The Telemachus Story Archive

Boy Island
Part 3
By Hooder

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Boy Island

- Part Three -

The days passed in increasing desperation for Jamie, and also increasing appreciation of the sadism of whoever had designed these shorts. He was forced to wear them all the time when he wasn't undergoing perverted tests of one kind or another, and they worked on him in cunning and insidious ways. Even the smallest movement had always sent shivers of lust through him, but now they seemed to be making the tests more interesting in ways he resented – and didn't understand. Last week the bastards had started taking him to rooms where guys he'd never seen before teased him – and the thing was that as time progressed, the guys they sent seemed to be getting hotter and hotter.

Today, for example, he'd been edged by a boy whom he thought was drop-dead gorgeous, and in shorts. He'd never fancied a guy, and he'd never considered shorts to be especially sexy, but with this boy he had a powerful urge to feel them, to grope him through the shorts, to put a tickling hand slowly up the leg, to make the boy cum in them. And being teased by him while Jamie was strapped down helpless had been wonderful. Now that he thought about it, so had actually being restrained by him in the first place.

It was all very odd. Being restrained was something that infuriated him; he longed to be free to touch the guy who was working on him, either to run his hands over his gear or to stop him doing whatever he was doing to him when it was driving him mad. He found being helpless humiliating and intensely frustrating. It made him struggle and fight against the straps where he'd probably have just stayed still if they weren't there holding him down. But at the same time there was something insidiously exciting and sexy about those very things.

He could only put it down to some sort of steadily increasing background horniness. He knew that these fuckers were brainwashing him, but there was nothing he could do about it.

It was seven days since the last time he'd cum, and it was milking day today. He knew they were going to chloroform him again just before they made him cum. The fuckers always did. And that cunt of a doctor smiling and telling him it was for his own good – Jamie knew damn well that he was doing it for one reason only: to frustrate the fuck out of him. He hated that man.

Well today he was buggered if he'd give the fucker the pleasure of watching him trying to fight the chloroform and beg him not to put him to sleep. This time he would just lie there and take it.

The two sexy bikers Aaron and Darren came for him. This time, instead of restraining him to the table as they usually did, they got him on his back with his knees strapped tightly to his chest. Then they pulled his cock and balls back through between his thighs, closed his knees and strapped them tightly together to keep everything in place.

When he'd been brought into the room he'd seen a second table set up at the side of it. He'd tried not to, but he'd got desperately horny as soon as he felt the two bikers' leathers as they were manhandling him onto the table and restraining him. He'd almost cum when they pulled his cock back between his legs.

"This is an experiment," said Aaron. "We think this position might be good for boys with cocks like yours. Make it more sensitive. More difficult for you to control yourself."

Jamie groaned. The position felt so horny: pulled back like that his cock was incredibly vulnerable, and it felt harder than it had ever been. And the worst thing was that the tip of it was so accessible now – it was as if it was begging to be teased and tickled. He shuddered at the thought of Aaron's slippery leather fingers on the head.

Jamie turned his head to look over at the second table as the door opened again and a small, slim boy in shiny blue shorts walked in. He stood with his hands behind his back. Jamie hadn't see him before. He had big blue eyes and an unruly thatch of dark shaggy hair. He wasn't the cutest boy Jamie had ever seen, but there was something in his cheeky, cocky attitude that Jamie found very sexy. For some reason the sight of him standing there made him want to tickle and milk the boy senseless.

Aaron and Darren went up to him, grabbed him and got him onto the second table. He struggled – it was clearly not what he'd been expecting – but soon he was as helpless as Jamie was. Aaron introduced the boy. "This is Phil."

Watching the bikers restraining him on the table had made Jamie want to cum very badly indeed. But it was about to get worse.

Another, older, boy came in. Jamie gaped. He hadn't seen this one before either. Straw-blond hair fell in a fringe over his eyes, and a perfect body showed clearly under the PVC muscle shirt and jeans he was wearing. There was a studded leather belt low on his hips. For some reason the sight of him sent waves of need up and down Jamie's cock. He was amazingly hot. He looked powerful, and Jamie could see each muscle of his firm, fit body under the tight, shiny black PVC. He had some kind of chunky white boots on with complicated fastenings at the sides. He took up position on the far side of the second table, where Jamie could see everything that was going on there. Darren was behind Jamie, so as not to block his view either, and Aaron was climbing onto the bottom of Jamie's table. He knelt there and slid his leather jacket over the boy's bare soles, making him gasp. "Oh, and this is Axel," Aaron said.

