"Well, I still can't believe something like that could really happen, Wolf. You hear about this sort of thing going on, but never really believe it." Bull's voice was slightly muffled by the beef jerky he'd been chawing on.
"Yeah, well, I for damn sure believe it," said Mike through gritted teeth, his eyes focused on the blackness of the country road ahead as the jeep tore through the night. "I'm the one it happened to, and I've still got the sore ass to prove it. Can't take a shit without the pain coming back. I swear he put that nightstick of his halfway up my butt."
Of the three Air Force officers in the Jeep, only Stud was quiet. A tall, well muscled Tennessee farm boy, and the youngest of the three buddies, his real name was Steve. Like both of his co-workers, he had been given the name of the animal he most represented. What better animal to represent this farm boy than a Tennessee Stud? Sprawled out in the back seat of the Cherokee jeep, he was allowing the beer that the three of them had shared at the Officers Club to seep into his brain cells creating a comfortable, relaxed sensation. He only half heard Bull in the passenger seat mumbling his amazement of events through the wad of jerky in his mouth.
Bull, like the other two, fit his animal namesake to a tee. His name was Jim, but that in no way could convey the power of this man. At five foot nine and two hundred pounds of solid muscle, he was nothing to piss off. The ash blond short hair, matching mustache, and deep gray-blue eyes accentuated his square jaw. He tended to be more impulsive than the other two, and in fact, was the first to be given the animal nickname. In turn, he was the one to hang the handle "Wolf" on the driver of the jeep, Mike. Wolf wasn't as muscular as the other two, but he was lean and defined, and had an intensity in his eyes that Bull could only equate to the timberwolf he had been unlucky enough to come across while camping in the mountains. But that, as they say, is a whole other story.
Tonight Wolf's mind was occupied, still running through the events of that night two weeks ago when he was stopped and bodily, sexually and psychologically assaulted by a sadistic cop on this very same country road on the way back home from the base. It was almost a week before he told his buddies about the incident, and even then only because they had noticed the change in him and demanded to know what had brought it on. They sat stunned as Wolf related the affair detail by detail. Even Bull was uncharacteristically quiet for a few minutes before exploding in his impetuous fury. Stud just looked at Wolf with those dark brown stallion's eyes when the story ended. He reached over and grabbed Wolf's neck with a large hand and squeezed gently. Without saying a word, he said more than all of Bull's continued ranting. Wolf, for his part, appreciated the concern of both friends, but seethed with a quiet, dark fury of his own.
It was decided that they would take this fishing trip for the week to try and help Wolf forget the incident. The eighty acre lake by Wolf's house in the country was a perfect get away, and had always provided the solace and quiet when things got rough in the past. So, after work they headed for a few beers at the Officer's Club to finalize plans, threw their gear into the back of Wolf's Cherokee and headed north with the intensity of Wolf's pain and anger finally beginning to abate.
"God, I love these guys", thought Wolf with a grim smile on his face.
"I think we really shoulda changed into civvies before we left." said Bull, swallowing the last of the jerky.
"You can change when we get to my place, Bull. Besides, I always did find a man in uniform as appealing as hell." Wolf grinned as he sideglanced over at the big man in the passenger seat dressed in his BDU's.
From the back seat, also in BDU pants and a green regulation T-shirt, Stud joined in, "The way I remember it, it's a man OUT of uniform that turns you on, Captain."
Wolf grinned widely, looking in the rear view mirror at the tall Lieutenant doing his best to stretch his frame in the cramped back seat. He remembered the first time he saw Stud in the gym lockerroom on base. They had all just finished PT and were sweating like pigs. It trickled down Stud's wide chest, matting the fine brown hairs that grew there. He was newly assigned, just out of OTS, and when he smiled, all Wolf could remember seeing were the big white teeth that lit up that farm boy's face. It was as his gaze moved downward that the nickname "Stud" really became appropriate. It took a conscious effort of will for Wolf to keep his own ample dick from standing up and saying howdy.
Wolf brought his eyes from the mirror to the road, still grinning at the memory, when something appeared to reflect the headlights along the roadside ahead. Slowing down to get a better look, he was astonished to see it was a police cruiser. His first thought was "shit, a speed trap on a country road. What'll they think of next?", but then he noted the numbers stenciled on the trunk lid of the cruiser. They were the same numbers he had been forced to lean on as he was being handcuffed two weeks prior by the sadistic Man-in-Blue. He passed the cruiser, pulled in front and stopped the jeep.
"Yo, Wolf, what're ya doing" asked Bull. "There's no speed gun in there. Hell, there ain't even any cop in that car. Probably a break down. We all know how government equipment is, don't we? Don't matter whether it's federal or local. It's still just the same old . . .".
"Shut up, Bull", Wolf ordered quietly, staring back at the cruiser.
