The Telemachus Story Archive

The Hollywood Agency 5
Part 4 - Chapter 19 "Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse"
By Dylan (Illustrated by Dylan)

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The Hollywood Agency Book -5-

Chapter 19: "Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse"

"Hey, Tay, how'd it go?"


A big grin spread across the dark-haired model's face as he walked into his living room and heard the question asked by his sexy lover. Looking at Kerry, sprawled out on the couch of Taylor's apartment, he couldn't help thinking that this was the way to come home after a long day's work.

The redhead laying on the couch was on his belly, stark naked, his legs spread apart to reveal his hard bone pointing downwards, his incredibly beautiful butt literally twitching as Taylor looked at him. It was clear what Kerry wanted.

God, Taylor would just love to plow the hell out of that ass – if only his own dick wasn't soo sore right now. Sore or not, he could feel his meat boning up inside his shorts.

"It was great, Ker," he responded to Kerry's inquiry, moving over to the plush chair across from the sofa. "We fed that asshole more dick than a street hustler would gulp down in a month. You'd have loved the way he looked as he staggered out of the office after we were done with him."

Seeing his buddy sit down in the chair, Kerry realized that Taylor probably wanted to unwind and talk about his session with Callum before plowing Kerry's hungry ass like he'd been doing every chance he got for the last week.

It was fine with Kerry for now. He could wait. Besides, while Kerry was sure that nothing could match the pleasure he felt when Taylor was working away inside his hole, he figured that hearing how Callum had got his comeuppance might run a close second.

"So, tell me all about it," Kerry asked enthusiastically, scrambling into a sitting position and making no effort to hide the hard erection jutting up from his groin.

"How did our Agency homophobe take to sucking dick?"

"Well," Taylor chuckled, "he certainly was no natural. But, like the Boss told him before we started, 'practice makes perfect' and that fucker definitely got a lot of practice today."

"Come on, Tay," Kerry pleaded. "Start at the beginning. Tell me everything."

Taylor couldn't help but grin at Kerry. Their relationship had evolved over the past few weeks, from fuck-toy to something like lovers and maybe even boyfriends.

Considering all the verbal crap that Callum had dumped on Kerry over the past three weeks, Taylor could appreciate the redhead's obvious eagerness to hear all the details of Callum's humiliation. So he took his time telling the story, trying hard not to leave anything out while his eyes drank in the sight of the sexy, lithe, and evidently aroused younger man.

"When we walked into Meyers' office," he began, "and I saw Callum naked for the first time, I could see why you'd always said he was gorgeous. I hadn't seen it before, but with his clothes off, Callum really does have a spectacular body. I knew right away that it was going to be a fun afternoon. Meyers certainly didn't waste any time starting in on the asshole."

As Taylor spun out the story, Kerry sat there in rapt attention.

His hard cock was leaking pre-cum almost the whole time, and he obviously excited at hearing how his nemesis had been mouth-raped for hours. He particularly enjoyed hearing how Mr. Meyers had made his own move on Callum.

"We'd been going at the asshole for about an hour and a half, one dick after another, never giving him more than a few seconds respite, just taking turns plowing his mouth like a whore's sloppy cunt, when Troy spoke up.”

Taylor narrated, his dick slowly hardening in his shorts.

" 'You know, Sir,' he suddenly observed, obviously prepped by his old man. 'Callum's getting good practice sucking a variety of dicks and I think he's already getting a little better, but I'm still worried that he may be unprepared for one aspect of sucking off Mr. Walensky.”

Taylor looked at Kerry, who was all ears, his dick hard as steel while listening:

“Troy went on: 'All of us have shaved crotches but, from what I hear, Mr. Walensky has a full set of pubes. I know, from my own experience, that sucking off a guy who's unshaven is very different than blowing a completely denuded man. I was wondering, Sir, if you'd consider letting Callum suck you off. I wouldn't even think of suggesting it, if I didn't really think it might help Callum out with Mr. Walensky.' “

Taylor grinned after he had recited Troy's well rehearsed speech. He knew Callum had swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker.

"Ker, you would have loved the way Meyers hemmed and hawed, as if anyone other than that fool Callum had the slightest doubt he'd put Troy up to suggesting it. But, of course, Meyers reluctantly agreed to do it.”

“Reluctant my ass.” Taylor grinned wolfish.

"I almost creamed myself just seeing the way Callum looked as he watched Meyers strip down, which was pretty amazing considering how many loads I'd already sprayed down Callum's throat. Just watching the Boss getting ready to take his turn at Callum's mouth must have really got to the asshole. He just looked soo fucking humiliated. You know Callum thinks Meyers walks on water.”

“The idea that this man he idolized was about to fuck his face like it was a bitch's cunt seemed to push Callum over the edge.”

Taylor watched Kerry lick his lips nervously, listening intently to the detailed report his lover gave him.

