden Chariot, the doors opened into the bright, hot openness of the Temple grounds, they were entering from the northernmost corner of the Temple, through the Horny Gates.

Horns, deep and low sounded again and as the Chariot started to move forward, Jonson and Tye were spun slowly so Jonson was looking out the back of the moving Chariot and Tye was looking forward. Their golden phallic dildos continued to rape deep into their bodies as the golden transport was directed along the undulating path into the temple grounds.

It was getting hotter as the made their way.

Hundreds of temple proselytes, patrons and priests lined the way as the horns continued to blast heralding the entrance of the new Earthlings. They had all been waiting and wondering if Tzofira could have topped his last capture. The previous Boi Rah’s had arrived with fanfare, they were regarded as the Pinnacle of what the Blood Moon portal could deliver.

Until now!

Jonson heard the gasps at first, the commotion was growing as hundreds of horny men started to follow the golden Chariot. They were full of lust and excitement; Jonson could see it in their eyes and how they stared at his struggling body. He realised that he was on display, he and Tye were the centre of attention and the main attraction.

It was what looked like an afternoon, there were two suns in the sky, one more distant than the other but way brighter and its heat was turbocharged by the closer yet dimmer star. It was like their heat was being focused on the grounds of the temple.

Tye watched the growing crowd too, he was used to clubbers admiring him and Jonson during and after their erotic shows, but these men were highly charged and horny as fuck. It seemed they didn’t care about the heat and humidity, several masturbated as he and Jonson came into view, but most walked alongside the Chariot, their eyes lusting for him, and his struggles only making them more determined to enjoy, watching him proceed along their path.

The Chariot slowed to a halt and hordes of horny men soon surrounded them, it only took a minute before they were pushing and jostling for a view. Jonson and Tye were rotated slowly so they were both facing Tzofira who stood on the port side of the Chariot, holding on to the golden bar flanked by the two magnificently erotic humans from Earth.

“I am the Scout of Danteros!” Tzofira emphasised the name. “…the almighty God of the Galaxy, I have crossed the portal’s passageways, the ultimate galactic highway to Earth! Behold, my offering to Danteros to this temple of lust and desire. My chosen Pleasure Prime candidates who, if Danteros accepts them, will become the newest fonts of pleasure, majestic bound toys for your enjoyment. They will suffer inhuman agony yet be adorned with god-like powers to recoil and resist their pain. If accepted, by Danteros they will be tied regularly on the altars in the solar temple to receive the pleasure stores only such god-like Earthmen can endure, and then milked violently and completely, their moans of delight will be broadcast throughout the temple as Danteros dines on their pleasure offerings!”

Jonson couldn’t believe what he was hearing, sweat ran down his succulent body as he stood spread and bound in the searing heat and humidity. His choker was tight, and he tried to cry out.

“Nagh - No!” He spluttered; his exertion tearing at his esophagus, burning his throat.

Tye was struggling ferociously, his handsome face red with anger, his powerful legs twisted as he tried to break the bonds, yet the exertion only served to force the golden phallic dildo deeper into his beautiful body.

“They struggle well, do they not?” Tzofira said loudly to the crowd, his arms open pointing toward Jonson and Tye’s struggling bodies.

“They are skilful masters of their bodies; I have seen the feats of strength and agility these men can perform. The temple will use that skill, develop it for deep, spiritual bondage, deep spiritual agony, deep spiritual pleasuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure!”

“Five enemy warriors have been chosen, equally beautiful young men, virile and full of juice. They will support these two new Pleasure Primes in the Solar Temple’s rites and ceremonies. These Five warriors have felt agony today, they have felt pleasure for many days, yet denied their orgasms, their male rights of ejaculation. They shall have their first temple approved climaxes soon, their semen will be milked during the Transmission Rites.” Tzofira could have cum there and then, his ceremonial loincloth showing his huge thong bulge wet with precum, but he wanted to save his enjoyment till later. He controlled his pleasure and arousal.

“Behold the earthly garments!”

Tzofira made his way toward Tye, his eyes firmly on Tye’s magnificent bulging thong, the black spandex garment was soaking wet with his with his sweat, and the golden dildo had produced its desired effect as well. Tzofira cupped Tye’s package, allowing his thumbs to caress the top of Tye’s cut member through the lycra, feeling around the hefty glans, gooey pre-cum slid onto Tzofira’s fingers.