Stud was up now, looking at Wolf, then at Bull, then back at the cruiser through the rear window. "Wolf, don't tell me . . .".
"Yeah", Wolf said, barely audibly, his face a stone mask with blazing eyes that sent a shiver down Stud's spinal column. "Yeah, that's him."
Bull spun around to look at the dark car behind them, then quickly looked at Wolf's chiseled face and clenched jaw. As big as he was, he was glad he wasn't on the receiving end of the red liquid anger that burned in his friend's blood.
Wolf turned off the jeep's lights and engine and sat staring ahead. Again, the look reminded Bull of his long ago run-in with the timberwolf on that high, cold mountain. Wolf's breathing was rapid and shallow. Slowly, he opened the driver's side door and stepped out, his jungle boots crunching on the gravel that lined the side of the road.
"Wolf, what . . .", started Stud.
"Just gonna have a look. I'm okay. Really." Wolf started back through the darkness to the police cruiser. He could hear the episodic hollow voice coming from the police radio inside. Bull got out and stood by the side of the jeep, right hand on the roof, left hand on the top of the door as he watched Wolf approach the cruiser. "God, he really does look like a wolf in the moonlight", thought Bull, his adrenaline flowing, watching for the sadistic cop to come out from behind the car and drag his buddy back into the woods.
By this time Stud, too, had climbed from the back seat to exit the open driver's side door and stood still and silent except for the pounding of his heart in his chest. Both looked on as Wolf reached into the open window of the cruiser and turned off the police radio and then pulled out the microphone and tossed it into the dark woods. Now there was no sound. It struck Wolf as odd that not even an owl could be heard in the normally active deep country woodland. And then he heard why. They had been scared into silence by an intruder. It came as a faint note on the gentle breeze. But it was distinctly human. A musical whistling half echoed from the trees deep in toward the west. The melody was an old rock tune Wolf couldn't readily identify.
"That's gotta be him" growled Wolf as he returned to the jeep. "The thing stinks of his turd cigars." Bull had come around to join Stud by the driver's side and they both watched Wolf with intensity. Standing side by side, Bull with his mustache was half a head shorter than cleanshaven Stud. Again, Wolf was struck by his deep feelings for these guys and their concern for him. The corners of his mouth lifted in a grim smile. "Damned if you two don't look like Laurel and Hardy on steroids!" he whispered. That broke some of the tension as they all smiled. It wasn't the first time Wolf had made this unlikely comparison, but it still made them laugh.
"What do you think he's up to?" asked Stud to no one in particular. "You don't think he's got another victim in there, do you?"
"All I hear is him whistling," answered Wolf. "Believe me, if there was someone with him, he'd be making sure they could be heard as well."
"Whattaya want to do?" Bull asked, his eyes ablaze. He knew the answer, as well as the meaning of a rhetorical question.
Wolf looked into both their faces and knew they were with him whatever his decision would be. But he also knew that none of them were of the sort to bury their head in the sand or to run. "We've all been through recon training. This should be a good time to utilize what Uncle's been paying to teach us all this time. Perfect opportunity for a search and destroy mission, doncha think?"
Again, they all grinned; although, this time it wasn't the grin you would normally associate with humor. It had a trace of intangible evil about it.
With a stealth that comes from intensive reconnaissance training, the three made their way through the trees as silent as the night itself. A quarter of a mile into the western woods they stopped. They watched soundlessly as the fomenter of Wolf's torment stood calmly with his back toward them, and finished pissing onto the gnarled root of an ancient maple tree. As the last few drops fell, the rogue cop played with his dick, shaking it with both hands, then rubbing the palm of his right hand over the head.
Suddenly, without warning, Bull rushed toward the startled cop, closing the last few yards in seconds. As he approached he clasped his hands together over his left shoulder and, reaching the turning lawman, swung his outstretched arms like Babe Ruth batting a home run. The full impact of the clenched fists struck the right temple of the astounded cop who then crumpled to the forest floor in a heavy thud, his meat still dangling limply now from his open uniform fly.
Stud and Wolf watched these fifteen seconds as if in slow motion. By the time they joined Bull, he was standing over the unconscious body of the cop, staring down with clenched fists and breathing hard. He kicked at the cop's groin to be sure he was really out, then looked up at his comrades, the cold insanity fading from his steel blue eyes.
"I'm sorry, Wolf. It's just that . . . when I saw him standing there without a care in the world, an arrogant son of a bitch . . . and when I thought of what he had done to you . . . and what you've been through since . . ."
"Bull, someday your impulsive nature is gonna catch up with you!" Wolf smiled, and lightly slapped the side of Bull's flushed and sweating face.
"I guess I just went a little crazy's all. But this asshole's had it coming, you gotta admit."
