The Telemachus Story Archive

Research Grant
Chapter 1 - Research Grant
By JMack
Email: JMack

The short, portly little professor walked up and down between the desks as he passed back the exam booklets to his students. "Most of you did very well, although some of you need to work on how to express yourselves in writing", he stopped in front of Dick's desk and slid the light blue booklet onto the desk top. "You will find my comments throughout and your overall grade listed on the last page." The professor continued down the aisle toward the large oak desk at the front of the room.

Dick Grayson opened his exam paper expecting to see a red A on the back page. He rarely got anything but outstanding grades and was expecting nothing less on Professor Raynor's latest Philosophy exam. Just a week ago, in this very chair, he had spewed out everything that he and Bruce had reviewed in preparation for the exam. He was confident there was no way that he hadn't aced yet another test. As he folded the back page open, where he expected to see a grade, there was none. Rather, in the professor's neat handwriting, read a brief message. "Be in my office at four o'clock. Come alone and wear the uniform. I know who you are!"

A cold sweat formed on his hands and forehead as he reread the message from his professor. "I know who you are!" What does that mean? How is that possible? To his knowledge he had been more than careful. No one could possibly know who is alter ego was: Robin, the Boy Wonder.

At 6'1 and 190 lean pounds of solid muscle Dick Grayson was exactly what Professor Robert Raynor dreamed about. With piercing green eyes, a flawless complexion, square jaw and wavy dark hair the young man was stunning. Raynor had admired hundreds of college age men in his years as a professor but rarely had a young man caught his eye the way that Dick Grayson had. His movements were that of a gymnast. His gait was strong and confident and he spoke with an air of authority that most young men, even when they were convinced of their accuracy, couldn't muster. The kid was special and from the first time he'd walked into class Raynor had admired him. It wasn't until the interview he'd seen on one of the news channels that he pick up on it. Robin, the Batman's sidekick, was watching the Dark Knight as he recapped the tracking of some random Gotham lunatic prior to his capture. The inquisitive look in kid's eyes was familiar but when the camera turned to him, just before he answered the question directed at him from the bubble headed reporter he blinked slowly two times- just as the hot kid in his Wednesday and Friday afternoon philosophy lecture did every time he was asked a question. A stalling technique to gather his thoughts was a key to his identity that only a true admirer would have noticed. Raynor knew at that moment. Dick Grayson, the tall, athletic stallion that sat in the third row during every lecture; the kid with the beautiful green eyes- he was Robin.

Grayson looked down at the last page of his booklet again as his fellow classmates gathered their backpacks and began to leave the room. "Be in my office at four o'clock. Come alone and wear the uniform. I know who you are!" Trying to gather his thoughts, wondering what Batman would think of his failure to keep his identity safe. Taking a deep breath he looked up at Professor Raynor, now sitting behind his desk. A slight smile crept across the older man's face; he nodded in Grayson's direction and mouthed the phrase, "I know who you are."

Dick Grayson knew he had to talk to his professor, alone at four o'clock, even before he shared his mistake with Batman. Perhaps he could fix this.

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