The Telemachus Story Archive

Part 9 - State of Pleasure
By Scorpio

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Eclipse - 9.State of Pleasure

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Jonson Chase
(Boi Rah Daim)
  Tye Dylan
(Boi Rah Yojin)
Image created by Jockscan using AI tools Image created by Jared4ever using AI tools Image created by Jockscan using AI tools


Johnson and Tye have been prepared, tortured, and transported to the Solar Temple’s Solar Chamber, a most sacred and holy place in the Attican temple compound facilities.

The Solar Chamber had been prepared to ensure the sacred rites of the Pleasure Prime’s monthly Pleasure Penetration could occur. The roof of the Chamber had been retracted, allowing for the intense solar activity of photopleasuric energy occurring every thirty days when the two sols of Attica align in the sky when the planet and its two stars are in perfect alignment.

The light, heat and pleasure-packed energy combined with powerful Solar Altars will fill the Pleasure Primes with sacred and holy sumptuous energy that Danteros demands and feeds upon. The Pleasure Primes have been prepared to endure this erotic torture, purifying them for their sacred milking in the Temple’s Delectorium, the first of many harvests they will endure before the next cycle commences in thirty Attican days when the suns and the planet re-align once more.

The Pleasure Primes have been tied spreadeagled to the Solar Altars before the High Priest overseeing the Pleasure Penetration Rites and tied helplessly exposed to intense Attican suns converging in the sky above the open-roofed Solar Chamber.


Inside the Solar Altar Chamber

The heat seared his back when they tied him to the Altar. It radiated up through his body, but his Pleasure Prime Mantle protected him from the burning heat. Tye felt the solar rays on his skin, too. He was immediately moist all over. Beads of sweat trickled across his body, and little pools quickly formed in the indentations of his rippling abs.

His loincloth felt electric; it had felt sumptuous the moment he stepped up the front steps of the Temple; there was something erotic about the place. His penis slid inside his thong pouch, and as he lifted his head upward, using his powerful shoulders, Tye noticed Tzofira standing between his stretched legs. He quickly looked across to Jonson.

Jonson was struggling hard against his bonds, twisting his body. The High Priest stood between Jonson’s stretched legs.

Fuck, what is happening? So hot, so thirsty, so horny . Tye was thinking. Fuck, that Tzofira maniac is standing between my legs; I am so exposed to him, fuck. Tye looked up over his heaving, sweaty body at Tzofira; he didn’t want to show fear, so he bared his teeth and pulled valiantly on his bonds in defiance.

“Don’t touch me!” Tye growled.

My bulge, my balls, my fucking cock are at his mercy, shit, shit .

Tzofira placed both hands on the tops of Tye’s heaving, sweaty legs. He growled in a low and lusty tone, knowing how much energy the Pleasure Prime was about to absorb and cache. He felt Tye’s body shimmer at his touch.

Fuck! Tye thought. I ’m tingling all over - his touch, fuck! So, fucking horny!

Tye looked across toward Jonson again. Jonson was looking upward over his body toward Zephir, standing between his legs, just like Tzofira stood between Tye’s legs. Jonson was struggling and spraying spittle. He had a desperate look on his face, shaking his head left and right.

They were experiencing the powerful and sexual properties of the new Solar Altars. Their energy management systems had already scanned Jonson and Tye’s bodies. It coursed through their bodies, invading every cell; just the touch of Zephir or Tzofira on their bodies ignited the erotic energy to thrill them with luscious and vivid enjoyment.

“Excellent!” Zephir exclaimed, glancing at his lustful scout. He was well aware of how aroused Tzofira could become; it fed into Tzofira’s sensuality and desire. Just the sensation of the erotic energy flowing through the Pleasure Prime’s body into their hands confirmed everything the King of Erotica had informed him about the properties of the new Altars upon their delivery from their Allies’ planet.

“Your Solar Altars are charging your bodies with Sssssssssssssssssssssssssss - exual energy, Pleasure Primes. They are adapting and personalising their pleasure management systems to your bodies now. The longer you are tied to the Altar, the better it can blend, create and spawn sumptuous delicious sexual energy!”

Zephir felt Jonson’s trembling body as he caressed his inner legs. The Pleasure Primes’ legs were tied tightly to the leg extensions of the Altars, and he knew how exposed and helpless they were feeling.

“Altars!” Zephir said, looking down at Jonson’s magnificent heaving loincloth. He smiled.

“Stretch their legs wider. I want to access their bulges and their thongs completely; they are mine to control and tantalise as I see fit.”

The Altars were responsive only to Zephir or Tzofira’s voice; they obeyed the Warlock High Priest’s lusty command.

“Are you feeling horny, Boi Rahs?” Zephir asked.

“You are writhing delightfully, sensations travelling across your skin as the droplets of your sweet sweat dribble down your bodies. The new Solar Altars will ensure your bodies are caressed with the most sumptuous and erotic delights.”

He bent down and licked beads of sweat forming on the top of Jonson’s muscly thighs.

“Mmmm - Gnnnnnnnnnnnn!” Jonson turned left and right. His delightful moan filled the Solar Chamber; he was pulling on his bonds as his body convulsed with delicious energy.

“Erotica promised me you would be spoiled with some of the most erotic and sensual experiences as you ride these beautiful new Altars!” Zephir said as he looked across to Tzofira and nodded.

Soon, Tye was writhing in glorious and erotic ways; Tzofira had chosen to lick Tye’s left foot. The touch of Tzofira’s tongue on Tye’s skin ignited the sensual energies flowing through his body to release their sumptuous verve. Tye pulled on his bonds, lost in the waves of tingling sensation erupting over his gorgeous body.

Zephir then looked around the Chamber, at the Sacred Priests of Pleasure Penetration standing at their posts around the perimeter of the Solar Chamber, and spoke to them.

“These Pleasure Primes are highly sensitive…” he paused and smiled. “…to the touch. The new Solar Altars are very effective; look how they writhe; their helpless bodies are our sexual toys - our responsibility to tune them and delight them as we penetrate their bodies and minds with sacred pleasure!”

“They cannot be presented to Danteros unless they have been confirmed in the sacred State of Pleasure; therefore, go about your tasks today, thrill each bulge, ensure every cell in the Pleasure Prime’s body is storing the sacred pleasure energy.”

“Bring the Elixirs of Delight; we have no time to waste; the Sol Transit is gracing our sky!”

A senior ranking priest delivered the Elixir for Jonson to Zephir, and another delivered Tye’s Elixir. They stood on the stairs to the Altars behind Zephir, positioned at Jonson’s bulge, and Tzofira, positioned at Tye’s heaving bulge. They bowed their heads and held out the large, ornately decorated glass urns.

“Made especially for you, Boi Rah Daim!” Zephir said, turning and taking the glass urn from the Priest. He held the urn by both of the sacred artifact's side handles.

Jonson looked up at the urn, his body seething and horny, the tingling had subsided, but his loincloth thong was buzzing between his buttocks, and he was thrusting his hips to the waves of sensation buzzing between his buttocks.

Tzofira held Tye’s glass urn, his; unlike Jonson’s, which had a yellow liquid, Tye’s urn held a green liquid.

“Made especially for you, Boi Rah Yojin!” Tzofira said.

“The contents of this oil will caress every part of your body; I will personally massage the Elixir of Delight into your writhing body, and the intensity of the Solar forces you are tied helplessly before here in this sacred place will ignite the pleasure penetration. Firstly, in your delicious bulge, which every priest in this Chamber has been trained to worship reverently, and once full, and you are screaming in ecstasy, the pleasure will leach into your body until it fills you to the tips of your toes to the soles of your feet. Your bulges will become deified and holy, dripping in the sanctified juices of Pleasure Prime. Your bodies will be shown to the temple and worshipped; your holy offerings of bulge, pleasure, juice, and bondage will then be offered to Danteros, and he will feed and gorge himself on the sanctified pleasure residing in your sumptuous bodies. Your milking in the Delectorium shall mark the beginning of your Milking Cycle until the next Solar Transition.”

Tye pulled violently on his bonds, his efforts rewarded by a cavalcade of delicious tingles erupting over his skin, his violent movements igniting the pleasure generators in the Altar. Jonson, too, fought his bonds and screamed in abandon, and then he, too, was cloaked in a tsunami of sensation. So, they moaned sensually as wads of warm, juicy pre cum appeared into their loincloth bulges. The squish of the emission attracted Zephir’s attention.

“The Boi Rahs offer their juices!” Not taking his eyes off Jonson’s magnificence. The Pleasure Prime’s bulge presented its beauty to him, Zephir’s eyes drinking in every curve, every bump, savouring its scent and the sounds of the squishing juices it produced.

“Sumptuous pleasure, Boi Rah, is it not!” He said, looking into Jonson’s desperate eyes.

He dropped several drops of the elixir onto Jonson’s upper legs and returned the glass urn to the reverent priest, waiting to hold the sacred urn until the High Priest required it again.

