Living in the country sure as hell had its advantages, but sometimes the long drive home on the back roads could really take its toll. Tonight was one of those nights. The day had started off bad when Mike was awakened at three A.M. by a call from the Air Force Base requesting his presence ASAP. Being on mobility alert was nothing new to him, and being called in was just part of the routine, but Mike didn't have to particularly like it. The adrenaline quit pumping shortly after reporting for duty at four thirty, and discovering it was just another exercise. It seemed to him that there were a hell of a lot more of these since recent world events; although, being a Captain in special ops meant Mike always got his fair share.
Shortly after eight thirty P.M., the exercise was terminated, and Mike dragged himself, exhausted, to his jeep. Driving off base through the back gate, he grinned slightly as he returned the salute rendered him by the gate guard. "Good looking little sonuvabitch," Mike thought, glancing in his rear-view mirror. He always did have a thing for a guy in uniform.
Thirty minutes later he had passed the outskirts of the city, and within another ten minutes he was deep into the woodlands on the back country roads that took him to his cabin. Looking forward to a long, hot shower and a good night's sleep, Mike's tension began to abate. His jaw muscles relaxed the clenching teeth as he took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.
Suddenly, the dark road was illuminated by flashing blue and red lights in the rear-view mirror as short bursts of police siren broke the quiet of the night. "Shit!" Mike spat, looking down at the speedometer on the dash. He was only doing fifty seven, surely he wasn't going to get ticketed for two miles over the speed limit. "Just the fuck what I needed tonight."
He pulled the Cherokee over to the shoulder of the road and killed the engine. He watched in the side mirror as the door to the police cruiser opened and a shadowy figure stepped out into the darkness, a silver badge flashing from its left chest.
Rolling down the window as the policeman approached, Mike looked up at the cop. The dark blue uniform did little to conceal the muscular body beneath, and Mike could feel a stirring in his groin. "What's the problem, officer?"
"Sir, do you know your left tail light is out?" The cop's voice was quiet and unexpectedly gentle from a man his size.
"What? You stopped me because my tail light burned out?" Mike's day of frustration and hassles was wearing on him, his fatigue shortening his normally slow temper. "Look, I'll get it fixed, okay?"
"I'm afraid it's a little late for that, Sir." The cop's voice retained that quiet, deliberate tone. His face was hidden by the darkness and the light of the full moon behind his head, which Mike found just a bit disquieting. "I'm going to have to cite you."
Mike felt his blood pressure starting to rise, a flush burning his cheeks. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I said I'd get it fixed. What am I supposed to do?"
"Make sure it doesn't happen in the first place, Sir." The policeman was standing with his citation book open in his left hand as he began to write. Mike took the moment to glance at the man's crotch and was surprised to see a large cylindrical bulge down the right thigh. He looked back up, trying unsuccessfully to make out the patrolman's face.
"You mean I'm supposed to predict when my light's going to go out? C'mon!" Mike couldn't believe that he was in the middle of the woods arguing with some faceless cop about a two dollar bulb.
"You're supposed to keep your vehicle in perfect working order, Sir." The quiet tone of the lawman was really beginning to get on Mike's nerves.
"Oh, come on! You know these things happen all the time."
"Uh huh. Yes, Sir. I know it happens all the time."
"That's right, it does. And you pull everybody over whose light goes out?" Mike's voice was rising as his temper got the better of him.
"Let me see your driver's license." Again, that damnable quiet, almost monotone voice.
"Listen, I said I'd get it fixed."
"Let me see your driver's license. Please." This time the voice had taken on a slight hardness.
Mike sighed as he slumped into the bucket seat. "Look, I don't want any trouble. I just want to go home, okay? It's been a rough day . . ." He paused as he looked at the immobile figure of the policeman, realizing that he was getting nowhere fast. Taking his license from his wallet, he drew a deep sigh and handed it to the cop. "Okay, here."
Taking the plastic card, the faceless figure continued, "Vehicle registration?"
