The Telemachus Story Archive

Jason and the Worm
By Hooder

Jason and the Worm

Jason put his phone back into his pocket, and his eyes returned to the dingy back alley.

“Whoa!” He stopped in his tracks.

A 6’ long, bright pink worm – with feelers – was undulating sinuously along the pavement towards him.

Jason stared, mouth agape. Below the feelers was a smiley mouth, which did nothing to make the sight any more acceptable. He squeezed his eyes shut, but when he opened them again the worm was still there.

The feelers froze for a moment, then resumed moving, but in a slightly panicky way. The worm speeded up and turned left, disappearing behind a commercial dustbin at the back of the Ho-Hun Bespoke Takeaway.

Jason was still frozen to the spot, and he was still gaping.

A moment later the bin rocked slightly, and a figure emerged from the other side of it. The boy’s jaw dropped even further.

An apparition that could have come directly from some of the more specialised pages of Pornhub stood there looking at him. Jason’s eyes began at the bottom and worked their way very slowly upwards: gleaming boots that came to within an inch of the knees; heavy black leather jeans that clung to muscular legs so tightly that he thought it must have taken WD-40 to get them on, and which displayed in alarming detail a fascinating package; resting on it was a thick studded leather belt; and above that a heavy, highly-polished black leather biker jacket that accentuated the man’s slim waist and broad, muscular shoulders. Well-developed pecs were visible through the half-opened zip, the collar of the jacket was turned up sexily, and on his hands were skin-tight black leather gloves. Clear blue eyes regarded the boy from a face that was ruggedly handsome, with just sufficient dark stubble to be fashionable. “Hello,” the guy said.

With effort, Jason closed his mouth and swallowed. “H – h – h – hello.” Carefully, as if treading on eggshells, he walked forwards and peered around the back of the dustbin. Of pink worms with feelers there was no sign. He backtracked to his former position and stared dumbstruck at the man.

“I am your deepest fantasy,” said the leatherman.

It was true, Jason did regularly fantasise about exactly the sort of guy who was currently standing before him, but usually they inhabited only his imagination, and they appeared in more conventional ways than this. Was he hallucinating? He’d never had hallucinations with dope before, and anyway the spliff he’d had last night had worn off within an hour, as usual, so it would seem to be unlikely. He took a tentative step forward and slowly reached out a hand. The leather jacket seemed very real indeed: the black hide felt cool and smooth as he ran his fingers over it. If this were a spliff-induced hallucination, he thought, he was going to get more of that weed.

“Do you want me to get you helpless and tease your cock?” The man asked brightly.

Jason blinked. What? How the fuck did this guy know about that? About his secret fantasies? Of guys with muscles, big boots and bulging leather jeans, edging him to distraction? He had told no-one. Ever. He had been very careful about that – because privately he was very ashamed of his fetish.

“I – I’m not gay,” Jason said. He adjusted his position, trying to look straight.

“Yes you are. You occasionally go with girls for appearance, but most of the time you lie in bed at night wanking over vids of boys being tied up, teased and played with by guys like me. You secretly want to be those boys, and have a hunky leather guy work on your cock. Edging you for hours and then making you cum helplessly as you struggle in your restraints.” This came out as a flat statement, allowing no discussion.

“N – no.”

“Yes.” The guy nodded slowly. “So, do you want me to tie you up and edge you?”

Jason’s mind was whirling. “What happened to the worm?”

For the first time the leatherman’s aura of confidence slipped. He looked slightly startled. “Worm? What worm?”

Jason pointed to the bin. “There was a bright pink worm there. With feelers. It went behind the bin and then you appeared.”

“You’re – imagining things.”

“No I’m not. It was there. I saw it. It changed into you.”

“That’s not possible.”

“And neither is a sexy leather guy suddenly asking me if I want him to tie me up and edge me. I’ve never told anybody about that. Ever .”

The man looked around slightly desperately. “Shit.”

“Ha. So you admit it.”

“No,” he said quickly. Then he seemed to sag a little. He looked down at the ground.

There was a pause, and Jason thought for a moment that the guy was about to burst into tears. But he didn’t; he just shook his head sorrowfully. “I’m not very good at this. I told them I didn’t have enough experience but they wouldn’t listen.”

“Who? Who told you?”

The man’s blue eyes returned to the boy. “You won’t believe me.”

Jason looked determined. “Try me. It can’t be less believable than pink worms turning into hunky leathermen in front of my face.”

The guy sighed and despondently kicked an empty crate that was lying by the wall. His leather jeans creaked as he sat down heavily on it. He put his head in his hands and gazed at the pavement miserably.

“I’m going to get into so much trouble for this. You have no idea…” He was silent for a while, then he sighed again, admitting defeat. “We’re not from here. We’re from a very, very long way away,” he mumbled. After a few moments his head came up and he looked around as if searching for help, but the two of them were alone in the alley. His gaze went back to the litter-strewn pavement. “We’re colonising your world. Taking it over. We need its resources.”


“It’s not as bad as it sounds,” the guy said quickly, looking up. “We’re not cruel. We’re doing it in a very humane way.”

