Mantle: A Scriptural metaphor (symbol) for a calling, ministry, anointing, and, when applicable - office, given to individuals by God. A mantle can also be represented as a physical cloak. In Eclipse the mantle of Pleasure Prime will be transmitted by the sacred anointing and later confirmed by the adornment and fitting of the sacred erotic loincloth on the dual bearers of the high office.
In Attica, The Mantle of Pleasure Prime carries select and limited powers. The bearer of the Mantle can withstand torture, he can endure long and excessive bouts of orgasmic energy. He must be able to entertain and feed his captors his pleasure for long and excessive periods of sexual servitude.
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Jonson Chase (Boi Rah Daim) |
Tye Dylan (Boi Rah Yojin) |
Image created by Jockscan using AI tools | Image created by Jared4ever using AI tools | Image created by Jockscan using AI tools |
Jonson and Tye have been abducted from Earth, hunted in the jungles of Attica, captured, and delivered to The Solar Temple. They will become the newest, most exotic Pleasure Primes that Attica has ever had.
The title of Pleasure Prime had been transmitted to them, during the Transmission Rites overseen by Zephir the High Priest, but these two magnificently erotic captives must ascend to their new role, they must receive their Pleasure Prime Mantle, the mystical power that can protect them and help them to endure long periods prescribed pleasure or agony.
The Transmission Rites have just concluded, and the temple must get back to its normal activities. The High Priest is waiting to inspect his new sexual toys.
The Temple Amphitheatre just after the conclusion of the Transmission Rites.
The crowd was leaving the amphitheater, they had no business with the newest Pleasure Primes yet, but the horny throng of men was ready for a taste of Mitor, Ethon, Kai, Jai, and Kar. They wanted to touch and taste what these virile and erotic warriors, enemies of their state had to offer. The crowd had been fed a powerful show of bondage and submission. They had lust toward these Five magnificent young men and watched each of them writhe in utter sexual bliss, they witnessed the milking of The Five and they wanted to taste them personally.
Tzofira supervised the installation of each warrior outside the amphitheater, he ensured their bondage presenter devices gave the hungry crowd what they wanted. This was the evening of Transmission, and everything had gone to plan. The crowd would have their piece of his Five sexual toys.
On the stage, following the conclusion of the Transmission Rites.
The pleasure had abated, he and Tye were left on the elaborate stage, they and their new master, Zephir the Warlock High Priest. Jonson was sliding on the smooth giant penis-shaped Zorah Stone; he was covered in sweat and bodily juices, the Zorah Stone was completely wet too, it still oozed juices down the length of its hefty shaft that Jonson was still tied to. His head was slumped, and he had enough strength to keep pulling on the ropes stretching his magnificent, tanned body to the sacred stone. Jonson looked across toward Tye, he too, was slumped and hanging in his bonds, drool seeped from the corner of his mouth.
Zephir noticed Jonson’s body slowly twisting and pulling on his bonds, he approached his new sanctified sexual toy.
“Two long and enjoyable orgasms Boi Rah Daim, but dry. Your semen is not yet ready for me to enjoy!” The High Priest said wiping his finger across Jonson’s pecs and feeling the gymnast’s pert and erect little nipple.
He raised his head to glare at Zephir.
“That’s not my name, you piece of shit!” Jonson growled and focused his glare on his captor.
“My name is Jonson Chase!”
The High Priest just smiled and went about feeling Jonson’s tight muscular body. He examined Jonson carefully, enjoying the sheer sexual majesty of his newest Pleasure Prime. He especially enjoyed Jonson’s tight buttocks.
“Pull on those ropes boy, you look even more delectable when you struggle!”
“Fuck you!” Jonson said making fists and trying to force his body toward the High Priest. The ropes holding Jonson creaked as he fought their hold on his body.
“You will cum soon enough Boi Rah Daim, and I will personally suck it from your body! Yours and his!” Zephir said cupping Jonson’s angry face gently and looking over toward Tye.
Two hefty Priests arrived up onto the stage to accompany the trio, they held lengths of rope and bowed their heads.
Jonson could see that they were bowing not only for their High Priest, but they were also showing reverence toward him and Tye. Especially how they positioned themselves, one directly in front of him and the other in front of Tye.
Zephir turned, smiled, and addressed them.
“Good! Release them from the Sacred Stones, bind them, and take them to my Temple annex, I want them in the cleansing spa. Tie them to the steam posts. I will begin their cleansing immediately.”
With that Zephir left the dais.
Jonson was too exhausted to put up a fight, but he was still strong on his feet, even after their jungle capture and presentation on the Chariot, not to mention hours of pleasure experiences and two expansive, but dry orgasms he experienced. They tied his arms tightly behind his back and collared him again. They did the same with Tye, who fought them unsuccessfully.
They looked at each other before the cruel Priests pushed them forward off the stage and through a line of Priests who had formed a path toward the Temple buildings. They stood on either side of the path with their heads bowed as Jonson and Tye were forced forward between them toward the Temple.
Fuck, what is happening Jonson thought, they are all bowing their heads until we pass them.
They arrived at the Temple and the Temple’s nocturnal activities had begun, it was a somewhat late start, given it was in the middle of their night, but the Transmission Rites required that Temple activity be suspended while the High Priest was not presiding the Temple. Zephir had returned, so normal activities had resumed.
They were whisked past different chambers filled with one or two men bound in different devices, some being milked, fucked or both. Other chambers were filled with barbaric screams as temple stock were being tortured.
What is this place? Tye thought straining to break the tight ropes binding his wrists behind his back. They had been through many corridors and had reached a more private and quieter section of the expansive facility. The lights were more subdued in this section, and they were approaching a shiny wooden door which swung open as they were forced forward.
“Inside!” One of the Priests said as he pushed Jonson and Tye into the room.
It smelled clean and sweet inside. There were different items scattered around the edges of the room; the walls were lit with weirdly shaped designs and the light filtered into the room. A door opened on the other side of the chamber and Zephir made his entrance to the chamber from there. He had removed his warlock necklace of small skulls and bones and changed into a dark loincloth. He looked across to enjoy Jonson and Tye standing between two Priests and fighting their bonds.
“Pleasure Primes. Welcome!” Zephir said.
“This is the Spa! My sanctuary from the business of our Temple, you will have noticed that we are busy here ensuring our Temple Stock are tortured and refined. We produce the best and most sought-after sexual products in this galaxy. We provide the most sought-after erotic pleasure toys too. BUT you two are very special!”
Tye struggled in his bonds, interrupting the High Priest.
“Fuck you!” He spat at Zephir.
Jonson tried to release his shoulder from the attending Priest’s grip.
“You will feed Danteros, your pleasure, your bodies will be sanctified and prepared on each solar equinox transition, when our two suns swap their aspects in Attica’s extraordinary orbit. It happens every thirty days and will occur tomorrow!”
“What, the - GAH - fuck, are you talking about?” Tye stammered, still fighting his bonds.
“I will get to that soon Boi Rah Yojin!” Zephir responded to Tye.
Zephir then commanded that the cleansing procedure commence. Jonson and Tye struggled even more aggressively when they noticed equipment appear from above them. Eight metal posts lifted from the floor each with a metal clasp. They were set so that Jonson and Tye could be stretched spreadeagled between the poles.
“Tie them!” Zephir commanded his Priests.
Jonson fought them, but his virile young body was no match for the several large Priests, they attached tight rope collars to his wrists and ankles and attached the metal clasp to each collar, they stretched his wriggling form to four of the poles so that he was spreadeagled, and helplessly fighting his bonds. They tied Tye in the same manner and once complete, the poles holding their arms stretched above their heads began to rise from the floor further, until their stretched muscular forms were facing each other.
“Gah, can’t free myself!” Tye grunted as he pulled on his bonds, looking upward toward the wrist restraint collars attached to his wrists. He was spread and helpless. In frustration, he returned his gaze forward noticing Jonson struggling right before him. Jonson had never looked sexier to Tye, he admired his beautiful face, his now scruffy blonde hair, his magnificent thong bulge and Jonson’s muscular legs as he twisted inside his bonds. Tye wanted Jonson so bad.
“Tighten them!” Zephir commanded.
The poles holding their arms lifted slightly and the poles attached to their ankles receded back slightly.
Jonson felt the stretch, he looked into Tye’s eyes watching as Tye screwed his face as he adjusted to the stretch.
