Saturday, 15 April 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Spiderboy Halloween' (page 2)
- Added 'Camo Kid Jr In Space 2' a picture story by Jotto
Saturday, 8 April 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Scorpio text stories: 'Defeat and Domination' (page 28)
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'How to sooth a burning passion' (new)
Saturday, 1 April 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Dylan's Training' (page 7)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_a_hunting_we_will_go'
Saturday, 25 March 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Spiderboy Halloween' (new)
- Added 'The Delivery 1' a picture story by PriapusOfMilet
Saturday, 18 March 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Scorpio text stories: 'Brothers Broda' (page 6)
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Dylan's Training' (page 6)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'Wasteland' (new)
- Added to the Master Skrain text stories: 'The Squad: Rescue Mission' (new)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_youre_mine_now'
Saturday, 11 March 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Dylan's Training' (page 5)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'The Itch' (new)
- Added 'Crucified and Objectified' a picture story by Jotto
Saturday, 4 March 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Jackson Pickett text stories: 'Mountainman and Vortexalator' (page 5)
- Added to the Nox text stories: 'Glace Valor' (page 3)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_a_thief_from_the_night'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_high_voltage'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_impenitent'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_jaylens_new_vibrator'
Saturday, 25 February 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Jackson Pickett text stories: 'Mountainman and Vortexalator' (page 4)
- Added to the Nox text stories: 'Glace Valor' (page 2)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'Spelling Trouble' (new)
- Added 'Camo Kid Jr In Space' a picture story by Jotto
Saturday, 18 February 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Jackson Pickett text stories: 'Mountainman and Vortexalator' (page 3)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'The Vulcan Bikers' (new)
- Added to the Nox text stories: 'Glace Valor' (new)
Saturday, 11 February 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Jackson Pickett text stories: 'Mountainman and Vortexalator' (page 2)
- Added 'Green Lantern-A Test Of Love' a picture story, words by mchlsctt709, illustrations by Mchlsctt709
Saturday, 4 February 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Scorpio text stories: 'Space Rangers' (page 16)
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Dylan's Training' (page 4)
- Added to the Jackson Pickett text stories: 'Mountainman and Vortexalator' (new)
- Added to the Cracker text stories: 'Jacking Into Submission' (new)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'Cash Cow' (new)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_ocha_o_nomitaidesu_ka'
Saturday, 28 January 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added 'The Commission 2' a picture story by PriapusOfMilet
- Added 'Bomba12' a picture story by Jotto
Saturday, 21 January 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Dylan's Training' (page 3)
Saturday, 14 January 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Jackson Pickett text stories: 'A man and his dog' (new)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_runaway_concubine'
Saturday, 7 January 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'There's always a Way' (new)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_camo_kid_jr_goes_boom'
Saturday, 31 December 2022 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_nothing_but_gatorade_and_spam'
Saturday, 24 December 2022 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Rick Henry text stories: 'Superman, The Beginning of the End' (page 3)
- Added to the Franco gallery: 'franco_seasons_smackings'
- Added to the Franco gallery: 'franco_teachers_pet'
- Added to the Franco gallery: 'franco_the_riding_lesson'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_special_delivery'
Saturday, 17 December 2022 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'Diary of a Rent Boy' (page 7). A Xmas story
- Added to the Rick Henry text stories: 'Superman, The Beginning of the End' (page 2)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_xmas_2022'
- Added 'Robin Planted' a picture story by Jotto
Saturday, 10 December 2022 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Rick Henry text stories: 'Superman, The Beginning of the End' (new)
Saturday, 3 December 2022 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Scorpio text stories: 'Brothers Broda' (page 5)
- Added to the dommedhunk text stories: 'Drake vs Supes 1-4' (new)
- Added 'Bomba11' a picture story by Jotto