"Yeah," Wolf nodded, "I admit he did. Thanks, Bull."
"My pleasure, man. But now I suggest you and Stud get that gunbelt off him before he comes to. I'll be back in a minute." At that, Bull ran through the woods back toward the parked cars and the desolate country road.
Wolf and Stud watched him go, then turned back to the limp figure on the ground.
Stud bent down to get a closer look at the open fly of the cop's pants. "You know, he sure does have a big dick for a pig. I wonder how big it gets when he's excited." He looked up at Wolf with that wide, white smile.
"All you ever think about is dick, ain't it, Stud?" chided Wolf.
"Well, no, as a matter of fact it's not", said Stud, feigning a look of wounded pride. "I'm also interested in what his chest looks like. You know, is he hairy, or smooth, or what . . .".
Wolf laughed aloud and bent down to help Stud in removing the lawman's gunbelt.
They had just barely removed it and were starting to go through it's contents when they heard Bull approaching from the east. He strode up to them carrying a fishing tackle box in his right hand and a small Playmate cooler in his left, just as the form beneath them began to moan.
"Here, hurry and help me get him between these trees" Bull grunted, starting to drag the body toward a pair of oaks about five feet apart. Wolf and Stud, seeing what Bull had in mind, lifted the slowly rousing cop, as Bull opened the tackle box and took out a fresh roll of duct tape. Within minutes, they had the now helpless cop spread eagled between the trees, held firmly and irrevocably in place by the gray duct tape at each of his wrists and ankles. His head hung down onto his chest, as if he were inspecting the sizable cock still hanging flaccidly from his fly.
Bull opened the cooler and, stripping off his uniform T-shirt, used it to soak up the water from the melting ice. He then carried it sopping wet, held it over the lolling head of the cop, and began to squeeze. Almost immediately the cop's head sprang up as the icy liquid ran over his head and onto his back and chest.
"Wh . . . what the fuck . . . ?" he sputtered, shaking the water from his eyes. "What the hell's going on here?"
"We'll be the ones asking the questions now, scumbag." said Bull, his now naked torso gleaming, the moonlight giving the appearance of a halo through the fine coat of blond fur.
The cop's eyes began to regain their focus as well as their sadistic gleam. "Hey, well if it ain't little mikey-boy!" he sneered, seeing Wolf standing behind Bull. "I never forget a face or a registration, boy. I got your name and address, and I suggest you let me go before this gets too serious." Then he grinned and added, "I suppose by now you've realized that you never really DID have a burned out tail light, huh? I just made it up as an excuse to pull you over. I've been eyeing you for weeks driving up and down this road. Made me hot, man. You turned out to be a right fine little slave boy." His start of a laugh was cut short by Wolf's fist into his abdomen.
"Man, and you said that I was impetuous!" started Bull, but then looked into Wolf's face to see the barely controlled fury behind the tightly drawn lips and blazing eyes. Bull looked over at Stud who silently shrugged and slowly shook his head in a gesture indicating a strong recommendation of non-interference.
The blow to the belly forced the cop's head to his chest, but when he brought it up again, the sneer was back on his lips. "How's the tattoo, zoomie?"
Wolf's hand flew to the open fly of the cop's uniform, grabbed a handful of testicles and squeezed. "Now you listen good, pig. You may have been a big man with me trussed up, but it seems the tables have been turned tonight. I now have the upper hand, and right now it's about ready to rip these goddamned balls right off!" Wolf's face was only inches from the cop's, his voice a low growl. "I happen to know of guys who would pay a good price for a pair of police balls, and, to tell the truth, I could really use the money."
A look that may have been fear passed like lightning behind the cop's eyes, but quickly vanished. Surely these zoomies wouldn't castrate a police officer. Would they?
For their part, Bull and Stud watched from the side. They knew that Wolf's Irish-German blood was slow to boil. When it did, however, it was best not to interfere and to pray his wrath wasn't directed at you.
They also knew he was telling the truth about his socially questionable acquaintances in the market for cop nuts. Wolf had told them the story of meeting the biker-types in what passed for the local Levi-Leather bar. It seems they were members of some type of cult that practiced satanism or black magic. They believed in a ritual utilizing the severed testicles of a police officer that would give them the power to commit crimes with impunity. Stud remembered thinking at the time how gullible some people are, but unconsciously moved his hand protectively over his groin.
"Yes," Wolf hissed, reading the look in the bound cop's eyes, "I really WOULD relieve you of these babies." As he said this, Wolf squeezed the hairy nuts even harder, causing the cop to flinch protectively but futilely backwards which only made the pain more intense. "I could do myself and society a favor. I get ten thousand bucks and society loses another fucking sex-pervert."