“That is how I want them! You may leave us!” Zephir said to the Priests, who obeyed his command immediately, bowing their heads as they left Jonson, Tye, and Zephir alone.
“Your world will consist of bondage and service my dear Pleasure Primes!” Zephir stated as he circled them trussed up in the middle of the chamber twisting and turning.
“Do you enjoy bondage?” Zephir asked.
“Gah!” Jonson threw his head upward in a frantic attempt to escape.
“It is the holy and powerful law of Attica that Pleasure Primes be bound perpetually, bondage will feed your pleasure, it will ignite your agony when you are tortured. It will magnify your pleasure so that Danteros can enjoy the fullness of your penis and your pleasure generation.”
“What?” Jonson spat out, his eyes following Zephir as he circled them.
“Such beautiful bodies, such amazing sexual appeal. You are indeed erotic human specimens, so exotic in this galaxy!” Zephir was wet inside his loincloth, just the sight of Jonson and Tye struggling and helpless was making him horny.
Zephir ran his right index finger between Tye’s tight buns, he could feel the erotic little thong strap tightly clinging to Tye’s body.
“Moist and delicious!” Zephir said, feeling the heat of Tye’s magnificent body.
“The Pleasure Prime Mantle has now been extinguished from your predecessors; now it must be bestowed on you. Your ascension to Pleasure Prime will not be complete until we are sure you have received it.”
Tye looked confused as he twisted his helpless body.
“You must be cleansed and prepared, you must forgo your earthly attire!” Zephir said, running his fingers across the surface of Jonson’s bulging red thong, his hungry fingers enjoying the majestic and beautiful pouch. “This is luxurious!” Zephir continued before being interrupted by Tye!”
“Get your filthy hands off him!” Tye screamed at Zephir.
That earned a huge backhand, causing Tye’s head to fling upward and to the left.
“GAH!” Tye blurted, amid Zephir’s outbursts.
“You may be Holy Pleasure Primes, but you are my toys! My sexual objects, I will do with him and with you as I please!” Zephir’s words were angry and pointed. He grabbed Tye’s chin forcefully forcing the beautiful, dark-haired gymnast to look at him.
“I hope I have made myself clear!” Zephir said in a calm and foreboding tone.
“Let’s proceed, I need your bodies cleansed from the sweat and the anointing cum all over your bodies. I will then remove your Earth garments to inspect your sexual organs closely. You will then be fitted with your sacred loincloths of service. Your loincloths have been created by my artisans; they have been sanctified and will infuse you with sexual energy. Your Mantles will manifest themselves and your ascension to Pleasure Prime will be complete.
Warm liquid began to dribble and ooze down onto their bodies from nozzles above them. It tingled on their skin. Beneath them, jets of heated steam began to moisten their bodies from below.
Jonson flicked his sexy blonde hair trying to dislodge the warm watery liquid from his face, but the oozing of liquid increased into a greater flow, and soon his body was drenched. He looked across toward Tye. Tye was rolling his eyes, his head bobbing upward and backward. Tye was thrusting his hips erotically. He felt the sensations too, Jonson was becoming horny, the liquid kept his skin tingling, he felt it run down between his buttocks. He moaned deeply, staring at Tye’s drenched golden thong bulge.
“Fuck, so, H H Horny!” Jonson sighed as he stammered out his words.
“MMMMMMMMM, so strong!” Tye responded, slowly gyrating his hips in response to the sensations invading his body.
“These are the Holy Waters of Desire!” Zephir said picking up a brown piece of thin leather-like material and walking from the small, raised altar it was draped over.
He held the leather out toward his horny two new Pleasure Primes, struggling and writhing in abandon.
“You will get used to the effects of the Waters of Desire, right now it is new to your bodies, and it will have powerful effects on your minds and bodies. It will heal you, even if your body is broken, it is a powerful aphrodisiac as you are experiencing. He looked at the leather cloth he was holding out toward them.
“This was Boi Rah Din’s outer loincloth flap! He has been stripped of his Mantle and sacred Loincloth of service. I will use it to wipe your body, it will add extra sensuality and enjoyment to your cleansing experience. I will pay close attention to your bulges and buttocks; I will wrap your penises and testicle sacks in it. And when your own loincloths are fitted, your bodies will be able to accept their sexual connection and assimilate the pleasure-enhancing properties of your new garments much faster.”
Tye was first. Zephir washed his body thoroughly. He was seething with sexual energy when Zephir approached him with a dagger after his cleansing,
Jonson may have been overtaken with sexual energy, but he was of enough mind to plead with Zephir.
“No, please don’t hurt him?” Jonson pleaded, twisting and writhing in erotic distraction.
Zephir laughed.
“Oh no, beautiful boy, I only want to cut his Earth attire from his body!”
With that Zephir cut the gold thong strap on Tye’s left hip and then proceeded to slowly peel the little garment from Tye’s body, causing Tye’s moans to intensify significantly.
“Mmmm such a beautiful penis Boi Rah Yojin!” Zephir addressed Tye.
Tye could feel the Waters of Desire coat his penis, he felt it touching his anus as Zephir worshipped his naked body, he then felt Zephir’s tongue licking his anus.
“MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM” Tye’s deep moans filled the cleansing Spa, tears ran down his face.
“So beautiful, so sumptuous!” Tye moaned.
Then Zephir moved around to Tye’s front, gripping Tye’s flaccid six-inch penis, he then kissed Tye, while massaging Tye’s penis.
“I want you hard boy!” Zephir commanded.
Tye was unable to resist, he was so horny, so sexually enraged, his penis was hard in seconds.
“Good boy Pleasure Prime. I must inspect your pleasure rod; it must be perfect for Danteros to feed on.”
Zephir lowered himself, worshipping Tye’s heaving young, virile body using the loincloth as a massage cloth, as the High Priest lowered himself. He gently ran his fingers around the girth of Tye’s glans, the penis was soaked and Tye’s pre-cum was oozing through the lips of his penis. Zephir suckled, his hands exploring Tye’s tight buttocks. Tye was vibrating and trembling while the High Priest worshipped and pleasured him.
Zephir then examined the length of Tye’s shaft, it was thick and powerful, he could feel Tye’s trembling through the penis as he worked his fingers up and down the shaft of the powerful pleasure organ.
Tye then felt his testicles as Zephir squeezed.
“Very nice Boi Rah Yojin!”
Tye trembled and stammered unintelligible babble and Zephir then turned his attention on Jonson.
“No, please!” Tye begged, he needed more, he was so horny. He thrashed in his bonds in frustration.
Zephir then followed the same twenty-minute-long cleansing and worship session with Jonson and once he had reduced Jonson to a similar trembling mass of erotic energy, he returned the loincloth to its little altar and held out their red and gold performance thongs toward them.
“These now belong in my collection of conquered Pleasure Prime attire. You will never see these garments again!” Zephir handed the thongs to his artisan before turning his attention to Jonson and Tye’s erotic naked forms.
“My artisan will use your scents and DNA traces in these delicious garments to finalise your personalised loincloths and your loincloth thongs. I will now enjoy these as part of my trophy collection.”
Zephir smiled and watched as the poles holding Jonson and Tye reformatted themselves, and when complete, the two new Pleasure Primes found themselves spreadeagled several inches from the floor and the sides of a shallow pool frame had risen around them.
“I know how much you enjoyed your little cleansing session; your beautiful bodies and your handsome erect penises confirm that to me gentlemen. I’m going to fill this little pool with the Waters of Desire and allow you both to soak and absorb its amazing properties. Feel free to make waves and even splash your beautiful bodies as best as you can, savour your nakedness boys, because soon you will be fitted with your sacred loincloths!”
Jonson moaned and twisted his body; he then felt the delicious sensation engaging his penis. He writhed in delight as the special diffusing outlet was lowered above his raging erect penis; the Waters of Desire were being released over his cock, and the pleasure was sumptuous and engrossing. He moaned in abandon as the sensation filled his penis with delight His body arching and lowering as the sensations exploded inside his erection. Tye too was being pleasured in the same erotic flows and soon the small pool was filled with the erotic substance, they had to fight to keep their heads above the water; their bodies absorbing the diabolical substance. Zephir made them bathe in the pool for over an hour. He loved watching them writhe like that. He loved the beauty of their naked erections, and their bodies weaving and splashing as the supercharged substances absorbed deep into their bodies.
