The Telemachus Story Archive

What’s Up Superman
Part 1 - The Revealed Plan
By Kyle Cicero

What’s Up Superman

(Sup’s Suppository)

By Kyle Cicero

Dedication: to Dave for his patience. To Jack Parker, who brought the term “fuck dog” into our gay story vernacular. To Stimle, Todd Fleming and Mafisto for their stories. Shoutout to Herodotus whose art always inspires.

Chapter One: The Revealed Plan

The two men stared, through the one-way glass at the well-built, hooded man in the next room. He was naked, sitting in a chair with his legs in stirrups that spread his muscled thighs wide apart with his nut-sack dangling between his splayed thighs. Some type of device was situated between his powerfully defined legs thrusting a dildo into his expose anus. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” the man moaned as he furiously masturbated while being repeatedly sodomized.

By now both of them had seen the hooded figure edging his impressive shaft for the last ten minutes. He’d climaxed quite a few times. Yet, far from being sexually satisfied, the man continued jerking off as he thrust downward onto the dildo that the device was ramming into his anus. “Please…deeper…that itch,’ he moaned.

“You brought me here to show me some sick freak beating his meat,” the one of the watching men stated.

“Not just any sick freak,” the taller of the two replied. He pressed a buzzer, and another man entered the room. He grabbed the hood and pulled it off the masturbating figure exposing his face.

The criminal mastermind, Morgan Edge, looked at the scientist, then back at the man in the room who was still energetically edging while screwing himself with the dildo. “That’s fucking Bruce Wayne,” he gasped.

“Yes, he is,” the tall Indian man laughingly replied. “He personally denied me funding from his foundation so I could continue my research. This is my way of payback. Thanks to my invention.” He held up a small bullet shaped object. “I bribed his personal physician to insert my ‘bot suppository’ into Mr. Wayne’s anus during his annal physical. My bots are attached to his prostate. They are keeping him in a state of uncontrollable sexual heat. Only by ‘edging’ can he get some relief from his sex drive. Oh, I’m told he passed the prostate exam too.”

Morgan gazed back at Bruce Wayne. He had met the rather taciturn millionaire. Wayne snubbed him at some social gatherings. The figure relentlessly jerking off, while being fucked, was a far cry from the smug the man he usually encountered. Bruce’s handsome features had a vacant look. His eyes were unfocused, his chiseled body was streaked with sweat, his jaw hung open, and saliva was literally dripping from his mouth. His thick long shaft was slick with the precum his cock was oozing.

The scientist continued. “By now his constant need to ‘edge’ to get this some relief from his overstimulated prostate has rendered him complexly unable to form coherent thoughts for any length of time. He is quite mentally pliable to whatever I’d wish him to do.”

“Son of a bitch. Not so arrogant now huh. I just hope Batman doesn’t find out about what you turned his friend into,” Morgan stated as he took in the sight of the nicely muscled millionaire who was now thoroughly engrossed stroking his meat. The criminal overlord shuddered at the disgusting scene and gazed back at the scientist. “I don’t see how watching this pervert get himself off is going to accomplish anything for me,” he angrily said. “If you don’t mind, I think I’m a little tired of this sex show perversion too,” he grumbled even as he watched the dildo ramming into Bruce’s hole. He wouldn’t admit to anyone that he’d sometimes imagined his cock fucking into Bruce Wayne’s nicely rounded rump.

The tall, thin, nerdish looking second man gazed back at the well-dressed criminal. Before him stood one the city’s most powerful criminal overlords. A man not known for his patience, and with a reputation for disposing of people who wasted his time. Yet he, known in the scientific community as a technological, wizard, felt not an ounce of fear. “I brought you here to demonstrate what my technology can accomplish in helping you defeat Superman. Shall we leave Mr. Wayne to his own devices…or device,” he laughed. He reached out to a nearby switch and flipped it causing the other room to descend into total darkness.

“Now I’ll give you exactly five minutes to tell me what this has to do with defeating Superman, and don’t give me any more of this techno babble whatever shit about micro whatever things,” the Morgan said. “I’m a simple man and explain it to me and simple terms. How do you use it and to do what to him?”

