Specialist Sites![]() An assortment of web sites which are dedicated to homoerotic images with similar themes to the stories in my galleries. Page updated : 9 Aug 2023 gayspankart - Gay Spanking Art shatteredhonor_nox - Shattered Honor - Nox chatfighters - Cyber fights, roleplay, stories and more guy_ryona - Bishounen stories of Guy Ryona sparkieshock - @SparkieShock (twitter) alexmillerscave - Big Wrestling Boyz bearhugger - Bear Huggin' gaybondagefiction - Gay Bondage Fiction men.com - Men stuff manupbitches - Man-up Films - ball busting action (paysite) megapecsinternational - Mega Pecs Website (paysite) menonedge - Men On The Edge menatplay - Hot guys in suits (paysite) StraightMenInTrouble - Suit and uniform bondage (paysite) rubberzone - Rubber Zone (lots of free stuff) gaydemon - Gay Demon - Index of Gay Sites boundguys - Paysite with some free previews but all original ropermike - Lots of pix of guys in bondage from film & TV woofbound - Meaty men in bondage megapecs - Mega Pecs Group furaffinity - The source of all things Furry! |