Jonson was fighting to keep his nose above the water, he had been soaking in the substance so long he could almost burst. His muscles ached in his neck as he fought to keep his head above the water. He could hear the splashes coming from Tye, they were both so horny they could burst.
“I see you are enjoying the effects of the Waters of Desire Boi Rahs! You cannot escape their effect on your delicious bodies. It is time to dry you and prepare for you to receive your personalised loincloths of service!” Zephir stated as the poles holding Jonson and Tye returned them to an upright position.”
Tye was dripping in the sacred water, his body cleansed and clean, he looked into Jonson’s piercing blue eyes and whispered, “I’m so fucking horny, I want to, I need to fuck you now, GAH - Oh God!”
Jonson smiled, “It’s me who needs to fuck you!”
“Neither of you will be fucking anything!” Zephir stated as he adjusted the collars that had been placed around their necks before coming to the Temple.
Zephir worshipped their bodies once more, carefully sucking pre-cum from each of them. He cleaned and dried every inch of them as they writhed; their bodies surging with sexual energy.
“Bring the Scout to the Temple!” Zephir ordered several Priests. “He will fit their loincloths; he will have the honour of experiencing the newest Pleasure Primes dressed in their sacred attire.”
He then looked at Jonson and Tye.
“Harness them, tie their arms behind their backs and attach the bindings to their collars. Take them to my Parlour and hoist them off the ground. Secure their legs.”
Outside in the temple grounds, Tzofira is collecting his Five Warrior toys; They have been worshipped and pleasured by hundreds of men following the Transmission ceremony. They are tired and spent of all their cum.
Tzofira relieved Jai of the remaining ones wanting to enjoy his body. Jai was tied on a drenched wooden presentation device. His tall and muscular build was an erotic sight to behold. His powerful long legs pulled outward, stretched to claps secured at the base of the presenter. A small seat pushed into his perfectly formed tight buttocks and his arms pulled upward and outward from his body, pulling and stretching his lithe erotic form. He had been tied to it for several hours after the milking session in the amphitheatre, earlier that hot steamy night. He was spent, his loincloth and his under-thong were soaked in his juices and the saliva and semen of hundreds of men. His bound form had been the centre of an orgy of sexual activity for the last couple of hours.
His head slumped backward, his respiration slow, Jai was exhausted.
Tzofira, grabbed the youthful warrior by his curly light-brown hair, Causing the warrior to open his eyes. Jai thought it was someone else coming to try and milk him or devour his erotic body.
“Please, no more…” Jai begged as he opened his eyes pulling on the tight bonds stretching his helpless body.
But it was Tzofira.
“You!” Jai came to attention quickly, barring his teeth and struggling frantically.
“I promised you would all cum, I am a man of my word beautiful Jai!” Tzofira responded to Jai’s defiance.
Tzofira then kept his eyes looking into Jai’s angry brown eyes and cupped Jai’s delicious wet loincloth. He felt Jai’s virile bulge, enjoying the warrior’s impressive testicles.
Jai gritted his teeth, seething his anger toward Tzofira.
“Get off me!”
Tzofira then peeled the outer loincloth, revealing Jai’s well-packed thong pouch. He glanced up to Jai and licked the handsome warrior’s left cheek.
“You are mine, boy! I will do with you as I please!”
Jai fought the ropes frantically. He was exhausted but he hated Tzofira, and he wasn’t going to show his captor any weakness.
“They enjoyed you because I let them Jai, but now I want to taste you and fuck you, I want you to ejaculate your manhood into my face because you are my sexual toy to play with!” Tzofira said as he licked Jai’s top lip.”
“Never!” Jai responded defiantly.
Tzofia smiled at the warrior, bending down, his tongue lapping around the edges of Jai’s impressive thong bulge causing the warrior to twist and turn, struggling to release his manhood from Tzofira’s hungry mouth.
Tzofira, having had his little fill, licked his lips, before wiping a wad of Jai’s bulge juices on Jai’s lips.
“Taste it, boy, Mmmmm, so delicious and I’m so horny!” Tzofira said motioning for an approaching Priest to come over to them.
Before Tzofira could give his order, the Priest interrupted.
Bowing his head in reverence, the Priest advised Tzofira that the High Priest was ready with the new Pleasure Primes and that Tzofira had been summonsed.
Tzofira, gave a sad face to Jai. “It’s OK Jai, I won’t forget you.”
Tzofira acknowledged the Priest’s message and then ordered him to take Jai.
“Take this warrior to my quarters, tie him in my steam chamber, and ensure the Waters of Desire are pumped into the chamber, I want the steam hot; I want Jai horny and ready for me to enjoy his sumptuous body.”
Jai bared his teeth at Tzofira, struggling fervently again, he knew that his sexual ordeal was far from over that night.
“Duty Calls Jai, but I will see you very soon, I want some of your cum too, I hope you have saved a delicacy for me!”
Tzofira then made his way to the Temple.
The Temple, inside the High Priest ’s Private Parlour
Tzofira went straight to the High Priest’s annex within the Solar Temple, he made his way to the parlour, knowing that Zephir liked to prepare and enjoy new Pleasure Primes privately, and he always used his parlour.
He arrived at the parlour impressed to see Jonson and Tye hanging naked, attached to several ropes connected to a leather harness fitted around their upper bodies. Their arms were tied behind their backs and a rope was used to connect their wrist bindings to their collars. It was pulled tightly so that their heads were forced upward, and every struggle they made pulled and tightened the diabolical collars. Their feet were pulled backward slightly with ropes attached to the floor behind them.
The creaking of the ropes and the leather harnesses were the first things Tzofira heard. He felt his erection forming inside his formal ceremonial loincloth thong. He loved that sound and listened for delicious sounds of the new Pleasure Primes struggling.
He entered the parlour and was confronted with Jonson and Tye’s writhing naked bodies suspended. His eyes were drawn to their beautiful penises and scrotums. He loved this part of the process, and everything was going to plan.
Tzofira then went behind them, his eyes popping at the beauty of their perfect bubble butts glistening in sacred oils.
“Hello, Tzofira! Thanks for coming, I know you have had your hands full with your Five Warrior boys!” Zephir walked into his parlour.
“High Priest!” Tzofira said bowing his head.
“Beautiful specimens, their bodies are perfect, such handsome sexual organs too. It matches their handsome faces. Is Earth full of these beautiful creatures?”
Tzofira laughed at Zephir’s question.
“Unfortunately, not, High Priest. Beauty such as this is not ubiquitous on the planet. I searched for some months before deciding on these two beautiful specimens!” Tzofira replied.
Tzofira looked at Jonson and then at the High Priest.
“May I?” His facial expression conveyed Tzofira’s desire.
“Of course! I have called you here because I want you to have the honour of fitting them!” Zephir responded holding out a golden goblet containing his Oil of Userus.
“I have started on their buttocks, and I have left the rest for you to enjoy my dear loyal friend, you may start with Boi Rah Daim, since you have shown your interest in him,” Zephir added.
“Massage the oil between their buttocks, their anuses, massage it into their ball sacks and the length of their penises. They have soaked in the Waters of Desire sufficiently. They will enjoy your massages; these two Pleasure Primes are horny and responsive!”
“Understood!” Tzofira said taking the golden goblet and walking toward Jonson hanging and helplessly waiting for their pleasure.
He could hardly talk; his collar was becoming tighter with every struggle. Jonson was super horny; he smelled of the sweet intoxicating scents of the special oil. His buttocks were tingling profusely after Zephir had applied the oil and now Tzofira was going to finish the job.
“Jonson Chase, my beautiful boy, Boi Rah Daim - Light-haired human seed” Tzofira said to Jonson.
“Fer F, fuck you!” Jonson tried to reply without choking himself, the ropes and leather harness creaking as Jonson hung struggling.
“This oil is from our sister planet, Userus. They are very, very good at pleasure manipulation there. They often execute their enemies using explosive and fatal orgasmic energy. We supply them with virile stock, and they supply us with many of their favourite pleasure generation toys. This oil is squeezed from several plants grown in their herbariums. They keep the recipe to themselves but send us as much as we like. I think you and Tye will get a kick out of it.”
Tye could hear Tzofira’s commentary and tried frantically to get free,
“Cunt!” Tye said as loudly as he could, as loud as the tightening collar would allow him.