The hint of fear returned to the cop's eyes, lingering there this time as he looked at Wolf's face with it's wide shining eyes and snarling mouth, a thin trickle of saliva dripping down from the left corner. The cop's mind superimposed the image of the rabid Siberian Husky he had had to shoot just last winter, and yearned to have that gun back in his hand.
Slowly Wolf released his grip on the aching genitals, then raised his hand quickly to the cop's face. The cop reacted instinctively, turning his head to the side, trying to avoid the blow that never came. Now it was Wolf's turn to sneer, as he firmly patted at the cop's pale, sweating cheek.
"I just wanted you to lick this cop-stench off my hand, you scum." Before the cop could respond, Wolf's palm was planted firmly over the face of the torturer-turned-victim. The cop's nose was pushed flat and he had to open his mouth to breath. "Lick it, asshole" Wolf said, rubbing his palm over the policeman's tongue.
Stud was the first to notice the change taking place in the cop's groin and hooted, "Captain, I do believe you're turning him on! Just look at that cock of his! I KNEW that sucker'd be impressive when hard!"
Wolf wiped the saliva from his palm on the front of the cop's uniform shirt as he turned to face Stud who was grabbing at his own crotch. "You surely are a dick-man, buddy," he said, grinning. "And since you're so all-fired curious, why don't you take that shirt off him and see what kind of chest he's got."
Stud didn't have to be asked twice, quickly grabbing a hunting knife from the open tackle box. "Now I wouldn't go squirming none if I was you," Stud told the cop, a mock-serious look on his farm-boy face. "When I get excited, my hand tends to shake a bit." Slowly, Stud flicked the buttons from the uniform shirt with the sharp edge of the knife.
While this was going on Bull was going through the cop's utility belt. "Hey, look at this goddam thing! A fuckin' cattle prod!" Wolf subconsciously winced, remembering the wicked, searing pain it had afflicted to his body.
"Hang onto that, Bull. Maybe we could find a use for it." Wolf's eyes met the cop's and a jolt passed between them more powerful than anything the cattle prod could ever dish out.
"Stud, you keep working on those clothes. I'm gonna go move the cruiser off the road in case any of his buddies happen to come by." At this, Wolf patted the trousers of the cop's uniform until he found what he was looking for. Reaching into the front pocket he pulled out the car keys and dangled them in front of the policeman's eyes. "Don't reckon you'll be needing these, pig." Then, living up to his canine namesake, moved quickly and silently into the eastern darkness.
The spread eagled lawman saw this as his golden opportunity. "Listen, fellas . . . your friend there is crazy. I admit I had some fun with him, but nothing permanent." A slight smile curled on his lips. "Except for the tattoo. But, I think he really liked that. You gotta let me go before he gets back. I've got ways I can repay you . . . anything you want . . . just cut me down from . . ." His pleas were cut short by Bull's fists to the abdomen. For such a muscular man, Stud was always impressed by how fast Bull could move. He had just barely enough time to step out of the way as he caught Bull's blurred form in the corner of his eye.
Bull's square-jawed face was practically touching that of the startled lawman, who saw visions of hell in those gunmetal eyes. Bull's hand now was on the cop's throat. "Don't you EVER say ANYTHING about that man again!" he spat through clenched teeth, the hairs of his mustache tickling the cop's cheek and nose. "You ain't seen the HELL he's lived through, motherfucker. Your worthless tongue isn't deserving to even lick the soles of his boots!"
"You're . . . choking . . . me . . ." the cop sputtered, his eyes wide and his face turning purple.
Bull released his grip and brought his hand away shaking with subsiding rage. Then, turning to Stud, said "Finish him off".
Stud looked sharply at his shorter, muscular friend, a half-question on his face. Bull saw this and grinned, "His CLOTHES! Finish stripping off his clothes. Jeez, man!"
Without the buttons, the policeman's uniform shirt gaped open revealing the white t-shirt gleaming in the blue light of the full moon. Areas soaked with sweat made the material translucent, suggesting at the dark mats of chest fur beneath. Stud reached up with his left hand and rubbed his index finger over the cop's right nipple, causing it to harden and tent out the white material of the t-shirt. The finger slid lightly through the valley created by the pectoral muscles and onto the left nipple where it was joined by Stud's thumb as he squeezed viciously. The cop reacted with a low moan, but didn't pull away.
"God DAMN! This guy really gets off on this stuff. Look at that dick stand up!" Stud reached down and enclosed the meat in his large, callused hand, feeling it jump and throb with each heartbeat. He kept that hand in place as the right one guided the hunting knife under the sleeves of the cop's uniform shirt, the razor sharp blade slitting the fabric like tissue paper.
"Man, please, don't . . . not my uniform!" moaned the cop, silently cursing himself for enjoying the warmth of the hand around his cock.
"Seems I heard about another man's uniform you weren't quite so interested in," whispered Stud.
