The Telemachus Story Archive

The Hollywood Agency 2
Part 3 - Chapter 7 "Family Affair"
By Dylan (Illustrated by Dylan)

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The Hollywood Agency Book -2-

Chapter 7: “Family Affair”

John Meyers was sitting behind his desk, replaying the day's events when Troy re-entered the room.


It didn't take Troy more than a few seconds to realize that in the short time it had taken him to give Callum another supply of the 'energy supplement' and then usher him out of the office, his father had managed to extract his own hard cock from his pants and was idly stroking it, looking at the slide shots of Callum, displayed on his computer-screen.

It didn't surprise Troy at all. Troy's own dick was hard as iron inside his pants. Callum was one hot-looking straight boy with a body that just cried out to be abused.

Troy plopped himself down on the chair that Callum had vacated. "Well, that sure went well," he observed with a real smile on his face, once again dropping his effeminate facade.

"I think we've got more than enough material to begin introducing Callum to our subscribers."

He smirked nastily: “I gave him the higher formulated shakes. His face was priceless as I told him which was for what. I guess he was about to call me ‘Sir’ when he admitted having no car”

John brought his focus back to his son.

"The session was great," he agreed, "but, like I told you before, I want to go slow with that first online appearance. I want to tease them a little before they finally get to see him in action. I want them clamoring for more. I want every one of those fuckers begging us to put him on the auction-block and then, when we finally do, I want his ass to bring in more money than Taylor did that first time."

Meyers was able to charge a premium price for his online site because it was well-known that the models appearing on it were only up for auctions limited to premium subscribers.

That boy Taylor, a fresh cute boy with a hot body, had pulled in $6,500 the first time he'd been put up for bids, a price that had surprised even Meyers.

On the other hand, judging from the way Taylor looked when he dragged his ravaged body back to the office late the next afternoon, the highest bidder had got his money's worth.

Of course, a model's availability was dependent upon his other commitments. This week, for example, Taylor was out in California, filming a series of scenes for Thug Videos. He wouldn't be back until Sunday night and, even then, he wouldn't be ready to go back up on the block until Wednesday at the earliest.

Meyers knew from past experience that his models always needed a few days to recover after a film session with Thug Videos – those guys really knew how to put a white fuck-boy through the ringer and John liked his boys to be at least reasonably tight when he offered them to his subscribers or his other clients.

He didn’t think as he slowly worked his raging dick.

The photo-shoot with Callum had left Meyers really horny and he needed to get off. Lately, he'd been using Taylor and Kerry as his go-to boys when he needed to pop-off a load.

However, not only was Taylor out for filming, Kerry was downtown today working at a convention of appliance dealers – he was pretty much booked solid until tomorrow night.

'Well,' he thought to himself as he looked at his son, 'there's always Troy.'

Meyers opened another file on his computer. He had hidden cameras everywhere, and now he looked at pictures of his own son, taken all over the house they where sharing, in his bedroom, by the pool, working out, showering, changing. He felt his dick while he browsed through his collection.


Troy immediately picked up on the change in his Dad's expression.

'Ah, fuck,' he thought. 'Not again.' Trying to avoid another session with his father, Troy stood up.

"I should get started in on the photos you picked out, Dad," he stated.

John couldn't help smiling at the transparency of his son's ploy.

"You just stay right where you are, boy," he ordered. "Those photos can wait for now."

Troy looked at his father and recognized the expression he knew so well.

"Ah, Dad," he complained. "C'mon. I'm still sore from this morning."

"Good," his Dad responded. "That'll make you more attentive to my needs."

Troy let out an audible sigh. The two just remained in place, looking at each other. Finally, John spoke up. "What are you waiting for, boy? You know the drill. Strip."

Glaring angrily at his father, Troy was about to say something, but decided better of it.

Instead, he reached up and unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off his shoulders.


He eased his feet out of the loafers he was wearing and then unbuckled his belt. He left the belt in the pant's loops as he unlatched the slacks – he didn't want to give his father any ideas – and let them drop to the floor.

When he stepped out of them, he was completely naked. He hadn't been allowed to wear any underwear since he was a young teenager. He spread his legs apart and slowly raised his arms up and then locked his fingers behind his neck.

He was now in position, the same position that Callum, like all of the Agencies models, had already been taught to assume when he was in John's presence, the same position that Troy had been assuming in front of his Father since his early years in high school.