“His whole body flushed bright red. He looked so fucking pathetic, kneeling on the floor with his wrists cuffed behind his head in the 'position', those full meaty pecs pulled up and on full display, his arms like doing a double biceps pose, while tears were seeping out of the corner of his eyes, cum and saliva drooling down his chin, his mouth gaping wide around the spider-gag.”

Even Taylor had to adjust his boner as he described the spectacular sight of the hot, dumb, muscled model, kneeling like a statue of a Greek god waiting for his nemesis.

He went on:

“As the man he probably most admired in the world walked up to him stroking a raging boner that he obviously intended to force down the boy's already sore and battered throat, I don't think I ever saw anyone look more embarrassed in my entire life. It was soo fucking hot to watch.”

Taylor closed his eyes for a second, reliving the moment, fully aware that the tension was almost killing his clearly aroused lover.

"You know, Ker, to be honest, it was hard not to feel a little sorry for Callum at that point. He just looked so devastated. It immediately became obvious that Mr. Meyers didn't feel any sympathy for the kid. You should have seen the way he went at Callum.

Meyers held his head in a vice grip, banged the hell out of Callum's mouth, smashing his groin over and over again into Callum's face. He face-fucked him so hard that Callum retched for the second time. It was really disgusting to watch the kid's bile and sputum plus a good part of the multiple loads he'd already downed came back up and dribbled down his chin onto his body.”

Callum's meaty, well formed chest had been glistening, covered in all he had regurgitated. He must have known how pathetic he looked, loosing control as he was used like a cheap whore. He was definitely crying by this time but Meyers didn't even let him clean himself up. He just wiped off his own cock and went back to deep-throating the bitch with a vengeance until he popped off his load.

Taylor described the scene in detail, did not spare anything:

“I realized Callum deserved what he was getting, but it was almost too hard to watch without stepping in. Meyers did not treat him like a human being, but like a sex-toy.”

For a second he closed his eyes, breathing in deep. He and Kerry had experienced basically the same one way or another before. As if he wanted to shrug the memories off, he hastily said:

"From then on, Meyers took his turn at the kid's mouth with the rest of us. He never let up on him either. He fucked him harder than Jacks, harder even than Troy, who's a natural born sadist. That fucker Callum went through an afternoon sucking cock unlike anything I'd ever seen. By the time the Boss called it quits, around 6:00 pm, Callum was completely destroyed. I don't think you'll ever hear the word 'cocksucker' from him again. Not after this afternoon's experience."

Kerry thought Taylor was done, but he wasn't. After a few second's pause, he started talking again.

"You're going to enjoy this part, Ker. After it was all over, Meyers told Callum he could stand up. Needless to say, after four hours kneeling on the floor, the asshole was really wobbly. Cary, you know he's pretty soft-hearted, he went over and helped steady Callum.

And then Meyers walked up to Callum and removed the spider-gag. I'm sure the boy's mouth must have been sore as shit, with all the cocks that had been banging him non-stop and the gag keeping his mouth open the whole time. Anyway, even without the gag, Callum had difficulty closing his mouth and a thin stream of saliva and cum kept periodically dribbling out.”

Kerry listened, wide eyed, thrilled at the prospect of what would follow.

"Meyers ignored that all. Instead, he went over and picked up the chastity cock-cage he's been making the kid wear and tried fitting it over the boy's penis. Well, with all the juiced supplement the boy's been drinking the damn thing was as hard as a rock. There was no way Meyers was going to get the cock-cage on him, and of course the Boss knew that.”

Taylor grinned sadistically now: "Now, here's the part you're really going to like, Ker. Meyers turned to Jacks and said, 'Unfortunately, Kerry's not here to help take care of Callum's erection problem and Troy just left,' which he must have done just moments earlier because that was the first time I noticed he was gone.

Then Meyers paused. For an instant, we all thought that the Boss was going to suggest that Jacks should bend over and let Callum fuck his ass. You should have seen the look on Jacks' face. It looked like an obvious set-up since Troy would never have left unless his old man had told him to.

But Meyers was just fucking with Jacks. After a long wait, he got this smirk on his face and told Jacks to go get the large bowl from the storeroom and fill it full of slushy ice. When Jacks came back with it, he had him submerge Callum's hard dick into the ice. Boy, did the kid howl!“

Kerry was by now openly jerking his dick.

"It worked like a charm though” Taylor grinned

“Callum's dick just shrivelled up and Meyers got the chastity cage back on him with no trouble. Surprisingly, all the pain he felt when his cock was given the ice bath seemed to revive Callum. He was a lot steadier on his feet afterwards.”

He grinned at Kerry, slowly opening his own shorts.

