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Monday, 8 March 2010 11:03 From: aussie

Feedback for Telemachus - My Favourite Geek.

# First, a question. Is this pic supposed to accompany a story? If so, please let me know which one.

# Second, this image actually looks really life-like. Some 3D images look 'odd' but this one is really natural looking. I don't know anything about creating 3D art but I'm amazed by the use of light that gives it depth. My favourite part...because that seems to be where my eyes are drawn... is the stubble of a beard. Great work.

Oh and just a quick response to your comment about writing another Tarzan tale with Profguy15 - HELL YES!



Monday, 8 March 2010 11:02 From: aussie

Feedback for Wolfpek - "The End Justifies the Means"

# First, I am a huge fan of Ettinne's work.

"A soapy dew nuzzled into the stubble that coated his rugged jaw line" - What a graphic line. You enabled me to see this very clearly.

"His voice was like rich dark chocolate at the bottom of a deep well and vibrated through the soles of my feet" - I love when authors tap into a reader's other senses - by other, I mean not just sight. Taste isn't easy, but wow, did you do it well here.

"There was an Injun in my cabin... and he had a plan." What a final line. Talk about leaving a reading hanging! :

Wolfpek, you truly have my interest. The repeated use of the words "I hate" was cleverly done. Each one built on the one before and gave us a bitter sweet look at the watcher's torment. By using these hate statements you 'showed' us who Jake was. Not only his physical appearance but the way he spoke, and gave us a huge insight into his personality.

Wonderful writing. Can't wait for the next installment.



Monday, 8 March 2010 11:01 From: aussie

Feedback for Cicero - "Aquaman and the Black Manta"

I should probably state right now that anyone reading this feedback shouldn't do so if they haven't read the story as there are spoilers throughout.

Title - Great title choice for this chapter. We do see a total transformation here.

"gurgled in delight " - What a descriptive phrase. You enabled me to 'hear' this clearly.

"Even now a part of his mind was refusing to accept that he had been utterly defeated. That would soon change!"

Great use of the qualifier at the end of this. It really adds emphasis. I admit, that phrase had a smile spreading across my face. :)

For me, the paragraph below was the key one... as we see Aquaman forced to 'assist' in his own rape.

"Aquaman groaned and tried to will his chute to open. The knowledge he was doing this crushed something of his old spirit but the pain was so intense he was willing to do anything to dull it. “I…,” he muttered in shame knowing the joy such a disgraceful admission must give to his enemy. Part of the hunky superhero’s mind accused him of cooperating in his own rape!"

Not only has he passed on all power to the Manta, he helped it happen!

"Wide-eyed and slack jawed" More really powerful description.

"Aquaman said encouragingly in respect while using a lighter tenor of voice that, while still masculine, had a definite more passive vocal tone." I love the way you tap into your reader's senses... use of 'tone' gives much a clear aural picture.

Cicero, loved it. The hero has fallen... and there are still several chapters to go!



Saturday, 6 March 2010 09:00 From: Anders


Dear Mr. Wolfpek

My name is Anders I’ am 24 years old Dane and just discovered your stories. An I’m impressed in such a way words cannot describe it.

I tried to decide which one of you great stories is the best.. but that is not possible:) they are all great

However I narrowed it down to this 3:

Captain invisible and the planet of doom, Undercover and deep blue.

All of your stories a huge.. the way you make it seem so real just makes me cum every time.

But I have to know:

Will the Zyrtacxian Krulok come to earth and enslave more human males?

Will Qube be awarded his bi-annual gift?

And will Sin kidnap an American high school football team and a English soccer team, just to find out which team will bring in more money ad the slave auction??

I know that you must be get a lot of fane mail and I don’t expect a answer, I just would like you to know that your stories have made me really happy and I will always be grateful for the fact that you have shared them with everybody:)

Faithfully yours


Saturday, 6 March 2010 08:58 From: Anders


Dear Mr. Telemachus

My name is Anders I’ am 24 years old Dane and just discovered your stories. And I love them big time!!

But when will the marines be back in town? And will Adam bring some friends to join him when his rapes them agian;)

I love your work keep it up..:)

Faithfully ours


Friday, 5 March 2010 18:51 From: Peter Parker


Hi Dave,


Love the site. The pictures are fantastic - well done, they are excellent. I'm really in to the stories as well and especially Tyler's. They are very very good. Any idea when Chapter 2 of 'Taking an interest' is due and also when chapter 6 of 'First time abroad' is due? I can't wait. His attention to detail and the dominance theme is what sways me. It's a real turn on. Please let me know when we can expect any more. Many thanks and please keep up the good work. Your site is unique.