"Oh, man! Come on!" Mike could feel the eyes hidden in the darkness burning at him. "Just a minute." Reaching into the glove compartment, Mike found the yellow registration form and handed it to the shadow figure. Glancing down again at the cop's groin, he could swear he saw a small, wet stain growing at the tip of the bulge in the dark blue trousers.
"Proof of insurance?"
"WHAT? For Pete's sake, it's just a light, goddammit!"
The disconcertingly quiet, but firm voice emphasized each syllable as he repeated, "Proof of insurance?"
"Here!" Mike was losing it fast, as he handed over the insurance card. "Jeez!" He took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Man, I tell ya . . ." He imagined he saw a sneering smile on the patrolman's face.
"Let me check this out on the computer. Just stay right there, Sir."
Mike seethed as he watched the cop slowly re-enter the cruiser. Under other circumstances, he would have found the lawman hot. That uniform clad body, the large bulge in the crotch and the unnerving quiet voice were all the makings of a wet dream, but Mike's current frame of mind kept his libido in check. He sat drumming his fingers on the steering wheel until the dark figure again approached his window.
"I'm sorry, Sir. We're going to have to park the car and you'll need to come with me."
Mike was dumbfounded. He couldn't have heard that right. "What? Why?"
"This car is illegally registered."
That was it. Mike's self control broke. "Oh, bull shit! It is not! That's my registration right there, it's my jeep. You can see the vehicle ID. I don't care what your fucking computer says."
"You're going to have to come with me, Sir."
"It's the middle of the fucking night!"
The quiet voice of the cop was unnatural, adding to the surreal quality of events. "Secure your vehicle and come with me."
Mike's eyes were wide, his breath shallow. "Where are we going?"
"We're going to the station."
Mike made a desperate attempt to regain his composure. "I'm just driving OUT of the city. I live . . . I live up north here. I can't go all the way back to the city again. I've got an early day at work tomorrow . . . can't you just give me the ticket, and . . ."
"This car is illegally registered, Sir."
"Says your damned computer! Come on, man. Have a heart. I gotta get home. You can check the vehicle ID against the registration."
"The computer says it's illegally registered."
"Oh, fuck your computer! You know that's not . . ."
"Fuck YOU, man." The sudden outburst from the cop, surprised the bewildered Air Force Captain. "Get OUT of the fucking car!" The cop's chest was rising and falling rapidly, flashes of light glinting off the silver police badge.
"You can't talk to me like that. I'm a taxpayer and I know my rights."
The policeman's voice had changed, taking on a sharper edge. "Boy, I can talk to you anyway I want to, you understand? What's more, I'll have you on your fucking knees with your face buried in my crotch, my cock down your throat . . . you fucking zoomies are all alike."
It was like someone had sucker punched Mike in the gut. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Excuse me? What the hell did you say?"
"I'll have you on your fucking knees before you know it, boy."
"And you'll have me what?"
"I'll have you blowing me, boy."
Mike was dumbfounded. This couldn't be happening. "How would your supervisor like to hear about this?"
"Who's going to tell him, asshole?"
"Well, I just might be one." Mike opened the door and stepped out of the jeep. "And I'm sure I'm not the first person you've stopped and tried to intimidate like this. Well you can't intimidate me . . ."
"Come with me, Sir."
Things were really getting out of hand. Maybe a more rational approach would bring things back to a civilized course. Mike took a deep breath as he followed the cop back to the patrol car. "So, what am I supposed to do with my car?"
"Secure it right here, Sir."
"Along the side of a back country road, in the dark . . ."
"Turn around, Sir."
"I said turn around. Now!"
"All right!" Mike realized he held the losing hand in this game. His hands were brought behind his back as the cold metal of handcuffs locked around his wrists. He was then made to lean on the trunk lid of the cruiser as he was frisked. The cop seemed to spend more time than truly required as he groped at the Captain's crotch, kneading the cock and balls roughly.
The cop straightened up and grabbed Mike's arm. "Looks like you're coming with me, boy."
"I don't think so." Mike protested. "It's a simple traffic violation. You have no right to handcuff me."