Since then, he couldn't help to get hard when his father told him to get into the stance, and he saw his Dad smiled wickedly.

John leaned back in his chair and just stared at Troy. Though he'd had the pleasure of seeing his son in this position literally thousands of times in the past, he was still gratified to see how sexy his son was – particularly when he was naked. Unlike his models, who John insisted should flaunt their bodies at every opportunity, Troy tended to wear clothes that hid rather than emphasized his well-developed physique.

Though Troy was considerably smaller in build than most of the models JM Models had in it's stable, he was as well-proportioned as any of them. Though he was only 5'6", Troy's body was rippling with muscles and he sported a nice, thick 8 inch cock between his legs that he definitely knew how to use.

Not that John had ever felt that cock up his ass.

He was strictly a top when it came to other guys. Hell, he'd never been fucked in his life by any guy and he didn't expect that to ever change. But he'd seen Troy in action with his models many, many times and he was always impressed with the way his son would fuck them.

Harder than Meyers himself, if truth be told, longer, thanks to his youth, and in far more different positions. Troy has very inventive.

Of course, the reason for the fury of his son, assaulting their models, was doubtless driven by his anger over the fact that he still had to play bitch for his father whenever ‘Dad’ felt the urge to fuck him. Which he did almost every morning, sometimes during the day if he was horny, and on special occasions.

He even offered his son as a party favor to certain clients.

That was part of the deal Troy had agreed to when his Dad made him a partner in the business.

He would continue as his father's fuck-boy as long as the agreement remained in force, but he also had benefits from the deal too.

The fact Troy was in the peak of his youth and liked to workout and swim in their mansion's pool gave him all the power he needed to really fuck his frustrations out in some model's ass, as well as always turning on his fathers fucklust, far more than Troy wanted.

Troy was twenty-five years old now and had been spreading his legs for his father for over a dozen years but he had never reconciled himself to his role as his daddy's boy-bitch. In fact, he hated it.

He hated the thought of being subservient to any man, which was why he'd been ready to hit the road as soon as he turned eighteen.

It was pretty obvious that he was preparing to bolt when his Dad had a long sit-down with him. Of course, as usual, Troy was sitting down on his Dad's hard dick during a good part of the discussion. His Father came straight to the point. He knew Troy was getting ready to leave home – it was obvious that Troy had never enjoyed getting fucked and had submitted only because he didn't think he had any other option. His Dad had surmised that, now that he was eighteen, Troy figured he was old enough to get out on his own, away from his Father.

"And you can do that, Troy," his Dad had agreed, his hard dick probing deeply inside his son's splayed fuck-pussy as he talked.

"You can walk right out the front door and head off into the world and there's nothing I can do about it. But, if you do," he continued with another hard thrust for emphasis, "it's only a matter of time before you'll be bending over and letting some total stranger bang your boy-hole just to rustle up enough money to eat."

His fat dick made his son moan as he moved, and he knew Troy was thrilled on the one hand, and nervous on the other.

"Boy," he went on, forestalling any attempt by Troy to interrupt and eliciting another squeal from his son as he prodded his boy's prostrate, "look at yourself. You're reasonably intelligent but you have no real marketable skills. There are millions of kids just like you worldwide, all of them, just like you, anxious to get out on their own and enjoy life. But think. Think! How are you going to enjoy life when you don't have any money? Who's going to hire you? Burger King? Arby's?"

As he was talking, John snaked his arm around Troy's waist and grabbed the boy's hard cock. He began slowly jerking Troy off even as he continued talking to him, all the while maintaining a steady thrusting rhythm in and out of his boy's hole.

"Sure, you might be able to land a job in some fast food joint, working for minimum wage. Do you know what that is, boy? Do you even know how much it is, boy? I'll tell you. It's $7.25 an hour, right now. Plus tips if they maintain a pot. Usually a boy flipping burgers doesn't get tipped. But for now, for the sake of the discussion, lets say you get your share. That works out to maybe $350 a week or about $1400 a month. “

Meyers made his son grunt, for the lecture he was giving him, and for the hard dick that worked his prostate. He knew he still had Troys attention, as he went on, never missing a thrust:

“And that's before any deductions for taxes. You'd be lucky if you cleared $900 to 1000 a month. How the fuck are you going to live on $900 a month? Do you have any idea how much it costs just to rent an apartment in this town? How are you going to come up with the money for a deposit? What are you going to do for a car – just so we're clear, here, Troy, that car you drive now and act like you own is in my name and it stays here. With me. But even if you had a car, Troy, how would you pay for insurance? How would you pay for anything?"

