The Telemachus Story Archive

Part 2 - Communion
By Scorpio

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Eclipse - 2.Communion


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Well, this chapter was supposed to be called Capture! However, Communion came out of the blue one day while I was considering what to include in Capture. Communion demanded to be written, so here it is and I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it.


Two amazingly talented gymnasts were in the final applause of their final, ‘good-bye’ Lava-A-Gogo show when they and the talent scout from the erotic jungle realm known as Attica suddenly disappeared in front of hundreds of clubbers at the sexy nightclub.

They were taken during a Blood Moon Luna Eclipse; a portal used by the inhabitants of the Jungle realm to abduct only the choicest of human male virility. Perfect specimens to a world of erotic bondage and service as the new Pleasure Primes who must serve a lust-filled God named Danteros.

Jonson and Tye have arrived on the other side of the portal only to find that the Priests of Danteros are hunting them.

Back at the Solar Temple, preparations are underway for the capture of Jonson and Tye, the earthlings. Danteros wants to speak to his devoted followers; he needs to commune. As part of the Rites of Communion, five of the Temple’s enemies, young and erotic warriors will be inducted into erotic service, to support the new Pleasure Primes in, the service to Danteros.


Zephir woke from a crazed sleep; he had been preparing for the capture all day and night in his mind and his sacred Temple. The Temple was nearly ready, and Attica would soon have its next Boi Rahs. There was so much to do, Danteros could not be denied the new rivers of pleasure that the new captures would provide.

Danteros had spoken to the High Priest in his dreams, and Danteros wanted communion on this most sacred of days. The inception of his Pleasure Primes was the highlight of life in Attica and its importance in the Attican calendar was of utmost significance. The communion was to be the first order of the sacred day before the many remaining preparations. The early morning communion would cement Danteros’ will and demands for the day ahead as they prepared for the arrival of the new Pleasure Primes, known as Paramounts or Boi Rahs, the two earthmen would be tested in the Jungles of Attica and brought to the temple in a grand procession for the people to witness later in the day,

Zephir called his Temple attendants.

“I want Tzofira brought to the Communion Shrine! Ensure his access to Temple stock is denied this morning!” He demanded, but he wasn’t finished.

“Five new intruders must be chosen this morning, these warriors will serve Tzofira, the Temple and Danteros. They must be perfect sexual vessels; bring them and tie them around the circumference of the Communion Shrine, I need five of them and make sure they have not been tortured lately. They must be at full strength, and I want them primed and ready to serve Danteros his communion!” Zephir ordered.

“Bring Tzofira to the Communion Shrine once the warriors have been tied to the presentation poles outside the Sacred Communion Shrine. Do not say a word to Tzofira, am I clear? These are the demands of Danteros!” The Warlock High Priest hissed as he spoke, underlining his authority to the attending Temple Priests.

The captain and his senior Priests went straight to the Factory upon receiving their orders, it was still dark outside, and the warm humid air hung heavy in the moonlight. The third Moon was still huge in the sky and its prevalence over the last couple of days had made a lasting impression on the people of Attica. It signalled the Portal window; everybody hoped that this event had delivered new delicious Paramounts. Excitement had been building, but not in the Factory. It was business as usual.

The Priests called it the Factory, it was a place of agony, of preparation for service, of torment and affliction. Only the mightiest of warriors, the most famed and most beautiful in their lands and the proudest were taken there. They had been captured trying to free their compatriots who had been installed throughout the jungle as lures. Their compatriots had been tied and tortured in precise locations around the Attican jungle, they had been placed there as sirens, calling and luring their countrymen to venture into the jungle to save them. Fighting to stay alive in barbarous and agonising tortures administered by the Temple of Danteros. Danteros knew the anger and rage his torturous displays of cold-hearted cruelty had on his enemies; it sent a message, ensuring that armies of men would come to avenge their brothers. But they were no match for Attica’s jungle and the cruel Priests of Danteros. The Priests would round up the survivors; the ones the Jungle had not consumed. The Priests sorted their catch, picking mighty chiefs, powerful young gods of men, and taking only the best stock for the Temple’s purposes. The others were destined for an outpost penal pound. They would be the next lures to be tortured, screaming for mercy, calling for their heroes to save them.

Only the most powerful, erotic of the stock made it to the Factory. These men, warriors and leaders of armies, had become recruits for the lascivious desires of Danteros. But they required processing, through a series of cruel tortures, incantations and rites. To be presented before Danteros, they must have been broken and tempered perfectly. Their bodies worshipped, built, and honed. Their loins cured and primed for service. Danteros enjoyed his taste for prime beef and the Factory produced a fine product. Perfect examples of male virility, chiselled bodies with sharp and defiant minds. They were created to be luxurious erotic stock for the many rites of orgasm and agony, and the ceremonies which Danteros demanded.

The Priests knew that the Factory never slept, and shifts of attendants ensured a continuous service. Carefully torturing, healing, beautiful young men. Preparing not only luxurious specimens of male virility and magnificence, but fashioning erotic wear for them; garments designed to enhance their sexuality, stimulate and infuse diminutive surges of erotically infused energy into their bodies. The Factory produced a premium stock of erotic playthings. Stock to be used privately, or publicly. Once high and lofty warriors, now captured and bound in a world of erotic servitude and bondage, fashioned to be used and humiliated.

This was a Communion rite and the High Priest had been particular in his demands. His word was as good as the word of Danteros, their hungry, lustful God, so they were fulfilling the word of Danteros himself. They carried that authority and stature as they walked through the expansive grounds of the temple, through the gates and down the long path that led to the Factory. They wore ceremonial attire, a silver neck choker with a single black stone set in the front. They were bare-chested, tanned and wore a simple white narrow loincloth attached to a silver belt, barely concealing their white under-thong, g-string pouch bulge. The outer cloth hung between their legs and flapped as they walked. They wore silver sandals and carried their sacred whips.

The Priests arrived at the Factory, a large, fortified facility in the middle of a manicured grass lawn. The path converted into large steppingstones as they reached the edge of the facility’s manicured lawn, these were known as the stones of service. Recruits to the Solar Temple were required to take the path to service, so the five men chosen this morning would be graduating directly into service, to appear before the all-powerful Danteros as part of the Communion, on the day that the new Paramount Pleasure Primes, the latest Boi Rahs would be captured and brought to the Temple. These recruits were new blood to launch this most revered and sacred day. They had to be chosen correctly; to be known as ‘the Five!’ their service would be destined to be cruel and yet erotic. Public displays of harsh torture,outs and by night, erotic toys for the temple to enjoy on call as sexual implements of Danteros.

They knocked three times and stood in a semi-circle outside the huge wooden door. The Verger had been awaiting their arrival, anticipating the Temple’s need for new virility. The latest Boi Rahs will require exquisite stock to support the demands of Danteros. So, the Verger had prepared all night, ensuring his stock had been energised, fed and worked to perfection. The stock was honed and toned, gleaming in the sacred oils, their skin shiny, their musculature perfected, their loins bulging and moist, ready to serve their new lustful masters.

“Welcome lofty Priests!” The Verger said motioning for the four Priests to enter his facility.

The Verger was in his early thirties, not a huge man in stature, however, he commanded a small army of well-built attendants, all skilled in bondage technique, the administration of pain and most importantly, the management of pleasure control. Recruits learned very quickly that an unapproved ejaculation was punished with severe and brutal torture.