“This human has responded correctly to the sacred Phallic implement; the high priest will be pleased.” Tzofira lifted his hands above his head showing the line of clear pre-cum he had extracted from Tye’s black thong bulge.

“His sexual implement is fruitful!” Tzofira said, he dared not taste Tye’s pre-cum, that job was for the High Priest alone. He made his way to his central podium on the Chariot and ordered the Chariot to proceed.

“Proceed along the Throbbing Way!” Tzofira ordered, and the growing crowd rushed to line the way. The throbbing way took them past the Solar Temple and the Luna Pleasure Parlours. It passed several outdoor milking amphitheatres, torture venues and display areas. The road was paved with large jewels and rocks of gold and platinum, it was paved in a manner that caused the Chariot to bounce and mimic erotic and slow intercourse for Jonson and Tye.

Jonson loved being fucked by Tye, and the golden Phallus was almost as good as Tye’s delicious penis. Jonson was angry and annoyed, alarmed also at what his captor had been saying, he was confused, but most of all, his bondage was making him horny, he couldn’t fight it, his penis wasn’t hard, but if he didn’t concentrate it would. His penis was slipping inside his drenched, red performance thong, he had been oozing pre-cum into his bulge since the jungle but the road they were on, was designed to push their bodies sexually, erotically up and down on the dildos. He couldn’t stop it, it felt so good.

Tzofira provided some commentary as they proceeded along Throbbing Way. Like a tour guide, he pointed out parts of the Temple grounds as the Chariot and its payload of sumptuous human male sexuality made its way.

First, he pointed out a Milking Altar precinct. There were hundreds of horny men surrounding different altars, with writhing young men tied to the altar. “Public milking usually follows periods of torture; the temple has a wide variety of beautiful young men we torture and milk. We often just provide long edging sessions, punctuated with bouts of agony. You will often hear moans or screams from this part of the Temple. Danteros does like public humiliation. Public consumption of freshly extracted semen is considered a delicacy at the Solar Temple!”

Tye looked on with horror, they were lining up to suck the bulge of the helpless man on the Altar.

“They are milking that offering to honour your passing gentlemen!” Tzofira said as Tye started to froth at the mouth, he was so shocked at what he was seeing. Yet the undulations of the Throbbing Way were unrelenting, he felt his sexual desires, and he felt pleasure as his body pumped up and down on the golden shaft inside his body. His bulge was starting to ooze pre-cum between his spread legs, pleasure was flowering inside his penis. His mind swirling.

“Over there!” Tzofira gained Jonson’s attention, he was pointing at a young sexy man spreadeagled on a device facing the binary suns, he was at a seventy-degree angle and a large lens was positioned above his helpless body, the lens magnifying and intensifying the already strong solar rays onto his body. He was screaming and writhing, sweat was being flung from his body as he struggled in vain, and then evaporated in the searing heat of the magnified rays. The torture was relentless, and his screams were loud and desperate. He was naked except for a small dark loincloth.

“Danteros does enjoy torturing his play toys!” Tzofira said with a smile as he watched Jonson’s beautiful blue eyes widen, shocked at what he was watching and hearing.

“Don’t fret pretty boy!” Tzofira said to Jonson, “…He will not die, Danteros will restore him, he will serve in the Luna Pleasure Parlours later, his torture will season his semen, and the elixir used on his scrotum before being tied to the Solar Oven will ensure that he produces enough semen to keep half the parlous satisfied. Pain feeds pleasure in so many delightful and fruitful ways here at the Solar Temple, and Danteros feeds on pleasure!”

It took them time to complete the Throbbing Way path, it took them past the various venues the men lined the way and priests directed the golden Chariot on its assigned path, showing off the magnificent Earth males, pure sexual royalty, that many along the way could only dream of touching just once in their life because the new, soon to be anointed Boi Rahs, were now the property of Danteros.

The path concluded at the sanctuary gate. The hot binary solar system rays were beating down hard and the afternoon suns were unrelenting. Jonson and Tye were covered in silky smooth sweat, droplets catching the various hues of light as they travelled across their bodies dripping off them onto the floor of the Chariot. Jonson’s handsome crop of blond was sticking to his head like he had just stepped from a shower. His muscles flexed as he struggled against his bonds. His moaning was now pronounced as the deliberate fucking motions of the Chariot had worked his body into a sexual mania. His red thong was wet with sweat and pre-cum and the continual thumping had caused his penis to rub, ever so delightfully inside the wet lycra. He was horny.