"Once Meyers had the boy back in his chastity device, he assumed his most fatherly tone. He explained that, while Callum had been busy sucking cock, he'd texted Walensky and set up a meeting between Walensky and Callum for Friday afternoon where, hopefully, Callum could salvage his career and save the Agency. You should have seen Callum. The poor sucker realized what kind if a heavy burden Meyers had placed on his shoulders and he needed to 'perform' well”

Taylor grinned wickedly, remembering the poor jock's face as Callum heard what he had to do. His dick was clearly visible now as he went on:

"Meyers told Callum that he'd made a lot of progress and that he was sure he'd make even more on Wednesday and Thursday. You should have seen the look on the asshole's face when he realized that this had just been the first of multiple cock-sucking sessions he'd be participating in. I thought he was going to start crying again but, I'll give him credit, he controlled himself. Meyers just stood there smiling at him and, amazingly, that seemed to calm the kid down.”

Kerry swallowed nervously, torn between the impulse to kneel in front of his friend, or just listen in.

“Meyers put his arm around Callum's shoulders and walked him over to his clothes. He told the kid that he should go home and get some rest since he faced another rough day on Wednesday. Callum tried to ask if he could at least clean himself up first, but his mouth still wasn't working too well and Meyers just ignored him.”

He gave Kerry a well calculated smirk to further increase the tension:

"It was incredible watching Callum getting dressed. Spunk and drool and other slime were literally dripping down his torso and legs as he stepped into his khakis and pulled on his polo shirt. Even before he left the office, you could see the cum stains working their way through the fabric of the back of his shorts. Between the way he looked and the way his body and mouth just reeked of cum, he was the picture of a well-used boy-whore making his way home after a really rough night, while he was dressed like an innocent choir-boy. Choir-boy my ass! His shorts were showing a fucking bulge again after he was used for hours!”


Taylor paused for a second as he relished the thought, before he continued smiling wicked:

“The minute we heard the outer door close behind him, we were all convulsed with laughter. What a fucking loser! Imagine what his roommate had to say when he came home like that!”

Having come to the end of his story, Taylor leaned back in his chair, smiling at Kerry. Kerry had to admit that listening to Callum's ordeal had really turned him on. Part of him was a little bit upset that he could be so sexually excited by another guy's sexual abuse but he reminded himself that this was Callum they were talking about.

Callum was a raging homophobe and a real asshole and he was only getting what he deserved.

Besides, maybe Callum might actually learn some useful lessons from everything he'd suffered, something other than just learning how to suck cock. Even if he didn't, Callum was still just getting what he would have been more than happy to dish out if the positions had been reversed.

Kerry told himself not to waste his sympathy on such a douche.

"So," he asked after a moment's reflection, "what happened after that?"

"Nothing much," Taylor replied.

"We joked around for a while and then Meyers told us to get dressed and to be back there at 1:00 pm tomorrow for round two."

There was something about the way Tay had answered this last question that struck Kerry. He and Tay had only been together less than a month but Kerry already knew him well enough to tell that his buddy was leaving something out.

Kerry's eyes happened to pass over the clock on the end table.

"I thought you said that the session ended around 6:00 pm?" he asked.

Taylor answered, averting his eyes for the first time since starting to tell his story: "It did."

"But, it's after nine now. What happened in between times, Tay? You guys have a couple off beers?"

The other boy was quiet for a full minute. Kerry was just about ready to repeat the question when Taylor, exhaling deeply, began explaining.

"I was heading out the door with the other guys when Meyers asked me to stay behind because he had something he wanted to discuss with me. All I had to do was look at him and I knew what he really wanted with me, but what could I do? He's the Boss. So when he told me to take off my clothes again, I did. When he told me to bend over his desk, I did that, too."

Taylor sighed again.

"He fucked me on the desk, on the sofa, on the floor. You might have thought that after the session with Callum even he would have been sated. But, no. That horny bastard never gets enough. If anything, having Callum blow him half-a-dozen times just acted as a spur. He fucked the shit out me for a good two hours and I swear he was still horny when he finally let me go. He told me, though, I could expect another go-round with him tomorrow night, too, being his favorite model."

Taylor sighed for a third time and just sat there, head down, not looking at Kerry.

Kerry was perplexed by Taylor's reaction.

"I'm sorry, Tay. I am not at all surprised though. You've told me yourself that Meyers fucked you dozens, if not hundreds of times in the past. He fucks all of us. Me, maybe most of all I always thought. Why are you so upset about it now? Do you really hate getting fucked that much?"

Taylor looked up at Kerry. "No, I generally don't mind getting fucked. In all honesty, sometimes I actually enjoy it. Being fucked has never bothered me before. Hell, that's how I make my living."

"Then why was it different today, Tay?" Kerry asked.

As Kerry stared at Taylor, he was surprised to see that the other boy was blushing. When Taylor didn't answer, Kerry pressed him.

"Come on, Tay. Tell me. Why was it different this time?"

Taylor stared at him for a long time, his mouth a thin line. Finally he answered:

"Because of you, Ker. Because of you."

