The Telemachus Story Archive

Part 3 - Orchid's Snare
By Scorpio

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Eclipse - 3.Orchid's Snare


Image created by Jared4ever using AI tools


Two magnificent gymnasts, Jonson and Tye were abducted through a blood moon portal to another world, a jungle world named Attica.

Ruled by a pleasure-hungry God named Danteros and his High Priest named Zephir, whose temple is devoted to sexual servitude. Jonson and Tye have been abducted to serve as Pleasure Primes, to be in perpetual bondage and to serve the temple’s appetite for torture and pleasure. But they must be captured first and brought before Danteros, bound.

The Temple’s enemies are always trying to overthrow the cruel rule of Zephir, but their warriors are no match for the dangerous jungle and expert Priests of Danteros that patrol the jungle. The choicest, most virile of the captured enemy warriors are chosen to serve the temple in the many rites of torture and pleasure extraction.

Jonson and Tye arrived in Attica wearing only their performance thongs; they had been performing their erotic gymnastics show at a nightclub, when the blood moon portal opened; they disappeared into thin air in front of hundreds of clubbers.

But they arrived through the portal into the jungles of Attica, scantily dressed in the same performance thongs. They have been on the run from several men pursuing them and these men have weapons!

Also, Five virile young enemy warriors have been chosen to serve in the Temple, they will be tortured along with Tye and Jonson the newest pleasure Primes from Earth. Mitor and Ethan are from the lands of Preya, Jai is from Batingah, Kai is from Karthos, and Kar is from Cellest all enemies of Attica and the cruel temple. The previous chapter titled Communion introduces these five sexy young warriors who have been chosen to serve in the Temple in preparation for the capture of the earthlings, Jonson and Tye.

Confused and scared, the earthlings’ capture is imminent…


Running scared in the jungles of Attica

Jonson was beside himself; he had seen these guys several times and they had been forced out into the open, into this glade. He had no idea where they were, but he noticed the sky was blue now that he and Tye were out from the jungle canopy. They were running as fast as they could.

Tye looked back over his shoulder; he wasn’t about to slow his pace.

“There are more than three of these guys!” He screamed over his shoulder, quickly looking at Jonson and then back in front, so he could see where his bare feet were landing.

Jonson pined for a pair of shoes, his feet were killing him; they had been on the run for a couple of hours dodging these guys, but he too was not slowing his pace.

“Duck! No, Butterfly - Now!” Jonson screamed as loud as he could so that Tye could hear him up in front.

The two gymnasts were at a pace, so they needed to slow down slightly to perform the move, it didn’t need to be perfect, these guys hunting them weren’t about to judge them on their form, it just needed to be effective. They performed the move twice, twisting their bodies gracefully as the spear shot through, between them, whilst they were in mid-flight of the second butterfly. Their floor routine drills from the past couple of months were paying dividends, but Jonson and Tye had no time to think about that.

They reached the other side of the clearing and ventured into the jungle again panting and gasping for breath taking cover behind a tree covered in vines and creepers. It provided a well-needed hideout while they recovered. This was becoming tiresome, even for them, they needed food and water, however that would need to wait. Survival was their prime purpose right now.

“That was a fucking spear, I heard it whistling from behind us!” Jonson said looking around frantically, trying to catch some breath.

Tye was also checking around them, but he heard Jonson. “This isn’t some game, these guys…” Tye took a couple of deep breaths, “…mean business!” Tye noticed the glint, and then a second glint from another spot.

“Fuck, there’s more of them, I just saw two glints, it seems they have fanned out and they’re communicating with mirrors or lights?”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck. C’mon, let’s keep moving into the jungle; hopefully, we can lose them.”

“I’d kill for a pair of trainers right now!” Jonson said looking at his feet before they took off again into the jungle.

They were several hundred meters into the dense and steamy jungle and were keenly aware that they were not alone, the men tracking them were playing with them. They were making calls between themselves, and they were carefully herding the two gymnasts deeper into the Attican jungle. Playing a skilful game of hide and seek.

Tye stopped for a second and waited for Jonson to catch up. They crouched down low.

“We need to get off the ground Jon, if we can get up into a tree, maybe we can hide,” Tye said quietly.

Jonson was looking desperate. “Yep, these guys are closing in and we are fucking lost!”

Jonson noticed the tree vines hanging several meters to their left and pointed. Tye nodded toward the vines and then nodded upward, pointing his handsome face up, into the jungle canopy.

They sprinted toward the vines because they had little time to waste, with Jonson taking the lead this time, he was just ahead of Tye, so close to the vines when he suddenly disappeared, falling downward into the trap. It was a false, floor, a net covered in leaves and undergrowth.

Tye fell too, but he was able to launch himself toward the vines.

Jonson’s momentum allowed him to reach the vines, but he was further down into the trap. He used a strong grip to hold onto his vine. Thankfully it was holding his weight competently. He heard the other vine creaking, It was Tye, up above him, he had cut short his fall by grabbing a vine too.

Tye Looked down toward Jonson.

“Don’t look down!” Tye said with a look of horror on his face.

Below them was a nest of vipers, but even more alarming was that the snakes were moving through a series of spikes, set around the floor of the death trap.

There was no time to think, no knowing how long the vines would take their weight, they needed to get out, and soon! The vines were creaking.

“Use all your strength, Jonson, We practised this for the South-Western Championships, remember?” Tye screamed down to his partner.

Jonson didn’t respond, but he sprang into action. The move was a twist on a backward swing, dislocate movement. Jonson had to trust the vine would continue to take the pressure, if it didn’t, it would be a fall to certain death. He executed the move with precision and skill, his momentum allowing him to propel himself upward and use Tye’s shoulders as a fulcrum. He made it to the edge of the trap and scrambled out onto the floor of the jungle surrounding the trap.

Tye performed the same move and then grabbed Jonson’s outstretched arm, somersaulting out of the trap in a backward motion to land on his feet in a tucked position.

“Phew, THAT was too fucking close, this is no NSD hazing game! Whoever set that trap means business!” Tye said lifting from his dismount position.

They had no time to discuss who or what had set such a diabolical trap like that, the men hunting them would have closed in on them and there was no telling what other weapons they might have. Jonson took the lead again, after retrieving the knife they had been carrying; he had thrown it instinctively as he fell into the trap, and thankfully he was able to find it quickly. They decided to sprint as fast as they could and try and outrun their assailants.

The jungle was flying past them, they didn’t speak, Jonson and Tye had developed an unspoken communication from years of training and preparing for their shows and competitions, they didn’t need to speak, it just came naturally; they were so harmonious. They had dived left and right, splitting up now and then, trying to confuse their assailants as they ducked and weaved.

After fifteen minutes, they needed water and a rest, even elite, athletic specimens like them could not proceed with that type of frenetic pace for extended periods.


Back in the Shrine of Communion at the Solar Temple

Mitor’s struggles had abated, his tired and blistered body was now weeping oozing from the copious bites from the nest of arachnids. The spiders were all dead, having released their venom before dying, it was a part of their short life cycle, but the destruction they created on Mitor’s once proud and beautiful body was astonishing.

Surrounding him, Jai, Kai, Ethon and Kar were writhing in pleasure, their magnificent forms twisting erotically, their delicious and evocative loincloths saturated in warm, sweet pre-cum. They were striving for release, pining for an orgasmic explosion, but their Zorah stones fueled and sustained by the magical rites were maintaining each young warrior’s pleasure, controlling them and driving their minds into the depths of erotic despair. Only Ethon had experienced an orgasm, the others were now being edged to the precipice of their release, their denial so erotic, so fruitful. The attending priests ensured their bodies were continually massaged with their pre-cum, the very fruits of their male virility.

