The Telemachus Story Archive

The Hollywood Agency 2
Part 1 - Chapter 5 "Ready for the close ups"
By Dylan (Illustrated by Dylan)

The Hollywood Agency Book -2-

Chapter 5: "Ready for the close ups"

Callum, Troy, and Mr. Meyers were in the Boss' office, preparing the first photo session for Callum, and it did not start as well as they all had hoped for. Mr. Meyers had to step in, and after setting clear rules for the younger men, the air had cleared.

Now, with that little contretemps behind them, Mr. Meyers was anxious to move the session along. "Okay, Troy," he began, "I want you to take a good look at Callum and decide exactly what needs to be done before we begin the shoot."

Callum had to kneel in front of a huge window as Troy slowly circled his body a number of times. The natural light would help, Mr. Meyers had told him. Callum closed his eyes, somehow feeling eyes on him from the other side of the street, while he was appraised like livestock.


What surprised him most was how serious Mr. Meyers' secretary had become. Gone were the leering looks that had made Callum so uncomfortable. Now Troy was looking at him with the cool appraisal of a horse trainer inspecting a new mount. All Callum could do was to wait passively, and he closed his eyes and tried to relax. After a couple of minutes, he turned back to Mr. Meyers.

"Well," he began, "first off, he needs a shave. I'd recommend a full-body one."

Callum had scarcely processed Troy's recommendation before he heard Mr. Meyers say:

"I was thinking the same thing. It all should go."

Despite his earlier resolution to just do as Mr. Meyers suggested, Callum could not contain himself.

"Are you talking about shaving my body? All of it? Even my pubes?"

Callum could feel himself beginning to blush just at the prospect.

"Yes, we are, Callum," Mr. Meyers affirmed. "I don't think we have any choice."

"But why?" Callum complained, lowering his arms and taking a step forward. "I'd feel so....strange without any body hair."

Callum had caught himself just in time. He had almost said 'so faggy' but remembered that Troy was in the room. Mr. Meyers would not have been pleased if he had slipped up that way after the specific warning he had given Callum.

Mr. Meyers stood up and walked around his desk until he was standing next to Callum. The model was afraid he had really angered the man this time so he was relieved when Mr. Meyers simply draped an arm across his shoulders and began talking to him, man to man.

"Callum," he began, assuming a fatherly air, "I realize from your reaction that this may be difficult for you, but I need you to know it's something I think is absolutely necessary if you're going to reach your full potential.”

Meyers looked the model over:

"For an average guy, body hair is neither here nor there. I know some guys think it's a manifestation of their masculinity, as if they'd somehow be less masculine, less virile if they were hairless. But that's just stupid. What makes you masculine is what's between your legs"

While the man explained those facts, he was surprising Callum by reaching down and grabbing Callum's junk with his right hand.

"This is what makes you a man," Meyers continued, raising his hand sufficiently far that Callum actually felt a sharp tug on the base of his scrotum. "It's not the hair that surrounds it." To Callum's relief, Mr. Meyers released his cock and balls.

But then he continued:

"You want to be an underwear and fitness model. As an underwear model your main purpose is to provide a backdrop for the underwear and swimsuits that you are modeling. That's the bottom line. Anything that detracts from that also detracts from your value as a model. Advertisers want the public to concentrate on the product they're pushing, not on some unruly hairs that might be creeping out from under the fabric of the underwear or swimsuit."

Meyers made a short pause, as if to give the inexperienced young man time to think, but he quickly went on:

"And shaving is even more important for physique models. While some guys may think that a hairy chest provides them with a veneer of masculinity, the fact is that it also obscures muscle development. That's why bodybuilders shave. A physique model wants to show his body off, not hide it behind a shaggy pelt."

Callum could follow the logic of what was being said, but he was appalled at the prospect of losing all his body-hair. "Could you just leave a small patch right above the cock?" he wondered. "That way, I wouldn't feel like such a little boy."