PVC boy smiled and bowed.

The bikers began to run their leather hands over Jamie, and Axel started to tease Phil's thighs below his shorts. He began to giggle.

"Phil has a b-i-g fetish for shorts," said Aaron, "And for us, fetishes are very useful things. Aren't they, Darren…" He smiled behind the mask and pushed the arm of his leather jacket between Jamie's thighs. A moan came from the boy.

Axel's hand was moving slowly up Phil's thigh now. It got to the bottom of the shorts leg, paused, then slipped under them. Phil giggled even louder at that and tried to close his legs together, but his ankles were restrained, so that he could only move his knees, and he couldn't quite bring them together. It was impossible for him to keep the invading hand out of his shorts.

Axel leaned over him and kissed Phil's lips very slowly and very lightly, his blond fringe falling down across his eyes. "Gonna make you cum in those shorts…" he whispered. Phil groaned. His shiny blue nylon shorts were being tented out by the hard-on inside them. This pulled the legs of the shorts away from the insides of his thighs, allowing Axel even more access.

Jamie noticed that Axel's tight jeans were bulging with hard cock underneath the shiny black PVC. On its own, just watching that sexy boy working on Phil would have made him need to cum, but Darren was stroking his leathers over Jamie's bare skin, and Aaron had started to work on the pulled-back cock. He was only teasing the shaft so far, but it was almost more than the boy could take.

Axel was now tickling Phil's balls – Jamie watched his hand moving under the shiny blue shorts. Phil had been giggling, but as the hand moved up a little he let out a high-pitched moan as Axel enclosed the base of his cock with his fingers. Axel kissed him again.

Jamie drew in an urgent breath – Aaron had got to his cock head. His lubed leather-gloved fingers slid around the ridge and the glans, but as always the fucker was careful not to touch the very tip of his cock.

The teasing of both boys went on. Both Phil and Jamie had been desperate for ages, but neither of them was being permitted to cum.

Axel had been playing with Phil's cock, both up the legs of the shorts and through the silky material. Now, he had one hand up them, working on the boy's balls, and with the other he was gripping the shaft of the cock through the shorts.

"Now don't cum, Phil boy, because you know what will happen to you if you do…"

Phil suddenly looked terrified. It was clear that he'd forgotten about something very important indeed. Jamie didn't know what it was that would happen if the boy allowed himself to cum, but whatever it was, Phil very much wanted to avoid it. He shook his head violently. "No. Please. Not that."

An evil grin appeared on Axel's face. He nodded. "Oh yes. That. Better not let me make you cum then, had you…" He smiled that sexy smile again. "But my hand's up the leg of your shorts. You can't get it out, can you… And my fingers are gripping your hard, horny cock through the shiny, sexy nylon. Those shorts are gonna make you lose it, boy. Try to fight it." He'd been moving the cock around, causing the shiny shorts to slide over it, and every time he did, Phil whimpered and moaned.

It was the first time Jamie had ever considered the possibility of making a boy cum against his will. He didn't know if it was just because of Aaron's fingers working on his cock, but he found the idea stunningly horny. He groaned. "Oh fuuuck..."

"Gonna make you cum."

Phil was shaking his head again. "No. Please don't. I can't stand what they do to me after."

Axel grinned. "I know. That's why they do it to you. So you'd better not let me make you lose it, boy."

For a moment Phil looked like he was about to cry, but another tease of his balls made him gasp.

Aaron was still working very slowly on Jamie's cock, and Darren was stroking his leathers over his naked thighs. Together with what Aaron was doing, and knowing that Phil was going to be fighting to stop Axel from making him cum, it was driving Jamie to distraction.

Axel was gripping Phil's cock through the blue shorts and moving his hand very slowly up and down it.

Jamie couldn't tear his eyes away.

The blond boy's fingers continued at the same speed, but Phil must have been getting very close because his struggling reached a new crescendo. He yelled and shook his head from side to side. "NO! PLEASE! DON'T! " But the fingers continued to stroke. He was on the point of losing it. He fought the restraints, threw himself from side to side.

"Don't let yourself cum whatever you do," Axel said teasingly.

Phil let out an even louder yell, and then his cock began to jerk rhythmically inside the shorts as he started to shoot his spunk into them. Axel wanked the cock much faster until his orgasm was completely over.

Jamie let out a desperate moan. To watch that boy fighting not to let himself cum but being slowly and irresistibly milked in his shorts – his biggest fetish – by that hunk Axel… And to watch him having an orgasm when Jamie was so close to cumming but couldn't, had been the most horny and the most frustrating thing he'd ever experienced.