The Shrine was filled with sounds of delight, it drowned out Mitor’s incoherent babbling, and his hallucinations created by the spiders’ venom were being projected on the roof of the Shrine.

They watched the trap unfold; the new earthlings were attracted to the vines as expected. They had fallen into the deep pit as planned, but Zephir and Tzofira were astounded at how quickly the pair of earth males had escaped with such poise and agility.

“They will serve Danteros’ desires perfectly!” Tzofira said to Zephir.

Zephir was transfixed, watching the two spectacular earthmen sprint through the jungle.

“They have one more test!” Zephir hissed; his eyes did not leave the roof projection.

The Phallic Auditory stones placed throughout the Shrine of Communion continued to seep juices, they hummed as Danteros enjoyed the flavours of Jai, Kar, Kai and Ethons’ pleasure.

Danteros did not speak, he was dining on and enjoying his new warrior entrees’ of pleasure.


In the jungles of Attica

They had been on the run for fifteen minutes or so, and they desperately needed water and a moment to rest and hide. Tye heard water first and directed Jonson to follow him into the very dense and lush area of the jungle.

“This way!” he said, Tye’s ears were attuned to the trickling sound ahead of them. The jungle here was thick and dense, it provided protection, somewhere they could hide until they figured out what to do next and hopefully the men pursuing them would give up, if they could hide away for a few days.

They made their way into the hot and steamy jungle, the air in this part of the jungle was heavy and wet. Jonson was covered in sweat.

“I need a drink soon!” He called Tye who had stopped up ahead and was surveying the path. It was becoming denser by the metre, but the sound of water was so enticing. They had no idea that six Priests of Danteros were moving in closer ready to pounce.

Jonson stopped and kissed Tye as they crouched down, he put his strong arms around Tye and held his partner tight, he placed the dagger down; he had been holding it since they broke free of their bonds way back under that huge tree.

“We’ll get through this, I know we will, let’s find that water and lay low. We need to rest!” Jonson said just before he felt something slither over his foot.

“Did you feel that?” Tye said looking horrified.

They stood up together and looked downward toward their feet. Green shoots were moving across their feet. But they started to circle their ankles, one of the roots then seemed to look up toward their faces, its tip opened like an unfurling flower, it glistened with nectar on the red elongated petals inside what looked like a mouth. Ooze started to drip onto their feet, and it stung like hell.

“FUCK!” Tye screamed, grabbing Jonson and launching through the heavy foliage, dragging Jonson along. What he hoped was on the other side of those big leaves was a pond or stream; the sound of water told them that something was there.

But it wasn’t a stream or a pond as they had hoped. They had jumped into a pool of muddy quicksand. The running water they had heard was on the opposite bank of the quicksand bog. They went in feet first, hoping to wash off the stinging sensation that the plant or whatever it was had drooled onto their feet. Their weight caused them to sink up to the middle of their thighs.

“Fuck!” Jonson screamed. He sank deeper into the slippery mud, he could feel it sucking on his toes, he tried to lift his left leg, but it held fast, and he sank a little deeper.

Tye only grunted and moaned as he tried twisting his magnificent body left and then right. A huge burping sound erupted as a bubble of air exploded on top of the bog between his struggling legs. He sank an inch further into the quicksand.

He also noticed the moving tree roots were starting to surround the quicksand bog, it was as if they were waiting to extend into the bog, but they kept to the edge, undeterred by the growing ripples of soft white mud that were reaching the sides of the bog as each earth boy struggled.

“I thought this was only in movies!” Tye said reaching up to try and reach some of the overhead branches hanging down from the lush green jungle surrounding them.

“It IS only in movies,” Jonson retorted pointing to a branch behind Tye, which he thought his partner could reach.

“Then where - gah” Tye reached, trying to turn his torso at the same time. It caused his body to sink further and not even his athletic abilities could help him stretch far enough to grab hold of the branch, their last hope of escape. “…are we?” He finished his question as he watched Jonson sink to the base of his Pectorals.

“It’s no use - bah…” Jonson tried reaching for Tye, he wanted to grab his partner so that they could die in each other’s arms, but they too were out of reach. “…can’t reach you - fuck!” Jonson said as he slipped down to his neck. He watched as Tye, slipped further in as well.

“Burp!” Several big bubbles erupted around them causing ripples to caress the top of the bog and break on their faces.

“Thishhh ith it!” Jonson could hardly enunciate his words through the slimy gelatinous mud starting to consume his head, Tye was only feet away but well on the way to disappearing below the bog’s surface.

Jonson had also noticed that the tree roots were no longer at the edge, cavorting like slimy tentacles, it was of no consequence to them, and they would soon be taking their final breaths under the muddy bog.

It appeared out of the bog in front of him. One appeared in front of Tye too. It was the weird-looking petals again, and they were pointing right toward him, its gooey nectar drooled out onto the bog’s surface. The tentacle roots had been able to swim through the slimy bog. It was like it was smiling at him. Jonson had no choice but to try and reach out, it was his only hope of survival.

Tye Spluttered mud everywhere at that moment. One of the roots had wrapped around his right upper leg, and it was dragging him out, toward the edge of the bog.

“Awe Fuck, what is happening?” Tye spluttered again looking over his shoulder, noticing Jonson’s hands holding onto the tentacle-like tree root, he was being slowly dragged through the mud in the same direction as he was. The root was firmly encircling his upper leg, and several coils had attached themselves around his leg. He would need to deal with one thing at a time! It was dragging him back toward the bog’s bank and Jonson was not far behind him, holding onto the root with all his might.

Up on the bank, the plant’s main body was unfolding. In its dormant state, the Orchid Acidius looked like a clump of leaves tightly curled inside a bushy camouflage with pretty Orchid flowers with red petals. It came to life when the bog had been disturbed. Hundreds of tentacles lived under the bog, hidden from sight, and any unsuspecting wildlife or enemy warrior caught in the bog would be digested deep below the surface unless one of the patrolling Priests of Danteros saved them. But every five years or so, the priests would herd new unsuspecting earthmen to the jungle bog.

It was that time again.

The plant had already tasted them, drooling its acidic nectar on their feet, causing Jonson and Tye to launch through the undergrowth expecting a cool pond to wash the stinging nectar off their feet. But they had fallen for the Orchid’s lure.

They had jumped into its deadly bog-trap. But the plant knew the taste of earthmen and it obliged the priests stationed around the beautiful jungle glade; by offering to rescue the two earthmen, it would forgo its nutrients and deliver its victims up to them, but not before tasting their flesh.

Tye leaned back and grabbed Jonson’s left hand. One of the tentacles had wrapped themselves around Jonson’s abs and lower back, gripping him tightly. But Tye had no intention of letting Jonson go. He was almost at the sandy bank. His Eyes almost popped when he noticed the huge Orchid flower emerging from its cocoon of leaves and bush. It was the same deep red as the little flowers at the end of the tentacle roots.

It was oozing its acidic nectar again, and his upper leg felt like it was on fire, he had to endure the acute pain and he screamed across the top of the bog. Jonson twisted his arm free of Tye, Tye was screaming too, frantically fighting the coils tightening around his mid-section, oozing their diabolical acid.

Soon they were engulfed in twisting roots, the tentacle heads were writhing and snaking through the air as they kept grasping at their prey. Jonson could see the dagger on the bank, but it was too far for him to reach. The plant was dragging him onto the bank, swirling around his arms and legs. His body was on fire, and the coating of mud was becoming an acidic mud coating. Tye was trying to break free, his face contorting in pain, and his face grimacing with every exertion of his body.

They had been rescued from drowning in the Orchid’s death bog only to be dragged up next to the plant’s central stamen, on the bank. The plant was oozing its acidic nectar down the long slender stamen, its tentacles stretching Jonson and Tye out on the bank, it was unfurling from their limbs except for the tentacles gripping their ankles and wrists.