Mr. Meyers shook his head 'no.' "We could, I suppose, leave a few hairs there, but they would be so few it'd probably wouldn't make any difference. Nowadays, swimwear varies in size from micro-thongs to board shorts, but you have to shave for the smallest product you're going to be modeling or you limit your utility to the advertiser. With some of the thongs they're marketing now, there would scarcely be any area covered beyond your penis and balls. It just makes more sense to take it all off."

"I'm sorry, Callum," the man concluded, "but that's the type of sacrifice a model has to be willing to make if he wants to really succeed in the business."

Callum looked at Mr. Meyers. He really, really didn't want to shave off his pubes, but his experienced Agent knew best and clearly thought it would help his career. The man obviously knew so much about the business and Callum was sure he would look like a fool if he didn't take his advice. Besides, he had already told Mr. Meyers that he'd follow all of his suggestions and he didn't want to look like he was reneging on his promise. So he looked up at the man, smiled wanly and said:

"If that's what you think I should do, I'll do it, Mr. Meyers."

The warm smile that greeted his agreement convinced Callum that he had made the right choice.

"Good boy," Mr. Meyers replied. "Good boy!" He gave the young man a pat on the cheek and returned to the other side of the desk.

"Well, let's get it done. Troy, go get the razors and the shaving cream and Callum you can assume the position you were in and, when Troy gets back, he can start right in."

Callum's surprise overrode his determination not to make waves.

"I can shave myself, sir. There's no need to have Troy do it."

There was a perceptible tightening in Mr. Meyers' face.

"Of course you can shave yourself, Callum. You're going to be doing it every day from now on. But right now I want Troy to do it. He has a lot more experience shaving a guy's body than you do and I want this completed as quickly as possible – and without any nicks. We're going to be taking your photos right after we finish and I don't want any cuts or scrapes marring your skin."

"Yes, sir," Callum quietly replied, suitably chastened by Mr. Meyers implicit rebuke. He turned away, unable to face his new Agent for a moment.


A few minutes later, Troy was back with razors, shaving cream and a pail of warm water. Troy placed the pail and the razors on the floor and approached Callum while shaking the shaving cream can in his hand. With his back to Mr. Meyers, he blew Callum a kiss. It took all of Callum's will-power not to punch him in the face. Instead, he just stared stoically forward. A moment later, Troy started in on him. Beginning with his armpits, Troy lathered up all of the athletes well formed torso, including his crotch.

When Callum felt Troy's hands rubbing the shaving cream on to his cock and balls, he couldn't help shivering. As Troy turned away to wash his hands off in the bucket of water, Callum noticed that Mr. Meyers secretary was sporting a full hard-on. It figured – the fucking faggot was really enjoying this. Of course, Callum was still hard, too, which only magnified the embarrassment he was feeling. Troy picked up a new razor, dipped it in the pail and then began denuding Callum of his body hair.

The only good thing Callum could say about the whole procedure was that Mr. Meyers had been right – Troy was really fast in shaving him. Other than that, though, it was a particularly humiliating experience, standing there as another dude shaved off not only his chest hairs and his treasure trail but his pubes as well. There was also a moment of not a little fear when Troy grabbed his balls and held them tightly around the sack and ran the razor over them. That felt really strange. But Troy was proficient and had perfected his skills, and he managed it without any nicks or cuts.

Callum could hear himself sigh in relief when Troy finally finished. He glanced down at his torso and grimaced. God, he really did look like a ten-year-old boy even with his big cock jutting straight out of his now hairless crotch. If anything, the very size of his meat seemed to look even bigger, now drawing attention to the fact that he now totally lacked any pubes. Despite what Mr. Meyers had told him, Callum knew he'd be humiliated if any other dude saw him like this.

His boyish round face and his wide round eyes made him look years younger, and Meyers considered to fake his age to add to his appeal. Five years off his real age and a few well placed rumors would really turn on the pervs, Meyers thought.

