Hi, welcome to the House of Telemachus blog. Please feel free to contribute by posting a message to the address below. Especially, I would like to hear your views on the stuff that you particularly like, the stories and pictures of all the contributors. The more positive comments we all receive, the more fired up we are to do more!

To post a message directly to the blog, send it to the email address below with the word 'BLOG' at the start of the subject line.

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Wednesday, 21 July 2010 10:56 From: Telemachus

IMPORTANT: Desperate times...

... call for desperate measures.

As some of you guys have already noticed, the Telemachus Artwork section of the site is now a paysite - one guy spotted within 10 minutes! If I am to keep the whole site open then it really does need to pay for itself. I hope you will continue to support the site, not just with your regular visits and stimulating email comments but also with the occasional payment.

It is a sad fact, but if I cannot raise sufficient cash with this move then I will, reluctantly, have to consider closing the whole site as I just can't afford to keep subsidising it anymore. And by closing the whole site I mean exactly that, including the amazing artwork of Herodotus and Franco and the excellent stories of Wolpek and Cicero, plus all the others.

So please, please, please, seriously consider taking out a subscription. At a mere 20 euros a year it's not going to break your bank, at least I hope it won't! And you can always change your mind later and cancel.

And if you are feeling truly generous then I will be more than happy to accept donations of any amount, in any currency. Just drop me an email and I'll send you the details. Hope spring eternal!

Cheers and my best wishes, and hopes, to you all

Dave / Telemachus

Saturday, 10 July 2010 14:30 From: Telemachus


Hey guys,

There are a few text stories queued up and I'm working of a full length picture story.

I've been adding and amending links in the various link pages, and cleaning out a couple of dead ones too. Check them out, and if you know of any websites that I might like - send me the URL, that's the doodah.

And if you know of any websites that I could add my link to that would be great! We're currently averaging about 10,000 visitors here every month, but in the great scheme of things on the internet that ain't too big. It would be great to get more people visiting.

And please feel free to send me comments and suggestions for additions to the site either privately or via the blog.



Thursday, 24 June 2010 18:01 From: Telemachus



Does anyone know where to find the 10-part Hercules story by Tagame (see Herodotus' post below)?

Any information would be most gratefully received.



Sunday, 20 June 2010 18:49 From: Herodotus

Tagame's Hercules

Hey Dave,

I was cleaning up my old e-mails and noticed that we just past our 2nd anniversary. Time flies when you're havin' fun!

I was also looking again at Tagame's animated poser work. That man is a real genius! He does everything extremely well! I only wish that I had saved all of his 10 part 'Hercules' series. I wonder if anyone has the whole set.



Saturday, 19 June 2010 13:11 From: Telemachus

New Links

Hey Guys,

I've been sorting through the link pages, deleting the dead ones and adding some new ones. Check 'em out!

And if you know of any websites which you think would be of interest to me or others who visit this site then please, please - send them to me!


Dave Telemachus

Saturday, 5 June 2010 11:35 From: Paul

From Tyler

Hi Dave

Awww I feel like I'm letting everyone down with my incomplete stories, but I've been having a bit of an uncreative spell. Will try my best to get some new stuff done soon

Hope you are well, and love the site and your work as always x

Wednesday, 2 June 2010 20:46 From: Peter Parker


Hi Dave

I want to echo what Ken said. I love Tyler's stories and am desperate to read more and also to get some conclusions on the existing stories. Any idea when we can expect more?

Love the site, love the pictures, thanks for all your hard work in keeping this site going.

I'm a big fan



Tuesday, 1 June 2010 09:20 From: ken

Tyler Bernard

Where has Tyler Bernard gone to? He has so many unfinished GREAT stories that has left us hanging. Like; "Rivals Reunited, The First Time Abroad, and Hit F1 to Continue." Please, please tell me he's on vacation or something like that. I CAN'T wait for him to finish these HOT stories. Thanks for such an AWESOME site. Everyone has such FANTASTIC work here.

Best regards...Ken

Wednesday, 12 May 2010 12:32 From: Telemachus

Men In Tall Leather Boots

If you havn't found this blog yet - - and you're into period uniforms etc. then check it out. There are some extraordinary WW1 postcards and cartoons there plus a whole heap of other stuff. I'm still having fun exploring it!

And don't forget Aussie's fan fiction site at if you havn't checked it out yet.