“Try and follow me on this matter,” the frustrated Doctor said to the crime lord. Right now, he was wondering how this utterly dense man ever became the head of an evil empire. “My little nano bots are composed of a pliable, non-metallic material that are invisible even under an X-ray. Since I was dealing with Superman, I made sure their material was infused with an infinitesimal amount of kryptonite dust. Not enough to harm Superman internally, but merely robbing the organ to which they attached, in this case his prostate, of super invincibility. They are in this glycerin suppository. Once it is inserted, they will be freed of the glycerin and head directly to Superman's prostate where they will attach to it.”

“So basically, you’re telling me that his prostate will be stripped of invulnerability.”

“Precisely,” the scientist replied. “I will be able to thus stimulate Superman’s prostate.”

“What the fuck do I care about that fact?” The irritated criminal stated.

The scientist gave a long sigh. “What that means is that Superman’s prostate, once fired up, will stimulate his sex drive. Erotic urges that, until now, he has been able to control will be uncontrollable.”

“Okay you’ve made a device that can make this guy super horny. What does that do for me,” the now even more annoyed crime lord replied.

“Thanks to my research. I found out that our Man of Steel, to use gutter language terminology, “holds back” in his sexual activities. Which is not something that I find surprising. People who engage in sexual relations usually lose some physical control while copulating. Being a creature of superhuman strength that is not something he has ever been able to do. Can you imagine if Superman was lost in his sexual lust while screwing somebody and didn’t focus on holding his strength in check while ejaculating?”

“Shit, I never thought about it but yeah...if he lost it while fucking, he’d spear whomever he was screwing like a fucking fish,” the criminal laughingly stated.

“Once my bots are on full power, he’ll soon find himself in increasing sexual heat. Merely masturbating into an orgasm won’t give him any relief from his condition. He will soon discover only by ‘edging’ can he achieve some peace. He will also realize it will be necessary to have his stimulated prostate tapped repeatedly and vigorously in order to help satiate his increasingly powerful sexual need. Like with Bruce Wayne, at first, he will try to ignore it. However, that ‘inner itch’ will build up inside him to uncontrollable levels. Levels he will not be equipped to control. He soon be fixated on repeatedly engaging in ‘self-pleasuring’. Not to mention what he must do to, shall we say, scratch that itch inside his rear end. Of course, the beauty of my invention is that his sexual cravings will never end but only increase in tempo. Like Mr. Wayne, he will slowly slip into what they I’m told is a “gooning state of mind,” where continual masturbating and sodomizing are his only ways to hold his urge at bay.”

Suddenly, a light went on in Edge’s brain. “Just to be clear, you’re telling me that these bot devices…”

“My invention will put Superman in the state of permanent sexual heat. Thanks to my control device, I can raise or lower erotic stimulations inside of him to levels that will induce within him an uncontrollable craving to ejaculate.” The scientist paused and smiled. “Now, imagine your thugs are committing a robbery and Superman appears to stop them. I turn up my device. Superman is suddenly overwhelmed by sexual stimulation. So aroused, his need to ‘spray’ will become too intense to resist. His immediate need to calming that urge will distract him from interfering with your men’s actions. He will be forced to focus on, not to be distasteful, venting his fluids safety. Trust me, once my little bots go into action, he will be too occupied to contemplate arresting your men. Even better, they will create within him an itching, deep inside his ass, that will need immediate attention too. As I explained, he will soon realize it requires something inserted up his anus to give him relief. Over time he will understand true temporary relief can only be achieved by continual edging not ejaculating coupled with sodomization. That process will render him mentally broken and usable to any needs you desire. Just like Mr. Wayne’s current state.” He grinned as he hit a microphone button. Bruce Wayne’s pitiful wailing filled their room.

“Fuck me deeper…fuck me please…deeper. I give you anything you want …even my ward Dick to fuck…Wayne Manor…anything just make it fuck me harder,” he yelped.

The scientist pressed another button. “Henry, will you do something about that noise,” he told his assistant who was standing near to Bruce holding the hood.

Henry, aware no one was watching, grinned. He gazed at Bruce’s body with its impressive build. Damp with sweat, every rippling muscle was glistening. Small pools of perspiration had collected in between the ribbed muscles of Bruce’s defined eight pack. “Got to hand it to you man, this is one fuckable body.” Henry joked as he reached out to take hold one of Wayne’s nipples that nestled nicely in its quarter sized brown orbs. He squeezed.

