Jason had thousands of followers on You-Tube as a popular physique model and fitness influencer, including men and women, but he was sure that none of them suspected his fetish for occasional bondage and self torture. About every 6 months or so, the desire for some intense suffering and hard bondage became too great for the handsome 26 year old muscleman to ignore.
He had started to prepare for his latest session of bondage and suffering by taking his Ice Locks, stainless steel tubes with an inner piston, and rings in each end of the locks and filling them with water, then freezing them for almost a week to ensure that they could not be separated for several hours. He then took what supplies that he would need down to the basement of his home. A previous owner had created a small room, almost like a cell, perhaps for a workshop, in one corner of the basement which was lit by a single small bulb hanging from a short wire from the ceiling.
The room was only about 10 feet on a side with a 12 foot ceiling, comprised of the support beams for the floor above. In one of the beams, Jason had added hooks with a spring latch that required two hands to release. The only other items in the room were a full length mirror on one wall, and a small rolling table where Jason put his supplies.
His supplies included a Viagra pill and a small cup of water, a pair of alligator style nipple clamps connected by a light chain, two padlocks that used the same key that was on a small chain, a metal spreader bar about 3 feet long, and a set of leather wrist and ankle restraints.
Closing the door to the cell, Jason first buckled the restraints around his wrists and ankles. Then, bending down, he used two carabiner type clips to attach the ankle restraints to the spreader bar, leaving his legs spread. Working faster now, Jason buckled the wrist restraints on, then took the Viagra pill and swallowed it with a bit of water.
Taking the chain that held the key for the padlocks, he looped it over his head so the key hung down in the valley between his pecs. He then picked up the nipple clamps. With a groan of pain he set one clamp on his left nipple, then repeated the action on his right tit so the teeth bit into the meat of his erect tits with the clamps standing straight out, leaving the chain swinging in front of his chest. Taking the padlocks, he locked one of the ice locks to each of the restraints. Pushing the rolling table out of the way, so he had an unrestricted view of himself in the mirror, he reached up with his left hand and hooked the loop on the end of the ice lock onto the hook in the ceiling, listening for the click of the spring latch snapping shut.
Taking a deep breath, knowing that he was going to suffer for several hours, he hooked the lock on his right arm to the other hook. When he heard the latch snap shut, Jason groaned "Oh Fuck Yes...", knowing that he was now helpless and would have to endure the torture of his immobility and the building pain in his nipples and stretched muscles for at least the next 3 or 4 hours, until the ice melted in the locks.
The position of the lightbulb, directly overhead seemed to emphasize the definition of his muscled body, highlighting his 8-pack abs as well as his bulging ribcage, ripped torso and deep armpits. The light also shone on the silver of the alligator clamps biting deeply into his tit meat. The small cell was also rather stuffy and warm, so the sweat began to shine on his body almost immediately, with beads of sweat running down his broad back and shoulders, as well as his chest and abs.
He knew from some of the e-mails and comments he had received from the you-tube videos of him posing and flexing for the camera that there were many men who would love to be in the room with him right now, taking advantage of his spread-eagled body, licking the sweat from his open armpits and his rippling muscles, playing with his nipples, sucking his cock, and more! At first he had deleted the more blatantly sexual comments, but he lately had begun to save some of the messages, just in case...
Jason was struggling to adjust to the burning pain in his nipples when he noticed a slowly increasing feeling of warmth spreading through his body as the Viagra took effect. His already erect cock seemed to be swelling even larger, even as he almost unconsciously began to thrust his hips forwards and backwards, seemingly trying to fuck the air! His abs rippled and flexed with each thrust, shining in the light of the overhead bulb. Jason found himself getting more and more sexually excited watching himself in the mirror, even as his frustration grew as he knew that he couldn't cum in his present position. Long strings of pre-cum began to drip from the swollen, purple head of his cock even as his struggles became more insistent.
He always tried to claim in public and on line that he was totally straight, but he couldn't deny the erotic pleasure he was experiencing watching his shining muscles flexing and bulging as he helplessly struggled against his bondage. As he struggled, he began to imagine what it would be like to have a few of his fellow physique influencers, like his friends Dave and Jay in the room with him, fantasizing about them sucking and chewing on his tender nipples, stroking and sucking his cock, feeling his muscles, licking his spread armpits and straining back and shoulders and even slowly thrusting their cocks into his ass as he was bound and helpless.
The thought of finally trying hot sex with another man almost drove him to cum, but he still couldn't quite shoot his load, which caused him to groan and moan with frustration, even as his involuntary thrusting of his hips became more intense. The pain in his nipples was becoming more intense, as was the slowly building ache in his stretched back and shoulders, caused by his enforced immobility and the tight stretching of his muscles in their awkward position.
