The Telemachus Story Archive

The Hollywood Agency 5
Part 5 - Chapter 20 "The sub-plot develops"
By Dylan (Illustrated by Dylan)

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The Hollywood Agency Book -5-

Chapter 20: "The Sub-plot develops"

When Tay's phone rang the next morning, Kerry figured it was the Agency calling to give Tay some more instructions about his afternoon session with Callum. It was Meyers on the line all right, but it was Kerry he wanted to talk to. Taylor handed him the phone with a raised eyebrow.

He watched his lover, still laying in bed. While listening to the phone, his dick started to grow hard, instinctively.


The conversation was distinctly one-sided. For the next three minutes, all Taylor heard was a series of 'Yes, Sir's. There was a final 'Yes, Sir' and Kerry clicked off the phone handing it back to Taylor.

“Meyers said he couldn't reach me on my own phone – I must have turned it off – but how the fuck did he know to reach me on yours?"

"Who knows?" Taylor responded. "I didn't think it was that obvious that we were 'an item' but apparently he has picked up on it. I told you he's pretty damned shrewd about these things. Anyway, what did he want with you, Ker?"

"Well, first off," Kerry replied, "he wanted to tell me I had a double for tonight. He said it was straight-up so I'd be making $2,000."

"What time?" Taylor asked.

"Seven to seven," was the response.

While auctions on the website were handled differently, Meyers had a rigidly implemented rental system for his boys. All rentals were for a minimum of 12 hours, though you could extend them, at additional cost of course, in 12-hour increments. You could rent a model for half a day, a full day, a weekend, or even a full week, but you couldn't rent one for just a couple of hours. It was twelve hours or nothing. The twelve hour increments had to start at either 6, 7, or 8 in the morning or 6, 7, or 8 at night. That was it.

Some of the clients might not like it, but the models pretty much did, once they got used to it.

Sure it meant that they'd have to spend half a day with any guy who rented them, which meant that they'd almost certainly get fucked more than once, but the vast majority of the guys who rented Meyers' boys were middle-aged or older and it took them quite some time to recharge after the first fuck of a session.

It was pretty rare for a model to have to take more than three loads in a single twelve-hour rental. For this the average model would take home $1,000, plus tips. All of JM's boys realized it was good money for three fucks. Mr. Meyers charged even more for particularly popular models, which also increased that model's take. So everyone was happy to get a single. Doubles, however, were a different story.

There was something about a pair of dudes fucking a boy that seemed to stimulate the libido of the fuckers. A guy who, in a one-on-one booking, would have to struggle to get it up three times, would most certainly be turned on by watching a buddy fuck a model so much, that they often spurred each other on. Taking turns fucking a model, some men managed to tweak out four or even five loads.



It made for a rough session for the model. This was the reason, that Meyers insisted it was a mandatory to have a thirty-six hour waiting period after a double, while there was only a general twelve-hour waiting period after a single.

Meyers would usually stretch it out to a full two days. He wanted his boys fresh and well-rested, at least at the start of a session with a client.

For the boys, though, the real problem was that while a double was a lot more work than a single, and much harder on their boy-twats, they only made $2,000 for it. Sure, as a general rule, tips were also better with a double, but almost all of them would prefer pulling two singles rather than just one double.

However, as was usual in the way the agency was run, the Boss didn't ask what the boys wanted. If you were assigned a double, you took it.


Meyers didn't care whether you liked it or not, but God help you if you didn't perform as one of his boys was expected to. Aside from an Exotic or a hard S&M assignment, doubles were the least favored of all the work Meyers' boys performed.

Kerry had already had a double and he remembered how exhausted he'd felt when he finished – and also how sore his hole was after the pounding it had taken. He'd certainly be in no condition for a morning fuck tomorrow when he got home and he didn't see any reason why he should disturb Tay's sleep by coming in before 8:00 am.

"You know, Tay," he said, "I'll just go home after the session tomorrow. There's no reason to wake you up soo early."

"Bullshit," was Tay's immediate response. "Look," he continued, "I know your pussy's going to be in no shape to take another fucking tomorrow morning. I've had lots of doubles and I know what they're like. But you can fuck me or we can just cuddle. Either way I'd just like to see you and make sure you're alright. If we're going to be living together we'll have to get used to accommodating each other's schedules."