The young model looked up just in time to see Troy once again approaching him with the shaving cream. The next thing he knew, Troy had dropped to his knees and begun slathering the cream up and down his thighs. "What are you doing?" Callum demanded to know.

"I'm getting ready to shave your legs," Troy smirked back at him. "You didn't think we were done, did you? I've still got your legs, your ass and your arms to shave."

"What?" Callum exclaimed. "Mr. Meyers?" he queried, obviously appealing to the man, wanting him to intervene. But Mr. Meyers was looking at him as if Callum was the one out of line.

"I thought we had agreed that you'd have a full-body shave, Callum. Isn't that what you agreed to not more than thirty minutes ago?"

Now it was Callum's turn to register confusion.

"I thought we were agreeing that I'd shave my torso and my pubes. I didn't realize that you wanted my entire body shaved, including my legs and my arms. That's something bitches... I mean women do."

Mr. Meyers did not try to hide his unhappiness with Callum's response. He almost jumped up and out of his chair, and with three huge steps he was right in front of the boys face.

His hand moved too quick for the young man to react. The models face stung as the Agent slapped him.

Mr. Meyers knew he had to set the head of the young man straight before he got out of hand, and sometimes a direct approach was the best, that much Mr. Meyers knew.

"You know, Callum," he began with some anger, now lifting the boys head by his chin "we've already been over this. Physique models need to show off their muscles and hair just gets in the way. And it's not just your chest and abs that I'm talking about. That means your leg and back muscles as well, including your glutes. Why do you think I've had you put special emphasis on your thighs and calves when you're working out. A physique model has to be a total package and it's that total package that advertisers want to see in their photo spreads. You think they want to see some guy with a totally hairless upper torso and hairy legs and back?"

The young model looked at him with teary eyes. Mr. Meyers was an expert, and the slap had been light enough to sting, but not hurt the skin of the boy's face. He was unblemished, just shaken by the sudden slap his Agent had given him.

Mr. Meyers went on:

"I've been really patient with you Callum, but I think it's time you made a choice. Are you going to commit yourself to becoming a top-flight model, really commit yourself, or are you just going to stand there and second-guess everything I recommend. Because, if it's the latter, maybe we should just call it quits right now. So, what's it going to be, Callum? Are you in or are you out?"

Callum was shocked by the man's outburst. He could feel his entire body turning beet red. He was also furious with himself for once again putting his whole career in jeopardy. Mr. Meyers was right. Not more than half an hour earlier Callum had assured him that he'd do everything that the man recommended and here he was once again quibbling with him. And now Callum had really pissed him off.

Callum began apologizing as abjectly as he could.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Meyers. You're absolutely right. I'm acting like a baby. Please give me another chance. I'll never question another one of your suggestions. I'll do whatever you tell me to do. No arguments. Just give me another chance. Please, Sir. Please."

Mr. Meyers sat there staring at Callum for the longest time. The now almost hairless model could sense the man's anger dissipating. He felt some of his own incredible tension ease. Mr. Meyers was going to give him another chance. Just as Callum's breathing was beginning to return to normal, John Meyers began to speak to him again.

"I think you're sincere, Callum," the man said, "so I'm going to let this last little outburst pass, and I want to apologize for giving you the little wake up slap. But I want you to know that I intend to hold you to your promise. I'm letting this incident pass but the next time I won't be so lenient. The next time you disappoint me I'll have no choice but to discipline you. You understand that, don't you Callum?"

"Yes, sir," Callum dutifully replied. Callum had no idea what Mr. Meyers was talking about as far as disciplining him. But, hopefully, he'd never find out. In the future, he intended to keep to his word and do everything that his Manager told him to do, without questioning the reasons behind the man's suggestions. He was finished with second-guessing Mr. Meyers.