"Don't you fucking tell me what I have a right to do, boy. Now, get on your fucking knees!"
"No way, man!" Suddenly a fist was driven into the zoomie's midsection, knocking the air from his lungs. Two more gut punches were followed by a kick to the groin, a nauseous bitter bile flooding into Mike's mouth. Rage now burned in the Captain's eyes as he brought his foot up directly into the blue serge crotch of the cop.
The policeman's head was thrown back, but as he brought it back down, a coldness settled on his barely visible features. "You son of a bitch. You're going to pay for that, fucker."
Mike's muscles stiffened by the icy menace in the lawman's voice. Knowing there are some situations where retreat is the better part of valor, he bolted into the dark woods. Though there was a full moon, the canopy of the age old trees blocked most of the light, making it difficult to navigate a path. The problem was only compounded with his wrists handcuffed behind his back. Mike could hear the cop's footsteps crushing the underbrush just to his rear. Turning to look momentarily behind him, the world suddenly burst into light, thousands of stars going supernova as Mike's head collided with a low tree limb. Knocked onto his back and temporarily dazed, the light faded. When he opened his eyes, Mike saw the grinning face of the cop above him.
"On your feet, boy. Stand over by that tree." The cop reached down and dragged the zoomie to his feet.
Things were definitely wrong here. Mike's head hurt like hell and he could feel a thin, warm trickle of what must be blood running down his right temple. The cop began to whistle softly as he unlocked the cuff from Mike's left wrist. Seizing the opportunity, Mike spun on his heels bringing a roundhouse fist connecting with the lawman's jaw, knocking his head to the side. Though still slightly dazed from the concussion he'd received, Mike couldn't miss the look of insanity in the cop's eyes as he grinned diabolically, a line of bright red blood running from the right corner of his mouth. The speed of the man was surprising as he shoved Mike's back to the tree and within seconds had his wrists recuffed, this time around the thick trunk.
Still grinning that crazy smile, the cop put his face within inches of Mike's. "You son of a bitch. You're gonna get yours, asshole."
"Let me go, man. You can't do this." Mike's head was throbbing. None of this could really be happening.
"Uh huh. Big fucking zoomie. Mister important military man. Huh." The cop's eyes seemed somewhat glazed in the pale moonlight filtering through the trees. A line of spittle mixed with the trickle of blood running from the corner of his mouth.
"I'm really in it this time," thought Mike. "What the hell have I gotten into?" The cop began whistling softly again as he reached up with both hands and grabbed the collar of Mike's uniform shirt. In one swift motion he ripped it open, buttons flying into the darkness to land with small thuds on the leaf strewn forest floor.
"Goddammit!" Mike spat, surprised by the move. "Let me go, man!"
"Nice chest, boy," the cop's quiet voice was back, sending a chill running down Mike's spine. "Looks like your nipples are just begging to be worked over." So saying be bent his thick neck to grasp the zoomie's left nipple between his teeth, licking it with his tongue. Backing away, he grasped Mike's chin in a strong hand. "Feels good, don't it, boy?"
Mike's mind was reeling. "Knock it off. I've heard about cop's like you. Get your jollies by arresting people in the middle of nowhere. Pulling them over in the middle of the night . . ."
"Uh huh."
"Yeah, you sonuvabitch . . ." Mike's voice was cut off by a blow to the stomach, grinding his back into the rough bark of the tree. "Dammit!"
"A little more respect there, boy. I want to hear 'Sir' from your mouth every time you open it up. Understand, boy?"
"Fuck you!" Mike began, but series of fists to the belly stemmed any further comments from the captive captain.
"Let's see what else you've got here," the cop sneered as he began unbuttoning Mike's uniform trousers.
"Oh, come on, man . . ." Another fist to the abdomen brought the zoomie's head down to his chest. He felt like puking, but refused to give the sadistic cop the pleasure.
"I said you call me SIR, boy." The cop's hot breath was on Mike's face.
"Yes, Sir," Mike spat through clenched teeth.