Axel straightened up. "You came. You know what that means. Torture time in half an hour. Thirty minutes for you to think about it…"

Phil was shaking his head from side to side. "No… Please… Not that…"

Axel just laughed quietly, his blue eyes shining. He was squeezing his cock bulge through the tight black PVC.

Jamie was dying to know what they were going to do to Phil – what the thing was that he was so terrified of.

Aaron's brown eyes looked down at Jamie through the holes of his black leather mask. "You're gonna have an even better orgasm than that, Jamie boy. But with you, just by working on the end. That's all it takes."

Abrahams appeared, a sadistic leer on his unpleasant face. He was holding the pad. "Hello Jamie, you horny yet? Do you need to cum? Aaron's going to lube his leather fingers and milk you right on the tip of your cock. Not just once, but several times - you recover very quickly. Imagine how that's going to feel. Those fingertips teasing and tickling it. Your spunk pumping out of that little hole right at the end of your cock and over that slippery black leather that's sliding up and down over the tip. He does it so slowly, you know. We watch you getting to the edge and then every muscle tenses and you start to cum. And he doesn't change anything – he just keeps working on the very tip like that, slowly, while you cum and cum and cum. There's lots of spunk. It shoots all over his leather fingers. It must feel unbelievably intense, cumming like that."

Abrahams brought the dreaded chloroform pad closer. "It's a shame that you won't know anything about it." He had a look of mock-concern on his face. "I'm so sorry, Jamie. But we're going to make very sure that you can't remember a thing." The concern gave way to a gloating grin as he held the pad over the boy's face.

Jamie ground his teeth in fury. The bastards. The fucking bastard cunts. He wanted more than anything to experience cumming like this but that fucking chloroform knocked him out every fucking time. He always tried to fight it but he couldn't. This was the very worst thing they could possibly do to him. He'd been determined that he wouldn't struggle this time, but he did – and with every ounce of his strength. He yelled curses into the pad as Abrahams, smiling sadistically now, kept it pressed gently over his face.

"We got a lot this time, Jamie." Abrahams was on the TV again, holding up a new container with Jamie's spunk in it. There was more than last time. "You really went for it. You were squirming as this shot out of your cock. It was an extremely intense orgasm. But here – I can show you!"

The screen went black for a moment and then Jamie saw himself hogtied on the table. He watched as Abrahams held the chloroform pad over his face, his struggling, and then his closing eyes. The doctor held the pad in place for a few more seconds to make sure the boy was completely out, then straightened up and nodded.

Jamie looked at his rock-hard cock sticking out between the backs of his thighs. Aaron lubed his right leather glove, then with his left hand he gripped the base of the boy's cock tightly, getting his fingers down deep into the creases at the sides of his balls and pulling the cock further down. Jamie groaned, imagining what that hand had felt like positioned there. He brought the lubed finger and thumb down onto the head. The camera zoomed in, showing them making exactly the same movement that the biker had shown him: opening and closing slowly, right on the very tip of his cock. The HD TV showed in detail the two little bumps as the slippery black fingertips passed over them. A second later he saw his body tense, then jerk, then convulse as his spunk began to shoot out in thick, powerful gobs. Some of it coated the milking leather fingers but most squirted out into the container that Abrahams was holding to receive it. The orgasm went on for a long time, and Aaron kept up exactly the same movements until the very last drop had been extracted. Jamie saw his own muscles relax. Aaron scraped spunk from his fingers into the container, then looked directly into the camera and winked at him.

Abrahams was back. "You see? That's how we do it. Did you enjoy that? And that was only the first – Aaron got another load out of you in exactly the same way a few minutes later." He gloated. "Just working right on the very tip."

Watching Aaron do that to him had made him ache to cum. His balls felt heavier than they had ever done and he was desperate. He was also incandescent with fury. "FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING OLD CUNT!" He threw a box of tissues at the TV.

He hadn't experienced cumming for weeks now. They drained his balls every seven days in what was, for him, the most indescribably horny way possible, but that fucking Abrahams always made very sure that he never knew what it felt like.

"Now now, Jamie, don't talk to me like that. You wouldn't want to be punished, now, would you…"

"Fuck off you old creep. This isn't fair. I want to be awake for orgasms."

The smile left the doctor's face. "Ok, that's it Jamie. You've earned a punishment. And you want to be awake for an orgasm, do you? Well I can arrange that." The screen went black.

