The Telemachus Story Archive

Part 3 - Part Three (Finale)
By Scorpio

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Dawn - Part Three


Ollie and Jared, two strangers from different cities, Ollie lived in Caprice City, and Jared was visiting from his hometown Emerald City, met in a Caprice City’s CBD pool’s sauna facility. There is a spark of attraction from the moment they meet. They decided to head to Ollie’s place for some speedo fun and to catch dinner on the way.

They are distracted and stumble upon the famous Speedoman tied up in a death machine. Ollie and Jared help Speedoman escape the death trap and Speedoman, AKA Jake Masters, the son of a multi billion-dollar hotel and leisure tycoon, thanks them for their help and takes them back to his secret Speedo Bunker. They meet Jake’s sexy assistant Cole.

Jake and Cole agree that these very sexy swimmer guys show enormous potential to become the next super sexy speedo heroes the world needs to thwart the rising tide of evil…

The last episode left off where Jared was tied to a massage table in Speedoman’s Speedo bunker with Ollie on top of him in a sixty-nine position. The pair were left to enjoy some intimate play. Speedoman was waiting for a special friend to arrive so he could ask Ollie and Jared if they were prepared to obtain super Speedo Strength; to become the next super speedo-clad heroes.

Inside the Speedo Bunker, Ollie and Jared are enjoying some intimate fun.

Ollie could feel Jared’s massive groan and moan ripple through his moist red and orange nylon speedos, Jared’s hot juices were so plentiful, and Jared was screaming and creaming simultaneously. The feeling of the hot cum coating his face, the taste of this erotic boy’s semen so exhilarating, so fulfilling, it set Ollie’s orgasm to DEFCON1!

The orgasmic pleasure filled his rock-hard rod instantaneously, he felt his fingers and toes tingling in joy as he pushed his raging speedo bulge, as hard as he could into Jared’s hungry open mouth. Ollie gripped Jared’s upper legs, squeezing, and pulling Jared’s body into his face. It had been more than twenty-four hours since his last ejaculation, long before he had met this magnificent blond bombshell exploding underneath him. He wished he had saved up longer, but at his virile age, Ollie could come truckloads all day.

Ollie’s orgasm did not disappoint. He pumped that truckload of semen through his straining wet nylon pouch into the waiting mouth of Jared beneath him, every pump every tongue lash from the quivering god below him seemed to charge his orgasmic pleasure into its next wave.

Cole stood watching from the sidelines, he had Speedoman’s fingers exploring his love hole, he was extremely horny, but he noticed the red light on the lift call button panel. It was flashing red and then white. He had to wait for Speedoman’s cock tonight, that flashing light, indicated to Cole that Dr Sebastian O’Keefe was inside and was pressing the lift button on lift 3 in the Caprice Connaught’s hotel lobby. The secret press sequence that only O’Keefe, Cole and Jake knew sent messages to several areas in the Speedo Bunker and caused the lift call buttons to glow like they were now.

Speedoman retrieved his fingers from Cole’s warm butt crack and licked the side of Coles’ face.

“You my friend have done well tonight, thanks! My cock needs your body, but we have work to do my horny young man! I’ll collect O’Keefe and take him to the Speedo Lab! Can you clean these two sexy boys up and meet us in the lab soon?”

Cole just nodded, but Jake knew that nod well. Cole had plans for their play session later that night, so Jake revelled in the contemplation as he walked off toward the lift, wiping his fingers, and adjusting his speedo. He needed to look good for O’Keefe; they had a big job ahead of themselves.

He washed up in one of the plush bathrooms before heading to the boutique, Jake needed to get into a new pair of lycra Speedos; his luscious light blue nylons were sporting a growing wet spot which he couldn’t show off to Dr O’Keefe. He would save the nylon pair for Cole to savour later that night, once their work had completed.

Dr Sebastian O’Keefe knew Jake and Cole well, he expected a little delay, now and then, knowing the double occupations of his favourite crime-fighting team. He waited patiently in the Speedo Lab. A tall man with a Eurasian appearance, O’Keefe presented a confident and competent demeanour. He wore a tight-fitting tailored blue suit and a white shirt, unbuttoned at his collar. His dark hair was cut meticulously. He was a handsome and imposing figure, well-adapted to his chosen occupation.

O’Keefe was now in the private research phase of his tumultuous career. Having maintained an extensive career at Drake University, at one stage, he was head of molecular biology research and teaching at the university and leading various biotechnological projects, his research had been recognised by several government departments and gained the attention of the heads of Army, Navy, and Air Force. But alas, it was the university ethics committees and then the minor political parties raising questions in the parliament, that had been his downfall, halting most of his amazing work, especially when the media had started to get wind of what his research had the possibility of creating. It took an embargo from the Cabinet Secretary to shut down all reporting of the investigations into O’Keefe’s research.

O’Keefe smiled as he noticed Speedoman walking into the Speedo Lab in all his magnificent glory. The sound of the double glass doors gained O’Keefe’s attention causing him to turn from his examination of the device and walk over toward the approaching hero his arm extended ready to shake Speedoman’s hand.

Speedoman wouldn’t have any of it though! He extended both hands and embraced O’Keefe tightly, making sure he didn’t break any bones or anything in O’Keefe’s body; Speedoman was at full Speedo Strength and one little extra squeeze could break a bone if he was not careful.

“My good friend!” O’Keefe said in the middle of their embrace.

“It’s been a while!” Speedoman replied, releasing O’Keefe.

Speedoman looked across to the Transconducer and then back to O’Keefe.

“Yes, I know what you are thinking Sebastian.”

“And what might that be, Speedoman?” Sebastian O’Keefe said with a knowing smile.

“Cole has been hard at work, in his spare time adding the second Conducer Ring and Re-Flow valves. He thinks his latest software will be able to handle an increase in load and that we may have overcome the issues that plague my powers.” Speedoman said.

O’Keefe Hmned before replying “We shall take a look, thanks for inviting me, when I noticed Cole’s message earlier tonight, I was intrigued, so I decided to take a look!”

Speedoman was indeed referring to how his super Speedo Strength drained with use. Like batteries, his Speedo Strength could be drained by any exertion exceeding the inflow of Speedo Strength he speedo synthesised from the garment. O’Keefe had been grappling with this differential ever since they tested Speedoman’s abilities, it had evaded O’Keefe’s research for some time.

O’Keefe was excited at the prospect. He was also concerned.

“I would NOT recommend you undergo a second molecular transmutation, Jake!”

“That’s not going to happen Doc, I will live with my powers as they are, although villainy seems to have worked out my weakness and I now need to be on my guard all the more so.”

“Then why have you and Cole been working on the Transconducer with such urgency?” O’Keefe enquired.

“We think we can make better heroes, more powerful and resistant to the Speedo Strength discharge that plagues my crime fighting”, Jake responded.

Sebastian was having flashbacks to his human research days, the probes and questions, and the constant harassment of other professors around the country. But he pushed those concerns to the side. The contemplation of witnessing his life’s major work project was too attractive right now to pass by.

“What do you and Cole have in mind, Jake?” O’Keefe enquired.

Half an hour earlier and back inside the fitness facility, Cole approached Ollie and Jared. They were panting, and Ollie was licking Jared’s drenched and cummy nylon bulge. His hands massaged Jared’s bulging quads. The pair were in a post-orgasm wonderland, a world of sexual bliss for any sexy guy with a speedo fetish, Ollie laying his beautiful body on top of Jared, Jared still tied to the massage table.

Ollie held himself back from saying ‘I love’ you, it had only been a day since they met in that sauna. Cole snapped him out of his erotic bliss.

“That was some show guys!” Cole said while releasing Jared’s wrists.

