The Telemachus Story Archive

Leather Daddy Downfall
Part 2 - Daddy Interrupted
By Jock Topper

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First and foremost, thanks to Mike and Josh for a great weekend.

Special thanks to Casey, for his insight into the inner headspace of the subjugated gay man.

Leather Daddy Downfall:
Daddy Interrupted  

By Jock Topper  

I roamed around the suite a bit with my Scotch…pulling together the last details of my plan.  I knew where I was going right from the beginning, but this next part would take finesse.  I noticed on the side table a bottle of poppers, wrist restraints, a bottle of lube, and some nipple clamps.  It was looking like Leather Daddy was into some serious domination. I made a note of it for future use. I clicked messages and right at the top was his conversation with Josh.  I could see they had already met up and that LD had given him a key card.  Perfect.

“Hey!  Come back over if you want to see me take this piece of meat down!” I told him.

“Fuck, really sir?” he said.  “You’d let me watch like that.  Is he as hot as you were hoping?  Hung?  Nice ass?”

I could hear the excitement in the text. I had to smile. Knowing him, I’d bet he was already hard and leaking at the idea of seeing it. “Fuck yeah, get over here and find out.  But be really quiet as you enter.”

“Yes SIR!  I’ll be there in 20-25 minutes.” He eagerly replied.  

“One thing, be ready to do whatever I ask, understood?”

“With pleasure Sir, see you soon.”

I walked back into the room, took a few photos of the now stripped ‘Dominant Leather Top’ in a doggie position on the floor, and put the phone back down.  He was none the wiser.  I walked to his head and squatted down, my knees stretched wide, and cock hanging low.

“Cummon man, it’s time for round 2,” I whispered.

He looked at the member between my legs.  The tool that had just carved him a new throat.  I could see the hunger in them. “What…what are you going to do to me?  I can’t believe…what’s happening to me?” He pitifully moaned while never taking his eyes off my waving shaft. He licked his lips at one point. Yeah, this guy was a born dick-licker!

“Shhhh…. nothing you won’t thank me for later, right?”  I softly told him. He looked up into my eyes.  His salt and pepper hair, tan skin, square jaw, and brown eyes. All so masculine before but now looking totally boyish.  I held the bottle in my fist under his nose.  Close up, but not mashed into his nostril…the fumes boiling up under his face. Go on. Take a good whiff.” He hesitated.

“Shhhh… it’s ok baby…take some deep breaths.” I gently encouraged him. “Who’s my good boy," I added.

“Me,” he rasped as he closed his eyes and took a nice hit. He took several more before opening them again, I could see his pupils were rolling up in their sockets as they took effect before, he even realized what was happening. “Oh no…I…”  

“Shhh…. deep breaths.” I insisted as I held the bottle fast right below his nose. I had him. No need to be rough.yet I thought.  

“Fuck mmmeeeee….” He sighed as it took effect.

“Oh yeah, that too.  Right man?  Go on sniff some more. Get the full effect?”  I instructed.

His eyes were now glazed over a bit I could tell he was still very aware.  Just flying in a way that was going to make him fully pliable, not out of it.

“Shhhh…”. I helped him up and moved him into the bedroom.  His cock was rock hard and dripping. As he shuffled forward, shaft swung back and forth. A few beads of his precum flew about. He reached down to touch his dripping slit and wet his fingers. Raising them he giggled and sucked on them. Yeah, he was flying. Once there, I laid him down on his belly and got him aligned so that his face would be looking at the door when it opened.    

“It’s just us baby… I’m going to show you some advanced techniques.  No worries though, you can use them on your posse…”. I lightly reassured him.  

“Yeah, posse…. that would be ok…” he mumbled through a clouded brain and awkward excitement.  I could see he was into what was happening.  Into letting me call the shots.  Didn’t mean he wasn’t going to fight me on it later, but for now, he was in a weird state of flux, part way between daddy and boy.  

I pulled off the boots but left the rest of the garb on.  I walked back to his head.  Grabbing his hair, I lifted him up again as I twisted my torso and lowered my body.  I did this for maximum effect, my jacked body on full display, him hanging by his hair and now my face coming in real close.  