“Fuck,” grunted Bruce as Henry tweaked and abused first one then the other till they were hard bullet sized peaks. All the while, as he squirmed under their assault, Bruce continued to stroke his erection. “My tits,” he grunted as the exploitation of these erogenous zones only fired up his raging sexual cravings.

“Henry,” the scientist’s voice angrily stated. “Shut him up!”

Henry unzipped his pants and pulled out his thick cock. Stroking into an erection, he moved towards Bruce’s face. The gooned out millionaire was so engrossed on his own jerking off, and humping down on the dildo, he was not conscious of what was awaiting him. “God will this itch in my ass never stop,” he cried out. He gazed at Henry with dilated pupils. “Help me please,” he whimpered.

“No one is coming to help you,” Henry nastily laughed. “Not even your friend Batman,” he said as he lowered the upper part of the chair backward until Bruce’s mouth was inches from the man’s erection. “Maybe if he was here though…” he teased

“…yes…I’m…oomph,” he babbled seconds before Henry cut him off by quickly shoving his cock past Bruce’s lips and down his open throat. Without realizing it, his action had cut off a revelation that many would have paid to know. “Mmmph,” Bruce merely mumbled as he was face-fucked.

“Take it,” the assistant grunted as he thrust his shaft deeper into the squirming wild-eyed Bruce’s throat.

After futile efforts trying to fight Henry off with one hand, while still using his other to maintain his cock stroking, the once fearsome crimefighter finally gave up. His throat muscles relaxed allowing Henry better access.

“I only wish it was your friend Batman who was sucking my rod,” Henry grunted unaware of how his wish was being granted. Patiently he began instructing Bruce in the art of cock-sucking. “Yeah, use that tongue on my undershaft,” he whispered reveling in the thrusting bulging outline of his cock under the skin of Bruce’s throat.

The crime lord heard the muffled, sometimes chocking sounds coming from the next room. From his experience, he knew when someone was giving head. He imagined the image of the once smug Bruce Wayne naked in the next room fixated solely on jerking off while getting fucked at both ends. He smiled too imagining Superman in such a condition. He gazed at the scientist. “So how do you…deliver it? I don’t think Superman will just bend over and let you shove it up his ass.”

“Don’t be too sure about that,” the scientists said as a sly smile appeared across his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folder and handed it to Edge.

The criminal mastermind looked at the front page of the folder. There in bold face print was an announcement that Superman would be appearing as a spokesman for a campaign to get men to get annual prostate exams. Edge looked up at the scientist.

“Superman has agreed to help inform men in particular that it's important to get their prostate examined. As a symbol of masculinity, he has been convinced that his endorsement will encourage men to have this done and save lives. Of course, he has also been told that he needs to have this procedure performed on him too, otherwise his endorsement would be meaningless. My bribed Doctor has appealed to his heroic nature to undergo it in order to save the lives of others. Honestly, that was all it took. The fool even supplied us with a bit of kryptonite dust to use on the Doctor’s glove to relax his anal muscles just enough so that he can have his prostate exam. I used some of it on my bot’s composition. Imagine it, he literally aided us in fucking him.”

Morgan Edge broke out into a wide grin. “Oh yes,” he said. “This will be good.”


“I can’t tell you how many lives this campaign, and your part in it, will save Superman,” the scientist said to the Man of Steel once he arrived for his exam.

“I’m always happy to do what I can to save lives,” Superman told the person who had been introduced to him as Doctor Kumar. “

“So many men are shy about getting a prostate exam. Foolishly many men feel it’s somehow unmanly to have it done,” the scientist stated as he walked with Superman into the examination room. “Having the very symbol of masculinity undertake such an exam will dispel that silly fear. Now, I know it will be necessary for you to remove your uniform. If you will go behind that screen, you’ll find a hospital gown and we will get this quickly done.

Superman had been unprepared for that request and for a brief moment he hesitated. He was about to ask if some other arrangement could be made until he saw the Doctor looking at him.