Jared immediately lifted his now free arms and ran his hands along the insides of Ollie’s legs. Jared just adored a muscular leg almost as much as a taut butt and bulging speedo; it was his first chance to touch and feel this beautiful boy’s skin. Jared had been waiting all day to touch Ollie and he sort of ignored Cole for as long as he could.

Cole understood and went about untying Jared’s ankles.

They immediately and instinctively wrapped their arms around each other’s legs, sucking hot cum through their nylon bulges in their first real embrace. Cole needed to peel the pair apart. He couldn’t resist running his hands across Ollie’s pert buttocks, and then feeling the sticky warm ejaculate that the two beautiful young men had spurted into each other’s faces.

Cole walked across to Jared, cupping the beautiful blonde’s handsome face, massaging cum into Jared’s cheeks. He licked some of it off Jared’s left cheek and then kissed him quickly on Jared’s lips, reaching across he clenched the back of Ollie’s head, drawing the beautiful boy into their embrace. Before directing Jared to kiss Ollie.

Cole then stood back and watched as the two younger swimming gods held each other in a passionate kiss. He embraced the new couple from the side placing a hand on each of their nylon-covered bubble butts. He breathed in the scent of semen, so rich and so luxuriant. Watching as two beautiful boys kissed enthusiastically.

Stepping back, Cole let the boys enjoy their first long embrace and kiss and went about preparing his erotic cleaning apparatus.

He wanted to give their new friends the speedo treatment, something that he and Jake had developed in their special erotic moments for when Speedoman returned from assignments; his Speedo Strength always made him super horny, and Cole and he had developed ways for Jake to enjoy the eroticism of his speedo. Cole knew how to dress for those occasions, he had rope ready for their playtime and the cleansing devices, one each, had restraints built into them so they could explore their fantasies.

“Time for a wash boys, because we have someone special, we would like you to meet!” Cole said as he approached the two horny guys.

They broke their kiss with grins from ear to ear, reaching out for Cole to rejoin their embrace. Ollie couldn’t resist, he ran his hand down Cole’s left side until he reached the strap on Cole’s hip, the black thong was such an erotic garment that Ollie couldn’t resist touching.

Cole let fingers explore his body, he kissed Ollie while Jared felt up Cole’s exposed buttocks, they cavorted for several minutes before Cole started to pull backward, he made sure the three of them were moving to the cleansing seats.

He whispered to them as he drew them closer… “Can’t have you two all cummy and wet when you meet our honoured guest, I have a special treat that you boys will just love.”

“Are you going to tie us up?” Jared said with a hopeful tone, looking at Ollie and then to Cole.

“That can be arranged beautiful boys, if you ask nicely!”

Ollie looked at Cole, but his hands were caressing Cole’s thong bulge, Jared licked Cole’s face, his fingers were exploring the warmth of Cole’s sexy butt crack.

Cole smiled, enjoying the erotic attention these two beautiful young men were giving him.

“I’ll take that as a yes then, will I? But we can’t stay too long boys, we really want you to meet O’Keefe. It’s important.” Cole kept up his naughty smile, he couldn’t wait to have them at his mercy. He looked down at his bulge and then to Ollie.

“You like that boy?” he said to Ollie, who felt a blast of pre-cum spurt into his cummy speedo.

“I like yours too and I like Jared’s here too, you know…” he paused for effect.

“I don’t know which bulge I like better, it’s a tie so far!”

They had reached the cleansers.

Awaiting the horny trio, were two elaborate spa chair-like devices light green in colour, but one was a darker green. Surrounding each spa chair was a series of vents and grilled drains. A Perspex-like, clear canopy surrounded the back, behind the participant’s cleaning apparatus chair. In-built into the side of each device were several removable cleaning nozzle heads attached to stainless steel tubing which could emerge from the sides of each of the cleansing chairs.

“We call these fun little devices our ‘cleansers’. Jake and I have one each, and we can use them in automatic-programmatical mode if we both want to experience their wonders together, in an erotic roleplay scenario. As you know Jake does enjoy bondage and his Speedo Strength can make him horny, so we developed these little beauties to play with.”

Cole then faced the machines and gave an order.

“Extension One! You have two participants in manual mode!”

The chairs began to extend and form into a rigid form and began to tilt backwards slightly.

“Your erotic chariots await boys. Step up over the grates and lean those cummy bodies back onto the waiting cleansing seat. You will feel the seat start to shape into your butts and backs. It will be warm, arms to your sides please.”

Ollie was fascinated, Jared was excited, Jared stepped over to his cleanser first and leaned back. Ollie followed him and started to caress Jared’s wet light blue speedo. Ollie made sure Jared spread his legs, he watched as Cole locked the ankle restraints on Jared’s ankles. Ollie bent down feeling the wet heavenly bulge, Jared’s penis felt heavenly beneath the wet, cummy nylon.

Cole attached the wrist restraints.

“Struggle boy!” Cole demanded as Ollie squeezed Jared’s bulge.

The sight of Jared’s body placed so erotically on the apparatus made Ollie pre-cum again into his speedo as Cole directed him to his Cleanser. Soon Ollie and Jared were restrained, their arms at their sides, their magnificent and powerful legs spread slightly and restrained. They were facing each other so neither of them could miss out on the erotic action.

Cole checked out his handy work, enjoying these two magnificent specimens twisting in their bonds.

“It feels nice, doesn’t it? Jake, er Speedoman loves to be bound and he has taught me to appreciate its eroticism. You like feeling helpless Ollie, while someone takes control of your body?” Cole said moving across to Ollie and tracing the outline of Ollie’s scrotum inside his wet red and orange nylon speedo.

Ollie felt his body tense, it felt so delicious to have someone touch his balls like that. He squirmed deliciously causing Jared to Drool.

“Fuck you’re hot!” Jared said enjoying the show Cole was producing in front of him with Ollie.

Cole smiled and pressed a couple of buttons on the side of each of the cleansers. The drains below their feet started to emit a sucking sound and nozzles emerged from above Ollie and Jared’s shoulders, delicious warm water began to cascade down their magnificent, tanned bodies.

It felt so erotic and warm, Jared forgot about Cole and even Ollie for a moment, his eyes closed, and he let his head roll to the side feeling the water caress his skin. His speedos were drenched in seconds, his legs were like channels allowing the water to course down his body, and water cascaded off the bottom of his speedo bulge, it felt amazing as he tried his bonds.

Ollie followed Jared’s lead, enjoying the sensation of the warm water caressing his body. They awoke from their bliss by strong jettison from two shower nozzles above them concealed in the Perspex covers of their Cleanser devices. The droplets of water were stinging as the strong mist of hot water engulfed them and they started to struggle, trying to keep their eyes away from the storm of water pummeling their bodies from above.

The water stopped except for a trickle still cascading down their bodies from the nozzles above their shoulders. Jared and Ollie were completely saturated and shaking their heads trying to dislodge water from their hair.

“Now, you two swimmer boys do look pretty sexy all wet!” Cole said as he prepared his sponge. Which he decided to discard.

“I was going to use a sponge on you boys, but you look so beautiful with that water cascading down those rippling youthful bodies, I think I’m going to need to use my fingers to get into all those hard-to-reach spots!” He added.

Cole looked at Ollie.

“I’ll start with you, pretty boy! We’ll have you squeaky clean for Dr O’Keefe!”

“He’s a doctor?” Ollie spurted water from his mouth and shook his head as he enquired.

“Well, yes!” Cole said applying a hefty amount of cleansing fluid.

Cole massaged the sudsy fluid into Ollie’s body for about five minutes. Talking to them about how Speedoman met O’Keefe and their history. He avoided the reason for the doctor’s visit that evening, he would leave that for their meeting. But as he finished massaging Ollie’s body, he squeezed a hefty proportion of the cleansing fluid onto Ollie’s drenched speedo.