Saturday, 8 May 2010 09:55 From: Telemachus


Hey peeps,

I have had quite a few private emails recently from non-gay guys (and several from gals) expressing delight in the various stories and pictures here on the website. Which is very pleasing and also rather unexpected! As someone who campaigned rather vigorously for gay rights back in the bad old days here in the UK (anyone remember the Gay News blasphemy trial?) it is always gratifying to see the boundaries between gay and non-gay being eroded.

I have always been fascinated by the abundance of 'Slash' fiction on the web. For those who don't know, this is fan-fiction stories about guy-on-guy action written almost exclusively BY non-gay ladies FOR non-gay ladies about well known fictional male buddies. The Slash-themed sexual encounters between Spock & Kirk are legion!!!

Weird! But in a really good way :-)

As we say 'Oop North' - There's nowt so queer as folk!


Sunday, 25 April 2010 11:42 From: Telemachus


Hey guys,

I hope you have been enjoying the various new pictures and stories that have been appearing on this site every Saturday. If you have, please feel free to drop an email either directly to this blog or privately to the individual artists and authors via as I can forward your comments on to them (apart from 'anonymous' as I don't have his email address...)

And if you have any stories or pictures of your own that you think would fit in with rest of this site. Send 'em along. My basic rules are - no females, kids or dumb animals.

If you want to have a go at creating your own 3D pictures then please drop me an email - I would be very happy to chat techie (that's my 'inner geek' coming out).

Or just drop me an email anyway, I love to chat with old friends and find new ones.



Friday, 16 April 2010 13:04 From: Timybe


Thanks Dave... Your Telemachus site is about the sexiest thing I've cum across. I keep cruising and looking for new stimulations.... Thanks...

Thursday, 8 April 2010 11:37 From: aussie

Feedback for Telemachus - Temple of Ganymede

The sheer size of this is incredible... or should I say, you have very successfully showed us the enmority of the room and the figure. The body seems to be perfectly proportioned...long and slender. As always, great use of light and shadow. Oh and I love the tones in this. The golden feel... royalty or Godlike.

Thanks for sharing your talents, Telemachus.

Take care

Oz (Aussie)

Sunday, 21 March 2010 10:40 From: aussie

Feedback for Herodotus - Aquaman 7 & 8 and Jake

Hi Herodotus


Aquaman 7 & 8 - If we examine picture one and then the last one, you really show us how Aquaman is transformed from a proud and arrogant hero into what looks like a giggling idiot dominated by his needs. The expression on his face in the last pic is absolutely perfect. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us. Your images complimented Cicero's story perfectly.


Jake 5 - Such a rich image. The tones are wonderful. Love the addition of the coyote in the background watching. Jake's hands in fists as he fights back. Delicious.


Jake 3 (Tied to the tree). I find it so difficult to provide you with feedback because there are only so many ways I can say I 'love' it. Writing feedback for narrative I find easy, but art... Let me just say, I think you captured the expression on Jake's and the Indian's faces perfectly and the postioning of the clothing seems to add to his helplessness... if that makes sense.


Jake 4 - (Kneeling with the Indian taking him.) Wow, what an image. Again, it is Jake's expression that draws my focus. The persective works really well and seems very natural... something I'm sure isn't easy with working with three characters.


Jake 6 (Over the horse) Jakes total defeat just leaps from this one. His manhood exposed and weeping... the Indian looking so pleased with himself.


Thank you Herodotus. Every Saturday I rush to check to see if you have released any more of your pictures.


Take care


Oz (Aussie)

Sunday, 21 March 2010 10:40 From: aussie

Feedback for Wolfpek - "The End Justifies the Means": Chapters 2 and 3

Hi Wolfpek


"You best stay close and follow my lead if you want out of this game alive"


The irony of this statement left me grinning from ear to ear. Your hero Jake is sterotypically heroic... which I loved. Your writing is very descriptive enabling me to see everything very clearly. I admit I felt sorry for poor Jake. (grin). He really didn't have a chance.


"The chief gave the upturned ass a possesive slap."


Great line. It shows us, rather than tells us, what Jake's fate is going to be... leaving your reader wondering just how long Jake's ordeal will last before he ceases to be of interest to Bear Paw.


The ending is so fitting. Jake's ordeal provides his attacker with postion and power... the ultimate defeat.


Oh,and don't think I didn't notice you just may be setting us up for another delightful adventure with Bear Paw. Loved Bear Paw's character and would love to see more of him.


