The Telemachus Story Archive

The Actor (Bitch Tits)
By Matty S

The Actor (Bitch Tits)

by Matty

Part 01

“Aaron Loganfeld?” A nurse asked from behind the front desk. Hearing his name, the enormous muscle hunk stood up from his seat in the doctor’s waiting room. “Yeah, that’s me.” He said, in a deep voice, trying to mask his annoyance. “The Doctor will see you now. Just go right through that door and head down towards Exam Room C,” she said as she gestured to the hall beside the welcome desk. “Great, thanks.” He said with an exasperated sigh.


Aaron had been working in Hollywood as an actor for nearly 8 years now. In addition to this, he had trained as a bodybuilder since he was 19. Now at age 34, he was around 220 pounds of hard muscle all over his arms, chest, legs, and ass.

Even years after ending his career as a bodybuilder, he was still a total gym rat. With his shaven head, and light brown skin, he had been told numerous times throughout the past 15 years that he truly had a perfect body. That he could be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger, which was why all of this was COMPLETELY unnecessary!

His huge body was in peak condition. Legs that only years of training could develop, bulging arms that strained the seams of all his t-shirt sleeves, and the thick neck of a hardcore weightlifter.

He also had enormous pectorals that hung over a hard eight pack. He looked down at his bulbous pecs now as he walked through the hall. They were so huge, that they sagged with the weight of muscle in them. ‘That’s the reason they sag.’ He thought to himself in denial. ‘Nothing else!’


In Exam Room C, Dr. Lubrique sat on his stool waiting for his next patient. He was a fairly thin older man in his late 60s with glasses, thin white-gray hair, and a tanned complexion from decades on the West Coast.

Leaning against the exam table dressed in light blue scrubs, was his intern Kevin, a cute young Filipino-American pre-med student around 21 years old.

At 68, Lubrique was a renowned plastic surgeon who had performed many successful treatments for clients in Beverly Hills, California. He and his partner Dr. Isaacs started their own cosmetic surgery practice over 25 years ago. While Isaacs focused on the facial cosmetic surgeries, Lubrique’s clientele was mainly women looking for augmentations in their chests, resulting in a reputation and nickname, known as “the Breast Master” in a few social circles. He didn’t mind the nickname, but he didn’t really think too much about what the women said either, mainly because he wasn’t into women.

“So who’s the next patient, Doctor?” Kevin asked. He had his smartphone out, ever ready to take notes on the doctor’s work ethic and practice.

“Uhh…He’s an actor named Aaron.” Lubrique replied.

Kevin raised an eyebrow. “A guy? That’s a little different.” He said, a little surprised as he typed ‘Aaron; Actor’ into his notes.

“He’s here today and tomorrow for a two day chest evaluation, booked by his manager Howard, as he had concerns that Aaron’s chest may need to be corrected in some way.” The doctor explained, just as the door to the exam room opened.

“Excuse me, are you Dr. Lubrique?” Kevin heard a deep voice ask as he finished typing his initial notes. As he put his phone down, he was slightly confused as to why he heard Dr. Lubrique quietly gasp; Until the young intern himself turned his head towards the doorway, his eyes widening in surprise.

The man standing before them was… stunning. Tall, around 6’3, with a body type similar to that of a professional wrestler, or a Greek God. With his height and build, light brown skin, bald head, and neatly trimmed circular beard, Kevin might've thought he could compare to Dwayne The Rock Johnson, but no way, this man was way more handsome, or downright sexy.

"Uhhh... yes, hello. Are you Aaron?" The doctor asked as he stood up from his chair, trying to hide how flustered he was moments ago.

Aaron nodded as he looked around the small exam room, quickly picking up on the stares his muscular body was getting from both the doctor and the young looking Filipino guy in scrubs. He could feel their eyes tracing over every inch of his body, admiring his muscles and the definition they displayed.

"Right, and from what Howard has said, you are here because of your concerns over your breasts, correct?" Dr. Lubrique asked, staring at the tall man's chest. The way his tight cotton black t-shirt hugged around his enormous muscle tits, they were practically begging for a squeeze.

Aaron narrowed his eyes at the old man's wording. "Pecs, I don't have fucking breasts, Doctor," He said curtly.

The doctor tried not to show his discomfort at being scolded by a patient. "I apologize, I only say 'breasts' because that's the correct term for..."

"Well they’re not breasts." Aaron interrupted him, before taking a breath. "And they're not MY concerns. Howard's the one who thinks there's something wrong with them. There isn't!" He explained, albeit harshly as the doctor eyed him.