Monday, 1 March 2010 10:49 From: Wolfpek


That is indeed what I call feedback. It is wonderful to receive much an encouraging message

Btw. I have always had a weakness for Australians. That is why I included a footy player in my story "Undercover"


Sunday, 28 February 2010 11:36 From: Telemachus

Tarzan-The Ultimate Prize

Thanks for all the feedback Aussie! It's really good to hear your thoughts.

'Tarzan - The Ultimate Prize' is under Guest Galleries/Profguy15. I did the pix and the text is a collaboration between the Prof. and myself. I love the way you have picked up on the subtleties of the pix, many weren't deliberate, they just looked 'right' when I did the pictures. Tarzan is such a popular character that we may have to go back and see how he's getting on some time :-)


Sunday, 28 February 2010 11:34 From: aussie


Feedback for "Tarzan: The Ultimate Prize"


I read this the other night, but didn't write feedback immediately. Now I can't find the story again so I apologise to the author. For some reason I thought that the author and artist were two different people, but I may be wrong.


So, to the author: I am a sucker for stories that focus on the buddy/brother/sidekick relationship. This story did this beautifully. John, while clearly the side-kick was not simply used as a foil to get in Tarzan's way. He had a real role and played it well. Wearing Tazan down over time was clever. My favourite part of the story was when John, after freeing Tarzan is then taking down by the dart. Tarzan's rage here was wonderful. Loved the ending... back where they belong.


To the artist: 3-D images amaze me. You did a wonderful job making this almost like a grapic novel. My favourite images were

# TUP001 - Tarzan with his hand on John's shoulder. Shows us the size difference between the two.

# TUP020 - When the villian (was his name Sayo - as I said, I can't find it again now) checks the Tarzan have he has been knocked out.

# TUP021 - Tazan dangling over villain's shoulder. Great use of sheen to show those huge sweaty legs. (grin)

# TUP033 - John slumped in Tarzans arms after being shot by the dart.

# TUP034 - John and Tarzan enjoying each other. Again, wonderful use of size. Even thus use of skin tone gives the impression of Tazran's power over the smaller man he adores.


Thank you to both artist and author. Sorry I can't call you by name.


Thank you Telemachus for hosting these.


Take care



Sunday, 28 February 2010 11:33 From: aussie


Hi Cicero and Herodotus


Feedback for "Aquaman Vs the Black Manta: Chapter Four"




Cicero: This was the best chapter of this story thus far. There are so many parts that really stood out.

"Aquaman’s powerful muscled thighs waving helplessly above his waist."

What an incredible visual.

“Yes you are quite tight.” The Black Manta calmly said ignoring Aquaman’s gasps and yelps as he did his “probing & testing” on the now mind shocked hero.

Love the contrast here between the calmness of the Manta and the gasping, yelling of Aquaman. Makes it very clear who is in control... not just physically but emotionally as well.

“Ohhhh,” he moaned in embarrassment as his body drifted off into a blissful sensual state of mind that he had never experienced before in any intimate erotic encounter with a woman.

Blissful and sensual... wonderful word choices here that give a very clear 'feeling' for what is happening.

Wand of Dominance - Ohhhh yes. I love this concept. Deliciously cruel... yet tantilizingly pleasurable. (grin)

He quickly pulled the pole out of Aquaman’s arse and was rewarded by a protesting sigh from the mind-fuddled hero.

Mind-fuddled: What a great expression.

Cicero, I really enjoyed this part. Over the course of the chapter we see Aquaman turn from a defiant hero into a 'mind-fuddled' man totally at the Manta's mercy. I can not wait for phase two.


Herodotus: Art for "Aquaman and the Black Manta"

Incredible. Cicero's descriptions are detailed but seeing this image gave me such clarity. From the release of bubbles behind the Manta'a head, to Aquaman's curled toes... to the glow you gave the end of the wand. You gave the picture so many little details that I sat and studied it for ages. The proportions, the use of light... simply amazing and absolutely perfect.


Thank you Cicero and Herodotus for the entertainment and thank you Telemachus for hosting it and bringing it to so many fans.

Take care



Monday, 22 February 2010 11:31 From: aussie

Feedback on "Aquaman and the Black Manta" and "Baywatch"

Hi, Cicero, Herodotus and Telemachus

Just a quick note on "Aquaman and the Black Manta" and "Baywatch"

Cicero - I really enjoyed chapter three. I get the feeling Aquaman is in for quite a ride. (g)

BTW, it isn't often I love a villain, but the Manta is fantastic. You are really using his silences well to build tension.

