The Telemachus Story Archive

The Hollywood Agency 4
Part 2 - Chapter 13 "Lights, Action, Shoot"
By Dylan (Illustrated by Dylan)

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The Hollywood Agency Book -4-

Chapter 13: “Lights, Action, Shoot”

Next to him, Callum could feel Troy perk up. John Meyers let a flicker of surprise cross his face. He peered closely at his naked model, and he had to admit that seeing Callum spanked would be a definite turn-on, particularly since he knew that Troy would really do a number on the model's ass.

John had been shocked when Troy popped off a load while being spanked. He knew his son really hated to be spanked, and he almost never shot a load of boy-cream while he was getting his butt burnished, not even when his Dad was working those hard little globes over.

John knew that Troy wasn't faking his embarrassment over that. His son had really been humiliated when Callum forced him to cum. This wasn't something his son was going to let pass without exacting his painful revenge.

But it was just a little too early in Callum's training for a spanking, particularly the hard spanking Troy would surely give the model. That would come soon, but not yet. Troy would just have to wait for pay-back, though Meyers was sure that Callum would pay in spades for today's little humiliation. Right now Meyers had a different humiliation in mind for Callum, one that would actually advance his training along pre-planned lines.

"I'm glad to hear you accept responsibility for your actions, Callum," Mr. Meyers finally replied. "and I'm willing to let your mistake pass this time. Of course, should it happen again, I won't be so forgiving. I trust you understand that."

"Yes, sir. I do," Callum immediately replied.

"Good," Mr. Meyers responded. Then, looking at his watch, he remarked "we've lost a lot of good sun time already so Troy should take you upstairs to get started. However, before he does, we have to do something about your erection, Callum."

With the conversation turning yet again to his erection problems, Callum could feel his blush deepening. "I'm sorry, sir," he told his Agent, trying to avoid the very noticeable fact that his cock was hard as steel again, "I'm jacking myself off all the time, but that doesn't seem to help. I'm hard pretty much 24/7 now, even right after I've worked out a load."

Mr. Meyers eyed his model closely. Then, with a slight shake of his head, he responded,

"Well, if that continues, we may have to take a totally different approach to controlling your excess testosterone. Right now, we need to take care of your boner and we need to do it quickly."

Mr. Meyers turned to his assistant:

"Troy, take Callum's cock and jerk him off," he directed.

“But Sir," Callum spluttered in open-mouthed shock, "I can jack myself off."

Meyers turned back to Callum, his disapproval obvious.

"Yes, Callum, I'm sure you can, since you just told me you're doing it all the time. But we're pressed for time here and you're the main reason for that. Troy will be able to get you off faster than you can yourself. So just assume the position and let Troy do his job!”

Callum heard the determination in his Boss’ voice, and as if in a trance he lifted his arms to assume the position. His fat dick stood up hard and proud, while Callum felt vulnerable and was in a sudden state of shock. Could his boss really want Troy to jerk him off?


Turning to Troy, Mr. Meyers curtly ordered his assistant to do what he'd been told. Given Mr. Meyers' direct order and seeing the man's anger, Callum had now quickly spread his legs apart and locked his fingers behind his neck.


Troy, making no effort to hide his enjoyment at the unexpected turn of events, rapidly stepped forward and roughly grabbed Callum's fully-erect cock, eliciting a loud groan from the model. In just seconds, Troy was working on Callum's dick with a vengeance.

Callum couldn't believe how quickly Troy got him to the edge of ejaculation. The feel of the other boy's hand rapidly stroking his cock, firm but sensuous, was unlike anything he had experienced before.

Troy seemed to know instinctively how to manipulate the models engorged organ to maximize the model's pleasure. Of course almost all the girls he'd fucked in the past had worked on Callum's dick during his sexual forays with them but none of those bitches could hold a candle to Troy in the effect their hands had on him.

Despite himself, despite the intense embarrassment Callum was feeling as he was publicly masturbated by another man, he realized that he was beginning to violently undulate his crotch in a frantic fucking rhythm that replicated the rapid up and down movement of Troy's hand on his throbbing penis.