Dr. Lubrique tightened his wrinkled lips, the one thing he couldn't stand was being disrespected by a patient, especially in front of a colleague. Turning his gaze slightly, he noted Kevin looking down at the ground and shifting uncomfortably from the awkward tension in the room. The doctor didn't like being embarrassed in his work place.

Subconsciously, he started to imagine taking the giant Aaron over his knee and spanking his ass hard. The hulking muscle hunk probably had a very pretty ass too, wide and round like his big tits.

Feeling his cock start to swell slightly, he quickly snapped out of his daydream and cleared his throat. "Very well Mr. Loganfeld, if you believe there's nothing wrong with your pecs, then you should have no issue in letting me take a look, right?" He said while gesturing to the exam table.

Aaron tightened his jaw momentarily, before looking down at the cleavage bulging through his tight black t-shirt. "Fine." He groaned through gritted teeth, as he started to walk over towards the exam table.

Kevin was still leaning against the table, mesmerized by those bulbous pecs coming closer. The way the enormous actor's muscle tits were shaped was truly alluring. They had this very distinct roundness to them, but there was a slight droop, with a cone-like shape at the bottom of each breast. 'His nipples?' Kevin thought to himself, feeling his cock swelling a little at the thought.

"Bro?" Aaron said, glancing over at Kevin with a raised eyebrow. The young intern jolted back to reality, as he realized he was in the hunk's way. "Right, sorry." He apologized as he stepped away from the exam table. Kevin stood in the corner as Aaron climbed up on the exam table with an exasperated sigh. The man's huge thighs spread widely as he sat down.

“That truly is an incredible physique.” Dr. Lubrique remarked, unable to stop staring at the giant. “Howard did mention you were previously a competitive bodybuilder?”

Aaron sighed. “Yep, about 8 years ago.” He remarked as the doctor looked at him curiously. “Uh huh… Well if you don’t mind me asking, is… this all natural?” Lubrique questioned. “Or was this at all…”

The giant’s eyes’ tightened. "You're asking if I took steroids, or pro-hormones?" Aaron accused him with an annoyed tone.

Lubrique kept his patience as he looked at Aaron. "Well, you can't blame me for asking, son. You're here to look into concerns regarding your chest, and it's not that uncommon for bodybuilders who've used pro-hormone supplements in the past to develop..."

"Well don't worry about it." Aaron interrupted, knowing exactly where the doctor was getting at. "I don't have Gyno, because I didn't take the juice. So can we please just get this over with?" He asked coldly.

Lubrique narrowed his eyes on the man. He had a gift for knowing when he was being lied to, and the giant hunk would need to get better at it if he was ever going to make it far in the entertainment industry.

"Of course, if you can remove your shirt please?" The doctor asked his patient.

"Why?" Aaron suddenly asked, defensively crossing his arms over his chest.

Dr. Lubrique raised an eyebrow. "Is there a problem?"

Aaron looked down sheepishly before sighing. "No, no problem." He said, annoyed. "I just don't see what the big deal is." He groaned as he started pulling off his t-shirt. It was clearly a struggle to pull the cotton material over his muscular pecs and shoulders, but finally he succeeded. "There." Aaron said.

Dr. Lubrique raised an eyebrow. The hunk still had on a tight white wife-beater covering his huge pecs. In fact, Kevin couldn't help but notice it perfectly outlined the shapely curves and droop of his nipples. The way they were arranged made him think of a plump, ripe fruit hanging from a tree. The young intern couldn't help but shift slightly to adjust his crotch.

"Excuse me?" The doctor asked impatiently as he pointed to the hunk's wife-beater.

Kevin noticed that Aaron's face looked nervous momentarily, his lips trembled slightly as he looked down at his pecs uncomfortably. However, he quickly masked this by rolling his eyes, and giving another exasperated sigh.

“So fucking ridiculous.” Aaron muttered under his breath as he began to lift his wife-beater up. It took a couple of seconds as Aaron’s smooth cocoa colored skin and hard abs began to come into view, until he finally managed to wrestle the top off. Kevin tried not to gasp at what was underneath.

Aaron's huge pecs, they were simply... spectacular. Gorgeous big breasts, smooth with volume, and roundness. They had a very erotic slight droop to them as well, with the way his wide dark brown nipples pointed to the ground. Despite the rest of Aaron's God-like body, there was something almost feminine about the voluptuous shape of his huge pecs. They were so breathtaking, that the young intern almost forgot to breathe.