Tzofira and Zephir worked in unison, they had two extremely horny Pleasure Primes, and the converging suns overhead were inching closer and closer with each passing moment. They needed to work fast, ensuring the Pleasure Primes were oiled sufficiently to commence the Pleasure Penetration. The Sacred Priests of Pleasure Penetration would continue the incremental infusions as the afternoon heat increased. They were masters at directing the correct dosages of solar photopleasuric energy onto the bodies of the helpless Pleasure Primes.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph, Nghahhhhhhh!” Jonson felt Zephir’s hands sliding and squeezing into his aching leg muscles. He and Tye were still recovering from the Muscle Definitor treatment the previous night, and Zephir’s massaging felt luxurious. Still, it also ignited the Solar Altar to deliver bouts of sumptuous tingles across his body, his bulge squishing as he thrust his hips, pleasure infiltrating into his penis. He could hear Tye’s cries, knowing he was also experiencing different layers of delicious stimulation like his.

Tye felt Tzofira’s expert hands massaging the Elixir of Desire into his feet. It felt luxurious, but the flurry of tingles radiated up and down his legs. He was thrashing in delight and screaming for the stimulation to cease, but his cries for mercy, his struggles, and those of Jonson only spurred Tzofira and Zephir further.

It took the Warlock and the Scout thirty minutes; they had massaged the initial doses of the Elixirs of Delight into the Boi Rahs, and all that was left was their magnificent loincloth bulges. They timed the application of the elixir to their loincloths to coincide with the monthly conjunction of the planet and its two suns.

Tye was seething; energy from his Altar was buzzing across his skin, and his loincloth thong pouch also buzzed; the delightful sensations made him sizzle in the hot humidity, his body glistened in the oils, and his sweat; he was so horny he could burst, and he desperately wanted to ejaculate.

Fuck you, Tzofira, Tye thought, make me cum please, need release - fuck, I ’m so fucking horny.

“Please,” Tye blurted out amid his struggles, “Ma - make - let me C, cer, cum, please?” Tye begged.

“But there is so much more for you to endure, Boi Rah!” Tzofira said, smiling lustfully.

He and Zephir then called the Sacred Priests of Pleasure Penetration to gather around the two Solar Altars and their flailing captives. They assembled with their hands held behind their backs, their heads bowed at the sight of the two sacred Pleasure Primes struggling ferociously.

“The Transition is imminent!” Zephir then bent down and grasped Jonson on the tops of his legs, close to the sides of his lusciously wet loincloth bulge. Jonson thrashed and was spitting as his head thrashed upward and downward to the erotic sensations caressing his body.

Tzofira did the same with Tye.

Zephir continued. “The sacred bulge of the Pleasure Prime is presented to you; it is your holy and sexual toy; it must be caressed respectfully; the pleasure these bulges generate must feed deities!”

He then cupped Jonson’s bulging loincloth flap; it was wet and gooey; he used both hands to cup the sexual object of all their desires reverently. Tzofira cupped Tye’s wet bulge in the same manner.

“The Elixirs!” Zephir commanded.

Two of his trusted personal Priests stepped forward with the bespoke glass urns. The Priest with Tye’s Elixir of Delight stood to the side of Tye’s writhing body, and the one holding Jonson’s urn stood next to Jonson’s struggling body.

“Five Drops each; there must be sufficient elixir oil on their bulges!” Zephir commanded.

They dropped the yellow oily concoction onto Jonson’s heaving and magnificent mound. Zephir ensured the substance did not run off the meaty bulge; he used his palms and cupped Jonson’s manhood mound.

Green oil dropped on Tye’s bulging manhood mound, and like Zephir, Tzofira captured the oily runoff from Tye’s wet mound by cupping Tye’s bulge.

Their palms massaged the Pleasure Prime’s bulges reverently, their fingers working the oils with the Pleasure Prime’s pre cum soaked manhood, their fingers coating the loincloth flap and the under-thong in the erotic oils.

The Pleasure Primes’ moans filled the Chamber and out into the temple’s gardens, their bodies straining against their bonds. The sensation of their bulges being worshipped was glorious and overpowering to their senses. The ropes creaked and strained while they twisted and writhed.

Within seconds, the heat in the Altar room intensified, the colour began to glow red and orange, bright flashes of heat and light shot around the open-roofed Chamber, and Tzofira and Zephir stood back from their bulge worship; they joined the line of Priests surrounding the Altars. Every Priest and Official, including the High Priest and the Scout, looked upward toward the Eye of Danteros. And as the transition made its perfect conjunction, when Attica and the two transiting suns were in perfect alignment, the beam of solar-intense photopleasuric energy was reflected around the Solar Chamber, creating a crisscross of dazzling light, which was sucked into the dazzling large Eye of Danteros. The Eye captured the light and pulsed several times up on the wall of the Solar Chamber, facing the Pleasure Prime’s bulging loincloths before it. The Eye’s pupil began to glow with golden flecks of light and energy.

The Eye then shot two beams of intense solar energy into Jonson and Tye’s man-mounds.



They could not escape the pleasurized energy transfer. It ignited the Elixir of Desire, sending intense energy into their bulges. Jonson and Tye’s screams filled the Chamber and the Solar Temple’s grounds.

The energy did not last long, though; it had planted a germinating seed of pleasure deep inside Jonson and Tye’s luscious bulges.

Tye lifted his hips; he cried out as a massive wad of juicy pre cum exploded out onto his already wet and oily bulge.

“FUCK!” Jonson screamed, his bulge responding to the germinating pod of pleasure that had penetrated deep into his bulge.

“Fuck!” The ooze of pre cum was plentiful; Jonson heard his bulge squishing, his thong tightening into his body.

Zephir stood between the two stretched Pleasure Primes; they writhed on either side of him as he spoke to the assembled Sacred Priests of Pleasure Penetration while Tzofira quickly exited the Solar Chamber.

“Penetration has begun; you have witnessed the Solar Bolt; it was consumed by the Eye of Dangerous and transformed into his powerful seed of pleasure. It is alive in their bulges; it will develop as the heat from the suns above us rapes at their helpless bodies; unforgiving solar intensity will transform the Elixir of Delight and feed the growing pleasure energy pulsing inside their bulges. They will produce a bounty of pre cum. Utilise it as you worship their bulges. Feed the Lips of Danteros their sacred pre cum too; once your worship shift has concluded, take a harvest of their pre cum and feed the lips. One drop of the elixir must be applied to the apex of their bulges once every 5 minutes, massage their pleasure generation, build it, and fire it up so that it consumes them. They will become hornier and hornier each hour. You may also choose to drop small quantities of the Waters of Desire onto their torsos; the droplets will reverberate around their heaving bodies with waves of sumptuous enjoyment. They will become ravaged as the afternoon progresses.”

Zephir walked over and lifted Tye’s loincloth flap. There were gasps of appreciation as Tye’s magnificent thong bulge was revealed to them; he let the flap fold and rest on Tye’s heaving belly.

“Worship the Pleasure Prime’s Bulge!” He commanded.

He then approached Jonson’s heaving mass of muscles; Jonson was caught up in the growing delicious pleasure coursing through his bulge. Zephir lifted the flap, peeling it off the wet, silky thong bulge lurking below it. There were more gasps of delight and appreciation from the Priests as they gazed at Jonson’s magnificence.

“Worship the Pleasure Prime’s Bulge!” He commanded again. “Feed the Lips of Danteros their harvests of pre cum.”

Zephir then walked around and bent down next to Tye’s handsome face.

Tye looked at his tormentor and begged.

“Please, sir, gah. Pleas - ure, so exqu - gah - isite, please let us cum?” Drool ran from Tye’s handsome mouth.

Zephir smiled.

“No, Not yet, Boi Rah Jojin; you have a long and perilous journey into the depravity of sexual decadence!” Zephir licked Tye’s ear while he responded.

He whispered as his tongue explored Tye’s ear cavity. “We have a very erotic surprise for you and Boi Rah Daim!”


Below the Solar Temple in a dimly lit holding room

They were being kept in small cages beneath the Solar Temple, dark and lit by dim lights on the walls. They had been left there by Tzofira earlier in the morning. Mitor, Kai, Ethon, Kar, and Jai were stacked on each other. Their cages were barely large enough to fit their sumptuous bodies positioned supine in the narrow enclosures. The Five beautiful warriors lay caged in their close quarters with outlet taps of the Waters of Desire set so that the erotic waters were seeping down over their bodies. They were wet and horny, their arms and legs shackled to each corner of their narrow cages.

Five hot bodies, caged and brimming with erotic fury, were awaiting their next fate.

The lights increased as Tzofira entered the room; several Solar Temple Priests flanked him. Tzofira, dressed in his sacred loincloth and golden armband, indicated to the horny warriors that this was not a typical day.

“Hello, boys; I hope you have been enjoying the waters of desire while I have been away. Keeping hydrated and horny is good for you!” Tzofira said, smirking and looking at the stack of small cages holding their succulent, drenched and horny contents placed on top of each other.

“Kar, you’ll be first! You’re on top.” Tzofira said.

“Get them unstacked and lined up!” He ordered the Priests.

They struggled inside their restrictive enclosures, metal on metal clanging as they fought for freedom. The Temple Priests then dragged Kar’s cage from the top of the pile. The cage and its delicious wet contents came crashing down to the equally wet, hard floor of the storage room.