He was desperate and felt like he would pass out any time soon if Troy did not release the pressure that pent up rapidly. Slowly, tantalizingly slowly, Troy's grip grew tighter and his jacking motion increased in speed until Callum could stand it no longer. With a scream of release that surprised even himself, his dick erupted with a hot, viscous explosion and spurted his semen in a geyser of cum.

The moment Callum began shooting, Troy bent the model's cock upwards, towards Callum's body. Spurt after spurt of creamy boy-juice splattered Callum's writhing torso as the spunk continued to shoot from his cock in a seemingly endless stream.


Eventually, though, after shooting a load that impressed even Meyers, Callum's massive orgasm tapered off. He stood there, his hands still locked in position, his chest heaving as he gasped for air, his entire torso splattered with cum. Troy had aimed upwards and the cum had coated the athletes six pack abs, his hard pecs, and even his face had been hit with a few squirts of hot white cream.

Troy gave Callum's softening dick one final hard squeeze and then released his grip.

"Not bad, big boy. Not bad," he said in a voice heavy with sarcasm but also tinged with a hint of surprise and envy, as he stepped away from the model. He turned to his father and gave him a triumphant smile, invisible to Callum, before he licked his lips in an unmistakable gesture of greed and lust. Troy would have loved to have licked the cum off the sexy boy, if his Dad just permitted it.

Now that his orgasm was over, Callum stood there, staring down at the floor, overcome with embarrassment at the reality of what had just happened. He was still panting heavily, buying time to rationalize what had just occurred. He was covered in a sheen of sweat, had a load of cum splattered all over him, and still his dick was not going down, like it was still defying the laws of gravity.

He couldn't believe that he'd let some other dude – no, not just some random other dude – he'd let Troy, that flaming faggot, masturbate him while he just stood there.

What self-respecting male heterosexual would ever let a faggot jack him off – the mere thought was disgusting. Nevertheless he'd done just that. He'd let Troy masturbate him until he shot what might have been the biggest load of ball-juice he'd ever pumped out in his entire life.

How sick was that? And Mr. Meyers had witnessed the entire sordid spectacle, a show worth thousands if he had decided to follow someones advice and set up a simple webcam show and not work on a modeling career.

He could only imagine what Mr. Meyers thought of him now.

Even as these thoughts ran through his head, he heard Mr. Meyers telling him to look up. Steeling himself for the contempt he knew he'd see in the man's eyes, Callum slowly raised his head. But when his eyes finally met Mr. Meyers' gaze, Callum was surprised, and intensely relieved, Mr. Meyers was looking at him as if nothing unedifying had happened.

If anything, the man seemed to be pleased by Callum's actions. Reminding himself that it was, after all, Mr. Meyers who had ordered Troy to jack him off, Callum could feel some of his intense embarrassment dissipating. He had done what his Agent ordered and the experienced man was apparently pleased by Callum's obedience. Maybe he had regained some of the ground he'd lost because of his thoughtless objections to Troy's actions in lubing up his asshole.

He could only hope.

Then he heard Mr. Meyers: "That was a pretty big load, Callum. Are you sure you've been taking care of business like we'd discussed the other day - jerking off whenever you get aroused?"

"Yes, Sir, Mr. Meyers," Callum replied, immediately on the defensive again. "I jack myself off whenever I get hard, just like you said I should. It's just that, like I said, I seem to be hard all the time. I'm jacking off pretty much all day. My dick is actually sore by the time I get to bed and it's painful to work it. But I do, just like you told me to."

“You've jerked off this morning, too?" Mr. Meyers asked, almost interrogating the young nervous athlete.

"Yes, Sir., four times before I even got here, today."

"So that was your fifth load of the day?" Meyers asked, not hiding his surprise.

"Yes, Sir," Callum affirmed.

"Well that was a pretty massive load for the fifth time today," Callum's Agent observed, squinting his eyes like he was suspecting something, an expression not lost on Callum.

"Yes, Sir, it was," Callum admitted, looking down at his chest and seeing that the thick ropes of cum were beginning to drip down his torso. "Sorry about that, Sir."