Thank you for sharing your stories

Herodotus - Powerful image. You have captured Aquaman's nightmare here... right down to the tension in his toes. Is it my imagination of is the squid enjoying it to? Thank you again for sharing your art.

Telemachus - "Baywatch". Great use of light in this piece. The shadow falling behind him really gives the image depth. Thank you for sharing this.

Take care



Saturday, 20 February 2010 17:32 From: Telemachus


Now THAT is what I call feedback.

A great big thank you from me, and from the other guys too I'm sure, Aussie!

As well as the next chapters of Aquaman vs Black Manta I have a few surprises in the pipeline. But if you want more then c'mon you guys, follow Aussie's lead and drop a line, even just a few words to say whatever you feel about our stuff. Hearing positive comments from a fan of the website always raises the spirits and encourages us to produce even more stuff. I'm trying to make sure that we always have something new for you every week (usually Saturday) but it's not easy when feedback slumps to zero. So get typing people!



Saturday, 20 February 2010 10:28 From: aussie


Hi Telemachus, Cicero, Wolfpek and Herodotus

I just wanted to send a huge thank you to you for all of your work. I have only just discovered your site and blog and have spent many hours of entertainment here.

Your stories and pictures are fantastic.

-"Traffic Cop" - You hardly needed the words. (bg) Your 3-D images convey the story on an amazing level. I love graphic novels and your images are amazing.

-"Out of Gas" - Wonderful theme in this one as the youth goes from victim to avenger. Again, loved the 3-D images.


- "Bra-Ian & the Ancient Krill"... wonderful. You truly communicate how the sense of power changes and the final section where Bra-Ian takes his place with the dogs rounds the story off perfectly.

- "The Conquest of Zantar". Man, I felt so sorry for the young prince. (g) You really put him through the wringer. You used the idea of flashback really well...and the idea of the dream premonition... loved it. Again, you used the sense of power very effectively. The ending... I was physically cringing. His fall from grace was complete. Amazing story.

- Aquaman Vs the The Black Manta... hey, I was cheering for the Black Manta. (bg) Aquaman's arrogance leapt off the page and I'm looking forward to seeing him well and truly taught a lesson.


- "Tarzan and the Snare of the Witchdoctor" - Wow! Talk about riding the journey with the character. This was clever writing.

- "Vampyr Hunter" - You show us the young bold warrior who it cut down so evilly... can I say I loooovvved it. The longing of the vampire was really well written... and the idea of him enjoying the sensation of carrying his victim.... oh, yeah! This one definitely needs a sequel (wink).


I honestly don't know where to start. Your pictures are absolutely incredible. I have no idea how you create them but they draw the viewer in and at the same time, leap off the page with realism. I feel at a loss for words to describe my admiration and how much I love them.

- "The Falcon's Fall," First - great title for ‘fall’ is exactly what happened. His capture - yes I did notice where the ray guns hit him. (bg)

- "PenisMan vs The Slaver". My very favourite genre includes superheros like this. The second image (initial capture), 7th (splayed on the gargoyle) and 8th (impaled for the flight home <g>) are my favourites. The expressions are amazing. I feel silly saying the same things but I'm honestly at a loss for adjectives to describe your art.

- Pictures:

(a) "Captain Invincible and the Planet of Doom" - 5th image... of the hero slung over the shoulder. Amazing. All of them are, but that one is my favourite.

(b) "Aqua Man Vs Black Manta" - 2 and 3 are so graphic. I can't wait to see more based on Cicero's story.

(c) "Bra- Ian". I can't believe how you were able to take Cicero's terrific story and bring it to life in images. So masculine and the dominance so clear.

(d) Captive Hero - Where is the story to go with this one? (g) I find this with many of your pics. They are so incredible I find myself wanting to know more about what his happening and why.

(e) Dangel Series - More. I really would love to see more of these. Each one seems to be part of a larger story. My favourite two are the one with the billboard in the background and the one where Dangle is being zapped by Toxic stinger in the guise of someone else.

(f) Delivery - I really hope Wolfpek did something with that one. (bg)

(g) "Harvested Hero"...I love this image. It is so intricate. The expressions on the characters faces again are so perfect. I'd love to see more of this story.

(h) Morpheus - How do you get the terror in his eyes? Wonderful again... again, I'd love to see more of this one.

(i) Superman - all of these are incredible. As I said, I love the superhero ones as I have been reading DC comics for more years than I care to count. These really struck a chord with me.

