The Telemachus Story Archive

Part 5 - Transmission, Part 2
By Scorpio

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Eclipse - 5.Transmission Part 2

Image created by Jockscan using AI tools
Image created by Jared4ever using AI tools
Image created by Jockscan using AI tools


Jonson and Tye have been abducted, hunted and captured. They have travelled billions of light years across the universe, through a Blood Moon portal to an evil jungle world named Attica. Attica is ruled by a lustful God and his High Priest, a world of sexual debauchery and bondage where pleasure and agony feed the hungry inhabitants who enjoy their exotic diet. They enjoy local delicacies, but they also want their exotic and erotic diet from across the universe.

Jonson and Tye will become the new Pleasure Primes of Attica, perfect human specimens replacing an ageing, retiring pair of Pleasure Primes. Their bodies will become offerings to delight both the public and the private and discerning sexual appetites of Attica’s elite.

Transmission will occur soon, a public spectacle, where the Pleasure Prime mantle will transfer to Jonson and Tye and the retiring Pleasure Primes, Casey and Fin, are roasted alive over the Flames of Danteros. Their very public torture will mark the end of their reign and the inauguration of Jonson and Tye as the latest, most erotic Pleasure Primes of Attica yet!

It is a sexual spectacle of agony and ecstasy a cosmic yin and yang of erotic delights: A necessary spectacle in the Attican calendar.


The story Picks up in the Amphitheatre, Jonson and Tye have been paraded around the huge fire pit for the horny crowd of witnesses to view. They are to be installed on the Dais as the holy rites of transmission are to commence.

What was going on? Tye couldn’t believe the spectacle of the situation that he and Jonson had found themselves in. He could hear the crowd behind them and to his left and right, the phallus felt amazing inside of him, he had ridden the golden dildo for hours and he was dripping in sweat. His arms and legs were on fire and this stalker, their captor was a fucking celebrity!

The Chariot had come to a halt in front of the dais and the three Priests of Danteros had placed the golden ropes they had been using to pull the Chariot onto the ground. The three big men moved away from their positions at the front of the Chariot and placed a set of golden steps at the side of the Chariot for Tzofira to step down from.

Tzofira did just that, he stepped down onto the lower section of the beautiful white stage. Zephir and his army of priests, carpenters and artisans had prepared the stunning stage and dais, it symbolised the Temple’s wealth and power, its authority in Attica, and nothing but the best for the installation of the newest and most beautiful Pleasure Prime candidates.

The crowd were full of excitement, and the air was heavy with expectation, but they quieted down and took their seats, the sight of Tzofira moving to the Dais just fuelled the growing tension. This was a sacred moment in the ways of Attica, if Danteros were to reject the offerings, these ceremonial Rites would turn ugly! The High Priest and Tzofira would die in the flames with the newly arrived Earthlings. A new High Priest and Scout would be appointed and prove themselves to Danteros.

But the crowd could not envision this occurring, not after laying their lustful eyes on the magnificent Earthmen. It was inevitable, but the Rites had to be performed.

The hush lowered on the Amphitheatre and all that could be heard was the pregnant roar of the flame pit and the persistent struggles of The Five warriors, the outgoing Pleasure Primes, also known as Boi Rahs and now Jonson and Tye as they all struggled, striving to break out of their bonds. The lusciously erotic scene provided the perfect stage for Tzofira.

Tzofira stepped up the stairs to his assigned dais, near the two cream-coloured Zorah Stones. He faced Zephir first, looking upward to the higher dais. Zephir looked regal in his white loincloth, he wore his neck adornments, the symbol of his authority and position within the Attican and Temple hierarchy with pride. They shared a knowing glance.

Tzofira then faced the crowd, looking down toward the golden Chariot and its prized passengers, he then checked around the edges of the expansive fire pit, that The Five warriors were prepared correctly. Satisfied, he looked to the stands and the waiting crowd, seething with lust and expectation. All was perfect, this was Tzofira’s moment. He took a breath, soaking in the majesty and decadence of what was occurring.

“Welcome! I am the Scout of Danteros!” Tzofira held out his hands in a welcome gesture.

“I bring the celestial travellers from the Milky Way, from the world known as Earth!”

The crowd was silent, they could only imagine other worlds, but before them, four examples of Earth’s most stunning young men struggled in erotic bondage. These exotic and sexual Pleasure Primes of Attica, fonts of male beauty and pleasure were Tzofira’s offering to his God and his people.

Tzofira then looked at the trails of blood left behind the Chariot. He pointed toward the crimson lines the golden chariot had left behind on its path around the fire pit as they presented the new Earthmen.

“The blood of our enemies! We are powerful and our rule is strong thanks to Danteros!” Tzofira lifted his hands toward the shimmering heat arising from the fire pit.

“He strengthens us and delivers our enemies to us to enjoy and plunder!” He pointed toward The Five erotic warriors placed around the fire pit, directly in front of the crowd. “These Five enemy warriors now pay for their insolence! We will milk them dry in this public display of their captivity; they now serve the whims of our sexual lusts!”

Mitor struggled hard, he was stretched and helpless, his body completely healed from his ordeal and like his other colleagues tied around the fire pit, the miraculous healing power of the Waters of Desire had restored his body perfectly, but it had stoked the fire of his horniness, his arousal was pumped, his body craved pleasure, he craved the release of his cum, they had denied him for weeks and he was ready to burst.

The crowd could see that too! Mitor along with Ethon, Kai, Jai and Kar writhed in their bonds, their bodies presented to the crowd, glistening in sweat, every muscle twitching and flexing as their virile bodies twisted and turned in their spreadeagled bondage. The fires of the pit situated behind their X-shaped bondage frames made their writhing forms even sexier. Their thin skimpy loincloths could not hide the majesty of their bulges, these Five warriors were young, virile and sexual; they were perfectly prepared for the impending debaucherous ceremonial rites; their bodies displayed to the crowd as salacious and carnal offerings for the crowd to lust for.

Mitor looked up at the crowd, many were staring at his magnificence, the bonds were tight and unforgiving, but thankfully they were only ropes this time. Every move of his sexually hyped body craved pleasure, he craved release, he had to cum, his body screamed for it, and his cravings were hotter than the binary setting suns above them or the raging fires behind them in the pit. But he cried out, still defiant, he hated Tzofira, he wanted to kill him.

“NEVER!” he screamed to the lustful assembly, but his bulging loincloth screamed for the opposite though, his body demanded erotic play, long fulfilling pleasure, somehow his helplessness and bondage were fuelling his desire. He thrust his hips desperately trying to spark pleasure in his bulge, any friction could possibly give him some hint of pleasure. His back was roasting from the fires behind him and his body had rivers of sweat and perspiration cloaking him in a sheen of moisture. His loincloth sticking to his genital bulge.

He and the other four warriors shared the same desperation. They writhed for the attention and adoration of the crowd.

Tzofira heard Mitor’s voice and smiled, Mitor was going to become his favourite sex toy, but for the moment he ignored the young warrior’s insolence, Tzofira went about his sacred duties.

Tzofira looked up toward the High Priest who acknowledged the Scout approvingly. So Tzofira made the sacred proposition to Zephir.

“I, The Scout of Attica, the Emissary of the mighty Danteros, have found the most virile and handsome male offerings from the Milky Way Galaxy. The Blood Moon lunar highway has delivered these two luscious young men to our world. They are my chosen candidates for the high office of Pleasure Prime. I present to you, High Priest, the Earthling candidates and invite your holiness to inspect their bodies!”

The crowd was silent, all that could be heard was the crackling of the fire pit and the creaking and clanging of the restraints holding each of the bound captive young men.

What in Fuck ’s name is happening Jonson thought, his body was tired and ached all over, the golden phallus felt like it was purring deep inside of him. He was fucking horny; his body had been penetrated deeply by the implement on the slow and arduous journey through the jungle and then the Temple grounds. His sweat was stinging his eyes as it cascaded from his wet blonde tresses of hair.

Zephir had been through this Rite many times and the ceremony filled him with both excitement and dread. But this night was somehow different, his body tingling when he heard Tzofira refer to him as the High Priest in the proposition. Zephir took this to be a positive omen. He needed to channel the Danterosian Lust Spectre in the upcoming Rites, or he would be thrown into the flames along with Tzofira. He knew that the Captains of the Priests would not waste time in seizing him and Tzofira if Danteros did not permit the manifestation of the Lust Spectre.