John was pounding Troy even harder now and he tightened his grip around his son's cock and ran a finger over the crown, pleased but not surprised to find it coated with pre-cum. He had made his son stand up and bend over the desk now while he really rammed his dick into the boy's pussy ass.

"Troy, I know you. You like the good things in life: the soft bed, the 80-inch flat TV, the steaks cooked just right. The stuff you have here. All the stuff you have here that you're going to lose when you walk out that door." John gave his son three really deep thrusts as he finished talking, and now held his dick deep in the young man's ass, so as to give him the possibility to breath and think.

"Yeah, Dad," Troy finally managed to form coherent words, his anger bubbling over, uncomfortably shifting his weight as his old man's dick plunged deeply into him.

"I do enjoy all that stuff," he admitted, trying hard to keep his voice on an even keel as his Dad plugged away at his butt.

"But, like you just reminded me, all the stuff here is your stuff – not mine. I don't own anything other than my clothes – you own all the rest. And the only way I can keep using all the things I like is if I let you fuck me whenever you want!”

Troy moaned out the next words, even though he tried to speak in an even tone:

“You treat me like I'm some cheap whore you hired off the streets by promising her a meal for the night. Like I've been bought and paid for, so I should just shut the fuck up and spread my legs. Like I'm doing right now," he added with a groan as his father began banging his boy-ass with a vengeance.

He knew he hated to be fucked, but he still was good at it, and his Dad couldn't get enough of him.

Troy knew this was his only lever.

"So, yeah, maybe I will have to peddle my ass to make a go of it once I leave here. Maybe I will end up becoming a boy-whore – but at least I'll finally be getting paid for getting fucked. And I won't be cheap - the guys who fuck me will be paying good money for the pleasure.”

Again his Dad’s dick slid in deep, but Troy continued:

“The things I buy with the money I earn off my asshole will be my own, not yours. All things considered, Dad, I think I'll be better off out selling my ass to total strangers than I am now staying here and watching movies on your fucking 80-inch TV while you ream the shit out of my hole.”

“Ah, fuck, Dad," he suddenly complained, "take it easy. It's the third time today and I'm still sore from earlier.”

“Please, Dad," he continued as his Dad, instead of slowing down, actually increased the force of his thrusts "It really hurts. Come on, man. Gimme a break."

John had, indeed, noticeably picked up the pace as he got closer to shooting his load. Listening to Troy complain about how he was being treated actually turned him on, and there was nothing John enjoyed more than pummeling the young boy who hated to be fucked but submitted to him anyway.

When Troy had started talking about selling his booty on the streets, John immediately visualized his 18 year old son lying on the bed of a seedy motel room, his ankles around his ears, as an overweight middle-aged trucker cored out his boycunt while a group of the trucker's buddies urged him on, waiting their turn at the young punk's tender boy-hole.


Just thinking about that scene really got John's juices going. The next thing John knew, he was shooting off inside Troy's tight hole, while he thought about his boy having to endure a chain of fuckers, being tied up helplessly in a sling, being filmed for the first time.

Meyers toyed with the idea to let Troy go, but supervise him and actually pimp him out and use him for the perviest porn his associates would come up with, without the young slut even knowing it was his own Dad who earned a fortune.

As John began to pump his load into his son's butt, he redoubled his efforts on Troy's dick and was rewarded by a sudden moan as a geyser of hot cum shot out of his boy's fuckstick. John Meyers loved forcing Troy to cum while he was dicking him, knowing how much he hated it.

Father and son sat there, writhing together in the throes of sexual release, connected by the large tube of John's dick buried up Troy's ass as the final spurts of the older man's orgasm coated his son's clutching hole.

Finally finished, John fell back into the seat as Troy spewed out one last string of pearly-white cream. Then Troy, too, collapsed backwards.

"God damn you, Dad," he muttered, lying atop his father, totally spent for the moment, his chest and stomach coated with hot boy cream even as he could feel his Dad's own hot load inside his fucked out boy twat.

Troy laid back on top of his father for a few minutes, catching his breath, feeling the cock in his ass lose some of its rigidity allowing some of his Dad's still hot cum to begin to trickle down Troy's ass-crack.

Then, stifling a groan of discomfort, Troy slowly eased himself off his Dad's dick. He turned around to face his father.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed that fuck, Dad," he spat out. "Because it's the last time you're ever going to get a piece of my ass. I've had it. I'm fucking out of here."