“Hey, I’m gonna fuck you really good now.  You want that right Daddy?” I teased while flicking his cock with my fingers. He groaned as more pre-cum oozed from it. “You want my cock buried in your hole?  Taking you someplace new?”  I asked making it sound as unthreatening as possible and knowing, from his squirming torso my newest boy was in total heat.  

“I…ah…yes…I do…” he whimpered as he wiggled on the bed. He was desperate to get his rocks off.

“Do what? Ask with respect boy,” I firmly stated. I waited for the critical reply even while flicking his dick with my hand in a way that had him gulping in air and leaking more from his slit.”  

“Make me feel good, Sir?” he moaned.   

I’d make the first key crack in his self-image. He was ready. “Good boy.”  

I sauntered back around the other side and climbed onto the bed.  He was diagonal, his head was at the corner, again, facing the door.  I pulled him back and got him up on his hands and knees, my dick already going full bore for his hole.  Wanting so much to get to the task at hand.  A dick is like a person…it has free will more than any man would like to admit.

There is something about putting a guy, especially one who insisted he was a top, in what I call ‘the position of the bitch’. I smiled as I began my move. “Good boy…now get that bottle to your nose and take some hits for me.  I’m gonna blow your mind.”  

“Snnnniiiiifffffff…. Sssssnnnniiiiffffff…”

"Here we go,” said as I rubbed my cock on his hole.

"Sir?’ he whined with a hint of fear in his voice. On some level he realized he was about to get de-topped. he wiggled forward. I grabbed his hips and pulled him back. “Easy boy,” I sharply stated. "Take a few more whiffs. I noticed he did and now was rubbing his anal entryway on my dick head.

  "Fuck that feels so good,” he sighed.

“Yeah, and it will even better soon,” I replied.

I pushed slightly into his opening. His ring muscles clenched.

“Oh, please…I…not right.  This is a bad I…. idea…. I’m…. I’m…the top…I just need… fuck” he weakly protested as I pushed into him. I took note however, he wasn’t trying to move his hole away from cock.  

I reached under him to check. yeah, he was still hard and wet. He just needed some mental justification in his head to go the full turnout.  

“You need to see the other side, don’t you think?  It’ll make you a better top.  It’ll make you see the light.  You know I’m right…deep down.  And deep down is where I’m going, right?”  

“Well…but…I’m a top,” he hesitantly replied while still not moving away.  

“Shhhh…. just tell me…feels good right” I softly responded. You know you want me to show you how much better it will be. Go on ask me,” I urged as I rubbed my dick on his anal muscles.

“Fuck…show me.” He said in a slightly pissed-off voice…but clearly pissed-off at himself for admitting it.  

Gotcha, I thought. I grinned.  I had him now. “That’s a good boy.  Now get ready.  Take another big whiff of the poppers?  I’m going in deep. You want it right?”  

He sucked on the bottle again., “Aw fuck…show me…plllleeeaaasssseeee…” he whined admitting his need, then added. “Sir.”  

“Ok. only because you asked nice.” I sneeringly told him  

My now my crazy stiff cock was ready for action.  I knew the issues of having a dick my size, but I also knew this guy was gonna be ok.  He’d been around, I knew it.  I pushed my greasy pole gently against his spasming cunt and it smoothly spread out like a floating ring of grease when you add a drop of Dawn.  He opened up like it was no issue, the booze and poppers lubing up his greedy mind.  

“Fuck, yes,” he rasped as I slide into him.

He wanted it, despite all his faggoty whining about being a top.

“Ouuwwweee,” he wheezed as he gave it up. I noticed he wasn’t trying to get my dick out too.

“There you go baby…not so hard, is it?”  I spurred him on gently.  “You can take a dick like this…can’t you?”  I lunged again forward and skidded him right by the fattest part of my cock before could even think about objecting. 