It was now or never, so Zephir gave Tzofira a knowing glance as he stood to face the crowd, stopping to look around through the thermal currents of shimmering heat rising from the pit; the stands of onlookers seemed to twist and distort through rising vents of heat. He then proceeded down the steps toward the lower level of the stage area. He was tingling again, and excitement started to replace the feelings of dread. He felt the adrenaline rush as he approached the Golden Chariot, and the golden stair placed for his embarkation. He could hear the moans of Tye and Jonson, music to his ears, and joy and excitement filled his soul, he knew that Tzofira had found the ultimate candidates, the best - ever!

He lost all concept of the crowd and the debaucherous spectacle in the Amphitheatre, Zephir was now completely focused on his duties. He greeted the Scout formally in the ancient Attican tongue. Tzofira had dropped to one knee as part of the ritual. Zephir lifted Tzofira using both hands in a gesture of thanks.

“My offering High Priest!” Tzofira said, his words rehearsed yet sincere.

Zephir nodded, it was all that was required of him, he gestured to his mouth and commanded in a deep voice, knowing the Lust Spectre was brewing deep inside of him.

“Remove their gags, but not their chokers!”

Tzofira obeyed, first removing Tye’s leather gag before moving to the front of the Chariot to remove Jonson’s gag.

Zephir smiled at Tye who was glaring intently at the High Priest, Tye’s face was red, and the Choker was unrelenting, he couldn’t talk, he just seethed anger, his breathing laboured and desperate.

Fuck, this is no fucking joke! Tye thought! He could see the two setting suns above, hear the fire pit and watch as Jonson struggled at the other end of the Chariot. He watched as Zephir approached.

The High Priest was touching his face, caressing his clammy skin and speaking in a monotone, an almost lyrical babble. Fingers were combing through his locks of dark drenched hair. Tye fought his bonds and twisted his body, causing his eyes to roll into his head; his struggles made his body ride on the golden Phallus, if felt delicious inside him, he wanted more, his body needed it.

But the High Priest stopped, turned and demanded his potion vessel. It was handed to Tzofira who presented the shiny red vessel to Zephir, who took it and stepped away from Tye.

Tzofira knew exactly what was required, the Candidate’s golden Phallus’ were required as part of the ritual. Tzofira took his lead from the High Priest who had moved to the centre of the Chariot, between Tye and Jonson. Zephir’s head pointed toward Jonson as he held the red vessel out from his body. Tzofira then unlatched Golden Phallus from the golden pole holding Jonson and eased the dildo from Jonson’s body.

“No, p l eathse” Jonson could hardly pronounce his words, the dildo felt magnificent, and they were removing it from his body. He felt his anal walls release the implement as it slipped into the hands of Tzofira. His moan was long and delicious, and Jonson twisted his magnificent body, he was finally released from its hold on his body and mind. He flung a line of pre-cum as he thrust his hips.

Tzofira wanted that line of pre-cum so bad, and he was almost erect beneath his tiny green loincloth outer flap and the sight of Jonson’s writhing body, giving up the fuck implement was erotic. He noticed Zephir admiring his throbbing bulge, but Tzofira followed the ritual’s steps inherently, he held the dildo out toward Zephir and placed the Phallus into the vessel headfirst. He repeated the process with Tye and once both golden dildos were immersed inside the vessel holding the High Priest’s potion, Tzofira then returned the red vessel to one of the Captains, who placed the vessel on a waiting altar on the stage. The potion needed time to infuse Jonson and Tye’s DNA within the evil and magical potion. If all went to plan it would be used in the Transmission Rites.

With that part of the ceremony complete Zephir continued his inspection of the Candidates. He resumed his inspection of Tye.

Tye’s body felt the relief immediately, yet he craved the dildo. Zephir was starting to hiss, and his hands were inspecting, caressing Tye’s honed musculature. He tantalised Tye’s nipples, flicking the erect small nipples, and causing Tye’s pectorals to flicker in response. It turned Zephir on immediately, and soon the High Priest was inspecting Tye’s drenched golden lycra performance thong. Feeling the warm sponginess of his bulge, Tye struggled, moaning, trying to look down to see what Zephir was up to with his thong bulge. He felt the High Priest, trace the straps across his hips. His penis was tingling, his anus pulsing with each powerful beat of his heart.

Tzofira spoke, but not the High Priest. Zephir continued his inspection of Tye’s beautifully manicured and honed body. But Zephir was fixated on the garment.

“Earthlings make amazing sexual garments my High Priest, these will grace your collection, I hope!” Tzofira said.

Zephir was sliding his fingers over Tye’s lusciously slimy bulge, feeling each encased testicle, feeling the penis, the implement of pleasure. He drank in the scent of Tye’s trembling and writhing body, knowing that his bulge caressing was making the candidate hornier. He heard Tzofira’s words, but Zephir was engrossed in his thong worship.

Zephir then hissed in appreciation, scooping up Tye’s oozing precum and applying it to Tye’s lips.

Tye couldn’t help himself, his body was singing, his anus felt delicious, his penis was delighted and before he knew what he was doing, he was tasting his rich concoction of sweat combined with his sweet lubricant. His eyes rolled as Zephir stepped away from his heaving body.

“He is perfect, Zephir!” Tzofira said directing the High Priest to inspect Jonson.

Zephir almost glided across the deck of the Chariot, Jonson was moaning and writhing slowly, his body glistening in sweat, every muscle shimmering in the fading light and the many torches set around the venue which had ignited simultaneously. He looked into Jonson’s blue eyes and then more widely, he took in the handsomeness of Jonson’s face, his high bone structure, Jonson’s cute and erotic ears. Zephir then stood back to view Jonson’s magnificently twisting bound form. He surveyed his captive’s legs, they were spread perfectly, his thighs thick and rounded, his curvaceous calve muscles. Zephir then took a deep breath as he surveyed the blond captive’s red performance thong bulge. Its form and presence took Zephir’s breath away, literally.

Zephir felt the rising lust. The Spectre was igniting.

Tzofira could tell, he knew that breathing, that look! The High Priest was starting to manifest the spirit, he needed to ensure the Lust Spectre possessed the High Priest completely, so he gently took Zephir’s hand and glided it carefully placing it in the small of Jonson’s wet back. Zephir was still semi-cognisant of what was happening and moved closer to stand directly in front of Jonson’s virile heaving body.

The crowd was silent, all watching for the spectacle to occur.

Zephir placed his other hand on Jonson’s back too. Both hands were now caressing Jonson’s hot flesh, Zephir was so close to his newest erotic toy, that he could taste Jonson’s breath.

“Pretty Boy!” Hissed the High Priest. He said it slow and carefully and Tzofira gently pulled Zephir’s body even closer to Jonson’s heaving writhing form.

Zephir’s hands descended slowly feeling the sweaty bubble butt of his captive, the roundness of the buttocks, so perfectly formed, so hot with energy, he could feel Jonson’s slow hip flexion, his thumbs feeling the drenched red lycra thong strap emerging from the top of each hemisphere of Jonson’s butt.

Zephir then licked Jonson’s face; he tasted the exquisite Earthling's essence in the sweat.

The crowd then erupted in joy; they were witnessing the holy and revered Danterosian Lust Spectre possessing their High Priest. It was happening - they knew it would.

Tzofira had the biggest self-absorbed grin on his face. Knowing he would live this day, Danteros was manifesting his Lust Spectre in the High Priest, he was accepting the new erotic offerings from Earth.

Jonson felt the heat immediately, it shot down his throat and ignited inside his rib cage, he cried out desperately almost choking as the fire of the High Priest’s breath ignited inside his mouth.

Zephir was kissing Jonson, his tongue exploring the Earth Boy’s mouth cavity, and as he tasted Jonson, the Lust Spectre manifested in full. Zephir was engrossed completely in flames, the shroud of fire appeared as if flaming from every pore in High Priest’s body.

Danteros was pleased, he was delighted, and his Lust Spectre manifestation ensured that the ceremonial rites would proceed as normal.

Tye struggled drastically, he could see the fire enter Jonson and Jonson’s struggles in that frenetic moment and the sound of the collective joy from the crowd filled the expansive outdoor amphitheatre.

Zephir was rising upward, rising off the Chariot, above Tzofira who stood watching as the flames lifted Zephir’s body from the floor. Zephir awoke suddenly from his trance; he was inside the flames; the Spectre possessed him and was lifting his arms out from him as the flames lifted him into the air.

“Go My High Priest, Infuse the flames of Danteros with your holy power!” Tzofira was yelling over the tumultuous roar of the inferno engulfing the High Priest.