With that, he spun on his heels and headed towards the door.

"Sit your ass down, boy," His Dad ordered with force. "You just sit your fucking ass down. I've got something I want to say to you."

Despite himself, Troy found himself obeying his father's order. He stopped, turned around and sat down on the sofa. Years of conditioning overrode all his determination to leave immediately. He looked over impatiently at his Father, disgusted with himself that he still didn't have the inner strength to resist one of his Dad's direct demands.

'But I am going to leave,' he told himself. 'As soon as the old fuck finishes with what he has to say, I'm out of here’ Troy thought. He felt his Dad's cum trickle out of his well used ass, coating the leather sofa, but he didn't care.

Meyers looked at his son, holding his face impassive.


Then, he raised a single eyebrow in a questioning look. Troy's face had shown an angry look, but now, reluctantly, he slid off the sofa and on to the floor. Troy knew the house rules.

In Meyers’ house no naked boy ever sat on furniture.

Not only had his Dad made clear that a naked boy's proper place was always on the floor, there was the practical reason that John Meyers didn't want Troy soiling the furniture with the drippings from his ass.

It was a matter of fact that Troy's ass always was continuing to leak some of the big load of ball juice it had taken when Meyers was done. His fat dick really did open up his son’s ass, and Troy usually needed an hour to tighten up again.

Even though Troy had tried to rebel against those rules, he knew he had to do something about the pool of cum his ass just had expelled. He did not hear a word from his Father, but knew what he had to do. Even though he just had wanted to start a rebellion, he now turned around and licked his ass juices and his Dad's cum off the leather of the sofa, leaving it spotless again.

His Dad watched impassively. Once Troy was done with this display of capitulation and had settled on the floor, his Father began speaking.

"Like I told you earlier, Troy, if you want to leave I can't stop you. But before you go, I have a proposition I want to make to you." The older man paused as if gathering his thoughts.

"You know that my modeling agency has been doing pretty well. Not great, but good enough to provide a comfortable lifestyle. Occasionally it even provides me with another boy to add a little variety to my sex life."

This was scarcely news to Troy. He'd walked in on his Father more than once when his Dad was in the process of ravaging the asshole of one of his models. Troy had never felt even a twinge of jealousy when he happened to witness one of those trysts.

No, what Troy had felt was primarily relief.

The more his Dad worked out his sexual urges on his models, the less Troy had to do to keep him happy. But there was also an element of envy in his reaction. The boys his father brought home were always super hot and more than once Troy had gone to his room and jacked off imagining what it would feel like to be fucking one of those hot asses.

"Well, lately I've been thinking about taking my agency in a different direction, one that I think would not only be more lucrative but also provide me with more pleasure on a personal level. I've decided to make JM Modeling Agency pretty much more of an exclusively male agency, one that would cater primarily to the porn trade. “

Troy saw that his Dad smiled wicked.

“Not that I would advertise it as such, of course. To all intents and purposes, it would be presented as a regular modeling agency but in reality I'd be training and guiding my models for the male sex trade of strip clubs, porn movies, prostitution. I'd try to keep a few models on my roster that were legitimate models for cover, but the vast majority would be groomed to be sex whores."

Troy perked up.

Meyers paused for a second to give his Son a chance to digest what he just had said, and think about the possibilities. Then he went on:

"Now I know that not every guy who walks through my door is going to be suitable for these tasks. I need a particular type of boy, one so anxious to make it big that he'd be willing to do things he might normally object to, but also naive enough not to question just exactly where his career is going until he's so totally enmeshed in the porn trade that he realizes he no longer has the option of refusing to continue, since his life path is irrevocably set.”

Meyers paused for effect. Troy was all ears.

“That eliminates most gay guys because they'd probably pick up pretty early what was going on, though I'll probably find one or two who'd be game for it anyway. For me, the best model would be a hot-looking 'straight' guy who isn't too smart and is relatively ignorant of gay culture and life-styles. And that's where you come in, Troy."

"Me?" Troy responded with surprise. "You can leave me out of your little adventure, Dad. I don't want any part of it. And I have no intention of appearing in any porn films or becoming one of your 'working' boys."

His Dad actually chuckled at Troy's response.

"I didn't expect you would, Troy," he responded quickly.