“Taking over our world? Oh that’s all right then, as long as it’s being done humanely.” Sarcasm seemed to be lost on the leather guy. Under other circumstances Jason would have laughed at how ridiculous this sounded, but having seen a bright pink worm – with feelers – become a sexy leather guy in front of his eyes he was prepared to believe anything. “Colonising us? Humanely? How?”

“Through sex. We can read your deepest desires and turn ourselves into them. The plan is to present every male with a sexual object he’s incapable of resisting, then fuck him. Our sperm’s been engineered so that it’s got a poison in it that causes a painless death to humans. Once all the men are gone there will be no more children, the women will eventually die out and the planet will be ours. Painless and comprehensive.”

Jason thought about this. “Clever.” Then he frowned. “But most of your victims will be straight.”

“We appear to them as a sexy female, then grow a cock at the last moment and fuck them anyway.”

Jason looked incredulous. “Every male on the planet? That’s going to take a while.”

“There are a lot of us.”

“But even so. It’s going to be years before the last woman’s gone.”

“It’s a long-term plan.”

The boy thought about this. “And you’re a new recruit, I’m guessing.”

“This is my first time in the field,” the leather guy said sadly.

“You’re right – you’re not very good at it, are you?”


This was a lot to take in. While he thought, Jason ran his eyes slowly down the guy’s body. He certainly was stunningly hot. The sight caused other thoughts to occur to him - if the thing could grow a cock on demand, then it could… “Stand up. Make your bulge bigger. More pronounced.”

The guy stood, looked down at his crotch, and coughed apologetically. “A moment – I only learned how to change shape recently – the slightest distraction makes it difficult. Keep dead still. And quiet. Let me concentrate…”

He closed his eyes and willed himself to relax. After a while the leather moved – slowly at first and then the bulge grew.

“Better. Make the shape of your cock clearer.”

The bulge moved again.

More. ” Jason was beginning to drool.

Highlights shifted as the shiny leather stretched over the enlarging cock.

“Ok. Make your jeans thinner leather so the bulge looks more grippable.”

It was like watching something being vacuum-wrapped: the leather became more flexible and then shrank, moulding itself intimately to the contours of the now very substantial cock and balls.

An inarticulate gurgle came from Jason. His cock was as hard as a rock.

“Boots heavier, more lickable.”

The boots complied.

“Ok. Now read what I’m imagining and stand like that.”

The guy straightened again, put his weight more on one foot, tilted his hips slightly, hooked his thumbs into the pockets of his jeans and let his fingertips stroke the enormous black leather cock bulge slowly and teasingly.

“Now look like you’re gonna use those muscles to overpower me.” Jason was panting. “Tell me that you’re gonna get me restrained and edge me insane before you make me cum helplessly – and then you’re going to fuck me senseless – and that there won’t be a fucking thing I can do to stop you.”

The muscles flexed under the leather, and then Jason’s legs went weak as the guy told him very slowly, in a sexy, confident voice, exactly what he’d wanted to hear. Oh fuck, thought Jason, that is absolute perfection.

“Tell me, when you’ve taken that form, can you feel everything that a human would?”

“Oh yes. Exactly the same.”

“But you can’t change forms if you’re distracted?”

“It’s very difficult. Why do you ask?”

Jason nodded thoughtfully. “I have a bed, some ropes, and other… stuff… at home. You wanna come back with me?”

The guy frowned for a moment. “You want to have sex with me even though you know you will die when I fuck you?”

“Oh you’re not going to fuck me until after I’ve strapped you down very tightly and played with that cock bulge – and then edged that cock – for a long, long time. And I think you might find being edged just a bit distracting, so changing back into the worm while I’m doing it will be a little difficult for you. Afterwards, you might not want to.”

“Oh.” He looked startled – and very unsure. “You want to edge me ? I don’t know about that. And if I don’t cooperate?”

“I will find another of your lot and tell them exactly what a mess you made of your assignment. I’ll tell them to let your leader know all about you. And I’ll contact every newspaper and text everybody I know, and tell them what your people are doing. Enough will investigate and find out it’s true. Your evil plan will be ruined and everybody’ll know it was all your fault. Ha!”

The leather guy’s confidence evaporated quickly as he listened to the threats, his expression becoming increasingly miserable again. He groaned, imagining being dragged before Commander Phyxln to explain how he alone had wrecked the entire mission. Things were going from bad to worse.

Jason knew that nobody would believe such a ridiculous story from a boy like him, but he didn’t care.

The guy sighed again, deeply. “Very well. Seems that you’ve got me over a cask.”

“Barrel. Not cask”, said Jason distractedly; he was planning his evening’s entertainment.

“Ah.” The guy’s eyebrows rose slightly. “I’ve often wondered what human sex is like, and now I’m wondering what it feels like to be edged.”

They began to walk down the alley towards the main road.

Oh, thought Jason, smiling to himself, I think edging is going to be a revelation to you, my friend. He kept slightly ahead so that he could watch that mouthwatering bulge – as the guy walked, it moved. Oh fuck, it moved.

He looked at the vision of sexual perfection at his side in those horny, horny skintight black leathers. He was imagining in great detail exactly what he was going to do to that sexy leather guy when he got him home.

Bugger the rest of humanity, he thought, they can take their chances. H e was going to have the best fucking night of his life.