Casey felt the heat, and Fin did so too. They felt dread as they fought their bonds, suspended above the dais inside their bondage frames, the flames were real, their master, and sexual captor was now one with this lust-filled god. They started to cry out, thrashing in their bonds, screaming for mercy for these cruel ceremonial rites to stop.

But Zephir couldn’t hear them, he was possessed, shrouded in a cloud of flames, he was twenty feet off the ground facing the two outgoing Pleasure Primes, smiling, watching as they struggled in terror before his floating form and the lust-filled ravaging crowd.

Their torture was imminent.

Then Zephir took control of the flames as he floated away from the dais and the two retiring Pleasure Primes suspended inside their presentation frames, Zephir floated toward the fire pit. As he entered the tumultuous updraft of heat, he and the flames became one. He was floating amid the flames and started to laugh, his voice amplified through the scorching heat, sending blazes in all directions. It hit the crowd, infusing them with lust and desire.

It also hit the Chariot and its writhing captives, their sweaty bodies soaking up the hurricane of heat, making them horny and needy. Casey and Fin too, were blasted in the hot hurricane, their already horny bodies became hornier, their bodies twisting and writhing and covered in sweat, yet they could not shake off the dread of their impending torture.

Zephir then spoke, his flame-shrouded body slowly spinning inside the flames, he addressed the crowd and all their erotic captives including Jai, Kai, Kar, Ethon and Mitor tied around the edges of the fire pit, struggling and on show to the lust-filled crowd.

“Danteros is pleased” the words hissed loudly from the torrents of rising heat.

“I am one with these flames, one with your G-O-D! These flames are sanctified and sacred!”

“The rites of transmission must be followed”

“I demand pleasure P L E A S U R E, I demand agony!”




Jai, one of The Five warriors, struggled deliciously, his beautiful body flexing and twisting, sweat ran down his forehead into his eyes causing them to sting with unrelenting force, the heat booming around his body was seething and the sight of the High Priest shrouded in flames above him in the draught of heat from the pit was sheer spectacle. His bonds were so tight, they were pulling his limbs tightly in the unforgiving stretch, he was super horny too. They had bathed him in the Waters of Desire for over an hour deep beneath the temple in the many hidden rooms they used for private torment sessions. The healing waters had restored his body to its beautiful glory. But it had made him hornier than ever, he and the other Five desperately needed orgasm, but his attention was on Zephir for the time being though.

The possessed High Priest departed the fire pit’s updraught and floated back toward the dais after several minutes and after floating down to admire each of the struggling Five warriors. He arrived back at the dais where Casey and Fin struggled inside their bondage frames. The Lust Spectre still possessed Zephir, and the heat radiating from his body seethed outward from him engulfing the two bound and struggling Pleasure Primes suspended and spreadeagled up in the air on either side of the High Priest’s seat atop the stage.

Casey cried out desperately.

“Don’t do this, please, no!” He looked across at Fin who was twisting and struggling with all his might, sweat was flinging from their bodies as they thrashed, pulling on the tight golden ropes stretching them.

“S I L E N C E” the Lust Spectre screamed shooting two lines of flames at each of the struggling Pleasure Primes.

“AGH” Fin screamed, he couldn’t escape the seething punishment, but he recovered quickly, the flames had supercharged his horniness, he needed desperately to wank, pre-cum was flinging from his loincloth as he thrashed. He and Casey were the centre of attention, their bodies magnificently writhing in a sexual dance and the crowd was loving the spectacle.

“Mmmmmmmm, fuuuuuuuuck” Casey moaned loudly as the lights of the fire lit up the Lasoo of his lubricant flinging from his loincloth bulge.

“The Rites must be performed!” The lust Spectre hissed through Zephir. “Take them…” it said causing Zephir to point at Casey and Fin, “…and tie them to the Milking Altars, they will be milked one final time before they are roasted alive. Tie the new Pleasure Prime candidates to the Zorah Stones in front of the retiring Pleasure Primes. They will witness the milking of these two and their bodies will be anointed in the Pleasure Prime semen, to signify the transmission of the Pleasure Prime mantle to them.”

Fin screamed “Noooooooooooooo!” but it was useless.

The Lust Spectre then lowered Zephir’s body down toward the ground as several priests worked to lower Fin and Casey. The flames subsided from Zephir’s body as the spirit departed leaving Zephir standing at the base of the dais. He was sporting a knowing smile, knowing that he and Tzofira would live to serve Danteros for another term. He went straight to business; he turned and faced the crowd in the stands who were spellbound by the spectacle; they only witnessed the Lust Spectre every five or so Earth years. Zephir opened his arms, lifting them and indicating to the crown to show their applause.

“Danteros is pleased!” boomed Zephir.

“The Rites of Transmission will be fulfilled this night!”

His attention turned to Casey and Fin as they were forced behind him by several skilled priests with their targeted whips.

Two X-shaped stone altars arose from the dais, one directly in front of each vacant Zorah Stone.

“Tie them to the altars!” Zephir commanded.

Casey spat at Tzofira when he arrived to enjoy the spectacle of their installation.

“Fuck, mmmm, fuck you all!” Fin screamed to the crowd, they lifted he and Casey from the ground, and several muscle-clad priests made short work of it, placing Fin and Casey’s horny heaving bodies onto the warm stone altars. Wrists and ankles bound in the sacred golden rope, their legs and arms stretched.

Casey tried the ropes, he twisted his golden-tanned muscular form, and his sweat was already drenching the light-coloured stone altar, he looked across to see Fin struggling as well, lifting his chest and pulling through his body, trying to resist them as they tied him to the milking altar. Their beautiful bodies were on show one final time, they had been milked and tortured in every venue of the Temple as the revered Pleasure Primes from Earth, displayed as erotic possessions, perfection dressed in erotic loincloths, and they knew the force of pleasure control these alien masters could muster.

Zephir moved between Fin’s heaving stretched legs, and Tzofira took up his position between Casey’s legs, their eyes darting between the drenched loincloth bulge and the desperate eyes of their captives and enjoying their erotic struggles.

Zephir’s voice boomed, amplified magically into the stands so that the crowd could hear. This was the High Priest and Tzofira’s moment to enjoy, now that the Lust Spectre had manifested, they knew that Danteros expected the transmission Rites to be perfect.

“They shall produce their final offerings of pleasure, their bodies eventually harvested of the sacred semen of earth. Earth juice will anoint Danteros’ new Pleasure Prime candidates. You have witnessed the Lust Spectre, all of you bear witness to THE WILL OF DANTEROS!

“Tie the Candidates to the Sacred Zorah Stones, they will receive the anointing of semen; the seal of the Pleasure Prime and I shall name them their new Boi Rah names when…”

Zephir momentarily returned to Fin’s wet heaving loincloth bulge, “…When these two delicious earth creatures are roasted in the now Sacred Flames of Danteros!”

Fin pulled desperately, Zephir’s touch was sending his body into a tingling mass of erotic expectation, his loincloth buzzed with sumptuous pleasure energy, his penis slipping and sliding inside the tight loincloth bulge thong as he maneuvered his hips. He craved the pleasure, and drool started to exit his mouth. He could hear Casey’s moans of delight. This would be a long pleasure journey, their final as Pleasure Primes.

Tzofira then departed Casey’s heaving body, as did Zephir, who left Fin to struggle on the pleasure altar. Tzofira would enjoy Casey soon enough, but he returned to the golden Chariot, he wanted to supervise the installation of Jonson and Tye onto the Sacred Zorah Stones and feel their magnificent trembling, needy bodies as they accustomed themselves for the first time to pleasure energy present in each sacred stone.

“Monster!” Jonson said, his voice labouring due to the tight choker, he twisted left and right, his stretched legs trembling from their hours of incessant rocking and rambling while on show, being fucked by the sacred golden phallus. He gasped in delight though when Tzofira released his choker.

“Th thank” He gasped “Thank you!” Jonson said tasting the hot air he had missed for hours.

Tzofira, caressed Jonson’s face with one hand, his other hand cupping Jonson’s heaving bulge. He was looking into Jonson’s confused and angry, yet completely horny blue eyes. “Mmmmm this sumptuous body…” Tzofira said, gently stroking and squeezing Jonson’s pre-cum soaked red performance thong bulge, “…will soon belong to Danteros, that means you and Pretty boy Tye will be mine to enjoy!”

Jonson couldn’t help it, Tzofira’s expert hand was enjoying his bulge, his attention filling it with enjoyment, Jonson screwed up his face and pushed his hips into Tzofira’s hungry hand.