He massaged the soapy-like cleanser into a lather, allowing his fingers to slip and slide, but grip Ollie’s pronounced penis and balls. Ollie responded with a delicious moan of delight, thrusting his hips forward toward Cole, and Jared in the Cleanser situated directly behind Cole’s back.

“Yum, that feels so nice!” Ollie said with a naughty smile appearing on his face.

Cole then let the water that was running down Ollie’s body wash the remaining suds from Ollie’s body and then pressed one of the controls to release Ollie. Before turning his attention to Jared.

“Your turn sexy bondage boy!” Cole said winking at Jared.

Cole proceeded to wash Jared as carefully and sensually as he had done with Ollie, who was standing off to the side drying himself in one of the most luxurious white towels he had ever felt, watching the majesty of Jared’s magnificent body, being cleansed and pampered, Jared’s wet powder blue speedo clinging to the most beautiful cock he had ever had the delight of seeing and enjoying. Jared was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on, and in the span of one very eventful day, Ollie was coming to terms with the fact that his attraction to this blond swimmer was growing by the second.

Ollie stepped up to Jared as Cole began to massage Jared’s wet speedo. Ollie needed to get a closer look at the beauty of the bulge, the sheer erotic way the drenched nylon was caressing Jared’s genitalia. He was smitten by its beauty, he realised that he had to have this guy, all to himself. He listened as Jared’s enjoyment of Cole’s attentive bulge massage treatment sent Jared into an erotic twist of his delicious body and the slow thrusting motion of his hips.

Cole could have spent hours on them, but they had more important matters to attend to. He hadn’t revealed the real reason for this little Cleanser playtime session, he would leave that to Speedoman and Dr O’Keefe to reveal. His job was over, having administered the final dose of O’Keefe’s serum directly onto Ollie and Jared’s bulges as sensually as he could in his limited time.

“I hope you enjoyed that, gentlemen. I’d like to play longer, but we would like you to meet Dr O’Keefe before the night is up!” Cole winked and smiled at them. “Speedoman likes a good long cleansing, he often cums like a truck once I start massaging his impressive bulge, I’m happy to help relieve him of the tension and the powerful effects of his Speedo Strength that makes him horny. Crime fighting is quite demanding as you boys can now understand, and with crackpots like Mischief, Scorpio, Crazy Pete, and Danny Dread roaming around, you can see how the stress can build. Often Jake has a Board meeting, or media event on or whatever on the next day, so I always do my best to help him relieve his tension and his enhanced sexual drive! Maybe later I can enjoy each of you spurting cum into my mouth!” Cole’s naughty smile was increasing.

Cole would have offered them a pristine, pair of whichever swimming briefs they desired, but he wanted them to remain in the pairs they were wearing, he had applied the final top-up of Dr O’Keefe’s special molecular splicing preparation serum to each of their Speedo bulges as part of his erotic cleansing play with them. They had both ingested their initial doses during their play time earlier that night. Cole had fed Jared the serum when Jared had licked and worshipped Cole’s taint just before Cole dismounted Jared to make way for Ollie. Ollie had inadvertently massaged the serum into Jared’s bulge before laying himself down to suck Jared’s bulge into a sexual frenzy.

They had received two doses of the serum each and were ready to meet Dr O’Keefe.

“Don’t you think we should dress to meet Dr O’Keefe?” Ollie said as Cole made his way toward the elevator doors.

Both boys were jumping to catch up to Cole before the lift doors closed. They arrived at the lift wearing only their moist Speedos and the doors quickly closed behind them.

Cole smiled once the three of them were in the lift and it was moving upward, obeying Cole’s commands.

“You are dressed perfectly boys, I, on the other hand, will slip something more appropriate on before I introduce you both!”

Ollie and Jared looked at each other with curious astonishment, their eyes darting around the lift, eyeing each other and then Cole, who was still only wearing the skimpiest of black thongs.

Cole could see them enjoying his body, his pert tight buttocks and well-defined musculature.

“Oh yes!” Cole said reaching for one of the wall panels in the lift. The panel slid open revealing a small cupboard from which Cole extracted a black singlet and a pair of black lycra work out tights. He dressed himself fitting the garments to his body and then faced Ollie and Jared.

“Look OK?” he enquired smiling again.

The lift doors opened into a plush lift lobby. Ollie and Jared followed Cole who made his way to an unmarked glass door. Behind the door, they could see a hallway with doors illuminated along the hall, not unlike a stylish hotel hallway.

“This is nice Jared blurted!” as the followed Cole.

“This way!” Cole said placing his palm on a palm reader next to the stunning, shiny birch-veneered door which made a swishing sound as it started to open inward and to the side, opposite to how an airline door opens outward.

“Speedoman and Dr O’Keefe are here setting up!”

Ollie maintained his quizzical look but caressed Jared’s moist bubble butt, the Speedos were no longer wet, and the nylon was almost dry. Jared’s muscled buttock cheeks felt so nice in his hand. He wanted to worship them right there and then, but he heard the voice of Speedoman coming from around the corner, inside the plush space.

“Here they are!”

Jake came walking quickly to greet them. He was dressed as Speedoman, wearing a pair of lime green nylon Speedos and a huge smile. He walked over to them and muscled his way between Ollie and Jared placing one arm around the back of Ollie and Jared so that his hands were resting on their shoulders, it forced Ollie to retrieve his hand from Jared’s speedo-clad buttocks. Speedoman then moved them forward around the corner to where Dr O’Keefe was waiting in the centre of what looked like a hard wooden floor, it too was varnished to perfection just like the doors in the hallway and Speedoman’s Speedo Boutique room. Discrete LED lighting was inlaid into the floor and ceiling alike, it pulsed on and off rhythmically.

Dr Sebastian O’Keefe was not what Jared had expected. Jared had pictured an older man with a beard and small optical glasses sitting on the edge of his nose. Instead, O’Keefe had a James Bond look about him. His confidence was oozing, and his handsome face was sporting a sophisticated smile, piercing green eyes scanned Ollie and Jared before darting to Cole.

“So nice to see you again Cole, it is always a pleasure!” O’Keefe said, confidence oozing through his voice as he spoke.

“I see you have dressed up tonight!” O’Keefe laughed.

“You know us, Doctor!” Cole said caressing his impressive, rounded bulge.

“Boys will be boys!” He continued, “… which brings us to some introductions!” Cole diverted his eyes to Ollie and Jared.

“You must be Ollie!” O’Keefe said shaking Ollie’s hand.

“And you are Jared!”

Jared shook O’Keefe’s hand also, taken by the handsome doctor’s green eyes.

O’Keefe walked over to Speedoman, placing his hands around Jake’s shoulders.

“Speedoman has told me about your adventures today! And indeed, he is right, you are both magnificent-looking young men, strong and capable. Speedoman also tells me you both swim and have your own little speedo fetish!”

Ollie and Jared looked at each other, blushing before watching Cole rub his bulge again.

“They were instrumental in my release and unfazed by the whole situation and my imminent death inside that diabolical arouser machine. They did well!” Speedoman responded.

They spoke for several minutes, discussing the afternoon’s adventure, as they had earlier with Speedoman and Cole before the Doctor nodded his head.

“I have heard enough gentlemen; I am satisfied that these two young men are perfect candidates!” O’Keefe said in a manner signifying that the discussion was moving to the next phase.

“I will come to the point gentleman,” O’Keefe said observing Ollie and Jared. “We would like to offer you the opportunity to access the same power that Speedoman does when he is wearing his speedo!”

Ollie looked shocked, and Jared squeezed Ollie’s hand.

