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Monday, 27 July 2009 12:33 From: T D


Dave, Your site is fantastic. I love your compositions, so so hot! Frequent visits by me!

THANK YOU for adding more Franco drawings! And thanks to the artist. They are so hot! I'm attaching one that I found a while ago that is hot, hot, hot! As you can see, its tiny! Do you think you could get another from Franco and add it to your site? I know that there are many other guys like us out there who are turned on by his work.

../blog_pix/feathered balls.jpg

Monday, 27 July 2009 11:38 From: Telemachus


I've added some more Franco pix, plus an animated gif gallery - thanks F!

Friday, 24 July 2009 11:34 From: Telemachus


There's a whole load of brand new pictures in the Franco gallery.

I've also replaced a few of the original pix with better quality and/or larger versions.


Monday, 20 July 2009 12:21 From: Telemachus

Tyler Bernard

Hey guys, we have a new author in the text stories section. Feedback to the blog will be VERY welcome! I hope you enjoy the story.


Wednesday, 1 July 2009 10:06 From: Paul




I found your site by chance and am so glad that I did! The artwork is fantastic and I look forward to reading the stories (I try to ration myself so as not to to go crazy) I don't usually go for computer stuff but I went mad for what I saw - I love your work which is really lively and really pushes the boundaries of what is possible in those drawing programs. Herotodus's work -what can I say? Amazing! Does he get models in to pose or does he create it all from stuff he finds on the web? Now if only you could find the recently lost work of Kalabro and put it on your site I wouldn't need to go anywhere else!


Now I'm going to lie down for a bit


Wednesday, 24 June 2009 09:44 From: Telemachus


Hey shearedcollar,

Herodotus does his pix in his spare time, at the moment all of his public work is here in the guest galleries. No doubt one day he will have his own web site but for now I am honored to host his work here.

And thanks very much for the kind word re. my own small efforts. Hugely appreciated.



Wednesday, 24 June 2009 09:42 From: shearedcollar


I found your site very exciting . Drawings and stories are quite in my fantasm. Story "marines" and sweet dreams " are the best stories I ever found. Figures 'morpheus strikes again' is my preferate drawings .. I am looking other figures like that.

I think you know where these figures can be available. Is Herodotus available on the net?


Thanks you very much and I wish a good continuaton.




Monday, 22 June 2009 17:23 From: T D


Just found your site, so horny! I can't get enough of it: your drawings are so horny! Driving me nuts, bud! Stories and Guest Galleries - Franco! HOT! Cock teasing - MAJOR FANTASY!!!!!!!

Thanks for the site, thanks for keeping it up!

Monday, 8 June 2009 10:31 From: Telemachus


Hey guys,

Sorry for the delay in posting new stuff. Work is really busy at the moment, and I have a steady stream of commissions taking up my spare time including an ongoing series of 3D trial pix for an amateur computer game currently in development. I'll try to get some more pictures up on the website soon, hopefully this week.

In the meantime feel free to post to the blog! Let us know what sort of thing you want to see. I know that the other contributors as well as myself often get inspired by good feedback.



Tuesday, 19 May 2009 08:59 From: Mason

The Wild Wild West

I was surfing the other night and discovered that the show is available on DVD, all seasons. You might want to pass that along.

I would love to see Herodotus do a series with that hero.


Monday, 18 May 2009 09:11 From: Gavin

Who are these guys?

What is Herodotus' relationship to Wolfpek?

Are they professional partners in creating commercial work?

Is Herodotus just a fan who discovered Wolfpek online and was inspired to animate his stories for fun?

Have you guys ever met? Do you live in the same city?

I have seen Wolfpek's awesome stories on Amazon and I have to buy everything he does!

Wolfpek, you are a fucking GOD. Seriously, a master of the mind.


Monday, 11 May 2009 09:24 From: Telemachus

I've added a link to Bullneck's flickr page. If you like beefy cops in uniform then that's the place to go!

And Herodotus' latest pic - Wow! Troy never looked so hot...

Monday, 4 May 2009 11:20 From: Lucien

Sir - What an electric site . I have enjoyed your works for a good while now. The latest Wolpeck / Herodotus Vampire story is a fiendish erotic tale and imagery that is hard to equal . BRAVO for all the contributions and entertaining uber-sexual adventures


Thursday, 30 April 2009 18:21 From: Supaboi

Hi Dave!!!

We are absolutely loving the ENTIRE SERIES of Penisman and the SLAVER!!!!

So friggin hot....I wish PM was forced to take more dick....but love Panels 2 & 7 the best!