  “Oh, Jesus Fucking Christ…so…I…gimme a sec…. fuck…you’re…oh you’re so deep in me. You’re stretching my hole…. fuckin a…just…sssslllooooowwww….” He whimpered as his cherry was popped.  

Well, got re-popped.  No way this guy was taking a dick the size of mine this easily into a virgin ass.  He’d been bred before…maybe when he was in college, maybe in his early days before he “decided” he was a top.  Maybe it was fleeting.  Maybe he didn’t stick with his inner bottom long enough to really give him a chance.  Yet now that other side was out and determined to get some cock.  His Top Daddy Side was now being forced into a closet of sorts. Judging by the way his ass was taking my shaft into it, it was a side I’m sure was going to be permanently locked up.  

“Don’t worry baby…you’re past the worst of it.  Now just let me show you how much more I got to give you.  You’re gonna love it.  Trust me, in no time, I guarantee it.  You feel me, baby?”  

He grunted and lowered his head down onto the mattress…his ass high.  I stayed on him there but wanted to give him relief from my width so gave him a bit more length.  It’s robbing Peter to pay Paul, but there’s only so much I can do here.  It’s a lot of cock and a curse at times.  After a minute or two he arched his back and craned his neck to look back at me.  Unfortunately, there were no mirrors here to aid in his reprogramming, but I was still confident in my ability to massage his inner definition of himself.

“You good?  Feeling fine?”

“Yeah, I just…” It’s close to hitting something in me. Can you go deeper?” He whispered.  

I suppressed an urge to laugh out loud. “Take another hit.” I instructed as I pushed in harder.

“Oh, yeah, fuck, I forgot.” He gasped as he surrendered his hole and his top image to me.  

“You might forget a lot tonight…or want to,” I added slyly.  

“SSSSNNNIIIIFFFFF…. SSSSSSSSNNNIIIIFFFFF…” was the sound of two more very aggressive hits of poppers and his tight hole bloomed into a full-on cunt for my cock.  I stuffed my whole cock in deep making him yelp at the end.

“Aw yeah,” he howled as I tapped that sweet spot in a guy’s ass that drives a bottom crazy.

“Thats it…you did it.  Now just relax and leave the rest to me.  I have something special for you.” I started a slow and long assault of his manhole…or former manhole.  It was now the beginnings of a cunt. After I’d rutted in him a while, that new cunt would be thirsty for more.  He was looking back at me towering over him and using the whole last half of my cock to stroke him from the inside.  He was squirming a bit and a quick reach under found a turgid drooling cock of reputable size throbbing in the jock.  I left it inside.

  “No touching that cock, ok boy?  I’ll tell you when.”  

“Ohhhh…oooohhhhkkkkaaayyyyyy….” he moaned while taking my deep long strokes in stride.  I picked up the pace.  He was starting to huff a bit now.  This was real work on his part, and I knew it from experience.  He was working for me…to take me…deep.  He was out of it though and did not hear the click of the door as Josh entered the room.  The thing that would interrupt his bliss was Josh’s voice.  

“What the fuck?!?!”  Josh yelled; his voice surprising himself as the shock of the scene opened before him.

  Leather Daddy immediately popped back up on his hands, now fully in doggy position, looking straight at Josh.  “SHIT, Josh-boy…don’t…I can explain…” he grunted in a frantic and control-searching voice, slurring a bit from the booze and poppers.  It was an Oscar-worthy performance. I knew that I had to act fast to reignite what he’d been feeling. He was almost broken. Josh’s early presence wasn’t about to ruin it and might, I thought, be just what I wanted. I thrust in hard tapping his prostate.  He let out a howl and lost it. “AWWWWWEEEE, YES FFFUUUCCCKKK SIR!!!” he screamed as the pleasure of his bitch button was tapped. “SHOVE IT IN MEEEEE,” he wailed.

  “No fucking way!!!  What the hell???  Total top???  You said, Total top!!!  Always in control!  The shit I did, the power I gave up…. Jesus, the submissive slut I became for you….” Josh’s voice trailed off.  He looked around the room, clearly filled with rage, both self and projected at Leather Daddy.  