"And that wasn't my intention. I don't want you to work for me. I want you to work with me. I'm offering you a full partnership. Everything fifty-fifty. A half ownership interest in the agency. Half of all the income.”

“And," he added portentously, "full access to all of the models once they've been broken in."

John laughed out loud at the look of embarrassment that crossed Troy's face.

"What?" he queried his son, "you didn't think I noticed the look on your face when you saw me planking one of my models? Hell, it was as obvious as daylight that all you wanted to do was push me aside and take my place plowing those tight boycunts. And, if you accept my offer, you'll get your chance. All in all, I'd say it's a pretty good deal for you, Troy."

While Troy was embarrassed to have been caught out, he was intrigued by his Father's offer. It would be hot taking some straight dude and turning him into a sex toy for gay men - to say nothing of the opportunities it would offer Troy to plumb their tight little fuckholes while he was doing it.

But there had to be a catch. Knowing his father, there had to be.

Troy looked at his Dad closely. He did not even realize his own dick was hard again, turned on by the prospect to get boys to use and money to spend.

"Yeah, it sounds like a pretty good deal, Dad. Maybe a little bit too good. Just what do you get out of it? You could pretty much go ahead with your plans without my help. Why offer me fifty percent of the business for what you could do yourself?"

His father actually looked pleased by Troy's obviously suspicious reaction.

"Well, Troy," he explained, "First of all, I think you're underestimating how much work it is going to be in setting the operation up and keeping it going. I'm going to need you at the office, full-time, just to keep everything running smoothly."

"Second," he continued, "there are things you can do that I can't. You're a young kid. You can go into straight bars, scope out the guys, buddy up to them and, when you find a suitable prospect, steer him to the agency. If an older guy like me tried doing the same thing, they'd immediately be on their guard. With you, they'd be far less likely to suspect ulterior motives."

"I'd be kind of like a Judas goat, is what you're saying," Troy interjected.

"Exactly," his Father agreed, grinning lewdly.

John then paused and gave Troy a piercing look. "And finally, there will be one other reason. In exchange for making you a partner in the operation you will agree to continue to serve as my fuck-boy."

"Ah, shit, Dad," Troy exclaimed. "I knew there'd be something like that involved. Do I have to?"

"Yes, Son, you do," John Meyers responded. "There's no deal without that arrangement."

He was amused by the consternation apparent on his son's face. Actually, this was turning him on the most. He sat back, his dick already hard as steel again.

"You shouldn't be surprised," he added. "Every cherry has a pit – as you'll definitely discover if you accept my offer." Troy sat there for a few minutes going through his options. His Dad's offer was pretty good. Judging from the way his Father spent money on things around the house, half of the modeling business figured to provide Troy with a pretty substantial income.

He had to admit, if only to himself, that the prospect of fucking some of those good-looking dudes that his father brought home certainly appealed to him. The downside, however, was big. Real big. He'd have to agree to letting his old man continue to ream out his ass whenever he wanted to and Troy knew from his experience over the past few years that he'd wanted to virtually every day.

On the other hand, Troy had pretty much come to the same conclusion as his Dad had as to Troy's prospects out on the streets. The only way Troy could make a half-way decent income would be by hustling his tight little butt. So he was going to be bending over and getting fucked no matter what he did. His Dad's offer figured to be far more remunerative – and definitely less dangerous - than sexually servicing total strangers.

And, while variety may be the spice of life, Troy wasn't too eager to sample a wide range of hard cocks, most of which would be attached to bodies which would be considerably less appealing than his Father's. All in all, Troy had to admit that his Father's plan was superior to his own, even if he did have to let his Dad continue to fuck him.

So Troy had agreed, albeit with some reluctance.

He gave his Dad a half smile, while he got up from the floor. A partner, he thought, should not agree to a deal sitting to the feet of the other half of the business. He lifted his hand to shake his Dad's to seal the deal, but stopped just short.

John Meyers was not expecting this, but he waited for his Son and prospective new partner to speak up.

“Is that so? For real every cherry has a pit?” Troy asked, referring to the pit in the cherry remark his Father had made.

“I know I heard that there is enough cyanide in two cherry pits to kill a man. That seems a high risk, right? You might have to sweeten your offer!”

Troy gave his Father another malicious smirk, and John again saw the potential of his Son.

“I guess we have a deal, when you exchange my old clunker Ford Mustang into a brand new Mercedes SL. One brand new one EACH year! “he tried his luck, knowing very well that his Dad was a car enthusiast, owning several expensive cars.