“Fuck” Jonson screamed, twisting his acidic-mud-coated body this way and that; every pore on his skin was screaming for relief. Tye was thrashing his body too. Jonson could see several tentacle roots hovering over their bodies, the red petal flowers at the end of the tentacles dripping nectar onto their bodies as the plant surveyed them.

It was hissing, he could feel the heat shooting from the ends of tentacles, as several tentacle heads surveyed his heaving body, and every drop of nectar was like an acute burning cut on his muddy naked flesh.

This was it; they had become plant food!

“earthmen!” The voice said. Men were emerging from the undergrowth surrounding the lush Orchid Acidius bog.

Tye could barely see; his body was on fire, the mud in his eyes stinging them shut and his arms and legs were being held competently by the plant. But he could tell the voice was one of those that had been pursuing he and Jonson. There were several voices.


Back in the Shrine of Communion

Kai was lost in pleasure, his bonds were holding his energetic body tightly to the sacred Zorah Stone and it was relentlessly pleasuring him, his body tingled all over; his loins were like fountains of pleasure that erupted out on his loincloth bulge and rippled up and down his body like rivers of delight. Even his hair was tingling in pleasure. Kai’s penis oozed his boy juices, and every emission tried to ignite an orgasm but failed. The magic stone fired earlier in the ritual by Tzofira and Ethon’s shared orgasm had sparked his, Jai, and Kar’s Zorah stones into action. Their pleasure was being controlled and managed meticulously by the magical ritual stones.

The priest attending him, licked his lower bulge, causing Kai to scream in delight, he needed to cum urgently, but the pleasure spike was just a phantom, and the priest knew exactly how to manipulate Kai’s enjoyment; the priest’s licking was persistent and glorious. Kai’s magnificent bound body was being pleasured meticulously by the Zorah Stone and his Priest, but through the blinding sensations he could hear his fellow Five screaming in delight too, he could see the roof of the sacred shrine alight with Mitor’s hallucinogenic projections. He could see Jonson and Tye writhing on the shore of the luscious bog. He knew that bog, it had consumed several of his men before he was captured by the Priests of Danteros and taken to the Factory for conversion. But that was all a distant memory at that moment. Kai’s entire, magnificent body was trying to cum.

But he couldn’t cum.

Danteros was feeding on his pleasure; his pleasure and that of Jai, Kar and Ethon and the communion was unfolding around him.

“Let - Me - Cum”

“Let - Us - Cum” Jai begged, drastically pulling on his bonds.

His pleasure started to abate.

“No - Please! “Jai begged, he was being denied the orgasmic relief, his beautiful body so desperately craved.

He screamed “NO!” Throwing his head back in frustration. He had not ejaculated in over a month and the constant pleasure edging was such delicious torture.

They slumped, exhausted and moaning, pre cum still filling their loincloth pouches, Jai rocked his hips upward hoping the friction would spawn the orgasm he needed, he was prepared to endure the punishment torture they would inevitably dish out to him - if only he could ejaculate.

“Shh boy!” The attending Priest said to Jai, as tears of disappointment ran down his handsome warrior’s young face.

“Your orgasm will be magnificent, but you will not have it today!” The Priest smiled as he scooped a wad of precum from Jai’s drenched bulge.

“Drink it boy!” The Priest shoved the harvested pre-cum into Jai’s mouth and waited until Jai had consumed his own pre-cum.

His erection was gone, but his penis continued to tingle as the final pangs of his pleasure persisted deep inside his penis.

“Agh” Jai’s moan was long and delicious.

The Communion was over, and it was a matter of time before the new earthling Boi Rahs would be paraded into the temple grounds.

“Please” Jai begged, pulling on his bonds and thrashing his head up and down.

“Watch the vision, warrior, your new Primes are on their way, their pleasure will serve Danteros as yours has in this early morning Communion!” The Priest then grabbed Jai’s hair forcing the beautiful young warrior to watch Mitor’s hallucinatory visions being shown magically on the smooth upper ceiling of the Communion Shrine.


Back in the Attican Jungles

Jonson was held tightly by the plant, as much as he struggled, the tentacles gripped his limbs tighter, spraying a mist of acidic nectar. It was pleased with its catch.

“earthmen!” The voice said. but Tye and Jonson could barely see from the plant’s nectar.

“Welcome to Attica!” They said.

The Priests of Danteros had emerged from different parts of the jungle and converged on the bank of the quicksand bog, they were not afraid of the plant, in fact, they were stroking the tentacles which hovered out from the plant’s central stamen.

Two Captains approached Jonson and Tye. They arrived, not with weapons but with a small vial each, they poured the contents of their vials into Jonson and Tye’s eyes, massaging the sticky liquid into their eyes and across their beautiful faces.

The acidic mud evaporated after a minute and Jonson could now see again. Tye looked up to see them surrounding him, surveying his muscular body, lustful, but careful, they bent down and felt Tye’s tight Pecs and small nipples.

“Tzofira has chosen these well. Do all earthmen look as stunning as you two?” One of the Captains asked.

“You speak English?” Jonson started to ask, baring his teeth as he fought the Plant’s persistent hold on his limbs.

The backhand blow from the Priest sent Jonson’s head to the left, his spit hitting the sandy bank.

“Do not speak!” The Captain said slowly and carefully as he arose and walked, stepping over Jonson’s body and making his way toward the Plant’s central stamen, looking over his shoulder, he ordered the other priests.

“Tie them!”

The Captain then lent across to stroke the central stamen of the Orchid.

“Release them Acidica, please!” I have something special for you now, my darling…”

The Orchid shivered and the many tentacle roots vibrated with excitement, it released Jonson and Tye’s limbs allowing several priests to jump Tye and Jonson; they couldn’t escape as the acidic mud was slowly rendering them helpless; every movement of their bodies produced bouts of searing pain.

They screamed as the priests rolled them and tied their arms with silver ropes, they also applied a choker collar which tightened onto their necks causing them to gasp.

“Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” their screams filled the jungle surroundings as the priests lifted them to their feet, gasping for breath, they fought their tight bonds, but it only served to turn the priests on more.

“Magnificent specimens, pure beauty, the other Captain said, looking out into the air as if he was talking to someone.

He was, and his face filled the roof of the Communion Shrine. He was speaking to the High Priest and Tzofira, back in the temple through Mitor’s hallucinogenic visions.

“Bring the Cellestian!” He said smiling into the air.

They brought the Cellestian warrior to the bank. Kultar was from the same regiment that Kar from Cellest had commanded. Kultar was one of the unlucky warriors, not taken to the Factory for processing, but used in the jungles for torture and enjoyment of the Priests of Danteros. He was not as handsome as his leader, Kar, but he was well-built and a fine fighting machine. Kultar was to become Acidica’s food, and the plant shivered in anticipation as the Priests pushed Kultar onto the ground. They tied the warrior’s arms above his head and attached the ropes to a sling system.

“Coat him!” came the order. “Acidica does not like waiting for her food.”

Jonson and Tye were horrified, watching helplessly as they dragged the young warrior by his wrists into the bog, submerging him.

Several minutes later, the bubble of burping muddy air exploded on top of the bog and Kultar’s body was wrenched out of the bog, the plant’s many tentacle roots deep in the bog had wrapped around his helpless body. It lifted him into the air and smashed his body onto the bank in front of where Jonson and Tye were being held by several of the priests.

Blood splattered onto them. Kultar did not survive the thumping; it was violent and explosive. His body was consumed slowly by twenty or so tentacles, sucking and devouring the warrior’s flesh.


Back in the Communion Shrine

The High Priest watched, enthralled by the vision of Kultar’s death as Kar screamed out desperately fighting his bonds and screaming Cellestian profanities.