By now his Leather Daddy was lost in heat. “Fuck-fuck…FUCK!” he grunted as I plowed him. 

After a minute or two of watching his ex-alpha struggle on the end of my thick cock Josh calmed down, “Fucking looks like you’re the bitch now…right Mike?” 

 I like that he had switched out of his role as boy and was in some sort of limbo land.  Leather Daddy was not in charge anymore.  He was just Mike now.  Mike from the gym, Mike from the bar, Mike from work.  Who knows from where, but the demotion was fast and hard.  But there was also a seismic shift that he was processing hard.  If I was fucking Mike, then where did his loyalty lie?  How did he define his boy status?  After all, you can only be a “Real Boy” with a daddy running the show.

  “I cannot believe this shit…fucking taking Gigantor’s cock up your ass when you denied me ever having the same pleasure…And who the fuck….”


Jumping back and suddenly cowed, he looked up at me.  I had stopped pumping Leather Daddy and fixed my gaze on the person I now knew to be Josh-Boy.  

“Your situation has changed, as you can see.  Maybe you don’t understand hierarchy, but I am currently owning the hell out of your former master.  Are we clear on that?”  

“Yes, Boss!”  He quickly snapped back, undoubtedly shocked at how quickly he just fell into line but understanding there was still a powerful dynamic in the room.  I liked that he called me Boss too.  It was a refreshing change from Sir, but still carried all the connotations.    He was now evaluating the possibilities of this situation.

  “Don’t stop,” Mike moaned as he rammed back onto my dick, his cock and prostate now calling the shots. My former Total Top’s self definition was shredded and now that Josh was in the room, his reputation could be gone as well.

“As you can well see, I am now in ownership of your former master. He is my bitch.”

  Leather Daddy piped in now.  “Wait, what???   I didn’t…”.   His words cut short as I hauled off and slapped his ass hard.  He howled and went quiet but made no move to pull himself off my pole.  

“Boy, understand that I now own everything in his possession.  Think on that.  Do you understand what that means?  I own YOU now.”

  “I, er, I….” he babbled a second.  He already knew that, or at least wanted that to be true but some part of him was still reconciling his situation.  His owner was no more.  There was no changing that.  No way back, at least that he could see at this moment.   As the gears in his head started to turn and he parsed the complicated emotions he was currently feeling, he slowly realized that he was not leaving this room.  He was not storming out.  He looked at me, towering over the room, my monster cock buried is his master’s ass, my leathered-up body covered with a light sheen of sweat.  “I understand.” He said with a grin as he looked my body up and down.  

Now at this point, Leather Daddy was starting to realize how deep in a mess he was and started squawking again, “Wait, this is not what it looks like…I’m just…I’m just,” he sputtered. However, the point he was trying to make got lost when I rammed his inner bitch button and he gasped “Ah Yeah,” with pleasure. With each new deep stroke, he grunted or whined a little, making his continued manly protestations somewhat pathetic and girly.  Still, I was getting tired of him continuing to declare he was not totally owned by me now.  

“Josh,” I looked him in the eye.  Then nodding to Mike said, “Shut him the fuck up.  I’m tired of listening to this bitch moan”. Josh snapped awake, a glint in his eye, walked over to the corner of the bed, grabbed the still-spouting former daddy by the hair, and lifted his head.  

  “Shut up you fucking pussy!  You’re nothing but a hole now…two holes to be exact.” Josh sharply told Mike.  

“Josh do not do this,” Mike pathetically whined. “Nothing has changed for us…I want you to…” Mike protested trying to “fix” the unfixable.

  His words were suddenly arrested as Josh stuffed two fingers from his right hand into the objecting mouth in front of him.  He held tight, using the hair hold in his left hand and the mouth hold of his right and looked up to me.  “You were saying, boss?”  he asked as a now muffled Mike gurgled on Josh’s fingers. A few hard taps on Mikey’s inner bitch button soon had him slobbering on Josh’s fingers.

  To say I was impressed in this moment is an understatement.  Josh’s clarity, composure, and focus at this moment were very intoxicating.