“Mmmmm” Jonson’s warm pre-cum oozed through the sticky red thong fabric into Tzofira’s hand.

“Take him” Tzofira said to the two hefty priests, “I’ll just release Pretty Boy Tye’s choker. Tie Jonson to the Zorah stone in front of Boi Rah Din’s Milking Altar, two blonde beauties tied in perfect synergy ready for the Pleasure Prime Transmission.

Jonson would receive the Pleasure Prime mantle from Casey.

They unhitched the ankle restraints and the ropes above Jonson’s head, Jonson collapsed into the arms of one of the Priests, moaning and struggling. They dragged him from the Chariot.

Tzofira repeated the same process with the equally horny Tye, this time licking Tye’s beautiful cheekbones and face, licking his cute little ears all the while, his already precum-coated hand caressed the gold performance thong dutifully clinging to Tye’s genitalia.

“Pleasure is such a motivating force Tye!” Tzofira said watching Tye’s face react to the enjoyment inside his golden thong bulge.

“You will learn to control and navigate sumptuous pleasure, and tonight you will observe the power of sexual control. You will become the anointed pleasure offering to Danteros!”

“Gah, No way!” Tye tried to sound determined, he was fighting the delicious sensation in his bulge knowing that these cruel depraved alien masters were in total control, especially after witnessing the High Priest manifest the Lust Spectre and become one with the draught of heat rising from the pit of fire earlier in the proceedings.

Tzofira just smiled and wiped a wad of Tye’s bulge juice, placing it on Tye’s lips.

“Your body disagrees with you human!” Tzofira said. “Lick it boy!” he then demanded, forcing his fingers inside of Tye’s mouth.

Tzofira then laughed loudly and commanded that Tye be tied to the waiting Zorah stone between Fin’s stretched legs.

The installation took several minutes, but soon the retiring Pleasure Primes and the newest Pleasure Prime candidates were tied facing each other according to the Temple law.

Jonson and Tye were stretched across their Zorah Stones, their ankles restrained by golden rope, pulled tightly by adjustable devices on either side of the Phallic shaped stone, their arms pulled upward and backward to frames above their Zorah Stones, the ropes effectively pulling their bodies tightly against the Stone Phalluses.

Some kind of energy buzzed in their arms and legs, it was disconcerting and yet enjoyable, it pulsated into their limbs from their restraints, throbbing and moving slowly inside their bodies, it was sexual but discrete, moving down through their forearms and up through their shins and calve muscles of their legs.

Jonson moaned as he adjusted to the energy, desperately looking toward Tye, who was slowly thrusting his hips. Jonson could see for the first time, how wet Tye was, it was evident that Tye was as moist and aroused as he was.

“What, Mmmmm - is, bah - happening? Jonson said twisting his body erotically, he was looking directly ahead of him, toward Boi Rah Sagh, Fin’s stretched heaving body, he was lying on the Altar, facing the sky, Jonson realised that they had been tied so close together, Jonson was tied between Fin’s stretched legs, he could see every muscle in Fin’s body flexing and contracting as he struggled on the Pleasure Altar so close to him. Jonson then realised that Tye was in the same position between the other guy’s stretched legs, Tye was positioned between the other Pleasure Prime’s stretched legs. He was super horny and this whole bondage scene was making him hornier than ever, his body was starting to tingle as the energy moved through him slowly.

They were left to enjoy the Zorah Stone’s pleasure energy; to watch Casey and Fin struggle and writhe erotically before them, and to wonder what these evil alien masters had planned.

Tzofira and Zephir positioned themselves back on the central dais, they faced the hungry lusty crowd and summonsed the two Captains of the Priest capture squads, they also summonsed their men; those that had been involved in the hunt and capture of the new Earthlings.

The Captains and their men knelt on one leg, bending the knee to the authority of Zephir the High Priest and Tzofira the Scout.

Zephir then addressed the crowd, holding his hands out to acknowledge the men kneeling before he and Tzofira.

“These men, these Priests of the Mighty Danteros have performed their duties to the Solar Temple and to our God. They shall be rewarded with special tasks tonight!”

The crowd applauded, recognising their exceptional work, and Zephir waited for the applause to subside.

“They have captured the Earthling Pleasure Prime candidates, and they have not defiled the beautiful humans, despite their strong sexual compulsions, natural Danterosian compulsions. Mighty self-control indeed!” Zephir paused.

“Thank you!” He added and allowed the crowd to applaud once more.

“Look around this theatre, you have observed five luscious warriors tied so that their virile and beautiful bodies are on show to you! Do you enjoy their bondage?”

The crowd was at their feet, hundreds of lust-filled men screamed in agreement.

“These are our enemies, the most stunning and virile of our foes, their cum will never be used to create more enemy combatants against our mighty temple and our God. We control them and they have been ordained to serve the Temple and join with the Pleasure Primes as erotic sexual toys to satisfy our God-given, Danterosian collective aphrodisia. Watch how their young primed lithe bodies writhe and struggle.


“Milk them” One screamed from the crowd.

“Milk them,” cried another.

The crowd launched into a chant; however, Zephir raised his arms to calm them.

“That they shall! However, their pleasure, their bodies will join with the Holy flames of Danteros, These flames have been sanctified, and you have all witnessed the presence of the Lust Spectre amidst the fires. A sexual bond with the flames will ensure that as these beautiful young enemies of state negotiate the peaks and lows of their pleasure journey tonight, the inferno will respond with intensity, a mighty spectacle for us to enjoy. They shall control the very torture of the retiring Pleasure Primes suspended above the pit. As they cum in orgasms of delight, their bodies will cause the flames to rage in equal orgasmic intensity. YOU WILL HEAR THE SCREAMS OF THE PRISONERS AND WITNESS THEIR TORTURE WHILST ENJOYING THE COMBINED PLEASURE ORGASM OF OUR ENEMIES.”

Zephir then launched into a blood-curdling laugh as the crowd erupted in excitement and lust.

Fin and Casey, screamed and thrashed on their Pleasure Altars, knowing that they would become the spectacle and that their screams would fill the temple. Jonson and Tye fought their bonds too, not believing the sexual depravity and cruelty these aliens harboured. But they were ignored, and the crowd continued to erupt in salacious enjoyment.

Once again Zephir quietened the crowd, with his outstretched arms.

“Bring me the Transmission Juice!” He demanded.

Tzofira responded, bringing the large ruby-encrusted red vessel to the High Priest on the Dais, he bowed his head in reverence to Zephir and the sacred elixir contained in the vessel. The elixir contained the precum juices and blood extracted from Casey and Fin earlier in the day by Zephir. The very essence of the Pleasure Primes mixed with enzymes and herbs from the High Priest’s private erotic venereal glade in the jungle, a concoction of sexual desire. The vessel also contained the two golden phalli that Jonson and Tye were forced to ride upon during their presentation journey along Throbbing Way in the Golden Chariot. The very implements that pushed deep into their beautiful bodies thrilling them into horny offerings and preparing their bodies for their ascendancy to their Pleasure Prime roles during the rites. The juices of the retiring Pleasure Primes combined with the essence of the new Pleasure Prime Candidates; a sacred transmission from one to the next. The golden phalli were submerged into the Transmission Juices, headfirst, their lengths submerged in the erotic elixir.

Tzofira put the Ruby encrusted vessel onto a plinth between himself and the High Priest, he stood with Zephir, and the Captains and three of their men remained on one knee in front of Zephir, Tzofira and the vessel. The crowd quietened down to observe the next ceremonial ritual.

Zephir and Tzofira picked up the golden phalli from the vessel and held them upward and outward from their bodies toward the crowd and over the kneeling men.

“Behold the Transmission Juice Phalluses!” Transmission juice ran down their arms from the iconic sacred implements they held above them.

Zephir then spoke unintelligible words, deeply powerful, ancient Danterosian incantations that caused vents to open directly in front of where Jai, Kai, Kar, Mitor and Ethon were tied. Long and slender flames, drawn from the pit behind them, drawn through special passageways beneath their bondage X frames allowed the raging heat to rise in front of them, lighting up their heaving, virile bodies as they writhed and struggled. The Phalluses then oozed juices from their golden life-like lips. Like a real penis, the phalluses began to erupt. Tzofira and Zephir then dipped the oozing Phalluses back into the Transmission Juices in the vessel so that their magical emissions could mix with the Transmission Juices. As they held the Phalluses in the juices and the potion began to bubble, Zephir looked toward the kneeling priests.

“Rise!” He commanded motioning for the Captains and their men to stand forward in a line.