"Living together?" Kerry repeated, surprised and excited at the same time.

"Well, yeah," Taylor answered with much less certainty. "I mean, if we're a couple – and we've agreed that we are - we should be living together. Shouldn't we?"

"Yes, but Tay, you know I need to help out my Mom financially," Kerry pointed out. "That was the major reason why I took this job in the first place."

"You can still help her out," Taylor replied, not seeing the problem. "What does one thing have to do with other?"

"Well," Kerry explained, "I'm not sure I'll be making enough money to help both my Mom out and pay half the rent on this place. It must run into some pretty big bucks."

"Whoa there, boy," Taylor responded. "Who said anything about you paying money for this place?"

"If I'm going to move in with you, Tay," Kerry informed him, "I expect to pay my share of the load. I want to pay half of the expenses. That's only fair. And the rent on this place has gotta be pretty steep."

Taylor looked at Kerry with a smile.

"You know, Ker, I can understand you wanting to pay your fair share. I'd feel the same way if I were in your shoes. I'm willing to split the expenses with you. But you're wrong about one thing. I don't pay rent. I own this place."

"Oh," Kerry responded with surprise. "Well, then, I can help you out with the mortgage."

"There is no mortgage, Ker. I own this place out-right."

Seeing the look of shocked disbelief on Kerry's face, Taylor had to laugh. The boy stood and looked out of the window, as if he saw the city for the first time. Kerry had to cope with that new information, it seemed.


"Ker, Ker, baby, you still don't really comprehend how much I make – how much you're going to make – at the agency. I admit I'm frugal, though some of my buddies would call it 'tight.' But I paid cash for this place. Cash I'd saved up in a little more than two years' work. So the only expenses you have to worry about splitting with me are food and utilities and, believe me, considering what you're going to be making over the next year, that isn't going to be a problem, even with you supporting your family."

"Wow," was all that Kerry could say. He couldn't figure out which surprised him more: That Taylor was able to pay cash for this place after only two years' work or that he'd actually be able to move in with Taylor, something he'd thought of as an impossible dream until now.

"So, Ker," Taylor asked again. "You want to move in with me or not?"

Kerry just stared at him for a minute before breaking into a broad grin and walked over to the bed again. Sitting down, he said:

"Of course I want to move in with you, you Dummy! I've wanted to move in since the first time you brought me home with you, since the first time I saw you even though I knew nothing about you then, not even your name. I just didn't think it would ever happen” he said breathlessly.

Taylor grinned back at Kerry and reached out and ruffled his tightly curled red hair.

"You know, Ker, for a smart kid, you can still be a knucklehead. I've wanted you to move in since that first night we spent here, but I was just too afraid to ask you to."

"Obviously, one of the things we're going to have to work on is communication," Kerry joked, but even as he did so he felt Taylor's hard dick rubbing against his thigh. Kerry didn't say a word, he just turned on his side affording Taylor a straight shot at his ass. Feeling the bed move as Taylor maneuvered into position and then the urgent prodding of Taylor's hard tube of meat against Kerry's hungry hole, Kerry realized that their link was definitely improving.

And then he groaned as Taylor pushed on into him. 'Oh, yeah,' he thought, 'our communication is definitely getting better.'

They were lying in bed with a fresh load of spunk swirling around in Kerry's guts, when Taylor revisited John Meyers' call.


"You were on the phone with the Boss for a long time, Ker. Did he want anything else?"

"Well, yeah, he did," Kerry replied slowly.

"And...?" Taylor asked, noting Kerry's obvious reluctance to enlighten him, to further illuminate the matter.

"Well, he told me to stop by the agency on Thursday, at 2:00 pm."

Taylor sat up in bed. "But that's when Jacks, Cary and me are going to be giving Callum a final lesson in cock sucking."

"Yeah, Meyers mentioned that."

"So, why does he want you there?"

"Well," Kerry explained, "He said I could join in the fun and feed Callum some cock, if I wanted. But...that wasn't the main reason he wanted me there."

"Go on, Ker," Taylor urged, noting that getting Kerry to divulge what was going on was like pulling teeth. He was beginning to worry that he wasn't going to like what he heard.

Kerry now sat up in bed and faced Taylor.

"Look, Tay," he began, "you know Callum thinks that fucking my ass is the only way he gets any relief from his so-called 'erection problem.'"