  “So, tell me, how are you feeling about all this Boy?”

  “Boss,” he began, “It’s a lot to process, but I’m nothing if not a quick study.  I understand the situation.”  He paused. “I am…reconciling some things…I…what I mean is, I think, in the future, I’d be more than happy to find a new place under your wing…and thumb.”  

“Heh well said.  So, you must have some animosity for Mr. Total Top here.  I would not want that to fester.  How you feeling about his behavior?”  

“Boss,” he stammered a little, looking down at his ex-Leather Daddy as he suckled on his fingers.  “I’m not pleased.  I feel like I’ve been duped.”

“I can understand that, why don’t you take it out on Mike’s mouth. He recently told me how much he likes sucking jizz.”

  His eyes went wide, “Fuck he did?” He gazed at Mike who was still trying to explain his actions.? May I?”   

“I think you’d both like that.  Don’t you?”

      “I…” he looked down at Mike’s panicky face and smiled back up at me.  “Who the fuck cares about we, I’d like it.” 

“Good answer boy.  Go.”

And with that, Josh removed his fingers from Mike’s mouth and began taking his jeans down.  Inside, his jock held an appreciable package that was already hard and leaking into his jock.  This whole ‘upsetting experience” was becoming hot for him.  He hauled out a very respectable 8-inch cock and then, bent down so his face was right near Mike’s.  

Of course, Daddy was begging now, “Please Josh, do not go down this road.  I’m sure if you just let me explain what is going on you will…”

“If you don’t want it how come you can’t take your eyes off my dick?” Josh questioned. "Never mind answering. Open wide Daddy,” he chided him.  

  Please, I’m begging you…don’t do this…I…I won’t…I can’t….” Mike begged, his voice now cracking as his Total Top status, now crushed on the floor, was about to torched when he sucked the cock of his former boy.

“Give yourself another good sniff. You’ll feel better…Josh knows know you want to suck it,” I told Mike as I smoothly caressed his exposed and muscled cheek.   Mike instantly complied finally giving into his bottom nature, as he salivated at the idea of Josh’s cock. A cock he knew well but had never sucked. He deeply breathed in the fumes and grunted, “Fuck. That dick.” He sighed as he fixated on it, imagining it hard with a single drop of precum hanging from the piss slit.

“Open, wide!” Josh chided as Mike finished two deep hits.

Mike looked through bleary eyes at Josh, but was stunned when Josh spit in his mouth.  “Fucking pussy.”  He then stood and with no fanfare or warning, stuffed his rigid 8-inch tool into Mike’s gaping maw.  

Mike squealed and a shudder went through his whole body.  I’m not sure if it was the thrill of being subjugated or the horror of losing his Top Dog status, but it was visible and ended with a spastic quiver in his ass lips as they gobbled on my cock.  A grin came to Josh’s lips as he looked up at me and he started slowly face fucking his former owner.    

“Fuck, never been in this mouth before.   For a self-proclaimed non-cocksucker, you give pretty good head Daddy,” he said, adding extra disdain to the word daddy.  Now being double tapped, one of us on each end, Mikey was in new territory, but not at all disliking it.  

“Fuck, Sir, he’s really going to town on my stick.  How did you know?”  

“Just a talent I have, boy.  Glad you were able to join us.  I think you’re going to like the new setup.  How would you feel about visiting me for a few weeks?” I asked, watching as Mike now again tried to object, tried to once again gain control of the situation, but it was beyond too late as we drilled the poor sod out at each end.  Mike himself was no doubt perplexed at how he was not only getting plowed with my cock but also having his skull fucked by his boy.

  “I’d like that, Sir.” Josh responded, looking up at me with admiring eyes.  I flashed him a double biceps pose and watched him light up like a kid in a candy store.  

“You’d have to worship this…any time and every time I say.  That something you could get into?”  I huffed as I was really pounding now.  Mike tried to object again but it was unintelligible in both content and pronunciation.  So much cock now working him.  

“Fuck yes, are you kidding me, Sir.  I’ll get Mike here to get me a nice first-class ticket at that.  Fucking pussy.”  