Tzofira and Zephir took their erupting, soaked golden phalluses to each end of the line. They held the erotic implements out.

“Grip it and suckle on its discharge, make sure your hands are coated in the sanctified juices of the Pleasure Primes.” Zephir and Tzofira said to each priest as they moved along the line, making sure their erupting phallus was freshly dipped into the Transmission Juices for each priest in the line. When complete the golden phalli were returned to transmission juices. Zephir addressed the expectant crowd.

“These loyal and devoted Priests of your God have performed their roles and duties; they have captured the Pleasure Prime Candidates and have brought them here to be anointed. These Priests shall have their reward this night!”

He then focused his attention on the line of five priests standing in front of the dais but spoke to the whole crowd.

“Go forth and pleasure your assigned warrior enemy, they have been tortured and prepared for their role tonight. They are brimming with semen, made horny; they have been edged carefully for many days. Your reward is their bodies, your reward is their loincloth; pleasure them, worship them in front of these witnesses. Activate the transmission juices soaking your hands, by placing your hands into venting flames in front of your assigned warrior erotic toy. Take the sacred flames that will appear in the palms of your hands and massage your erotic captive’s bulge. His body will accept the flames, and his pleasure will become one with the flames of Danteros in the pit behind him. Pleasure him into a frenzy as he writhes in his bondage; control his pleasure and bring him to orgasm carefully. His pleasure will enrich the flames as we roast the retiring Pleasure Primes. His virile body is given to you this night to enjoy. You will drink of his body’s rich delights until you are full!”

They bowed their heads in recognition of the High Priest and then turned to follow another Priest who directed them to their assigned erotic helpless warrior toy. Zephir and Tzofira watched on as the Pleasure Rites began to unfold.


Kar was so horny, they had stretched him on the X-shaped presenter, he was wet and hot from the heat enveloping him from the pit behind. The long narrow jet of flame shooting up directly in front of his lithe erotic body added a new layer of heat, it was long and powerful, and the flame jet seemed to fuel his sexual juices. Tzofira had tortured him with the others, edged earlier that day in the Shrine of Communion and bathed in the healing waters of desire for hours that day as well. On top of this, he had been edged for weeks on end; disallowed his virility and denied access to his penis. Kar was ready to cum, he needed to release his semen so badly, erotic thoughts filled his mind. He had been revered back in his home country as the most exquisite of their fighting elite. His clean handsome face, and deliciously built body wrapped in tanned smooth skin made him the most desired young man in the lands of Cellest. His beautiful handsome body was almost as handsome as his sexual endowments. His captors appreciated his powerful sexuality, adorning him in a ceremonial loincloth designed to exhibit and enhance the beauty of his loins and buttocks. He was a perfect sexual offering, and his exquisite form writhed in harmony with flames.

“Your erotic toy!” The directing priest said to the Captain who was assigned to the warrior named Kar. The directing priest then left the Captain with Kar. The Captain had not seen any of the Five yet, he had been busy capturing the Pleasure Prime candidates out in the jungles. His eyes almost popped as he gazed at his handsome erotic toy for the night. The beautiful warrior’s body stretched in tight restrictive bondage. He took a deep breath; his penis was reacting to the sumptuous view. His hands were soaked in the Transmission Juices, he dared not waste a single drop of the precious and sacred juices. He tasted the juices in his mouth, he had to save this for when he began to eat his erotic toy’s bulge, knowing it would make the warrior’s bulge super sensitive.

He walked up next to Kar’s helpless body, he could hear Kar’s deep erotic moans and breathing, this boy was ready, he was primed.

“You are mine to enjoy warrior!” The Captain said.

“My, you are beautiful! As erotic as the new Pleasure Primes, I am going to drink your semen boy, every drop your body pumps, m mmmmm. Right into my mouth!”

The Captain stared at Kar’s wet loincloth bulge, it was full and perfectly rounded, he could see the outline of the young warrior’s testicles, his loincloth soaked in sweat and pre-cum, the thin leather clinging to Kar’s sexual organs. The Captain was salivating as he contemplated tasting it, feeling it, caressing it. He needed to worship this beautiful bound man. He wanted to taste between those tight buttocks and make this warrior scream in delight. He was so hard; his ceremonial loincloth could not contain his penis. He started to drool as he watched Kar twist and turn, the warrior’s slow thrusting hips kept his eyes locked on the loincloth bulge moving artfully and sexually through the air. He didn’t care that hundreds of others were watching him, he wanted to give them a show of his sexual prowess.

Zephir’s booming voice interrupted his viewing. This was the moment, the order.

“Priests of Danteros, your assigned warrior awaits your attention. But first, you must infiltrate their bodies with the fire of our God! The sanctified flames of Danteros! Place your hands in jets of flame directly in front of your assigned warrior. Warriors, your bodies are ready, they will be sanctified by the flames of Danteros, and your bodies will perform for him, for this crowd. You are sexual objects, and your virile and youthful bodies are our bound vessels. Tonight, you will be consumed with sexuality, passion and pleasure. You will orgasm beyond your wildest dreams!”

Zephir’s laugh filled the outdoor theatre and penetrated every corner of the temple’s expansive grounds.

Kar pulled desperately on his wrist restraints, craving the freedom to touch his bulge and get his cock out. He needed to stroke it, make his pleasure flower. His loincloth kept slipping and sliding as he thrust his hips. He felt the tight strap between his peachy buttocks become tighter, he was spitting as he thrust his head forward and backward. He noticed the assigned priest approach the raging and roaring long jet of fire shooting up in front of him, heating his body from the front almost as much as the heat behind him screaming up from the pit. His body tingled all over, his penis was not hard, but it felt luxurious inside the erotic thong bulge.

Can ’t think straight, feel so horny, must hold my cock, but can’t get free, Kar thought, he was pulling desperately, his struggles only encouraging the Priest and the crazed screams from the crowd watching his beautiful form writhe for their lusty minds. He watched the priest hold out his hands to the flame jet. Is he crazy, his hands will burn to a crisp with the force of that fire.

The Captain could see Kar watching, those piercing warrior eyes made him even more determined, this beautiful warrior boy was all his to plunder, but his first duty was the fire. He didn’t care about the heat, he had to trust Danteros and the magic of his High Priest. He could see his colleagues, in front of their assigned warriors. They approached their allotted fire jets in unison.

“Ignite the Transmission Juices in your hands” Zephir’s voice boomed.

The crowd were in awe of the spectacle.

As one, the Captains and their men placed their hands into the roaring jets of fire. They each began to flame as if they were being incinerated. Once ignited they stood back from the jets of fire, which reshaped into their long slender forms, shooting up several meters from the ground and lighting up each bound warrior once more.

Kar was afraid! He very rarely felt afraid, his warrior upbringing discouraged fear, but the sight of this flaming lunatic approaching him suddenly filled him with dread.

The Captain held out his hands, palms facing upward, and the flames left his body, leaving two smaller jets, like the raging inferno jet from which they were ignited. The Captain was unharmed and the look of exhilaration and determination in his eyes made Kar struggle furiously.

“No, Please!” Kar screamed.

Cries for mercy could be heard from each of the bound and trussed warriors, their pleas making the crowd gasp with delight. These Five beautiful sexual objects thrashing in desperation and fear was an erotic spectacle.

“No, No NOOOOOOO” Kar couldn’t escape his fate as much as he tried.

The Captain just smiled with evil and wanton intent his right hand with its mini jet of flame approached Kar’s loincloth. His other hand aimed at Kar’s face.

“No!” Kar pleaded again, thinking he was about to be incinerated slowly by this evil fire, but the Captain just laughed.

“The Flames of Danteros will control your body warrior boy!” The captain said as he prepared to cup his prized erotic toy’s loincloth bulge.

The crowd gasped as they watched the flames enter each warrior’s body.

Kar could see the flame, it entered his mouth and shot down his oeasohagus, amazingly it was cold. He felt his bulge ignite though!

The Captain watched in awe as Kar’s body sucked the flames, the young warrior tensed up and was not struggling, he was fixated, with his torso pushing outward, his hips thrust out toward the Captain’s open palm, his bulge attracted to the flame like a magnet.

Kar’s bulge was seething with heat, his chest pulsated with heat and then it stopped.

The Captain was free of the flames and horny, he had delivered the flames of Danteros, he had been a vessel of his God, and he felt hornier than ever, he realised that the top of his penis was poking out from the top of this ceremonial loincloth, he was oozing pre-cum like a fountain. He then looked at Kar, his newly sanctified erotic vessel.