Taylor didn't like the way this was going at all.

"Yeah," he responded, feeling his anger rising, "and I also know that that's bullshit. The reason Callum's hard all the time is because Meyers keeps juicing him and all he does is cut back on the juice after Callum's fucked you so that dummy thinks the reason he's not sporting a full-on boner is because he nailed your butt."

"Well," Kerry explained, "Meyers wants to keep him in the dark about the juice but he also wants Callum to have a good night's rest before his session with Walensky on Friday. So he wants me to bottom for Callum after his cock sucking session."

“Fuck that shit, Ker," Taylor exploded. "You're pulling a double tonight and then you're expected to bottom for that fucking asshole tomorrow afternoon? That's crap. You're supposed to get at least 36 hours off after a double. And Callum's got a big cock and you've told me he's a rough fuck. There's no way you should be bottoming for him after a double. You're going to be sore as shit before he even starts in on you. If Meyers cares so much about Callum getting some rest, all he has to do is cut back on the juice."

"I know, Tay," Kerry agreed. "You're right. But apparently Meyers intends to keep juicing Callum in the future and he doesn't want Callum to know what's going on. I know,"

he forestalled Taylor from interrupting,

"that's not how it worked with any of us, but apparently Meyers has some very special plans for Callum. Anyway, he told me that if I thought I'd be too sore after my double, I didn't have to agree to let Callum fuck me."

"So, you turned him down?" Taylor asked.

"No. I told him I'd do it, if I could. I will decide tomorrow!”

"What the fuck!" Taylor erupted. "Why the hell did you tell him that? Why didn't you just tell him 'NO'?" Taylor stared at Kerry hard. "You don't want Callum to fuck you, do you?"

"Fuck, no, Tay," Kerry replied with force. "I can't stand that asshole. I wouldn't want him fucking me even if I hadn't just pulled a double."

“So? Then why the fuck did you agree to it?" Taylor demanded, his anger boiling over.

"Because, Tay," Kerry responded warily, "because Meyers told me that if I turned him down, he'd let Callum fuck you." He was looking down as he said so, feeling tears welling up in his eyes.

It took a few seconds for Taylor to process this, but, when he did, his fury was almost unbounded.

"That motherfucker! That cock sucking pimp! I can't believe he told you that. He's fucking using me – using our relationship - to get you to bottom for that asshole. Fuck that shit, Ker. You call Meyers back and tell him you've changed your mind. I'll bottom for Callum, if that's the only alternative. I'd rather have him doing me than you." Taylor's fists were balled, and his face was red with rage. His muscles were tight, and a picture taken right now would make his fans cream their pants, that much was clear. Even though he had just fucked Kerry's cute ass, and even though he just heard something he hated, his dick was hard.

He looked like a Viking in the Dark Ages, ready to rape an enemy right before cutting his throat.

Kerry took Taylor's hands in his own, trying to calm him down. He knew Taylor would react this way and that was why he'd been reluctant to tell him. Also, he didn't want to lie to Taylor, either, not when they were just starting out on building a relationship together. Given the business they were both in, sexual monogamy wasn't even a remote possibility. They were whores and they made their money letting other guys fuck them. So it was especially important that they be totally honest with each other.

So Kerry had forced himself to be completely honest with Taylor about his phone call with Meyers.

"No, Tay," he replied. "I'm not going to call Meyers back. I'm going to bottom for Callum on Thursday. I've done it before and I can do it again. I appreciate the fact that you're willing to take my place and let Callum fuck you. I do. But Meyers gave me the choice to make. I'm going to be selfish. It will be easier for me to get fucked by Callum than to stand there watching him fuck you, which I'm sure Meyers would make me do if I turned him down."

Taylor just sat there staring into space. Then he sighed. Without looking at Callum, he said, “You know Meyers will make me watch Callum fucking you."

"Yeah. I know that," Kerry agreed.

Taylor turned to face Kerry. There were tears in his eyes, just as there were in Kerry's.

"Well, how do you think I'm going to feel as I watch him screwing you?"

"I imagine you'll feel terrible, Tay," Kerry answered. "Just like I would if I had to watch Callum fucking you. But the difference, Tay, is that as you watch me getting my pussy reamed out by a guy I can't stand. You can at least console yourself with the knowledge that there was nothing you could do. If I turn Meyers down and you're the one getting fucked, I don't even have that to fall back on. I do have a choice. I choose to let him fuck me, not you."