“Gah aghhhh!” Kar moaned as he came crashing down inside his cage. They released the cage’s lock and dragged Kar out of it.

Ethon was next, followed by Jai, Kai, and finally, Mitor was left. The priests formed the five into a row, their arms tied tightly behind their backs; collars joined and tightened enough to keep their horny young bodies from struggling.

Tzofira inspected the line, checking their loincloths, adjusting them, and enjoying their beautiful bodies.

“Today you will be pleasured and edged, you are going to the Solar Temple, and your pre cum is going to be used in the erotic rites that have just begun. You have a very important role to play, my beautiful sexual toys. Your pre cum will ooze onto the bodies of the Pleasure Primes, each drop, each line of your fluids igniting their layers of sacred pleasure.” Tzofira smiled. “Pleasure Primes will crave your bulges; their hungry sexual bodies will crave your loincloths.

“You monster!” Ethon said carefully through the tight collar, he was so horny, and his struggles to free his arms set the other warriors off in fits of struggle too. As they did, the priests attached a red-coloured rope to Kar’s collar and pulled them out of the room and upward through a winding set of stairs.

What is this place? Kai thought as the air became warmer and thicker with humidity. His ropes were tight, and he was being dragged along in their line; he could hear Mitor straining at the end of the procession as they cracked the whip at his heels. They emerged through the windy passageway into the Solar Temple’s anteroom, where Jonson and Tye had been heat-tortured before being taken to the Solar Chamber.

“Take them to the Chamber and tie them to the five Zorah Stones surrounding the Altars!”

Tzofira turned his attention to the warriors. “The Zorah Stones will ensure your delicious bulging thongs are flooded in pleasure energy; you’ll be so horny, especially when you see the sumptuous Pleasure Primes writhing on the Solar Altars. Horny young men, just like you, writhing in sacred pleasure, craving sexual contact.”

“Please, Tzofira, no!” Mitor pleaded, “We have been milked like animals already, Mmmmmm.” Mitor’s bulge pulsed with energy, interrupting his plea. He felt the emission of pre cum fill his thong pouch. “Wha?” he started to say.

“You’ve soaked in the Waters of Desire, boys, that is why each of you is horny and needy; you are also inside the Sacred Solar temple; it is seething with lusty sexual energy, especially today because Danteros is present with his High Priest as we prepare the Pleasure Primes and perform the sacred Pleasure Penetration. Your bodies will surge and respond to the energy this temple generates; expect your penises to respond; your pre cum must be harvested today!” Tzofira then grabbed Mitor by his sandy blond hair, pulling the mighty Preyan warrior’s handsome face backward; Tzofira’s other hand delved below Mitor’s front loincloth flap and extracted Mitor’s pre cum emission from the surface of Mitor’s thong bulge.

It was plentiful, and Mitor felt luxurious inside Tzofira’s hungry hand.

“Gahhhhhhhhhhh!” Mitor growled lustily; Tzofira’s hand on his mound sent shivers of sexual need through Mitor’s horny body.

Tzofira stepped away, licking his hand, and checked each of their loincloths one final time, ensuring they were perfectly positioned to enhance each of the warriors’ virility.

“They are ready, take them to the Altar Chamber, stretch them over the Zorah stones, and pleasure them carefully until their pre cum runs down the Zorah Stone. The Zorah Stones will control the pleasure energy transfer to their bulges.” Tzofira ordered.


In the Solar Altar Chamber

Zephir, enjoying Tye’s heaving body, was brushing his fingers over the sweaty pectoral muscles, licking Tye’s nipples and enjoying how Tye trembled and pulled on his restraints. Tye would sigh just before an emission of pre cum bubbled onto his loincloth bulge. His attending Pleasure Penetration Priest was caressing his bulge, sliding the wet, sexy loincloth flap over his bulging thong pouch. Pleasure buzzed through his genitals, and Tye was drooling when he felt Zephir wipe his mouth.

“Here is your surprise, Pleasure Prime!” Zephir said, cupping the back of Tye’s sweat-soaked head, ensuring the Pleasure Prime could see what had arrived at the Solar Altar Chamber.

Kar was the first warrior to arrive, dragged into the Chamber by a Priest tugging on the red rope attached to his collar; the others followed, attached by their collars. The Five were forced into the super-heated room, sweat beads formed quickly on their horny bodies, and before they knew it, Several Priests had grabbed each of them, tying their legs to the bottom of their assigned Zorah Stone on the sides of the stone-carved scrotum, it forced their legs to be somewhat parted. Their arms lifted over their heads and pulled back to the restraints on the side of the penis-shaped stones.

Zephir let go of Tye’s head and moved to the space between Jonson and Tye’s heads. They were tied next to each other, their exposed bulges open, facing toward the glowing Eye of Danteros, watching the rituals intently up on the tallest wall in the Chamber. He reached and caressed the sweat on Jonson’s forehead and then Tye’s forehead.

“I know how horny you Pleasure Primes are, and it’s going to increase so much more boys!” Zephir said lustily.

“So Tzofira has arranged a very special treat to feed your growing lust!”

Jonson pulled on his bonds and lifted his hips. He gritted his teeth, and soon, a large glob of pre cum erupted into the hands of the Priest, caressing the bulge in his sacred worship.

“Exquisite, isn’t It, Boi Rah!” Zephir said.

“Your pre cum is plentiful and rich!”

Tye thrashed his head as a shard of pleasure exploded inside his buzzing bulge.

“Gah, So horny!” Tye sighed, drooling again.

Zephir continued. “These were the warriors we milked during your Transmission Rites. They are beautiful and handsome; their bodies are virile and crave pleasure, as do you. I’m going to offer their bulges to you as your pleasure penetration progresses today. Their heaving bodies will be hoisted over your bodies, their legs stretched, and the view of their erotic bulges will enrage your horniness and your lust. Their pre cum and sweat will drip and ooze onto your super-heated bodies; it will invigorate the Elixir of Delight, enraging the pleasure penetration intensity growing inside you.” Zephir paused momentarily. “Do you enjoy their luscious bodies? If you are good boys, you can enjoy their bulges when we lower them into your faces. They will be on the edge of an almighty orgasm, so your tongues will drive them mad, and their bodies will tremble and writhe as you enjoy their tasty bodies.”

Above the Chamber, the suns were slowly exiting their transits, and the conjunction of planet and stars had ceased, but the heat from the planet’s Sols was becoming supercharged. It always did in Attica; the afternoon solar intensity always bathed the planet in the suns’ radiation. Although protected from a broad radiation spectrum, Attica’s unique heliospheric filters allowed a combination of Ultraviolet and Photosynthetic Long-Wave radiation, harmless to life on the planet; its side effects resulted in the high levels of sexual activity and depravity known to Attica. The Temple had learned to use it, and the High Priest exploited it at every Solar Transition event. These specific radiation combinations were captured by the Solar Temple’s light refactors and directed to the Solar Altar Array. This radiation reacting with the Warlock High Priest’s Elixir of Delight applied to the Pleasure Prime’s bodies, creating the explosions of pleasure Jonson and Tye were experiencing. So much so that any drop of sweat or water or pre cum would ignite a sumptuous energy-rippling effect over the Pleasure Prime’s sensitised bodies, making them seethe in delicious energy. Once the rippling sensation dissipated, it would add an incremental addition to the growing pod of pleasure building up in the Pleasure Prime’s Sacred Bulge.

Jonson was so horny; his bondage was fuelling his cravings for sexual satisfaction, and every ten or so minutes, a new Priest was attending to his helplessly stretched body, massaging more of the potent pleasure elixir into his ravaging body. They had worked his bulge with precision, goading him through waves of sumptuous sensation. He was crying, tears of pure ecstasy, drool ran from his mouth, and his body heaved rhythmically. He was erect sometimes, but often his penis would be semi-erect, but it was always shimmering in velvety pleasure, and he could hear and feel his juices squishing as the Priests worked his bulge.

“Kai, my beautiful Karthosian warrior!” Tzofira said as he approached Kai, who was writhing on the Zorah Stone. Kai’s tall and lean muscular form and high belly button made him a handsome and sumptuous erotic toy for Tzofira to play with. Like Jai, Kai also had short, sandy blond hair that was not as curly as Jai’s. It hung on his forehead and was kept short at the back of his head. Tzofira ensured his personal attendants kept Kai’s hair manicured perfectly; it made him such a handsome and fetching erotic play toy. Kai’s loincloth had an opening in the front flap; the elongated hole added to the sexiness of his loincloth flap, which folded slightly. Beneath the luscious loincloth flap lurked his powerhouse of virility. His thong pouch cupped his virile genitalia, and it pouched and bulged magnificently. It was just what Tzofira wanted and needed at this point in the Pleasure Penetration Rites.

“You’re oh-so-wet warrior toy, so horny and delicious!” Tzofira’s hand explored behind Kai’s luscious loincloth flap. Wet pre cum and sweat oozed through his fingers as he squeezed Kai into a frenzy of erotic writhing. Kai’s Zorah stone was pleasuring the young warrior intensively and Tzofira could tell that Kai was ready to serve the Pleasure Prime’s Pleasure Penetration.