Tzofira ignored Tye for the time being.
He applied the oil between Jonson’s tight buttocks.
“MmmmmmmmmMMMMMM!” Jonson moaned as Tzofira applied the oil and paid specific attention to Jonson’s warm pucker. The ropes and leather creaked deliciously as the young Pleasure Prime struggled fruitlessly.
Zephir enjoyed the show, he watched as Jonson and Tye writhed in pleasure, Tzofira attended to their penises last, but when he was finished, he licked his hands and fingers.
“Such Pleasure Prime delicacies!” Tzofira said licking his lips. He and Zephir watched on as Jonson and Tye writhed in horny and erotic ways. Their muscles flexed and contracted as the sensations coursed through their bodies.
Pre-cum pools appeared below them and long slender pre-cum secretions extended from their penises.
“So amazing, so fucking horny!” Tye stammered trying not to choke himself. He had lost all sense of dignity; he didn’t care that he was being displayed naked; their special erotic toy. His penis surged with a bolt of sumptuous energy and his eyes rolled back into their sockets. A thick glob of pre-cum formed a long ooze down into the puddle of his juices below his suspended body.
Jonson shivered when a pulse of energy invaded his rectum, drool ran from his mouth.
“They are ready Your Highness, do you agree?” Tzofira asked Zephir; he was holding Jonson’s semi-erect member.
“Yes, they are!” Zephir said, he walked over to Tye, caressed Tye’s bubble-shaped tight buttocks and then gently massaged the head of Tye’s penis head.
“MmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMmm!” Tye was having trouble breathing, the asphyxiation was erotic, as erotic as the sumptuous tingling all over his cock and between his buttocks.
Zephir spoke to them, knowing they were in a hyper-erotic state. Their bodies were not yet used to the potions, oils and waters used at the Solar Temple. But he knew that once their loincloths were fitted and their Pleasure Prime Mantles conferred on them, they would soon be able to regulate their bodily sexual functions.
It was time.
“You will receive your sacred loincloths now! These will also confer your Pleasure Prime Mantles on you. You will receive limited but necessary powers, powers you will need to endure hours of torture, agony and long bouts of pleasure. You will learn to control and manage your sexual desires; your Mantles will help regulate the deep and sumptuous erotic surges that your bodies will endure as part of your service to the Solar Temple.”
It was all babble to Jonson, he was choking, but his body was wracked with delicious sensation, his need for sex and gratification of his most primal and carnal desires was bursting through his body, his cock was tingling deliciously, and he was flinging pre-cum around the parlour.
First Zephir ordered their collars to be loosened; the breath of hot air was amazing, Jonson and Tye both splattered and breathed heavily as their first full breaths were drawn.
“Gah, Thank you!” Tye spluttered, he struggled hard, but the diabolical bondage made it difficult for him to twist and turn hanging inside the leather harness, but at least his struggles weren’t causing him to choke anymore.
Zephir then called the Artisan to the Parlour.
Jampur arrived, bowing his head, first to Zephir, then Tzofira and finally to Jonson and Tye hanging and bound.
“These are the Pleasure Primes! Do you wish to inspect them, Artisan?” Zephir asked, motioning to Jonson and Tye as they struggled trying to free themselves.
“That will not be necessary, their measurements have been confirmed using their Earth garments! Their loincloth thongs will automatically adjust to accommodate their genitalia!” The Artisan said as he walked over to inspect Tye’s penis.
“Mmmmm! Danteros will enjoy these new Pleasure Primes, I am honoured to have been chosen to craft their erotic garments, and I will be extremely proud to witness their first milking if your Highness will grant me access to the viewing gallery in the Delectorium?” The Artisan enquired.
He referred to the holy and sacred milking chamber, known in the Solar Temple as the Delectorium, the place where Danteros chooses to dine on the pleasure generated by his Pleasure Primes. A place of long and extensive sumptuous pleasure, where a Pleasure Prime’s very life force is drained from them. Occurring every 30 Attican days, directly after the Equinox Transition of Attica’s two suns occurs. The milking is preceded by the sacred pleasure preparation undertaken at the Solar Temple’s Solar Altars. Pleasure Primes must be prepared under the force of the Attican Midday suns, during the hottest part of the day and only when the Equinox Transition is underway; they must be basted in the sacred pleasure generation elixir massaged into their writhing bodies stretched out under the unforgiving heat of the day. A process that fills them with powerful sexual energy, the very energy that will infuse their pleasure and satisfy Danteros’s feeding lust.
Zephir smiled, as he put his hand on Jampur, the Artisan’s shoulder. “Of course you shall, you shall also be called to inspect their exhausted bodies still tied to the Milking Altars following the extraction. You will taste their Holy Cum, directly from their drenched bulging thongs. They will ooze semen for at least an hour during their recovery!”
“As you wish High Priest!” Jampur responded. “I am honoured, indeed!”
Tzofira moved toward Jonson’s writhing suspended body, he wasn’t tall enough to reach Jonson’s face, they were suspended several feet into the air, however, he tapped on the shiny floor of the Parlour causing a small footstool to rise from the floor. Stepping up on the footstool allowed him a commanding position to enjoy Jonson’s genitalia.
Jonson fought the bonds, his arms uncomfortably pulled behind him and attached to his neck collar. The ropes creaked and he could only look downward helplessly waiting to see what Tzofira was about to do with his sensitive and tingling penis.
But Tzofira cupped his balls, and Jonson moaned as the sensation zapped throughout his scrotum.
“Delicious energy Boi Rah Daim!”
Jonson was drooling and vibrating as he twisted in his suspended bondage.
“Bring their erotic garments” Tzofira then demanded, causing the Artisan to smile and turn to receive the first of the loincloths from one of his assistants waiting outside the Parlour.
He held the garment out toward Tzofira, bowing his head. Tzofira took the sacred thong first, smelling it, feeling it. Absorbing its sacred sexual aura, it was like a drug, and he loved it.
“At last!” He said with reverence.
Tzofira then looked toward Zephir, smiling and filled with lust. He obtained the High Priest’s approval, it was just a nod, but all that Tzofira needed to proceed.
Zephir then moved to release Jonson’s feet from their bindings, causing Jonson to sway away from Tzofira, his arc brought Jonson back within Tzofira’s grip, and he guided Jonson’s feet through the garment lifting the thong upward until it was firmly cupping Jonson’s genitalia. Reaching around Jonson, he ensured the thong strap was snuggly fitting between Jonson’s muscular buttocks. The garment shimmered and tightened itself onto Jonson’s body.
It was the most erotic feeling; Jonson was crying as a wave of emotion and sexual energy exploded inside his writhing form, he felt the garment tighten between his buttocks, it felt so erotic pulling into his flesh. His penis was purring as the oils massaged into his body and cock began to fizz and pleasure him.
Jonson kept moaning delightfully, his body swinging before Tzofira, who stepped off the raised footstool, Tzofira attached the ropes still attached to Jonson’s ankles and fed them through braces on the floor. He pulled them tight, causing Jonson’s legs to stretch outward and stabilising him in his suspended bondage.
They performed the same procedure on Tye, both he and Jonson were suspended, and their legs stretched tightly to the floor braces.
Zephir and Tzofira stood back to enjoy the beauty of Jonson and Tye’s bodies and the magnificence of their sacred thong pouches.
“Beautiful!” Tzofira gasped.
Jampur then interrupted.
“If I may…” He said pausing for a second. “…the leather from which the garment has been fashioned has been soaking for 30 Attican days in the High Priest’s potions. It has softened the garment, and its pleasure-generation properties will remain throughout its service. A mere movement of the Pleasure Prime’s hips will ignite its properties, your touch will ignite its properties. It will create a delightful and sumptuous experience for the Pleasure Prime. Even when you torture him, he will feel erotic sensations!”
Jampur then turned to receive the outer loincloth flaps from his assistant to finalise the fittings.
He bowed his head to Tzofira and the High Priest, presenting the loincloth flaps to them.
“You shall have the honour of fitting these!” The High Priest ordered his Artisan.
“Thank you, the honour is mine!”
Jampur then stepped onto the footstool and fitted Jonson’s loincloth first. The thin flap, crafted from the same treated soft leather was barely big enough to cover Jonson’s delicious bulge, the rear flap also barely covered a half of each of Jonson’s pert buttocks. He tied the side straps through the thong straps ensuring a snug fit on Jonson’s slender, sexual hips.