“Do you mean, you…” Ollie paused, he was overwhelmed “You are offering us super speedo powers…?”

Jared blurted it out first… “Yeah! I’m in, but how?”

Ollie nodded in agreement and squeezed Jared’s hand tighter.

“Yeah, how?” He finally got his words out.

O’Keefe nodded toward Cole who was walking back to the centre of the room, he had retrieved a small clicker device and pressed the clicker.

Ollie and Jared noticed the circumference of a circle appearing in white light around them all, its diameter reached at least 40 feet. The ceiling above them was opening to reveal what resembled several lighting rigs with different sorts of dark boxes and white spherical devices hanging off them. Lights shone brightly and illuminated the centre of the light circle surrounding them.

O’Keefe and Speedoman moved away from the circle’s centre as the centre began to glow as if white hot. They stood on either side of Ollie and Jared as the light became so intense that everyone in the room had to look away and shield their eyes.

“Yes, that is the floor vibrating Ollie,” Speedoman said loud enough for everyone to hear above the increasing high-pitched noise coming from underneath the floor.

The light and sounds abated quickly leaving the machine centre stage with the floor still vibrating.

Cole was jumping and clapping. “That never gets boring!” He said with joy and admiration in his mind.

O’Keefe stood between the two gob-smacked boys and the machine; his hands outstretched as if to say keep away.

“Let me introduce the Transducer to you boys. This machine is top secret there is nothing like it in the world; it is my baby and now Cole’s as well. Cole has been working on it for some time and he is the only tech guru I will allow near it.”

Ollie stared at the crazy golden machine.

Jared too, didn’t know where to look first, his mouth was half open, he didn’t speak.

“Developed as a top-secret government weapon, this machine was conceived to create an army of super-energised warriors, secretly powered by their nylon or lycra underwear or swimwear beneath their normal army uniforms. Corps of men capable of incredible things whilst wearing their secret power source underwear.” O’Keefe explained.

“The top-secret project was only months from deployment when word was leaked to some independent members of government who sought to have the project outed and revealed, thereby thwarting the Army’s newest secret weapon before we could begin tests!”

“Drake University dropped development and the device was to be destroyed. But I arranged for Jake to take it off my hands. He bought it here and we faked a destruction protocol to make everyone think the device was dealt with.”

Jake took over the story from O’Keefe.

“I’ve known Sebastian for years, I have financed much of Sebastian’s molecular splicing research for years now, and so I volunteered to trial the Transducer. To undergo the inaugural SpeedoSyntheis process of transductive energy creation.”

Ollie and Jared remained speechless but paid attention to every word.

“What you see today is the result of my Transducer Trial! I have amazing Speedo Strength, speed, and hearing, but as you witnessed today, I cannot hold the energy, it drains from me when I exert power or load greater than the SpeedoSyntheis drive, now imprinted in my DNA, can replace my Speedo Strength. You witnessed my recovery over several hours tonight, but if you hadn’t released me, that last electrical torture would have overwhelmed any remaining Speedo Strength, and it would have killed me. I have this weakness and I must live with it. I cannot undergo a second round of treatment; it will modulate my molecular structure so much that I would become a vegetable!”

It was Cole’s turn to continue the story. He walked over to Speedoman and caressed Jake’s impressive buttocks.

“Yeah, he is now in my care!” Cole said, winking.

“I have been tinkering with the Transducer, rebuilding all the parts that overloaded when Jake ‘rode’ the machine. I have enhanced much of the circuitry adding a second conductive transducer, reverting the conducer rings to their original frequencies, and rebuilding all the molecular refluxion valves!”

O’Keefe jumped back into the commentary.

“I’m impressed with Cole’s take on the device, he has made some masterful software enhancements, not to mention enhancements to the critical systems he has mentioned. I believe the Transducer is better than ever, and the issues that plague Speedoman’s powers can be overcome.”

There was a pause as O’Keefe walked across to the machine.

“It is safe to approach the Transducer now!” He announced, running his hand along the top and sides of the golden Orb-like machine. In front of the machine were two golden boxes, with black markings showing where feet should be placed. These boxers were attached to two cables running from the rear of the golden orb, they were several inches in diameter and were filled with optical fibre and molecular transconductance fibres.

“Should you agree, your molecular structures will become fluid and pass through these foot pads, you will be required to grasp Conservator Bars above your heads to commence the molecular current. Your bodies will be stretched allowing maximum flow.”

Ollie and Jared started to approach.

“I must observe your genitals gentlemen, they are a key interface, the machine will focus on your speedos as it begins the transconductance procedure, melding your unique molecular structures with the speedo; your bodies will ‘learn’ to energise with any speedo you prefer; nylon, lycra, whatever clings, and forms to your genitalia, this we have named SpeedoSynthesis. The more pronounced your manhood bulge the stronger the molecular affiliation!”

Jared looked at Ollie, “Yeah, count us in!”

They stood on the boxes, placing their feet on the footpads. The footpads felt like sponges and began to stick to their feet. Ollie could feel it squeezing between his toes, he felt his feet completely immersed in an invisible warm bath.

Cole smiled and approached the two brave subjects up on their Transducer Pedestals. He untied their speedo cords, pulling the garments down from their buttocks and genitals. He gasped at the pair of magnificent penises and sets of testicles that he was presented with.

He stepped away for O’Keefe to make his examination.

“This won’t take long boys,” O’Keefe said holding Jared’s penis. At five inches flaccid, the cut cock glowed in the lights, O’Keefe looked for the distinctive seepage, wiping it across the top of Jared’s glans. He then felt each of Jared’s testicles carefully! Enjoying the full majesty of Jared’s low-hanging jewels.”

“Impressive Boys!” He said after examining Ollie’s equally impressive genitalia. Like Jared, Oliver’s impressive penis was heavy in hand and Ollie’s full testicles felt virile are perfect. O’Keefe was deeply impressed by both penises, there was plenty of healthy warm flesh on both, their cut cocks almost identical in length and girth. He inspected both their perfect pink penis heads, their glans felt true and strong. His examination was thorough but clinical.

“Agh ha, you both have the distinctive seepage, which means the serum is still active in your bodies, it has coated your penis’ urethras!” He stated, looking up at both Jared and Ollie, allowing Ollie’s penis to flop forward.

“You are both very fit handsome specimens; you will withstand the transductive shock with ease. Now, you have ingested the last of my speedo-serum, and Cole massaged some of it into your speedo bulges before you arrived here, so the chemicals are in your systems, these chemicals will react with the Speedo Transducer current, and the machine will identify the formula as it splices your molecules and fuses the speedo fabric to the molecules within your body, especially your magnificent genitalia! Indeed, you are ready! Your penises and scrotums are prepared perfectly!” He paused momentarily, “…You can still choose to end this if you want, the serum will become inert in two hours.”

“Are you kidding?” Ollie responded, he was ready to become a powerful Speedo boy, and Jared nodded in agreement, looking down toward his impressive cock. He knew he had to control himself or he would be erect in moments; the thought of himself being another Speedoman was so alluring, so captivating!

“Cole, please do the honour of taking control of the Speedo Transducer!” O’Keefe said, but he was looking at Ollie and Jared.

“Gentlemen, it is time to re-fit your speedos back onto your bodies. Arrange your beautiful penises so that the underside of your penis is facing upward, and the base of your penile glans are pushing into the nylon fabric and are clearly visible to us through the speedo. Ensure the speedo is tightly tied and the cord is stowed inside, but away from your penis. The penis must have maximum exposure to the speedo’s front pouch fabric.”