Twenty attendants were assembled in the greeting hall to receive the Priests of Danteros. They wore small white head cups edged with a band of silver. Tight chest coverings that extended to the base of their Pecs. Nothing covered their abs, but small tight skirts wrapped around their buttocks and loins edged similarly in silver. Silver sandals finished their uniform. The skilled artisans of male human sexuality stood assembled with their heads bowed in reverence to the visiting Priests.

“Most of our Factory attendants are below in the processing lines. These men have worked tirelessly on the stock we have ready to show you!” The Verger said, looking around the room at his loyal workers.”

The Captain nodded and looked intently at the Verger.

“Danteros be worshipped! Your service will be rewarded, Verger!”

“Communion is scheduled soon; we will waste no more time!”

The Verger knew exactly what the Priests were there for, he bowed his head, in concordance with his attendants, speaking softly and with conviction.

“Reveal the crop!” His head remained bowed, however, he turned to his right just as the loud sound of moving doors revealed the presentation space.

The grounding sound dissipated after a few minutes as the huge doors moved to the side. But it was replaced with the sound of eighteen magnificent male specimens each magnificent specimen was tied to a presentation wheel; their arms pulled out horizontally from their sides, the legs spread wide. Behind them was a pole inserted into the middle of their back, pushing their helpless bodies forward causing their leather bonds to creak and strain as they struggled for freedom from the cruel and unforgiving stretch. The sound of them moaning and striving made the Verger smile.

“Only the most virile, for your selection!” He remained with his head bowed.

“Our enemies produce such exquisite men. Danteros will be pleased.” The lead Priest said reviewing the three tiers of bound men set out before them, all magnificent specimens writhing and twisting, almost lost in their suffering but aware that the Priests were there to choose. Six men on each tier, beautiful and erotic, helpless and ready to serve but only five from the eighteen would be chosen this morning.

“When did they last ejaculate?”

“Three weeks ago, on the sacred day of obligation! Perfectly timed to the next blood moon portal!”

“Their juices, their lubricant emissions?” The lead priest enquired.

“Plentiful my Priest. Sweet!” The Verger replied reverently, his life depended on him knowing the sacred days of the planetary astro-cycle and the emergence of each portal. “Each warrior here has experienced the edge of thirty climaxes, denied the fulfilment of their pleasure, it has been my honour to supervise their erotic torments.”

“Good!” The Priest said. “You have performed your duties to Danteros! You will choose the sweetest juice offering. We Priests will select one offering each. A total of five will serve alongside the new Boi Rahs, assuming the Earth offerings pass their tests later this day and are captured!”

The Verger looked at the lead Priest, “And if the Earth Boi Rah’s fail?” He knew what the Priest would say.

The lead Priest calmly smiled, “Then the chosen Five will be burned to death over the Flames of Danteros.”

“As you wish!” The Verger said.

The Verger walked to the second tier and walked behind two of the helpless captives. He stopped at the third captive.

“I choose Kai of Karthos, the most handsome and virile from the Karthosian Archipelagos!”

Kai was only twenty, but a skilled navigator and warrior from his island home. A tall young man with sandy blonde hair, and long and powerful legs, his lean midsection led up to his bellybutton, not an ounce of fat on his bronzed body. His defined abdominal muscles flexed to accommodate his heightened breathing, and his upper body expanded upward from his midsection revealing powerful lats and tight pectoral muscles. His powerful arms were no match for the bonds pulling on his magnificent body and his handsome face screwed up in defiance and mixed with pain.

Kai spat toward the Verger who had approached the magnificent specimen and was running his hand over the tiny outer fabric of the loincloth adorning his erotic form, rubbing gently over the moist bulge of Kai’s thong.

“I dine on this bulge every night; I will miss this young warrior! He will please Danteros!”

“His Penis is fruitful!” The Verger added, wiping Kai’s delectable spit from his face and looking toward the Captain.

“Take him!” The Captain ordered, and several attendants arrived applying a choking device on Kai’s neck, tightening it till Kai’s thrashing started to subside, they released the choker slightly and then released the young warrior from the presentation wheel, and he fell on the ground gasping for breath. Attendants deftly rolled the young warrior and bound his arms behind his back. They lifted him by the choker collar until he was back on his feet, fighting his bonds, fighting and gasping for breath.

“Gah” Kai tried to say words, but his voice could not escape the choker.

The Verger walked over and attached a leather belt to Kai’s waist.

“Goodbye, my young sex. I will miss your bulge, the scent of your pleasure, your cries of pain. I hope I have taught you well, and remember, your life depends on your service.”

Kai struggled and glared at his cruel captor, fighting the bonds as they attached a strap to the rear of the leather belt around his waist. The next chosen vessel would be attached to the strap with a similar belt.

Four other vessels were selected, equally magnificent young and virile men, once leaders of armies, the most handsome and erotic of their kind were chosen that morning. Jai of Batingah, Kar of Celeste, Mitor and Ethon were the picks from Preya, a fabled land that produced magnificently adorned young warrior men; it was no surprise that these men were chosen for service in the Temple.

They were assembled in a line behind Kai of Karthos, attached with leather belts at their waists, each with a choking collar joined to their fellow captive by short straps attached to their belts and another strap attached to their neighbour’s choking collar. One jerky movement could have strangled them and their fellow captives. Their arms were tied securely behind their backs with tight leather straps.

The Priests had no time to enjoy the five, they had barely enough time to line up the captives, check their loincloths and begin the arduous march back up toward their fate at the Temple. They were underway within ten minutes of being chosen, leaving the Factory in the hands of its Verger once more to continue producing delectable stock for the Solar Temple.

The path up to the Solar Temple was long and slow, and the Priests cruel, using their whips to keep the small procession in line. Five magnificent young men in their prime, struggling in their bonds as they made their way. The Factory had processed them, but each warrior had only been recently captured and still had significant fight left in them. They were perfect for what The High Priest needed and would be placed under the rule of Tzofira; these men were to support the new Boi Rah Pleasure Primes in temple rituals and service to Danteros himself. Their semen will be revered; manufactured in devious torture and magic. It was no wonder they were struggling; the Factory had carefully educated them in the ways of the temple.


Tzofira woke early, his Temple accommodations were plush; they reflected his stature in the temple. He awoke to the sounds of the various cells and pleasure extraction rooms. The Priests were at work early that day ensuring the temple stock were ready for the festivities. His chambers were connected to the cells so he could hear the early morning activities of the Temple, Tzofira did enjoy the late-evening torture sessions, or tuning into a milking. It made him horny, ready for his day ahead.

Today was different, it was special, and he was extremely horny. The bottle of elixir delivered to him before retiring the night before was the culprit. He laid on his bed caressing his loincloth, feeling his bulge, it was luxurious, and he enjoyed tantalising himself listening to the sounds of the Temple coming to life. He remembered he had ordered some temple stock to start his day and he had a taste for pre-cum, for raw muscle writhing under his touch. So, he decided to rise for the day, and he made his way to his service room. But he had a shock.

“What is the meaning of this!” Tzofira demanded.

A Priest of Danteros was standing guard inside the service room. The Altar was empty, his implements and toys had yet to be arranged as he had ordered. The cross, the wheel, the horse, his equipment were empty. He had expected one maybe two captives to enjoy for his morning devotions.

“Where are my temple boys?”

The Priest of Danteros stood his ground. Legs spread, and he held the lead Priest’s Scepter to his right, its base was sitting on the ground and held by the Priest in an official stance. The body language told Tzofira that his requests had been overridden.