They had turned his pole so that Jonson was facing the rear of the Chariot, and hundreds of men, lewd and salacious were assembling around the rear of the Chariot, held back by various priests. If they could, they would rip Jonson from the Chariot and ravage his body like a pack of horny dogs. Jonson could hear the telltale sound of Tye, up at the front of the Chariot. Jonson’s choker device did not allow him to turn his head, but he knew Tye’s delicious tone he makes when Jonson would slowly fuck him. Jonson remembered that look on Tye’s face he always got when they made love. Orgasm was hours away, Tye could take hours of Jonson’s slow lovemaking, their edging sessions, especially after a gymnastics meet were legendary. That tone told Jonson that Tye had succumbed also to the golden phallus. Tye was ready for more, he would cum like a turbocharged truck, eventually!

Jonson was right, Tye was horny as all fuck, his bulge slimy and wet, and his cock was soaked, the fucking was good, he had been riding the phallus for ages now, and he was craving its ravages up deep into his body. The sights he had seen, young beautiful men, in exquisite bondage, striving and struggling had made him horny. He wanted Jonson inside him NOW! But he was facing a large ornately crafted gate, made of shiny polished gold and encrusted with rubies, It reflected the binary sun’s heat onto his body. The ropes binding his wrists above his head were now wet with his sweat, they dripped onto his head. Like Jonson’s, Tye’s usually perfect dark hair was sticking to his head, he was drenched. The ropes creaked as he pulled on them trying to lift his body on the phallus, he wanted it fucking him again now that the Chariot had come to a halt at this gate.

“Mmmm” Tye moaned, trying to turn his head, he wanted to see Jonson, he craved Jonson, but the choker device was his master. He looked down at his thong bulge, yearning to touch it, yearning for his ‘Jono’ to eat him alive.

Tzofira broke Tye’s sexual daydream.

“You will have a final ride on your Golden Danterosian Phalluses! You will enter the Solar Temple Sanctuary craving the implements inside you, craving your sexual satisfaction! I will present you to your new master, the High Priest of Attica. He will be your Master. Your bodies, your bulges, your penises and royal semen stores, your testicles will serve him. Your bodies are offerings to Danteros you will serve his temple!”

Jonson and Tye struggled furiously, sweat flinging into the crowd who lapped up the sacred waters flung by the new Earthlings. The thought of being a slave, and a sexual slave was not something either of them wanted, they had to break free and escape this nightmare, but the heat, the ropes, the dildos and the screaming crowd were all real.

And so was the sound of the deep horn.

“Bring the Offerings!” Boomed the voice as if it was being amplified above the deep sounds of the horns.

The gates opened inward.

“Welcome to your new home Earthmen. You will never leave this place or see Earth again!” Tzofira said smugly.

“I want you super horny when you arrive, so your Danterosian Phalluses shall penetrate you deep and will satisfy your hungry bodies. The Solar Temple has many enemies, but they are no threat to us, in fact we make it a sport to capture them, and torture them! The path to your destiny has many of our enemies, tied spreadeagled along the way. Our royal Chariot will crush their bodies as we pass them over. You will hear their screams as we whip them, just before our Chariot crushes them beneath us. Your bodies though, will ride the Golden Phallus, enjoy the way it controls your bodies, and try not to get hard, those skimpy earth thongs will be drenched with your juices and Zephir will want to taste your delicacies when you arrive.”

“No!” Tye got the word out, he was struggling profusely and as the golden gates parted, he could see more magnificent young men stretched in unforgiving bondage before the Chariot. He could hear their struggles as they writhed and strived, knowing that they will be crushed when the Chariot passes them.

“Mo n… gah … ster!” Tye cried out as the Chariot resumed its path. He could see the first of them struggling and begging for release.

“Aghhhhhhhhhhhh” the first scream was violent.

The Chariot rocked as it traversed the warrior’s body and Tye felt his body ride the dildo violently as well.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm,” It was so nice, he was delirious as the sensation rocked his already horny body. But he heard the cracking and the screaming too. The Chariot was crushing each man as it went along its path. Tye’s anal wall was aching, but he needed the phallus in him, his bulge felt alive and silky as his penis slid inside the stretchy lycra fabric, he was producing lots of precum, and he could see his bulge glistening in the heat of the afternoon as his body rocked up and down on the golden dildo. His legs were aching, his wrists straining inside the tight rope bonds above his head.