Back in the Attican Jungles

So, with the plant satisfied with its lunch, the Priests departed! They pushed Jonson and Tye through the undergrowth around the deadly bog, screaming and thrashing with each excruciatingly painful step.

Jonson’s body was craving relief, his bonds were too tight for him to find any room to move his wrists, every breath was as harrowing as the insidious acidic mud covering his body. He stumbled over a rock and nearly fell onto Tye, who was out in front, being pushed by two other priests. The sight of Tye’s tight buttocks was magnificent, and he could tell that the priests were horny; the way they seemed to lick his body with every look of desire, but they were restrained, even so, Jonson could sense their lust.

His thoughts were confirmed when they were pushed into what seemed to be an open cave-like room. The jungle was pouring over the top of the stone walls, with creepers and ferns. The Priests closed the stone door and began to turn a wooden wheel. The frame appeared above them; it was being lowered into the open stone cavern room.

Jonson dared not speak, he didn’t want another blow to his face, but he noticed the pipe sticking out above them, it extended about a foot from the stone wall approximately 2 meters above them. It was dripping water onto the floor of the stone room.

“Tie them!”

The priests went to work, removing the bonds around their wrists. Jonson wanted the dagger so bad, but it was long gone, lost inside the bog, it was way behind them now. They couldn’t struggle because of the acidic mud coating their bodies, but they thrashed their heads back as much as their choker collars would allow, desperately looking for a way to escape. But they were stretched next to each other inside the hefty wooden frame. The ropes pulling on their wrists and ankles creaked as the frame was lifted from the stone floor, using the control wheel. Once a foot off the floor, the priests pulled the base of the frame and fastened it to several rusty metal loops along the base of the wall below the exposed pipe with strong rope.

Jonson and Tye were hanging inside the frame at an angle, they were positioned, facing the exposed pipe up above them, sticking out from the stone wall. Their bonds held them secure and tight. Their bodies were screaming for relief from the pain; they fought for every breath as their choker collars continued to restrict their breathing.

“Gah!” Tye tried to scream; his beautiful body wracked in agony, his throat on fire. He glanced at Jonson who was grimacing and fighting for every breath too. Their attention was drawn to the two Captains of the Priests of Danteros.

They approached the suspended frame, stepping between Jonson and Tye’s legs, looking up into their defiant eyes.

“The waters of the Sparkling Spring will cleanse you of your agony, my beautiful, sexual earthmen!” One of the Captains said leering up at Jonson’s magnificently stretched body. He held out his hand to receive a cloth. The Captain standing between Tye’s stretched legs received a similar cloth.

“Turn the valve!” The second Captain ordered.

The water was indeed sparkling! It shot from the pipes with enormous pressure, it was spraying out into the stone room as the Priests turned an inner wheel on the control wheel, which they had used to lower the frame.

Tye was almost blinded by the force of the shower of sparking water. It drenched him, Jonson and the priests in the stone-walled room immediately. Its force stung his skin, but the acidic mud peeled off his body. The Captains used their cloths to wipe Jonson and Tye’s skin. They performed their duties meticulously ensuring that they cleaned every part of their captives’ skin. Every crevice and every bulge of muscle was attended to with careful and erotic attention.

Jonson and Tye were cleaned completely within fifteen minutes and the valve was returned to the closed position. Tye shook his head, flinging water across the stone-walled room, the ropes were cutting into his wrists and ankles and thankfully, the Priests had unhitched the base of the frame, causing them to swing backward into the waiting hands of several priests.

The agony was gone! Tye could feel his skin tingling, it was an extremely pleasurable experience as he tried twisting his magnificent body inside his bonds. The priests were surrounding them, around the edge of the stone room, admiring their magnificent bodies, and Tye could tell they were all aroused, their loincloths showed their erections craving attention, but as usual, these priests were disciplined. They knew that the High Priest was watching. They could not lay a finger on Jonson or Tye. These were the pleasure toys of Danteros and his High Priest. It would be an instant death sentence to touch or lick these offerings sexually. They would get their fill and reward once these new Boi Rahs were delivered to the Solar Temple.

“Tie them for transport and release the choker collars slightly.” Was the order from one of the Captains.

The frame was lowered, and Jonson and Tye were thrust against the far wall of the room, held against the wet stone by several priests as their arms were bound behind their backs once more. Ankle shackles were attached to a rope, it restricted their ability to move quickly and to take full steps. This would be a long and arduous path to the temple and their fate.


Back in the Shrine of Communion

Mitor’s hallucinogenic visions ceased and faded from the ceiling of the Shrine. His body lay limp on the Altar and his head hung backward. His vision was blurry and his skin blistered and was still burning from the thousands of arachnid bites and their venom.

Around the room, the other four erotic young warriors were still reeling from the intensity of their pleasure and the denial of yet again, another orgasm. They had been carefully prepared for a month in the Factory, their attendants ensuring that each orgasm was denied. They were dripping in precum, sexually frustrated and angry. Kar was reeling from being forced to watch his countryman being eaten by that plant.

Their futures were destined to be cruel and erotic, his bondage, their bondage was too powerful for them to overcome and having heard this mighty god speaking through the Phallic Auditory Stones, Kar could not begin to imagine what horrors these cruel masters had in store for them.

“Take them down and take them to Tzofira’s Annex” The High Priest ordered. The Communion was now complete. The new earthlings had been cleansed in the waters of the Sparkling Spring. Mitor’s hallucinatory phantasms had provided the perfect medium for the vision of the capture of the new Boi Rahs.

It was now up to Tzofira to revive Mitor, the beautiful young warrior from Preya.

But Tzofira only had hours before the arrival of the new Boi Rahs. He needed Mitor restored and ready for the reception along with the others. Tzofira was going to enjoy his work over the next couple of hours.

Zephir had other important work to do. Today, he was parting with the outgoing Boi Rahs, the earthmen delivered to him through the portal five earth years earlier. They were now twenty-seven earth years old and Danteros demanded new fresh pleasure vessels to feed his lust. This pair had served well, their bodies were still supple and valuable, and their penises were still fruitful, producing some of the sweetest rivers of Boi juice he had ever enjoyed milking. Their bodies tortured well too, Zephir loved the sounds they made when he performed the healing rituals, restoring their bodies perfectly, it was almost as enjoyable as their screams under his command at their fruitful torture ceremonies.

His artisans had made the finest loincloths and genital thongs for this pair, and he looked forward to enjoying their replacements soon. But these two magnificent young pleasure vessels were to be roasted over the flames of Danteros in front of his senior priests, Captains, Tzofira and the new Pleasure Prime Boi Rahs; their final torture of service would cap off their years of sexual service to Danteros and his Temple.

Back on earth, five years earlier, Casey and Kel had been fitness instructors with huge followings on their socials. They had been stalked by Tzofira who had, at that time, paraded as a talent developer and Gym owner. He had infiltrated one of the gym empires and had been courting Casey and Kel to join the conglomeration as the beautiful new ‘Faces of Fitness’. He timed the Blood Moon Portal to coincide with the live stream of their first fitness show. They disappeared right before the eyes of millions of fans; taken to Attica by Tzofira.

Danteros had enjoyed feeding on their pleasure, their milking sessions had been legendary, their public tortures magical. But Danteros wanted new semen, new and fresh flavours of pleasure. Casey and Kel were to pay the price of their age. Replaced by new, beautiful earthmen. They would continue to serve in the temple, their bodies would be enjoyed for years to come, but not as the revered and holy Pleasure Primes.

They were being replaced!