The Priest of Danteros looked at Tzofira with cold and piercing eyes, his facial expression did not change. He was taller than Tzofira, with short dark hair, his massive stature adorned with a long white loincloth that hung between his legs, bulging outward as it covered the Priest’s impressive manhood.

“Orders of your God!” The imposing and handsome Priest said in a deep and clear authoritative tone.

Tzofira looked puzzled and confused. Why had he been given that elixir? He was so horny; he wanted the Priest!

“Communion” was all the Priest had to say.

Tzofira knew exactly what was about to take place, so he turned toward his chambers, he needed to be ready! Communion with Danteros was a high ritual, it required preparation! But as he turned, he was confronted with two more temple Priests.

“You must not pass, remain here Tzofira!” One of the Priests said to him just before they seized him by his arms.

The Priest of Danteros then spoke once more.

“We will hold you before you are brought before your God, He has plans for you this day.” He spoke.

Tzofira noticed the smirk on each of the Priests holding him.


The gates of the Temple opened inward and the Five were paraded toward the Solar Temple. They had never seen such extravagance, gold and silver, precious stones. They passed fire pits, whipping corrals and other frames and poles that were being polished and prepared. The sound of men screaming, yet others were crying out in delight. They were all indoors at this early part of the day. But their sounds carried throughout the Temple grounds, the hot humid air impregnated with sounds of bondage and defeat.

The Priests working and preparing around the temple grounds stopped and stood at attention as the procession passed them by. These were the chosen Five. Vessels of pleasure. They were magnificent products, their perfect bodies, adorned only in their erotic leather cloths. Five bulges packed with sumptuous male genitalia attached to honed and perfectly toned bodies. Their bondage added to their arrival, their bonds creaking as they fought desperately to free their arms. Excitement was already building for this momentous day.

They were being taken directly to Danteros, to the sacred Shrine of Communion. There would be little time to enjoy them, Danteros demanded their presence for his Communion. It was the new day of the latest Earthling Boi Rahs. They were being marched and paraded directly to their first rites of service.

They passed one of the public altars, it was at the centre of an intimate arena. They knew that soon, each of them would be tied to one of these altars, tortured or milked to satisfy the combined lust of the crowd. The people would feed on their cum, or their blood; it was inevitable.

But the whip quickly stopped them from looking into the Altar Arena.

“Look forward, warrior!” The lead Priest said forcefully.

Mitor felt his handsome cheekbone sting, his tightly bound wrists behind his back were aching, but he had to keep fighting them, he had to be free, find a weapon and lash out at this evil domain, his throat was on fire, the choking collar was unforgiving, and every breath hurt. He was so close to Ethon, strapped in front of him he could barely look down, but he could hear his countryman’s bonds creaking. Every warrior from Preya felt the same, he knew exactly what Ethon was thinking. If only they could break their bonds, remove the choker and kill as many of these damned deranged sexual thugs.

The whip on his buttocks made him scream. Had they read his thoughts? He almost choked to death as the stinging slowly abated; blood ran down his right leg from the gash on his right buttock. His face grimaced, his arms stung from his reaction. Somehow, he said it.


“Silence warrior!” the Priest said.

The parade took them past the Luna Lounge, its horny inhabitants, still high from feeding, torturing and pleasuring the Temple stock. They came out to view the new stock, the new Five. Several bound captives were wheeled out, still dripping in either blood or cum, they were forced to watch the procession, still moaning and writhing in their unforgiving bondage. The spectacle was just the beginning of what would become a momentous day for the Solar Temple.

Once they had reached the Shrine of Communion their early morning parade was over.

“Tie them!” The Captain ordered.

Zephir the High Priest of Danteros emerged from the sacred Shrine through its main heavy wooden doors. The golden hinges glided silently as the doors opened outward for Zephir to emerge into the humid, warm morning air and view his new Five.

Five thick wooden poles were set into the ground outside the sacred Shrine; one for each warrior.

“Spread their legs, tie their arms behind their pole, loosen their collars, I want to hear their voices. Such beautiful young vessels!” He said walking out into the sweet humid air.

One by one they were tied to their poles in a semi-circle around the High Priest, who stood to enjoy their struggles, hear their bonds straining and watch as they tested the ankle restraints pulling their legs apart. He supervised their bondage carefully watching and admiring such beautiful and delectable young bodies.

“Priests, you have served Danteros well, you will be rewarded for your choice of new warrior stock this day!”

The Priests stood at attention, two on each end of the semi-circle of erotic young captives.

He made his way over to Kar, the warrior from the jungles of Cellest. Zephir looked into Kar’s defiant eyes. His muscles were straining as he kept fighting the leather wrist restraints. He looked across to one of the Priests, who approached, nodding his head as he approached Zephir. He grabbed Kar’s well-kept dark hair and he wrenched Kar’s head back forcibly.

Zephir hissed quietly, placing both of his long-fingered hands on Kar’s cheeks, turning Kar’s head left and then right. He motioned for another Priest to force Kar’s mouth open.

Kar tried with all his might to free himself, he and the other four young warriors were struggling furiously.

The Priest’s fingers were powerful, they kept Kar’s mouth open for the High Priest to peer into his mouth. Zephir then poked around with his long index finger, causing Kar to dry reach and thrash, bending his magnificent lean body.

Zephir then removed the finger and replaced it with his tongue, he sucked Kar’s saliva and then stepped back. The Priests let Kar go and stood on either side of him. Zephir smiled and licked his lips.

Zephir hissed once more before lifting his head upward and shaking.

“Kar!” He said loudly; he was shaking and sweating, his powers allowing him to know Kar’s name and heritage just from tasting his essence and spittle.

Zephir then walked over to Jai of Batingah, a stunningly handsome young warrior, tanned skin rippling as he twisted and fought the bonds. Two Priests gabbed Jai by his locks of dark straight hair.

“Gar, get your filthy hands off me!” Jai seethed through gritted teeth trying to turn his head away from Zephir who carefully stroked the beautiful young warrior’s face.

“You will produce sweet virile juice for me soon, warrior, but first let me examine this magnificent body of yours!”

Jai’s arms pulled ferociously, as he tried to escape the High Priest’s lustful attention. But it was no use.

Zephir felt Jai’s skin, licking each small nipple, feeling each abdomen muscle as it stretched and strained. Zephir then placed his ear over Jai’s heart listening for the thumping beat. Jai was so worked up, so defiant, so perfect!

“Strong beats, mean you will pump juices well. I will dine as you cum into my mouth mighty warrior, but all in good time! Mmmmm!” Zephir then moved his inspection downward to Jai’s skimpy loincloth. His fingers followed the bumps and curves, feeling the warrior’s genitals inside the pouch. He then moved around, the warrior’s body to inspect his buttocks, one hand still cupping the warrior’s bulge, Zephir’s other hand feeling the muscular buttocks that Jai, so elegantly sported. Perfectly shaped and tight. The loincloth hid the delectable crack, so Zephir lifted the light leather flap, and inserted his fingers, exploring the warmth between the hemispheres of Jai’s buttocks, feeling the tight leather thong strap clinging dutifully between the buttocks.

Jai pulled harder.

“Get off me!” he demanded.

But Zephir just smiled and stood back from the delectable young warrior, licking his hands and observing the beautiful male form, he nodded to one of the Priests who immediately struck Jai across the face causing Jai’s head to fling to the left.

“You have no right to demand anything warrior!” Zephir hissed toward Jai and then turned to the Captain.