++ C R U N C H ++

The next undulation had crushed another victim and the Chariot continued on its undulating way along the path of misery, Tye could see them whipping the spreadeagled young warriors just before their Chariot approached; The priests pulling the Chariot directed its path so that it would crush their helpless bodies, and Tye could hear them screaming out for mercy, yet his body craved the next fucking motion. It was cruel erotic dissonance that they was forced to endure. He could hear Jonson’s moans too, but Jonson had a view of the crushed young warriors, covered in blood, and lifeless; the lifeless captives would be dragged to the temple and taken to the healing waters to undergo their restoration and continue their service in the Temple.


Zephir had Carson and Fin tied on either side of his raised dais, the retiring Boi Rahs had been completely restored in the sacred temple streams; their lacerated backs, legs arms and buttocks were healed. Zephir had taken their blood, but this night their semen would be harvested, and their bodies roasted in front of the new Boi Rahs from Earth.

They were in The Sanctuary, one of the many cruel venues used in the Temple rites. Today, the rites of Transmission would be performed, yet only if Zephir channeled the Danterosian Lust Specter. The Specter of Danteros would manifest in the High Priest only if Danteros was pleased with the Scout’s chosen offerings from Earth. It was certain death for Jonson and Tye if Danteros did not accept them; it would be they who roasted in the flames.

The Sanctuary, an open amphitheatre seated hundreds of people chosen by the Temple to witness the Transmission Rites. The seats were five rows deep and were set on a raised viewing platform stretching around the back of the amphitheatre from one side of the dais stage to the other. In the middle, between the viewing platform and the dais, the pit of red-hot coals was fed now and then by the fire attendants. Heat lifted out from the pit and swirled through the already hot steamy Attican air, small embers would light and fizzle as they were pushed up in the heat’s fury.

The Dais boasted a raised shiny red bench where Zephir would be seated, Casey and Fin were tied in golden frames, on either side of the dais; they were spreadeagled and suspended by their bondage. Their bodies were lit with powerful lights, showing off their perfect musculature, and their skimpy loincloths that dangled between their stretched legs. They were horny as fuck after hours of being immersed in the healing waters of desire before their bodies were massaged in the sacred aphrodisiac temple oils. Denied their climaxes, but pleasured for several hours to ensure that their semen stores were high. Zephir would milk them for their final offerings as the anointed Boi Rahs from Earth, and use their semen to anoint the new guys. If all went to plan.

Five presentation apparatuses had been installed around the fire pit and ready for The Five chosen warriors to be tied. Jai, Kai, Mitor, Eaton and Kar; Tzofira’s play toys would meet Jonson and Tye during the ceremony. The warriors had been edged for weeks and denied their orgasm all this time. They too would be milked during the ceremonial rites, their pleasure feeding the flames, their ejaculations controlled and combined by the magical rites to signal the end of Casey and Fin’s reign as they were tortured over the Flames of Danteros. The Five’s combined orgasm would also signal the commencement of the reign of Jonson and Tye as the latest Pleasure Primes of Attica.

And so it began. The stand had filled quickly, dignitaries, high-ranking officers from the Priests of Danteros, even royalty from several planetary alliances, suppliers of some of the Temple’s most treasured torture implements, but most importantly, the sacred pleasure extraction and control artefacts and ingredients.

Behind Zephir and the two retiring Boi Rahs, a huge carved sculpture of a thong bulge proudly stood in testament to the shared lust of Attica, the Solar Temple and their neighbouring friends. It mostly stood as a testament to the ever-expanding lusts of Danteros.

Zephir made his way up to the shiny red bench, he stood in front of his bench, the huge carved thong bulge effigy was lit from several points at its base, showing off the curves and richness of the piece and the lusts it represented. Between Zephir and the assembly, the radiant heat made the space between the stands and the dais shimmer, and the small embers exploded and puffed away, upward in the draft of hot air.

It was twilight in Attica, hot and steamy! Above them, the two suns were parting and setting on either side of the planet. The heat would remain all through the coming night when their moons graced the Attican night. The portal moon, no longer red, would rise above the temple amphitheatre to welcome the new Pleasure Primes and remind all Atticans and visitors alike of its celestial power and their connection to distant galaxies and worlds.