Kai Pulled on his bonds, thrusting his bulge into Tzofira’s hand.

“P, p... lease Tzofira, I - n, need to cum!” A look of abandon and lust oozed from Kai’s mouth just like his pre cum was oozing into Tzofira’s hand.

“I have just the thing for you, my beautiful cum-cow boy!” Tzofira said, smothering Kai’s sweat and pre-com over Kai’s desperate face. The young sexual man licked Tzofira’s hands, tasting his own juices.

“Please, sir?” Kai begged.

Tzofira called two of the Sacred Priests of Pleasure Penetration across to where he was enjoying Kai’s heaving form.

“Install this warrior onto the Lyft and position the Lyft between the two Pleasure Primes. We will tie Kai here…” He gripped the horny young warrior’s head, pulling it backward before licking Kai’s neck. “…fit him onto the Surge Pulsor, then stretch his body tight.”

The Lyft was installed on the Altar deck between the two heaving Pleasure Primes’ writhing bodies. Two Priests were caressing the Pleasure Prime bulges and chanting, Jonson and Tye lost in the expanse of growing pleasure, building incrementally in their bodies as the afternoon hot suns baked their heaving oily bodies. They hadn’t noticed the installation of the Lyft. Around them, The Five warriors tied to their phallic Zorah stones were being pleasured and kept at sub-orgasmic levels of sumptuous pleasure, enough to keep their virile bodies heaving in delight, feeding the Priests their delectable offerings of sweat and pre cum.

Once the Lyft was installed, they came for Kai. He would ride the Lyft.

Shiny silver legs and arms extended from the medial pleasure generator. The Surge Pulsor device awaited its first rectum, fashioned like an erect penis; it was capable of surging pleasure energy inside the rider’s anus and was designed to find and deliver its pleasure energy to the rider’s special erotic spot deep in his body. The Lyft device was capable of lifting heavy weights, and so a virile young and horny warrior weighing seventy-five kilograms of lean muscle was an easy payload for the device.

They untied Kai’s bonds on his Zorah Stone and dragged the horny, struggling warrior up the stairs to the Altar level; seeing Jonson and Tye’s heaving wet bodies being bulge worshipped only made Kai hornier. They were holding his arms and lifting him off the floor; he wanted to break free and grab his cock from his sexy loincloth and wank as hard as he could, the whole atmosphere inside the debaucherous Temple, the moans and cries, the orgy of heaving young men writhing in pleasure were so erotic.

They stretched his legs, and another Priest collected a wad of pre cum from each of the writhing Pleasure Primes while another priest lifted the rear flap of Kai’s little loincloth, revealing two peachy and perfect buttocks. They applied Jonson and Tye’s lubricant pre cum between Kai’s heaving buttocks smearing it on and under the tight thong strap, working the gooey sacred pre cum around and into Kai’s hole before lifting his struggling body up onto the Lyft. They lowered him onto the buzzing Surge Pulsor, ensuring the device slipped past Kai’s thong strap. It buzzed on the sensitive opening to Kai’s anus.

Kai was struggling, knowing that he would be impaled, and they forced him down hard onto the device. It filled his anus quickly, causing the young warrior to struggle; lifting his head, he cried out as it squished into his body.

“Mmmmmm Gahhhhhhhhhhh!” Kai moaned, fighting the restraints on his arms and legs as the priests attached them. He was helpless and impaled on the Lyft, and its diabolical Surge Pulsor was buzzing deep inside his body; warm and sumptuous energy pulsed inside him. It made him throw his head back as he moaned upward toward the duo of blazing Sols in the sky above the open-roofed Altar Chamber.

Kai felt Tzofira’s forceful hand pulling his head back down, forcing Kai to look at him. Tzofira worshipped Kai’s beautiful body, stretched and covered in a sheen of sweat; his legs pulled out from his body, and his arms stretched outward. The young warrior’s body was exposed and vulnerable. Tzofira worked the horny young warrior into a frenzy, massaging muscles, feeling the strength and beauty of the beautiful sex object tied and impaled before him.

Kai drooled from his mouth.

“Kai, my beautiful, sexual boy! So handsome, so virile, so needy. I hope the Surge Pulsor dildo enthrals you!”

Kai gritted his teeth and heaved out a sensual moan, spit ejected from his mouth involuntarily.

“Ngahhhhhhhhhh!” He pulled desperately on his bonds. It made Tzofira smile.

He let go of Kai’s head and lifted the sexy loincloth flap from Kai’s heaving body, tucking the flap into the thin leather side straps of the thong and loincloth, revealing Kai’s delicious under-thong pouch. It was glistening pre cum as Kai thrust his hips.

“Mmmm, so delectable, Kai; you are quite the perfect sexual boy-toy, so responsive to the pleasure energy pulses from the Surge Pulsor deep inside you.”

Tzofira then adjusted the Lyft so that it raised Kai upward,so that the bulging wet mass of his thong was at Tzofira’s face level. Kai looked downward helplessly, feeling Tzofira’s breath on his thong pouch.

“Oh God!” Kai screamed, thrusting his bulge into Tzofira’s face, twisting his beautiful lean musculature as the next Pulse of delicious pleasure energy surged into his body.

Tzofira gripped Kai’s buttocks, forcing the warrior’s body into his face; he felt the emission of Kai’s pre cum flowing into the warrior’s bulge, his tongue collecting it, licking it as it soaked through the thin, wet bulge leather; Tzofira gorged himself on Kai’s sex. He looked up, gripping the warrior’s sensitive bulge, his face covered in sweat and warrior pre cum. Tzofira watched as Kai shuddered once more, his moans joining with that of Jonson and Tye’s.

Tzofira then let go of Kai’s thong bulge and turned to confer with Zephir.

“The Lyft will feed sumptuous pleasure into Kai’s pleasure-ravaged body directly through his prostate with the Surge Pulsor firmly inside his beautiful body; his bulge will throb pleasure, and he will ooze pre cum down onto the Pleasure Primes’ bodies,” Tzofira said.

Zephir approved of the plan. “Yes, Tzofira, the pre cum and his beads of sweat shall further activate the Elixir of Delight’s effects on the Pleasure Primes’ bodies!” He said, smiling lustfully as he confirmed Tzofira’s plan.

“Exactly, High Priest! The Pleasure Primes are extremely horny right now, and the sight of this erotic warrior struggling above them, directly over their bodies, will ignite deep and erotic cravings; their bodies will accept the pleasure energy as the afternoon progresses and the Penetration engulfs their bodies completely.”

“Proceed!” The High Priest ordered.

Tzofira, having had his erotic plan approved, proceeded across to Tye’s heaving body; he dismissed the Priest worshipping Tye’s bulge and took up position between Tye’s heaving stretched legs. He looked down toward the beautiful and luscious loincloth bulge. Tye was a magnificent specimen, and Tzofira could not resist that bulge. He cupped Tye’s offering in both hands and squeezed carefully, feeling the Pleasure Prime’s shuddering; the warm emission of his lube made Tzofira extra horny.

“Fuc-k!” Tye moaned as he entered into an ocean of tingles across his torso.

Tzofira was handed Tye’s Elixir of Delight by one of the Priests and let a drop of the potent erotic stimulation juice drop onto the apex of Tye’s heaving bulge. He mixed it with the plentiful Pleasure Prime’s goo already coating the bulge, using his right index finger, massaging the underside of Tye’s penis head, clearly displayed and lurking inside the drenched thin leather of Tye’s thong pouch.

“I can feel your pleasure aura, Pleasure Prime; it is powerful; it is truly magnificent!” He licked his lips.

“Your bulge, your penis, your scrotum!” He caressed the heaving bulge.

“Such erotic instruments of power and pleasure, I have chosen you and Boi Rah Daim…” He looked at Jonson’s body writhing next to them. “…Chosen you carefully to feed Danteros his erotic diet of pleasure and cum! Now I have something delicious for you two; I know you are now entering the next level of your Pleasure Penetration; I know how horny and luscious your thoughts and desires are; you crave bulge, and you lust it like I am lustfully caressing yours.

Tye spurted a wad of pre cum into Tzofira’s worshipful hands; he shuddered and trembled as the pleasure began leeching from his bulging thong pouch and shot up through his abdominal muscles; he threw his head from side to side as pleasure engulfed his torso.

Tzofira couldn’t help but smile as he massaged Tye’s pre cum all over the Pleasure Prime’s thong bulge. “You are so erotic, Boi Rah Jojin! You shall have your lust fulfilled; you are such a good eroticl toy-boy!”

Tzofira glanced across to the Priests controlling The Lyft and its erotic rider, Kai. He did not take his hands from Tye’s heaving thong pouch.

Bring the warrior over this Pleasure Prime’s body and lower him so that his body and his bulging thong are visible to the Pleasure Prime.

Wracked in delicious sensation, his bulge pulsing with pleasure, his bulge being worked and worshipped, his thoughts were erotic and lusty; he wanted to be fucked while tied up. Tye wished to watch Jonson being fucked senseless while tied up, he knew it was depraved, but the potion and the pleasure energy were bringing out fantasies and erotic scenarios into his mind; he lavished in the erotic world of these thoughts, and then like a vision of pure lusciousness he watched as the heaving and struggling virile warrior was lowered directly over his body.