The Five were paraded towards Tzofira’s play annex, after being taken from the Shrine of Communion. Tzofira’s facility was second to none and the Five would be looked after well. Two priests dragged Mitor behind the procession. After being removed from their Zorah Stones, their arms were tied, their bodies glistening in sweat and pre-cum, their loincloths wet and musty with the scent of their juices.

They needed to be prepared for the High Priest’s anointing ritual. They would also witness the roasting torture of the outgoing primes, their magnificent bodies oiled and prepared, they would be tied around the perimeter of the sanctum as they had been in the Shrine of Communion. Their beautiful bodies writhing in synch with the rituals. Their juices were destined to be used in the anointing rituals of the new Primes.

But first Tzofira needed to use their pre-cum and blood to activate the healing process to restore Mitor. Tzofira’s tantric magic would activate when their lubricant juices mixed with their blood. Mitor only had hours before he would succumb to the effects of his injuries, so Tzofira needed to commence his work immediately.

“This is my facility gentlemen, your new home. You belong to me; your bodies are mine. Your bondage will fulfil my lust and sexual desire!” Tzofira said as they were marched into one of Tzofira’s treatment rooms.

Several priests ushered them in and dragged Mitor to a central frame. They tied his wrists and hoisted the ropes so that they pulled Mitor’s arms to the corners of the frame. They then pulled the magnificent warrior’s legs to the bottom corners of the frame.

“Lights!” Tzofira said spinning around and clapping. Mitor’s body was bathed in light; every muscle on show, his beautiful loincloth dangling between his spread legs. Tzofira looked at the bulge beneath the outer flap of the loincloth.

“As I said - all mine!”

“Tie them around Mitor, I want Ethon tied directly in front of Mitor!”

The priests rolled in four bondage horse apparatuses and Tzofira directed them into place. He checked that Mitor’s frame had been constructed to his specifications. He was pleased with how the locking devices worked. He would enjoy this set-up with his five special warrior boys. He looked forward to hosting Zephir soon, and soon also, he would have Jonson and Tye to enjoy.

“Excellent work!” He stated, listening to the four warriors being installed on their horses. He walked over to Kar of Cellest.

The feisty warrior had recovered from the shock of his countryman’s violent death at the hands of Bog Orchid. It made him angrier, so Tzofira took part in the installation process of the magnificent young warrior.

Kar felt the smooth wood caress his buttocks, he fought them as hard as he could, but the priests were big men and as ferocious as he! They gripped him competently and skilfully; he could tell they were good at what they did. He fought them as they pulled his arms upward and backward, forcing his upper body against the thick wooden frame. They attached his wrists with tight-fitting metal restraints, the sharp edges of the restraints warning him of their ability to cut and slice into his flesh. Tzofira grabbed Kar’s hair forcing the handsome young warrior’s head back onto the thick wooden brace. The priests fitted the choker around his neck and tightened it sufficiently for him to breathe and speak. He turned his head desperately, trying to release himself from Tzofira’s grip on his hair, his scalp was stinging from Tzofira’s grip.

He felt the cold steel connect with his abdomen, it was a tight, formfitting, restraint that they ratcheted into place using a cog wheel fitted on the back of his torture horse.

“Agh!” He groaned as Tzofira let go of his hair. Kar instinctively shook his head causing him to gasp as the choker bit into his neck. His feet were still free, and as he glanced downward over his heaving young muscular body, he noticed Tzofira using a whip to grab one of his ankles. One of the cruel priests had a whip also. The pain was excruciating, especially when the specially designed fall of the whip tightened around each of his ankles. His feet felt like they were on fire and the spikes of pain screamed up into his shins and calf muscles.

The sharp metal restraints bit into his skin as they tightened them, securing his legs to the wooden torture device. Kar looked around frantically, he pulled on his restraints causing a trickle of blood to run down the inside of his arms. The sharp-edged restraints were diabolical, and he learned to make a fist and try and keep his arms as immobile as possible. He grimaced when a priest dabbed a cloth soaked in some kind of liquid. The sting of the healing liquid was intense, yet pleasurable.

“Gah!” He cried out as they attended to each of his ankles and wrists, they had each been sliced in his initial struggles and he noticed that the priests were attending to Jai, Kai and Ethon in the same way. They were restrained similarly to him. Restrained on a knife edge, their bodies were pulled onto these devices, helpless and vulnerable.

Tzofira was pleased with his work and then clapped his hands. “Spread their legs!” He demanded.

So, the Priests set about adjusting the wheels on the back of the four torture horse devices causing the leg restraint appendages to widen. The warrior’s bodies were stretched and helpless.

Mitor was coming to, spreadeagled inside a frame, at the centre of the room, his head hanging down. The others surrounded Mitor, each restrained on similar torture devices. The priests were using a shiny Laver from which they drew the healing potions. Next to it, a goblet stood waiting on a pedestal. The room was dimly lit from around its edges, and lights shone from the roof illuminating Mitor’s taught, sexy body in his frame as well as the other four warriors positioned around Mitor. All was set for Tzofira to enjoy his new charges.

“Gentlemen, what a pleasure it is to finally meet you all!”

He dismissed the Priests to the extremities of the room; Tzofira wanted to have some personal time with his new sexual toys. He continued speaking and walking around the room visiting each of the delicious young men tied to his diabolical devices.

“As you have come to realise, your restraints are razor sharp, they will slice the sumptuous flesh of your wrists and ankles, so be good boys, do as I wish, because I am your master now! If you are good young men, I will allow the priests to heal your wounds. Resist, you will suffer well into the night!”

“You bastard!” Jai screamed as he attempted to move his sumptuous body without causing the restraints to slice into his flesh. Blood ran down Jai’s left arm, prompting Tzofira to attend to him.

Tzofira dabbed a cloth into the healing balm and then onto Jai’s left wrist. The wound on Jai’s wrist healed immediately.

“See! I can be a merciful master, but don’t tempt my evil side!” Tzofira said with a wry smile, he was looking directly into Jai’s defiant eyes but speaking loud enough for the other warriors to hear.

He spun around and approached Kai, Tzofira’s gaze firmly on Kai’s wet little loincloth, bulging with his manhood concealed inside. “Your bodies are my toys, my sexual playthings!”

Kai looked at Tzofira and thought about spitting at him to show his defiance, he was helplessly stretched and vulnerable and Mitor was moaning, stretched out in the frame behind Tzofira who was standing directly in front of him; Mitor’s torture was a reminder of Tzofira’s cunning and cruelty. Kai therefore thought better of it and kept his saliva in his mouth. He glared at Tzofira and bared his teeth in defiance.

“Oh, you turn me on Kai, that is your name, isn’t it? Especially when you look all defiant like that.”

Tzofira then caressed Kai’s wet loincloth. Kai hadn’t cum in weeks, he and the others had been edged so many times he had lost count and Tzofira’s gentle caress of his bulge made his body tingle with anticipation.

“Brr, please, gah!”

Tzofira laughed. “You gentlemen don’t know what to call me, ha ha. You may call me Lord or Master. I am the servant of Danteros, the scout who delivers the magnificent earthlings. You are my reward for finding the latest magnificent Pleasure Primes for Danteros.”

“Never!” Kai growled, looking down at his hungry loincloth bulge that Tzofira was expertly enjoying.

Kai felt his penis’s joy at Tzofira’s touch; his genitals had been manipulated exquisitely for weeks.

“Let me cum!” Kai demanded.

Tzofira just smiled, he enjoyed using his limited powers, his ability to transfer energy into the penis and scrotum of his victims had re-ignited soon after his arrival back into Attica via the portal. Tzofira sent mild spike of pain into Kai’s bulge. It left his palm and Tzofira could feel it enter Kai’s penis.

Kai’s scream was chilling.

Tzofira’s moans of delight were equally as chilling.