"Nothing to be sorry about, Callum," Meyers reassured his model, trying to calm him down at least a little bit.

"But," he continued, "like I said earlier, this excessive sperm production is curious, and we have to find out, what is wrong with you, my boy.”

Callum was sweating hard again, and he waited for something to destroy his ambitions.

Meyers went on:

“See, if this continues, we may have to take more drastic measures."

Then, seeing the look of apprehension on Callum's face, he continued with a facial expression that almost scared the young man:

"I just hope I can trust you, Callum. You told me you take no.… uhmm.... substances to.… uhm.… improve your athletic prowess, right?“

Meyers seemingly fought for the words, and Callum felt he needed to show his total honesty, his full loyalty, and his almost brutal eagerness to play his cards right.

“Oh God, no Sir! I play fair, I have never taken anything and I swear to God I never will! “

The use of the word 'God', twice in one sentence, clearly showed how much Callum wanted to be trusted, and Mr. Meyers gave him a slight smile.

“Very well, Callum! I trust you, and for now we'll stick to the program. Just keep jerking off as soon as possible after you become aroused."

"Yes, Sir," Callum quickly assented, relieved that, at least for the present, Mr. Meyers didn't feel the need for 'more drastic measures.' Callum didn't know what those measures might be, but just by the fact that they were described as 'drastic' made Callum pretty sure he wouldn't like them.

Mr. Meyers turned to his receptionist. "Okay, Troy. You can get dressed and take Callum up to the roof."

"Yes, Sir," Troy replied, walking over and stepping into his slacks. In less than a half a minute Troy was fully dressed. Troy turned to Callum:

"C'mon, Callum," he said, "I'll show you the way."

The model couldn't hide his shock.

"I can't go like this. I mean," he explained, seeing Mr. Meyers frowning face, "I'm naked and I'm covered with cum."

“Well," Mr. Meyers replied after a moment's thought, "insofar as being naked is concerned, you're going to be sunbathing in the nude so I don't see what the problem is. Besides, the area on the roof where you'll be lying down is closed off and no one can see you as you catch the rays. But you're right about the cum. It's just dripping down your body."

Meyers paused for a moment as if he was considering options. Then he turned to Troy and instructed him to get a towel and wipe Callum off.

"But, sir," Troy immediately objected, "if I wipe Callum's cum off his body, I'll also be wiping off all the lotion I just applied."

"You're right, Troy," Mr. Meyers quickly agreed. "I hadn't thought about that."

The Agent leaned back in his chair and just stared at Callum, obviously trying to arrive at some solution to the problem. Finally, he just sighed.

"Callum," he ordered. "Assume the position. Troy, work Callum's cum into his body. We've already wasted enough time here in the office. It's time Callum actually started getting some sun."

Disguising his dismay at this turn of events with an effort, Callum slowly raised his hands and locked them behind his neck and spread his legs wide apart as Troy moved in front of him.

With Mr. Meyers in the room, Troy couldn't say a word. But then again, he didn't have to – the leering smile on his face spoke volumes. Callum tried to maintain a stoic expression as Troy raised both hands to Callum's pecs and began to roughly massage the fresh cum into the skin.

After he'd manhandled Callum's chest for a good half-minute, paying particular attention to the model's aroused nipples, he moved his hands up into the boy's armpits, making sure they were well-coated with Callum's ball-slime, before moving higher and spreading part of the copious load onto the model's shoulders and neck.

Having completed his job on the upper half of Callum's torso, Troy next moved his hands down to Callum's belly. First he rubbed Callum's load into the model's abs and stomach and then, after giving Callum a quick glance to make sure the young man could see how much Troy was enjoying playing with his body, Troy moved his hands down to Callum's groin.

That area had become much more sensitive to the touch since he had started shaving off his pubes and Callum emitted an audible gasp as Troy began to stroke and knead Callum's crotch like he was some street whore he'd picked up in a dingy alley.

Mr. Meyers seemed to check some data on his computer screen, seemingly unconcerned about the mundane services Troy gave the model.

