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Sunday, 19 April 2009 17:08 From: Telemachus

Some wonderful new pix from Herodotus in the second gallery - the adventures of Penis Man!

Saturday, 18 April 2009 12:36 From: Telemachus

Hey Scott, some good ideas there. The celebrity stories would make some fun! Though I'm guessing Mr Cruise will probably sue...


Thursday, 16 April 2009 11:08 From: Scott

Great new text stories!  The Superman story was especially good.  I'd like to see more stories about super heroes being defeated by their enemies---Spiderman for example..  Also, I would like to see a part two of the Motor Cop story.   A suggested line:  the cop is sold on the international slave market, his identity destroyed as in Phoenix story.  How about celebrity stories on Tom Cruise, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, and so on.  scott

Thursday, 16 April 2009 11:04 From: Telemachus

Hi Ken, I'm not sure we ever got Wild Wild West over here in Brit-Land. I certainly don't remember the series, but from what I've already heard about it, you are soooo right! Dave

Thursday, 16 April 2009 11:01 From: Ken

With all the awesome work you do I am amazed you haven't done any yet on the "INFAMOUS" James West, of "The Wild Wild West".  He has to be practically the poster boy for being in tight situations and getting out of them.  I'm sure you could come up with some "situations" that he COULD' NT get out of.  Just an idea.  Great work as always.  Please, please keep it up.  Thank you...A BIG fan...Ken.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009 12:01 From: Telemachus

Hi Ken,

Thanks for you excellent comments. You are hitting a lot of my buttons there. Vallejo has always been a favourite artist of mine. Marc Singer in Beastmaster! - I remember when it first came out, sheer heaven! And Bootlust's Von Rath is just unbelievable!


Monday, 13 April 2009 12:29 From: Ken

Ok, you wanted comments, suggestions and compliments, you got 'em.  First off, I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Herodotus is a FANTASTIC fantasy artist.  Up there with Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell, and even BETTER.  The work is so realistic and lifelike.  It is AWESOME!!!  Okay, that's the comments and compliments.  Now for suggestions.  Some of the characters I would like to see:  ANY more like "abducted", more "Phoenix" like in "Morpheus strikes again" (a FAVORITE of mine.).  Men from the movie "300".  Bodybuilder Bob Paris.  Green Lantern.  Chris O'Donnell as "Robin".  The infamous Steve Reeves.  The cartoon character "He-Man".  "Bootlust's" "Top Trooper Kerry VonRath" (super HOTTIE)  and  either "Dar" from Beastmaster, Marc Singer or Daniel Goddard.  And finally, more of the character "Meatman".  Only 1 picture?  C'mon, MORE please.  Keep up the GREAT work.  I am thrilled that Telemachus12 has 2 galleries for Herodotus.  There could/should be more.  I, and I'm sure others, can't get enough.  Herodotus needs his own link and be selling some of his work.  I know I'd buy as much as I could afford.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the GREAT AWESOME FANTASTIC artwork.  Keep it coming, PLEASE... 

(and yes I know he has a day job and does this in his spare time.  If this is spare time I'd like to see what his real job looks like, or what he'd come up with if he had even more time.)  Thank you again...Ken


Saturday, 11 April 2009 09:49 From: lucien

Thanks so much for your great website - Herodotous going to two pages is awesome.  You certainly know your business and the site is grand. 

I send you Easter Greetings and once again thanks from your frequent visitor and long time admirer now 

Monday, 6 April 2009 09:59 From: Steve

I’ve been really enjoying your website.  I love your ancient historical and mythological images (please do more of these and make some of them hotter like Achilles/Patroclus).  While I like S&M, the Nazi stuff is one of my turnoffs.  I did especially like your milking machine, sj initiaion 2, rubber boi, and ethan1.  Thanks for posting these and the art of Herodotus and Franco.

Sunday, 5 April 2009 11:04 From: Glendon

Hello there, I only just discovered the request for comments, etc. and so thought I'd take a moment to jot down some thoughts although it may be in a rather random manner! I must confess my absolute favourite artist to be Herodotus. I have been on this little planet for more than a couple of decades, and truthfully have often been a bit saddened by the, if not lack of, let's say the restricted
imaginations of the men who photograph and/or illustrate men in sexually charged situations. There is a distinct tendency to rely on the tried and true or just have the guy strip down and lay around naked. While there is nothing specifically wrong with that, on the other hand I do crave some more imaginative situations!!! (to put it mildly). I love the characters, their suffering in bondage and their interactions. Truthfully, I am not always that intrigued by the superhero group, but that said, I do often enough find myself enjoying them because they are so nicely done and creative. There's often a touch of humour, and that's nice too.
Hmmm, then there's the 'suggestions' bit. Well, here goes, a few things I'd love to see in Herodotus' styling: more Tarzan!!! He suffers wonderfully! And how about some pirates? I'd love a big burly pirate captured and tormented in bondage by some rowdy archrivals! (And while I'm going on about likes, how's about some ball stretching? Ball bondage? I love seeing a man with a big set of nuts nicely stretched, weighted, bound, beaten and bruised). Also there's the wild west, where men get up to some nasty stuff. The sheriff taken by the bad guys....and cops, more cops!! Cops suffering! Cops in bondage! Cops getting face and assfucked!
Finally, I'll end this brief note with a plea for some unexpected goodies: clowns! Muscle clowns! In bondage! Punished by other cruel, fun-loving clowns. Curious as this may sound, I get a thrill from the mixture of clown makeup and leather gear: a clown with a painted face and those big, ridiculous boots in tight restraints , with one of those '100' lb weights hanging from his balls and getting his butt reamed by a cruel fellow clown. The artist Rob Clarke really does a wonderful job of the joy of cruel clown sex.
Unorthodox? Bring it on!!
But none of this is to criticize what you've done, Herodotus, because truth to tell I've lost many a load enjoying your imaginative situations.
Terrific work! Keep it up!!!
Yours truly,
Glendon (a fan)

Saturday, 4 April 2009 09:37 From: Mark

I love coming across your stuff.  It's a nice break to move into imaginary sexual scenarios.  I support you and would love to receive more of your stuff.  I have found it difficult to access the fantasy, gay sex websites but am always happy to find it on RoidsnRants. 

Friday, 3 April 2009 19:17 From: [Name withheld]

Your site is the best.

I go into five sites every day and yours is the one that I always look forward to its updates. I know you only update once a week or so but that's one of the things that make it so good. With great anticipation I wait for the new stuff and you never let me down.

Friday, 3 April 2009 18:56 From: Justin

Yeah—I like all the galleries. Wolfpek, JL, and Herodotus are all very talented

Friday, 3 April 2009 18:54 From: Jason

I generally see your work on House of Vader and clicked the link to your site recently. Hot stuff...Pro wrestling - super hero fetishes here so your work feeds hand in hand - or dick in hand - with my interests.

I have to say, I was not familiar with the work of Franco and found the pieces on your site arousingly engaging....the tops in his images seem criminally authentic...

Actually - have you seen the posters advertising the upcoming season of the Tudors? I think some art director sistah is obviously a fan of your work too:)

Friday, 3 April 2009 18:53 From: Ron

Good Morning,
Just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for hosting such a great site. Enjoy all the artwork, and cant wait to check out the site each night and see what is new. Keep up the great work.

Friday, 3 April 2009 18:51 From: Greg

I just wanted to let you know that I love your art.  I visit your site at least once a day.  They are so hot.  Is this your only website?  I especially love herodotus.  Do you know where I can find more of his work.  I find that your work is fresh and innovative and very creative....not to mention hot!!! thanks!!!!

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