Fuck he is beautiful, so erotic, his bondage so magnificent. His bulge is drippingMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Tye’s lusty thoughts were interrupted by the warmth of Kai’s oozing pre cum dropping onto his abs. The pre cum ignited the pleasure energy building up inside Tye’s body. He screamed in abandon; he wanted more; he wanted that bulge in his face. Tye’s sexual energy erupted in his mind and his body. Trembling with need, he pulled on his restraints, thrusting his hips.

“Please let me have it, so - fu -cking h, h - horn…y!” Tye Stammered. The sight of Kai’s thong pouch, his thrusting young virility, was turbo-charging Tye’s pleasure penetration as Tzofira had planned. The intense pleasure energy was leeching out into Tye’s body, and the warrior’s pre cum was igniting it stronger and stronger.

Tye watched in pure lust as Kai’s stretched body lowered over his and as Tzofira began to worship Kai’s heaving mass of erotic energy. He watched as Tzofira cupped Kai’s buttocks, brushing his hands over the warrior’s heaving buttocks, caressing his hips and the young warrior’s heaving abdomen. Tzofira scooped up some of Kai’s sweat, ensuring his hands were wet with the warrior’s moisture. He walked around to Tye’s head.

“Are you thirsty, Pleasure Prime?” Tzofira asked.

Tye didn’t need to respond; his eyes answered for him as Tzofira offered his sweat-coated hands.

“Kai is very plentiful; believe me, I have enjoyed him several times in the last couple of days!” Tzofira said as he offered the warrior’s sweat to Tye to lick.

Tye licked the warrior’s juice, his hungry tongue seeking out the sweat. It was sustenance, but it was erotic for Tye, his body wracked in intense pleasure. He moaned deeply, relishing the sumptuous sensations when the next of The Priests of Pleasure Penetration began to enjoy Tye’s wet and oozing bulge; ripples of pleasure were shooting down his legs and up into his torso.

“Fuck!” Tye screamed, looking over toward Jonson, who was also screaming; Jonson’s bulge was being worked by the High Priest, who was using a powerful pleasure spell on Jonson’s heaving thong pouch.

Tzofira then grabbed Tye’s head and stuck his fingers in Tye’s mouth, forcing the young Pleasure Prime to refocus. Tye’s hungry mouth sucked on the fingers like they were a cock; Tye needed cock badly; he craved it; he craved bulge. He strived erotically but fruitlessly in his bonds.

“Your Pleasure Penetration is progressing well, Boi Rah!” Tzofira said, pushing his fingers deep inside Tye’s hungry mouth, causing Tye to gasp.

“It is engulfing your body, your mind…” Tzofira then paused and nodded around Kai’s heaving body, suspended less than a foot over Tye’s heaving pleasure-wracked body, to the Priest on duty at Tye’s bulge. Acknowledging Tzofira’s nod, the Priest poured more of Tye’s personal Elixir of Delight oils onto Tye’s bubbling bulge. The Priest massaged Tye’s semi-erect penis inside the oily and pre-cummy thong bulge as Tye’ gasped in adoration of the new sensations wracking his very soul.

Tzofira did not release his fingers, holding Tye’s head in place as the virile Pleasure Prime humped his body in pure succulent raptures; huge ripples of pleasure were raging from his thong bulge being worshipped expertly by the on-duty Priest, out into his body, huge ripples becoming currents of succulence invading every cell in his body.

“GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAGGGGGGGGGGH!” Tye screamed in delight, even with Tzofira’s fingers entrenched in the cavity of his mouth.

“GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAGGGGGGGGGGH!” Tye’s screams and erotic struggles pushed Tzofira even deeper into his erotic play, with these two erotic young men struggling desperately. He pulled his fingers from Tye’s mouth, licking them and then returning to Kai’s heaving form, grabbing Kai’s shoulders, tilting the device holding the horny warrior forward slightly and then pulling the warrior down so that Kai’s bulge touched Tye’s rippling abs. It caused Kai’s bulge to explode with pleasure energy, setting off the Surge Pulsor Dildo to ram deep inside Kai.

His sumptuous scream filled the temple, Kai’s body convulsing with his double rush of rich pleasure, his helpless body twisting and thrusting. Kai’s thong bulge spurted pre cum onto Tye’s chest and Tye’s face.

Tye’s screams matched Kai’s, ignited by the force of Kai’s spurt, reacting with the Elixir potion, the intensity of the solar rays filling the temple and the Solar Altar penetrating Tye’s body with sacred pleasure. He also matched Kai’s spurt; his bulge erupted into the Priest’s hands as he worked Tye’s thong pouch. The Priest allowed the second spurt to coat Kai’s exposed buttocks, suspended erotically over Tye’s heaving body, and Tzofira, enthralled by the erotic show, jumped up and massaged Tye’s pre cum into Kai’s heaving buttocks as the erotic Warrior writhed in pure ecstasy suspended tantalizingly above Tye’s horny form.

The attention only fuelled Kai’s trembling body, causing it to convulse violently; waves of pleasure pumped through him; he pulled violently on his bonds; he was making Tzofira extra horny, so Tzofira manipulated the Lyft device so that Kai’s spurting bulge lowered close to Tye’s hungry face.

Tye’s body was filling up with sacred pleasure, his mind so lost in erotic thoughts, his bondage feeding the pleasure; it was feeding his mind. He felt his cock lengthen inside the grip of the Priest on duty at his thong bulge standing between his heaving stretched legs; he had been erect and then flaccid, then semi-erect throughout his time riding the Solar Altar, but the sight of Kai’s heaving muscular form, his sweat covered muscles, that exquisite bulging thong pouch clinging to Kai’s genitals had sent Tye’s erotic thoughts into overdrive. He watched as clear juices erupted on the apex of Kai’s bulge; they glistened in the heat and humidity, forming a thick coat of goo over the sumptuous bulge.

The next gush of pleasure ripped through his body. It was a massive convulsion, and Tye’s thong pouch erupted once more into the Priest’s hands as Tye lifted his hips, thrusting his sex into the Priest’s grip. Tye hadn’t realised that a senior Priest had harvested the latest bounty of pre cum from his sacred loin bulge and had fed it to the Lips of Danteros, causing the Eye to refract a burst of light and photopleasuric energy into the Solar Chamber. It charged the Solar Altars to release another pulse of pleasure to Jonson and Tye.

As the light exploded inside the Solar Altar chamber, it filled the Chamber with torrents of heat; Jonson felt his body absorb the energy; he could feel the sea of pleasure creeping up through his abdomen; he could barely breathe, let alone scream out as the pleasure energy erupted inside his thong bulge. His next burst of pre cum exploded into his bulge attendant’s expert hands as Jonson thrust his hips upward erotically. The Priest then bowed his head before retiring to feed the Lips of Danteros its next portion of Pleasure Prime juice offering. The next attendant Priest arrived between Jonson’s trembling thighs, bowing his head to acknowledge the sheer magnificence of Jonson’s writhing form and the High Priest, who was busy worshipping Jonson’s beautiful face.

It kept on coming, constant and dependable; each new wave of light, heat and pleasure energy swirled around the Solar Altar Chamber, and rapturous cries could be heard as Kai, suspended over Tye and the other four erotic young warriors, were continuously penetrated with the sacred pleasure energy. Their writhing forms and erupting loincloth bulges thumping with delicious pleasure, oozing pre cum down their angled Zorah Stones, pooling in the carved crevice that formed the scrotum shape of their sacred and erotic penis-shaped stones.

Zephir hissed his enjoyment, speaking to Jonson, goading the newest Pleasure Prime onward, gloating over his magnificent pleasure toy writhing at his mercy.

“My beautiful erotic pleasure boi, your body is storing the pleasure charge, divine energy, divine power is taking over every cell in your sacred body. Your bulge will rule you; your bulge is being worshipped by Priests devoted to its beauty and its magnificence. They have managed and worshipped many beautiful male offerings, but your pretty bulge is as pretty as you, exceptional and fruitful.”

“Gahhhhhh!” Jonson tried to dislodge his head from Zephir’s admiring and attentive hands; he was trembling uncontrollably, and the priests slowly moving fingers were gliding over his bulge, delivering sensations of divine beauty forming inside his penis, growing and exploding; a perpetual flow of sumptuous enjoyment exploding out of his cock into his buzzing bulge. As Zephir had said, the pleasure energy was creeping through him, down his legs toward his feet and his torso toward his head. His body glistened in the bright light, screaming through the open roof cavity of the Solar Altar Chamber and out through the Eye of Danteros.

“I want to feed your mind with pure erotic thoughts Pleasure Prime; I want you to desire something so beautiful, so outrageously sexual, that your mind will explode with thoughts of intense desire, powerful, torturous, and, oh so engrossing, fuelled with the pleasure screaming into your body.”