Stooping down, the cop pulled the captain's trousers and briefs down past his knees, allowing the thick cock to hang freely over the rounded balls. "Mighty nice," the cop grinned up at the sweating face of the zoomie as he cupped the balls in the palm of his hand. "I was hoping you'd sport a big one. Glad you didn't disappoint me."
"You fucking pervert. Take these cuffs off, do you hear me?"
"Oh yeah, yeah." The cop's face was evil incarnate, the eyes burning with a diabolical gleam. "Let's try a little better living through electricity here, boy."
A worried look crossed Mike's handsome face. "What's that supposed to mean?"
A soft, chilling chuckle escaped from the cop's chest. "A little equalizer here. My little cattle prod." He held it up for the zoomie's inspection, then put a finger to his lips. "Shhh. We're not supposed to carry these things on duty. It'll be our little secret, okay?"
Mike felt his heart rate speed up. "No, man. Put that away. Look, you don't need that." An icy grip seized his guts as the cop pushed a button eliciting a blue arc between the electrode posts, a faint humming sound filled the woodland darkness.
The cop flicked his eyebrows up, the grin still on his face. "Pretty, isn't it? How do you like that little blue glow, huh?"
Fear gnawed vaguely at Mike's stomach. "I DON'T like it. Come on, man. Now put it away!"
"Let's try it on your left nut, whattaya think?" the cop was obviously enjoying himself as he brought the tip of the instrument to the prisoner's crotch.
"No! No, SIR! Please don't . . ." A scream erupted from the captain's throat as electric fire seared his testicle.
"Yeah," the cop almost giggled, "let's try that right one now."
Mike's eyes widened, his brows knitted together, "No, Sir. Please, SIR!" His teeth clenched and his body spasmed involuntarily as the right nut joined its partner in agony.
The cop's eyes were gleaming as he watched the spasms racking the airman's body. "God, I love the way your dick jumps when I do that."
Mike glanced down to see the growing bulge in the cop's pants. "You sadistic pervert. Is this how you get your rocks off? Torturing people? Makes you feel like a big man, huh?"
"Yeah, boy." The cop said absently, not really listening to the half naked prisoner, concentrating on having his fun. "Now let's put it right between the both of them."
"No. NO. Let me g . . ." Again, fire boiled into the twitching military man's groin and his body stiffened, the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth as he bit his tongue."
Maniacal laughter came from the cop as he gripped at the exposed, burning genitals and squeezed, bringing a moan from the chest of his captive.
"Look, just give me the ticket. Let me go. We'll forget all of this." Tremors again coursed through the sweat streaked body of the zoomie as the electricity discharged into his groin.
"I didn't hear 'Sir' outta your mouth, boy!"
Mike clenched his teeth in pain. "Just give me the goddamned ticket, SIR! And let me go." His breath was coming in short pants.
In response, the sadistic psycho cop shoved the cold metal electrodes into the captain's asshole and pressed the discharge button. Small gurgling noises were coming from Mike's throat as the spasms subsided. A series of shocks to the violated asshole turned his muscles to rubber, the taste of blood heavy in his mouth as he slipped to his knees, the cuffs biting into his wrists.
"Please, Sir, the cuffs . . . they're cutting off the circulation. I can't feel my hands."
The grin widened on the cop's face. "Really? Can't feel anything? Let's see." Holding the electrodes to the metal of the cuffs, he again pressed the button, causing Mike's arms to spasm outward. Blood, warm and sticky, trickled into his palms as the cuffs cut into the skin.
The lawman stood in front of the kneeling, dazed airman. "Okay, boy. Pull down that fucking zipper on my pants."
"Just how the hell am I supposed to do that with my hands cuffed behind this tree?"
The cop's eyes blazed. "With your fucking teeth, boy."
"Oh, come on, man! I'm not . . ." he was stopped in mid sentence as the prod was shoved into his neck to the left of his adam's apple.
"Now, I'm not exactly sure what effect this will have on a man's throat," the cop began. "And if you don't want to find out, you'll do as you're told."