“Bring Tzofira” The High Priest hissed.


Tzofira had been pacing his quarters, he had been barred from pleasuring himself, he was so horny, his loincloth and bulge were wet. The elixir he had consumed was infiltrating every cell in his body. He had begged the Priest guarding him but was denied and the Priest had bound Tzofira’s wrists behind his back to stop Tzofira from touching himself.

“Bring the Scout! The High Priest has called him.

The two Priests directed Tzofira from his parlour, they moved him quickly and deftly past the crowds assembled to watch the Five’s inaugural rituals. It was another spectacular event for them on this most sacred of days in the Attican calendar.

They gripped Tzofira as they approached the entrance to the Shrine of Communion. They knew that Tzofira would react, he was completely intoxicated with the effects of the High Priest’s elixir. His eyes widened as they approached the Five. They were all tied in that semi-circle fighting their bonds. Their bodies shimmering in sweat their exquisite loincloths were screaming for his attention.

Tzofira held it together as they untied his wrists. He understood why he had been denied pleasure so far that day. He was part of the Communion, he had to play his part carefully before the High Priest and their mighty God.

Zephir finished his hissing and shaking and as he turned, he noticed how beautiful Tzofira looked as he approached the Shrine’s entrance. Zephir greeted his hyper-horny scout.

“Your Reward!” Zephir said waving his long skinny arm around pointing at Kai, Jai, Kar, Ethon and Mitor.

“They are beautiful, are they not?”

Tzofira had to use all his control to hide his excitement, he bowed his head reverently.

“These are yours! Your responsibility until you return to Earth!”

“Danteros wants to commune with us. These are the chosen vessels. Their pleasure will please Danteros, I have tasted the essence of the one called Kar, his youth, his virility. Danteros is keen to speak!”

Tzofira had to channel the urges pumping through his body, this had all been engineered by the High Priest, Tzofira had ingested one of the many concoctions designed to enhance sexual desire. Tzofira knew he had an integral part in the ceremonial rites, demanded by Danteros. He looked at each of the struggling young warriors and headed toward Mitor.

His heart was racing, Tzofira was surrounded by exquisite young virility, bound and unaware of what their magnificent bodies would endure this day and for many to come. His penis oozing his juices, it slipped and slid inside his thin leather thong. The magic infused in the garment was controlling his pleasure and he needed to focus. Mitor looked extremely beautiful, his struggles were poetry in motion to Tzofira.

“A Preyan, and a most delicious specimen!” Tzofira said as soon as he arrived next to the young warrior.

Mitor just glared and screwed his face at Tzofira, he tried to look away from his tormentor, but one of the guards grabbed him by his blond hair. Mitor struggled ferociously twisting his body and trying to ignore the Priest forcing his head to face Tzofira.

Mitor was the taller of the Preyans, and Ethon was shorter, but both displayed the typical Preyan handsome looks and musculature. Preyan warriors were ferocious fighters and keenly body conscious, working tirelessly honing their bodies so they could be worthy fighters, and worthy cum cows to their gods. Preyans were a proud race and only the most beautiful and privileged warriors were permitted to become semen harvest in their culture.

Mitor had the height, the looks, and the charisma. The Factory had provided a delicious loincloth that accented his masculinity and it bulged ferociously, it was tight on his body and erotic, his pert buttocks glistened in the moist morning air.

Tzofira had tortured many a Preyan, and Mitor was perfect. He wanted to taste the Preyan’s bulge right there and then, but the Zephir was becoming agitated. So Tzofira had to wait until they were installed in the Shrine. Danteros could be unpredictable, and Tzofira knew that his raging sexual urges would be used by their God during the Communion Rites.

“I want you Preyan, I have so many things I want to do to you, your body, your bulge. Mmmm…” Tzofira was up close and ready to lick Mitor’s handsome boyish face.

But Mitor spat in Tzofira’s face, his act of defiance a mistake. But Tzofira just smiled, wiped his face and licked his fingers.

“Mmm, you taste as delicious as you look, warrior!”

Tzofira noticed the blood running down Mitor’s leg.

“So, they whipped you into line!” Tzofira laughed.”

Tzofira then noticed the High Priest becoming agitated, it was a sign that Danteros was hungry. It was time to act, or Zephir could turn into a rage.

“Take them into the Shrine, tie them to the Zorah stones, stretch them,” Tzofira ordered.

The crowd of onlookers had grown as well as the number of Priests. Two Priests per Warrior, they quickly bound their arms, unlocked the ankle restraints, and pushed each scantily clad warrior toward the Shrine.

Jai was the last into the Shrine. They pushed him hard, and he stumbled onto the back of Kar. The Priests swiftly hit the young warrior across his face with a closed fist causing Jai to stumble even more, but backward into the arms of two guards.

“Gah!” Jai said, trying to retain his composure. He struggled glaring at their captors.

Tzofira ignored the commotion, he was busy preparing the Altar at the centre of the Shrine, checking the restraints. Priests had directed Zephir to his position close to the Altar. The Shrine was a modestly sized circular room, adorned in gold, with gold and silver drapery. Five Zorah stones were placed around the circumference of the room. The Zorah stones were facing the Altar in precise positions with lines of diamonds and emeralds leading to the central altar. Around the room, other smooth phallic stones, known as the Phallic Auditory Stones, were positioned. The Altar faced an effigy, a golden idol of Danteros, also fashioned from gold and precious stones.

Jai was thrust toward the closest Zorah stone. It was a smooth piece of sacred stone, polished and covered in a sealant. The Zorah stone was wide enough for a virile warrior’s body, it was wider at the base and tapered back in a sixty-degree angle. Metal arms were attached to the sides of the stone, which accommodated the warrior’s arms with tight-fitting restraints. They could be maneuvered and extended according to the wishes of the officiator.

Jai struggled courageously screaming and fighting the Priests. His legs spread wide, laying him back on the smooth stone, they extended the arm restraints, ensuring the warrior’s arms were pulled outward from his body at shoulder height. His beautiful youthful form stretched, his loincloth slipping over his underbulge, the backcloth pulled upward by his struggles, his tight young buttocks sliding on the smooth Zorah Stone.

“You bastards!” Jai screamed, writhing his beautiful body feverishly seeking freedom, watching as they tied Jai, Kar and Ethon. Mitor awaited his fate, but Tzofira directed the Priests to take him to the Altar.

“I have something exceptional for you Preyan!”

“My name is Mitor, you fiend!” Mitor screamed spitting again as they pushed him toward his fate looking back toward Tzofira who followed the group of Priests tasked with tying the mighty Preyan warrior to the X-shaped central altar. Tzofira’s sexual urges were at their height, so he took part in the process of tightening the leather restraint straps after they had managed to untie Mitor’s ropes and deftly place his body, laying down, stretched and helpless before the effigy of Danteros on the sacred Altar of Communion.

One of the Priests struck Mitor across the jaw to shut the defiant young warrior up, but Tzofira was happy to allow him to speak. He smiled at the Priest dismissing him to his post between two of the Zorah stones housing the other struggling warriors. Tzofira, then stood between Mitor’s spread legs, his back to Mitor, facing his god, and glancing toward Zephir the High Priest who had supervised the Five’s first installation; their first service of bondage. Tzofira then wiped a wad of Per-cum from his loincloth thong.