The young warrior screamed out in desperation, and around the arena, the others of The Five screamed in unison, their bodies, as with Kar’s filled with sexual energy, which only added to their already horny states. Their bulges became sensual and sensitive, every move of their bodies seemed to elicit streaks of tingling pleasure inside their scrotums, charging their testicles, and lines of delicious pleasure filled their urethras and saturated their penises in delight.

Kar’s bonds felt erotic to him in this state. He felt like his body had become pure pleasure, his muscles twitched, and he tried to stare at his loincloth bulge, it was exquisite to his eyes, wet and rounded, it protruded from his body erotically, he yearned to feel it, yet his bondage added a layer of sexual perfection. Kar looked up noticing the Captain; he too was also infatuated with Kar’s magnificent loincloth bulge.

“Pretty boy has a pretty loincloth, and it is all mine to enjoy!” The Captain started to say moving closer to the stretched young erotic and sexual warrior. His eyes did not lift from their target, watching as Kar slowly strived and twisted his beautiful form on the X-shaped bondage frame.

The captain was interrupted by Zephir.


The High Priest addressed the crowd, who were enjoying the erotic show beginning to unfold around the fire pit.

“Transmission will commence!” Zephir announced.

“The Five warriors, will be enjoyed while Tzofira and I milk the retiring Pleasure Primes of Attica, their semen will anoint the new Pleasure Prime candidates!”

The crowd roared in delight, their lust-filled cries filled the amphitheatre and out into the Temple grounds. But Zephir ignored them, he continued his declarations.

“Once anointed, in the semen juice of their fellow earthlings, the New Pleasure Primes will witness the torture of the retired Earthlings.

The Five warriors will be brought to orgasmic climax beyond their wildest dreams, a shared orgasm so pleasurable, so intense that their young virile bodies will scream for release. But the pleasure will be long, it will make the fires rage, and the screams of the Earthmen being roasted will harmonise with the screams of delight from The Five Warriors. A true spectacle of sexual prowess and domination.”

Zephir took a deep breath.




Jonson and Tye struggled as hard as they could, they had witnessed and were witnessing sexual depravity beyond anything they could have imagined possible. They were horny too, and the sight of Casey and Fin stretched out on the milking altars directly in front of them was a major turn-on for both. The thought, however, of these two beautiful men being burnt alive, or as the High Priest had said, roasted alive was depravity and cruelty that were having trouble coming to grips with.

Their chokers had been released, so their grunts and screams were pronounced up on the dais, as they watched the High Priest return along with Tzofira to the Transmission Milking Altars.

“Stop, gah this cruel madness, you fucking bastards!” Tye screamed, his body twisting on the Zorah Stone. “You can’t burn them alive, No!” He screamed at Tzofira.

But Tzofira ignored Tye, he called for the vessel holding the Transmission Juices and the golden Phalli which had fucked them on their journey tied on the Golden Chariot.

“Silence Earthling!” Tzofira hissed. Slapping Jonson violently across the face and then landing his fist into Tye’s rib cage’

Both Jonson and Tye reeled in shock and acute pain. They were forced to watch as Tzofira quickly calmed and bent over Casey, between Casey’s stretched legs, he licked Casey’s heaving abdominals and then enjoyed chewing on Casey’s right pert small nipple and the small surrounding areola. It made Casey moan in delight, twisting and pulling on the bonds holding his superb body down on the Transmission Milking Altar.

Tzofira then stood upright.

“The bulge of the Pleasure Prime is sacred!” He said calmly turning to face Jonson and Tye who had a prime view of the helpless Pleasure Primes.

Tzofira played with Casey’s loincloth strap, clinging to Casey’s hips, the loincloth was made specifically for Casey, as was Fin’s; they were made by the Pleasure Artisans of the Temple.

He let the thin leather outer flap of the loincloth slide over the precum and sweat soaked under-thong bulge and Causing Casey the writhe in delight as his prepared body reacted to Tzofira’s attentive touch.

“This is the most beautiful sight in the universe, the loincloth and the thong of the Pleasure Prime is exquisite, erotic, and sexual. It is the holy source of pleasure, the diet that feeds our omnipotent God!”

He peeled the loincloth flap from Casey’s thong bulge, revealing the fully rounded light-coloured leather thong bulge encasing Casey’s beautiful cut penis and his full and meaty testicles. Tzofira pushed his fingers between Casey’s heaving buttocks, from the base of the thong bulge.

Tzofira purred in delight as he felt the tight leather strap clinging to Casey’s taint and pulling against the Pleasure Prime’s pucker.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm, delightful. This sexual toy has been plundered and milked, tortured and Pillaged, as his fellow Prime!” He glanced at Fin, who was being eaten alive by Zephir who was sucking and licking every drop of Fin’s pre-cum and sweat from Fin‘s heaving Loincloth bulge.

Tye pulled as hard as he could, he had to get free, he had to stop this madness and crash tackle the High Priest, if he could free himself, then Jonson, they could both take on these maniacs, free the guys stretched out on the Altars and try for an escape. There was nothing to lose at this point. Tye did his best, his handsome face screwing up as he pulled on the wrist and ankle restraints in a violent effort to escape his bondage, he felt every muscle tense and noticed that Jonson was taking his lead and struggling as desperately as he was.

It only fed Tzofira’s lust and while Zephir heard the commotion and Jonson and Tye’s violent attempts to break their bonds, he kept on dining on Fin’s heaving helpless erotic body.

Tzofira was ready, he had worked all this time for this moment. He had taken the celestial highway to the other side of the universe to Earth and had chosen the most beautiful male specimens the planet had to offer, delivering them back to Attica at his chosen blood moon portal opportunity.

He caressed Casey’s loincloth bulge with both hands, worshipping the sexual object with all the respect and care it deserved, turning his head to Zephir, he announced that the time was right. The Pleasure Primes were ready to be milked one final time before the flames of Danteros incinerated every skerrick of their Pleasure Prime mantels from them.

Casey and Fin were struggling too, the four Earthmen, desperately trying to escape their fates, yet Casey and Fin felt the delicious sensations invading their loincloth pouches, erotic and sumptuous, yet evil; their final orgasms and cum harvest were to be a public spectacle and they knew that the pleasure flowering in their thong bulges and delighting their sex was just a precursor to what erotic torture lay ahead.

Fin looked up to see the High Priest’s face dripping. His precum covered Zephir’s face, and he thrust his hips slowly and erotically as the High Priest’s tongue stimulation was withdrawn from his bulge. Blankets and layers of pleasure were delighting his loins, and he moaned with commensurate delight. Behind the High Priest, he could see Tye’s magnificent and handsome body as he struggled with all his strength to release himself, Tye’s golden performance thong, although wet and worn from his capture in the jungles, still glinted the lights of the arena as Tye struggled.

Fuck, Tzofira has chosen two beautiful guys Fin thought as he looked on the beauty of Tye’s form struggling. They don ’t know, but their struggles only turn these sex-crazed aliens on even more, Fuck mmmmm, a spike of pleasure jolted Fin from his thoughts, and he twisted his beautiful body sideways as he tried to deal with the torturous pleasure spike.

Zephir did not wipe his face or his hands, he was coated in the Pleasure Prime juices produced by Fin. Tzofira however, wiped his impressive naked torso with Casey’s juices, anointing himself in the essence of the Pleasure Prime. He joined the High Priest as Zephir made his way across the stage to the centre dais.

They looked around the amphitheatre, they could see the debaucherous spectacle and hear the moans and cries of delight of The Five warriors. They could see the salacious crowd enjoying themselves at the spectacle; there were so many amazing and erotic sights for them to enjoy.

Zephir boomed his voice outward to the raging debaucherous scene causing the flames of Danteros to dazzle with his every word, providing a show of fire and light with every word.

“Bring the Transmission Juices once more!” He boomed signaling for two priests to bring the sacred vessel containing the two Golden Phallus implements submerged in the transmission juices.

“Tonight, we install two new and fresh Pleasure Prime men from across the universe!”

“Tonight, we Torture the retiring Pleasure Primes for your enjoyment. We milk them as we will milk these Five extraordinary and beautiful young enemies of our state!” Pointing around the edges of the fire pit to The Five warriors writhing in sumptuous waves of pleasure, keeping the crowd entertained and horny.

He then pointed toward the Altars and the Zorah stones.

“The Pleasure Prime semen will anoint the new Candidates!”