So Callum placidly stood there as Troy completed the denuding of his body. He didn't even say anything when Troy roughly jammed a finger up his asshole while he was shaving Callum's ass-crack. Callum was bent over at the waist, looking straight at Mr. Meyers and, at the same time, holding his own ass-cheeks wide apart while Troy carefully removed the stray hairs around his anus, when he felt one of Troy's fingers rudely penetrate his anal opening.

While he was surprised at how painful it felt, Callum hadn't reacted other than biting down on his lower lip and letting out a low grunt. The fucker kept his finger up Callum's ass for almost a full minute, ramming it in all the way to the second joint and moving it around inside of him. Every time his finger rubbed against Callum's prostrate, the boy's dick did a little dance and emitted another drop of pre-cum. By the time Troy finally withdrew his finger, Callum's cock-head was slick with pre. Callum just let Troy have his fun, but he promised himself that one day he'd pay the little faggot back for what he was doing to him. This was something he wasn't going to forget.

Callum had no idea why his Agent did not look over to him but checked his computer. The older man was by now so horny he might have jumped the model while his assistant slowly tested the waters by fingerfucking the boys tight ass. Meyers had to carefully adjust his hardon in his jockstrap to stop it from sliding out.

When Troy had finally finished, he picked up the pail and headed off towards the bathroom to dump it into the toilet. Callum happened to glance into it as it went by and was appalled by the amount of hair he saw clumped together floating on top. All of that had been on his body just an hour earlier and now he was standing in front of Mr. Meyers as hairless as a pre-pubescent boy. Even though Callum understood why it was necessary, he was profoundly humiliated by his totally shaven state.

To stand in front three huge full length mirrors that allowed him to see himself from several angles made the situation no easier, and his fat, leaking hardon was nothing Callum could ignore.

Callum stood there, in position, until Troy returned a few minutes later. All that time, Mr. Meyers didn't say anything, he just sat there looking at him. The shaving of his pubes had made Callum sufficiently insecure, and he knew he would have tried to cover himself up if his fingers weren't locked behind his neck. As it was, he could feel himself blushing in a deep red tone.

Once Troy was back in the room, Mr. Meyers turned to him and asked him if there was anything else that he would suggest.

"Well, the tan's a problem," he said and then, with a smirk, added, "and so is the boner."

Callum could have punched the faggot for drawing attention to his raging hard-on. He hadn't thought it possible but he could feel his blush deepening. He felt like burning up. His damn cock had been literally and visibly throbbing for the past half-hour and Troy's little finger-fucking hadn't helped.

Meyers looked over at Troy, nodding his head in agreement. "The tan's definitely a problem."

Seeing the look of surprise on Callum's face, the man explained:

"It's not the fact that you have a tan, Callum, that's no problem. The problem is the tan-line. Like I mentioned earlier, modern swimwear varies from small thongs to the surfer shorts you clearly prefer. The problem is that when you model anything smaller than those shorts your tan-line ends before the fabric begins. It makes it obvious that you don't actually wear the swimwear you're modeling and, not surprisingly, advertisers don't like that. So we've got to get rid of your tan lines. Not now, of course"

Meyers added after a slight pause, as if he was considering his words:

"There's no time for that now, but we've got to do something about it for the future."

Mr. Meyers was silent for a bit as he mulled over the problem. He looked up at Callum and asked:

"How do you tan, Callum? Do you use a tanning bed or just lay out in the sun?"

"It's all natural sunlight, Sir," Callum replied.

"I thought so," Mr. Meyers replied as if the answer did not please him.

"Is something the matter, Sir?" Callum inquired, wondering if he had somehow screwed up.

"Nothing's the matter, Callum," his Agent quickly reassured him.

"If anything, natural sunlight provides a deeper and more photogenic quality than tanning beds. But it does create a problem. Where did you get most of your sun, Callum?"

"On the beach, sir."

"Yeah," Mr. Meyers responded. "That's what I thought." He shook his head unhappily.

"There's no nude beaches anywhere near here, unfortunately."