“My offering of juice my Lord!” He said holding his hand, presenting with his pre-cum socked fingers upward toward the golden effigy of Danteros. Tzofira was so horny, he was starting to shake. The atmosphere was building and the sound of these five magnificent young men, struggling for freedom was making his body feel alive with erotic fervour. He then showed his glistening open hands to the High Priest before walking around Mitor’s struggling body. He walked between the top of the X-shaped altar, watching Mitor’s arms twisting and pulling frantically. He reached the top of Mitor’s head and looked downward, grabbing Mitor’s blonde hair.

“Hush Preyan, oh sorry, Mitor! It is such a descriptive name for a strapping young, tall warrior.”

Tzofira wanted Mitor so badly, but he had to hold it together and play his part in the rituals or he would find himself in a similar predicament in one of the Temples’s torture precincts. He held Mitor’s hair tightly, causing the young warrior to seethe, desperately lifting his muscled form off the altar.

Mitor looked upward, the sting on his head being inflicted by Tzofira was forceful, he spat once more, hitting Tzofira on his impressive left pectoral.

Tzofira, wiped it with the back of his hand ensuring the precum on his fingers was not mingled with Mitor’s spittle.

“Your youthful defiance is just so erotic, Mmmmmmmmmmm-Mitor!”

Tzofira tingled all over when he set his eyes on Mitor’s new service loincloth. The exquisite little garment fitted Mitor’s body perfectly, the outer flap of the cloth had been flung to the left of Mitor’s body, revealing a round and slightly elongated thong bulge. It was a magnificent sight to behold and the magical elixir in Tzofira’s body ignited immediately, causing Tzofira to tremble, feeling the warm pre-cum ejecting into his own pouch, his penis sizzling with joy as he rocked his hips forward.

Tzofira had planned to wipe his pr-cum on Mitor’s lips, but he wrenched the young warrior’s head backward and rubbed his saturated bulge and loincloth into the beautiful warrior’s face.

Mitor’s face was coated in Tzofira’s precum, he spluttered and shook his head after minutes had passed of Tzofira, thrusting his sex into Mitor’s handsome face. He had almost been smothered into unconsciousness, at the height of Tzofira’s erotic outburst. He felt and tasted the sweetness of Tzofira’s sexual energy.

Tzofira stepped back, breathing deeply, his outburst had been a powerful first release, and he felt the presence of Danteros deep inside his body.

“Mm, I will let them speak,” he said, regaining composure, toying with his loincloth, caressing his bulge so that more of his now plentiful juices emerged from the pouch.

“They will need their voice boxes before Danteros has finished communing!”

Tzofira then looked around the cosy, plush Shrine, he wanted to visit the other four, but Zephir would fulfil that rite soon. Tzofira’s job was to enjoy Mitor, Mitor was a key element and the communion’s link to the two new Boi Rahs still being hunted in the Jungles of Attica. The Communion would give them the vision of the hunt, and show the High Priest, his new Paramount Pleasure Primes for the first time; It would show them that his scouting mission on Earth had been successful.

He walked around his supine spreadeagled young warrior, watching that bulge, gliding through the air as Mitor struggled, his moans and grunts were making Tzofira ravenous for bulge, for thong, and so greedy that he quickened his pace, glancing at the smiling High Priest as he passed Zephir.

“This beautiful warrior is yours to enjoy, he, and they…” Zephir said pointing at the other warriors tied to the Zorah stones. “…Are your responsibility now…” Zephir then pointed his long index finger toward Mitor. “…Torture him for Danteros to enjoy!” Zephir said as Tzofira passed him on his way to meet the magnificent Mitor bulge for the first time.

Mitor could feel Tzofira’s juices all over his face, it was inescapable as the warm humid air filled the Shrine, he was sweating and Tzofira was now caressing his legs, standing between them and smiling at him. Mitor looked up his eyes filled with defiance as he pulled on the wrist and ankle restraints. It was no use he was secured on the damned altar, behind Tzofira, he could see the golden image of Danteros glowing. His attention was drawn to Tzofira who was massaging his quadriceps, one hand on each of his helpless legs.

“Get off me!” Mitor demanded, his insolence refreshing Tzofira.

It only made Tzofira more determined, he had big plans for Mitor during the proceedings but wanted to toy with this magnificent young warrior first. So, he moved in closer to Mitor, feeling the insides of Mitor’s heaving legs, his fingers caressing the bumps of straining muscles, squeezing the young warrior.

“Agh, don’t touch me!” Mitor demanded, lifting his head as best he could and glaring across his prone body at Tzofira standing between his stretched legs.

Tzofira ignored the Preyan he hummed slightly examining the beautiful bulging loincloth adorning the body stretched out in front of him. His eyes took in the garment’s erotic lines, every curve revealing the youthful and virile warrior’s scrotum and the lines of the penis cupped inside the pouch. He then looked back into Mitor’s defiant stare.

“This is mine!” Tzofira said, he lifted the skimpy leather flap of the loincloth and folded it to the side revealing the fullness of the under-thong its curves and protrusions.

“You are mine Mitor, and I will tame you, I will control every aspect of your body, I will torture it, heal it; I will make it sing for me before I drink your semen.”

Mitor thrashed, heaving his hips as best he could to detach his genital bulge from Tzofira’s hand, but Tzofira reached down and grabbed one of Mitor’s tight buttocks squeezing them, his fingers exploring the warmth between Mitor’s butt crack. He held Mitor still squeezing both Mitor’s bulge and his buttock simultaneously.

“Shhn now beautiful young warrior, I will take great care of you, don’t you worry, you are here to serve Danteros; in doing so you will serve me, and the High Priest!”

Tzofira then felt the long fingers of Zephir, the High Priest on his shoulder, he turned away from Mitor but kept a grip on the warrior’s loincloth bulge.

“I will commence the communion of pleasure; Danteros is keen to speak. I have chosen this one!” Zephir was pointing at Ethon of Preya.

“He is another Preyan, and a worthy instigate. His pleasure will be satisfying, and he is Mitor’s fellow countryman I will enjoy their defeat before Danteros!”

Tzofira turned back to Mitor as Zephir started to make his way toward Ethon.

“Stay put Mitor, I must enjoy Ethon and then the other warriors in your Five, I hope you enjoy listening to their moans of delight, but I have something extraordinary prepared for you my exquisite young man.”

Mitor glared and watched as Tzofira headed back toward the Zorah Stone which Ethon was tied to.

It was a slight incline to the rear of the Shrine. Only four of the five stones were utilised because Mitor was occupying the central Altar. So, the rear centre Zorah stone had been left vacant. The stones were placed around the rear circumference of the semi-circle Shrine space, they had a vantage, looking down toward the central Altar where Mitor continued to struggle in his bonds, grunting and moaning, trying desperately to free himself so he could take out the High Priest and Tzofira.

Like a good Preyan, Ethan was struggling desperately too. The smooth Zorah Stone was warming up beneath his naked flesh. He had struggled so hard that the rear loincloth flap had nearly ripped off his buttocks. He pulled on the wrist restraints and ankle restraints and two Priests held his head back, forcing it onto the hard stone surface. His body was stretched around the stone; his unforgiving bondage made him helpless.

Ethon was indeed Preyan, his struggles and attempts to free himself gave it away, he was as ferocious as Mitor. Shorter than Mitor, but with the same handsome Preyan jawline and musculature, Ethon’s body strived tirelessly for freedom. His brown hair was straight and cut short, it hung across his forehead, giving him his handsome, and erotic features. He was well endowed like Mitor, and his loincloth clung to his heaving body dutifully, it was a lighter, more pale creamy thin leather garment that contrasted with his tanned skin.