"Because of me?" Kerry responded, totally confused. "How so because of me?"

"Because..." Taylor began and then stopped as if he were too embarrassed to continue.

"Tay?" Kerry said, urging him to go on.

Taylor looked him straight in the eyes, obviously summoning up all of his courage to complete his statement. Finally he said: "Because it felt like I was cheating on you."

Now it was Kerry's turn to be embarrassed. Embarrassed and absolutely euphoric. Kerry had realized he was falling for Tay from the very first time they went to bed together. Every successive day had merely strengthened the connection he felt with the other model. However, he had been secretly terrified that the feelings he felt for Tay were one-sided.

Sure, Tay enjoyed having sex with him – enjoyed fucking him, because that was the only way they ever had sex – but that didn't mean Tay felt the same way about Kerry that Kerry felt about him. For all Kerry knew, Tay was just getting off on the sex.

It hadn't take long under Meyers tutelage for Kerry to realize he was gay, but, at least considering what Tay had told him, even though his new bed mate enjoyed sex with guys, at least young good-looking guys like Kerry, he still pretty much thought of himself as straight.

So, up until now, though Kerry was really enjoying the sex he was having with Tay, he'd kept any expressions of a deeper emotional attachment under wraps.

If all Tay could offer him was fantastic sex, Kerry was willing to settle for that. He sure as hell didn't want to scare Tay off by coming on to him like some love-besotted teenaged fanboy.

Now, from what Tay had just said, it was clear that Tay saw the two of them as a couple. It was almost more than Kerry could have hoped. In one fluid motion, Kerry slipped off the sofa and knelt before Tay. With just the slightest hesitation, Kerry reached forward and took Taylor's hands in his, ignoring the fat dick that was visible just inside Taylor's shorts.

Something more important needed to be done.

"Tay," he said softly, looking intently into the older model's deep brown eyes.

"If you want us to be.… I don't know.... a couple, I guess – and God knows I want that – we're going to have to accept the reality of our situation. We're whores. That's how we make a living. God only knows how many guys are going to be fucking us over the next six months. I hope a lot. I really mean that. I hope a lot of guys fuck you, I hope a lot of guys fuck me, too. That's how we make our money. That's how you made the money necessary to afford all this!"

Kerry paused, waving his hand at the apartment. "Meyers fucking you is simply part of the job. You're not cheating on me when you let him fuck you, just like I'm not cheating on you when the Boss tells me to bend over for Callum, or anyone else for that matter. It's just what we do."

Taylor smiled at him and intertwined his fingers with Kerry's.

"I know that, Ker. I mean, I know that in my head. I'm just not so sure I know it in my heart. When Meyers was screwing my pussy, humping me like a bitch all over his office, I felt dirty. For the first time since I started in this business I felt dirty."

"There is no reason for that, Tay," Kerry argued. "It's just sex!”

“Going up on the auction block, pulling an entertainment gig, making a movie at Thug Studios, none of that is about anything other than sex – not for us, anyway. Other guys, guys with money, get off fucking us and watching us get fucked and they're willing to part with some of their money to do it. We take their money and we give them what they want. We give them sex. But that's all. If you look at it another way, we're no different than a barista giving a customer the latte he ordered."

"Actually, Ker," Taylor joked, his spirits obviously lightening,

"I've always thought of us more as the lattes than as the barista. Some customer comes in and wants a chocolate latte and picks Jacks, another wants a toffee latte and I'm up, and the third one wants a vanilla and gets a go at your beautiful butt."

"You know, Ker," he continued, "I thought just like that, until today. It was when Meyers started fucking me – you're right, something he's done hundreds of times in the past – it bothered me! It really did bother me! Even worse was that I was sure that somehow he knew it bothered me and that helped him to enjoy fucking me even more than usual."

"Fuck him!" Kerry said with real anger. "He may be our boss, but he doesn't own us. You, yourself, told me that he could never enforce the agency contracts we signed with him – not without running the risk of exposing the real nature of his business. If it really bothers you having to service him, we could always break away from the agency, freelance, go out on our own."

"I wish it were that easy, Ker," Taylor replied. “but it's not, believe me. Other guys have tried it. Sure, you can always find johns who'll pay for a go at your boy twat. Only they don't pay anywhere near what we make working for JM. It's sleazy work, hustling up your own Johns. And dangerous, too. Every time you risk to be arrested, or maybe some perv robs you, or even kills you!”

Taylor by now was almost pleading his case, openly worried and caring about Kerry.

"But, Tay," Kerry argued, "a guy like you who's been working for a couple of years, you've got a lot of regulars. You told me that yourself. You wouldn't need to go out on the streets or hit the internet to develop a clientele. You've already got one."

