The Telemachus Story Archive

The Fifty pence Demon
By Hooder

The Fifty-pence Demon

Luc came across the book in the second-hand market, on one of those house clearance stalls. It was at the bottom of a cardboard box alongside a cheese grater, a broken clock and an assortment of brass doorknobs. He wasn't sure what made him pick it up but it looked old. Luc taught classics at the university, and he'd recognised Archaic Latin words on the cover. That interested him greatly. The book wasn't very thick, and as he flicked through the pages he saw bizarre illustrations interspersed with ornate handwriting. Most of the text was indeed early Latin, but there were other bits he wasn't sure about. He paid the man his 50p and took it home.

"Huh." He sat back and lit a cigarette.

What he was looking at, it seemed, was a ritual to summon a demon. If you searched for such a thing online you'd get loads of spurious hits – but the fact that this had come from what was clearly a very old book intrigued him. Luc would say that he believed in neither God nor the Devil, but this fascinated him. He read the text more closely.

Suspiciously little was, apparently, needed in the way of paraphernalia to conduct the ritual – in fact all that was required was an onion, a black candle, some salt, and the book itself. He'd have thought that at the very least an eye of newt would have been compulsory.

The parts of the text he hadn't been sure about turned out to be Coptic, a language he was not so familiar with, but logging into the university computer provided a translation page which included it. There were some lines he'd have to speak, but among the functions on the website was a pronunciation thing where you typed in some text and an electronic voice would speak it for you. As he was fresh out of Coptic keyboards, he'd have to scan the characters to get them into the computer, but that was no problem. Then he could learn how to say the lines – or perhaps just recording them and playing them back at the appropriate times might work.

He looked at the clock. It was late; he'd prepare everything and have a go tomorrow.

Luc placed the laptop down on the table in his playroom. He wasn't quite sure why he'd decided to do this in the playroom; perhaps, he chuckled to himself, if a demon did appear, it would be easier to confine him – although, if he'd read the ritual correctly, anything that materialised would be imprisoned inside the circle of salt he was instructed to pour on the floor. The playroom wasn't as cluttered as his living room, and anyway it just seemed to him a more appropriate place.

He shook his head, not believing he was actually going to try this; it was the sort of thing a thirteen-year old would do, not a thirty-two year old.

He took the black candle (courtesy of 'Wicked Things Ltd.' on the high street) and the onion, and put them down beside the laptop. After drawing the circle of salt on a clear area of floor in front of the shelves that held the leather hoods, gags and blindfolds, he sat down, lit the candle, and checked that the sound files were cued up on the computer. The he re-read what he had to do very carefully. It seemed pretty straightforward.

What was he doing? he laughed to himself. Oh well, it was a fun way to waste an afternoon.

He began.

The ritual took about fifteen minutes and involved much arm-waving. He'd tried to learn how to pronounce the Coptic lines, but it involved sounds his vocal chords were ill-equipped to make – at least in the order that they were required – so he played the sound files he'd recorded at the right times instead.

After he'd made the final sign, he lowered his arms and waited.

As he'd expected, nothing happened. The playroom remained disappointingly empty of demons. Oh well.

Luc chuckled, blew out the candle and closed the laptop. He picked up the onion and was about to take everything back downstairs when he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. Specks of dust caught in one of the room's spotlights were dancing around like a tiny whirlwind. As he looked, more dust seemed to coalesce, and the whirlwind got bigger. This continued until Luc began to get alarmed. He eyed the steel restrains on the bondage table uneasily.

There was an explosion of light and sound. When the dust settled, Luc was no longer alone.

He stared, mouth open, at the apparition before him. Standing over eight feet high, it had glowing red eyes set in a pale, bald head; tattered and pointed ears; a slash of a mouth through which showed what looked like yellow, file-sharpened teeth, and an unpleasant, pointed nose. However, Luc's attention had moved on. From the neck down the figure had a body that – for Luc – absolutely oozed sex. Slab-like pecs and a perfect six-pack led his eyes downwards to a wide steel belt from which hung a black cloth, covering his genitals. Naked thighs the diameter of Luc's waist followed, and the muscular legs were encased in what looked like enormous motorcycle boots but which were seemingly made of black metal. The apparition's skin was pale and shiny.

Luc's first thought was that the steel restraints would need to be bigger. His second thought was that he was very probably about to die.