Jamie lay on the bed and almost cried. It wasn't fair. They kept him so fucking horny for seven fucking days – and then made him cum like that.

He closed his eyes and tried to think about something else. He wondered what his friends Mickey and Jack at home were doing right now. But the rubber spikes in the shorts were moving over his cock, and very soon they persuaded him that he didn't really care.

The guards came for him the next day. He was as horny as fuck, of course – the video of his milking, the shorts, the porn and the Xbox games had seen to that. He'd tried not to play the games but there was nothing else to do. And they were very seductive games for a 16-year old boy whose cock is being constantly kept close to the edge.

They blindfolded him before they took him into the room. Once inside, his shorts were removed and he was put onto a kneeling platform with his hands above his head. He groaned – he recognised this from the feel: it was the same frame he'd been in for the ticklishness test. After a ten-minute wait, someone entered. His blindfold was removed and he was looking at Alan, the skinhead. This time he wasn't masked, and his short yellow hair shone in the lights like a miniature wheat field.

Jamie groaned again. Alan was clearly the resident tickle-torturer; it had been he who had conducted the test on him. And he was gorgeous.

"Oh Jamie, why have you gone and got yourself a punishment?" Alan sighed. "Oh well, it is what it is. You'll probably be more careful after this." He took a black leather hood and pulled it down over the boy's head. "This is to make the punishment feel a lot worse," he said as he tightened the straps.

Unable to see a thing with the blindfolding back leather pressing over his eyes, Jamie suddenly felt very vulnerable indeed. His cock was completely soft for the first time in ages. A tiny part of his mind, however, registered the fact that the leather hood pressing tight over his face felt worryingly interesting.

"Give me a moment to remind myself what your weaknesses are…" He picked up a clipboard and read some notes on it. "Right, I remember now. Uh-huh, Ok." He put the clipboard down and stood behind the boy.

He waited.

Suddenly he jabbed stiff fingers into Jamie's sides, just below the bottom ribs.

The boy screamed. He hadn't been expecting it – he hadn't been able to see where the guy was or what was coming.

Alan's fingers were still pushing hard into Jamie's sides, and now they were moving about, too. Every little movement made Jamie scream again. He'd always known he was ticklish, but he'd never in his life imagined it could be as bad as this. To have it done when he was helpless, couldn't see, and couldn't stop it – was pure torture.

The fingers stopped, but stayed where they were. "Just so you know what I can do to you if I want to."

Jamie was breathing hard. "Oh God. Please… please don't do that again."

"Who knows?" Alan chuckled. "Now, Dr Abrahams has ordered me to tickle you to orgasm."

Jamie blinked inside the hood. Orgasm? Yes! But tickled to orgasm? He felt very nervous about that. And this was a punishment session.

He jumped as he felt a touch on his balls. Fingertips were tickling them. They moved around, getting at them all over.

Jamie giggled. That tickled very differently to the fingers in the sides. It was more interesting, and easier to deal with, but still excruciating.

The fingers moved to his cock. Unlike when Abrahams or Aaron had touched it, he could feel that this stroking wasn't intended to get him horny – it was intended to tickle him. He'd never thought about his cock being ticklish, but it was. Very. He moved in the restraints, partly to get away from it and partly, he realised, because it felt good to move like that. And his cock was beginning to get hard.

Now Alan was tickling his inner thighs. The fingertips moved all around, turning Jamie's giggling into ticklish laughter. Alan gently pulled the hairless balls to one side and lightly stroked a single fingertip deep into the crease at the side of them, between them and the very top of his thigh. That brought renewed waves of increasingly hysterical laughter from the boy. He also realised that his cock was getting very hard indeed. His balls were moved again and the crease at the other side was tickled. Jamie's laughter became even more hysterical.

The fingers were on his cock head. They just held it, not moving…

… Jamie gasped: that felt so fucking horny…

… and then Jamie gasped in terror as Alan's other hand gripped the boy's side and this thumb pressed in. At first it didn't move, just stayed there, but after a few seconds both did move: the thumb described small circles, and the fingers on his cock slid around the ridge and the glans.

Jamie's brain was bombarded with conflicting sensations: his cock was telling him that he was getting close, but the thumb was working on one of his most ticklish spots. He'd always known that his sides were horrendously ticklish – last year a bully at the dump had taken to coming up behind him and jabbing his fingers in both sides hard – but this was different: it wasn't like the first time, when Alan had jabbed in hard, this was very controlled: he was riding it just short of the point where the boy would lose it and scream in ticklishness.