He then proceeded to fit Tye’s loincloth flaps in the same way.
Both Jonson and Tye were suspended before their new masters and the Artisan, who was allowed to stay and watch as the High Priest made his first inspection of his new erotic toys. He chose Tye to inspect first.
Tye couldn’t help himself; he was ultra-horny from his preparation in the Waters of Desire and the erotic oils they applied to his cock, his balls and his anus were tingling; sexual and sensual energy filled his loincloth thong pouch, and the loincloth flaps added a level of enjoyment as they slid across his body. He moaned deeply, lost in the eroticism of the moment.
Zephir stood up onto the raised footstool, his face directly in line with Tye’s bulging loincloth.
He instructed Tzofira to do the same with Jonson.
Jampur was commanded to witness the ascension to full Pleasure Prime status for Jonson and Tye. It was a private moment between the High Priest, his delegate in Tzofira and the Pleasure Primes.
Zephir looked across to Tzofira when he was in place standing before Jonson’s heaving erotic body and he gave his instruction.
“Place your hands on the Pleasure Prime’s bulge, feel the heat, feel the sexual energy, channel it as it works into your hands, massage him so he cries out in delight, but do not remove your hands, they must hold his bulge, cradle his sumptuous sexual energy, become one with it.
Jonson and Tye were moaning and crying, the energy and emotion were overwhelming. Pleasure infused their penises. They cried out in desperation and delight as their first emission of pre-cum inside their sacred pouches, seeped through the thin porous and erotic leather pouches.
He was trembling, his chest wanted to implode and the emission of his pre-cum made his penis fizz and his skin tingle.
“Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Tye cried out.
Zephir ignored their sensual responses, he would enjoy them soon enough, but he had to speak the conferral, he and Tzofira’s sexual powers had to trigger the germination of the Pleasure Prime Mantle and thereby bestowing on them their new powers of their office.
Zephir continued his instructions to Tzofira.
“Use your power Tzofira, just as you do with your own sexual toys!” He was referring of course to The Five Warriors.
Tzofira smiled, he didn’t say a word. His hands began to glow and when fully charged with pleasure energy, like Zephir’s hands were, he released the jolt of pleasure energy into Jonson’s bulge.
Zephir did so with Tye.
They screamed, they thrashed in total abandon. Their bulges filled Tzofira’s hands and Zephir’s hands, with a burst of hot gooey pre-cum. It ignited a cavalcade of trembling and an explosion of energy inside their bodies. Jonson and Tye’s heads were thrown backward, their mouths open; bright light shone through their eyes it shone out of their mouths. It lit up the parlour for several seconds and then disappeared.
Their Mantles had generated.
It would take several hours for them to establish completely, and it was the perfect time to display the two new official Pleasure Primes to the Temple. The sexual energy would last for hours, their loincloths would be moist and glistening in pre-cum for hours as their Mantles developed.
Tzofira and Zephir then dismissed the Artisan, he would witness the first Solar Temple Pleasure preparations; the basting and baking under the erotic powers of the Attican suns as they transitioned. He would then attend and witness Jonson and Tye’s first Pleasure Prime milking in the Delectorium and witness Danteros’ feeding on his luscious and sumptuous diet of pleasure.
They called the Priests and licked their hands, tasting the sweetness of Jonson and Tye’s pre-cum.
“Take them down, take them to altars in the main Common, we have many hours before the midday solar transition tomorrow. Tie them to the Altars and allow the people to worship them. Collect any excessive pre-cum not consumed by their worshippers, I need it for the Elixir of Delight.
Zephir then dismissed Tzofira, Zephir had preparations to make in readiness for the Solar Altars on the next day.
Inside Tzofira ’s quarters, Jai is being cooked inside a Steam Pod, The Waters of Desire were filling him with a wave of erotic energy, the steam was torturing him, but the healing properties of the water kept his body from being blistered and burned.
Jai had been taken to Tzofira’s quarters as per Tzofira’s orders before he was called to the High Priest’s Parlour. Tzofira was extremely horny, he had presided over many facets of the Transmission Rites and had taken part in fitting Jonson and Tye’s loincloths of service.
Yes, Tzofira was extremely horny!
On arrival, he was attracted to the sounds of the young warrior. Jai was still being steamed in Tzofira’s torture chambers. Tzofira’s erection pulsed with expectation; he wanted to see this beautiful young warrior struggling inside the heated steam chamber, he liked his sexual toys clean and horny. The heated Waters of Desire were potent enough when the subject was immersed in it. It had powerful healing properties, but the aphrodisiac properties were also powerful. The Steam Chamber provided the opportunity for the subject to breathe the steam. Jai would be a horny young warrior.
Tzofira entered the room and dismissed the Priest guarding and supervising the slow torture of Jai.
“Leave us for now, thank you!” He said to the guard.
Several pod-like chambers were positioned around this chamber. Only one was being used, and the Priests had positioned the steam pod in the centre of the room. Jai was inside, his legs attached to hot metal clasps, his arms stretched over his head, he was stretched inside the pod and small vents allowed enough fresh air from outside the pod, for the subject to breathe. The glass bulging lid of the pod was fogged up and droplets of water rand down its inside as the hot steam condensed.
Tzofira turned the pod off. It made a hissing sound as the bulging upper glass lid opened. Steam rushed out when the seals had broken. Hot and sweet, it was indeed the Waters of Desire that Jai had been steam-tortured in.
Jai’s gasps of breath turned Tzofira on and encouraged Tzofira to unlatch the glass lid completely, he removed the lid revealing Jai’s hot and seething body, stretched out. Jai was gasping for breath; he needed fresh air. He coughed several times.
Tzofira just wanted to watch the beautiful young enemy warrior struggle. His smooth skin was hot to the touch. His face and hair soaking wet, along with his bulging and erotic loincloth.
“You clean up nicely Jai, but unfortunately, I missed your torture, I’m so busy these days. But now that I’m here, I think I’d like to see your agony first-hand.” Tzofira said looking at the pod’s attachments.
“I do want to see you writhe in agony, while I cook you, I so want to hear those screams!” He added.
“No, Please!’ Jai begged.
“I insist Jai!” Tzofira said cupping Jai’s handsome face.
“The healing properties of the water will ensure your body heals itself quickly, but it is not instantaneous, so don’t worry your pretty little face, I won’t disfigure you, not so early in our new relationship.”
Jai struggled as best he could, pulling frantically on his bonds. He knew how vicious and carnal Tzofira was.
Tzofira then re-configured the pod, now that the cover had been removed, he maneuvered the arm restraints so that Jai’s arms were stretched out rather than positioned directly above his head. Tzofira extended the leg restraints, so Jai’s impressive long legs were spread wider.
Tzofira, looked, down over Jai’s stretched body enjoying the beauty of the virile young man.
“I hope you saved some cum for me?” Tzofira said, crouching down between Jai’s stretched legs, rubbing the steam-soaked loincloth flap over Jai’s bulging thong pouch. Jai had been milked extensively in the Transmission rites earlier in the night, his body then tied to a presentation device for the horny crowds to visit and worship his body. They had sucked him dry.
Tzofira lifted the loincloth flap and licked the fullness of Jai’s leather pouch.
“MMMMMM, that never gets old, I could eat you for hours, but I am on the clock Jai!” Tzofira said licking his lips, and his fingers tracing the thong bulge.
Jai was horny, the Waters of Desire had their desired effect on him. He pulled on his bonds, allowing his hips to lift, pushing his bulge into Tzofira’s palm.
“Not yet boy, agony precedes pleasure, it will help you savour the pleasure when I choose to give it to you!”
Tzofira then pulled the steam wand from the underside of the remaining steam pod. He pulled the trigger in front of Jai’s face. Tzofira was feeding off Jai’s fear. He adjusted the nozzle so that the force of steam became long and elongated like a flame.
Jai struggled, desperately trying each of his bonds, he was helpless. He couldn’t budge any of them.
“Please Tzofira, please no!” Jai begged.
Tzofira was making steam-generated cuts down Jai’s left quadricep, blood and sweat mingling. Jai’s body reacting to the acute pain, twisting and turning. Jai’s screams were so loud, that the Priests outside Tzofira’s quarters could hear him.