Dr. Lubrique's eyes were also locked onto those magnificent breasts, more specifically those fat brown nipples. The areolas were so wide and dark they appeared almost like two circles drawn in ink, yet the center of each nub pointing outward, were shades lighter, almost umber in color.

The old doctor's fingers twitched with the urge to touch them, to grab hold and squeeze as he cupped the curves of those perfect breasts. His mouth watered at the thought of pinching those tasty looking nipples, or maybe even taking one between his lips and sucking. 'I bet he'd squeal and whimper like a little bitch…' he thought with a smirk.

Realizing how hard he was getting, Lubrique quickly shook his head from the lecherous thoughts. He turned his attention back to Kevin who was staring at Aaron's chest with his mouth open. "Kevin, you need to be taking notes, don't you?" He asked.

Kevin snapped out of his daze, before mumbling "Right, sorry."

As he fumbled for his smartphone, his hands still felt numb as he thought back to the sight he had just witnessed. Those were truly enormous breasts, almost impossible to believe someone, much less a man, could have such a chest endowment.


After Aaron got over the embarrassment of baring his huge pecs to the two men, his eyes suddenly became alert as he saw the doctor's dry looking hands approach him. "The fuck are you doing?" He hissed defensively as he flinched away slightly.

"Starting the examination." Dr. Lubrique announced, not even hesitating as he ignored the muscle hunk's discomfort and cupped the enormous breast.

"Hey..." Aaron gasped at the intrusion, once again trying to flinch away, but the doctor's cold hands remained firm. Aaron couldn't help but feel his nipples start to harden anxiously. He hated how sensitive his pecs and nipples were, and how it made his cock twitch.

Dr. Lubrique raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the now visibly aroused nipples. "Something wrong?" He asked, hiding a smirk.

Aaron's face flushed, but he kept his voice low. "No, it's... fine." He grumbled.

Kevin watched on, a mix of fascination and envy. He was beyond jealous of his mentor's right to touch those magnificent breasts, but was mesmerized by the way they seemed to react to being handled. It was almost as if the muscles in Aaron's chest knew he was supposed to be touched, and responded to it by growing more defined. His plump nipples were no longer drooping down, but pointing straight out, as if asking for someone to come and pinch them.

Aaron continued to squirm under the doctor's touch. "Should... Shouldn’t you be wearing gloves or something?" Aaron quietly argued, uncomfortable by the doctor's dry firm grip on his pecs.

"Absolutely fascinating." Dr. Lubrique moaned, ignoring the hunk's question. The doctor was in heaven, feeling such smooth, round male tits. His cock was now fully engorged, but thankfully camouflaged by his lab coat.

He had always been attracted to men with impressive physiques, but never touched one as spectacular as Aaron. Those huge, big jugs, and that beautiful, light brown skin... Aaron Loganfeld was a feast for the eyes and the hands. Dr. Lubrique's fingers twitched with the urge to squeeze them more lewdly, and maybe even take a nip out of those inviting dark brown nipples.

"These are quite magnificent breasts." He muttered.

The hunk cringed at the comment. "I don't have brea..."

"There's such a distinct plumpness in the front of these orbs." Dr. Lubrique interrupted.

"Hey... Hey stop, it hurts." Aaron lied, his heart pounding with nerves as his cock began to swell in his shorts.

Kevin couldn't stop staring at the scene before him. The way the doctor's hands cupped those massive pecs, and how the hunk’s whole body writhed. Those fat, brown nipples were like two cones. If there was ever a sight worth etching into Kevin’s memory forever, this was it. But he also couldn't help but notice Aaron's face, how uncomfortable it looked. Was It really just from the doctor's touch?

"What an unusual shape for a man." Dr. Lubrique quietly moaned. He couldn't help but slightly taunt the hunk, enjoying the look of embarrassment on his face as he fondled the perspiring tits. He lifted them up lewdly as he examined the droop a little more.

It was then that he noticed the fistful of fat right behind the nearly black nipple. His lips curved into a smirk as he thumbed the lump a little, for he knew very well what it meant. "Hmmm... There's something just underneath the skin here." Lubrique mused as if curious.