He raised his hands, Zephir was silhouetted before the imposing bulge sculpture, flanked by the retiring Boi Rahs, struggling and horny on either side of his dais. The crowd became silent as Zephir sat on his ceremonial red bench. All was silent save the cracking of the fire pit and Casey and Fin’s struggles, their ropes creaking and straining. Their bondage, signaling the Temple’s authority and fed the combined lust and expectation of the assembly.

The five presentation apparatuses were empty, they were positioned around the edges of the fire pit facing the assembly these awaited Jai, Kai, Mitor, Eaton and Kar who would be tied ready to be milked. At the front of the dais, a second shiny red bench awaited Tzofira the Scout, it was flanked by two of the Zorah stones, similar to the ones used in the Temple’s Shrine of Communion, the stones awaited Jonson and Tye, who would be tied to them and displayed to the assembly. These were fashioned from similar ores from those in the Shrine of Communion, but much rarer, the Temple craftsmen had used the rare white stones sourced and mined off-planet, from the portal moon, infused with erotic power, the carved rock would detect its occupant and infuse its power into them. Fashioned into a Phallus, the two sacred Zorah stones were only used in the inauguration of Danteros’s new offerings, his holy Pleasure Primes and they too along with Zephir’s channelling of the Lust Specter would signify Danteros’ pleasure and acceptance of the new Boi Rahs. Zephir would hiss their new Boi Rah names, as he enjoyed their bodies for the first time, his first taste of their sweaty and pre-cum soaked bulges. It would signal the end of Casey and Fin’s reign as the Pleasure Primes of Attica. The spectacle of Transmission was ready to unfold.

Zephir stood and ordered The Five to be brought before him and the assembly.

Mitor was the first to be pushed out of their holding pen, his body had been restored completely from his inaugural torture in the Shine of Communion, His arms were bound, but the whips from several priests ensured that the beautiful young Preyan warrior was guided to his position in the amphitheatre.

“Mitor of Preya, an enemy of Danteros, a captured sexual toy!” They announced the exquisite specimen forcing him with their whips to his assigned presentation apparatus. He was forced to stand by the bondage device for the assembly to view his perfectly manicured virile musculature.

“Kai of Karthos, an enemy of Danteros, a captured sexual toy!” They announced Kai to the applause of the assembly, every eye on Kai’s skimpy loincloth and his shiny oiled muscles as they cracked their whips forcing the delicious bound warrior to his assigned apparatus.

Equally, so Jai of Batingah, Kar of Cellest and finally, Eton of Preya were introduced as enemies of Danteros and captured sexual toys. Their oiled bodies gleamed in the humid Attican twilight and lit by strong lights ensuring every eye in the arena could take in their beauty. They were forced around on the spot, the Priests presenting the young warriors’ bodies to the crowd.

Zephir addressed the assembly.

“These warriors have tried to infiltrate the Temple, they are enemies of Danteros, but we have spared them, they will serve Danteros, their bodies will be his food, and they will be harvested of their rich semen stores and tortured meticulously!”

He pointed at them and then to the crowded arena.

“If you see them in the Temple, they will be tied for your enjoyment, you are obliged to torture them, you are obliged to drink from their bulges, depending on the service they have been assigned that day. These young men are captured to serve the sexual delights of the Temple. Tzofira the Scout will direct their service each day! But this day, their bodies will be milked of their semen, for you to witness. Their extended pleasure will fuel the flames of Danteros as we roast the outgoing Boi Rahs in glorious agony!”

The crowd erupted in applause.

“No!” Kai screamed, fighting his bonds and struggling frantically.

“Monster!” Jai fought the ropes as violently as Kai.

Zephir just smiled.

“Tie them and prepare them for the Rites!”

The X-shaped apparatuses began to glow red as several Priests took each of the warriors, forcing the beautiful young warriors back onto the devices. It took several beefed-up priests to hold the struggling young cum cows for the other priests to tie their wrists and ankles to the extremities of the X- shaped bondage apparatuses.

The priests adjusted the devices so that their bodies were stretched tight, and their arms and legs widened with each adjustment of their apparatuses. The priests could swivel each warrior so that the assembly could take in the beauty of their helpless forms, tied before them. Their erotic bulges wet with sweat, their loincloth flaps draping over the under-thong bulge was a tantalising sight for the crowd to enjoy, every twist and struggle of their lithe virile bodies creating an erotic show, adding to the vibe of expectation.