Zephir then took the glass urn holding Jonson’s bespoke Elixir of Delight and dropped a single dollop of Jonson’s exclusive pleasure elixir into Jonson’s mouth as he pulled the beautiful gymnast’s head backward, grabbing a lock of Jonson’s drenched blond hair, Zephir’s other hand pulling Jonson’s chin down. The Priest massaging Jonson’s sacred bulge, worked both orbs squeezing them, feeling Jonson’s body tremble as he squeezed the cum filled testicles, the sacred orbs of the Pleasure Prime.

He pulled on his bonds, feeling the golden ropes eating into his flesh as the Priest sent waves of delicious pain and pleasure squeezing Jonson’s scrotum; his eyes wide, and he opened his mouth and screamed silently into the eyes of the High Priest.

“Yes, you are ready, Pleasure Prime!” Zephir said, smiling into Jonson’s craving blue eyes.

“I know what you crave!” He said, his glance summonsing one of the chanting priests.

“Bring the warrior named Jai, the shorter one with the sexy sandy blonde hair, impale him on the Surge Pulsor, stretch his body tightly on the other Lyft and lower his body over Boi Rah Daim. I want the warrior’s pre cum to ooze down over the Pleasure Prime’s torso!” Zephir said, caressing Jonson’s pecs, leaning over Jonson’s head and rubbing his High Priestly loincloth over Jonson’s hungry, pleasure-ravaged face.

The second Lyft device extension arm was manoeuvred over to Jai’s heaving body, and several large Priests untied the beautiful horny warrior, dragging his struggling body over to the device. His sweaty body twisted and turned as they dragged him across to the lifting device. He took one look at the Surge Pulsor; this model was dark, and sparkles of light could be seen emitting from the tip of the erotic torture object.

Zephir was waiting for Jai’s installation, standing by the device, masturbating the Surge Pulsor like it was a sumptuous penis. Still, his attention was drawn to the feisty, young, handsome warrior, fighting the competent grip of the Priests of Pleasure Penetration, dragging his helpless body to his erotic fate.

“Gah, get off me…” he said, turning his face to one of the priests holding his squirming body, and knowing the punishment he may receive later, he chose to spit at the cruel Priest’s face. He missed, though, because his hair was wrenched backwards forcefully by Zephir, forcing him to look upward toward the Eye of Danteros; it was still spewing hurricanes of light and thermal pleasure energy into the Solar Altar Chamber.

Zephir then forcefully grabbed Jai’s chin, feeling the strong warrior’s defiance as he tried to dislodge himself from Zephir’s grip on his face.

“Danteros craves pleasure; he will devour your offering!” Zephir said, motioning for a priest to continue holding Jai’s head. Zephir then worshipped Jai’s heaving, sweat-covered body, feeling the warrior tremble as the pleasure energy inside his body reacted to his touch.

“Such a beautiful body; I shall taste your bulge soon, but first…” Zephir paused, lowering himself enough to scoop Jai’s plentiful lubricant from the base of his bulge. He used Jai’s juices to lubricate the Surge Pulsor, looking upward toward the defiant, struggling warrior. He then approached Jai, licking the warrior’s face, his hands reaching around Jai’s struggling, sweaty body, diving between Jai’s tight buttocks. His fingers felt past the tight thong strap clinging dutifully to Jai’s erotic body. Zephir expertly massaged the entrance to Jai’s anus. Zephir then spoke loudly above the din and sounds of pleasure filling the Solar Altar Chamber, finishing his sentence and licking the side of Jai’s sweaty, handsome face, “…but first you must enjoy the Surge Pulsor…” glancing across toward Kai, screaming in delight as the Surge Pulsor inside his body erupted once more, sending Kai into fits of screams and struggles suspended over Tye’s heaving body. “…The Karthosian, named Kai, is enjoying the wonderful delights of his,” Zephir smirked as he spoke, looking back toward Jai. Zephir then turned his attention to the priests, withdrawing his fingers from Jai’s boy pussy and standing back, licking his fingers.

“Tie Jai of Batingah, the ‘mighty’ warrior, the enemy of Attica, to the Lyft, ensure the Surge Pulsor is thrust deeply into his supple and delicious arse.”

Jai screamed as they forced him upward onto the Lyft device while Zephir supervised, watching as the warrior's supple, muscular body fought valiantly. Once his ankles were spread and tied and the priests positioned Jai over the tip of the Surge Pulsor, Zephir personally guided the Surge Pulsor’s tip into place, ensuring Jai’s erotic thong strap did not impede the installation of the warrior on the device. He smiled, caressing the side of Jai’s face as he pushed the struggling warrior downward, forcing the hefty dildo into Jai’s trembling body.

“AGHHHHHHHHHHHH…” Jai screamed as they tied his wrists to the Lyft’s waiting arms, and soon the warrior was left alone, impaled and tied to the device, his arms and legs spread like Kai’s. Having performed their sacred duty, the Priests bowed their heads toward the High Priest and retreated to the edge of the Solar Altar Chamber to await their shift at the sacred bulge of one of the screaming Pleasure Primes.

Zephir admired the anguish on Jai’s face, enjoying how Jai was becoming accustomed to the device inside his body. “I knew you would appreciate the pain, but now, it feels so delicious inside you, does it not, my beautiful warrior boy?” Zephir asked, caressing Jai’s luscious body.

“Enjoy this young man…” Zephir smiled, watching Jai’s eyes rolling backward and then refocusing.

The Lyft sent a ripple of pleasure into Jai’s erotic loincloth, causing Jai to moan and ride the dildo deep inside him.

“The Lyft will continue to pleasure you; I want a plentiful harvest of sweat and pre cum from your body, my exquisite sexual toy’ Zephir said while guiding his hands over Jai’s heaving, sweaty washboard abs.

At that moment, Jai moaned delightfully, his body spasmed, and his restraints creaked.

“Give me your harvest warrior!” Zephir demanded, caressing the outer flap of Jai’s sexy, wet loincloth.

Jai felt the sensation ripping through his sexual organs. His balls buzzed, and his penis felt supple energy caress and envelop it, sumptuous and powerful; pleasure tingled across his skin, and the touch of the High Priest’s hands on his loincloth seemed to coalesce the luxurious sensations.

“Please, sir, caress my… Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Jai’s next pulse was more substantial and devilishly delicious; he felt the pre cum explode like an orgasm, interrupting his supplication.

Zephir had lifted the flap on Jai’s erotic, wet Loincloth; he was gently caressing the sides of the young warrior’s exquisite mound of leather-wrapped sexual decadence. He watched as the bulge moved, as Jai attempted to ride the Surge Pulsor; Zephir watched as the outline of Jai’s delicious penis head snaked below the thin wet leather of the warrior’s under-thong; he loved the way the thin garment folded and formed as it caressed Jai’s magnificent genitalia. Clear and plentiful, the warrior’s sexual juices were flowing, and the beautiful young man twisted elegantly in his bondage.

“Such a beautiful sight, my dear boy! I see you, the Lyft and the Surge Pulsor are getting acquainted quickly. Give me more of your juice offering Jai of Batingah; I demand more! Zephir ordered as his fingers traversed the warrior’s buzzing superb bulge.

Jai tried to respond, but he couldn’t; several sumptuous effluxes of energy corrupted his body and very soul; he gurgled incoherent babble, drooling down onto his pecs as he looked down at his sumptuous man bulge being expertly managed and worshipped by the High Priest.

Jai was oozing his lubricant juices; within minutes, he had coated the High Priest’s hands, his body trembling, and he found himself being lifted upward through the swirling mass of light and pleasure energy filling the Solar Temple Altar Chamber. The winds of heated pleasure energy pierced his flesh, and the pleasure inside his bulge was indescribable, constant and super erotic. His bondage made his body crave pleasure; he was enjoying the tightness of the bonds, and his body stretched helplessly, fuelling his carnal need for sexual fulfilment.

Jai looked down; below him was the magnificent Pleasure Prime, stretched out on the Solar Altar, his head thrashing upward and downward. Jai caught a glimpse of Jonson’s extravagant and sumptuous thong bulge; he wanted it badly in his state of hyper-pleasure stimulation. The sight of it sparked the Surge Pulsor to release a strong surge of energy deep inside his body. Jai flung pre cum like a whip through the hot steamy air.

Zephir positioned himself by Jonson’s head as the Lyft device delivered Jai’s magnificent, writhing and wet body downward so that Jai’s stretched legs were on either side of Jonson’s heaving young body. Jai’s loincloth had reworked its way down over Jai’s bulge with all of Jai’s struggling. Even with the Surge Pulsor deeply penetrating the young warrior, Jai had thrust his hips so fervently, flinging juices around, that the flap had moved back to cover Jai’s bulge.

Zephir bent down and licked every inch of Jonson’s sweat-soaked, handsome face. His groans filled with sexual lust as he caressed Jonson’s heaving upper torso. He spoke directly into Jonson’s left ear while looking up toward Jai’s heaving form. Zephir had to speak over Jonson’s loud, gravelly screams.