Aaron's eyes widened in fear as he heard the doctor's discovery. The humiliating souvenir from his dalliances with experimental hormones during his bodybuilding career. When Aaron first noticed the fat lumps in his pecs years ago, he knew it couldn’t be good for him, and ended his profession of competitive bodybuilding before judges could notice. For 8 years, he was able to camouflage the issue by making his pecs bigger and bigger each year. However, there was one other horrifying side effect from the hormone-usage that still lingered, when his nipples were pressed hard enough.

"No... STOP!" Aaron urgently insisted as the doctor's hands grew dangerously close to his nipples, but his argument fell to deaf ears.

"Just one moment longer, hold still." The doctor moaned, grinning in anticipation as his bare hands were about to touch those pulsing teats.

Aaron panicked at seeing where the doctor's fingers were going. With his heart racing in fear, he suddenly grabbed the doctor's wrist. Lubrique snapped out of his daze at his hand being firmly caught, just before he was about to pinch those sexy fat nipples. His wrinkled face was rather alarmed as the hunk stared at him.

"Nobody. Tweaks. My nipples." Aaron warned with a low growl, his expression cold and hard.

An uncomfortable Kevin watched the exchange nervously as he readjusted his crotch. He guessed he could understand if Aaron was a little sensitive to Dr. Lubrique's touch, but threatening the man just seemed a little extreme.

Dr. Lubrique's face remained calm, but his eyes showed a mixture of disappointment and curiosity. "Very well." He said evenly, as he wrangled his wrist out of Aaron's grip. "I suppose we can continue with this tomorrow."

He turned his attention to his intern. "Kevin, I'll be back soon, I'm just going to go make the correct arrangements for tomorrow." He announced as he turned to leave. "And maybe get some ice as well." He grumbled, massaging his wrist as he walked through the door.

As Kevin watched his mentor's white-gray hair vanish behind the little window on the door, he turned his attention back to the giant muscle hunk on the exam table. Aaron looked down at his bare breasts as he got his breathing under control.

"What the Hell is your problem?" Kevin asked aloud, breaking the silence. The handsome stud turned his attention to the young Filipino looking at him with furrowed brows. "He was just trying to do his job. Why were you being so defensive?" He asked.

Aaron sighed in exasperation. As if he was going to explain the problem with his pecs to some random guy in the hospital. "It's nothing." Aaron grumbled. "I... I just didn't like how his hands felt." He lied.

Kevin raised an eyebrow. "His hands?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, they were rough and cold." Aaron answered, it wasn't a total lie, but Kevin wasn't convinced.

The young intern looked down at his own hands momentarily. His heart raced slightly at the idea forming in his head. He turned his attention back to Aaron. "You know... my hands are warm." He stated a little nervously. "And definitely softer than Dr. Lubrique's."

Aaron eyed Kevin hesitantly. "So?" He asked. What was this kid getting at?

Kevin let out a sigh. "So, what if I continue the examination you prevented Dr. Lubrique from completing?" He suggested.

A look of disgust crossed Aaron's face. "Fuck no." He spat defensively. The muscle hunk saw the way the young intern looked at his body, the way he adjusted his junk during the examination. The kid was clearly a queer, and Aaron wasn't gonna be felt up by some perverted little freak.

Kevin sighed, starting to get Dr. Lubrique’s impatience. "Can you just be cooperative for like 3 minutes, please?" He asked exasperated. "Just so I can at least write something for your report, and we can disclose to your manager that you've been properly examined."

Aaron stared highly skeptical at the boy, who suddenly raised his hand as if in front of a jury. "I promise I won't go near your nipples, if it makes you feel better." Kevin swore.

Aaron still looked hesitant for a few more moments, but after letting out a sigh, he sat up straight on the exam table. "Okay." He said quietly.

Kevin's throat tightened slightly as he slowly approached the giant hunk of muscle, he couldn't believe this was happening. His heart pounded like a drum as he stared at those massive pecs. They were even bigger up close, the nipples were still hard from their previous touch, standing like two brown mountains. He couldn't help but be excited by the prospect of feeling them under his fingers.

Kevin reached out his trembling hands towards those massive pecs, but then at the last second, brought his hands close to his mouth, breathing on them a few times as he rubbed them together to warm them up.

Once warm, he gulped nervously before reaching out, slowly cupping one of those perfect mounds.

Aaron breathed, his eyes closed as he sighed.

"You okay?" Kevin asked nervously.

"Yeah actually." Aaron moaned in surprise.

Kevin smiled shyly, looking down at the beautiful body before him. He gently caressed the round muscle, running his fingers over the smooth skin. Aaron let out another soft moan. "Mmm... Yeah." Aaron murmured. "Much better..."