With nothing to hold it in place, the shirt fell from the shoulders to hang loosely where it was tucked into the waist.
The night was warm, but not hot, and a cool breeze was whispering through the leaves of the trees. Nonetheless, the cop's once white t-shirt was now drenched in sweat. The mats of hair showed clearly as his chest heaved with each deep breath.
"Holy shit! A big fucking dick and now a chest full of fur. It don't get no better than this." smirked Stud. "Too bad you're such a scumbag, asshole. We could really have a good time together. As it is, I guess I'll just have to have the good time at your expense."
At this, the cop's dick jumped in Stud's hand, a clear bead of precum gleaming reflected moonlight. Stud noticed this and whispered, "Well, maybe I won't be alone after all, huh, pig?"
The cop, breathing hard, betrayed by his own body, spat at the Lieutenant's face striking him on the left cheek. "Fuck you, zoomie."
Stud smiled and with one swift motion, released the cop's meat and grabbed the neck of the t-shirt with his left hand, as the right hand sank the tip of the hunting blade into the wood of the tree trunk only inches from the cop's left wrist. Bringing his right hand down to join the left, Stud ripped the material from the policeman's torso, using it to wipe the trail of saliva from his handsome face.
"Lemme give you a little piece of good advice," Stud half whispered, his forearm conspiratorily around the cop's neck. "Ya see, I'm sorta low keyed. Takes quite a bit to get me riled." His breath was warm, almost soothing in the cop's left ear. "But my friends here, now... they're, well, a little rambunctious, if ya know what I mean. It wouldn't pay to go pissin them off. So if I was you, I'd keep my spittle to myself and just do what they tell ya, okay?" He finished by licking along the angle of the cop's jaw and lightly biting at the earlobe above.
Bull watched this with amusement. "Stud you really are a piece of work, I swear!"
Stud glanced around at Bull, his eyebrows raised in an innocent expression that was negated by the broad whiteness of his smile. Slowly he turned back to the captive lawman and unbuckled the heavy black leather belt, then slid it from the striped police trousers. "Ya know, it'd be a shame to just throw this away. Maybe you'd like to keep it for me, huh, asshole?"
The anger in the cop's eyes turned to rage as the Tennessee farm boy rebuckled the heavy cowhide around his neck, the excess hanging down his back like a thick leash.
Stud smiled, petting the cop's head. "Nice little doggie. Stay, boy. Stay!"
Bull roared with laughter, grabbing at the bulge in his BDU pants. The cop watched the rippling of the man's thick musculature with this slight movement and felt the fire burn more intensely in his groin. A mixture of hate and lust churned the precum from his cock, causing silver droplets to fall to the forest floor.
Stud undid the trouser clasp at the top of the fly, causing the hanging shreds of shirt to fall as the waistband loosened. Reaching up he grasped the handle of the hunting knife and retrieved it from the tree in a muffled "thwuck".
"Remember, doggie, what I told you about my hand shaking, and right now I'm pretty damned excited." Stud slid the cold metal blade under the drawn up balls of the cop. "I'd hold REAL still if I were you." Slicing downward, he severed first the left, then the right inseam causing the pants to drop away in rags. Next, Stud slid the knife under the laces of both police regulation low-quarter shoes and removed them, tossing them indifferently aside. Deftly he slit off the socks, leaving the cop completely naked except for the belt around his neck, a sweating, furry bulk spread between the two oaks.
"That's a good doggie!" Stud smirked, petting the cop's hairy thighs. "Good little doggie." Stud stood up, sliding his hand to the asscheeks of his new found pet, then insert his middle finger just past the rectal sphincter. The cop gasped, jutting his hips outward as if in an obscene display of his turgid, thickly veined dick. The precum was flowing freely now, mucoid strings dangling from the piss-slit.
"Hey, look, Bull! He likes me. Doggie likes me!" called Stud excitedly. "If he follows me home can I keep him?"
Bull was chortling heartily now, then quieted as they heard a car engine slowly coming toward them from the east.
"You're gonna hafta ask your daddy, Stud." A grin formed under Bull's thick mustache, as he pulled two beers from the cooler, tossing one to the lieutenant. "And if I ain't mistaken, that's him coming now."
Wolf maneuvered the gray Cherokee Sport through the trees and slowly came to a halt a couple of feet from the bound captive. Stepping out, he leaned on the open door, appraising the now naked form of the cop spread between the trees.
"Yo, Wolf! You look hot. Take a break, man," called Bull tossing the second beer to his partner as he pulled a third from the cooler for himself.
Wolf caught the icy missile in his left hand, popped it open with his right, and took a swig. "Looks like you guys have been busy. And I'm not the only one that looks hot," glancing back to the hairy, sweating lawman, ". . . in more ways than one," he added gutturally.
