The Telemachus Story Archive

H. O. M. E.
Part 25 - Chapter 25
By Fin

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H.O.M.E. 25

by Fin


"Come on boy."

The glare was painful.

"It's time to wake up Sam."

His eyelids blinked on their own.

"We've come a long way to find you."

"Dad?" whispered the blonde lad with all the strength his weakened body could muster.

"He's awake!" cried out another voice from the blurry half of the universe.

The boy felt himself hugged closer to the chest of the one nearby.

"Oh Sam. We thought we lost you, boy," cried Franklin unabashedly above his son. The man had journeyed so far through so much, that he was having a tough time not squeezing the life out of the lad now that the boy was finally here.

"How... how did you find me?" asked Samuel Blade weakly, shivering in the arms of his father. The blonde lieutenant commander was still wet with the viscous clear liquid that filled the circular incubation vat. It clung to his skin, freezing him to his bones, making concentration difficult.

"We got your message," said his younger older brother somewhere above. "We're sorry it took so long."

Coughing, Sam struggled to his knees.

"Long? How long has it been James?" questioned the soldier confused.

"Well let's just say that you are looking pretty good for a centenarian, brother."

More of his memories starting to return, the lieutenant commander tried to stand in a hurry!

"Kyrce! He's gone mad! He wants to bring back..."

"It's okay Sam," answered Franklin as he steadied his wobbly son.

"You don't understand," said the boy. "He's going to kill us all."

The deranged captain had over the many cycles removed the lad briefly from his containment in the cloning facility several times in order to initialize some new Idiot technology or update his soldier on the progress he was making. During his limited time among the conscious, Samuel Blade was not won over much to his commanding officer's argument.

"The engine can not be reactivated," explained the lieutenant commander. "It will draw its energy from our sun itself!"

Franklin swore. It wasn't just The Core and everyone else on it at stake anymore. Kyrce was even willing to risk Earth in order to save it! The man had to be stopped!

"We can worry about that later boy," said the ret. admiral. "For now we have to get you out of here while they are distracted by the tests above."

"It's already started!" exclaimed the blonde lad in shock. The boy tried to limp away out of the chamber in a hurry.

"Sam, where are you going?" yelled out James as he rushed to catch up with his brother. Franklin did the same, hoisting one of his son's arms over his shoulders.

"That's not the way boy."

The soldier shook his head.

"I can stop it from down here," said the Blade to his family, gesturing for them to make a left into the hallway before them. "It's just this way."

Entering a small room nearby without encountering any guards in the way, the three men shut the hatch quickly. Samuel then flipped on several switches on a device mounted to the central table and lifted a head attachment into the air.

"You're going to have to play defense," he said to his rescuers. "I'm going to be out of it for awhile."

"What are you going to do?" questioned his brother as he braced the door.

"Show Kyrce what a mistake it was to create so many Blades," answered Sam.

Water stood somewhere several hundred meters above in the growing crowd of spectators that had assembled from throughout The Core in order to watch the historic flight. From this vantage, The Slime Lord had a clear view of the entire airway as the Icarus I began to do laps through the center of Outer Ring City.

"Has anyone gotten word from my brother yet?" asked Slim under his breath. The human man's team had returned to the surface unsuccessfully with no knowledge of the whereabouts of Franklin and his son, whom had been lost in the resulting chase.

Meanwhile The Slime Lord had watched the elderly Captain Kyrce board the Icarus I on the launch platform above along with a new crew of alien attendants. The ancient science vehicle then slowly lifted into the air, its rusty engines roaring back to life. It would require several circuits through the center of Outer Ring City along the rows of energy spires in order for the craft to reach sufficient velocity, and the spacecraft had already completed about half.

"I have word of him," said one of the Sams suddenly, his eyes glowing as he turned to face his former boss.

"You do?" asked Slim surprised. "Well where is he then!?"

"Down below with me, the real Sam," said the one on the surface. "It's nice to make your acquiantence... Uncle?"

Deep down beneath several stories of thick metal, the Sam wearing a flashing device on his forehead opened his eyes and turned to Franklin.

"I didn't know you had a brother."

Then his eyes opening wider than he ever could have thought possible, the boy then turned to James instead.

"And who is... Sammy!?"

"It's sort of a long story Sam," said James sheepishly.

"You'll have to save it," answered his blonde real brother with eyes unseeing to the room. "It's started!"

Back above in the center of the ring, a vortex in space time had opened above Outer Ring City. The energy pillars had begun to steal their energy from The Sun all the way across the dimension divides to that of the exit universe.

It would not be much longer until the Stellar Engine activated fully once more.

Then the rest of the Sams awakened all at one time, all under one control.

Several hundred thousand of them at once.

Older ones, younger ones, bald ones, shaggy ones.

An entire city of Sams had come to Earth's defense!

Their target? The spires powering the engine propelling the Icarus I faster and faster above.

Racing toward the huge beams from every corner of the metropolis, the athletic boys quickly overwhelmed the alien's stationed to protect them by sheer numbers alone. Then placing their palms flat on the pillars, the Sams then began to in unison... will them to fall.

Meanwhile the Icarus I was zooming through the enclosed sky above faster than ever, the breach opened before it sizzling and crackling with The Sun's stolen force. It would only need to finish one more circuit before it had attained enough speed to jump the dimensional barriers!

But more Sams were swarming the spires below, each and every one of their eyes glowing as their brains and bodies acted all as one. The boys had to climb onto the shoulders of the ones at the base just in order to touch the huge spikes, such was the amount of them covering its surface.

From the viewport of The Icarus I, Captain Reginold Kyrce watched as the humans in The Core raced to thwart his mad endeavors. He had worked so long with The Council for this moment. And they were about to succeed! They had to!

But the energy pillar before the streaking craft then began to spark wildly as the vehicle passed by, tilting from vertical as it began to fall. Then the next one along the course did so as well just before The Icarus I could reach it. Then the next one after that!

The Sams had done it!

The wormhole to Earth shuddered as the power matrix around it began to collapse, the breach beginning to shrink! Energy arcs whipped throughout Outer Ring City as the spires of the doomed Stellar Engine died without an encore performance.

The Icarus I, caught in the twisting mass of chaotic force waves, acceleterated faster than its tolerance limits could take. The craft began to disintigrate in a shower of light and metal as the vehicle sped toward the vanishing portal. Then it exploded meters before the window to Earth closed one last time forever.

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