Thank you for sharing this.


Take care


Oz (Aussie)

Sunday, 21 March 2010 10:38 From: aussie

Feedback for Cicero - Aquaman vs the Black Manta: Chapters 6 and 7

Hi Cicero.


Wonderful conclusion. Aquaman's submisson is complete... not just accepting his fate but mindlessly begging for it. My favourite part was when he passed out, his brain 'cold-cocked ' by the act. Wonderful phrase and so descriptive used in this context. I found it interesting that you provided the reader with reason to 'side with' the Manta in that the Manta's race had been wiped out by men like Aquaman. All through this story I felt like I was being drawn to the Manta's side of things and this section showed me this was delieberate on your part. Very clever writing.


Thank you for sharing this great story.


Take care Oz(Aussie)

Saturday, 20 March 2010 10:23 From: aussie

Introducing "Oz Escapades"

Introducing “Oz’s Escapades” a site where the strongest and most noble heroes find themselves in truly 'unpleasant' situations. Some will survive with body and soul in tact. Alas, some will not.

My exploration of the homoerotic genre began a month ago when I stumbled across Telemachus’ amazing site.

I was blown away by the stories and art and started sending feedback (Aussie). In particular I was drawn to the work of the artist Herodotus. So detailed are his images I found myself wanting to know more about the story each picture depicted. So, I began exploring the characters through narrative, which was my way of sending him feedback. Before I knew it, I had written a full story inspired by Herodotus' work and I found myself wanting to write more about these characters and about others in his art. Hence, I have created my own little place to play and share.

Please drop in and have a look around. I’d love to hear what you think of the site and my stories.

Thank you Telemachus for your kindness, encouragement and support.

Thank you too to Herodotus for allowing me to use your incredible art as inspiration for my writing.

Take care

Oz (Aussie)

Tuesday, 9 March 2010 16:37 From: PeterC


Hey Guys!

Great Site. The artwork is stunning, and the stories are incredible.

I especially enjoyed the Tyler Bernard piece, "The First Time Abroad". Revealing Anderson's true nature with the use of the replacement rose's thorns was brilliant. I was curious, was the story going to end there? Chapter 5 works as an ending, but I really, really don't want it to end quite yet. I'm too curious! I want to know how Caleb deals with his horrific loss of virginity, or what happens in the weeks leading up to Mr. Kieran's letter, or how the training proceeds. I also want to know what happens to Tate and Angus. Is this the end of the story?

I'm also curious (I seem to be very curious today. Hm. Curious.) how you decide on the artwork. The art for the new "Aquaman Vs The Black Manta" is incredible, and goes great with the story. Will you ever go back and add artwork for existing stories? I'd love to see an interpretation of the Egyptian-themed room with the altar from "Undercover". Or of the courtyards with slaves dangling, or in cages waiting to be processed. Or anything from that story, which was one of my favorites. I also loved "Bartender Blues": both the story, and the artwork in Telemachus' gallery. Will there be more to this story as well?

My absolute favorite is Herodotus' "The Falcon's Fall". There's not enough sci-fi in gay erotica, and there's not enough gay erotica in sci fi. Here's both, served exactly to my tastes! The renderings were very well done, especially the scenes of falcon being disrobed, and the imagery was intense and provoking. Keep up the good work.

Basically, what I'm saying is "Thanks, and more, please!"


Monday, 8 March 2010 11:04 From: Telemachus

Re. Feedback for Telemachus - My Favourite Geek.

Nope, it's not part of a story. It's just a standalone picture. Actually it's a portrait of a real person. I don't normally do portraits as I've tried them before and they always look like a thousand different people, but never the one they're supposed to look like. This one was an exception, if you know the guy you'd recognise him in the picture straight away. How I managed it is still a mystery, even to me, LOL.


Monday, 8 March 2010 11:03 From: aussie

Feedback for Herodotus - "Aquaman 5" and "Jake1"

# Aquaman - Ohhhh man. The expression on Aquaman's face. (bg) However, the detail I loved most were the thrashing feet. Great effect... right down to the bubbles. Amazing art, Herodotus.

# Jake 1 - That look on the cowboy's face! You have captured the mood created by Wolfpek sooooo perfectly. There is desire and contempt there. As for Jake (bg) he looks like a real goodie-two-shoes. As always, you amaze me, Herodotus.



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