"That's where you're wrong, Ker," Taylor rejoined. "Sure, I've got maybe a dozen customers who hire me at least once every month. OK, they pay Meyers $2,000 a pop for a go at my pussy, even though I only get half of that. So you would think that, on my own, I could knock $500 off what they're paying now and still end up making $18,000 a month, more than enough to live on comfortably. I know the way you think, but it's just not what will happen in reality, Ker."

Taylor closed his eyes, considering what he wanted to say:

"Whatever else he may be, Meyers is no fool. He can do the math too. So whenever a model comes up to Meyers and tells him that he wants out, he says: 'fine.' No drama, no threats. What he does do though is contact every one of the model's regulars and tells him, in no uncertain terms, that if he continues to hire the model after he's left the Agency all access to any of the Agency's other models will be immediately and permanently terminated. This is not an empty threat. Meyers' done just that in the past and most of his clients know that he has. Of my dozen regulars, I'd be lucky if one or two stayed with me."

"Fuck!" Kerry exclaimed.

"Yeah, 'Fuck,'" Taylor agreed. "The bottom line is pretty clear. If you want to stay in this business and make big bucks, you're pretty much stuck working for Meyers. There's no getting around it."

"Well then we'll just have to learn to live with it, Tay," Kerry concluded.

"That means having to put up with Meyers fucking us whenever he feels like it. We can't let that interfere with 'us,' what we're starting to build together. Assuming," Kerry added with just the faintest quaver in his voice, "that we are together."

He paused and took a deep breath and then asked the question that had been consuming him since Tay had first mentioned his encounter with Meyers:

"Are we together, Tay?"

They stared into each other's eyes, unblinking. Then, a slow smile crept across Taylor's face: "I hope we are, Ker," he answered. "No, I think we are."

Hearing Taylor's reply, Kerry felt like he was going to burst. He let go of Taylor's hands and moved his own hands up, skirting underneath Taylor's tank-top and running them softly over Taylor's ripped stomach. He moved them further up until they reached his target – Taylor's big pecs and, particularly, his sensitive nipples. Taking each nub firmly in his fingers he squeezed gently and was rewarded by a soft moan from Taylor.

"Oh, jeez, baby," Taylor gasped, "that feels so good. That feels so fucking good."

Kerry squeezed again and Taylor squirmed in the chair. Suddenly, the dark-haired model reached down, grabbed the bottom of his tank-top and yanked if off his torso, giving Kerry unencumbered access to his chest. Kerry got up on his haunches and began nibbling away at the already aroused nips, making Taylor writhe beneath him. His nipples were both hard as steel, and so were their dicks.

Kerry worked on Taylor tits for a few minutes, licking and sucking, nicking and biting, going back and forth from one to the other, until Taylor was almost beside himself with excitement.

Once Taylor's nipples were jutting out from his chest like diamond pyramids, Kerry broke his assault on Taylor's nubs and began mouthing his way down the model's muscled torso. When Kerry reached Taylor's navel, he paused to suck on it, constantly jabbing his tongue in and out of the small hole like a cock into a quivering cunt. He was still working on Taylor's navel when he reached down, undid the last button of Taylor's shorts and began easing them down his partner's legs, still ignoring his hardon, sticking out and oozing pre-cum.

"No," Taylor begged, grabbing the top edge of his shorts.

"Don't, Ker! I need to take a shower. I'm pretty rank and I've got a butt-full of Meyers seed inside me." Kerry made no sign that he'd heard him.

"C'mon, Ker, please," Taylor pleaded as Kerry continued to pull on his shorts.

"Fuck that shit," Kerry grinned as he raised his head up from Taylor's stomach.

With a hard tug he wrenched the shorts from Taylor's fingers and yanked them down to the floor. Without missing a beat, Kerry mouthed Taylor's rigid fuck-stick all the way to its hairless root.

"Oh Fuck," Taylor moaned as his sore and sensitive cock was engulfed by the warmth and moisture of Kerry's gentle sucking mouth.

The experienced boy knew Taylor's dick would need a soothing tongue bath, no vigorous assault.

The mingled pain and pleasure made Taylor buck and squirm under Kerry's unrelenting lips, tongue, and warm, wet, mouth.

"Oh, God. Go for it, baby," Taylor finally surrendered as his entire body twitched uncontrollably.

That was just what Kerry had been hoping to hear. In seconds, he had Taylor's throbbing boner down his throat and began working it for all he was worth, spurred on by the continuous moans and whimpers he was wrenching from Taylor's mouth. Kerry had something else in mind beyond a simple blowjob. Smiling to himself, he lifted his mouth from the slick and bobbing tube of man-meat arching straight into the air and moved on to Taylor's balls.

Taking first one globe and then the other into his mouth, he licked and gently nipped at them until Taylor was thrashing around uncontrollably. Slowly, he let them fall from between his lips. He moved further down to Taylor's perineum, knowing from past experience that it was particularly sensitive. Rasping his tongue back and forth, he kept Taylor in the throes of exquisite ecstasy. Confident that he had Taylor where he wanted him, Kerry moved on to his ultimate target.