Cole knew that Speedoman and O’Keefe had to ensure Ollie and Jared’s speedo bulges were perfectly formed and prominent, they needed to ensure that there was maximum speedo interface with their skin inside the speedo fabric. For the procedure to be successful, their penises needed maximum exposure and stimuli to absorb and displace the intensive energy signatures into their bodies in the correct sequence; for their bodies to absorb the transductive energy, thereby updating their unique genetic codes with the speedo transduced code. Cole knew that Speedoman and O’Keefe would be careful with each bulge. He recalled the amount of time O’Keefe spent on Jake’s bulge before his Transduction, so he used the time to lower the Conservator Bars into place above Jared and Ollies’ heads.

Once the Speedo fittings were approved, Speedoman and O’Keefe, retreated outside of the ring of light surrounding the Speedo Transducer with Ollie and Jared standing on their Transducer Pedestals. Ollie and Jared were alone inside the ring of light; willing and eager to undergo their Speedo Transducer treatment and for their magnificent bodies to undergo molecular alteration. If successful, their SpeedoSynthesis would be superior to that of Speedoman, it would be the next upgrade in the evolution of Speedo Strength to rival other meta-heroes on the world stage. O’Keefe’s speedo transductive technology would be legitimized within the scientific community after years of scorn and rejection. It could lead to even further advances in the secret technology.

Cole was counting on his enhancements to work perfectly, Ollie and Jared’s bodies had sufficient preparation, the serum was active inside their bloodstream, it was coating their very DNA and would do so for at least another hour or so. Similarly, the serum was also active in the nylon and elastic fibers of their beautiful speedos and their genitals had absorbed sufficient levels of the active chemicals. Cole focused on two of the most handsome and delicious speedo bulges he had ever seen. These two young men were perfect, and he could not be happier, or more nervous. Cole bit his lip as he energised the Conservator Bars, knowing that when Ollie and Jared gripped the bars, the Speedo Transductive current would use their bodies like human cables and the process would be irreversible.

“This is your final chance, gentlemen, you can back out now, it’s up to you!” Cole said loudly and authoritatively.

“If you choose to proceed lift your arms above your head and grip the bars above your heads. They will automatically adjust lifting until the Speedo Transducer detects the optimal stretch in your body. DO NOT LET GO!” He continued.

Ollie looked at Jared and they both had the same grin on their faces, they were going into this together, knowing that they both would now share the same future, joined as one in Speedo Strength, and make their mark on the world. It was like they could read each other’s thoughts and together they raised their arms and reached their respective conservator bars.

Jared felt his palms being drawn as If magnetically to the overhead bar, there was no turning back for him and he couldn’t have been more excited, he felt his heart thumping, but the look on Ollie’s face, as they shared one final look, was priceless to him, he could see excitement and love. He felt it too in that pivotal moment.

Jared’s palms attached with a force that shook through his body. He and Ollie were vibrating, oscillating with the flow of energy and as Jared tried to speak, all he could hear coming from his mouth was a modulated sound, unintelligible!

Ollie couldn’t let go if he tried, and like Cole had said to them just seconds earlier, the Speedo Transducer was stretching his body, his feet were hot and fixed in what felt like hot sticky goo. He looked down to check his body, his muscles were twitching, flexing, and contracting. It was like an intense body-wide workout. His bulge buzzing, his testicles heating, his cock receiving, accepting what felt like a reverse flow, but it wasn’t fluids, it was energy, it filled his penis, it felt crazy, it felt erotic, it felt transcendent.

Jared’s speedo was glowing as if lit from within. Ollie noticed his speedo too was behaving the same. It was lit by the luminescence of his cock. His cock was glowing, and his speedo was buzzing. The process evolving exponentially through the speedo transductive process. Ollie felt each of his muscles would simultaneously explode, and a sudden bout of fear invaded his mind. He glanced at Jared who was shaking his head forward and backward. Jared too, was experiencing a similar body-wide revolution, their bodies were being rewritten, and their very DNA was being updated, and upgraded.

Cole and Jake held each other as if holding their breath simultaneously, there was no turning back for Jared and Ollie and they knew it! This was the moment of truth when the Speedo Transducer would shroud the two subjects in a dome of energy; Ollie and Jared would be hidden inside that dome until the final re-coding was completed.

O’Keefe was excited, he was busily walking the perimeter of the light boundary, carefully looking at the Orb, its transference cables and overhead conservator bars. They were all glowing as expected. The sound was outrageously loud, but he knew once the transductional dome was in place, it would conceal all sound waves, it would suddenly become eerily quiet outside of the dome. Inside the dome, though, the sound and power of the machine would move to a crescendo, an orgasm of energy would be condensed and absorbed into each of their bodies, Ollie, and Jared’s’ SpeedoSynthesis would be created in that moment and only the dome could contain the impending explosion of energy.

“Stand Back” O’Keefe yelled, trying to be heard above the din of the machine. He motioned with his arms in case Jake or Cole had not heard him.

Jake heard him clearly though; his Speedo Strength allowed him to focus his hearing on O’Keefe’s voice and if need be, protect Cole if something unexpected were to occur. But, given Cole’s technical skills, Jake was confident that the Speedo Transducer would function perfectly, even with the extra load of two subjects. Cole’s enhancements would patch the issues that plague his Speedo Synthesis.

As expected, the Transductional Dome materialised and was pulsating; Jared, Ollie and the Speedo Transducer were inside. The dome’s low hum replaced the noise that filled the room before its formation. There was nothing they could do now, not even Speedoman could break through that energy field and Ollie and Jared were on their own.

O’Keefe walked the circumference of the dome, feeling the pulses of energy, listening to the hum and as he approached Cole and Speedoman, he held out his hands to embrace them.

“This is the dawn of a new era, I am convinced!” he said as he embraced Cole and Speedoman.

“Two new heroes, with magnificent powers, with enhanced Speedo Strength!”

“They will match your powers Speedoman and with Cole’s enhancements they will enjoy uncompromisable power…”

O’Keefe was interrupted mid-sentence by the dome which had changed to a pale yellow colour, and the word DANGER was projected on the outside of the dome, the word was moving in a clockwise rotation and growing in size with every passing second.

“The failsafe has not been tripped!” Cole said, alarmed by the development.

“It could be the extra load on the Re-Flow valves!” Cole added. “I expected some resistance, but maybe the extra load on the system is overpowering them. If they blow, I can’t predict what would happen.”

Cole looked to O’Keefe and then to Speedoman.

“Can I get in and shut it down?” Jake asked. “My Speedo Strength should hold out!”

“No Way!” O’Keefe retorted, “We can’t have you and your powers compromised inside the Transductional Dome. “The guys are on their own!”

Speedoman then felt the vibration through the floor and within seconds he had used his super speed to move Cole and the Doctor to the hallway outside the lab. He was returning to the dome when he was thrown against the wall by the blast.

Everything went white for those few seconds, it seemed like slow motion, and soon Jake was getting to his feet and leaning against the wall. His Speedo Strength was restoring quickly, and his vision was coming into focus. The dome was no longer there, that much he could tell in those first seconds. He then noticed part of the reflux cable array on the floor near him. The roof looked like it had been painted black and wires and cables were hanging down. The Speedo Transducer had disintegrated in the blast and pieces were strewn on the floor.

Cole and O’Keefe were next on the scene, they had survived the blast only because they were safely outside, it seemed that only Speedoman had survived inside; Jake’s Speedo Strength had protected him.

They had concerned looks on their faces.

“I’m OK!” Jake said as Cole came rushing toward him.

O’Keefe was walking toward the blast site, his hands by his side, taking in the enormity of the situation.

Jared and Ollie were nowhere to be seen; it was like the blast had consumed them. O’Keefe could not find traces of blood or human remains amongst the rubble. His life’s work had been blown to smithereens. It was scattered all around him.