"WHO DARES SUMMON ME?" It was a roar.

Luc briefly considered the sycophantic approach, but decided on the conversational instead. "Erm, I did. Who are you?"

The figure rotated its head slowly and gave Luc a piercing glare. "I AM LEDLAC. I SIT AT THE LEFT HAND OF THE NAMELESS ONE. I AM THE BRINGER OF ANGUISH."

Luc swallowed. His cock was fighting his brain. His cock won. "Your thighs are amazing."

"WHAT?" The figure looked down. "MY THIGHS?"

"Yes. They're unbelievably sexy. And please stop roaring. I can hear you quite well."


"Well please don't. So you're a demon. Ok. Well from the neck down you're a very sexy demon."

Ledlac jerked his head in confusion. His clawed hands reached out, testing the confines of the salt circle. "WHY HAVE YOU-" he stopped, then started again, reducing the volume, "why have you summoned me, human?"

Luc was mesmerised by the monumental hunkiness of the figure in front of him. Even just standing there, every little movement of the demon's body sent shivers of lust through him. "Do demons have cocks? Have you got one under there?"

"COCKS? OF COURSE DEMONS HAVE COCKS. YOU WANT TO SEE IT, HUMAN?" He swept the black cloth upwards defiantly. "LOOK UPON IT AND WEEP."

Luc wasn't weeping, he was drooling. The cock was as thick as Luc's wrist and at least twelve inches long – and at the moment it was soft. His fingers began to itch. "Does it wor k? I mean, do demons…"


"Oh fuck. I want to get that cock hard. I want to tease it. I want to edge it. I want to make it cum."

Ledlac frowned. "THIS IS NOT – this is not usual." He let the black cloth fall back.

"Perhaps not, but I summoned you and that's what I want to do to you."

The demon raised his head and roared at the ceiling. "I AM LEDLAC – THE BRINGER OF ANGUISH."

"Yes, so you said. But I want to bring you a bit of anguish. Don't worry, you'll enjoy it."

Ledlac looked around the room. "WHAT – what is all of this? What are these things for?" He was pointing at the steel wrist and ankle cuffs attached to the restraint table.

Luc smiled. "This is my playroom, where I edge boys. Those are to hold the boys helpless while I work on their cocks."

Ledlac looked back at him. "WHAT IS THIS 'EDGING' YOU SPEAK OF?"

Luc told him. In graphic detail.

The demon was silent for a while. He was clearly thinking about this – and as he did so his enormous cock began to get hard. Twice he opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it again. The cock continued to stiffen, both lengthening and getting broader.

Finally, looking at the steel restraints, the demon shook his head. "These would not hold me."

"No, I'd been thinking about that. They're not big enough either."

Ledlac closed his eyes and there were sharp, localised explosions.

Luc stared – the steel restraints were now three times the size, and the table to which they were attached was suddenly steel, not wood as it had been.

"Now THOSE would hold me."

"O-kay." Luc stood up. "Now, see, I have a problem. I'll have to break the salt circle for you to get out of it, but that will release you and then you'll be able to anything you want to me. I suspect that wouldn't end well."

"You interest me, mortal. This 'edging' you tell me about is not something I am familiar with. It sounds… interesting. I wish to experience it."

"But you still might pull my arms and legs off afterwards."

Ledlac looked at him. "If you will do this 'edging' to me I will not harm you."

"I only have your word for that."

"YOU DOUBT THE WORD OF LEDLAC? " The light fittings shook.

Luc considered. If he wanted to do this, he couldn't see any other way but to release him. "All right. If you give me your word, Ledlac, I will accept it."

The demon huffed. "I GIVE YOU MY WORD."

Luc crouched down, brushed away some of the salt, and immediately jumped back. His heart rate was high.

Ledlac stepped out of the circle slowly. He turned to Luc. "What must I do?"

"Lie on the table."

For such a large figure the demon's movements were surprisingly fluid. Luc salivated, watching the flexing muscles as Ledlac walked to the table and lay down on it. Cat-like, he thought.

It was unnerving to be so close to the demon, but Luc locked the restraints over the massive wrists and booted ankles. He'd have liked more straps, but he had nothing that would keep the creature in place. "Can you make a couple of straps to go over your pelvis and chest?"