“But!” Zephir paused and licked his lips, tasting Fins’s juices on his lips

“Their mantle, the Pleasure Prime title must be incinerated in the Flames of Danteros for transmission to the new candidates to be complete!”

The flames shot up a fireworks display of embers that sparkled high above the arena dazzling the horny crowd.

“They shall not die, they will serve you from now on in the dungeons, torture arenas and the sensual pleasure parlours the Temple has to offer. But tonight, you will witness the holy spectacle of their roast!”

“Their blood and juices are part of the Transmission juices and mixed with the sacred golden Phalli which have reached deeply into the bodies of the new Pleasure Prime Candidates. Their DNA, their essence has mixed inside the Transmission vessel with the juices, and this provides the holy and sacred vehicle for the Transmission of the Pleasure Prime mantle to the new Candidates!”

We will milk the Pleasure Primes for your viewing delight, their final offering of pleasure and the harvest of their bodies will anoint the new human male Pleasure Prime candidates who have been transported to us through the portal; what the Earthlings celebrate as the Harvest Moon!” Zephir then let out a long self-absorbed laugh.

“A title fitting tonight’s sacred rites and the continuance of the Pleasure Prime offerings to Danteros! Tonight, we celebrate the continuing harvest from Attica’s Pleasure Prime lineage and celebrate the installation of the new candidates.”

More ember fireworks shot into the sky above the amphitheatre as Zephir spoke.

Zephir chose one of the soaked Phalluses submerging his hand in the juices as he picked the implement out of the vessel. He then held the golden Phallus up for the crowd to see. They roared in anticipation and began to chant.

“Trans - mission, Trans - mission, Trans - mission,” the chant was loud and meaty filling the arena and drowning out the roar of heat emitting from the fire pit. The chant accompanied the High Priest and Tzofira as they made their way back toward the Milking Altars and the Zorah Stones.

Zephir motioned for the attending priests to bring the vessel with him. Another priest followed him as he approached Jonson.

“What are you fucking doing?” Jonson spat toward them screwing his face in anger and disdain. His body vibrating with pleasure energy being delivered from his enthusiastic Zorah Stone. Zephir ignored the young beautiful man, and the Priest grabbed Jonson’s wet blonde hair and his lower jaw.

Zephir smiled with evil intent as he dipped the Phallus in the Transmission juice vessel.

“Take the Phallus into your mouth as you accept your Transmission!”

Jonson let out a mighty scream as best he could, trying to dislodge himself from the priest’s tight grip, he thrashed and twisted his magnificent body desperately trying to break free of the bonds holding him tightly to the Zorah Stone. His bulging thong oozing pre-cum. His show of defiance made the crowd roar in delight as they continued their chant.

Zephir forced the Phallus into Jonson’s mouth, forcing it deep and causing Jonson to gag. Jonson could taste the bitter juices invading his mouth as Zephir kept the Phallus inserted during the rites.

They followed the same procedure with Tye before turning their attention to Casey and Fin, stretched out on the milking altars, desperately striving for freedom.

“Your pleasure has delighted Danteros, and your bodies have served this Temple with distinction and masculinity. But your reign as the chosen Pleasure Primes will end with your next climax. Your bodies will be milked, I will harvest every drop of your semen, and we will anoint the new Earthling Candidates before you are roasted in the flames of Danteros to mark the end of your Pleasure Prime candidature!”

“Never!” Fin screamed, knowing his fate was sealed.

“Fuck you!” Cried, Casey.

Zephir held the Phallus into the air, ignoring the protestations of Casey, Fin, Jonson and Tye. He spoke the ancient Attican transmission rites in a language that even Tzofira could not understand. His words were deep and foreboding. As he spoke the rites the Zorah stones holding Jonson and Tye began to vibrate and glow with a luminous yellow.

Zephyr motioned for Tzofira to approach the two milking altars with the dagger that Jonson had left in the Orchid’s Bog just before their capture.

“No!” Jonson and Tye screamed, thinking that the evil Tzofira was about to drive the dagger into Casey.

But Tzofira had no intention of that, Tzofira sliced the right-hand side of Casey’s loincloth and thong, before ripping the wet, soaked garment from Casey’s struggling body in a determined methodical manner. He removed Fin’s loincloth too and walked out from the Pleasure Altar precinct of the dais to the front stage, holding the dripping loincloths up into the air, one in each hand, turning so that he was presenting the garments to the crowd.

“Behold, the sacred Pleasure Prime cloths of service!” His voice boomed as he hung them on two display plinths allowing the garments to drip onto the floor of the dais.

“Transmission has begun!”

Tzofira then looked back, across toward Zephir, a signal for him to begin.

He was naked, Casey had never been relieved of that Loincloth, and neither had Fin, their sacred service garments would be kept in the Temple stores; they were one-off specifically tailored garments and their service like Casey and Fin were being retired.

It was the first time Casey had seen his cock in ages, just the sight of his almost erect member fuelled his erotic thoughts, he lusted and craved to taste the sweet pre-cum he could see bubbling from the lips of his penis. He could feel his testicles swelling, knowing they had prepared him and Fin for their final orgasmic climax. Casey Could see Fin, twisting his body, Fin was still flaccid, his penis was wet though. Fin and he had been milked countless times, but this ceremony would be different. Casey then looked up to see Tye straining, Casey was drawn to the soaked golden performance thong adorning this magnificent male specimen. He looked at Tye’s handsome features and rippling musculature as he struggled on the Zorah stone directly ahead of him.

Fuck, you ’re beautiful, don’t fight it. Casey thought before Zephir interrupted him.

Tzofira had returned to the Milking Altars, and he accepted the Golden Phallus from Zephir, they were standing between the two alters and the four struggling Earth men. Tzofira held the Phallus out to Zephir, bowing his head in submission to the High Priest’s authority. Zephir spoke the words, again ancient powerful words, looking directly at the length of the Phallus, as he spoke, he used his thumb and forefinger of his right hand to caress the gleaming golden head of the penis as Tzofira held it out toward him. More ancient words were spoken as Zephir used his left hand to tightly grip the golden Phallus.

“P L E A S U R E”

“The food of the gods, the fire of Danteros, we implore you mighty Danteros to sanctify this pleasure tonight and accept your new Pleasure Primes from across the universe; galaxies away!”

Tzofira kept his head bowed, he let go of the Phallus, having given the golden implement back to the High Priest, he stepped backward between the two Zorah stones, enjoying the sounds of Jonson and Tye as they struggled, striving desperately for their freedom. He placed a hand on each Zorah stone; he was presenting his catch to the High Priest.

Zephir then placed his mouth over the golden Phallus’s head and began to suckle on the implement as if pleasuring it like he would a human slave.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm” He moaned in delight as his tongue wrapped around the warm metal, but he tasted human flesh, most importantly, Danteros had again, confirmed his pleasure and agreement to accept the new Pleasure Prime Candidates. Zephir tasted the emission of sweet pre-cum in his mouth. The Phallus was alive, it was the incarnate of godhead and it was in his mouth. He suckled on the Phallus and squeezed it erotically causing a spray of ethereal juice to coat the inside of his mouth and into his throat.

Zephir was becoming the sexual extension of Danteros, and he removed the Phallus from his mouth holding it up above his head between the four struggling Earthmen.

“B E H O L D”

The Phallus spurted sacred juices.

He approached Casey first, stepping between Casey’s stretched legs, caressing the Earthman’s scrotum sack, moaning in ecstasy, squeezing the two jewels.

“So full of sacred semen!” Zephir hissed looking at Casey who was struggling frantically.”

“No, please no!” Casey screamed.

But Zephir was in a trance, brought on by the psychedelic properties of the juices emanating from the Golden Phallus. He couldn’t hear Casey’s cries for mercy.

Zephir then gripped Casey’s semi-erect penis with one hand while using his other hand to lift the Phallus above his victim, gripping the Phallus and squeezing it.

He squeezed Casey’s penis too. Casey humped his body upward off the Altar as much as his bonds would allow. He oozed a glob of Pre-cum onto his belly, it was as enjoyable as an orgasm, and he moaned in abandon. His penis throbbed in delight, it was connected to the Phallus and as the Phallus spurted its sacred juices, Casey’s throbbing penis spurted too, his body thrusting in delight.

Having secured the connection to Casey, Zephir turned his attention to Tye. He left Casey to writhe in abandon and spurt juices from his raging hard penis, while he approached Tye.

“No, Aghhhhhh!” Tye was feeling the Zorah Stone’s effects, Jonson too was in a similar state of enjoyment, thrusting his hips sideways and upward, their sexy, wet performance thongs were vibrating fast and sumptuously, their skin had become sensitive to the touch, and they began to make erotic harmony with their lasciviously melodic moans.