Mike swallowed hard, and resignedly pressed his face to the cop's crotch. Finding the zipper tab with his tongue, he gripped it in his teeth and pulled it down.
"Good job, boy." The cop patted the captain's head like an obedient pet. "Now, get the dick out."
"Aw, jeez, don't . . ." again, the electrodes pressing into his neck cut him off. Returning his face to his captor's crotch, his stomach turned as the man's odor of sweat and cigars entered his nostrils. Bile fought its way into his throat as he maneuvered his tongue under the turgid copmeat. Mike then used his lips to extract it from its blue serge prison, leaving the cop standing with his erection pointing accusingly at the kneeling military man, a drop of clear precum clinging to the tip.
"Now, lick the balls, boy."
There was a moment of hesitation before the cattle prod was again brought into position at his neck. "That's it, boy. Suck on those balls. Yeah, you do that well. You fly boys have a lot of experience in ball sucking, huh?"
Anger welled up in the airman's gut and he bit down on the sack between his teeth. The cop screamed and shoved the prod into Mike's neck, depressing the button. The prior discharges had weakened the batteries, but still a substantial jolt brought a pained howl from the captive. The split second was all the cop needed to extract his injured sack from the man's teeth.
The cop's eyes blazed fury as he glared down at the kneeling man who defiantly stared back. "Okay, let's put a fucking pair of tit clamps on and really make you suffer, boy!"
"Oh, yeah. Is that standard police issue, too?" Mike spat, his voice hoarse from the shock.
"Yeah, it sure is. For this cop it is." The lawman reached down and began to knead the captain's left nipple. "Come on, boy. Beg for it. Say 'please, Sir, please put the tit clamps on'."
"Fuck you." The electric prod again was pressed to his neck and the button held depressed, causing a surge of electricity to clamp the captain's throat. A hissing, gurgling sound erupted from his mouth as the button was released and he slumped forward, held up only by the cuffs around his bleeding wrists behind the tree.
"Come on, boy. Say it," the cop prodded quietly.
"Okay, okay!" Mike's throat was raw, his voice a harsh whisper. "Put the goddamned thing on my tits, you sonuvabitch." Mike's body was soaked in sweat, his breath coming in shallow, short gasps.
The cop quietly whispered, kneading the tits to make them stand up. "Anything you say, boy." Sharp teeth of the clamp bit into the moaning captive's left nipple and then his right. Small rivulets of blood ran down each chest and onto his rippled abdomen.
The cop took a step back to survey his work. "Ya know, what you need is a fucking dog collar around your neck, boy. Uh huh."
Mike brought his head up to look at his sadistic captor. "Man, what IS your problem?"
Bringing a leather dog collar from a belt utility pouch, the cop held it to the airman's mouth. "Lick it, boy," he coaxed.
"Look, I'll make you a deal, man. Okay? Sir?"
The cop took on a deceptive, gentle look. "What's the deal, boy?"
"Listen, you just let me go and I won't say a word of this to anybody. Okay?"
Still smiling gently, the cop shoved the cattle prod into the airman's abdomen and pushed the button. "Gee," he laughed, "makes your stomach kinda move funny." Slowly the smile faded and his expression hardened. "Lick the collar, boy."
Mike stuck his tongue out resignedly, tasting the sharp tang of the leather. After a few minutes, the cop tired of this and buckled the collar around the man's throat. "Now. Suck my dick," he ordered.
Mike was about to protest when the cattle prod was pressed to his temple just beside his left eye. "You know," the cop began, "I've heard that this thing can cause an eyeball to explode in its socket. You think that's true?"
Panic gripped Mike's chest, fear and hatred in his eyes as he stared into the face of his tormentor. Reading the uncertainty in the man's face, the cop whispered softly, "Suck my dick."
"Look," Mike began, "if I suck your dick, will you let me go?"