“Is there something wrong?” Dr. Kumar asked. “I would normally have the man just simply unbuckle and drop, his pants so we could do the exam. However, in your case, I believe your uniform is a one-piece outfit under those briefs. That would make our normal procedure impossible to accomplish…wouldn’t it?”

“Well yes, I suppose that’s true,” Superman reluctantly said. He wanted to be cooperative to help save lives. However, he had not considered that he would be required to strip.

“I hope this isn’t a problem?” Dr. Kumar asked. “I mean we’ve gone to a lot of trouble to prepare everything however, if you no longer wish to participate… I suppose we can forgo the campaign,” he said making sure to show his disappointment. “It’s just that I had hoped to save so many lives and the money we spent on the campaign so far…if it got out you refused as well…” he paused letting the implications hang in the air

“No, it’s perfectly fine,” an embarrassed Superman assured him as he moved behind the screen. “I was simply caught off-guard,” he added. He felt ashamed he’d hesitated and resolved to fully comply in every way to aid the process.

Dr. Kumar smiled as he waited. I knew that would get to you with that line. Fucking boy scout , he thought. “Are we almost ready?” He asked

“Yes, coming out,” Superman replied. He came out from behind the screen. One of his arms was behind his back, holding the gown closed. He felt funny being naked in front of the Doctor, except for the thin gown that he was wearing. He somehow felt stripped of his super identity which he knew was silly…yet…

Dr. Kumar suppressed an urge to smile seeing the usually overconfident Superman standing in front of him looking uncomfortable while trying to hold his gown closed. He stood there, his face flushed with embarrassment, slightly shifting from one foot to the other. “Well now let’s get this done and over with shall we,” Dr. Kumar said taking a business-like tone of voice. “Please go over to the table, lean forward, spread your legs apart, and will conduct this exam.

An obviously embarrassed Superman walked over to the examination table.

“Hands on the table legs apart,” the Doctor told him. “Let go of the gown please too.”

Reluctantly complying, Superman released the grip on his gown, causing it to flutter open. Another flush of mortification came over him as he realized his well-formed rear end was fully exposed to the Doctor. “This is a bit…” he mumbled.

“No need to be embarrassed,” Dr. Kumar responded. He couldn't help but admire the firm, nicely rounded, well-muscled buttocks that was in full view. The skin was an enticing pale white with not a single hair gracing either cheek. To his further delight each cheek also had an attractive dimple. He let a few seconds passed savoring the sight of this so-far untouched rump that he was soon to violate. “It’s a normal male feeling in such exams,” he added. “In fact, the campaign will emphasize that such an exam is something every man can do without any sense of embarrassment or discomfort…just like Superman,” the Doctor said as he moved up behind him and pushed the gown farther open on either side to further expose it. He admired how its rounded curve flowed to the muscles thighs of the Man of Steel. “If you just lean forward a bit more and move those legs even more apart, I will prep your anus for the exam.” As he spoke, he reached over to the side of the table, put on a latex glove, and applied Kryptonite laced lubricant to one of his fingers.

Superman did his instructed. He could feel the cool air hit the back of his impressive set of balls. I’ve never felt so vulnerable , he thought. He knew this was for a good cause. So, he simply gritted his teeth and decided simply to get it done. He kept reminding himself that participating in this campaign would save lives and a feeling of embarrassment was a small price to pay for that goal.

Dr. Kumar wished he could take a picture of the chiseled buttocks of the Man of Steel. Even more delightful, was the partial view of Superman’s ball sack hanging between his two powerful thighs. As Superman unconsciously shifted his weight, the sack slightly swung back-and-forth between his legs. The Doctor wondered if Superman’s female sexual partners had ever enjoyed such a vantage point. “Well let’s get this done and dusted,” he said as he reached out with his other freehand to gently grasp one of Superman buttocks. He pulled but they didn’t move. I forgot they are not weakened by any kryptonite , he thought. “Do you think you might help me by taking a hold of each of your butt-cheeks and spreading them apart or would you be too off-balanced to do it,” he asked.

“Ah…I suppose I could…if I squatted a bit more,” Superman gingerly replied with a hint of hesitation in his voice. He took a deep breath and bent forward so his chest touched the edge of the exam table. He reached behind and grabbed each of his cheeks and pulled them apart, exposing his anal entryway to the Doctor’s full view.