It took Kai several minutes to calm down from the explosion of agony, blood ran down his arms and dripped onto the floor. His wrists sliced open. Tzofira cleansed them with his healing potion, not wanting Kai to die from blood loss.

“Kai, you are a demanding young warrior, ha ha. You will learn not to demand anything as sacred as your orgasm of pleasure!” Tzofira turned to each of them. “As I said gentlemen, I will say when you can cum, when your boy bulges can feed me. Only Me, the High Priest and Danteros himself can allow your orgasms to develop and flower. Only we can harvest your sanctified semen!”

Tzofira then struck Kai so hard, that the spittle Kai had been thinking of launching at his captor, was sent flinging out toward his neighbouring captive, Ethon.

Mitor’s moans became louder. They made Tzofira hornier, so he made his way back to the centre frame holding the tortured warrior.

“Mighty Mitor!” Tzofira said gabbing the warrior’s short sandy hair and wrenching his head upward.

Everything was blurry and his body stung from every pore, his skin was screaming with pain. Where was he? He remembered Tzofira’s voice.

“Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Mitor suddenly felt the fullness of his agony.

“Those pesky spiders, whack a punch, don’t they Mitor?” Tzofira said mockingly, looking around at each of the warriors tied around the room.

He looked back at Mitor.

“Beautiful, aren’t they?” Tzofira said looking at Ethon, Kai, Kar and Jai.

“Danteros enjoyed your torture and your hallucinogenic window into the Jungle, my beautiful boy. He also enjoyed the flavour of your friends’ pleasure. They nearly came, they were so close, close to ejaculating. But so far from release. Danteros fed on them! They oozed so much warrior juice too. Sublime and sweet!”

They all fought their bonds carefully so as not to shred their skin and risk slitting their wrists.

Tzofira noticed when Mitor looked up, noticing Ethon straining in his bonds directly ahead of him. Tzofira was enjoying himself immensely

“Ethon got to cum! He shared my orgasm and kicked off the others’ pleasure cycles. Ethon came like a mighty animal; he drenched his loincloth and his body!” Tzofira said laughing into Mitor’s cloudy eyes.

I’m going to make him drink your cum Mitor, you will be brought to the fullness of your orgasm and your mighty countryman will consume your sacred juice. Ha ha. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall we? Let’s hear you scream a little more, it will be an incentive for your new friends here and Ethon to give me what I want, and if you scream loud enough, Mighty Mitor, I might consider restoring that magnificent body of yours back to perfection. New skin, no pain, lots of strength and lots of delicious mighty Mitor juices for me to extract, ha ha ha!”

Mitor groaned deeply, as he used what limited strength he had to try and free his head from Tzohira’s grip, his eyes widening when he noticed the priest handing Tzofira a long flexible length of Carcass Pine.

Carcass Pine grew in the Attican jungle, known for its thousands of teeth-like spurs along its slender and tall stems. Warriors had used the plant for different purposes when fighting in jungles when constructing traps, knowing all too well, that the fighting Priests of Danteros used these slender stems as effective and painful whips with their captives.

Tzofira let go of Mitor’s hair and approached Ethon. He let the end of the dangerous Carcass Pine slide across Ethon’s heaving belly. Tzofira could see the anger rising in the beautiful Preyan’s eyes, Ethon was filling with emotions, trying his best not to slice his body with the razor-like restraints pulling his body to his torture horse. He felt anger, he felt fear, and he looked into the Tzofira’s evil and lustful eyes. Thankfully the tiny spurs on the Carcass Pine faced downward, so they slipped over his glistening abs, while Tzofira teased him.

“You gentlemen need to learn respect. Mitor will learn respect!” Tzofira said forcefully.

He watched the four young warriors struggling and ordered the priests to make a final adjustment to their torture horses. “Present me their luscious loincloth bulges. I do enjoy being turned on by beautiful young sexual objects!”

The attending priests adjusted the horses using the wheel assembly on the back of their torture horses causing the horses to push each warrior’s pelvis forward.

Kai groaned trying to adjust to the new diabolical stretch, desperately avoiding the razor restraints cutting into his skin.

“Gah!” He screamed in unison with Kai, Kar and Ethon. Blood dripped onto the floor surrounding each warrior as their restraints began to cut deeper.

Tzofira walked around his circle of warriors, feeling each bulge, enjoying his captives’ struggles. When he was finished, and with no warning, he rushed into the group’s centre. Positioning himself behind Mitor, he whipped Mitor’s hamstring muscles violently, causing the cracking sound to reverberate around the room; it was followed by Mitor’s violent scream.

“Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Mitor’s body twisted this way and that, causing the ropes restraining him in the frame to creak.

Tzofira struck Mitor three more times; the punishment was brutal and savage; he used the long, slender Carcass Pine stem with precision, ensuring that he pulled back violently at the end of each strike, ripping into Mitor’s flesh.

Blood and spit flung from Mitor’s body in the fiery display of Tzofira’s anger and Mitor’s screams filled Tzofira’s compound and out into the temple grounds. It lasted several minutes before Tzofira handed the length of Carcass Pine back to one of the attending Priests.

“Monster!” Screamed Ethon who had witnessed the whipping from directly in front of Mitor. Mitor was once again lifeless and hanging in his bonds, his body almost unrecognisable, he made no sound. He could have been dead for all Ethon could know.

Tzofira calmed down fast, his demeanour, his breathing, his tone of voice changing so fast it was chilling!

“Poor Mitor, not so mighty now! Is he boys?” He said in a happy tone of voice.

He was standing next to Mitor’s limp body, looking at Kar and around at the other struggling young warrior captives. He was falling in lust for each magnificent young man tied before him, every lithe body, so delectable, every loincloth bulge, every penis in the room belonged to him! He was becoming hornier with each passing moment, just the sight of these sexual masterpieces could make him cum without touching himself, but he controlled his urges. He had work to do and time was running out for Mitor.

“I think mighty Mitor has learned a lesson today!” Tzofira said, his eyes darting around the room.

They didn’t dare to utter a word in response, but they all felt the anger bursting inside their chests.

“I am a benevolent master too, I’m not always malevolent! A time for everything; our time of agony is at an end; it is now time for pleasure and healing! That will be fun, won’t it? I must prepare each of you to meet the new Pleasure Primes. Earthmen of such beauty and poise, so skillful and graceful. So full of Earth cum, vessels of exquisite pleasure. Your bodies will support their offerings, you will get to know them intimately, a bit like how we are getting to know each other now! So, I must have you Five in perfect condition, pumped, oiled and edged for their arrival later today.”

He then turned to face Mitor hanging and slumped in his bonds, blood dripped from different parts of his body, it was splattered over the floor. The once beautiful young man had been rendered a beaten piece of meat.

“We must restore his beautiful body; we cannot leave him hanging like meat!” Tzofira said pretending to be concerned. “He needs to look beautiful; you all need to look beautiful to welcome the new Pleasure Primes, the new Boi Rahs to the Temple.”

He walked over to Ethon who was overcome with grief for his fellow Preyan. Blood ran off his wrist restraints and ankles, the stretch of his delectable and supple body turned Tzofira on immensely, but it was the erotic loincloth that the torture horse had been configured to present to Tzofira that made Tzofira’s penis tingle inside his loincloth. He turned the control knob on Ethon’s choker, enough to make the warrior gag. He then used both hands to caress the Preyan’s protruding, round bulge. The feel of the outer loincloth flap sliding over the Ethon’s under thong was sexual bliss to Tzofira. He enjoyed the heat and moistness of the bulge for a minute, leaning over Ethon’s heaving body and licking some of Mitor’s blood splatter off Ethon’s chest and nipples. He pealed the outer flap off the thong to reveal its beauty, he enjoyed the feel of Ethon’s crown through the thin leather of the thong pouch, the sensitive glans of Ethon’s beautiful penis. He then felt the Preyan’s testicles, thick and ripe with semen.