There was a long pause as if the cop were considering the request. "Maybe," he said finally. "If you're good enough. Now come on, boy. You've always wanted to suck a cop's dick, haven't you? Sure you have. Everybody does. Big fucking cop meat in your mouth. Makes ya hard, don't it, boy?" He pushed the airman's head toward his jutting rod with one hand while keeping the cattle prod at the man's temple with the other. Slowly his thick cop dick entered the moist, warm lips of the kneeling, handcuffed, military man. "Come on, boy," he coaxed, forcing his meat further into the captain's throat causing him to gag and retch. "Don't you fucking throw up on me, asshole," he warned. "You suck that meat. That's a good cop sucker." Slowly he face fucked the airman, his cock sliding in and out of the drooling mouth. Suddenly, the cop stood rigid, a grunt escaping from deep in his chest as, simultaneously, a hot flood of cum poured into the helpless captain's throat. After a bit the lawman pulled his cock from the humiliated man's mouth with a wet plop.
With his head bowed down, the salty taste of cum in his mouth, Mike dared to speak. "Sir, let me go. You said you'd let me go if I sucked your dick."
The cop got a wicked grin on his face. "I said 'maybe'. I want one more thing from you, boy."
Mike looked up. "What? Sir?"
The grin widened. "I want your ass."
"Sir, NO, SIR!" Mike was adamant.
The cop gave out a diabolical laugh. "I ain't gonna fuck it, boy. I, like Ford, have a better idea." He reached out and lightly slapped at the zoomie's cheek. "Now don't you go away," he chuckled at his own weak joke, "I'll be right back." He then turned and moved off in the direction of the road and the parked vehicles, leaving the Air Force officer kneeling in dazed humiliation, wondering what could be coming next.
After what seemed to be an eternity later, Mike heard a whistling sound coming toward him from the roadway. Looking up, he saw the dark figure of the cop in the filtered moonlight, the flashing of the badge signalling his approach. As he got closer, Mike could see he was carrying a satchel of some type in his right hand. A groan escaped unbidden from Mike's throat. He was sure this couldn't be anything good. He distantly wondered if, after all he'd been through and seen in the military, this was how he was to die. Killed by a psychotic law officer to be left half naked in the woods.
Mike swallowed hard as the cop stood directly in front of him, grinning maliciously as he dropped the bag with a heavy thump at Mike's right knee.
"Guess what's in the bag," the cop chuckled, the insanity like a beacon in his eyes. "Come on, guess."
Mike's voice was still a hoarse croak from the electric assault. "I don't know. I don't care. Just let me go."
The cop crouched down to open the bag, his leather belt creaking as he did. Reaching into the bag, he pulled out an instrument and showed it to Mike. "You know what this is, asshole?" he asked in the quiet monotone.
Mike glanced at the object in the sadistic cop's hand and shook his head wearily.
"It's a portable tattoo unit. Neat, huh? I'm pretty good with it, too, if I may say so myself." The cop began chuckling again. "I'm gonna put a fucking tattoo on your ass, boy."
Mike's eyes widened as he realized what the cop had planned. "No, SIR! No way!"
The cop's grin spread across his face. "Oh yeah, boy. Uh huh. You'll look real pretty in the gym showers with your fucking zoomie buddies."
Panic was gripping Mike's heart in an iron fist. "Please, look, I sucked your dick. I licked your balls. I did what you wanted. Please, just let me go. I won't say anything, I swear."
Mike's heart thudded in his chest as he felt the coldness of the alcohol being wiped over his right asscheek. "No, don't do this. I'll pay you what you want. Please, don't!"
A high pitched buzzing filled the night air as Mike felt thousands of mosquitoes biting into the milky flesh of his right buttock. His protests fell on deaf ears as the buzzing and stinging continued. Finally, quiet again fell in the woods as the instrument was switched off and the cop arose, staring at his handiwork.
"Oh, yeah," the cop chortled, "that's real nice. A little red, but that'll fade. Here, take a look." He held a hand mirror up for Mike to inspect the damage. It took a moment for Mike to make out the backward lettering in the mirror: "PROPERTY OF TOP COP". He hung his head as the sound of maniacal laughter filled his ears. "Now your ass is mine!"
