The Telemachus Story Archive

By Hooder


Luc quite enjoyed playing football, though he’d be the first to admit that he wasn’t much good at it. The after-match showers, however, he did not look forward to. It was nice to watch the hunky guys walking around in next to nothing (especially that Japanese boy Kyle, oh fuck he was gorgeous with his swimmer’s build, jet-black hair and those cock-sucking lips) but there were downsides – the main one being Robert Tyler.

Tyler had everything a boy could wish for: he was blond, blue-eyed, much more good-looking that he had any right to be, and sickeningly athletic – he won the swimming, javelin, discus, and most of the running events with boring regularity. But most of all he owned a cock of truly epic proportions. Where the others in the locker room kept their towels around their waists most of the time, Tyler’s would be draped around his neck exposing his big, meaty penis proudly for all to see.

If he were honest, Luc would reluctantly admit that he was envious – his own cock was by no means small, but paled into insignificance compared with Tyler’s. But then all the others did too.

The athlete was also an utter dick. He somehow managed to twist every conversation around to his own sexual prowess: how the girls queued up to get shagged by him, how they squealed with pleasure as he entered them, how long he could make it last… the list was interminable. He continually made snide remarks about the other boys’ equipment, and Tyler was clearly a raging homophobe; he made insulting comments about anyone who did not match his exacting standards of heterosexuality. He was not a nice person. And for some reason he seemed to particularly have it in for Luc.

This could possibly have been because Luc was intelligent and Tyler was not – all the athlete’s brains seemed to have migrated to his cock at birth. It was a rare occasion when Luc could take a shower and get dressed without Tyler’s picking on him, wondering how a cock that small could possibly function, or flicking him hard with a wet towel. Even on the field Tyler (centre forward, of course) would do anything rather than pass the ball to Luc, and he took every opportunity to trip the boy, or catch his shoulder in passing, or shout some inane comment about the boy from the other side of the pitch. These, and others, may have been minor things, but it had been going on for a long time and Luc was getting thoroughly pissed off with it.

The situation finally came to a head one wet Tuesday. The match had been played in a downpour and Luc traipsed back to the showers covered from head to toe in mud. This had been, as usual, largely down to Tyler’s having tripped him on the field. Again.

He was fuming to himself as he dried off and changed back into his clothes. Then a slow smile formed on his lips as the beginnings of a plan came to him. Few of the other boys liked Tyler, but there was one other whom, like Luc, suffered more than the rest: Rob. Rob was, in spite of his brick-shithouse build, a quiet and likeable lad. His single misfortune was that he had a very, very small cock. Yes, he’d have a word with Rob.

The storeroom of the chemistry lab was supposed to be kept locked, but it never was. At break time the lab was deserted as Luc ran his fingers along the shelves. Ah. There it was. He decanted some ether from the large bottle into a small one he’d brought with him, made sure the tops were back on tightly, switched the fan on for a few moments to clear the smell, and sneaked out again.

Two days later the afternoon match took place under clear blue skies. Luc carefully did everything he could to annoy Tyler during the game – on one rare occasion when the ball actually came within a mile of him he intentionally passed it to another boy rather than do the sensible and expected thing of sending it to Tyler who was positioned perfectly to accept it. The look on the blond boy’s face said it all.

At the end of the match Luc avoided him and took his time getting back to the showers by chatting with the coach on the way.

Tyler was livid when he finally caught up with the boy. “What the fuck did you do that for, you stupid little wanker? Made me look a right prick.” He’d already changed and had been waiting for Luc. All of the others had gone, and the two boys were alone.

Luc moved so that he was facing the doorway and Tyler had his back to it. “Because you are a Neanderthal, Tyler. D on’t know what that word means? Look it up.”

Eyes blazing with fury, Tyler took deep breaths, trying to hold in his rage. He didn’t hear the bare feet walking towards him from the doorway behind him, nor – to Luc’s surprise – did he smell the ether until it was too late and the cloth was clamped firmly over his face. His arms came up but Rob easily held the boy until his struggling died down and then stopped completely. The muscular lad gently lowered him onto a bench.

Rob was straight, and had agreed only to getting Tyler helpless – what Luc did after that was his own business; he didn’t want to know. But he assisted in stripping the athlete and using the ropes from the bag Luc had brought with him to tie him down to the bench securely.

When it was done, Rob grinned. “Have fun.” Then he left.

Luc knew that, now the game was over and everyone had gone, it was extremely unlikely that anyone else would come into the locker room for the rest of the day, so he sat on one of the other benches and nibbled at a chocolate bar as he waited for Tyler to regain consciousness.

The benches were made of wooden slats, and Luc smiled as he dropped his head to look at the enormous cock hanging down between two of them. Fuck, it was a good way to reaching the floor – and the diameter of it was eye-watering. He’d seen it before many times, of course, but not under circumstances like these. Part of him wanted very badly to play with it.