With his left hand he pulled Taylor's shorts off his feet and then used both hands to elevate Taylor's legs far into the air. At last he could see Taylor's puckered opening, visibly bruised by Meyers rough abuse, but irresistibly enticing nonetheless. With a determination he'd seldom felt before, he buried his face between Taylor's muscled ass-cheeks.

Suddenly aware of what was happening, Taylor tried to protest at first, but was soon overwhelmed with the raw lust displayed by his boyfriend. He tried weakly: "No, Ker. Don't. Please. I'm all nasty down there. Don't!" but his protests were too feeble and too late.

With a gasp, Taylor felt Kerry's warm tongue caressing his freshly ravaged hole. It felt so good – so fucking good. His resistance crumbling, Taylor gave into the pleasure overwhelming him. He felt Kerry's lips pressed hard against the edges of his back entryway and then, unbelievably, he felt Kerry's tongue force its way deeper and deeper into him, as hard and insistent as any cock that had ever plumbed his depths.

"Mother of God," he moaned. "Sweet Jesus, Ker. Oh, God. Oh, Fuck."

Taylor was incoherently babbling and grunting in his frantic passion as Kerry's tongue continued to move into him.

It took a while, but Kerry's tongue eventually surmounted Taylor's sphincter and the redhead felt the tip of his tongue enter Taylor's most private treasure chamber. Pressing his lips hard against the smooth crack of Taylor's ass, Kerry forced his tongue deeper and deeper into Taylor, ignoring his lover's increasingly frenzied thrashing until at last the acrid taste of John Meyers' bitter leavings assaulted his taste buds. Only then, his lips forming a tight circle around Taylor's hole, his tongue curled into a tube, did he begin sucking with force, siphoning out the cum Meyers had spewed in Taylor's hole just hours earlier.

Kerry knew he couldn't keep Meyers from fucking Tay whenever he felt the urge, but now Taylor would know his lover would never be alienated by the cum shots of the Boss. Kerry promised his lover that, whenever Meyers did fill him up, Kerry would always be waiting at home to suck out every dollop until his lover was clean again.

As Kerry began suctioning up all the scuzz in Taylor's hole, Taylor was in a whole different world. He'd had guys rim his ass before and he'd enjoyed the rasping of another dude's tongue against him hole. What he'd most enjoyed in those rim jobs was the knowledge that his entire ass cleft was being nuzzled by a handsome stud. The idea that a good-looking dude would be willing to stick his face in between Taylor's butt cheeks and lick Taylor's fuck-hole was a real psychological turn-on.

That feeling in no way hold a candle to what Taylor was experiencing now, as Kerry sucked and slurped out his hole. The feel of Kerry's tongue as it darted up and down, in and out of Taylor's anal passage, was the most erotic sensation Taylor had ever felt emanating from his rear.

He'd just told Kerry that there had been times when he actually enjoyed getting fucked and he hadn't been lying. There was no way the pleasure he'd felt when another guy had pierced his anal barrier with a hard dick could even begin to approach the incredible sexual stimulation he was getting from Kerry's tongue.

Without even thinking, Taylor lowered his hands to the back of Kerry's head and pushed it more tightly against his butt-hole, trying to help the redhead get his tongue even deeper up his sore boy pussy.

He began jerking Kerry's head in a back and forth motion, ramming the redhead's tongue deep into his hole and then easing it back over and over again, simulating the thrusting motion of a cock reaming his fuck-pit.

The combination of the in and out movement of Kerry's tongue with the continuous suction of Kerry's mouth pushed Taylor closer and closer to the point of no return. Suddenly, Taylor knew he was there.

"I'm gonna cum, baby. I'm gonna cum," he moaned. "Oh, God, I'm gonna cum."

And then his whimpers dissolved into a long shriek of release and his fully engorged cock shot off bolt after bolt of searingly hot boy-juice. The first spurt splattered Taylor's forehead and the succeeding eruptions slowly moved down, covering his face, hitting his closed eyes, his nose, his wide open mouth, leaving a taste on his tongue, and finally his chin before coating his chest with the last three cum missiles.

Even though Taylor had just shot one of the largest loads of his life, Kerry wasn't letting up on Taylor's pussy-hole. While he had long since extracted the last remnants of the loads of cum Meyers had deposited in Taylor's fuck chute, Kerry continued to work Taylor's ass.

Taylor, beginning to come down from the incredible high of his monster orgasm, had to plead with him to stop, telling Kerry he'd already emptied his balls, that he just couldn't take any more of the stimulation Kerry was providing.

It was only then, hearing Tay's whimpered entreaties, that Kerry finally relented and slowly extracted his tongue from Taylor's quivering man-hole.