Sadness filled his heart, not because of the destruction, but because he had allowed two beautiful young men to be sacrificed for his selfish ego. O’Keefe was shattered, he was speechless for several minutes before crouching down with his head tucked between his knees. He was lost in a sea of grief; an ocean of despair filled his mind. He felt nauseous.

The room was hissing; one of the high-pressure valves was leaking, probably from the blast, it was on the far side of the room, the side closest to the engineering shaft, one of many inside the building that fed electrical and optical cabling around the facility.

Jake heard it much more clearly than O’Keefe and he knew his building inside out, having been involved in the planning and construction of the facility. That engineering cavity ran the length of the building and the pressure inside that pipe was immense. It was never built to withstand a blast of that magnitude. It had the potential to rip open and destroy the entire level.

He had to patch it, and he had to do it fast, he could turn off the pressure, but the valve was on three floors up, Jake had no time to decide, he could be across the room in moments, but not at both points at once. He chose to patch it with his hand, he could only hope Cole or O’Keefe could find the reset valve on the upper level in time because he would only be able to patch it for so long.

“Ha! Catch up old man!”

Jake was taken by surprise. Ollie was already at the leaking high-pressure pipe, applying pressure to the leak. He couldn’t help his grin from erupting on his face. Jake had to stop and register that yes; he was looking at Ollie. Ollie was a little black and blue, covered in dust and soot, but otherwise unharmed.

But the smile was also because Ollie was the one patching the leak. Ollie had Speedo Strength too.

“No time to chat Ollie! I must reach the reset valve to stop the pressure!” Speedoman said.

“Already on it Speedoman!” Ollie responded, and this time, Ollie had a cheeky grin erupting on his face.

“Jared’s already on it!” Ollie said. He could feel the pressure dropping dramatically in the pipe and decided to release the leak.

“Don’t ask!” Ollie quipped, outstretching his arm to embrace Speedoman.

O’Keefe and Cole arrived seconds later.

“You’re alive!”

The joy in O’Keefe’s voice was unmistakable.

“Yeah, a bit worse for wear, but alive!”

“Then the Speedo Transduction was successful! Nobody could withstand that blast unless they had super strength! Jake survived and he wasn’t at the core, like you and…”


It was Jared, he had arrived at the little reunion from the other side of the room, and he interrupted O’Keefe in mid-sentence.

O’Keefe’s surprise turned to laughter, realising that Jared had just moved at super speed, just like Speedoman could.

“Excellent!” O’Keefe exclaimed, his life’s work had been destroyed, but Jared and Ollie were alive and from all accounts so far, were displaying super speedo abilities.

Ollie noticed a piece of sheet metal which he picked up and tore like a piece of paper.

“Give us a hand will you Speedoman?” Ollie said with a cheesy grin on his face.

He started to wrap the piece of metal around the valve and Speedoman was able to pull one end of it tightly; between the two they had been able to temporarily bandage the broken pipe.

Jared didn’t want to be left out! He took over from Ollie and Speeodman and began to rub the patched-up pipe with super speed, causing the new section of pipe to glow, welding the patch in place.

“That ought to do it!” Jared said, high-fiving Ollie and then Speedoman.

“Excellent news so far!” O’Keefe announced looking at Cole and Speedoman. “I think we should make our inspection and run some tests! Do you still maintain the lab I used to use, Jake?” He asked.

“Lower-Level B, doctor!” Cole responded.

So, they made their way to the Speedo Lab, Ollie and Jared were finding it difficult to wipe the grins from their faces as they walked and discussed what had happened in that white-hot moment of the Transducer’s explosion. They took several minutes to reach Lover Level B and the lift delivered them directly into the Lab.

It was dark, it smelled clinical and clean. Cole found the control centre quickly and soon the lights flooded the Speedo Lab with light. There were several devices and chambers in the room along with other arrays of machines and inspection devices.

“Woah, will this day get any more exciting?” Jared asked inquisitively as he walked around the lab, looking across toward Cole and O’Keefe conferring together near the control panel. Speedoman and Ollie were catching up to Jared with open arms.

“Welcome to my world boys!” Speedoman said before embracing both in a single mighty hug.

“Is this your Speedoman Cave?” Ollie asked trying to be funny.

“Things get freaky from here on, boys! Best not to touch too many things yet Jared!” Speedoman advised, looking at Jared with a smile. “You boys have already destroyed half the joint, ha-ha!”

Jared started to blush before he realised that Jake was only joking and playing with him, so he shoulder-charged Jake playfully.

“Seriously, boys, we need to run some tests and get a baseline, so we know you have abilities, and how they compare to my Speedo Strength! We don’t know if Cole’s adjustments to O’Keefe’s machine were successful, and what was the effect, if any, of the explosion on you both.” Speedoman advised as he directed them to a set of barbells.

He bent forward and lifted the barbell set off the floor in a clean and jerk motion.

“These have two thousand, seven hundred kilograms loaded on them!” Jake said without showing a flinch of exertion in his face or voice.

He let the barbell drop onto the reinforced barbell housing floor. The floor took the immense weight and sprang back into place causing the Barbell to lift into the air slightly, before settling down into the special dents in the floor designed to fit the two enormous sets of weight plates on each end of the bar.

“Move aside old man!” Ollie chirped, approaching the bar. He bent forward and looked toward Jared and then Speedoman who had stepped away. O’Keefe and Cole were watching too, still conferring.

Ollie lifted the enormous weight, followed by Jared. Speedoman added fifty Kilograms with each additional weight. He stopped at three thousand kilograms.

“Well done gentlemen!” O’Keefe stated. “We’ll stay at that baseline!”

O’Keefe directed the boys toward Cole who was busy setting up a pair of inspection devices. One device facing the other. The metal devices were like raised chairs, there were places for them to place the legs. The device employed a backrest and an armrest. It also provided two handles lower down for the subject to grip. Powerful lights illuminated each seat that glinted in the lights as Jared and Ollie approached. They sat up facing each other with big grins, having become very happy with themselves at their little weight-lifting display.

“We need to inspect your speedos boys; we need to ensure the genital interface is aligned correctly!” O’Keefe stated as Cole ensured that the inspection devices began to spread their legs.

“Lay back gentlemen!” Cole said smiling toward Jake.

The devices began to recline the two magnificent speedo-clad young men. It stopped when they were reclined at eighty degrees.

Jared was dumbfounded at the beauty of Ollie’s speedo V. The bulge was enhanced and bursting with sexual appeal. He looked down over his own body, realising that he looked and felt amazing. His light blue nylon speedos were popping with sexuality too, he could feel himself being turned on, just looking at himself, let alone Ollie.

Jared couldn’t help it; his speedo showed a healthy wet spot. Just the way the machine was tiling his pelvis forward, the feel of the nylon on his cock, the sight of Ollie, who was starting to drool.

Ollie Moaned delightfully as his eruption of precum emerged on his erotic bulge, the red nylon felt spectacular and he was so horny.

“Your reaction is good!” O’Keefe announced. “Enjoy the majesty of your enhanced bulge experience my beautiful two young heroes!”

Jared looked up into the bright lights illuminating his body, the warmth made him tingle.

“Speedo Strength is one hundred per cent erotic!” Speedoman added.

Jared moaned as well.

“Unbelievable!” Ollie said, as soon as you spread my legs and pushed my pelvis forward, wow, the rush was undeniably the most erotic thing I have ever felt!” He pushed his Speedo V up and then retreated, moaning; his movements caused his Speedo to feel magical.

“My b, bu, my bulge, is pure sexuality. Fuck, wow!” Ollie drooled.