Supaboi in Miami

Wednesday, 29 April 2009 09:32 From: Telemachus

Ah yes, the adorable Mr Rickitt. Also famous for receiving the first gay 'kiss' on Coronation Street. Except that, as the character he played was a homophobe who was kissed while he slept, he reacted badly. Tch! At least the naughty kisser (Bruno Langley) went on to guest star in Dr Who, while Mr Rickitt went on to play a rent boy on stage.

../blog_pix/Corrie_star_Adam_0_0_0x0_260x465.jpg ../blog_pix/adamscov.jpg

Tuesday, 28 April 2009 09:14 From: Ray

This is a fabulous website with great art and great stories, especially those from Herodotus and Wolfpek.

There are a few celebrities I think that are great candidate to be the subject of stories and graphics. They are Jeremy Jordan (not the porn star Jeremy Jordan, but there was a singer named Jeremy Jordan in the 1990s) and Adam Rickitt (a British TV-star in the 1990s). Are anyone familiar with them? They have tight lean muscle bodies which one would describe more like a swimmer or athlete build instead of a bodybuilder type. I think that's the perfect type to be a captured hero.

He-Man is my favorite hero. Although he's more like a bodybuilder type and not the swimmer/athlete type I like more, but you just can't resist his quite provocative outfit. And just imagine he being defeated and enslaved by Skeletor...

The story I liked the most on this website is the Zantar story, which is the type of story that I fantasize most about: a brave warrior prince captured and enslaved by his enemy. I would like it more if Zantar is not broken but had to endure the humiliation of being a sex slave of his enemy everyday defiantly and in shame. Speaking of which, I think Adam Rickitt or Jeremy Jordan would make a great match with this role: a warrior prince captured and sexually enslaved. I wonder if we can see that happen in some graphics here? :)

The latest Wolfpek Captain Invinsible story is a great one too, especially with Herodotus' perfect graphics.

Thanks for this great site!


Monday, 27 April 2009 11:52 From: Mason

A couple things, before the subjects disappear off the bottom of the page;

First, that is a fantastic job of putting Tom Cruise's head on a buff body. It would have been a natural to have added Brad Pitt, but for Cruise to look natural with that body is great work.

Marc Singer has long been one of my jack-off fantasies. In Beastmaster he was spectacular, but to see him as an actor and a stud, one really needs to get the ACT version of "The Taming of the Shrew," in which he plays the hottest Petruccio ever. When he strips off his shirt for a wrestling match with Kate, I truly have visions of being pinned, or maybe I should say nailed.

Robert Conrad's two sons, in their brief TV series, never dressed in tight clothes. Each was different from the other, but both were hot and young. And the older one, constantly dressed in baggy ski clothes, nonetheless managed to show a bulge most of the time. I wonder what happened to them?

Often the children of actors don't want to act. But eventually, they sometimes fall into it. Mary Martin's son, the one who didn't, eventually did very well for himself. Lorna Lufts, the sister of Liza Minelli, has started working and doing a great job.

I would really love to see Herodotus do some work with the characters from film an TV, particularly the historiical stuff he does so well. (I love the Egyptian guy strapped to the board. I mean, facial expressions mean a lot to me. No expression means no turn on.)

Last, Telemachos, that new icon of the guy in the chair is very cool. I do not see any seat under him, and that means that the stress position he is in would quickly become very painful indeed. Or maybe I missed a tiny detail. Whichever, that pic is good story material. Grin.

Well, should be working right now. So I guess I will.



Monday, 27 April 2009 11:44 From: Bambamtop

Penis Man

Dave, Hope your having a great weekend. I just got back from The International Lingerie Show up in Vegas so was unable to view your site but the first thing I did was check it. OMG , I was not let down. I love the adventures of our poor hero Penis Man. I also think he has great taste in arch enemies.

JCThe two pics I really liked were PenisMan 7 & 8. Hope we get to see more of his misadventures.

Friday, 24 April 2009 09:01 From: Herodotus

Re. James West

Hey Mason,

'James West' ("Wild Wild West") was played by actor, Robert Conrad.

Best pecs in show biz for years!!!

This dude was frequently chained up by some great camp villains (Eartha Kitt, Michael Dunn).

...and yes, I think he was sewn into his leather pants! I miss that show!

Cheers! Herodotus

Thursday, 23 April 2009 10:15 From: Mason

I am reading your blog now.

I wish I could remember the actor who originally played James West in the TV series. (I will remember right after I send this off.)

His two sons had a series, I think in the 90s, about a ski resort. Hot, but not as hot as him.

I saw him interviewed, and they asked what he missed most about doing the series. He said: "Being able to fit into those tight leather pants!"

Oh yeah!

They made an updated movie version of the series, but it was not in the same ballpark.

If you can find it on DVD, it may be worth watching. We might view it as one of the origens of Steam Punk. Science Fiction set in the Old West.

And lots and lots of room for bondage and torture, to which the series always came awfully close.


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