My look at that rosy, pink ring of muscles , the Doctor mused as he squirted more lubricant onto his finger. He slowly reached out until he touched the swirling muscle ring.

Superman’s body slightly quaked when the Doctors finger may contact unconsciously, he took a deep breath.

“I’m going to massage the kryptonite dust on the area to loosen you up,” the Doctor softly stated. “I’m sure it may take some time to allow the muscles to relax sufficiently to allow penetration. So, please be patient,” he explained as he continued his anal massage. Being as gentle as possible, he lightly rubbed his finger across the rippled entryway.

Superman suppressed a groan as the physician went about his rubbing. No one had ever touched in such a sensitive spot. To his surprise, the Doctor’s finger gently massaging that area felt rather nice. Without realizing it, he pulled his cheeks further apart. This feels quite weird , he thought as the Doctor continued fingering his anal hole, but not unpleasant . After a few minutes of such contact, he detected his anal muscles relaxing. “I think it’s working,” he sputtered as the Doctor’s finger pressed inward.

Dr. Kumar smiled as he watched that tight entryway slowly yield to his finger. Oh yes, I think it’s working, quite nicely, the Doctor thought when the tip of his finger slipped past the first outer muscles of the anal ring.

Superman unexpectedly gasped as the finger moved into him. His strong legs muscles seemed to quiver.

“I want to make this as comfortable as possible,’ the Doctor quickly told him. “If you could move your legs slightly further apart as well as pull your two cheeks wider too, I can secure better access.” He watched Superman complied, exposing even more of the area between his cheeks to give Dr. Kumar a nice view of the back of Superman’s sack. He swiftly used his other freehand to apply more kryptonite, laced lubricant on the area. Taking his time, he savored the sensation of his finger slowly weakening more anal muscles. “I believe we are ready to maneuver towards your prostate,” he explained as he gently moved his finger in and out of Superman’s entryway. And reveal to you how getting fingered out can be stimulating too, ” he silently mused as his movements caused Superman’s balls to sway. As he worked, he pondered how he might, once his plan was realized, milk and later sell Superman’s spunk on the Black Web. I’m sure quite a few people would be interested. Women seeking a superbaby; men who might be aroused slurping his superjizz, he decided.

To his surprise, Superman felt himself becoming slightly aroused as the Doctor’s finger moved about inside his chute. He sensed his cock was becoming erect too. “Will we be done soon?” He nervously asked as he tried to focus on not ‘boning’ in front of the man. What neither man knew was that the anal cavity of Kryptonian males was lined with erogenous nerve endings which, for the first time were being stimulated.

“I’d say another few minutes and we can conduct the exam in full,” the Doctor assured him while taking note that the Man of Steel’s breathing had deepened while his fingers increased their grip on his cheeks.

Burst of arousal flared inside Superman. It took all his super concentration to keep himself from fully responding to the sensual stimuli. Sweet Rao , he thought in a panic as his shaft started to stiffen. “Are we almost done,” he rasped. Hoping to end the process and cut off the tingling sensations in his nutsack that usually heralded any orgasm.

“Normally with a human male it would be a quicker procedure. However, our need to weaken your anal muscles to allow penetration takes time. Is everything all right?” Dr. Kumar asked as he got the suppository out of one of the pockets of his lab coat.

“Yes, everything’s fine,” Superman hastily replied as the man’s finger penetrated deeper and deeper into him. By now, the sensations from it moving in and out of his anal canal was stimulating him in ways he never expected. “I’m just feeling slightly…” he managed to say before the Doctor’s finger hit his prostate. “Sweet Rao,” he gasped the physician began slowly tapping and pressing against it. As much as he tried to fight it, he couldn’t get past the exploding stimulus now coursing throughout his body. Again, both men were unaware that a Kryptonian's prostate was also extremely sensitive and trigger hugely powerful erotic impulses. In spite of his best efforts, Superman’s body responded, and he went into full erection. “Are we done yet,” he panted as he tried to get his erection to subside. For the first time in his life, erogenous zones inside of him were being skillfully exploited. To his humiliation, he heard himself making barely audible whimpers of pleasure as the Doctor’s finger pounded on his prostate. To his horror, he noticed a wet spot on the front of his gown.