The young intern couldn't believe how amazing the plump breasts felt, so smooth and warm. The way the curves felt between his fingers made his own cock throb painfully in his scrubs. He took extra care not to touch those enormous nipples, no matter how badly he wanted to.

Aaron's eyes drifted shut again as Kevin used both hands to massage the magnificent mounds. The hunk couldn't remember the last time he felt this good. The sensation was incredible, and the fact that it was coming from a young, little queer made it all the more surreal. As the intern continued to caress the muscular chest, Aaron found himself getting lost in the moment. His heart raced, and he could feel his cock beginning to swell in his shorts.

Kevin noticed Aaron beginning to flush and felt a little guilty. If he was making the muscle hunk uncomfortable, he wasn't trying to, but he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of the huge mounds underneath his fingers.

Kevin slowly traced around the wide nipples, making sure not to touch them. As his fingers lingered though, he felt something. Suddenly looking at Aaron's breasts, he noticed the slightly firm lumps of fat just behind each teat. They were clearly what was causing the huge pecs to droop.

His eyes furrowed as he looked again at the big nipples in front of each lump. While they were deep brown, almost black, each nub in the center had a very distinct lightness to them. He knew these symptoms from his school textbooks, and knew they were the signs of Gynecomastia (or Gyno as Aaron had called it earlier.)

Kevin knew the light coloring at the tips of each nipple was an indication of high prolactin, usually a result of steroid use. If the young intern was correct, it would mean that Aaron had been lying to them.

The shirtless hunk could feel his cock getting harder and harder as he felt the young guy's hands trace around his nipples so carefully. The adrenaline from being touched like this was making his blood pump hard. As he slowly opened his eyes, he noticed the young intern's own eyes were staring very intently at his pecs.

"Is... something wrong?" Aaron moaned, getting Kevin's attention.

Kevin hesitated to speak for a moment, as he continued to massage the hunk’s huge breasts. "Uh... no." He lied. He didn't think confronting Aaron about his gyno right now was a very good idea.

"No, nothing's wrong." Kevin said again. "Your chest is... absolutely perfect."

Aaron smiled as he heard this, feeling his cock beginning to drip slightly from the intern's amazing touch.

"I'm actually almost done with the examination, if you want me to stop." Kevin asked.

"No!" Aaron said immediately. "Just... keep... keep going." He moaned softly.

Kevin felt a bit more confident now that he had Aaron's permission, and continued to caress those massive breasts, using both hands to squeeze and knead the muscle. Aaron let out a few more moans, enjoying the sensation as much as the young intern.

As Kevin continued to explore Aaron's chest, he couldn't help but notice the way the muscular hunk had sort of pulled him in closer, enough to feel the heat perspiring off Aaron's sexy body. Kevin's cock was painfully tenting his scrubs, but he didn't dare reach for it. That would mean removing his hands from these incredible breasts, and he couldn't bring himself to do that.

The two were so caught up in the shared lust they were giving each other, they failed to notice Dr. Lubrique standing on the other side of the door. He was about to enter the room, but had stopped upon noticing the scene through the door's window.

He watched in shock as his young intern had his hands around Aaron's big breasts. His eyes widened as he saw them both breathing heavily, and Aaron's grip on the intern's shoulders tightening.

Dr. Lubrique's mind raced as he watched with jealousy. The enormous hunk was not flinching or complaining about his big jugs being touched by the intern. Aaron was clearly enjoying being fondled and groped by Kevin, the two looked practically close enough to kiss.

The elderly doctor's nostrils flared with envy. HE should've been the one squeezing Aaron's big breasts. HE should've been the one close enough to nurse on those fat nipples, not some intern who was not even in medical school yet. He walked away from the door as he felt the blood rushing to his head.

Kevin felt his cock getting painfully hard in his scrubs as he continued to massage Aaron's tits. He was so close, and by the looks of it so was the muscle hunk. Aaron’s light brown skin was soaked in a sheen of sweat as his big breasts were worked over.

"Oh god... I'm about to... about to..." Aaron moaned as he felt his orgasm coming.

Kevin, too busy squeezing, barely registered that the hunk was talking. "I'm sorry, what did you s..." Just as he spoke however, his fingernail accidentally brushed against the hunk's pulsing nipple.

"OOOOOhhhhhh...." Aaron moaned loudly enough that Kevin immediately let go of his tits in fear. He stepped back and watched as the hunk squeezed his eyes shut during his climax. As if they were some kind of life preserver, Aaron grabbed his enormous pecs as he felt his cock explode.