In fact however he had a hard time containing his own throbbing erection and the almost overwhelming urge to jump the sexy dumb jock and fuck him into oblivion.

Leaning back after a minute of checking some random numbers on his screen, he took a sip of the coffee that waited on his desk and leaned back in his chair, watching Callum again, giving the model a look full of chagrin.

Callum tried to maintain his composure but he couldn't keep from squirming as Troy's fingers played over his now-denuded crotch. Callum's discomfort quickly turned to consternation when Troy's fingers moved on to the model's cock and balls.

Just like when he was applying the suntan lotion, there was something about the way Troy's fingers manipulated his sex organs that seemed to immediately stimulate them. To his horror and intense embarrassment, Callum could feel his big cock beginning to harden. 'This is ridiculous,' he told himself. 'I just shot an incredible load not more than five minutes ago. How the fuck am I getting hard again? What the fuck is wrong with me?'

Callum's cock was almost at half-mast before Troy lowered his hands further and began spreading Callum's scuzzy load onto to the model's inner thighs. He worked the cum into them for a good minute or two before raising one hand to add a similar coating to Callum's perineum.

Troy seemed to sense that Callum found the rubbing of this area between his legs particularly stimulating and purposefully lingered there, rubbing his fingers back and forth, fondling the model in a manner which could only be viewed as obscene by any observer, actually causing Callum to whimper at the unwanted sexual excitement.

Then, having aroused the model to the point of full erection, Troy began to move his finger even further back between the boy's legs.

The model caught Mr. Meyers glance and lowered his eyes, while his thighs began shaking uncontrollably as Troy's fingers inexorably made their way backwards towards his ass-crack. The next thing Callum knew Troy was fingering his hole, coating the puckered rosette with the model's own jizz. Then, before Callum could even prepare himself, Troy jammed a hard finger straight up the boy's ass-hole, all the way to the knuckle.

A high-pitched squeal escaped Callum's lips. Hearing himself, Callum couldn't help blushing beet red – he'd sounded just like one of those bitches he fucked, right at the moment he first drove his big throbber deep into their pussies.

Troy diddled him for a what felt like an eternity. Callum wondered why Mr. Meyers was allowing his assistant to take such liberties with Callum's body, but, in light of his verbal outcry when Troy's finger had first plundered his hole, Callum was too embarrassed to even look at the man. Besides, considering how the day had gone since he arrived at the Agency, he didn't want to make any more waves. So he just stood there and let Troy have his fun.

Finally, though, Troy removed his finger from Callum's butt-hole. He ran his hand a few more times along Callum's perineum before standing back. "All done," he proclaimed.

Far from being relieved, Callum's face was once again crimson with embarrassment. Thanks to Troy's ministrations, even though Callum had shot a monster load not more than ten minutes earlier, his cock was once again fully engorged and standing straight up into the air. Not only that, but looking down at it, he could see that the entire crown of his dick was covered with pre-cum.

"Are you kidding me?" he heard Mr. Meyers exclaim. Forcing himself to look up, he saw that his Agent was glaring at his aroused cock with undisguised frustration.

"Sorry, Sir," Callum blurted out in a voice that was almost a whine. "I just can't help it."

Mr. Meyers looked Callum directly in his eyes and muttered, "Just how straight are you, boy?"

The effect of this last question on Callum was electric.

Immediately Callum could not feel just his face but his entire body glowing bright red. He couldn't remember ever having been soo embarrassed in his entire life. Despite himself, he actually felt his eyes tearing up.

Meyers asked him directly, with a stern look in his eyes: “And you are sure you don't take any … performance enhancing substances?”

Mr. Meyers gave Callum a long, searching look which only added to the boy's humiliation. He did not wait for the boy's answer. Instead, with an air of disgust, he turned to Troy.

"Take Callum up to the roof. Once he's in position, masturbate him again but this time just let the cum dry where it lands on him. We don't want to take the chance of you exciting him again. You might spend the whole afternoon up there with Callum if we're not careful."