There were more explosions and the straps were there. They were not the leather that Luc had been expecting, but rather some kind of flexible metal. He fastened them tightly. "Try to move."

Ledlac tried. There was much creaking but the restraints held him immobile.

"Excellent. Back in a tick." Luc walked to the end of the room where all his gear was stored on hangers, stripped, and put on the leather jeans, boots and jacket that turned him on most of all.

Ledlac was watching him. "Why do you change your skins?"

Luc smiled. "Because leather feels much more sexy. Turns me on. Makes me horny. You understand that?"

"Strange – but I understand."

"It will also make me want to make you suffer more."


Luc moved the black cloth up out of the way and stared at the demon's semi-hard cock. It was gigantic, and below it hung balls that would have made a bull deeply envious. Now he'd got this far he didn't know how to start. He enclosed the base of the cock – or at least he tried to – his fingers would not meet behind it. Making his touch very light indeed, he moved his hand up the full length of the shaft, stopping only when he got to the ridge below the bulbous head. Back down again. Then individual fingers teasing, squeezing, and tickling it all around. The cock stiffened even more. After a minute it was at full, eye-watering erection.


"No, no, no. As you will find out, Ledlac, this is all about frustration. You'll want it harder, you'll want it faster, you'll want all sorts of things. But I won't do them. And the restraints are there so that you can't do them yourself, or make me do them."

"Hm." Ledlac was frowning. His cock jerked.

Luc could still not believe the size of the thing; as it had stiffened it had also lengthened more. His arms would be aching by the time he finished.

He continued to work on the shaft – so far he'd purposely not touched any part of the head at all. The demon's pale skin looked hard and a bit scaly, but it was in fact surprisingly soft, just like a regular cock, in fact.

After a few minutes Ledlac began to complain again. "DO IT HARDER! HARDER! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?"

"Oh I understand perfectly. Just relax and enjoy it."

Luc investigated the huge balls for a while, seeing how lightly he could tickle and tease them. Judging by the noises Ledlac was making it seemed that demons could feel everything just as much as humans could. The table creaked and groaned as he moved about on it.

Time for some lube.


Luc explained what it was. He wasn't sure that the demon understood the effects it would have, but as his slippery hand glided up and down the steel-hard cock it soon became very clear that Ledlac had found out.

He groaned – a deep, rumbling sound like a captive tiger. "THE HEAD. WORK ON THE HEAD, FUCKER."

"Patience. I'll get there eventually."

Ledlac's size, his solidity, the proportions of his cock and the fact that he was, in fact, a demon, had all led Luc to assume that he would be very resistant to edging – if, indeed, it were possible to edge a demon at all. But as he worked on him, he began to get the feeling that that was not, in fact, the case. Luc had edged a lot of cocks in his time, and the way Ledlac was reacting suggested to him that it would be easy to get him to the point of orgasm. In spite of this Luc was not prepared for what happened next. He'd thought it was time to start on the cock head, so he'd stroked freshly-lubed fingers over the shiny glans. The touch had been as light as a feather – but with a deafening roar that surpassed in volume anything that had come from him thus far, the demon began to cum.

Luc swore to himself, but he knew it was too late, so he enclosed the bulbous head as much as he could and rubbed it firmly. The force of the spunk that issued from it batted his fingers out of the way, but Luc put them back and continued until the demon's orgasm had finished. This took a surprisingly long time.

Once the roaring had stopped and Ledlac had recovered sufficiently to speak, he raised his head from the table and looked at Luc. "THAT – that was edging?"

Luc looked contrite. "No, no it wasn't. The point of edging is not to allow you to cum."

The demon dropped his head back. "SO DO IT AG AIN. PROPERLY."

"I will, when you've recovered."

"I am recovered. Do it."

Luc couldn't believe that he was ready to go again so soon, but what did he know about demons? He took some tissues and mopped up some of the spunk – there was far too much to get it all , and there was some on the ceiling that he couldn't reach.

This time he was much more careful. He pulled on some thin black rubber gloves, lubed them well, and re-commenced working on the giant cock and balls. Very soon Ledlac began moaning, then writhing on the table, and then complaining.