"Holy shit." Kevin gasped as he lowered his gaze, watching the stain on the hunk's tented shorts grow bigger and bigger, until it became near translucent with warm cum.

When he was finished, Aaron let out several heavy breaths, the relief was painfully sweet. As he slowly opened his eyes, he saw the young intern standing completely still, his near pitch black eyes were wide and not blinking. Aaron followed the Filipino's gaze and looked down, tilting forward slightly so he could see past his enormous pecs. When he saw that his shorts were completely soaked in his semen, his eyes widened. His already flush cheeks turned even redder as he replayed the last 10 minutes in his mind.

"Goddamnit." He groaned in buried anger and embarrassment, leaning his head back in icy disgust. He had let the queer intern feel him up, making him cum, and now the perverted little freak probably thought he was into that sort of thing.

"It's okay, Aaron." Kevin said, trying to diffuse the giant's discomfort. "You don’t have to be embarrassed, it's a perfectly natural response to get a little excited from..."

"I'm not gay." Aaron quickly interrupted in a defensive tone.

Kevin blinked and unconsciously flinched backward slightly, taken off guard by Aaron’s aggressive statement. "I’m sorry, what? I… I don't under..."

"It's not what you think.” Aaron once again interrupted him. “I saw the way you were looking at me, and I'm not into that kinda shit, you got it?" Aaron spat, trying hard to hide how exposed and emasculated he was feeling.

Kevin narrowed his eyes at Aaron, his lips a tight line. He had never been offended by a patient before, but he had been told never to take it personally when it happens. That seemed a little impossible in this instance though.

"I wasn't thinking that. You don't need to worry." Kevin said in a low growl.

"Okay." Aaron stated, staring at him intently.

"Although you should probably be worried about the big stain on your shorts." Kevin reminded him. He tried to hold back a smirk as Aaron once again blushed as he looked down at his shorts. The evidence of the intern's handiwork, and contradictions to his previous statements.

"Fuck." Aaron hissed as he tried to wipe it away, looking around nervously for some kind of paper towel or something.

Kevin rolled his eyes as he watched the handsome hunk's pathetic display. "I can go find you a pair of shorts or pants from the lost and found. You could probably put your shirt back on, as I think we're done with your examination for today."

Kevin turned to make his way to the door, but not before turning around once more. As the enormous hunk struggled to put his wife-beater back on, his huge pecs jiggled in such an incredibly alluring way. His puffy brown nipples were still pointing straight outward from their session.

Kevin smirked as he watched, feeling his balls turning blue. Aaron was one of the most incredible specimens he had seen in his entire life, it was a shame that he was such an asshole.

Kevin walked out of the exam room and down the hallway, completely unaware that Dr. Lubrique was standing a few feet behind, seething. As he watched his young intern walk away, Lubrique felt his anger and envy building once more.

The older doctor slowly approached the exam room's door, his eyes widening as he peaked through the window. Aaron was now dressed in ONLY his wife-beater as he arched forward slightly, focused on something in front of him. With his back facing the door, his wide bare ass was front and center to the doctor's lecherous gaze. The hunk’s rump was so smooth, fat, and round, like two melons.

As the giant moved slightly, Lubrique could see that Aaron had been wiping the insides of his shorts with only a tissue. He felt his jealousy bubbling back up to the surface as he connected the dots in his head. Kevin had gotten the enormous hunk off, staining Aaron's shorts in the process.

The muscle hunk had grabbed Dr. Lubrique's wrists for getting a little enthusiastic while touching his tits, but creamed his pants when his intern did it?

The doctor so badly wanted to slap that fat ass right now, spank Aaron senseless until those round, cocoa colored cheeks were red and tender, and the enormous hunk was whimpering beneath him like a little bitch, begging for mercy.

He obviously knew he couldn't do this of course, but Dr. Lubrique didn't like being made a fool. He wanted to punish Aaron for this, for making him feel small.

As he noticed the hunk slowly putting his shorts back on, his eyes were once again drawn to those huge pecs in his wife-beater; More specifically, at those cone-like lumps sticking out at the bottom of each breast.

As he stared at them, Dr. Lubrique's mouth curved into a wicked smirk as an idea formed in his head. He probably couldn’t spank Aaron, but he knew a way to humiliate him just as well. Lubrique grinned in excitement for Aaron's examination tomorrow.