“Hahahahhha…” I let out a deep belly laugh at how quickly he was getting into the spirit of things.  “I’ll make sure he complies, boy.”  Mike just groaned, getting double-teamed by the two of us.  It was a total of 17.5 inches of cock he was now taking, and he was taking like a cheap hooker.  His earlier protests had petered out replaced by the sounds of his erotic sensations as we massaged his body and brain.  He was getting thoroughly bitched-out now and his mind-break would begin soon.  I knew he’d be back out on the other side loving every minute of it, but until then there would be the occasional struggle.  The two of us poured it on.

“Fuck, he sucks like a pro…no teeth at all, did you already face fuck him?”  Josh-boy asked in a panting voice as he kept on Daddy’s face.

“Did I ever.  Took him in the bathroom…I’m afraid my cock hypnotized him a bit.  It was over before it began."

“Yeah, well that explains how he’s taking me so easily…I mean if you were in him.  I…I’d like to see that cock at some point as well…Sir.”  Josh-boy said, looking up with envious eyes.  He saw how hard I was giving it to Mike, and he wanted some of that too.  

“Oh, don’t worry.  You will.”  I looked down on Mike’s twin globes, spread wide and stuffed full of my cock.  I slapped on and he did nothing more than moan in pleasure.  “Yeah, stick a fork in this one…he’s done.  Think you can manage him for 30 seconds?”       “Oh, don’t worry, he’s going nowhere.”  I laughed giving Mike’s rump a couple of more whacks that had him gasp in pleasure and increase his sucking on Josh’s shaft.  “Likes light abuse. noted,” I teased.   

We continued on like that for a while, trading glances, ruffing Mike up, pounding out his two holes.  I reached under a few times to check his internal temperature and it was a heated 7.5 inch/degrees.  A unit of homosexual arousal.  Josh, was really in the spirit and held Mike by his hair, pounding out his throat.  In the meantime, I had so assaulted his prostate he was just sort of gooning out now to the complete overload of pleasure.  I wondered what he was thinking at that moment.  Was there still an internal battle going on or had he completely succumbed to the pleasure he was feeling but without much further thought I got my answer.  

  Mike suddenly squealed and his ass quivered.  I could feel his ass tighten up and I let Josh know.

  “Fuck Joshy, he’s gonna pop.  You ready?”

  “Yes sir, I’m on a hair trigger and have been edging for a while now.  You say the word.

  “Fuck yeah, good boy.  Cum for me Josh, you too Mike!” and with that my own hog began dumping out a hefty load of my man seed, filling the tight former top below me as he unloaded on the bed and Josh drown him at the other end.  At the same time, and without touching himself, Mike exploded onto the bed below, dumping a torent of hot cum onto the bed. The three of us now just a slowing sweaty pile of muscle, the smell of sex and cum and men permeating the room.  

As we slowed down Josh was the first to pull out.  Mike was a huffing pile of former top, now humiliated and triple popped, quadruple if you count my load in his throat an hour or so earlier.

  “No, what…what happened.  I’m…oh fuck.  You guys bitched me out…you fucking bred me like I was some type of a back-alley whore…I’m…oh fuck…. I’m got bottomed and I shot during it.  Shit, don’t tell anyone, please don’t tell anyone.” he cried.  Unable to understand what had happened and eager to control the damage.

  “We can discuss that, Mike.  If you like.”  Josh looked up, unsure what I meant by that.  “Easy boy, I have a plan.”  

I slowly pulled out of him and climbed off the bed.  Josh’s drooling cock hung down just in front of Mike’s face and despite his moaning, he continued to stare at it.  Josh stared at my body and cock as I moved around the room.  My leathered-up body was on full display for him to finally see in all its glory.  At that moment he looked intimidated, but I would make sure he felt welcome.  I moved around behind him and picked up his pants. I fished out his phone and turned on the camera.

    “You’re going to want some momentos of this,” I said and started snapping photos of the scene before me, Mike’s eyes still wide and our spunk oozing from his holes.