"Oh, hell! Just where ARE my manners?" laughed Bull. Reaching back into the cooler, he pulled out a handful of ice cubes and approached the cop. "We don't want you to be uncomfortable, do we?" he sneered, rubbing the frozen cubes on the victim's chest. The cop stiffened at the sudden shock of cold to his naked skin, as the melting water trickled through the mat of chest hair and onto his erect cock and tightly drawn balls.
"Bull, Bull, Bull," Stud cut in, shaking his head, "Don't you know, you gotta cool a body from the inside, not the outside." Taking a cube from the muscleman's hand, Stud reached back and, watching the surprise in the lawman's face, quickly inserted it into his resisting asshole.
"Ohhhh, shit . . . !" hissed the cop, his dick jumping upward.
Bull guffawed watching as the cop writhed in his bonds, his pelvis moving obscenely as he tried to relieve himself of the ice. "Wow! I really think he likes that. Stud, you sure do know how to take care of your animals, farmboy." He continued chuckling as he and Stud took turns forcing the remaining cubes from Bull's palm into the writhing ass.
"One last piece, doggie," Stud cooed, sliding the final chip past the sphincter. "Good doggie, nice doggie." he smiled as the police officer moaned, grinding his hips.
Wolf pushed away from the car door where he had been observing the preceding events. "Stud, you call yourself a farmboy, and you can't tell one animal from another?"
Stud glanced around at Wolf, drying his hands on the crotch of his BDU's. "Whattaya mean, Captain? You telling me this ain't no doggie?"
Wolf's face was directly in front of the cop's now. "This here is nothing but a fucking pig, Lieutenant. Although, I can see where you may have got confused, him being so hairy and all."
Wolf's eyes were only inches from the burning hatred in Pig's. "But I'll prove it to ya." Wolf grabbed the helpless man's nuts and squeezed. "Squeal for your master, little pig," he ordered.
"No way, asshole!", Pig said through clenched teeth.
"That didn't sound like a squeal to me, pig. C'mon, you can do it. I know you can." Wolf gripped harder on the aching balls.
Stud shook his head. "I tried to tell 'em. But then nobody ever takes the advice of a Lieutenant. I said 'Do what you're told and everything'll be fine'," he looked mock-seriously at Bull. "But did he listen?"
Bull looked at Stud's grinning face as, in unison, they sang, "Noooooooo," then burst into fresh gales of laughter.
Neither Wolf nor Pig was laughing, however, as the grip tightened on the mashed testicles.
"Remember what I said about the value of these things, pig," he whispered. "You think they're worth more to me or to you? Your choice."
The hatred burned fiercely in Pig's eyes, but resignedly he made his decision. "Oink, oink, oink," he snorted half heartedly.
The vice-like grip tightened around his balls. "That just isn't convincing at all, pig. C'mon, I want to hear you squeal."
Pig, knowing he was literally on the losing end of the deal, began to squeal loudly, the sound echoing through the forest, his exposed body trembling with fury even as he did so.
Bull's massive, naked torso heaved with laughter as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Man, this is just like that Burt Reynolds' movie. 'cept our pig's a helluva lot cuter."
Wolf released the tortured testicles as he grabbed the belt around Pig's neck. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"
Stud shrugged, still grinning from ear to ear. "Well, something's sure hard. Take a look at that dick of his. But I reckon yer right, Captain. Surely does sound like a pig to me. And you know what they say . . . 'If it looks like a pig, smells like a pig, and squeals like a pig . . .'"
The three Air Force officers finished the phrase together, looking at their captive, "...it's a pig!" and again erupted into whoops of laughter.
Pig flushed in humiliation and fury, his stripped form straining in its bonds. "You fucking zoomies are gonna pay for this!", he shouted. "I'm an officer of the law, goddammit! A policeman! You can't fucking DO this!"
Wolf, feigning disappointment, looked at his partners. "It would seem he still just doesn't know his place in the grand scheme of things. I guess we're just going to have to spell it out for him, huh?" Taking a slow swig from his beer, he wiped his mouth with the back of his right hand. "Stud, do me a favor and get your shaving kit outta the jeep."
Stud, a wicked gleam in his brown eyes, rushed to the back of the jeep. After swinging up the tailgate, he rummaged through the gear until he found the brown leather zippered case and brought it back to Wolf. "Here ya go, Captain."
Wolf unzipped the case and pulled out the straight razor he knew the lieutenant preferred to use, and flipping it open, held it up for Pig to see.
The cop swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry, his eyes wide with fear, as Wolf grabbed the jutting pig dick with his right hand and placed the surgical steel blade to the top of the nutsack. Pig froze in terror of losing his masculinity. "You can't cut my balls off, asshole! You can't! Please. I'll . . ."