There was a long silence. Then Kerry once again picked up Taylor's hands. "Don't be mad at me, Tay. Please."

"Mad at you?" Taylor repeated with a questioning intonation.

"I'm not mad at you, Ker. Not at all. If I was in your position, I'd make the same choice. No, it's fucking John Meyers who I'm mad at, and myself, because there's nothing I can do about it. At least not right now. But I promise you this, Ker, if there's a way to pay that bastard back, I'll find it. I promise."

One thing was certain: If the Boss had told them face to face, in his office, smirking lewdly, no one would have the power to hold back Taylor. Meyers would have felt the big guys fist.

However, as Taylor now sat here, wracking his brain for ways to get back at Meyers, Kerry was aware that a black cloud had lifted. Once he'd agreed to bottom for Callum on Thursday, he'd been in a dark funk worrying about how Taylor would take the news. He knew Taylor would be really upset and he'd been afraid that it might actually lead to some permanent rupture in their nascent relationship. But it hadn't. So, despite the fact that Kerry faced the imminent prospect of a double session followed by bottoming for Callum, all he felt was a surge of relief.

The two of them just sat there for a few minutes lost in their individual thoughts. It was Kerry who spoke first. "You know, Tay," he observed. "This might not be all bad."

"How so?" Taylor responded, turning to him, still looking like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

"Well," Kerry explained, "we've already been in one entertainment gig together and we're bound to get more joint bookings. We're going to have to get used to seeing each other getting fucked – and even worse from the way you've described the hard S&M sessions.”

He closed his eyes for a second, thinking about his next words:

“Maybe it's not the worst thing that we're starting with Callum fucking me. He'll only be doing me once or twice and it'll be over in an hour, two hours tops. Maybe it's not the worst introduction to what it's going to like for us, now that we're together."

Kerry's words gave Taylor a pause to think. He hadn't really considered how he'd feel watching Kerry getting fucked, now that they were in a personal relationship. He'd watch Jacks fuck Kerry at that first party and he'd been turned on. At the time he merely viewed Kerry as another co-worker – a hot looking dude who was getting fucked for money, just like Taylor was. How would he feel now if he watched the same scene? Would he still be sexually aroused? Or would he be angry? Or maybe both?

And what about a joint S&M gig? Unbidden a vision of Kerry appeared in his mind, hanging from a St. Andrews Cross, his ball-sack grotesquely stretched by ropes tied to an eye-bolt in the floor, his tits inflamed and sagging because of the weighted alligator-clips dangling from them, his body writhing in pain as a muscled leather stud whipped him again and again.

Taylor realized with a start that this wasn't a pure fantasy. He'd actually seen Darin, a fellow model, in exactly that situation. At the time, Taylor had thought it was hot – a real sexual turn-on. He looked down, and, to his utter shame, his dick was hard as steel.

What if it was Kerry, not Darin on the St. Andrews Cross? That young corn-fed farmboy had not been smiling anymore after his hellish ordeal.


Could he handle that? Would he think it was hot or would he be consumed by rage at what some guy was doing to his lover, even though it was what they had agreed to?

Taylor's mind reeled from the chaos of conflicting emotions that were surging through him. He clearly realized that both he and Kerry would have a lot to work out in reconciling their professional commitments with their private feelings for each other.

Maybe Kerry was right. Maybe having Callum fuck the redhead while Taylor watched wasn't the worst way to begin to deal with the emotional conflict they were bound to face on joint assignments. Maybe, just maybe, that was why Meyers was orchestrating Thursday afternoon the way he was.

It took only a few seconds for Taylor to dismiss this last thought from his mind. 'No,' he told himself, 'Meyers is just being a dick, like he always is. He's going to get off watching Ker getting fucked and get off making me watch it, too. Meyers is just a dick.' That last thought was something he knew he could take to the bank.

There was a nagging doubt in the back of both of their minds. John Meyers had again proved how smart he was, how easily he read his fellow man, how simply he manipulated those he dealt with.

He just had to sit in his office and make some calls. He was just a spider in it’s web.


Each and everyone of them were just puppets in Meyers big game.