"Ok. If that's what you want…" Luc concentrated hard, and used just two fingertips. He slid them over the glans, around the ridge, and over the two large bumps of the urethra. Whenever he thought the demon was getting close, he stopped completely – and Ledlac roared. He threatened, he swore, and then he pleaded. Loudly. This was much more like it, Luc thought.

With a finger and thumb he gently gripped the cock on the ridge, and stroked very slowly over the demon's frenulum. This brought the loudest roaring so far. Luc was getting into this; he'd got the measure of the creature now, and he started to get off on the edging. Once he'd got the demon to the point of orgasm and could control him, Luc's cock had got hard in his leather jeans.

"Do you want to cum yet?" He asked mischievously.


"I'll take that as a yes, then. And you gave me your word that I would not be harmed."

Ledlac groaned and shook his huge head from side to side. "Make me cum." his voice had dropped to a whimper.

"You wanted to experience edging. This is edging. Doesn't it feel good?"

"It feels too good. I had no idea it was possible to do this to a cock."

"You should get out more, Ledlac." On an impulse Luc climbed onto the table and lowered his leather-clad body on top of the demon. Ledlac let out a gasp as the cool, shiny black leather made contact with his naked skin. Luc's head only came up as far as the demon's pecs, but that was Ok with him. He reached down and positioned the huge cock between his thighs, then squeezed them together around it. "Feel that black leather around your cock? Does it feel good?" He had no idea if leather would have any effect on the demon, but by the manic thrusting of his pelvis, Luc guessed that it did.

He felt that Ledlac was on the verge of cumming again, so he parted his thighs to deprive the cock of stimulus.

Ledlac roared in frustration. "SQUEEZE, YOU FUCKER! I WAS GOING TO CUMMMMM!"

Excellent, Luc thought. He waited, then closed his thighs together again tightly. The thrusting began anew below him.

Luc continued doing this for a long time. Lying on top of such a powerful, muscular victim who was totally helpless, and being able to control him so completely was turning Luc on like he wouldn't have believed. He needed to cum every bit as urgently as Ledlac did.

Each time he stopped squeezing, the demon roared and thrust harder in his frantic attempt to make himself cum. But Luc was in control of him, and made quite sure that that was not about to happen.

He climbed off the table. "So, you do like leather then."


Luc smiled. A demon with a sense of humour. He looked around the playroom – "I don't have a hood anything like big enough…" He had an idea. From the rail of gear at the end of the room he took a pair of heavy leather jeans, fastened them closed, and turned them inside out. He went to the end of the table and pulled them well down over Ledlac's head, then tied them in place with the legs around his neck. It worked – the demon's head was now enclosed by shiny black leather, and he couldn't get it off.

He groaned. "Why did you you do that?" The voice was muffled under the jeans.

"It will make it worse for you. Now you can't see anything. The black leather pressing over your face will force you to concentrate on what I'm doing to your cock. The edging will be much more effective."

There was a pause. "You would make a good demon," said Ledlac.

Luc laughed. "Why thank you." He re-lubed his rubber gloves, and set to work on his victim again.

As time passed, Luc had widened the area of his attention to include first the massive thighs – the insides of them had proved to be extremely rewarding, especially higher up – and then the rest of the demon's body. He'd loved stroking and licking Ledlac's pecs, and playing with his nipples had caused a great deal of pleasured roaring. But always he'd returned to the cock and the massive balls. Tickling the demon's balls, and just behind them, had driven Ledlac mad, so Luc had spent a long time doing that.

The afternoon had become evening, and then night. He was teasing the cock head around the ridge with just a couple of fingers – he'd found that of all the things he'd done to the demon, this kept him close to the edge and frustrated him most of all. Making Ledlac suffer like this had turned Luc on more than anything had ever done. For hours he'd badly needed to cum himself but, although he could have wanked himself off at any time, he hadn't, so that he'd stay horny and sadistic.

But he had work tomorrow, so he realised, regretfully, that he must stop. He decided that he'd bring Ledlac right to the very edge extremely slowly one more time, and then make him cum – but even more slowly. After all the work he'd put in over the past hours – the enormous bull balls were blue – he thought that should make for a very good orgasm indeed.

He gripped the base of the cock head very lightly, as he had done before, and rotated his hand back and forth by tiny degrees, sliding his slippery rubber fingertips over the frenulum each time, while with his other hand he worked on the balls. All the while he was carefully monitoring both the noises the demon was making, and also the flexing muscles. Luc brought him right to the very edge, and, with his now much-better knowledge of Ledlac's responses, he held him exactly there for over five minutes.