Troy looked at Callum with undisguised glee. He was so clearly enjoying the model's palpable embarrassment. He turned back to Mr. Meyers.

"If you say so, sir. However, Callum's cum is soo thick, it might actually block some of the sun's rays and result in a blotchy tan."

It was at that precise moment that a long string of Callum's pre-cum dripped off the tip of his cock. It stretched down a good two feet towards the floor and just hung there, swinging slightly, between the model's spread legs. Callum didn't think it was possible but he could actually feel his skin get any hotter.

Meyers looked away for a second. It was all he could do to keep from laughing out loud at the sight. The boy looked so pathetically embarrassed standing in front of him, too mortified to even look at his Agent.

This scene was going so much better than even Meyers had foreseen. Some of his subscribers had already expressed a desire to see the boy on the auction block merely on the basis of the single nude photo they'd put up as a promo. Once this episode hit the internet, the clamor would be deafening. This boy was going to be an incredible money-maker one day but John didn't want to move too quickly.

That last thing he wanted to do was scare the boy off before he had a chance to peddle Callum's boy twat to his horny subscribers. So he was going to continue to break down Callum's inhibitions at the same slow, methodical pace he'd set so far. Besides, the longer he made his subscribers wait, the higher the price Callum would bring when he was finally made available to them. In any event, it was time to bring this session to an end.

Callum was just standing there, looking at the floor, wishing it would open and swallow him when he heard Mr. Meyers call his name.

"Callum," he heard again. He forced himself to look up, terrified of the condemnation he was sure he'd see in his agent's eyes. Instead, he was surprised to see that Mr. Meyers was looking at him with almost an air of sympathy. "Yes, Sir?" he heard himself respond in a quavering voice.

"Do you think you can rub your cum into your body without exciting yourself after Troy jerks you off on the roof?"

"Yes, Sir!" Callum answered gratefully, relieved by the prospect of avoiding another session with Troy's hands roaming all over his body to even question the fact that Troy would be masturbating him again, this time outside, on the roof. "I'm sure I could do that."

Mr. Meyers smiled at his model. "Then that's what we will try," he agreed.

He waited a few seconds as both boys stood in front of him – Callum, still crimson in embarrassment, completely naked, the strand of precum hanging down from his fully-engorged cock slowly stretching down towards the floor, Troy, once again clothed, scarcely hiding the pleasure he felt by being afforded another opportunity to publicly masturbate the good-looking homophobe.

Finally, Mr. Meyers broke the tension. "Well, get going, you two. We're wasting good sun."

Without another word, Troy turned around and headed towards the door. Callum immediately unlocked his hands from behind his head and hurried to follow him. Even though he was incredibly embarrassed by the state of his body – fully boned and dripping precum - the boy made no attempt to cover up his aroused cock even though he was about to be paraded through the JM Modeling Agency's offices.

Callum knew Mr. Meyers would see that as just another manifestation of Callum's insecurities about his body and, given everything that had transpired in his agent's office that afternoon, Callum didn't want to upset the man further in any way. As he reached the door, Callum came to a stop. He was suddenly aware that a weird smell was assaulting his nostrils. With a start, he realized that what he was smelling was cum – his cum. He was covered with it now and the stink of spent spunk surrounded him. Knowing he was the source of the malodorous reek made him feel incredibly dirty. He could only hope that, in the fresh air outside, the stench would dissipate. With that hope in mind, he hurried to catch up with Troy.

Just as the young men were leaving the office and Troy was closing the door, Callum heard a last word, directed at Troy: “When in doubt, hose him down!”

Both boys knew Callum better not get hard again after his next milking.

When the boys were gone, Meyers opened the hidden entrance to the room next door.

He smiled wickedly as he looked at the boy waiting there, tied up kneeling, with a thick round ring in his mouth, a spreader to stop him from biting down on a dick while he got face-fucked.

Jamal, another model of JM Modeling Agency, needed a lesson, and Mr. Meyers was about to deliver it.

