Saturday, 2 September 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Nox text stories: 'Eyes of a Devil' (page 5)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_intothewoods_preview1'
- Added 'Ridin’ Herd 5' a picture story by Himeros
Saturday, 26 August 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Spiderboy Halloween' (page 6)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'The Experiment' (new)
- Added 'Ridin’ Herd 4' a picture story by Himeros
- Added 'The Forbidden Fruit 2' a picture story by PriapusOfMilet
Saturday, 19 August 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Nox text stories: 'Eyes of a Devil' (page 4)
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'The Blackmail of Jimmy Smith' (page 4)
- Added to the Master Skrain text stories: 'Andrei and Vong' (new)
- Added 'Ridin’ Herd 3' a picture story by Himeros
Saturday, 12 August 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'The Blackmail of Jimmy Smith' (page 3)
- Added to the Nox text stories: 'Eyes of a Devil' (page 3)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_for_their_amusement'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_integrated'
- Added 'Ridin’ Herd 2' a picture story by Himeros
Saturday, 5 August 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Nox text stories: 'Eyes of a Devil' (page 2)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_but,_before_i_let_you_go'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_like_no_other'
- Added 'Ridin’ Herd 1' a picture story by Himeros
Saturday, 29 July 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Kyle Cicero text stories: 'Toppling an alpha werewolf' (page 4)
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'The Blackmail of Jimmy Smith' (page 2)
- Added to the Nox text stories: 'Eyes of a Devil' (new)
Saturday, 22 July 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Kyle Cicero text stories: 'Toppling an alpha werewolf' (page 3)
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'The Blackmail of Jimmy Smith' (new)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'A Dark and Stormy Night' (new)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_goldy_and_three Bears_w_dialogue'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_goldy_and_three_bears'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_latest_acquisition'
Saturday, 15 July 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Spiderboy Halloween' (page 5)
- Added to the Kyle Cicero text stories: 'Toppling an alpha werewolf' (page 2)
- Added to the Jotto text stories: 'Eulogy of Darius Du Toit' (new)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'Kell and the Creatures' (new)
Saturday, 8 July 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Kyle Cicero text stories: 'Toppling an alpha werewolf' (new)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_miles_inverted_naked'
Saturday, 1 July 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'How to sooth a burning passion' (page 2)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_high_jump'
- Added 'Pick of the Litter 3' a picture story by Himeros
Saturday, 24 June 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Dylan's Training' (page 10)
- Added to the Caveman text stories: 'The Landlord' (page 2)
- Added to the Cracker text stories: 'Cash Slut Seduction' (new)
- Added 'Pick of the Litter 2' a picture story by Himeros
- Added 'The Forbidden Fruit 1' a picture story by PriapusOfMilet
- Added 'Superman And The Puppeteer 2' a picture story, words by mchlsctt709, illustrations by Mchlsctt709
Saturday, 17 June 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Scorpio text stories: 'Space Rangers' (page 17)
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Spiderboy Halloween' (page 4)
- Added 'Pick of the Litter 1' a picture story by Himeros
Saturday, 10 June 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Dylan's Training' (page 9)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_the_snow_man'
- Added 'Adonis Stallions' a picture story, words by kenlaben, illustrations by Itsmuscleman
- Added 'Oh Shit!' a picture story by Jotto
Saturday, 3 June 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Dylan's Training' (page 8)
- Added to the Rick Henry text stories: 'A Super Superhero is Crowned' (page 7)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'Straight to the Point' (new)
- Added to the Master Skrain text stories: 'Vignette 4, The Audition' (new)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_miles_inverted'
Saturday, 27 May 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Rick Henry text stories: 'A Super Superhero is Crowned' (page 6)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_unfettered'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_walled'
- Added 'The Delivery 2' a picture story by PriapusOfMilet
Saturday, 20 May 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Rick Henry text stories: 'A Super Superhero is Crowned' (page 5)
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Spiderboy Halloween' (page 3)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'The Lube Experiment' (new)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_bomba_unused'
Saturday, 13 May 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Rick Henry text stories: 'A Super Superhero is Crowned' (page 4)
- Added to the Cracker text stories: 'Castrating The Wolf' (page 3)
- Added to the Caveman text stories: 'The Landlord' (new)
- Added to the TDG text stories: 'SkyB' (new)
- Added to the Master Skrain text stories: 'Kyle' (new)
- Added to the Handy text stories: 'Crowded Train' (new)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_my_son'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_the_highlight_of_my_safari'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_zapped'
Saturday, 6 May 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Rick Henry text stories: 'A Super Superhero is Crowned' (page 3)
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Family Business' (page 3)
- Added to the Cracker text stories: 'Castrating The Wolf' (page 2)
- Added to the Hooder text stories: 'Perversion by Proxy' (new)
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_okay_but_only_for_a_minute'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_on_the_edge'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_shhh'
- Added to the Jotto gallery: 'jotto_well_now_what'
Saturday, 29 April 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Rick Henry text stories: 'A Super Superhero is Crowned' (page 2)
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Family Business' (page 2)
- Added to the Cracker text stories: 'Castrating The Wolf' (new)
Saturday, 22 April 2023 |
Telemachus |
- Added to the Dylan text stories: 'Family Business' (new)
- Added to the Rick Henry text stories: 'A Super Superhero is Crowned' (new)