With each movement of his body, the chain between the nipple clamps swung, causing the clamps to try to move on his nipples, sending fresh waves of pain shooting through his tits and chest. "Oh fuck yesss..." he hissed through clenched teeth as the tit torture became more intense, The more he moved, the more his tits hurt, but the more his tits hurt, the more he struggled, making them hurt even more! Jason began to flex his biceps, trying to pull the ice locks apart, but he only managed to actually lift his feet off of the floor, still held apart by the spreader bar. The sight of his sweat-coated body straining, veins standing out on his biceps and his pecs turned him on even more, making him struggle even harder.
Jason watched himself in the mirror as he lifted his feet off of the floor and slowly swung his legs straight out in front of his suspended body, mimicking one of the ab exercises he did on a regular basis during his workouts. Every cord of muscle stood out under his skin as his abs flexed and rippled again and again as he repeated the leg lifts almost a dozen times.
"Fuck, yeah, oh yeah!" he moaned watching his sculpted body flexing in the mirror. He never would admit it to anyone, but he loved watching his own videos as he posed and showed off his trained physique to the camera. He knew it was pure ego, but he couldn't help it.
Time seemed to have slowed down as Jason endured his bondage and torture. He could have sworn that he has been stretched for 5 or 6 hours even though he knew it couldn't have been that long, since the ice locks never held for more than 4 hours at the most. The pain in his nipples and the growing ache in his spread and stretched shoulders and back muscles seemed to have distorted his sense of time.
As Jason stood helpless, suddenly, the light over his head flickered briefly, then went out, leaving him bound in utter darkness! Jason briefly began to panic, thrashing helplessly in his bondage, terrified of the idea of being locked up with no light whatsoever! He freaked out for almost a minute before starting to calm down, his chest heaving!
"I know where the door is, and I can get out even with no light!" he thought. Still, the absolute lack of light was starting to create a feeling of claustrophobia, and he couldn't help but to imagine what might be out there in the total blackness! The darkness seemed to last for an eternity to his racing mind.
He was still gasping for air, his mind filled with various imaginary fears when suddenly the light flashed back on!
It was nothing more than a minor power interruption. Jason had to take a couple of deep breaths, his chest expanding as he fought to calm himself down from his brief panic. He then actually began to laugh at himself for his cowardice and irrational fear of the dark.
As Jason started to work his biceps again, pulling on the restraints, he felt a slight movement in his right arm! He concentrated all his strength into pulling down, and with a rush of water and ice onto the floor, the ice lock finally released! The sudden movement caused his right shoulder to almost cramp, and with a gasp of pain, Jason had to lift his arm up again, and hold it there until he could slowly lower it down, groaning with the painful sensations as the muscles finally could work again after hours of immobility. He then concentrated on his left arm, and within 30 seconds or so, the second ice lock finally released!
Jason moaned "Oh yes", as he knew that his torture and bondage were almost finished! When he could, he unbuckled the wrist restraints, tossing them with the part of the ice locks still attached onto the rolling table off to one side. He then bent down and removed the ankle restraints, knowing that he would come down to the cell later and straighten up his gear.
Almost as if he were hypnotized by the sight of his muscled body in the mirror, Jason stiffly stepped to the mirror. Grasping his erect cock with one hand, he began to jack the hard shaft, while almost unconsciously beginning to tug on the chain between his nipple clamps with the other, stretching his tortured nipples further and further from his pecs!
"Oh Yeah... Fuck YES..." he groaned as he jacked his cock faster and faster even as he pulled harder on his tit clamps! Finally, with an almost animalistic howl of "SHIT, YES!! FUUCCCKKK!!", he came, shooting stream after stream of cum to splash against the mirror, while at the same time quickly unclamping the alligators from his nipples and almost savagely twisting them, first one, then the other again and again until his explosive orgasm was sated!
Groaning, Jason sank to his knees, and then leaned in and began to lick his own cum from the mirror! He licked the hot, salty sperm for a good 5 minutes, loving the taste of his own seed. When the mirror was clean, Jason sank down onto his hamds and knees, too exhausted to even move for several minutes. He knelt there until he was able to slowly and shakily get to his feet, and stumble out of the cell, and up the stairs.
He first drank several bottles of his favorite sports drink, as he was severely dehydrated, then he staggered to his bathroom. Stepping into his shower, he luxuriated in the spray of hot water flowing down over his aching back muscles but when he turned and let the water spray against his chest, he groaned as it sprayed against his now swollen and tender nipples!
As the pain radiated through his chest, Jason grinned as he noticed that his cock as starting to get hard again just proving that he DID enjoy the pain. He always suspected that he was even more of a masochist then he had wanted to admit to himself. Jason dried off and made it to his bed, desperatly wanting nothing more then to sleep for several hours to recover from his ordeal.
As he drufted off, his last thought before sleep took him was "Maybe next time, I'll hang some weights from my nuts. I wonder how that would feel after several hours?"