But the erotic and sumptuous sensations were the least of Tye’s thoughts as he writhed and twisted every muscle in his magnificently honed body. Zephir had a crazy look in his eyes, he was holding that golden cock out toward his body like a wizard would hold a wand and he could feel its power pulsate across his skin, like Jonson’s fingers would when they made passionate love, it was caressing his body, fueling a deep fire of erotic passion deep from within him as he felt the delightful caress of the pleasure working his body into a frenzy.

The golden Phallus, then oozed clear gooey juice.

Fuuuuuurck what is happening, that dildo is fuc-mmmmmmm-king alive. Mmmmmm, gahhhh

The intensity of his delight was scattering his thoughts, but his eyes were fixed on the Golden Penis being pointed at him. Tye was helpless to escape, the Zorah Stone was heating up, he could feel energy buzzing between his buttocks, and every drop of sweat on his body felt sumptuous and delicious.

“Transmission!” The High Priest hissed, squeezing the Golden Phallus holding, it so that its wet head was an inch from Tye’s heaving and pre-cum oozing bulging golden performance thong.

The thong’s vibrations intensified, causing Tye’s already erotically charged moan to move up a key in his enraged moaning, the vibrations were being focused on his penis, they were buzzing around his testicles, reaching into his cock, like a gentle feather and pleasuring him from his urethra, his penis was becoming a slave to the Golden Phallus.

Tye felt warm sensations on his bulge, even with the cavalcade of sensation ripping through his sexual organs, the Golden Phallus had spurted its potent juices onto his bulge.

Tye screamed in total abandon, his magnificent, young body was enraged with enjoyment and passion. His bonds creaking and the Zorah Stone, pulsating, feeding, it was alive and enjoying Tye’s pleasure.

Zephir hissed again, “Transmission!”

Casey and Tye were joined inside the pleasure field, joined by the Golden Phallus; the sacred Danterosian pleasure implement.

Zephir then moved toward Fin completing the same process of joining the Phallus to Fin’s raging hard Penis, massaging the Phallus’ secretions with Fin’s own sweet, gooey and plentiful pre-cum.

Fin screamed, enraged in erotic passion, just like Casey was continuing to do.

He joined Jonson in the same manner as he had performed with Tye, Jonson’s red performance thong was flinging his now plentiful lines of pre-cum from his sumptuously rounded bulge, his voice vibrating as he tried to moan in delight; the pleasure surged through him and over his skin.

Zephir came out of his trance once Jonson had been interfaced into the Golden Phallus’s pleasure control. He opened his eyes and took in the beauty and transcendent magnificence of the Phallus’s pleasure generation. It was his first chance to enjoy the two new Pleasure Primes, and the Mantle of Pleasure Prime was being transmitted in those very moments, from the retiring to the latest, these two recently captured magnificent human males were becoming the new Pleasure Primes.

It was time to taste their juices, feel their bulges inside his mouth, lick and consume their body’s offerings of human juice, and enjoy their sacred pleasure!

But first Zephir needed to attend to the milking of Casey and Fin, they needed to spurt their cum for their final acts as the retiring Pleasure Primes, then the spectacle of their roasting over the flames of Danteros could be enjoyed by the lust fuelled crowds and the invited dignitaries.

He looked at Fin and Casey, enjoying the rhythmic thrusts, the sexual magnificence of their beautiful bodies straining helplessly, enraged by the Phallus’s pleasure field.

“Time for your reign to conclude Pleasure Primes!” Zephir stated as he handed the Phallus to back Tzofira.

“Tzofira chose you and abducted you to serve Attica, to serve Danteros, and Danteros has gorged himself on every nuance of your pleasure offerings. Tzofira will therefore control your orgasms tonight, it is his right and honour to bring your reign to its climax. Your cum will be plentiful and your orgasm will be thick, meaty and rich. Your bodies will pump your sacred juices until you scream for mercy!”

Tzofira smiled as he gripped the Phallus by the golden testicle sack, he could feel flesh, but his eyes saw gold. Tzofira had used this implement before, he was well-practiced in its operation.

Fin screamed first; he could feel the grip as if it was Tzofira squeezing his real testicles. Casey screamed too, both Pleasure Primes pulled on their bonds desperately trying to escape the Phallus’ control of their sexual organs.

Tzofira then proceeded to lick the testicles, sucking the golden jewel sack into his mouth.

Casey and Fin moaned in delight, they could feel their testicles, vibrate as their semen stores were infused with Danterosian energy.

“Are you enjoying the power of the Phallus, humans?” Tzofira asked with delight in his eyes, he could see the lines of pre-cum dripping and oozing off Casey and Fin’s bodies.

“Your bodies are plentiful; you are good Pleasure Primes! I chose well!”

Tzofira then began to stroke to shaft of the Phallus causing it to spurt a wad or pre-cum into the hot steamy air.

Casey shivered in delight and his raging naked penis shot pre-cum in unison with the Phallus. It landed on his chin and upper chest.

“Fuckkkkkk!” he screamed in delight looking across to Fin, who was also reeling from the surge of pleasure, realising that Tzofira and the Phallus were in control of their pleasure, Tzofira would decide when they came, their penises were slaves to the Phallus and its master.

Zephir wasted no time, he scooped up the Phallus’ emissions while Tzofira held the implement, Zephir then grabbed Fin’s penis first squeezing the raging sexual object until Fin shuddered in pleasure, and spurting more pre-cum. Zephir then mixed it with the fluids from the Phallus and those he extracted similarly from Casey. He then turned toward the Jonson and Tye, his hands soaked in the juices of Casey, Fin and the Phallus.

Jonson and Tye too were helplessly writhing, their pre-cum flinging from their bodies as their Zorah Stones continued to ignite their pleasure flows into their victims’ bodies.

“So delicious!” Tye moaned, his head bobbing upward and downward as he tried to deal with the sensations filling his bulging thong and the erotic tingles eructing all over his magnificent bound body.

“I agree!” Zephir said! Responding sarcastically and sadistically.

Zephir was fixated on Tye’s thrusting thong bulge. Admiring its curves and bumps, the thong was designed to elicit sexual reactions while he performed back on earth, and Zephir was impressed. The gold material was drenched, and Zephir could see Tye’s snaking penis, the perfectly formed ridges of Tye’s Glans and each testicle. The skimpy thong pouch was clinging to Tye’s erotic body perfectly.

Zephir smeared some of the juices in his hands on Tye’s bulge while speaking the ancient Attican Pleasure Prime rituals.

Tye felt the pleasure wrap his cock, it was absorbing into his penis and every flexion of his hips fed the pleasure, his cock was becoming hard, sliding inside the slimy pouch, and pleasure filled his body. Zephir was kneeling and sucking on his thong bulge. Breathing supernatural pleasure into his bulge.

“Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Tye screamed in a long and extended outburst of enjoyment as the pleasure engulfed his senses.

Zephir pulled back leaving Tye a quivering mass of sexual energy. He then performed the same ritual on Jonson, enjoying Jonson’s deliciously sweet Pre-cum, using his tongue to goad Jonson’s magnificent member toward erection.

“Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Jonson had never felt such beauty, such purity of pleasure before. He spurted pre-cum on Zephir’s face.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha!” Zephir laughed as he arose, smearing Jonson’s juices over his face as he stood between Fin, Casey, Jonson and Tye.

Zephir then confirmed with Tzofira.

“The pleasure bonds are complete; the new Earthlings will writhe in abandon, but their penises cannot ejaculate. They will experience the orgasm, the transmission of the Pleasure Prime Mantle, but their holy semen will not be spilled this night. They must ascend to their role of Sacred and Royal Semen fonts. Their pleasure must be primed in the Solar Temple before they can be harvested! Tonight, they shall writhe in abandon, but they shall be denied their fulfilment. They must be adorned in their sacred loincloth garments before their cum is harvested.”

Jonson was thrusting and twisting his beautiful body, erotic sensations gripped his thong. He felt the pleasure pulsing from his bulge up into his chest cavity, he felt like he could erupt a wave of pleasure up his oesophagus and scream it into the air.

Zephir then pointed at Fin and Casey.

“M I L K  T H E M!”

“Harvest their final Pleasure Prime loads! Danteros demands it!”

Dear Reader

Casey, Fin Jonson and Tye along with The Five erotic bound warriors will be back soon to be milked, prepared and tortured. I hope you are enjoying the fantasy.