"Shut up!," barked Wolf, lightly scraping the blade over the skin of the scrotum, shaving away the coarse hairs that grew there. "And don't fucking move if you don't want to make me ten grand richer."
Pig barely breathed as Wolf removed the rest of the hair on his balls, then proceeded to the pubes at the base of his throbbing cock. The dry blade tugged and scraped as it sheared his groin, several times causing small nicks that trickled a few drops of bright red blood.
Bull watched with gleaming blue eyes. "Man, his dick looks even bigger without that bush around it! You're making me fuckin' hot, Wolf!" At this he unbuckled his web belt and began to undo the buttons on the fly of his BDU's. Pushing his trousers and jockeys down to his knees in one shove, Bull spit into his right palm and began to stroke his own nine inch uncut meat.
Stud by now had stripped off his T-shirt and was pinching his own nipples with his left hand as the right one rubbed at the cylindrical bulge extending halfway down his right thigh. Moving close to Bull, he encircled the muscleman's hard shaft with his callused right palm, his left hand kneading the bulging, hair covered pectorals. Bull's hands, now free, loosened Stud's web belt and unbuttoned the BDU fly, as his tongue slipped past Stud's gleaming white teeth, his mustache grinding on Stud's upper lip. Reaching into the dark, warm crotch with his right hand, Bull found the horsecock imprisoned under the BDU material covering it. His left hand reached around and grabbed the firm asscheek of his buddy.
Pig stared at this display, relieved at keeping his nuts. His eyes were wide and glazed with lust as he watched the two musclemen grappling with each other's flesh. His dick jerked fiercely and a fresh supply of precum flowed from the tip. He was barely aware of Wolf standing and quickly removing the nest of dark hair lining his armpits, all his attention now focused on the carnal scene in front of him.
Wolf paused momentarily, reaching back into the leather shaving case to withdraw a can of shave cream. After shaking the can, he aimed the nozzle at Pig's furry chest and released a white snake of foam that curled over the pectorals and down the abdomen. Then, setting the can down, he spread the cream over the moaning cop's torso, plastering the hair to the skin. Pig moaned in long, low throaty sighs at the almost caressing touch, his dick responding with an even greater flow of precum. Then Wolf, again, placed the surgically sharpened blade to Pig's flesh and began to shave, this time paying close attention to where the blade did it's work.
The captive lawman, half crazed with lust, barely noticed the denuding of the masculine mat of fur of which he was so proud. All his attention was now focused on the writhing forms of Stud and Bull, and all his energy was surging to his throbbing purplish manhood.
Wolf bent down, picked up the scrap of police shirt and began to wipe the shave cream from his hands just as Bull looked over and, seeing the newly shorn cop, began to hoot with laughter. Stud, surprised at the outburst, also looked over and smiled. "When you said you were going to spell it out for him, Captain, I didn't know you meant it literally."
Pig, his stupor broken by this turn of events, realized they were all staring at his shaved pecs. Looking down, he realized that he wasn't completely shorn after all. Understanding dawned on him, and again he began thrashing at his bindings. "You fucking asshole! You goddammed son of a fucking bitch!" His eyes glared menace at the sneering Wolf. There, for all of them to see, in hairy six inch letters was the word PIG spread across his chest.
Wolf smirked at the pig-man, tucking the dark blue shreds of police shirt into his back waistband. "Awww, all you need is something a little soothing, Pig. Something to, maybe, 'chill you out', as they say." Saying this, Wolf reached back into the leather case and brought out a half full bottle of after shave lotion. Opening the cap, he poured an overflowing amount into his left palm, then quickly slapped it to Pig's upper chest. The reaction was immediate as the alcohol ignited exquisite agony on the policeman's chest, then continued it's action as it formed rivulets down the newly smooth rippled abs. Pig's bellows echoed in the trees as he tore futilely at his bonds. The torment peaked as Wolf, pouring another handful of the burning-cold liquid, grabbed at the cop's shaved nutsack. Pig thrashed even more fiercely, his screams coming as hoarse squeaks from his raw, dry throat. Again filling his palm with aftershave, Wolf rubbed lightly over Pig's bald pubic area, reopening the tiny nicks the razor had caused, then upward over the abdomen and chest, into first the right armpit and then the left. Pig jerked frantically as the alcohol found new nerve endings to stimulate, his voice now just a whisper. "You goddammed fucking son of a bitch! I'm a cop. You can't do this to me. I'm a police officer. You can't do this. Fuck. You asshole motherfucker." He was rambling now, half crazed with agony.
Wolf watched as the lawman's thrashings finally slowed, the pain easing as the alcohol evaporated. "Well, you could at least say, 'thanks, I needed that.'"
This caused Bull to chortle anew, remembering the old toiletry commercial. "From the looks of things, he IS thanking you, Wolf. That dick of his seems about ready to explode."