(j) Tarzan series. Absolutely brilliant. I realize you had a great story to work with (way to go, Wolfpek) but what you did with those images. Your pen or computer... or whatever it is you use to create these.... should be registered as a lethal weapon. (g) I keep coming back to view these. My favourite is the one of Tarzan sprawled on the cage totally out of it. (bg)

(k) "The Spoils". The poor kid really lost the battle... or is he enjoying his loss? (bg) Amazing picture.

(l) "Vampyr" The one of the hunter kneeling and the vampire behind him is so sensual. The one of him hung over his shoulder really captures the feeling that Wolfpek conveyed about the power of carrying the victim in this way.

(m) Zantar Series - Wow. Wow. Wow. Again, you have taken a great story (thank you, Cicero) and enhanced it. My favourite of this series is the one of the boy prince finally on the throne.

There is so much more I'd like to say, but I really don't want to embarrass myself. Let me finish with...

Telemachus - thank you, not only for your stories and great graphics, but for taking the time to share them and the work of others. I know that maintaining a page is time-consuming and costly. I want you to know it is greatly appreciated.

Cicero - I can't wait for the next instalment of Aquaman

Wolfpek - Thank you for your amazing stories.

Herodotus - There simply aren't enough adjectives for me to describe how incredible, brilliant, amazing, mind-blowing, tremendous, phenomenal, remarkable, marvellous... and I'll stop now. Thank you.

Take care


Thursday, 4 February 2010 18:58 From: Telemachus

Re. Classical rape

Erik Rhodes???!!! dribble, droooooool [Think: Homer Simpson considering the Krustyburger]

Thursday, 4 February 2010 18:56 From: Herodotus

Classical rape

Yo Dave,

I've had a bit of fun with Bernini. In my version of this classic Pluto (God of the Under world) is carrying off the model/porn star Adam Killian to serve as a sex slave! Note that Adam raises a hand to heaven to implore Zeus and company to spare his arse. (Not a chance!)

... next week Vishnu has his way with Erik Rhodes.

Cheers! H

Saturday, 30 January 2010 11:11 From: Telemachus

Re: Viking

Chris Redfield is a 3d character from the 'Resident Evil' computer games. I believe Wentworth Miller (from Prison Break) will be playing him in the film.

I like the American Football idea, I need to get hold of an outfit though.

Friday, 29 January 2010 10:55 From: Zodiac


viking is a very hot story. the chris red guy is hot too. you need to do a story where an american football player gets stripped.

Thursday, 28 January 2010 11:22 From: Telemachus

Re: Vikings

Hi Paul,

Thanks very much for the very kind remarks re. the other contributors, I shall forward on your words of encouragement to the guys, I'm sure they will enjoy them.

I'm certainly looking forward to Hapki68's next chapter(s), and I believe Herodotus and Wolfpek will be cooking up something new sometime soon. Watch this space, as the saying goes!

Like you I've got my fingers tightly crossed for more works by the very talented Spryte - Gawd, I wish I could draw like that - but I know he's pretty busy right now so we can only hope...

Cheers and thanks again


PS: If any of you guys haven't seen Spryte's blog yet it is at

Thursday, 28 January 2010 11:17 From: Paul


Hi Dave,

I like the viking story! Nothing beats an arrogant stud being humiliated, and I especially love that last image, with his viking helmet resting on his, well, other helmet... Although I would like to see a 'director's cut' of it some time in the future, with a few more images of what happened after the vines tied him up ( a particular favourite image of mine, btw)... Maybe there's a follow up story in there, with a whole gang of Viking youths going into the forest to confront Spryte, but finding themselves no match for his favourite paddle...

What happened to Spryte, anyway? No updates to his site recently. I hope you are in touch with him and can tell him that people are missing his humourous and sexy images. Also please pass praise onto your new author Hapki68, I'm intrigued by his new story and look forward to seeing where it goes (I hope there are plenty of episodes in reserve ready to be unspooled, as the story's just getting to the good part!)

Any of the regulars got any new stuff in the pipeline? I would love to hear more from the talented Wolfpek, Herotodus and all. If you speak to them, please let them know that I'm waiting in expectation - their work never fails to influence and inspire me.

All the best


Monday, 18 January 2010 10:12 From: Telemachus

New Stuff

Hey guys,

I hope you like the new stuff that been appearing here recently. And we have a new author, hapki68, check out his hot new text story. And just to let you know, I'm aiming to add new content every week so check the blog every Saturday!

Please remember that both myself and my fellow contributors thrive on feedback, if you like what you see then please write in and say so. The more feedback we get and the more new works we will produce.

Soooo, if you want new stuff, write to us and say so! Address your mails either directly or to and I will forward them on to the contributors.

Have a great new year



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