Kerry looked up at Taylor's face and broke into a broad grin as he saw how completely cum-splattered it was. He could see that Tay had really enjoyed Kerry's rim job – there was no mistaking the evidence of that reality.

He stretched out his body and brought his face even with Taylor's. Then he began licking up all the cum Taylor had shot onto himself, noting how much sweeter Tay's cream was than Meyers'.

He wasn't surprised but still the difference was remarkable.

Taylor was still in that blissful zone where the hot intensity of his arousal had been followed by the ecstasy of relief and now he was feeling at total peace with the world.

However, when Kerry started slurping the cum off his face, Taylor slowly opened his eyes. Taylor watched as Kerry, having finished cleaning Taylor's face, moved lower and began working on Taylor's cum-spotted chest. He put his hands on the sides of Kerry's head and forced his head up so he could look him in the eyes.

"Ker," he marveled, "that was fantastic. It was incredible."


He pulled Kerry's head slowly towards him until their lips were touching and buried his tongue in Kerry's mouth. As the two of them tongue-wrestled for a few minutes, Taylor was able to taste remnants of his orgasm in Kerry's mouth. At that moment, Kerry broke the kiss and raised himself off Taylor.



"You are one hell of a lover," Taylor told his beloved, his eyes twinkling just remembering the pleasures he'd just experienced.

"Why, thank you, Tay," Kerry smiled back impishly. "You're pretty damn good yourself."

It was at that point that Taylor, lovingly gazing down the redhead's alabaster body, noticed the hard seven inches jutting straight out from the boy's crotch.

"Jeez, Ker," he remarked, "I don't know about that. You didn't even get off."

With a slightly embarrassed smile, Kerry agreed.

"Yeah. I know, Tay. But it wasn't because I wasn't turned on by sucking on your ass and reaming out your pussy hole with my tongue. That was soo fucking great. I could have done that for hours. I could have cum easy while I was doing that."

"Then why didn't you?" Taylor wanted to know.

"I guess I was saving it, you know, until you fuck me."

"Shit," Taylor moaned, feeling the super high he'd been in beginning to dissipate. He blushed.

"I'm sorry, Ker. I should have mentioned it earlier. My cock is really sore right now from all the dick-sucking by Callum – and that fucker Meyers manhandled it, too. I was kinda hoping we might do something else tonight."

While Kerry was obviously trying to mask his reaction, Taylor could see the boy's excitement visibly deflate. He felt really terrible about that. Then he had an idea.

"You know, Ker," he said. "I was going to suggest that you let me blow you tonight but looking at the position we're in right now – me, on my back, with my legs spread wide, you in between them with your raging boner – why don't you just fuck me. I mean, my butt's clean, thanks to you, and it's already lubed up, again thanks to you. Why don't you just go for it, Ker? Give me a good old-fashioned ass-reaming?"

Taylor's suggestion totally shocked his younger lover. Since their first night together, they'd fallen into an easy pattern: Kerry was the bottom – the boy, Taylor was the top – the man.

It not only seemed right based on their physical size and endowments, it seemed to match their individual temperaments as well. As Kerry had discovered early in his training at the agency, he loved getting fucked. He really did. It was just as obvious that Taylor loved fucking him. Hell, normally it took a crowbar to pry Taylor out of his ass when the two of them were at Taylor's place.

Kerry was completely happy with that. He'd never really thought about changing things up.

Now that Taylor had suggested it, Kerry had to admit he was a little bit intrigued by the possibility of topping his partner. Looking down at Taylor's beautifully sculpted body, Kerry wondered what it would feel like to be inside his lover, to be the one who's dick was filling out his lover's hole, to see Taylor thrashing around in ecstasy as Kerry excited his prostrate and pummeled his pussy. It might be fantastic.


"I don't know, Tay," he finally answered. "I think... I think I might really enjoy it but I've never done it before?"

"I know, Ker," Taylor responded. "I know and that's mostly my fault. It's just that I love fucking your tight hole so much that I never got around to suggesting that we flip. But, like I told you, I enjoy getting fucked myself, if it's the right guy – and you're definitely the right guy – and I'm sure you enjoy fucking a guy's pussy, too."

"Well, that's just it, Tay," Kerry explained. "I don't know if I'd enjoy fucking another dude's ass. I've never actually done it. Not with you, not with anyone."

It took a moment for that confession to sink in. When it did, Taylor's eyes widened in utter disbelief.

"Are you kidding me, Ker? You've never fucked another guy? Ever?"

"No, I haven't, Tay." Hearing the note of incredulity in Taylor's voice made Kerry a little defensive.

"It's just that I don't know. I've just never got the chance. Every guy I've been with has just been interested in fucking my ass and the idea of me fucking one of them never seemed to arise. Not that it bothered me, in all honesty. I love getting fucked and I was more than happy to let all of them have a go at my butt and leave it at that."