“Your voice has become as sexual as you, my beautiful Pleasure Prime!” Zephir said lustfully, his fingers gently caressing Jonson’s desperate face. “Look at that beautiful sexual toy I have delivered to you; he is so beautiful, like you, so horny, like you, his body is tied for your viewing pleasure Boi Rah Daim. You want to touch him, feel his tight buttocks. Lick his heaving, sweaty, erotic body! He writhes in pleasure for you. But he has a much more delicious purpose…”

“GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! NGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Jonson’s gravelly scream was deep and sensual; it interrupted Zephir as Jonson trembled and writhed, lifting his bulging thong as high as he could, desperate to rub his pleasure-drenched gooey bulge against Jai’s sumptuous and helpless body hovering delectably above him.

“Yes, he is so sexual, Boi Rah, so sumptuous and your body can only crave it, need it!” Zephir said, licking Jonson’s ear. “Your penis, your bulge, the ever-increasing ocean of pleasure filling your body and corrupting your thoughts demands it!” He licked Jonson once more.

“I know!” Zephir said, watching the two magnificent virile young men struggle and strive, bound in a dance of erotic torture. “Crave his body, Boi Rah; your pleasure owns you! Danteros demands your body. He demands your pleasure to feed upon!”

“NGAGHHHHHHHHHHH!” Jonson’s face contorted as the wave of pleasure shot through his body, reaching the balls of his feet and the tips of his fingers; his body vibrating as the heat from the Dual Attican solar show above them shone into the Temple and The Eye of Danteros swirled bursts of light and heat around the Solar Altar room.

“His name is Jai!” Zephir said to Jonson. “He once was an enemy of our state, but now he is a sexual servant of this Temple; he serves your sexual cravings now, too. His sweat will drip onto your body, his pre cum is plentiful, oozing onto your body; it feeds the Elixir of Delight, the sacred sexual potion of pleasure that is gripping every cell in your beautiful body, and I will personally mix this sexual vessel’s sumptuous sensuous juices with the Elixir, I shall massage your body worship it and ensure it fills with the sacred and holy pleasure which Danteros so craves. You and Boi Rah Yojin…” Zephir forced Jonson’s head so that Jonson could see Tye’s screaming body, trembling and oozing pre cum, squishing as his delectable body struggled helplessly on his Solar Altar; Tye was lost in Kai’s bulge, gasping for breath as he consumed the warrior’s drenched pouch.

Zephir then forced Jonson’s head back so that Jonson was facing Jai’s heaving erotic virility. Jai’s head flung backward as his scream of delight was accompanied by a full-body tremble, his bonds creaking and his hips thrusting as he rode the Surge Pulsor deep inside his body. Pre cum had spurt through his underthong bulge onto the sexy little outer flap of his loincloth; it was so forceful the flap flung toward Jonson’s gaping face, the young virile warrior’s pre cum splattered all over Jonson’s upper torso in a display of erotic decadence.

Jonson’s body also spasmed; just the sight of Jai’s magnificence, the youthful body being milked of his lubricant, and the sight of Jai’s loincloth and bulge ignited Jonson’s inner sexual demons. Pleasure ignited again deep inside his penis; it was new and fresh, a layer so decadent, so unbelievably luscious, angry yet devilishly sweet.

“KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-NghhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHH!” It was unintelligible. Jonson was unable to think coherently or lucidly. His body had become a temple as the pleasure invaded every cell in his body. Blood began to trickle down his wrists and ankles as his powerful and delectable body wrenched itself desperately on his Altar, before Danteros, before Jai screaming in delight, hovering above him, before the Sacred Priests of Pleasure Penetration and the remaining warriors writhing on their Zorah Stones.

Jonson had reached the sacred and holy State of Pleasure. His body is sacred and revered normally, but more so now! He had reached a level of pleasure that only he and Tye were permitted to achieve, reserved only for Pleasure Primes. A state so intense, so lusciously and tremendously extravagant that no human being from Earth could survive, which only his Pleasure Prime Mantle could help him endure.

Tye, under the supervision of Tzofira, let out the same chilling and decadent scream.

It prompted Zephir to step back, look up toward The Eye of Danteros, then toward the sky above the open Solar Altar Chamber as the duo of Sols continued their path in opposite directions across the Attican sky, their transit complete for this ceremony. He then motioned for the two Lyft devices to be recalled from each sacred Pleasure Prime. The Priests on Pleasure Prime bulge duty stepped back from Jonson and Tye’s heaving and seething bodies, their heads bowed in reverence to Zephir, Tzofira, and the magnificent Pleasure Prime offering stretched helplessly, brimming and seething in the holy and sacred pleasure. They held out their hands, the hands that had worshipped the holy bulges of the Pleasure Primes, which had caressed and squeezed, that had worked the mighty pleasure into hurricanes of delicious decadence. Pleasure Prime juices oozed from their outstretched hands back onto the heaving bulges below them, from where the sacred pre cum had been harvested.

He was strangely lucid, his body shimmering as the heat from the suns engulfed his body; his skin was crawling with pleasure, tingles rippled over his muscles, pleasure was almost choking him, and he gasped several times before Tzofira came and caressed his head. Tye couldn’t speak; he was filled with so much emotion, his body and extension of the raging pleasure spiking and ebbing inside his loincloth thong bulge. Tye could see Jonson in the same state, and he noticed the reverence of the priests, chanting slowly, heads bowed.

“Gahhhhhhhhhhh - Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - NNNNNNNNNNNN!” Tye moaned as the next emission of pre cum erupted like a volcano through the porous leather of his thong bulge, coating his delectable mound of male magnificence. It glistened in the dual suns’ rays and the swirling pleasure energy enveloping the Solar Altar Chamber.

The sight of Jonson and Tye’s buzzing bodies erupting with flows of holy pre cum took Zephir’s breath away. He had seen this on many solar transit ceremonies and with many Pleasure Primes in his reign as Attica’s High Priest, but it never ceased to impress him and to fuel his deep-seated sexual urges. He wanted to orgasm; his excitement was piquing outrageously. He knew Tzofira had probably creamed inside his sacred thong several times; Zephir and Tzofira had held it together in this holy sacred moment, watching the beauty of Boi Rah Daim and Boi Rah Jojin writhe in what was known in Attica as the State of Pleasure.

He almost orgasmed as he spoke, but Zephir could control his sexual function much more than that of his Scout. Tzofira had cum, and Zephir smiled as he noticed the volume of jism ooze between Tzofira’s legs as Tzofira stood in holy awe of the two raging Pleasure Primes struggling delectably before The Eye of Danteros and The Lips of Danteros, which were now drooling onto the floor of sacred Solar Temple.

“The Pleasure Primes have reached the sacred State of Pleasure; they have absorbed the Attican Solar Photopleasuric energies, and their magnificent bodies are now brimming with sumptuous energy; every cell in their human bodies are screaming in delight; their lives are now sustained by their Pleasure Prime Mantles. They have become the holy vessels of Danteros’ lust. He shall dine on their pleasure; they shall be milked in the Delectorium in long sessions of orgasmic energy; Danteros will feed on their stored pleasure! Delight in the sight of their magnificent bodies tied helpless, their bulging sacred loincloths and sumptuous offerings of their sumptuous juices.”

The Priests bowed their heads to the High Priest, Tzofira knelt before his High Priest, and the Pleasure Primes continued to writhe in extravagant ecstasy, their bodies oozing sexuality, oozing decadent fluid and their bodies squished and slid on their Altars.

Knowing that The Five warriors, Kai, Jai, Kar Ethon and Mitor, Tzofira’s sexual toys, were now becoming part of the Holy Pleasure Penetration rituals, Zephir then motioned for Tzofira to arise. He addressed Tzofira in a loud, commanding voice.

“Rise Scout of Attica!”

Zephir then turned his attention toward the two magnificent horny warriors, still tied to their respective Lyft devices and firmly impaled on the Surge Pulsors.

“Milk them of their semen; their essence will seal the Pleasure Primes’s State of Pleasure! Boi Rah Daim and Boi Rah Yojin will have the taste of these two warriors’ cum fresh in their mouths as they leave this holy Solar Altar Chamber; they will be fed the warrior’s cum during their presentation and until they too are harvested in the Delectorium!”

Tzofira arose from his kneeling position; the smile on his face was oozing lust. Zephir had embraced his idea to include the beautiful warrior quintet in this most holy and sacred erotic ritual. Tzofira knew precisely what was needed.

“Bring me the glassware Semen Snifter; the Cum Chalice, bring me two of them!”

He was presented with two glass chalices retrieved from the Temple’s repository of erotic objects. The glass chalices had golden gilding across the top lip of the elongated vessels. The Chalices were transparent glass; they were perfect receptacles to store and display human semen, slightly elongated at one end with the gold gilding extending over the lip of the Chalice, which enhanced the decadence of the sacred erotic fluid when it was poured from the vessel.

Tzofira then held the glassware out toward the High Priest, seeking the Mage’s approval.

“Milk them!” Zephir demanded his Scout.

He approached Jai and Kai, still riding their Surge Pulsors, and helplessly spreadeagled on their Lyft Devices, smiling and holding the elaborate glassware toward their struggling wet bodies. Two Priests of Pleasure Penetration stepped forward, grabbing each of the young horny warriors by their hair, forcing them to look at Tzofira. Tzofira handed each Priest the semen snifter glassware chalice; he then lifted his loincloth flap showing his magnificent cum soaked bulge to his victims, scooping up handfuls of his semen.