His Father took his hand, grinned, and shook. The rest was history.

That was seven years ago. Troy had been more than happy with the choice he made. He had an annual income that was generally close to a million dollars and got to fuck some really hot asses on a regular basis. In just a few more years, Troy knew he'd be set for life. The only downside was that his Father's hunger for his Son's tight hole hadn't seemed to slack off in the slightest. Troy continued to hope that one day his Father would take on a model who really turned him on – one that he'd invite to move in with him and, hopefully, take over Troy's role as John's morning-wood deflator. But the boys had come and gone and, while his Dad never hesitated to take his fill of their tight little asses, or maybe Troy should say, fill those tight little asses, his Father had never formed the type of connection that would relieve Troy of his own obligations.

For a while, Troy had held out high hopes for Kerry. The redhead had a spectacular body, a phenomenal butt, and a really pretty face, almost too pretty for a guy. And it was obvious from the very first time his old man rammed his hard dick up the boy's tight hole that this Dad was really into fucking the kid. So it was a real disappointment when it became clear that Kerry was almost as horny for getting fucked as Meyers was into fucking him. That was the real deal-breaker.

It had taken Troy some time to realize it, but what really turned his Father on was screwing a guy who didn't enjoy it. Nothing whetted John's sexual appetite as much as the prospect of dicking a dude who hated getting fucked. That was why his Dad had enjoyed fucking Troy so much over the years.

Troy hated it. Kerry liked it.

And that was why, despite all the bullshit his Dad had thrown around about the dangers of taking on gay models, he was so focused on hiring straight models. He didn't want them to enjoy getting fucked, he wanted them to hate it even as they submitted to him.

As Kerry turned out to be a closeted gay guy who actually enjoyed getting his ass reamed out, any chance that the redhead might assume Troy's role as his Dad's house-bitch had effectively evaporated.

Fortunately, while Kerry's sexual orientation pretty much took him out of the running as a possible replacement for Troy, the boy was still attractive enough and new enough to the entire gay scene that his old man still enjoyed fucking him.

Particularly in situations in which even a gay boy might not appreciate getting his ass fucked.

Kerry was still frequently called upon to satisfy his father's seemingly insatiable sexual appetite on an ad hoc basis. But Troy knew it would never go beyond that. He needed a dude who could take his place, satisfying his father in a more permanent way.

And that was why he held out such high hopes for Callum.

So far, from everything Troy had seen, the boy was not only truly heterosexual in orientation, he really was a homophobe.

And from what he could tell, his Dad did seem particularly taken by him. Callum might be the one.

'If Callum were the right guy for my father,' Troy thought as he worked on his Father's dick with his mouth, getting it lubed for its inevitable foray into Troy's ass, 'I'd even be willing to forego fucking his hot little boy twat. Dad could have him all to himself. I wouldn't object. Fuck, I'd even help him to move in. Anything to get Dad to leave my butthole alone.'

Just then in his musings, Troy felt a pronounced tap on the top of his head. His tight throat massaged his Dad's thick cock and made the older man moan in lust, but Troy knew his Dad wanted to fuck his ass more than anything. Just to feel his rich cum injected deep into the tight ass of his sexy son was the thing that satisfied the virile older stud the most.

Regardless of how Callum might eventually work out, it wasn't going to be soon enough to keep Troy's ass from getting banged right now. With an audible sigh, Troy raised his head off his Dad's dick, stood up, turned around, and slowly leaned over the desk, spreading his legs far apart.


A moment later he grunted as he felt the familiar cock head barrel its way up his chute. In less than a minute, Troy was getting his asshole violently reamed out for the second time that day. Other than an occasional moan Troy took his ass pounding stoically.

The computer screen on his Father's desk showed the pictures of Callum in a slideshow, the pictures Troy took and those the hidden cameras had taken. Meyers looked at those pictures, drinking in the sight of the hot, dumb, straight jock who had willingly handed himself over, not knowing he would end up as a pony in the stable of JM Modeling to be whored out to the gay men he today openly despised.

John Meyers was scarcely even aware of his Son as he, after a good twenty minutes of hard fucking, started spewing out a load of man seed up his Son’s ass.

He stepped back to sit down in this chair again, drinking in the tight ass of Troy. His dick was still half hard.


Meanwhile, Troy was focusing onto the possibility that maybe Callum could be the guy who'd finally be able to replace him in his father's libido. If only.