With every bit of his concentration, Jamie could control himself – just. A fraction more pressure from that thumb and he'd be hysterical jelly. With his muscles tense, his breathing forced, he managed to keep relatively silent until Alan removed both hands.

The skinhead waited for a while, then did the same thing again. He repeated it many times.

And Jamie's reactions were always the same.

The boy felt fingers on his cock, moving it, pushing it down. Alan moved closer, his jeans pressing it against his thigh. He had positioned the boy's cock very carefully so that his skinhead bleachers were making contact with only the boy's thighs and the shaft. The head wasn't being touched at all.

Jamie sighed in pleasure – those jeans felt so sexy against his bare skin.

"I'm going to torture you for exactly five minutes now, Jamie. You're free to cum whenever you want, but believe me, it'll be a hundred times worse after you've cum, so you might want to leave cumming for as long as you can."

Suddenly his cock sprang free as the pressure on his cock went away, and Alan's hands were back on his both of his sides. The stiff fingers dug in and tortured him mercilessly – and they didn't stop.

Jamie threw his head back in hysterics and opened his mouth to scream. He had no idea what happened then – whether it was that he was helpless and being worked on by this sexy skinhead, or the feel of those tight bulging bleachers that had been pressing against his cock until a few seconds ago, or what – he had no idea. But he was cumming.

At last he screamed. His eyes rolled up behind the leather hood and he abandoned himself to the best feeling in the fucking world.

His orgasm ended – but the fingers didn't stop.

Shit! He'd forgotten! Five minutes – whether he came or not! It had only been seconds and he'd already cum! He found out very quickly that being tickle tortured without the help of extreme horniness and with the hypersensitivity that came straight after orgasm, was an entirely different thing. He yelled. He shrieked. He begged and pleaded, but the tickling didn't stop.

Alan didn't allow him to pass out until the five minutes were very nearly up.

Back in his room, shorts on. It had been a few hours since that horrific experience in the hands of that sadistic skinhead, but he still hadn't recovered. He lay on the bed, trying to keep very still and not think about anything remotely horny.

The door opened and Abrahams came in. "Hello Jamie."

Jamie didn't reply – he wanted to kick the bastard.

The doctor placed a book down on the desk, along with a writing pad and a pen. "Sit here please."

That sugary over-politeness, that smile, that friendliness – under them all was a sadistic bastard who got off on making boys like him suffer.

Jamie got off the bed carefully and sat at the desk, sulking.

"A bit of homework for you to do."

Jamie groaned. Oh great.

"There are three stories in this book. Please read them one by one, carefully, and write a short description of what happens in the story. Then describe in detail the gear each boy is wearing and why you think he's wearing it, what each boy does to the other, what you think each was thinking and feeling at the time he was doing it, and what you think you would have been feeling in his place."

His smile got even wider. "I hope you learned your lesson from Alan earlier. It can be done again any time, and without the orgasm – I arranged that specially for you as you had requested – so please do try to be a good boy in future…"

Jamie winced as the creep patted him on the shoulder. He watched the man walk to the door and gave him the finger on the way out.

Five minutes later the TV flicked on. "Thank you for the finger. Do that again and you'll be back in the torture room in seconds flat, my boy." The TV went off.

Fuck you , Jamie thought to himself, but he didn't say it. He opened the book and started reading. He groaned. It was worse than he'd expected. Boys being tickled, edged and forcibly milked against their will. The text got him hard very quickly, and the little rubber spikes went to gleeful work on his cock between his legs.

A few hours later he'd finished. He'd had to get up and lie on the bed several times because even after that orgasm earlier at the hands of Alan, reading the stories and having to make notes about them had got him painfully horny again. He punched the solid metal casing of the shorts in fury, but the only effect it had was to make the rubber spikes wobble inside and make it worse. If only those spikes carried on up to the end of his cock so they tickled the tip – but no, of course the bastard had very carefully designed it so that they didn't. The shorts would get him horny and keep him that way, but there was no way they would let him cum. For the hundredth time he cursed Abrahams and all the rest of the perverts in this place.

What was this place? He wondered again. It was advertised as being a 'research station' but he'd seen no signs of that. All he'd seen was guys who got off on making him need to cum as much as humanly possible but who also made very sure that he couldn't. And when he did cum they arranged it so that either he didn't enjoy it or he couldn't remember it. They were fucking fiends.

He sighed, and read the notes he'd written. They'd got more detailed and more horny as time had gone on. That was because he'd got more horny while doing it.

He threw the pad onto the bed and squeezed his eyes shut. Oh fuck he needed to cummmmmmm!

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