“Yes, you will get used to this, and it will subside as time moves on, but your speedos will NEVER feel the same again!” O’Keefe said, motioning for Jake to approach Ollie and Cole to approach Jared.

Ollie and Jared’s legs were spread further, and the chair pushed on their pelvis’ presenting their speedos for closer inspection.

“We suggest you grip the handles gentlemen; you are going to enjoy this! Cole and Speedoman are very good at speedo bulges. They will be thorough. I need a lot of pre-cum to make my analysis.”

Jared’s eyes widened as Cole began to trace a finger around the underside of his speedo, Cole’s fingers were pushing into his balls and causing his penis to move inside his powder blue nylon bulge. It was magnificent and soon Cole was squeezing his bulge, worshipping it, licking it around his testicles.

Pleasure engulfed Ollie’s bulge immediately, Speedoman was tracing his bulge from both sides, caressing, and worshipping the red and orange mass of pure sex.

“Oh fuck! Ollie moaned, letting go of the handles and leaning forward to wrap his hands around the back of Jake’s head. Ollie wanted Speedoman to lick his new super-speedo bulge so badly, his body was alive and sensitive to the touch, his skin felt electric and every movement of his hips, every attention to detail that Speedoman was giving his bulge was sending Ollie skyward. Looking across at Jared, Ollie could see the underside of Jared’s chin across from him, his head thrown backward and Jared’s body convulsing in ecstasy.

“Good boys!” O’Keefe said turning away from the worktable in the corner of the Speedo Lab. He was holding two test tubes each with a small, slender spoon. Two spectrometer devices were switched on and blinking on the table behind him as he approached the observation chair devices in the centre of the Speedo Lab.

“I need two healthy samples of Ollie and Jared’s precum, and that won’t be too difficult to achieve from the sound of it!”

Speedoman and Cole, we were too busy to acknowledge O’Keefe and Jared hadn’t even heard O’Keefe speak. Ollie heard him though and looked across toward O’Keefe, delight erupting across his face on his face. He licked his lips and then motioned with his head for O’Keefe to look at his bulge. He moaned and gripped Jake’s head, pushing Jake’s mouth away from his bulge enough for O’Keefe to witness his explosion.

Ollie’s words were sensual and erotic, “Like, Agh, oh yeah, like this…”

Ollie’s pre-cum erupted like a volcano causing the fledgling hero to squirm and twist in delight.

“Good boy Ollie! More of that, please, I need to review your new genetic code upgrades!” O’Keefe said, brushing the side of the majestic speedo-clad, pleasure-racked beauty writhing for them.

O’Keefe stepped back to take in the beauty of the two horny young men contorting in pleasure.

“Your initial responses to pleasure, to the feel of the speedo against your scrotum, the beauty of the fabric caressing your penises is promising. You will feel that the rest of your body exists to serve your speedo bulge, your mind is focused purely on the beauty of it, the lines of your bulge, its curves, its peaks, and depressions. Your mind is bulge-focused, it is craving the pleasure, and the sensation, and Cole and Speedoman are there to help facilitate this unique speedo transition. Your minds are adjusting, they are forming billions of new neural pathways, adjusting to the Speedo code written into your DNA. GIVE ME YOUR FIRST PRECUM!”

It was like O’Keefe had turned into a mad scientist, but he was overcome with the pure magnificence of the scene; two erotically charged heroes were emerging, becoming one with their new Speedo Strength power generation. It was his life’s work coming to fruition again!

Jared screamed as his eruption of precum drenched his Speedo bulge and coated Cole’s face. Cole lifted his face, smiling, licking his lips, and then using both hands to wrap and squeeze Jared’s bulge. Jared then trembled, he couldn’t speak, and as he lifted his hips, presenting his drenched speedo to Cole and O’Keefe, his hands gripped the two handles, his body shimmered as the next globule of pre erupted, clinging to the nylon, slowly coating the bulge like a clear cake icing.

Jared looked at O’Keefe, drool ran from his mouth which he licked up with his tongue.

“Like this?” Jared stammered, trembling, and smiling from ear to ear.

“Good boy!” O’Keefe responded, leaning around Cole, and scooping a wad of sweet, warm pre off the apex of Jared’s powder blue nylon-coated drenched bulge. He placed the spoon with its harvest of super speedo precum into the test tube and turned to leave Cole to enjoy the fruits of his labour.

It didn’t take long to harvest Ollie’s sample, and soon O’Keefe was hard at work with his two Speedo Spectrometers. It took several minutes before O’Keefe could be sure, but when the results started to build on the monitors, O’Keefe began reading the two sets of genetic code transcripts.

“SpeedoSynthesis has been successful!” O’Keefe announced, not turning away from the two monitors as he spoke because he was glued to the results; every line of code was rich with information, giving him insights into how their unique DNA codes had been spliced with the unique SpeedoSynthesised code.

It was time to undertake more testing.

“Ok Boys, you can enjoy each other later!” O’Keefe announced loudly to get the four speedo-crazed men’s attention. “It is time to test their strength, speed, and stamina!”

Speedoman stood up, wiping his face and hands, he too was sporting a huge wet spot on his speedo, but O’Keefe ignored it. Cole also, wiped himself down crouching down to look through the rich code constantly updating from each sample of precum. He noticed the anomalies but kept quiet. There was no way O’Keefe could have missed the genetic markers, but he decided to wait for the next array of testing to be sure of what he was reading on both displays.

“We will undertake several tests, today gentlemen, we will test your current speedos, these we call the genetic blueprint template pairs. These are the pairs your SpeedoSynthesis were coded from. Once we have completed the template tests, we will move on to several other pairs, different fabrics, different styles of swimwear!”

Ollie stood up from the chair and embraced Jared.

“I’m so fucking horny, I’m going to devour you when we are done here!” Ollie whispered into Jared’s ear as he licked his new partner’s face.

Jared grabbed Ollie’s butt, feeling a sudden exquisite feeling as his hands brushed the perfect peachy, nylon-coated glute muscles.

“Brr…” Jared said smiling as he stepped away from Ollie. “That speedo feels…”

He was cut off by Speedoman “… erotic, natural, innate!”

“Yeah!” Jared said as he put his arm around Ollie’s neck.

“It’s your body accustoming itself to your new speedo-tuned code,” Speedoman said. “Dr O’Keefe or Cole could give you the scientific babble, but take my word for it, your affinity to your speedo is no longer just ‘a like’ for them as fashion swimwear, you boys are becoming one with the garments. Every touch will become richer in feeling and meaning especially as your body metabolises the Speedo Strength. Your speedos have become and always will be, your access to erotic power. You will learn to live with it as part of life!”

O’Keefe directed them to the Force Gauge apparatus where the pair were subjected to different tests of force, lifting, pulling, and squeezing. Leg presses, squats and other tests also measured their strength. They then moved to the reinforced treadmills and other equipment. It took several hours and at the end of the series, O’Keefe allowed Speedoman and Cole to extract updated precum samples from the boys.

They had remained super horny throughout the series of tests. Both Ollie and Jared reported a distinct lowering of their super Speedo Strength which concerned O’Keefe and especially Cole because Cole had hoped that his adjustments to the Speedo Transducer were enough to overcome the issues experienced by Speedoman. They had determined that Ollie and Jared would also suffer the same deficiencies with their newly found Speedo Strength.

The next pre-cum samples identified a distinct drop in cathodic density in both boys like that of Speedoman’s.

“The readings do not lie gentlemen!” O’Keefe announced. “Ollie and Jared also report similar experiences of power drain like yours Jake; we can safely assume that these two boys will experience similar gradual Speedo Strength degradation when they exert their Speedo Strength!”