“Mmm, so delicious you Preyans are. Your culture circumcises you at the age of twelve. I like that.” Tzofira said, drooling. I think the Penis looks so handsome with its head waiting to be enjoyed. I’m going to control your penis; my beautiful young man and we will extract hours and hours of pleasure from this magnificent piece of equipment and your luscious bulge.”

Ethon wanted to kill Tzofira there and then, his rage was rising, his body sweating, but he was helplessly stretched; his ankles and wrists were stinging, and he could feel his blood oozing from where the restraints were biting into his flesh. He couldn’t speak as the choker was tight, every breath was laboured, and his sex-crazed, horny captor was ravenously working his bulge.

Pleasure began to infest his bulge, amazing and delicious, so splendid and inviting. Ethon could not help his laboured moan.

“Good warrior, that’s it, you cannot escape such divine pleasure, get hard Preyan, I want to feel your instrument of divine pleasure grow in my hand.”

Tzofira, gripped the Preyan’s bulge so hard, his hand glowing light blue, he was using his erotic tantra powers, given to him by Danteros for the many rituals and rites demanded in the Temple.

“Take the pleasure boy!”

Ethon had no control, his cock gorged with blood and his head was spinning with delight. It screamed inside his penis like thousands of throbbing microwaves of intense pleasure that exploded out of his penis into his bulge.

“Bah” Ethon tried to scream in delight, his body twisting and straining as the pleasure exploded over and over, he was rocking his hips into Tzofira’s hungry hands, and he almost choked to death when the first spurt of pre-cum ejected his cock, through the thong into Tzofira’s hungry hands massaging Ethon’s bulge.

“Good warrior, you are a good boy, give me more of your juices, fill my hands with your precum.”

Tzofira could feel Ethon’s pleasure, it was buzzing inside his pre-cum soaked hands, he laughed, crazed and full of lust as Ethon’s straining body tried to adjust to the pleasure load being administered by Tzofira’s tantric pleasure magic.

“Writhe warrior, writhe for your master, your penis, your bulge, your loincloth are servicing me, I will take your juice from you like a fountain, your penis is mine, MINE!

An attending Priest collected Ethon’s dripping blood from each of the restraint wounds on the warrior’s ankles and wrists, it took several minutes as Ethon thrashed in delight, his restraints cutting deeper and deeper, filling the goblet-like bowl with fresh Preyan blood.

The goblet was held out for Tzofira, the priest, with his head bowed in reverence to the Scout and the magic bestowed on him for his service to Attica and the Temple. Tzofira’s hands were glowing blue, and they glistened; the magic infusing Ethon’s plentiful juices coating Tzofira’s hands. Tzofira plunged his hands into the goblet of Ethon’s blood.

Magic, pre-cum and blood began to fuse; the goblet glowing in tantric power, Tzofira then turned and faced Mitor, the goblet held upward and Tzofira’s glowing hands held out toward the almost dead and lifeless young Preyan warrior.

“You don’t get to die today mighty Mitor!” Tzofira said as he began to massage his hands onto Mitor’s red-raw flesh.

The scream was momentous, loud and full of agony.

Mitor’s bondage frame creaked, the ropes straining, and the young warrior began to regain strength, his body twisting, his head thrown backward. The healing had begun, but there was more to do. More work for Tzofira; he turned to Jai of Batingah.

Priests then moved into position, first turning Mitor’s bondage frame so that the Mitor’s writing body was facing Jai. It was Jai’s turn for the ceremony of blood and Pre-cum. And Tzofira wasted no time. He used his tantric magic as he had performed with Ethon, causing the Batingahn warrior to scream in throws of sexual delight, his bonds, as with Ethon, slicing into his flesh to extract the hot warrior’s blood. Jai’s penis was fertile and rich, and as with the other Five, it had not released semen in weeks. It produced thick throbs of pleasure that made Jai tremble in delight. He did not care about the hot blood oozing from his ankle and wrists; his world was controlled by the waves of sumptuous pleasure reverberating inside his loincloth thong.

Tzofira then performed the magic healing rites, filling Jai’s goblet with his blood, his pre-cum and with his magic.

Mitor was healed another quarter, and his body beginning to reshape and heal; Mitor’s skin was forming again where red welts and sores had formed from the thousands of spider bites. The pain and agony were subsiding, but he was still nauseous and stinging pain continued to shoot through his body.

Kai was next on the list, followed by Kar, slowly and surely Mitor was healed by Tzofira’s evil, tantric massage. But when complete, Mitor was left alive, his perfect and beautiful body stretched inside the bondage frame, Mitor was horny beyond his wildest sexual fantasies, but surrounding him, the other four of his group of five warriors were slumped backward on their torture horses, surrounding in blood. Their loincloths wet and oozing pre-cum oozing down on the floor between their stretched legs like slow-motion slender waterfalls. They had given their pleasure, given their very lifeblood to restore him and even though he was ultra horny, Mitor felt guilt and regret.

Tzofira though was pleased with his work, he walked around the scene, pleased and horny.

“Welcome back Mitor! Now, don’t fret my beautiful young Preyan, now that we have restored you to health, so magnificent and erotic, you can be sure that my priests of Danteros will restore them to their equally magnificent selves!”

“You’re a monster!” Mitor screamed, twisting inside the tight ropes stretching his body inside the wooden frame.

“They are almost dead!” He added.

Tzofira walked over toward Mitor and inspected the young warrior’s perfect, supple body, he felt every muscle and checked the warrior’s loincloth; his hands working and feeling Mitor’s hot and sweaty form. He ignored Mitor’s protestations.

“Yes, you are restored well, my beautiful, sexual play-boy, I will enjoy your body tonight, but we have limited time before the new Boi Rah’s, our latest Pleasure Primes arrive!” Tzofira, turned to the assembled waiting priests ordering them to take Jai, Kar, Kai and Ethon to their cells to be restored.

“Cleanse them in the cool waters of Desire!” He ordered the priests.

The four young blood-drained warriors had almost given their lives to save Mitor, they were taken away to be restored in the underground waterway that fed the bowels of the temple, its healing, and restorative qualities had been used for decades by the priesthood to restore and invigorate many virile captives who had been tortured to the edge of their lives in ritualistic agony.

Tzofira then looked toward Mitor. “Take him too, ensure the waters from the spring of Desire, trickle over his body, ensure his loincloth is soaked and clinging to his genitals. Then ensure the other four warriors are cleansed in the waters. When they see the new Pleasure Primes, their bodies will be so horny, so erotically charged, their desires and bodies will crave their new Primes.


Back in the Attican jungles

Tye and Jonsons’ bodies had been revived and cleaned in the waters of the Sparkling Spring; the priests had cleaned every surface of their bodies. They were tied and joined by the choking collars, which were biting into their necks. The jungle was hot and sticky, and they had been forced forward for hours. Jonson was behind Tye, his eyes watching Tye’s tight buttocks moving with his every laboured step. Tye was still wearing his gold performance thong; it had lost some of its lustre, but the erotic garment continued to cling dutifully to Tye’s body. Jonson was still sporting his red thong, it too was worse for wear, given what they had endured since arriving in Attica, but the fabric still caught the bright sunlight as Jonson’s body moved forward. His ropes were tight and strong, and Jonson had given up trying to free his arms hours earlier.

“Stop here!” The Captain up front demanded, turning and holding his right hand out forcefully, causing Tye to step backward to avoid colliding with the Captain. They had halted in front of a cave opening.

“Bring the transport!” The Captain ordered.