The boy was tied up to a device that Meyers had bought from a man working in the special effects department of one of the major studios. It was powered by hydraulics and could be adjusted by the push of a button. It was powerful, since the engineer had used spare parts of the model of a fighter jet they had used in a film, and it was solid enough to strap even a heavy weight champion onto it, and hold him in place.

The boy was bent over it now because John Meyers had told him he needed a lesson. Jamal had put in the O-Ring-mouth gag voluntarily, and the boy had put on a rubber pull down ball stretcher voluntarily. He knew how it worked, he knew it would pull his nuts down, and stay under his ball sack perfectly centered directly in the middle. He knew when Mr. Meyers added weight, the stretchy wings would pull down and tighten the grip at the bottom of the B-ring. The more weight, the tighter the squeeze. The tug wouldn’t slide down on his sweaty sweaty sack, the thing would stay in place when things got heavy.

The boy knew it all, but he did it. Voluntarily.

As Mr. Meyers walked in, he saw the boy lift his head to look at him, with big pleading eyes. A pool of drool had formed on the floor as the spreader held his mouth open. Meyers was hard already, and he had been hard for much too long while he worked with Callum.

It was impossible to ignore the boy's ridiculously perfect body. Standing at 6’2” with dark brown skin and deep brown eyes, one could stare into his chiseled, slightly stubbly features for hours. Regular trips to the gym gave Jamal bulging biceps and pecs that hung tight to whatever shirt he wore, no matter how loose. Beneath his massive pecs was a set of defined, washboard abs and a thin, slutty waist.

What really drew Meyers' attention though, was Jamal’s truly perfect ass. His butt was absolutely massive, with a perfect combination of fat and pure muscle. It bulged out of any pants he wore, even sweats, practically consuming the fabric with how tightly it gripped his pants. Meyers would take every opportunity he could to stare at his model's butt, eagerly drinking in the view.

But now he simply stepped up, lifted the boys head and shoved his dick into his mouth, pushed through the round rubber entrance and down the boy's throat. Jamal needed his lesson.

Meyers heard the gagging, felt the boy's throat tighten involuntarily, massaging his dickhead like a tight fist. The boy struggled in vain as he was securely tied down to the massive device, with solid straps holding him in position.

The engineer had used car seat belts, and the automatic rollers came in handy to simply pull out the belt, click it in place, adjust it, and lock it. The only special feature was the locking device. Once someone pushed the button, the roller was blocked, and even the Hulk would have had problems opening it.

After Meyers had fucked the boy's mouth for some time, giving him a hard time to breath, he pulled out. The boy panted and took several deep breaths before he regained control.

Meyers waited. The pull down ball stretcher was still hanging without a weight, but a push on the remote made the device start to work and rise up. Jamal's body was lifted, his legs had to adjust from kneeling to standing, and the weight on the stretcher was not supported by the floor any longer but pulled the boys' nuts down.

Again he grunted, and Meyers pushed his dick in. This time straight into Jamal's tight ass in one hard thrust.

Meyers really liked putting the boy in his place. The sexy black kid had signed his contract a year ago, but now he thought he walked on water, and needed to be taught a lesson.

He was a well muscled thug type from a suburb, who might have ended in a gang if Meyers had not offered him a deal. Meyers still remembered the first time Jamal had walked into his office. Dressed in tight jeans and a black leather jacket, slightly open, wearing no shirt, he was displaying his muscled body much too self assuredly.


Meyers knew he needed to tame the sexy, confident black boy.

He had soon lost some of his hubris as Meyers did the first ‘test-shots’. Dressed in a tight, soft black vinyl shirt and shorts, displaying his body like a cheap hooker, he didn’t look as confident any longer.


While Jamal still dreamt of meeting Madonna to be her new lover, Meyers needed to make sure the boy understood he belonged to the Agency, and now he emphasized his position with every hard fuckstroke he administered.

Jamal, who still considered himself to be straight, had willingly submitted to the punishment today. He willingly knelt on the device, he willingly bent over and let Troy close the straps, and he had willingly endured the ball stretcher and the O-Ring-Gag.

And now he grunted, crying hot tears, as the Boss fucked him into oblivion.

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