They allowed the boys time to rest and tested them every 10 minutes to ascertain the power of the Speedo Synthesis, their power gains were impressive, and Ollie returned to full Speedo Strength faster than Speedoman had ever recorded in all his tests. Jared came in a close second by less than thirty seconds.

The most concerning development occurred after Jared and Ollie had Speedo Synthesised to full Speedo Strength. It was about thirty minutes later and while Jared and Ollie were waiting for Cole and O’Keefe to finish their review of the DNA files. Ollie was busy kissing Jared, they were enjoying the break, both wishing for time alone; they needed to make love desperately.

Jared held Ollie tight, their bodies generating heat as they leaned against one of the testing equipment. Jared felt his speedo heating up, his penis felt sensitive and as he rubbed his bulge into Ollie’s, his eyes began to roll into the back of his eye sockets.

Ollie felt it too, it was like a surge of Speedo Strength, it was too delicious, overpowering. They both began to shake and tremble before collapsing onto the floor, the trembles transforming into convulsions as their bodies began to buck across the floor.

Speedoman raced across immediately, he had never seen a reaction like it before, never having experienced any adverse reaction from his SpeedoSynthesis.

“Get them up onto the observation chairs!” O’Keefe yelled turning from the monitors.

But Cole knew exactly what was occurring; he had also noticed the same diluted genomic markers in the data that he and O’Keefe had been reviewing.

Cole immediately removed the speedos from Ollie and Jared. They had to hold each of them down until the convulsions subsided and their breathing returned to normal respiration levels.

Jared opened his eyes after ten minutes.

“Wow that was a rush, my Speedo Strength surged, and I became nauseous and…” Jared started to say before he was interrupted by O’Keefe.

“You almost died my beautiful young man!” O’Keefe butted in.

Ollie was also stirring and recovered to his normal self quickly.

“What just happened?” He asked.

O’Keefe didn’t mince his words.

“The explosion interrupted the final SpeedoSynthesis coding. Your DNA shows healthy code transitions, except for several questionable diluted sequence records! Like Speedoman, your Speedo battery can be drained, but unlike him, you have additional deficiencies in your updated cellular machinery; your Speedo synthesised nucleotides do not trigger your bodies to stop creating Speedo Strength when your body is fully synthesised!”

Ollie and Jared looked puzzled, so Cole interpreted the Doctor’s statement.

“If you boys absorb too much Speedo Strength it can KILL you!” He said slowly and carefully.

“Exactly!” O’Keefe said with a concerned look on his face.

Jake looked concerned as well.

“But they will be able to learn how to handle their Speedo Strength stores, won’t they?” He asked, looking to Cole and then to O’Keefe.

“Yes, we believe so!” Cole said. “It will take some time, but yes, their bodies will adapt to the SpeedoSynthesis, they will know innately when they need to exert their strength and drain some stores or when to remove their speedos as we have done tonight to relieve their bodies from an impending overdose of Speedo Strength.

“Unfortunately, the explosion interrupted the final nucleotidic Speedo Synthesis coding!” O’Keefe said.

“This was a major concern when we were developing the prototype in preparation for production. To create an army of powerful soldiers, we needed to find a way to deploy the machine on 2 or more subjects, Cole’s additional modifications to the Transducer were in line with our multi-subject production modelling. It was untested and that was our mistake; the numbers were on target though!”

“Don’t blame yourself, Cole, this accident was not your doing!” O’Keefe stated.

“Yeah, what the heck! We have superpowers, well some anyway, we’ll make it work!” Ollie blurted into the conversation looking across to Jared and realising he and Jared were naked.

“Woah!” Ollie covered himself, smiling but didn’t take his eyes off Jared’s magnificent scrotum.

“Never Fear gentlemen, your new speedos are here!” Cole said as he turned from one of the secluded drawers in the Lab’s wall near the control panel. He was holding two pairs of royal blue Arena briefs.

“These will look fucking awesome on you two!” Handing them to the boys, “…slip em on boys!”

Jared stood and bent down to slip the garment on, this pair had more elastic in the fabric, it was tighter than the nylon pair he had been wearing. It fitted snuggly, cupping his pert buttocks, cupping his balls, caressing his penis like a glove.

He felt his body tingle and his smile erupted on his face as he looked down to view the magical garment that was making him feel luxe and super sexy.

“That never gets tiresome!” Speedoman said, approaching Jared.

He knelt and caressed Jared’s royal blue bulge, feeling the warmth of Jared’s hypersensitive body fill his palm, enjoying the way Jared was trembling. Standing up they both watched as Ollie mounted his identical pair onto his body.

“Yum, wow!” Ollie said while caressing his buttocks and pushing his pelvis forward. “Fuck, that feels a-mazing!”

They had proven that the Speedo Synthesis was active; these new speedos were delivering them new Speedo Strength, erotic and wholesome!

They underwent another hour of testing; strength, aerobic, recovery, upper-body musculature, and lower-body musculature, before another series of tests on their capacity to gauge safe levels of Speedo Strength in their bodies. The night went on, but the team pushed on relentlessly.

It was Dawn, the next day, and they realised they were all hungry! They had worked and tested for hours, careful to ensure Jake and Ollie were mastering their new Speedo Strength, understanding their bodies, and regulating the heightened sexual dexterity that their Speedos offered.

“Let’s go up and enjoy the sunrise!” Speedoman said. “You boys are mastering your new powers so well, it’s time to fuel up and watch the new day begin.

So, they headed up to the surface, to one of Jake’s private terrace suites located in the Caprice Connaught, his favourite east-facing luxury apartment, and the best the hotel had to offer.

Out on the balcony, the sun was lifting over Caprice City, it was the dawn of a new day and the dawn of a new era, an era where two new heroes were emerging, where evil and danger could be confronted with the power of good and truth! They watched the sun make its entrance and bathe the city in light, and as it did, they enjoyed a hearty breakfast.

“Well, that was THE most amazing day I have ever had!” Ollie said, after chugging orange juice. He was thinking back on the day they had just experienced. “I could never have dreamed in my wildest fantasies that I would be here, watching today’s sunrise with you as an emerging superhero. And, to have a new partner as sexy as Jared!”

Ollie licked his lips and walked across to Jared seated at the table, watching Ollie intently as he approached. Ollie stood behind Jared and leaned over him allowing his hands to caress Jared’s curvy shoulders, then travel downward along Jared’s arms. Ollie kissed Jared’s right earlobe.

“I am going to milk you dry boy when we are alone!” He whispered in Jared’s ear causing Jared to smile.

Jared looked up to see Speedoman and Cole smirking…

“It’s ok, boys, we have a special suite waiting for you two!” Speedoman said caressing the back of Cole’s head.

“But you two gorgeous speedo boys will need a name each, how will the public know you?” Speedoman asked.

“Speedoboy and Speedolad?” He suggested.

Ollie and Jared looked at each other and Jared stood up so he could stand next to Ollie. With the sun bathing them in warm orange light, they hugged and then turned to Speedoman, Cole and O’Keefe. Jared was the one to respond to Speedoman’s suggestion.

“We both love our speedos, but we did think about this last night, and we have decided to go with our first love, our joint passion for swimming. We want to be called Swimmerboy…” Jared motioned toward Ollie who presented himself in a muscle pose with a big smile plastered on his face. Jared then presented himself like an actor would on stage. “…and Swimmerlad!”

“Excellent!” O’Keefe announced.

“Today is the Dawn of a new era, the era of Swimmerboy and Swimmerlad!” He added.

So, there you have it, Swimmerboy and Swimmerlad were ready to explode out into the world with the backing and resources of Jake Masters, aka Speedoman. The future was waiting for these two handsome, young, speedo-clad heroes to make their marks on the world, uphold all that is good, and fight evil wherever it lurked.