Dr. Kumar observed the change in Superman. Not only was there the distinct the sounds of his heavy breathing but also, to his delight Superman’s torso was beginning to thrust lightly back onto his finger. I do believe he likes it , he thought as he continued his actions. Superman’s inner anal lining felt like satin he mused as he finger fucked the shivering alien. A few times he gave Superman’s prostate a few hard jabs reveling in how the hero’s body quaked when it occurred.

“Oh,” Superman moaned at one point as his control strained within him. He was embarrassed by the thought that he was leaking. A quick glance down revealed the wet spot had increased. A soft moan escaped from his lips.

“Is everything okay? Examining your prostate is taking a little more time than I expected. Probably because of your different biological makeup. I should be done probing in just a few moments,” he assured Superman.

By now Superman was struggling not to make any further sounds and to stifle his physical reactions. Unfortunately, his erect cock was beyond controlling and was still oozing. The thought the Doctor might see this embarrassed him. “Are…we…done,” he sputtered through his clenched jaw. “Dear Rao,” he wheezed when his prostate got another hard tap.

“Yes, I believe we’ve accomplished what we needed to do,” Dr. Kumar said. He pushed the suppository against Superman’s prostate.

“Rao,” Superman softly groaned as it made contact. Fireworks of erotic stimulus exploded in his brain. He lost focus and, without realizing it, pushed backward on the Doctor’s finger. His body squirmed as the finger once more rammed into that organ. “Rao,” he grunted as he shot his spunk onto the front if the gown. Luckly his system was so weakened by the Kryptonite exposure it merely soaked the gown and not ripped through it.

The smiling scientist’s noticed the reactions he had caused. Satisfied, he gently withdrew his finger while again rubbing his finger along the soft inner lining of Superman’s anus. He almost laughed seeing how the mighty Man of Steel’s body shivered from the finger actions.

“Yes,” Superman involuntarily gasped when the Doctor’s finger finally popped out. He let go of his buttocks and placed his hands on the exam table to steady himself. Taking deep breaths, he stood still while using his will to calm the stimulations throughout his body.

“You can get dressed now,” the Doctor said.

Superman slowly stood up. He slightly turned and walked back behind the screen trying not to show the wet spot on the front of his gown or the still respectable erection pushing that gown’s section forward. What he couldn’t hide was the distinct odor of cum.

“This will be a great campaign. Thank you for taking part in it. I hope you didn't find it unpleasant?” Dr. Kumar asked. Despite hero’s efforts, the gown’s tentpole with its wet spot had been quite noticeable. Everything indicated that Superman had indeed enjoyed the experience of being penetrated.

“Glad to help. It was fine,” Superman mumbled he moved behind the screen. “If that’s all, I have to be somewhere else,” he quickly stated as he struggled to get his erection inside his uniform. “Would it be all right to go?” he asked as his positioned his ‘condition’ in a way so it would not be obvious to the other man.

“Yes indeed,” Dr. Kumar answered while suppressing the urge to smile. He watched as Superman came out from behind the screen. There was a noticeable bulge in the area Superman’s crotch. Dr. Kumar made it obvious he was pretending not to notice enjoying the look of embarrassment on Superman’s face. “Thank you so much,” he briskly stated as he picked up a chart. “See you soon Superman.”

The Man of Steel hurriedly nodded, and he left. He was still stimulated by what had occurred and wanted to get away as fast as possible.

Dr. Kumar went behind the screen and looked at the satin gown that was lying on the floor. Picking it up, he could see that the wet spot. “Gotcha,” he said to himself. “Now we begin,” he muttered as he went into the next room where the device that controlled the bots was waiting for his use. From what he had observed he was delightfully surprised to discover that the Kryptonian had an extremely sensitive prostate. “This will be fun,” he laughed as he went to the dials. “I think we will begin with just a light stimulation,” he stated as he adjuster the dials.

Superman flew to his fortress. The entire experience had left him shaken. He was unaware that the bots, attached to his prostate, were gently vibrating it. To his embarrassment, he found he was aroused. Desperate to calm his mind he quickly stripped. Closing his eyes, he surrendered to the sensations that were coursing throughout his body and began to masturbate.


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