“It is such a beautiful butt, Ker, which is probably why everyone has focused on it. “

He paused for a second before he continued: "That's about to change."

He scrunched down a little and then raised his legs back into the air, spreading them apart and exposing his puckered hole, still slick with Kerry's saliva.

"Now you listen to me, boy, and you listen good," Taylor directed in a voice mimicking a Marine drill instructor, "you're going to take that big seven-inch dick sticking out of your crotch and you're going to ram it up my tight little fuck-hole and rape the living shit out of my pussy. You're going to keep pounding away at my steamy man-cunt even after you seed me like a back-alley bitch until I tell you to stop and then, and only then, you're going remove your dick from my hole and present it to me for cleaning. Do you understand, boy?"

Kerry had listened, amused and enormously turned on, as Taylor verbalized the approach of a Marine DI.

It was only when Taylor repeated the question, 'Do you understand, boy?' that Kerry realized he was expected to get into character, too. They'd done some role playing before, like doctor and patient or police officer and punk and they'd both enjoyed it.

So it was easy for Kerry to slip into his role as the raw recruit. "Yes, Sir," he dutifully responded.

"Well then," Taylor continued, "don't just stand there. Do what I told you to do, boy! Fuck me, you maggot!"

"Yes, Sir," Kerry replied, moving into position and positioning his dripping dick right at the edge of Taylor's tight hole.

For a fleeting moment, Kerry was struck by the realization that, though he was about to fuck his lover's ass, it was Taylor who was still clearly in charge. That, Kerry felt, was the way it should be.

All these random thoughts, however, were instantly banished when Kerry thrust forward and, for the first time in his life, felt the pleasure of an asshole yielding to his dick in the ultimate act of surrender. After that, no thoughts could pierce the animalistic sensations that reverberated through his body as he fucked his lover like a man possessed.

When it was over, Kerry had no idea how many loads he'd shot up Taylor's clenching butt, but his dick felt like it was swimming in cum inside Taylor's hot ass by the time the man told him he could take it out.

They had moved to the floor during the second fuck, so Kerry just let his finally softening cock slide out and then rolled off Taylor's body. Lying next to him, Kerry turned his head to look at Taylor's face.

"Thank you so much, Tay. That was incredible."

"For me, too, Ker," Tay answered dreamily, "in case you didn't notice, I came twice while you we're fucking my pussy."

He paused for a moment and then, a smile lighting up his face, he inquired,

"How'd it feel to play top for a change?"

"It felt super, Tay. It was a lot different than bottoming. I really liked it."

"So," Tay asked, "you want to change from now on, alternate topping and bottoming?"

Kerry thought hard about the question before answering.

"No, Tay," he finally said, "I'd rather keep bottoming. I mean, I wouldn't mind topping you every so often – actually I'd enjoy it – but, generally at least, I think I prefer having you doing me. I like the way you feel when you're inside of me. And," he added with a glance at his own sweat-streaked body, "it's a lot easier, too."

"Oh," responded Taylor in mock outrage, "are you saying that fucking me is hard work? Is that it?"

"No, you asshole," Kerry responded, picking up on the humor, "you know I'm not saying that. Fucking you was wonderful. And I'd be happy to do it again and again. It's just that I enjoy having you fuck me even more – and somehow it seems right that way, you fucking me."

Taylor's entire face was creased with a smile. "Well, baby," he finally admitted, "I agree with you. I loved having you do me and I definitely want to feel you inside me again. But I think I prefer fucking you. It does feel right that way and, just like you said, I enjoy the way I feel when I'm inside of you."

With a little impish smile he added: “And now you know what workout formed my sexy body and pushed my stamina!”

Kerry giggled as he answered: "So, how long am I going to have to wait until we can both enjoy the way you feel inside of me again, since the wonderful stamina you brag about seems to be gone? “

Kerry couldn't believe it, but even though he'd just shot off a massive amount of ball juice he was already getting hard again just talking to Taylor about fucking.

"You horny little bitch," Taylor teased, pointedly looking down at Kerry's lengthening cock.

Taking his own hard stare at Taylor's thickening meat, Kerry retorted, "I'm not the only one who's horny, stud boy. You certainly have got stamina!”


Taylor looked at his own dick and laughed.

"Well, you got me there, Ker." He began to sit up, playfully acting like an old man. Once he'd made it into a sitting position he looked at Kerry.

"What do you think about hitting the shower together. My old bones feel like I need a hot steamy soak and a nice soft massage, and my dick maybe won't feel as sore as it did when I first got home afterwards. Who knows, maybe we'll both be getting what we want sooner than I thought."

"Lead the way, old man," Kerry playfully ordered, scrambling to his feet. "I've got an itch deep inside of me that only you can scratch."

"Well, we'll have to see if I can help you out with that itch, Ker," Taylor replied as he headed towards the bathroom. "But I've got a good feeling about it."

And so did Kerry.

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