Tzofira took in the beauty of this magnificent fighting machine, so expertly tied to the sacred Zorah Stone. He used his fingernail to scrape over Ethon’s left nipple causing the young warrior to twist his body in a vain attempt to escape Tzofira’s infliction of pain. He glared downward at Tzofira and Zephir as best he could; his head was firmly pushed back into the stone by the pair of attending Priests.

Zephir pointed at Tzofira’s drenched loincloth.

“You are ready Tzofira, and Danteros is keen to speak through the Auditory Stones, the communion must commence!”

Zephir lifted his hands and turned to face the golden image of Danteros at the front of the Shrine, he bowed his head and spoke his incantation babble. The words were indescribable and resonated through the Phallic Auditory Stones scattered throughout the Shrine.

Once completed he spoke loudly and his words continued to Vibrate the Auditory Stones, amplifying his voice throughout the Shrine.

“We pray you mighty Danteros, we offer you the new Five! Warriors, full of vigour, full of cum! We offer their pleasure, their bodies, so supple and virile, and their agony so enjoyable to you this sacred day, the day we bring you your new Pleasure Primes. The Primes will be hunted and captured this day and bought before you to enjoy! But first enjoy the new flavours of this Five, our enemies! We have tied them helpless before your greatness!”

The words vibrated through the Phallic Auditory Stones and throughout the Shrine. The stones started to seep moisture from their tips, it was a sign that Danteros was pleased with the new Five. He was ready to enjoy their pleasure offerings.

Zephir then turned to Tzofira and cupped Tzofira’s face under Tzofira’s chin.

“Your pleasure will ignite the Zorah stones for us to begin the pleasure rites and to please Danteros!”

Zephir used his free hand to rub the side of one of the Phallic Auditory Stones, which was close by, it caused the stone floor to open and the propagation seat to rise behind Tzofira.

Tzofira’s smile erupted, he knew the High Priest’s plan and he knew that he would have the honour of igniting the Five’s first round of pleasure generation.

“Sit back Tzofira and spread your legs”

Tzofira obeyed and positioned himself on the Propagation Seat.

The gold, diamond-encrusted seat was warm and moist with the humid air. At first, Tzofira enjoyed the feeling of the ritual chair beneath him, he obeyed and spread his mighty legs into the stirrups. He raised his hands above his head and gripped the golden hand grips. He needed to reach for them, and the chair began to form to his body. It arose so his loincloth was at the perfect height for the High Priest to work. Zephir moved into place, between Tzofira’s stretched legs.

Tzofira was trembling with excitement, he pushed his bulging loincloth toward the High Priest, his plentiful pre-cum glistening and oozing down between his legs.

The High Priest looked into Tzofira’s eyes; it cued the Scout to speak.

Tzofira looked down over his trembling body toward his bulging loincloth and then to the Golden effigy of Danteros.

“My offering my Lord, please enjoy my pleasure, enjoy the delectable pleasure of these warriors, your captured enemies, who will serve your lusts and desires.”

Zephir then spoke a small incantation over his hands which started to glow an eerie blue.

Around the room and on the centre Altar, five ferocious, but helpless beautiful young men fought furiously, trying to free themselves. Erotic bondage filled the Shrine.

But Zephir was oblivious; focused on Tzofira’s bulge, and so was Tzofira.

“Please, my High Priest, propagate my bulge into a fire of pleasure, that I can fulfil, Danteros’ lust!” He wanted to break his hand grips, to massage his weeping bulge, but decided to keep holding his hands on the grips above his head. Tzofira was offering his magnificent body to pleasure.

Tzofira’s moan filled the Shrine, and the High Priest began to stroke and slide his blue, glowing hands across Tzofira’s magnificence. He let the thin outer loincloth flap slide over the bulging wet under-thong and Tzofira’s moan made the phallic auditory stones vibrate and seep more juices.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” it was long and meaty, but Tzofira kept up his moan, he was erect almost instantaneously. A night of building arousal from the elixir, the bondage of the Five and the thought of torturing the mighty Mitor in front of Danteros was making Tzofira a trembling, horny offering.

He was thrusting into the High Priest’s hands, his bulge and loincloth buzzing, exquisite lines of pleasure shot through his raging and demanding penis as he thrust into the High Priest’s careful and reverent grip on his loincloth.

“Your orgasm is imminent Tzofira!” The High Priest announced.

Tzofira’s mouth gaped open, drool fell from the corners of his mouth, but he kept his legs spread, his arms above his head.

“But your penis must be patient!” Zephir removed his grip from Tzofira knowing that the pleasure would remain at its current level. Tzofira could not ejaculate, even if he tried, the magic was feeding the pleasure but also restricting it.

Danteros was feeding, the golden effigy glowing and the Phallic Stones seeping more juices.

The three Priests then arrived, each with a shallow golden cup. They knelt before Tzofira’s pleasure-wracked, fertile bulge one at a time as Tzofira twisted and thrust his pelvis in delight. Each Priest expertly extracted a cup full of the sacred pre-cum offering while Tzofira continued to moan and cry tears of erotic pleasure.

Once all three cups were full, each Priest moved toward the other three warriors, Kai, Kar and Jai, holding out the cup of viscous and sacred juices as each warrior looked on, fighting and grunting on their Zorah Stones. Their bodies stretched around their respective stones; the helpless, delicious, young virile warriors waiting for their fates to unfold.

They helped Tzofira to his feet, he was so taken in lush and energetic pleasure; on the edge of a meaty orgasm, they faced him toward Ethon.

The High Priest raised his hands and ordered four Priests into position, two on either side of Ethon each with a length of golden rope.

“Tie Tzofira to the warrior named Ethon of Preya! Face to face, wrist to wrist, leg to leg, loincloth to loincloth - Bulge to Bulge!”

The rites of pleasure generation had been spoken!

Ethon’s Zorah Stone began to lower slowly, and it tilted backward slightly.

“No! What are you doing?” Ethon screamed fighting with all his strength as the Stone maneuvered into place for his mounting.” He could see the look on Tzofira’s drooling face, the huge erection behind the flap of Tzofira’s loincloth, dripping in Tzofira’s plentiful lubricant. One of the Priests, slid the flap upward revealing the raging, stretched thong, oozing pre-cum, Tzofira lost in the throes of his pre-orgasmic delight, thrusting his beautiful body.

“Look at its beauty, warrior! The majesty of his pleasure his juices will become your juices, his pleasure will transfer into you, igniting your beautiful body and you shall feed Danteros the flavours of your pleasure!”

As the High Priest spoke, he approached the young writhing warrior, caressing his bulge, enjoying the virility of the tied vessel. He licked Ethon’s bulge and then looked up over Ethon’s heaving sweat-soaked, lusty and delicious body, and into the defiant eyes so full of Preyan anger.

“Your pleasure will ignite the other Warriors and together, your combined pleasure will please Danteros!”

Ethon kept struggling, “No!” he cried out pulling desperately.

“Anoint, their bulges, massage their loincloths, delight them, tease their pleasure, milk them of pre-cum!”

The Priests went to work, caressing the other warrior’s bulges, anointing them with Tzofira’s pre-cum they had collected in their golden cups, licking the undersides of the bulges, caressing three magnificent penises, beneath their respective thin leather pouches as Kai, Kar and Jai writhed desperately. It was a well-choreographed production, preparing the beautiful young men for their first pleasure offerings to Danteros.