To Jonson and Tye’s surprise, several ornately attired priests emerged from the dark depths of the cave, They were pulling the transport from the cave. It emerged glistening in gold and precious stones. Four wheels at the centre of long transport, two on either side allowed the sacred and heavy piece of equipment to roll out of its cave. Five Priests pushed the ornate vehicle from behind using golden rods.

Two thick poles rose from the base of the ornate golden trailer, one toward the front and the other toward the rear.

“Tie them to the poles, the dark-haired earthling to the front pole and the light-haired one to the rear pole.”

Tye fought his bonds as the priests came and gripped his heaving shoulders.

“What are you doing?” He snarled, turning his head quickly, and looking toward Jonson. They were all over Jonson who had decided to fight them as best he could.

They pushed Tye’s head back toward the front forcefully, before he could demand anything further.

“What, no!” He started to say before a leather gag was thrust into his mouth and tied tightly behind his head. Tye struggled and fought them as they dragged him up toward the forward golden pole and removing his collar. Up onto the transport. They forced his feet wide and attached golden clasps to his ankles, attaching the clasps to golden links on the base of the transport; forcing his feet to be wide apart and his athletic and muscled legs spread.

Next, they untied his arms, replacing the ropes with golden, ornate rope, his arms were tied together above his head and his arms were forced upward, attaching the golden rope to clasps at the top of the golden pole. He struggled as best he could he had to use his extensive training to keep his balance. The Priests tested his display pole, causing him to swing around left and then to the right, they were spinning him slowly in both directions.

The ropes were tight and unforgiving, his legs were spread, and his muscles gleamed beneath the sheen of sweat forming on his magnificent body. They were displaying him for something and as the priests continued to test his display pole, he was forced full circle, the pole turning along with the circular base. As he came around, he could see Jonson fighting his bonds forcibly, the golden shackles on the floor forcing Jonson’s legs wide, like Tye’s, were straining but they held the golden clasps easily, clinking with every twist of Jonson’s energetic body, every vain attempt at his freedom.

Jonson had never looked sexier and erotic to Tye. He wanted that tight ass so bad. Jonson’s tiny bulging red thong was designed to attract every eye in the room, the performance thong clinging tightly to Jonson’s beautiful body, the red bulge packed with his magnificent cut penis and his full, semen-packed testicles. Jonson could spurt well beyond his head when he came, he had often shot forcefully and directly into Tye’s face. Tye looked at Jonson’s beautiful face, he was so sexy when he was angry, but seeing him displayed like that, so determined, struggling, his body stretched the way it was and that fucking erotic red garment. Tye felt his cock stir, he couldn’t stop the surge of sexy erotic feelings he experienced whenever he looked at Jonson. But all he could do was drool and mumble into the leather strap gagging his mouth.

Jonson was not gagged, and he gave them a piece of his mind.

“What are you doing you sick fucks!”

“Where in fuck’s name are we?” He demanded.

“Free us! Immediately!”

Jonson was not taking this type of treatment, he had been tied up, hunted, almost impaled in a trap, and captured in a bog by a hungry plant. His day had not gone to plan, and now, these weird, strong men had tied him and Tye to golden poles on some kind of ornate, long chariot trailer.

“Free us immediately!” he demanded, securing one of the Captain’s attention.

The Captain came up close to Jonson, he was so close, that Jonson could feel and share the Captain’s body heat. He licked the side of Jonson’s face grabbing the back of Jonson’s head.

“You’re lucky boy, you and pretty boy here…” He said slowly and carefully, glancing over his shoulder toward Tye, who was struggling and drooling at the front of the golden chariot. His gold thong was wet with sweat, and his bulge was pronounced and magnificent in the hot afternoon sun streaming down on them through the trees. “… You two are the hottest property in Attica, if not I would take you and fuck you like a wild animal, you two are sexual gold, and I must obey Danteros!”

Jonson got angrier, fighting the Captain’s strong grip on his head. “Let go of me!” He snarled, baring a set of perfect teeth, recently whitened as part of their winning, state Gymnastics championships performance preparations.

“Get the golden phallus, we will insert this one first!” He said smiling at Jonson.

“I’ll insert it myself!”

One of the priests approached holding the golden implements and handed one to the Captain who held it in front of Jonson’s face. The long thick implement was slightly bent, it glinted in the sunlight, a perfect penis head was staring at Jonson.

“Lick it, boy!”

Jonson snarled again attempting to ignore the Captain and the implement thrust into his face. He tried but was forced to look at the dildo. Other priests arrived and forced Jonson’s mouth open and soon the Captain had forced the golden penis into Jonson’s mouth.

“I said, LICK IT boy!”

He had no choice, his tongue surrounded the golden phallus, Jonson could feel the ridges, the lifelike veins running up the shaft until the Captain removed it.

Jonson almost spat it out, his anger was flaring and the ropes wrapping his wrists up above his head attached to the thick golden pole were biting into his wrists, but he had to try, he had to get himself free.

“Good boy!” The Captain said. He started lowering himself, licking Jonson’s magnificent sweat-soaked wriggling body as he descended. The priests held Jonson, in place while the Captain continued worshipping the earthling’s body.

He could feel the Captain’s hands gliding over his skin, caressing his body, this big man was worshipping his body, he could feel the warm breath over the red shiny bulge of his performance thong. Fingers were feeling every millimetre of his bulge, they felt, beneath his balls along the thong’s thin elastic strap clinging to his taint.

His eyes widened when Jonson felt the warm tongue licking around the edge of his boy-pussy. He only ever let Tye into that most special region of his body, but the Captain’s tongue felt amazing as he explored his anus. The captain was pulling Jonson’s thong strap away from Jonson’s pucker.

“Stop, no!” Jonson cried out when he realised what was happening, but it was too late.

“Aghhhhhhhhhhhh” He moaned as the golden phallus was inserted into his anus.

The Captain was gentle at first, but used force to ensure it was rammed deeply inside of him.

Jonson twisted his body as best he could moaning delightfully to the smiling priests who were standing next to him watching his magnificent body succumbing to the phallus.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, what are…”

He was interrupted as the priests pumped two separate foot pumps, he was being lifted slowly, up the pole by several inches. He tried to look around to see what the Captain was doing behind him, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and fear until he felt the Captain latch the back of the dildo phallus onto one of the olden golden hooks on the pole behind him.

“No, please!” he moaned as they released the foot pumps, his body weight pulled him down onto the phallus and it ripped deeper into his body.

It felt amazing once his body had adjusted, Jonson couldn’t speak any more, like Tye, they had also gagged him with a piece of leather tied behind his flowing blond hair at the back of his head.

Jonson and Tye were both tied and impaled in the same manner. Their golden poles were strong and sturdy, their arms tied in golden ropes above their heads to clasps up on their poles. Their legs spread. Their impaled bodies were struggling and fighting their bondage. They were prepared and ready to enter the Temple.

Tye could feel the dildo fucking him as he struggled, his mind racing, he had so many questions, they were adjusting his gold performance thong, it was as if they were getting ready to present, he and Jonson. He could hear the muffled moans and protestations from Jonson, behind him. The Captain licked his bulge, and his hands felt the thong straps on his hips, enjoying the erotic garment before descending the chariot, and returning to his Priests assembled on the jungle floor next to the chariot.

They surveyed the magnificent young human males, their eyes lusty and hungry, taking in the beauty of Jonson and Tye’s bondage, their athletic bodies twisting and struggling, every muscle glistening in the moist, warm humid air, their erotic earth garments clinging to their bodies. They all hoped that the High Priest would be as pleased as they were and that Danteros would accept these magnificent earthlings as his new Pleasure Primes. That they would be rewarded with the taste of earthling pre-cum, or maybe their sacred semen.

Only time will tell!

Eclipse will continue soon.

Discord: scorpio5862

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