Ledlac had been struggling, swearing, cursing and writhing on the table during all of this, and roaring manically with every breath he took. For the last five minutes he'd been on the very point of cumming, but the fucking human always held orgasm just a hair's breadth out of his reach.

Luc's intention now was to push the demon over the edge as slowly as he possibly could.

Very, very gently, he did so.

Luc felt the demon start to cum. He waited until the first gob of spunk began to pump out, then he suddenly enclosed the whole head with his lubed rubber fingers and milked it fast and hard, while tugging on the massive balls.

The roar that came from Ledlac beat every previous one hands down. His massive body convulsed on the table, he fought the restraints, he thrust his hips, straining the metal straps over them. A tsunami of spunk arced into the air, and because the cock was jerking around so violently, it landed everywhere. With his slippery rubber-gloved hand sliding on thick gobs of it, Luc didn't stop milking the demon until the huge balls were completely dry. He'd never in his life seen an orgasm that lasted as long, or with more spunk. Great pools of it lay glistening on the muscular legs, on the table top, on the floor, and there were rivers of it running down Luc's leathers.

Ledlac collapsed back onto the table, panting hard.

Luc removed the makeshift hood from around the demon's head. "That was edging. With leather. Did you enjoy that?"

The demon raised his head from the table and looked at his cock as if he'd never seen it before. "I had no idea…" he said when he was capable of speech again. "The intensity…"

Luc sat down on the chair and unzipped his leather jeans. "You'll have to excuse me, I badly need to have a wank."

Ledlac watched as Luc brought himself off with a few few strokes.

After Luc had cum, he chuckled. "That is a very small cock."

"Thank you." Luc smiled wryly. "But my body is a lot smaller than yours. And I haven't had any complaints yet." He wiped himself off and zipped his jeans back up, then he stood up and looked at the demon. "Right, I'd better get you off there. I have to work tomorrow."

There were more explosions. Ledlac got off the table. "No need."

Luc stared. "You could have escaped at any time?"

"Of course. I am a demon."

Luc saw that the table and restraints were back to the way they had been before. He frowned. "Why didn't you? You looked like you wanted to get out of those restraints very badly."

"Then I would not have experienced the edging properly."

Luc nodded. The demon had more self-discipline than he would have had in that situation.

Ledlac nodded. "Very well. Thank you, human. It was… interesting." He pointed a large, clawed finger. "But I caution you not to summon more demons, most are not as gentle as I am."

He bowed his head once, there was a cloud of dust, and he was gone. The smell of ozone lingered in the room for some reason.

It was a couple of days later. Luc was in the playroom having a complicated wank involving much leather. He'd only just got started when the swirling cloud of dust appeared again. It grew, and grew. There was a blinding flash of light accompanied by a deep rumble. Luc sat up on the restraint table and stared.

It wasn't Ledlac. It was much bigger. It also had wings, and a goat's head. And from the neck down the figure's muscular body was encased in the tightest, the shiniest, the horniest, most bulging black leather Luc had ever seen. The rectangular pupils stared at him from yellow eyes.

Luc swallowed. "Wh – who are you?" He was afraid that he already knew the answer.

The voice was deeper than any Luc had ever heard. It filled his universe completely and commanded his absolute attention. "I have many names. You may call me Satan."

"S-Satan?" Oh shit.

"You summoned one of my minor demons. I thought it would be amusing to show you what real edging is like…"

Luc swallowed again. "Real edging?"

He didn't know how it happened, but abruptly he found himself flat on the table, the steel restraints locked around his arms and legs, heavy straps over his body, his leather jeans gone.

The apparition glided closer to the table. "Yes. Real edging."

The figure plucked something out of the air – it was a leather mask. He put it on. With his goat head hidden, he was total, pure, horny black leather perversion. Luc's cock stiffened to full erection instantly.

Something else appeared in his hands: an evil-looking, studded, heavy black leather hood. It came closer, closer. Then it was around Luc's head, seeming to shrink until it was very, very tight indeed. Luc struggled, helpless in the leather blackness.

As he felt clawed fingers touch his cock, a demented, terrifyingly evil shriek of gloating sadism filled the room.