“Tie him to Ethon!” Zephir ordered the four Priests.

Tzofira, could only moan and enjoy the way they were handling his delectable body, using his plentiful precum to massage Ethon’s delectable writhing body, soon Tzofira was on top of Ethon, sliding and thrusting his raging hot bulge into the softness of Ethon’s loincloth bulge, he could feel Ethon’s raging pulse through their tied wrists, the warmth of the young warrior’s body seemed to add to the rising orgasm.

Zephir then looked at the two beautiful young men held in place writhing and thrusting, he looked on the beauty of Tzofira’s buttocks, and the delectable thong emerging between Tzofira’s legs, its tight strap caressing tightly between Tzofira’s buttocks.

“It is time for you to cum Tzofira, ignite the Zorah stores, delight your God with your offerings of pleasure, pure unadulterated and sumptuous pleasure to welcome Danteros to his Shrine as we prepare the capture of the new Boi Rah Primes.”

Ethon heard the High Priest’s words, but he was glaring at Tzofira, who was licking his face, breathing all over him moaning into his mouth, he tried to turn his head but the Priests held his head steadfast for Tzofira to enjoy, he felt his penis growing, the warm juices were soaking his bulge, Tzofira’s hardness was pushing against his bulge, and the stone beneath him was igniting, and heating, sweat and pre-cum soaking the Zorah stone beneath his heaving body. Pleasure was igniting deep inside his sex, he could not escape it, nor could he escape Tzofira’s tongue.

“We are going to join in Ooooooooooooorgasmic pleasure to feed Danteros!” Tzofira hissed into Ethon’s straining face. Their thrusting pelvises tuned as one.

Kai could not escape the pleasure igniting his loincloth bulge, the Priest was very good at his work, fingers and tongue working his pleasure, goading him. The Zorah Stone was slippery beneath his thrusting body, Kai’s youth, his virility responding, Kai moaned as he felt a discreet blanket of pleasure suddenly coat his penis, his head thrust backward as a finger coated in Tzofira’s precum lubricant entered his anus, pushing into his body.

They worked with Kai, Kar and Jai simultaneously, their pleasure joined by the Zorah Stones, perfectly in balance and ignited by Tzofira’s powerful orgasmic pleasure transfer into Ethon’s bulge, as if transmitting pleasure into each of the others.

Zephir too, inserted his finger into Tzofira’s anus, deep and probing, he uttered the incantation and enjoyed the deepness of Tzofira’s moan, and then the loud cry of delight.

The orgasm ripped through his bulge, his penis erupted in luscious lava; his ejaculation fueling the orgasm, every gush of his sacred maleness was making the orgasmic delight richer, fuller; his juices coating Ethon’s super hard penis, their bulges and their penises were as one!

Ethon shared Tzofira’s orgasm as it transferred from Tzofira to him. He was suddenly filled with sumptuous pleasure, every cell in his body vibrating in delight. He was shooting semen with Tzofira, he was screaming into Tzofira’s mouth as he accepted the orgasmic load into his body. Suddenly he heard the cacophonous cries of Jai, Kar and Jai.

The pleasure had ignited, it could only be stopped by Danteros and only when he had fulfilled his lust.

After several minutes, Tzofira was untied from Ethon, the Priests of Danteros, peeled Tzofira’s body off Ethon’s cum coated magnificent body, Ethon still spewing semen, his body wracked in an envelope of orgasmic energy. His bondage tightened, pulling his body and the Zorah Stone moved back into place so he could view the central Altar like Jai, Kar and Kai could.

Three priests scooped fistfuls of Tzofira and Ethon’s combined cum and then returned to massage the juices into their respective warrior’s bodies and bulges. Four young virile warriors writhing in delight as the pleasure started to infiltrate their minds, they could not escape the erotic torture, and their pr-cum flowed plentifully, running down the Zorah Stones between each of their legs into waiting golden cups. The Shrine filled with their moans of sheer delight; luscious pleasure filled the room.

The High Priest then caressed Ethon’s still-raging orgasmic bulge, hot juices coating his hands as he massaged the bulge. Ethon’s head was thrashing wildly, he had never experienced such intense and extended pleasure as this orgasm. He was consumed by it, his arms and legs pulling wildly on his bonds, but it was in vain. Zephir bent down allowing his face to worship Ethon’s raging bulge. His face coated in semen, he licked and sucked the orgasm into his mouth, grabbing each of Ethon’s buttocks he pulled the young warrior’s body into his face, sucking dining and feasting on Ethon’s cum as it erupted onto his face.

He then pulled back, drunk and intoxicated, he pointed back toward Ethon and licked his lips.

“Your orgasm will abate warrior, but your pleasure will remain while Danteros dines!”

Zephir then walked to each pleasure offering licking each raging bulge, tasting their plentiful pre-cum and collecting the golden cups, each brimming with warrior juice offerings and then made his way to the front of the Shrine at the feet of the tall golden image of Danteros. It was glowing and pulsing, and the various Phallic Auditory Stones were vibrating causing a hum, they continued to seep fluids down their long slender bodies. Danteros was ready to speak.

On his way to the front, he passed the central altar holding Mitor who was struggling ferociously.

What are you doing to them?” Mitor demanded, pulling and twisting his body this way and that. Mitor tried looking around the Shrine, he could hear the others moaning in erotic pleasure. Their voices were impregnated with lustful tones and the Shrine filled with their cries of delight.

“Shh. Mitor, be a good boy, here sample their offerings to Danteros!” Zephir said grabbing Mitor by his hair and forcing his head upward. Zephir coated Mitor’s face in the warrior juices.

“Taste their virility!” Zephir said smearing Mitor’s handsome face in warm sweet warrior goo.

Zephir then made his way to the golden effigy of Danteros and poured the contents of the cups into a funnel at the base of the golden idol causing the Phallic Auditory Stones to vibrate faster, and the juices seeping down the stones started to spray as Danteros communed and spoke above the Din of four of the Five warriors lost in exquisite pleasure.





The Phallic Auditory Stones vibrated with every word of Danteros, like surround sound, the Shrine filled with sound and delight but the words of their God booming through the stones


Danteros was referring to the four warriors tied around the Shrine as offerings, writhing and pumping precum up onto their abdomens





Tzofira had recovered from his raging orgasm but was still shaken, he had made his way down to Mitor at the central Altar of the Shrine, Tzofira had composed himself and although his burst of orgasmic energy had abated somewhat, his penis hung full and majestic in his loincloth. He was covered in the semen of Ethon, mixed with his ejaculate and he scooped two hands full off his body and held out his palms toward the glowing idol at the front of the Shrine.


Tzofira had made his way to the central Altar and was standing behind Mitor’s head, his head bowed and cum filled palms extended toward the huge golden idol of Danteros, Mitor was struggling desperately, and the sounds of Kai, Jai, Ethon and Kar filled the Shrine with moans and cries of their extended pleasure as their respective Zorah Stones continued to pleasure them with streams of sub-orgasmic energy.




The air in the Shrine was so humid and hot, and the Phallic Auditory stones kept spraying and misting more moisture into the air. Mitor was covered in sweat, the other four warriors were dripping and glistening as they writhed and thrust their heaving bulges upward in sexual dances before Danteros. Their attendant Priests worked to smear their precum into their beautiful young heaving bodies. But they collected yet another cup of warrior pre each and brought it to the High Priest.