With screams and cries, Jai’s eyes welled up with tears, the acute searing pain was unrelenting. Tzofira made his cuts slowly, Tzofira liked to hear Jai screaming, and he came in his loincloth twice in the thirty-minute torture session.
Each time he cut into Jai’s skin, Jai’s body would re-generate several minutes later, his wounds, healing and restoring his flesh perfectly. Such was the power of The Waters of Desire. This was one of Tzofira’s favourite torture games. He loved playing mind games with his subjects, the power play was as erotic as the torture procedure. He liked the build-up of blood under the pod below Jai’s trembling body too.
Jai was a trembling mess, his voice scratchy from all his screams; his wrists and ankles ached; he had struggled violently, filling Tzofira with even greater levels of lust. Jai was still very horny, the torturous session, his bondage, seemed to feed into it. Thankfully Tzofira had not tortured his genitalia, he was thankful for that. Jai lifted his hips erotically and slowly; he needed sexual release, and he hoped it would spur on Tzofira’s erotic intentions for pleasure.
It did. Tzofira had cum twice during the young warrior’s torture, Tzofira had filled his loincloth bulge with two massive loads of semen. He lowered his body down onto Jai’s face so that his taint was in Jai’s face.
“Lick me, worship my bulge warrior boy!” Tzofira ordered Jai.
Jai couldn’t resist the erotic compulsions driving him from deep inside his body and mind. Tzofira tasted so good, he could taste the bitterness of the leather thong strap yet the smooth texture of Tzofira’s cum also. Tzofira then tilted his hips so that Jai could suck, lick and worship the fullness of his cum soaked bulge.
“Eat it boy!” Tzofira said turning his head to get a view of Jai’s erotic, helpless body stretched out before him. He turned his body so that his bulge remained in Jai’s hungry face. Jai was feeding on cummy bulge, and his own loincloth was sticking to his thong. Tzofira lavished in the beauty of Jai’s sexy loincloth. He bent forward sliding the outer flap over the thong below it. Tzofira could feel Jai’s response, Jai was moaning into Tzofira’s bulge. Tzofira loved that sensation and soon he was erect once more, thrusting his thong pouch into Jai’s hungry face.
Jai thrust his hips too, Tzofira was rubbing his bulge, caressing his sex, squeezing his sensitive testicles. He was rock hard, and the pleasure was exploding like a firecracker inside Jai’s bulge, inside his penis. Tzofira could feel it and sense it.
Tzofira came and pumped more warm semen and Jai’s face was covered in Tzofira’s juices. The feeling of Tzofira’s strong cum pumping cock set him off too.
It was muffled, but the moan filled the torture chamber. Jai’s body trembled as the explosive orgasm erupted. His cum worked through his thong pouch, Tzofira was sucking it violently, like a hungry animal Tzofira pumped and sucked at the same time.
It was as nice as the long-awaited transmission orgasm. Jai laid back in his bondage. He was exhausted, he had been crying through that milking session. He felt so helpless, so defeated.
Tzofira felt the opposite. He called the Priests in.
“Take him away, I am done with him for now, do as you please with him!”
With that Tzofira went to his quarters to freshen up, he needed those orgasms, but he was still horny. Thankfully, it was time to display the Pleasure Primes, it was time to torture them in public so he and Zephir could prove that Jonson and Tye had received their Pleasure Prime Mantles.
Zephir had spent time in his Alchemist rooms creating the latest batch of his potent pleasure marinade, he needed it for the Pleasure Prime’s inaugural Solar Temple basting and baking session; the exact formula of his Elixir of Delight had been developed from age-old recipes and writings. He had modified the ingredients over time, but it had the same basic formula used for Attican centuries. He let the concoction develop its properties once he had completed the formula. He then made his way to the Temple Commons where the Pleasure Primes were on display.
His Pleasure Primes were struggling on two X-shaped Altars, presented in the centre of the Commons, Priests guarded the helpless Primes, only allowing one reverent worshipper to enjoy their bodies at a time. Their spreadeagled bodies were on show to the many interested and horny viewers. Their beautiful bodies were brimming with sexual energy, their brief loincloth flaps now wet from their leaking penises; they were producing volumes of juice and golden goblets positioned between their heaving stretched legs were overflowing with pre-cum nectar.
Zephir entered the Commons, and he enjoyed Jonson and Tye’s moans and sounds of their struggles. Zephir walked toward Tye and checked his bonds; he could see the crowd jostling for position to view the helpless Pleasure Primes. He then caressed Tye’s magnificent loincloth-wrapped wet bulge. Zephir was taken back by its beauty and richness; the way it filled his palm.
Tye lifted his hips, the feeling of the High Priest’s hand on his bulge was beautiful. He wanted it caressed and pleasured; such was the ferocity of the erotic urges pumping through his body.
Zephir let the slimy gorgeous bulge slide inside his palm before he bent down to worship its majesty. He let his fingers take in the fullness of the mound of Pleasure Prime meat. Pre-cum oozed from the virile young Pleasure Prime. Tye’s moans surged through the Commons.
Zephir then examined the beautiful, handsome Jonson. He was so magnificent, his body stretched, his pleasure and desires driving the young new Pleasure Prime to distraction. Jonson’s lighter-coloured loincloth was drenched as well, he had been thrusting his hips earlier and the flap had half peeled off Jonson’s delicious thong bulge.
Zephir peeled the flap off completely and caressed the bulge. Jonson twisted his magnificently honed young body, he was seething with pleasure. Zephir then inspected Jonson and Tye’s buttocks, worshipping their erotic garments and feeling their heaving bodies as they writhed helplessly and on display. Impressed with his new Pleasure Primes he announced their first torture session.
“These must be tortured, before the Solar Equinox Transition tomorrow. We must show that they have received the Pleasure Prime Mantle and are worthy to partake of the Solar Pleasure Penetration preparations tomorrow.”
But Tzofira had already made the arrangements! Fresh from enjoying Jai’s, magnificent body and his private session torturing the young warrior, Tzofira had been in a mood to continue torturing these magnificent young men. He already arranged something to fit the occasion and had made his way over to the Solar Temple to collect the Pleasure Primes. He arrived at the Commons while Zephir was still inspecting and worshipping Jonson and Tye’s magnificence.
“Arrangements have been made High Priest! I have prepared the Power Seats in the arena.”
Zephir smiled and responded, “As usual my Scout you are loyal to the Temple, please oversee the torture!”
Word then passed around the Temple, and rumours that the Pleasure Primes would be tortured had quickly filtered to all the different venues in the Temple. The Temple was seething with excitement after the Transmission ceremony, and now that the new Pleasure Primes were being displayed in their service loincloths; interest was high. The arena had filled quickly. It held several hundred lusty men in an intimate setting the viewing seats only meters from the centre stage where the Power Seats had been positioned.
“Take them to the Temple Arena, Parade them through the grounds!” Tzofira ordered, ensuring that his new Pleasure Primes were viewed by as many as possible in the early days of their Pleasure Prime duties; he was proud of his achievements and he would enjoy overseeing their inaugural torture, confident that the Pleasure Prime Mantle had been bestowed on the new Boi Rahs.
It all rested on their inaugural torture session.
Jonson felt the next wave of sexual energy caress his bulging loincloth, the garment had not stopped pleasuring him; it had a life, and will of its own, the alien technology built into the erotic garment, combined with the oils and waters they used on them were fuelling his lusty sexual needs.
The bondage too, fed this feeling, Jonson felt his sexual energy, he felt every emission of his pre-cum, it was sexual and very real! It was making these aliens horny when they looked at him and Tye.
They forced him away from the X-shaped presenter, several Priests tied his arms behind his back. Jonson fought the bonds, and he watched as Tye fought them, but soon he was bound like Jonson. Tzofira made a path through the throng of horny men that had been enjoying the view of the new Pleasure Primes being examined by their High Priest.
“Make way!” Tzofira said as he forged the path.
Tye was forced first, they pushed him forward, and his almost naked body shimmered as he fought his bonds and struggled forward. Jonson followed closely, pushed and manhandled by the Priests. He felt good, after all they had been put through, he was super horny, and this rough treatment and the attention were feeding his erotic feelings. He could see Tye’s buttocks, the loincloth barely covered them, he looked fucking hot in the skimpy garment. Jonson wanted Tye so bad, he longed for Tye to cum inside him.