Wolf looked at the pig's throbbing, dripping pole, reached down and gave it a firm squeeze, eliciting a sharp gasp from the cop. "Feels about ripe to me," he grinned. "Hey, Stud. You're such a dick-man, how'd you like to help this poor little piggie out?"
"Well, Captain, I thought you'd never ask," Stud grinned, his face beaming as he sauntered over to the spreadeagled police officer and lightly ran his thumb through the plentiful precum, smearing it over the cockhead.
Bull pulled up his BDU's, fastening the top button of the fly with his hard dick sticking out. He then walked over toward Pig, picking up his half empty can of beer on the way. "Pig looks downright parched. Bet you could use a cold one 'bout now, huh, piggie?" He saw the pleading in the cop's eyes. "Yeah, thought so. And I'm willin' to share, but, ya see, I don't want no fucking pig germs on my beercan, know what I mean?" A question formed in Pig's eyes as Bull bent down to retrieve one of the cop's uniform shoes. Realization struck as Bull poured half the remaining beer into the shoe, then held it up to Pig's mouth.
Stud chuckled at the sight. "Bull, you're so classy. Beer from a shoe! Pretty fucking elegant."
Pig, resigned at needing the liquid, parted his lips and gulped as Bull poured the foamy, amber brew down his throat. It tasted of shoe leather and foot fungus. "That's a good piggie. But that's all for now. If yer real good, maybe I'll just let ya have another swig a little later." Then, upending the can, Bull chugged the remaining beer, his adam's apple dancing in the front of his thick neck.
Wolf, meanwhile, walked over, bent down and removed the nightstick from its ring on the discarded utility belt. He carried it over in front of Pig, slapping it lightly into the palm of his right hand. "Remember the fun we had with this, asshole? Now what were those game rules, again?" Pig glared hatred through narrowed eyes as Wolf continued, "Oh, yeah. I keep shoving this thing up your fuck hole until you come. Yeah, that's it." Wolf moved around behind Pig, found his asshole with the right hand, then slowly pushed the rigid nightstick past the rectum.
"OOooohhhhh, GOD!" moaned the cop, trying unsuccessfully to move away as the rod worked its way into his ass and over his prostate.
"Well, you hit a nerve there, Captain," said Stud as the precum oozed freely from Pig's piss slit. Stud continued sliding his thumb and index finger through the slick, clear discharge. Then, dripping wet, held them up to Pig's mouth. "Here, little piggie. Got something good for you! Even better than that nasty old beer. Open wide."
Pig turned his head away, clamping his lips tightly shut. "Come on, piggie. It's good. Look." Stud brought his index finger to his own mouth and licked, a string of silver precum spanning his fingertip and tongue. "Yum," he grinned, then brought his thumb back to the resisting cop's mouth, smearing the thick precum over Pig's lips. Reaching down he harvested a second helping of precum from the cop's dick into his left palm, then pinched Pig's nose shut with his right thumb and index finger. As Pig parted his lips, Stud slapped his slimy left hand to the cop's open mouth, forcing him to lick it clean in order to breathe. "That's a good piggie. Just a little bit salty for my taste, but all in all not too bad, huh?" Then, releasing his pincer grip on Pig's nose, he encircled the cop's dick in his large palm, working the slick precum down the length of the shaft, as his left hand kneaded at the large, hairless nutsack.
"Uhhhhhhh . . . ," Pig moaned, although it wasn't evident if it was because of the pleasure in his groin or the nightstick sliding further up his ass.
"You about ready to cum, pig?" asked Wolf, applying pressure to the rod disappearing up the cop's hole. "Don't do anything hasty on my account. I'm having a right good old time back here practicing docking maneuvers with your guts."
"UUHHHHHhhhhhhhhh . . . ," Pig moaned louder, his head thrown back, as Stud worked his palm up and down the precum slickened shaft.
Bull, still holding the uniform shoe in his right hand was stroking his own meat with the left. "God damn, looks like he's just loaded for bear and ready to shoot!" Bull held the shoe in front of the purple, engorged pig dick, just as Stud felt the cop's nuts retract upward. An explosive geyser of semen shot outward and into the waiting shoe. Jet after jet continued to spurt as Stud skillfully pumped the copmeat, a sizable puddle of spunk now sloshing inside the regulation low quarter.
Bull hooted as Stud looked at him admiringly. "Nice catch there, Bull!," and grinned his famous wide faced grin.
Wolf looked disappointed as he pulled the nightstick from Pig's ass with a sucking sound. "Damn, I only got it about seven or eight inches in. You're too good, Stud. Way too good." Then holding the black, polished nightstick up to eye level, added, "It does look like he's about a quart low, though," again bringing fresh guffaws from his cohorts.