Zephir accepted the first cup; it was from Kar of Cellest. The pre-cum wet and sticky, but it became a light green colour once Zephir added some crushed seeds. The priest then handed the cup to Tzofira who massaged the green goo onto Mitor’s chest.

They performed the ritual with each of the cups until Mitor’s body was covered in the pre-cum of his fellow warriors mixed with the crushed seeds. They had no time to waste or Mitor’s prolific sweat would seep the green-coloured goo off his twisting body.

“You have been waiting patiently Mitor of Preya, Ha ha ha. The mighty Mitor, spreadeagled on the Altar of Communion. Danteros usually likes to inflict crazy orgasmic torture on his enemies, but today his torture…”

Zephir paused for effect.

“…will be exquisite pain, your agony and screams will fill this Sacred Shrine and feed Danteros! But the Agony shall be short, acute and deep. Your body shall be punished this day!”


Danteros demanded it!

Mitor looked up and around feverishly, he knew his strength could not tear the leather straps holding him helpless on the X-shaped altar, his body lifting and turning, the bonds creaking.


Priests wheeled the golden frame through the Phallic Auditory Stones, weaving it and the hanging web sack toward Mitor’s helpless supine body and they installed the web sack directly above Mitor. He looked up at it in horror knowing those sacks from the Attican jungles.

“No! Please, no?” He pleaded, pulling and struggling.

Tzofira leaned down and caressed Mitor’s head, running his gooey fingers through Mitor’s sandy blonde, well-kept hair, smiling down toward the helpless warrior.

“You will wish you never spat in my face warrior!” he said caressing Mitor tenderly.

Tzofira was interrupted by one of the priests who handed him a pre-cum soaked rag, soaked in more of Jai, Kar, Jai and Ethon’s plentiful juice. Tzofira stuffed it into the pouch of his thong, it felt luxurious as the warm juices caressed his penis. He felt pre-cum erupt from his tingling penis and mingle with the juices inside his pouch. He moaned deeply before continuing to address Mitor.

“But I did enjoy the taste of your spittle and defiance. You’re just too erotic to kill, but your agony will be supercharged this day and if you scream and writhe enough, I might just cum in your face. Mmmmm…”

Mitor had nothing to lose, he aimed perfectly and his spit hit Tzofira in the nose.

“I will enjoy taming you Mitor, but now you must scream!” Tzofira wrenched Mitor’s head back and then withdrew backwards a step. Zephir was preparing the lead web bridge. Carefully leaning over Mitor, between Mitor’s legs, he reached up toward the base of the web sack and pulled the leading web twine downward, carefully tucking it into the front of Mitor’s loincloth. It was like a bridge between the sack and Mitor’s heaving body.

“Tie him down tighter!” Zephir said as he continued working.

Two priests strapped Mitor’s heaving upper legs to the altar, they then strapped Mitor’s abdomen to the altar as well. Mitor’s breathing was intense, his leather bindings and the altar creaking under the pressure of his struggles.

Zephir smiled looking at Mitor who was looking back in defiance.

“You know these arachnids, warrior, your desperation, tells me you do," Zephir said enjoying the warrior’s sudden fear, Zephir paused for a moment.

“This sack was harvested before sunrise today, stolen from the Grotto of Death, especially for today’s rites. There are thousands of spiders; hungry and vicious, but so small, their venom is useless, but thousands of bites are another story. Your skin will feel like it is being flayed from your body Mitor, exquisite agony. Once the baby Yokae spiders have released their hot venom, they will die, but the combined venom will fill you with such agony, that your screams will endure while the rites are performed and then the hallucinatory effects commence; your visions will appear on the roof of this sacred Shrine. Amongst the sounds of the pleasure offerings of your fellow Five, your agony will complete the rites of communion this day and show us what Danteros wants to share!”

Zephir then obtained the precum-soaked rag which Tzofira had stuffed into his loincloth, it was hot and slippery with male juice. He squeezed the rag so that the fresh juices oozed onto Mitor’s abdomen, he used some to coat the web twine extending down to Mitor’s loincloth. Zephir then sprinkled some of the crushed tree seeds over Mitor’s heaving body, they stuck to the plentiful juices coating Mitor.

“These juices mixed with seeds of the spider’s favourite tree will attract them down to your body, where they will disperse, feed on your flesh and then die.”

“Begin the rites!”

Zephir then moved away to stand between the central Altar and the golden idol effigy of Danteros, he was replaced between Mitor’s legs by Tzofira, who caressed Mitor’s loincloth bulge feeling the warmth of Mitor’s sexual organs wrapped in the thin leather pouch.

“Pity! I won’t enjoy the fruits of this bulge for a while, but I shall, mighty warrior. I will milk you deep and hard, but all in good time, my pretty boy! But first, your agony will be offered to Danteros along with the pleasure of Ethon, Jai, Kai and Kar. Danteros hungers for your bondage and agony!” Tzofira said lifting the flap of Mitor’s loincloth and carefully folding it onto the left side of Mitor’s body, to not disturb the length of the web placed by Zephir leading from the sack of spiders. He bent down and licked Mitor’s heaving bulge hungrily and then stood up licking his lips.

“Very nice indeed!” He added as he tapped the side of the web sack hanging over Mitor’s body.

“Get it over with!” Mitor screamed.

Tzofira tapped a second time and the disturbance resulted in the first tiny black and white spider emerging; it followed the line of web downward slowly, and carefully, several more followed and within seconds the line of web was thick and black, the volume of arachnids causing the web to stretch. Like a herd, the nest of spiders began to run onto Mitor’s body, dispersing and covering his heaving flesh. They found their way into every crevice and onto every bulge of Mitor’s body, scurrying and jostling for a prime piece of flesh.

Zephir spoke amongst the din, of pleasure emanating from the four warriors thrashing in pleasure and now the screams of Mitor on the central altar. He spoke loudly.

“Pleasure and pain, beauty and evil, we beseech you Danteros accept our humble offerings, their moans, their screams, we offer to you. Commune with us.”

The rites were spoken. Danteros spoke his pleasure and as he did thousands of spiders attacked Mitor’s body, injecting their tiny loads of venom and Mitor’s screams filled the Shrine as if he was a backing vocalist to Danteros’ words that boomed through the Phallic Auditory Stones into the Shrine.







As Danteros spoke the word ‘behold’ Mitor’s screams started to abate; the spiders were dying and were falling off Mitor’s body, some were stuck in the juices covering Mitor. His skin was red and blistered, Mitor was babbling incoherently, and his struggles had abated also but above them all, the roof became a projection panel. Mitor’s hallucinations were being projected on the huge circular-shaped roof display.

They could see Jonson and Tye running across an open glade, somewhere in the Attican Jungle. Their athletic bodies were on show, they were still wearing their performance thongs from the Lava A Gogo club.

Tzofira smiled, noticing they had kept the knife he had left for them. Tzofira then looked across to Zephir, he wanted to see the High Priest’s face.

Zephir stood looking up, listening to the sounds of pleasure still filling the Shrine. He had been impressed with this new crop of warriors, but he was astounded at the beauty of the earthlings. His mouth was open, he was drooling.

Tzofira knew at that moment, that he had performed his duty to the temple.

It was now time for the hunt to escalate, he would look forward to the capture and arrival of Jonson and Tye.

“Let the pleasure begin!” Tzofira said triumphantly watching the High Priest’s eyes light up.

They had much to prepare!

Eclipse will continue soon.

Discord: scorpio5862

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