Reaching down, the cop grabbed a fistful of the captain's short hair and pulled him back to his feet. "Now," the cop leered at the defenseless military man, "I'm gonna do you a favor." His face was directly in front of Mike's, the smell of cigars heavy on his breath. "I'm gonna beat you off, boy."
"You sonuvabitch!" Mike croaked, as the lawman wrapped a fist around his manmeat and began to stroke. "You fucking pervert!" Mike's dick was responding against his will to the expert fondling of the lawman.
The cop sneered at his captive. "You got a fucking rock hard on, boy!"
"You goddamned sonuvabitch. What do you want from me?"
"Well now, you're gonna plead for me to make you come, boy. You're gonna beg for it."
"Fuck you, asshole!" The pleasure was almost overwhelming as the fist continued stroking his cock.
An unexpected burst of laughter erupted from the cop's throat. "No, fuck YOU, boy!" The cop continued chuckling, and drew his nightstick from its ring on his belt as he pumped the military meat with his other hand.
"No!" Mike's breath was shallow, the air burning in his lungs. "Someday, cop. I've got your badge number, I've got your name. I know who you are."
"Uh huh," the cop grinned, "but tonight I'm in charge, boy."
"Only because I'm cuffed to this goddamned tree," Mike croaked.
While he continued pistoning his fist on the captive's cock, the sadistic lawman spat onto the tip of his nightstick and, reaching behind the captain, inserted it into the puckered asshole.
"NO!" Mike tried to shout but his vocal cords refused to cooperate. "Take it out, take it out! You'll split me open, man!"
The cop grinned sadistically as he slowly pushed the hard rod deeper into the airman's ass. "All you gotta do is come, boy."
The pain intensified as more and more of the nightstick entered his guts, yet Mike's cock was throbbing in the laughing cop's fist.
"I'll come, I'll come. Please, just don't put it in any further." Mike was pleading as the nightstick continued its entry. "It's tearing me apart, man!"
The cop's voice was almost soothing, "All you gotta do is shoot your load, boy."
Mike could feel his balls churning as the stick slid over his prostate and beyond. His nuts retracted up in their sack as the cum exploded in white bullets from his cock. The cop's stroking hand slowed and finally stopped. Grinning, his eyes locked on Mike's, he held the cum smeared hand to his mouth and licked. "Good boy. That's a good boy."
Mike was physically, psychologically and now sexually spent. "Now take that stick out of my ass, mutherfucker."
The cop's smile was evil incarnate. "A deal's a deal," he said as he ripped the thick rod from the zoomie's ass with a slurping sound.
Mike looked into the maniacal eyes of his captor. " Okay, I've done everything you've said. Now let me go, man."
The cop stared at the panting, sweat streaked Air Force officer for several long moments. "Yeah. I think I will," he nodded. "I hope to see you down this beat again, boy. They always come back."
"Maybe next time I'll be a little more prepared, asshole."
The cop chuckled. "Just like the boy scouts, huh?"
"And now I've got tangible proof. I show this tattoo and you're locked up like the psycho pervert you are."
"Who's gonna believe you, boy? I was with three of my partners. We all have an alibi. Down at the station doing paperwork all night."
"Yeah? And how are you going to explain these bruises and burns and this tattoo, huh?"
The cop continued grinning, his voice quiet, "Things happen, boy. Things happen."
Mike's eyes burned hatred. "Yeah, don't they, though. Things WILL happen, too. I guarantee it."
"Uh huh," the cop nodded, "Payback's a bitch, or so I hear." He grinned as he tossed the small silver key on the ground between Mike's feet. "There's the key. Help yourself. And thanks. I'm sure we'll get together again." He smacked lightly at Mike's cheek, gathered up his satchel and turned toward the road. Minutes later, Mike heard the patrol car start up and the whine of the police siren fade off into the distance.
Taking a deep breath, he looked down at the small silver key glinting amidst the leaves at his feet
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