“I’ve cum several times, boys, mmm, it felt so decadent; I mean, it’s so hard not to cum in this erotic pleasure Chamber, with Pleasure Primes as beautiful as these gods…” He paused and looked over toward Jonson and Tye, writhing and moaning in their newly achieved States of Pleasure.

“…Time for you to cum as well, Jai, and you, Kai; you’re both so sexual, so erotic, so wet!” Tzofira forced his left cum soaked hand onto Jai’s seething face; Jai was so horny, so full of pleasure energy, he licked the decadent semen from Tzofira’s forceful hand. Tzofira then turned to Kai, feeding the pleasure-infused sex toy his cummy right hand.

Kai and Jai then felt the Lyft device stretch their bodies, causing them to moan and twist their magnificent forms erotically and expectantly; they rode their Surge Pulsors carefully, enjoying the sumptuous pleasure buzzing across their bodies and enveloping their bulging thong pouches. Tzofira then chose Kai.

He licked his cum from Kai’s face, smelling his scent mixed with Kai’s sweat, tasting the decadent and handsome warrior’s skin.

“Nothing like an afternoon of hot, rich cum Kai!” Tzofira’s voice was full of lust as he spoke, still licking the warrior’s handsome features. “Now I am going to enjoy your penis, warrior! I want you to cum into my hands so I can fill your Cum Chalice with your sacred offering; I’m going to feed it to the young Pleasure Prime god named Boi Rah Yojin!”

Kai tried desperately to free his face from Tzofira’s hungry tongue; he could smell the cum and Tzofira’s saliva; his head was stinging inside the forceful grip of the priest, forcing his head. Tzofira then retracted his tongue, stood back and looked downward toward the helpless warrior’s thrusting hips, enamoured with the succulent sight of the virile, young warrior’s drenched loincloth.

“So Beautiful, Kai!” Tzofira meant every word. He was ready to cum a third time, just looking at the loincloth’s form, the straps of leather on Kai’s hips, the curves and the way the soaked garment glided through the air as Kai’s body writhed in confluence with the sumptuous pleasure energy engulfing him.

“Your body is mine, Kai; your penis belongs to me, and I will harvest its beauty, its stores of warrior cum; semen which will never create another enemy of Attica!” He smirked, turning his gaze back toward Kai’s now defiant eyes.

Kai then screamed in delight as Tzofira’s hands began to pleasure Kai’s bulging thong pouch.

“Good boy, your sumptuous penis enjoys being honoured and delighted!” Tzofira felt the warrior’s hardness stiffen with every worshipful stroke and squeeze. “Excuse me a minute, sex toy; I have to deal with your bulge,” Tzofira said, lowering his gaze back to Kai’s loincloth and bending down to obtain a better view. He quickly looked back up over Kai’s heaving washboard abs to look into Kai’s eyes again.

“I want the best view of your bulging magnificence as you cum through your pouch! I want you to ejaculate your very essence, Kai!”

Kai moaned long and deep, his body rhythmically dancing as the pleasure exploded inside his bulge; he was hard, his cock was being mastered by Tzofira, and as he thrust himself toward an orgasmic abandon, he felt the Surge Pulsor deep inside him, buzzing delicious energy throughout the architecture of his sexual organs, it buzzed into his penis pulsing him with surges of orgasmic quality pleasure.

The young warrior’s bulge, mesmerising and juicy, hot and wet, oozed erotic sexual decadence. Tzofira enjoyed the confluence of sight, touch and scent as he worked each curve, feeling Kai’s orbs, squeezing them, enjoying the sexual pleasure energy connecting with his hands, the juice of the warrior warm and silky as Kai’s trembling body rode the dildo powering the tumultuous raging hurricane of sensation.

“By the power of Danteros, you are so mightily hard, Kai, warrior of Karthos, now sexual object and play toy of Attica; ha ha!” Tzofira purred as his hands cupped the mighty young, virile warrior’s straining loincloth thong pouch; pre jiz oozed through Tzofira’s fingers as he tightened his grip on Kai’s magnificence; Tzofira was focusing his devotion and attention onto the outline of Kai’s penis head moving erotically upward and downward as Kai worked his seething body in a sexual trance, lost in the developing orgasm drowning his body. Tzofira watched as the fresh emissions of juice bubbled through the thin leather thong, grasping dutifully to Kai’s impressive length.

“Cum Kai!” Tzofira commanded, “I must have your cum!”

Tzofira then grabbed the golden-lipped glass Cum Chalice, ready to collect Kai’s flow of juices; he used his other hand, squeezing and caressing Kai’s hyper-sensitive cock, pushing the thin leather exquisitely into the flesh of Kai’s penis. He felt the Surge Pulsor’s final and orgasmic energy surge, overwhelming the delicious warrior, the energy shattering Kai’s helplessly stretched body.


His orgasm had transformed itself into a torrent of indescribable and overwhelming decadence, and Kai’s bonds strained as his powerful young body screamed and distended in abandon, the orgasm defeating any vestige of defiance. It was the most engrossing and beautiful state of existence that Kai had felt in a long time; it was the flow of his semen through his cock, which catapulted him into the realm of pure pleasure.

Tzofira shook with the same energy. Engrossed in purity and sexuality of the moment. He watched as Kai’s body trembled, his straining powerful, stretched legs, his muscles twitching and contracting as Kai screwed his body deliciously. Tzofira then felt the torrent of warrior cum-flow emerging, exploding into his hungry hands.

“Feed my hands your semen, Kai of Karthos, sexual toy of Attica!” Tzofira commanded.

It was hot and thick; some splashed from his fingers as the force of warrior-boy cum detonated in his grip. Tzofira, let his hand fill as the heat of Kai’s luscious cock thrust deep inside the loincloth pouch. He managed to collect the warrior’s cum as efficiently and dexterously as possible, working to grip the warrior’s rigid member, so Kai’s thrusting hips pushed the penis through his grip, the erotic leather garment adding a layer of decadence to the sensations overwhelming Kai. Surging spurts of semen continued to unfold, one following the other. It took only a matter of minutes for Tzofira to channel the flow of semen into the Chalice until Tzofira was satisfied that he had collected sufficient warrior essence.

He wanted to suck the remainder of Kai’s cum and devour the magnificently sumptuous bulge for hours. However, Tzofira was on the clock. He reluctantly moved from Kai and turned his attention to Jai after handing the full Chalice of Kai’s hot cum, the decadent Snifter of Semen, to the waiting Priest.

He then milked Jai in the same manner, leaving Kai and Jai to marinate in their post-orgasmic states of enjoyment; he would have liked to have worked them into second and third orgasmic cavalcades or to milk the remainder of The Five Warriors. However, that task was high on his list of duties for that evening.

So, with the semen harvest complete, Zephir, standing between the two heaving Pleasure Primes, moaning and twisting their lusciously prepared, sacred bodies, brimming with super-human levels of decadent pleasure, Zephir motioned for Tzofira to deliver the fruits of his labour.

Tzofira was licking Mitor’s helpless body at the time, his sticky cum-filled hands caressing Mitor’s pre cum soaked thong bulge, when he heard the High Priest’s demand.

“Bring your harvest of cum Scout of Attica!” Tzofira was tingling all over; the taste of Mitor’s sweat, the decadent bulge felt so beautiful in his hand, but the words of Zephir made his body erupt in regal and sumptuous tingles; he wanted to cum again and smear his juices over Mitor’s erotic and helpless form.

He held it together; it was as good as Danteros summonsing him when Zephir was in charge at the Solar Altar Chamber in this sacred temple. His cock buzzed inside his already cummy loincloth; he felt pre cum emerge as he took the two glass chalices filled with Jai and Kai’s warrior cum. Zephir’s eyes were glowing, and Jonson and Tye were so magnificent, their bodies impressive as they thrust and twisted, their moans rhythmic and deep. They were personified and purified vessels of unadulterated pleasure. The sound of Zephir’s authoritative voice and the sight of the now sacred Pleasure Primes drew Tzofira in abandon and obedience. Decadent sexuality drew him toward his High Priest in total abandon and obedience.

Having approached the High Priest, Tzofira knelt on one knee between the decadent Pleasure Primes. Before his High Priest, his head looking up into Zephir’s now dazzling eyes, he offered both hands outward toward the High Priest offering the Chalices of warm warrior cum.

“Arise Scout!” Zephir commanded.

Zephir then dipped an index finger in each chalice, glancing across at the two harvested warriors who continued panting and recovering from their orgasms. He then drew lines of cum across each of Tzofira’s handsome cheeks, pushing his fingers into Tzofira’s mouth.

Tzofira tasted the flavour and essence of Kai and Jai, savoury and warm. It filled his mouth, and he breathed in the scent of the decadent juices.

“Taste the harvest! Scout,” Zephir growled as the spirit of Danteros filled his being.

“Arise and Feed them!” Zephir demanded, pointing to Jonson and Tyes’ writhing forms.

Thanks for coming along with the fantasy. I hope you’re enjoying Jonson and Tye's adventures in the fantasy world of Attica. They will return soon to be milked before Danteros.

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