Zephir spoke once more.

“Forty-five Attican days and nights these magnificent specimens have endured; denied the sexual fulfilment that youthful warriors crave from their loins. They have produced plentiful lubricants, sweet and viscous, thick and rich with texture. This night they will ooze their juices from their sacred loincloths. But their new master will milk them for your entertainment and lust, every drop of their sacred semen will be taken from them. It is our right and our sacred duty to Danteros. Their orgasms will control the flames of Danteros, and as they scream in delight… Zephir looked across to Casey and Fin, struggling helplessly to his left and right “…These two will be punished over the flames, they will scream in agony as their sacred titles of Boi Rah are transmitted to the new Pleasure Primes!”

Horns blared and Zephir clapped his hands together, he was already standing, beaming with expectation; this would be the first moment that he would lay eyes on the new candidates, he had seen Jonson and Tye through Mitor’s hallucinogenic projections on the roof of the Communion Shrine earlier that morning, so his expectation levels were high, he needed to inspect them, feel their rippling bodies, taste their sweat and suckle on their nipples.

The crowded viewing stalls around the perimeter of the outdoor amphitheatre were abuzz with expectation too. This was one of the most important rites of the Solar Temple, the presentation, acceptance and anointing of the new Temple Pleasure Primes. So many steps needed to unfold for the transmission to be complete, and for Danteros to be pleased and satisfied. Their God would not speak directly to them, they required the Phallic Auditory Stones for that, however, Zephir, the High Priest would need to channel the Danterosian Lust Specter for the rites to begin. This would signal the satisfaction of Danteros; that the Boi Rah candidates were accepted.

“Open the Gates!” Zephir commanded, and instinctively the assembly stood and quietened down, only the struggles of The Five, Casey and Fin could be heard above the low roar of the fire pit and the crackling of embers as they fizzled upward in the drafts of heat from the pit.

The large doors opened outward from the sacred amphitheatre which signified the passage of the blood moon portal bringing the outsiders into the sanctuary of the Temple. The leading priests pulling the golden Chariot entered first. Their steps were slow and determined as they pulled the heavy golden Chariot, well-rehearsed, the priests conveyed their pride; their jobs had been completed, they had hunted and captured the Earthmen; they had delivered their precious cargo.

The sense of amazement was hanging as heavy as the warm humid air, the crowd gasped as Tye came into view and then Tzofia came into view, standing between his two chosen offerings. Tzofira did not say a word, he let Tye and Jonson’s bound, writhing and horny forms speak for themselves. Jonson was the last to enter the amphitheatre and the assembly took a collective breath as they viewed these two magnificent Earthmen, naked except for their skimpy Earth garments.

The Chariot left tracks of blood; it had crushed over fifty young warriors on its path toward the Temple, the lines of blood trailing the Chariot represented the Temple’s power and authority over their enemies. The Chariot progressed on its procession around the semi-circle arena, ensuring the Earthmen were presented to the crowd as they followed the path between the stands and The Five horny warriors who were also on show, tied along the path at the edges of the fire pit. It took ten minutes or so until the Chariot arrived at its place directly in front of the High Priest’s dais and between the two outgoing Pleasure Primes.

Jonson was aghast at what he was witnessing, his shock and fury were starting to rise inside of him, the choker restraint held his head firmly to the thick pole behind him and while the golden phallus was no longer fucking him, it was still firmly pushing into his body. He rocked on it slowly, they had made him so horny and each movement elicited sparks of pleasure inside his penis. His skin was wet, his hair was wet, he was oozing pre-cum between his spread and shackled legs. The priests turned him so he was facing the dais, and he could hear the crowd behind him as they gazed on his peachy buttocks. He glanced to his left as best he could, not able to turn his head without slicing his neck, he could see Tye at the other end of the Chariot, he was struggling, drooling and facing the dais.

A slender man sat atop the dais, he was wearing a short white loincloth and around his neck hung a necklace of bones, skulls, and other artefacts. Tzofira was facing the man on the dais and his head was bowed, Tzofira held out both arms and with open palms he gestured toward Tye and Jonson simultaneously, presenting his catch, the fruits of his most recent expedition across the Blood Moon portal to Earth. Tzofira bowed his head again.

All was ready, they awaited the pleasure of Zephir.


Eclipse Transmission will continue soon.

Discord: scorpio5862

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