After several minutes, they arrived at the Arena. Tzofira was waiting for them at the gates.
Tye arrived first and was forced to stand with his legs apart. They whipped him until he obeyed their commands. Jonson was positioned next to Tye, whipped into position similarly. They stood defiant yet horny, arms bound behind them and their powerful gymnast-honed legs spread widely.
Tzofira was given one of the whips and approached Tye and Jonson.
“You will be tortured for their entertainment boys!”
“What?” Tye seethed.
“No!” Jonson replied too, fighting his bonds.
Tzofira motioned for the Priests to use their whips.
The crack was loud and signalled to the horny and expectant crowd inside the arena that the Boi Rah Pleasure Primes had arrived.
The whips circled Jonson and Tye’s necks and had fastened, the sting of the whip shocking them into submission. But the sting of blinding pain disappeared quickly; such was the power of the developing Mantle that had been bestowed on them.
Tzofira smiled knowingly.
“The sting of the whip is intense, isn’t it humans, but you have recovered quickly!”
Jonson’s look confirmed it, Tzofira was confident that their Pleasure Prime Mantle had formed and that was sufficient for his planned torture event.
“You will endure great pain!” Tzofira held the handle of his whip under Tye’s chin, forcing the young Pleasure Prime to look up at him. Tzofira held the popper end of the whip in his other hand. He then moved the handle under Jonson’s chin.
“You will not die tonight! But your screams must be witnessed by these men. They must see your body contorting and writhing in pain. They must see your recovery and recognise you as the truly anointed and legitimate Pleasure Primes of Attica!”
Tzofira, bent down to view Jonson’s bulging skimpy loincloth. He felt it, he slid the flap across the pouch lurking below. He stood licking his hands, directly in front of Jonson.
“Delicious! You are true Pleasure Prime, Boi Rah Daim!”
He examined Tye in the same manner, and when he was satisfied, he turned to face the gate of the arena.
“Open the gate!” He screamed out loud.
“Pleasure Primes will be tortured here tonight!”
The gates opened and Tzofira entered the arena to shouts of praise and excitement.
The Priests pushed Jonson in first, one pushing him forward into the raging arena, the other Priest guiding him with the whip collar still attached around his neck. Tye was forced inside in the same manner.
Tzofira had prepared the arena floor with two Power Seats and two golden frames. Jonson and Tye were led into the arena and tied spreadeagled in the golden frames. They were directly facing the Power Seats, forced to be on show, and to view the device that would inflict their agony.
“They look magnificent, do they not?” Tzofira revved up the crowd. “Do you approve of my selection?” He asked the crowded arena.
The roar from the crowd answered him.
Tzofira then approached Tye.
“He struggles well, such a beautiful body. Danteros has accepted him, he has the Mantle of Pleasure Prime conferred! But you must all bear witness to it. He will survive the torture; he will be unscathed!”
Tzofira then lifted the flaps of Tye’s loincloth.
“Behold his sacred thong, it fits his body snugly and tight. It is the symbol of this Temple’s LUST and power. It will feed Danteros himself; satisfying Danteros keeps us safe and powerful!”
The crowd screamed in appreciation and awe watching as Tye struggled, spreadeagled inside the frame.
He then presented Jonson’s magnificent body.
“Once we have confirmed their Pleasure Prime Mantles, I will inform the High Priest, and these two magnificent specimens from a distant universe will be taken to the Solar Temple Altar array. Tomorrow is the Equinox Transition of our Suns; the solar intensity will activate the sacred potions and prepare…”
Tzofira paused and caressed Jonson’s heaving loincloth bulge.
“… these sacred bulges and bodies with the infusion of sumptuous pleasure. They will be milked in the Delectorium before Danteros, and he will feed on their pleasure until HE is satisfied.”
Jonson tried frantically to release his bulge from Tzofira’s grip. His struggles fuelled the lusty crowd, whipping them into a frenzy.
“Torture them!” Someone screamed.
“Torture, torture!” The chant built and built and Tzofira’s smile reflected his enjoyment.
“Tie them to the Power Seats!”
Jonson was taken down, he struggled as the Priests dragged his body to his assigned power seat, the stone device was carved so that Jonson’s body fitted into the seat, and his arms were attached to the sides, facing outward from his body but facing forward. The Priests ensured that Jonson’s loincloth flap covering his buttocks was lifted so that the bare skin of his buttocks filled the cavity. His legs were attached to the front of the seat. When finished the seat moulded to his body, he was sitting upward and facing the crowd.
Tye was attached to his seat next to Jonson, bright lights illuminating them as they struggled valiantly.
Tzofira attached leather straps to their thighs and one around their waists, securing them down onto the seats firmly.
“Fuck!” Tye Screamed.
His seat released a slender anal probe, past his tight leather thong strap, and proceeded up into his body.
Jonson threw his head backward as the probe entered his body forcing its way deep into his rectum.
Energy buzzed around their anuses, stimulating them and causing them to slowly thrust their slender hips. Their muscles bulged and flexed as they tried to free themselves from the diabolical machine.
“These seats are a gift to the Solar Temple from our friends from the Planet Qoson! The seats represent our bond and friendship. Qoson produces some of this galaxy’s finest delicacies, they need vast amounts of tempered semen, and we often give them slaves or some of our captured enemies as tokens of our friendship. They are tortured mercilessly, milked until they are useless vegetables and then discarded. Tonight, we will enjoy the torture of the Pleasure Primes and witness their ability to withstand and survive such agony.”
“No, please,” Tye screamed into the crowd before turning to face Tzofira, his eyes pleading for the proceedings to end.
The chant started up again and Tzofira walked across to Tye and grabbed Tye’s hair forcing the handsome young man to look out into the crowd.
“But they want you tortured, Pleasure Prime! You must survive this and prove your worthiness to feed Danteros.”
Tzofira waited no further. He threw his hands into the air.
“Ignite the chairs!” He screamed, laughing and spinning around with glee.
Jonson felt his prostate light up, energy, pure and clean ripped through his body. His muscles flexed and were filled with agony. It was like thousands of whips releasing their potent sting inside and outside his body. His bonds held him fast to the seat and before he could begin the scream, the second wave of energy ripped through his body.
His wrists were bleeding, such was the force of his body striving to escape the torturous energy.
Wave after wave of agony sliced him to shreds and after ten minutes of the unrelenting torture it ceased.
Jonson slumped forward; blood oozed off the Power Seat. He was alive and he could hear Tye’s slow and shallow breathing. Tye was alive too. They had survived.
The probe buzzed quietly inside him and then retracted itself from his anus, Jonson felt relief as it left his body, its threat had been removed. He smelled burning flesh, it was him, his arms were red, and his back was on fire. He had been barbecued for their entertainment.
Tye lifted his head, he smelled the burning flesh also, his body was charred. These lust-filled aliens had no mercy. He slumped his head backward taking in a deep delicious breath of air. He had survived, he had no idea how. The pain had been invasive and deadly, he was bleeding profusely.
A whip circled his throat, just like they had inflicted on he and Jonson before the torture session. He felt the restraints being loosened. The leather collar around his neck dragged him off the Power Seat and he stumbled onto the ground. Tye was lying in a pool of his own blood; he was bleeding profusely from his wrists.
They dragged him up off the ground and positioned him next to Jonson. Ropes bound his arms behind his back once again.
The crowd was silent, they awaited the sign.
“Behold!” Tzofira said. Walking in front of the two exhausted Pleasure Primes.
They witnessed the recovery happening right before their very eyes. The crowd hushed as the two Pleasure Primes recovered, their wounds healed before their very eyes, Jonson and Tye started to struggle, they felt energy reigniting their muscles.
Tye screamed at them.
“Bastards, fucking monsters!”
Jonson struggled frantically, causing the Priest to jab quickly at the leather encircling Jonson’s neck.
“Fuck, f, f, fuck you!” he stammered, struggling frantically against the ropes binding his wrists.
There was no bright light or magical flash, but their Pleasure Prime Mantle had protected them and was already restoring their bodies. No man could have survived such torture, let alone recover and stand without support.
Tzofira was pleased, he was very pleased.
He said it again… “Behold!”
“They survive, they have endured the Qoson Power Seat; their bodies have not succumbed, they have not been consumed by the power of the Seat! Behold they stand before you!”