Tyler groaned as he began to come round, and Luc stood up. He finished his chocolate, scrunched the wrapper up and tossed it into the bin. He removed his football boots and then slowly took off his shorts. His cock was already hard.

“What the fuck?” Tyler had just realised that he was tied down. He pulled at the restraints but Luc knew there was no way he’d be able to get out of them. His perfectly round arse was sticking up into the air as he lay with his head twisted towards Luc.

“What the fuck you doing, you little prick? You are gonna suffer for this, boy.” He did not look happy.

Luc walked slowly over and stood so that his hard cock was directly in Tyler’s line of sight.

The blond athlete sneered and wrinkled his nose up. “You call that a cock? I’ve seen bigger ones on fucking gerbils.”

Luc looked at it thoughtfully. “It’s not very big, is it.”

Tyler just snorted.

“But it’s not always the size that matters, Tyler, it’s what you do with it.”

“Yeah yeah yeah. Everyone’s fucking excuse.”

“Let me show you what I mean.” He took a tissue from the box, climbed onto the bench on top of Tyler and sat astride his thighs.

“What the fuck? Get off of me you pansy fucker! And you need a fucking shower.”

Luc just smiled. With the tissue he carefully wiped every drop of precum from the head of his cock. “Straight guys don’t really understand fucking.” He lay on the boy, reached down and positioned his cock head against the unprotected arsehole, pressing slightly, and took a deep breath. Then he suddenly drove it in hard, all the way up to his balls.

Luc scrunched his face up – with a total absence of lubrication it hurt. But that was nothing compared to how much it hurt Tyler’s virgin-tight arse hole.

The boy screamed. AAAAAARGH! NO! FUCKING NOOOO!”

Luc gagged him firmly with a hand and started to thrust his thighs. The screaming, although now muffled into near silence, got worse.

After a while Luc stopped. He lay panting on top of Tyler’s athletic body. He took his hand away.

Oh fuck. You cunt! You fucking bastard fucking cunt! Get your fucking cock outta me you fag prick!”

“Oh I don’t think so. I’m going to fuck you until I shoot my load into your straight-boy arsehole.”

He re-gagged the struggling boy and resumed pumping his hips. His cock, though nothing like as large as Tyler’s, scraped the sensitive rectum mercilessly. The penetration was brutal. It wasn’t comfortable for Luc, but it was, he thought, worth the pain.

It was much, much more than uncomfortable for Tyler: he’d never had anything larger than the tip of his finger up there and his arse felt like it was on fire; it hurt like the very devil. With every thrust Tyler tried to move in the same direction in an effort to minimise the pain, but it had no effect.

It took Luc a long time to cum, but eventually, with a groan and a final, powerful, piston-like thrust, his spunk erupted.

Tyler could feel it pulsing inside him. And that was the most humiliating thing yet. Being fucked was, for a straight guy, the very worst thing imaginable, and Tyler was straighter than straight; his heterosexuality was the very core of his being. He lay on the bench still struggling uselessly while Luc collapsed on top of him. You fucking bastard cunt .” It was a whisper of total defeat.

When Luc had recovered he pulled out and climbed off. He crouched down by Tyler’s head. “So what do you reckon? Is size everything? Or does technique come into it at all?”

Tyler was in no state to reply. There were tears of humiliation at the corners of his closed eyes.

Luc was about to get up when he noticed something – there was a pool of spunk on the tiled floor under the bench, directly beneath the enormous cock. This was a bonus he hadn’t expected. He blinked. “What’s this then? Has our star soccer-player and all-time girl-shagging record-holder cum from being fucked by another boy ?” He scooped some of the goop up with a finger and spread it over Tyler’s lips. “Taste your own spunk. Seems you enjoyed that, Tyler. Could it possibly be that you’re not quite as straight as you make out?”

Luc had never seen anyone go quite as red as Tyler did just then. He patted the athlete on the bum, stood up and retrieved his phone that had been propped up on one of the sinks, quietly recording everything. He smiled as he saw that the vid had come out perfectly, then showed the screen to Tyler.

“Right. There will be a few changes from now on. You will be nice to the other boys – especially to me. You will no longer force us to listen to your never-ending tales of conquest (which I’m beginning to think you fucking made up anyway), you will stop tripping me up on the field and you will, if anybody ever asks you, admit to liking being fucked by guys. I hope you remember all that, Tyler, because if you don’t, this vid will be on everybody’s phone quicker than you can say ‘spunk on the floor’. Now, I’m going to email this to my computer at home, and then I’ll untie you. And in case you’re getting any ideas, as soon as I get back, a copy of this vid will be placed somewhere very safe. Give me a moment…”

That done, Luc released the athlete from the bench. Tyler wanted more than anything to kill him at that instant, but even his low-functioning brain told him that would not be a good idea. He bowed his head. “I’m sorry,” he muttered.

“I hope so. Now get dressed and fuck off.”