Tzofira laughed again! Relieved and encouraged; he could hand the Pleasure Primes back to the Warlock High Priest, confirmed and worthy of their impending baptism of pleasure scheduled to commence during the midday Solar Equinox Transition the next day.
The crowd had witnessed the torture and the survival of the Pleasure Primes, they dissipated from the arena quickly allowing Tzofira and his Priests to return the two confirmed Pleasure Primes to The High Priest’s Parlours.
Zephir’s parlour in the Solar Temple
Zephir was prepared and waiting, he ushered them into a plush room and motioned to the Priests to tie his Pleasure Primes to the two devices in the centre of the room. He dismissed the Priests but not Tzofira, once Jonson and Tye were safely bound.
The Treatment Devices were made of a titanium-like metal, four arms protruded from the central positioning device. Jonson and Tye’s arms were restrained in the titanium locks and the central positioning device fitted into their lower backs, clasping itself to their rectus abdominal muscles. It allowed ready access to the loincloth, the bulge, and the buttocks of the Pleasure Prime. The central positioning device lifted them off the plush parlour's shiny floor.
They had regained strength; the healing properties of the Mantle were self-evident. Jonson and Tye struggled, twisting their bodies, still horny, even after their first experience of the Power Seat.
Zephir lifted the flap on Jonson’s loincloth revealing the impressive man bulge he had on offer. His long slender fingers wrapped over the surface of the bulge exploring, enjoying its sexual majesty.
Tzofira took the High Priest’s lead, mastering Tye’s equally sumptuous bulge.
Both Boi Rahs writhed, pulling on their bonds, moaning deliciously as their bodies were fondled by their masters.
They didn’t let up, they massaged and worshiped the Pleasure Prime bulges with care and precision, licking, feeling, and fondling. Worshipping! Intently working their sexual toys while they made their plans.
“These are confirmed your Highness! Did you hear their screams from the arena, no human could have survived that? They have recovered.”
Tzofira paused enjoying how Tye was writhing slowly and sexually; his magnificent body reacting to Tzofira’s expert bulge worship.
“…and within the hour, they respond sexually and carnally, their bodies retain the sexual energy you infused them with, even after their torture,” Tzofira said, not taking his eyes off Tye’s bound form.
Zephir licked Jonson from the base of the thong pouch around the extremities of the pouch, his fingers working along the sides of the pouch, touching the skin at the top of Jonson’s heaving legs, following the sides of the thong pouch around his hips. He licked Jonson’s testicles; they were pronounced under the sumptuous erotic garment that had been engineered especially for his body. Zephir licked the left-hand side of the bulge feeling Jonson tremble in his bonds. He made his way along the snaking penis inside the pouch. Tasting and smelling the essence of Jonson’s manhood majesty. He replied to Tzofira, but he punctuated his words as he continued eating the delicious bulge.
“Sanctified and now confirmed. These are the most sumptuous young virile male humans this temple has ever possessed” He said, gripping Jonson’s heaving buttocks and licking the edges of Jonson’s full and meaty bulge.
“The pleasure these magnificent loins generate will be legendary.’
He was interrupted by Jonson’s sigh and moan. The fresh pre-cum filtered through the porous, thin leather clinging to Jonson’s genitals, it filled Zephir’s mouth with flavour, his tongue lapping at the Pleasure Prime’s juice.
“More Boi Rah, yes be a good boy for me!” Zephir said licking and suckling on the sumptuous bulge.
Tzofira’s hands were slipping across Tye’s erotic bulge offering.
“This Boi Rah is fruitful High Priest!” he exclaimed.
“Eat him Scout, taste the sacredness of his offerings, he is your conquest, he is tied before you, helpless, he is yours to enjoy!” Zephir commanded.
Tzofira looked into Tye’s green eyes, Tye had been carefully watching Tzofira worship his bulge. He pulled on his bonds, licking his lips and he watched as Tzofira lowered his head to worship at his bulge. It felt sumptuous, the garment was amplifying the heat from Tzofira’s breath, amplifying the way Tzofira’s tongue was lapping at his pouch. He moaned delightfully when Tzofira sucked his emission of pre-cum. Tye was lost in the sensation, he felt the thong tighten between his buttocks, it was erotic; like the garment was alive and was feeding the moment.
Tzofira lifted himself from his worship once he had enjoyed his fill, his face covered in the sweet juices of the Pleasure Prime. He maneuvered his body so he could kiss Tye.
“Taste your sacred essence Pleasure Prime! Your juices are now holy, your body will feed deities and royalty; it will service the needs of Attica!”
Tye tasted the sweetness of his pre-cum from Tzofira’s tongue. He was so horny, so helplessly bound and needy. He could see Jonson pulling and striving in his bondage, it made Tye even hornier, just watching Jono; watching how sexual and erotic his partner looked, stretched out and helpless like he was now.
Zephir then stood up, licking Jonson’s body, every abdominal bump, each pectoral and nipple. His mouth tasted Jonson’s sweat, and his fingers explored the warmth between Jonson’s slowly thrusting sensual buttocks.
“You will produce sumptuous pleasure young Boi Rah!” Zephir whispered into Jonson’s cute left ear. Zephir’s long slender fingers kept exploring Jonson’s heat.
Jonson moaned his words, “Please, may I cum, p Mmmmm, per, mmmmm, please?”.
The question made Zephir smile, his favourite pastime was keeping his Pleasure Primes edged and ready for release. He could make Jonson and Tye beg for days on end.
“No, you are not permitted Boi Rah! Your ejaculation, your pleasure must feed Danteros as a priority! You shall cum, my beautiful boy, but not this day!”
Jonson pulled on his bonds, fighting them, he desperately craved his orgasm, if he could only break the bonds, he could satisfy himself. He looked down toward his bulging mass of meat, he was turning himself on he was so horny.
“Your bondage Boi Rah, do you enjoy it?” Zephir enquired noticing the needy, sexual look on Jonson’s beautiful face.
“Yes sir!” Jonson replied licking the top right corner of his mouth.
“It will transform your orgasm boy!” Zephir said, feeling Jonson’s bulge, squeezing his bulge and extracting more lubricant from Jonson.
“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Jonson moaned closing his eyes as the shard of pleasure filled his loincloth thong pouch.
“Your bondage turns Danteros on, you will be tied before him; unbelievable pleasure will be created deep inside your…” Zephir, ran his finger over the bulge, feeling the ridges of Jonson’s glans, making Jonson tremble. “…penis, it will be unleashed inside your bulge, your helpless body, writhing before him, writhing before me, your juices spurting, your pleasure escalating and ebbing, driving you and Boi Rah Yojin…” He looked at Tye. “…mad with delight, waves of sexual energy will feed Danteros and when the Solar Equinox completes its transition, your orgasm will explode and your screams of delight will fill this temple with your offering. You will be one with the cosmos, your orgasm will take you there!”
Zephir then stood back from Jonson, taking in the beauty of his majestic, writhing form. He looked sumptuous and perfect.
Tzofira had cum all over Tye, he covered Tye in thick almost white semen. He massaged the semen into Tye’s heaving loincloth pouch and then joined Zephir, satisfied for the time being. He enjoyed watching the two Boi Rah’s struggle unfulfilled. Helplessly stretched and needy.
Zephir called his personal Temple Priests into the room.
“As you can see, the Pleasure Primes are very horny! But they require cleansing, I want them steamed with The Waters of Desire, tie them in the steaming pods, and ensure the steam tortures them during their treatment, their Mantles will protect them. I want them seething with extra sexual energy, enjoy their bodies at your will! Tzofira and I must prepare for the Solar Equinox Transition. I will check on their progress as the evening progresses!”
Zephir and Tzofira left Jonson and Tye in the capable hands of the Priests, they were to be taken to the High Priest’s steam pods and tortured in the diabolical steam ovens. Tzofira and Zephir then made their way through the temple to the Sacred Solar Array Altars. It was time to make adjustments to the Altar precinct, Tzofira had plans he wanted to share with the High Priest, plans for his group of Five Warriors and how their virile youthful bodies could be used in the sacred ceremonies scheduled for the Solar Transition Equinox.
Dear Reader
Thanks for enjoying the fantasy and coming along for the ride. The Delectory will be the next installment of the Eclipse series.
Please email me if you have any feedback or suggestions.
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