At the mention of nude beaches, Callum could feel his heart start pounding. He couldn't imagine lying out on a beach, stark naked so that anyone who walked by could just scope out his entire body. Particularly now that he'd just been completely shaved.

That would be so humiliating, having other dudes seeing him pubeless.

Callum tried to calm down by reminding himself that Mr. Meyers was right – there were no nude beaches anywhere nearby but just thinking about having to publicly expose his freshly-shaven body made him queasy. He tried to breath deep and exhale slowly, a method he had learned to handle stress.

Mr. Meyers looked at him again.

"You wouldn't happen to have any place where you could sunbathe nude, do you Callum?"

Immediately, Callum thought of his parents' house. The backyard was pretty much surrounded by trees and an eight-foot-high security fence. He probably could get some sun out there without his parents' neighbors being any the wiser. But what about his parents? How could he explain what he was doing there. He lived in the city by now. And what if his mother saw him naked? Or, even worse, his stepfather? God, he could just imagine what that old fucker would say if he saw his son lying in the backyard naked. And if he noticed that his son had shaved his pubes off – and how could he fail to notice that - Callum would never hear the end of it. No, there was no way he could sunbathe nude back at his old home, so he looked at Mr. Meyers and uttered a simple "No, sir."

It was then that Troy spoke up. "Callum could use the roof, sir. Like Kerry and Taylor do now."

The Agent shook his head negatively.

"I don't think so, Troy. Kerry and Taylor both have night-time jobs, so their days are free. Callum's in school. I'm sure he's having enough trouble juggling his school work with his increased workout schedule. I don't want to jeopardize his education just to eradicate his tan-lines. It's certainly not optimal, but I guess we'll have to go with the tanning bed. He'll probably lose some jobs because of it, but it can't be helped."

Listening to Mr. Meyers talk about his educational pursuits caused Callum to experience a twinge of guilt. Actually, Callum had pretty much abandoned them when he increased his workouts to twice a day. There was just no way he could handle four-hours in the gym with all the class-work his courses entailed. Besides, he wasn't kidding himself. It would have been rough for him to get passing grades in the majority of his courses even if he applied himself a hundred percent.

Mr. Meyers had made such a point about how important education was that Callum hadn't wanted to disappoint him by telling him he was abandoning those endeavors, but he certainly didn't want the fiction of his continuing college education to interfere with the reality of his modeling career.

"Sir," Callum spoke up, "if you think it would be better for me to lay out in the sun here than using a tanning bed, I can make the time to do that. Really, sir. That wouldn't be a problem."

"Are you sure, Callum?" Mr. Meyers pressed on. "The best sun here is between noon and 3:00 pm. and you'd have to be here at least two hours every sunny day. Are you sure that wouldn't create logistical problems for you at school?"

"Yes, sir," Callum replied with conviction. "I'm sure."

Mr. Meyers favored Callum with a warm smile. "Then I guess we have our solution. We'll see you on every sunny day. Just check in with Troy when you arrive. He'll get you stripped down and greased up and take you to the roof."

While he was definitely taken aback by Mr. Meyers' declaration that Troy would strip him down and grease him up, Callum kept quiet. He'd just promised again that he'd do whatever Mr. Meyers told him to do without objecting and he really did intend to keep that promise. Above all else, he wanted to stay in the man's good graces and he was gratified to see how pleased the man now seemed with him.

That matter dealt with, Mr. Meyers turned to Troy as asked, "Anything else?"

"That big boner, sir," Troy reminded him, not without phrasing the sentence to make Callum squirm. He even gave the model a naughty smile.

"Yes," Meyers agreed, "Callum's erection." He turned his attention back to the embarrassed model.

Callum found himself nervously shifting his weight back and forth as both Troy and Mr. Meyers focused on the big tube of hard flesh jutting out from his groin. It was so mortifying to have both of them concentrating on his leaking hardon.

"I'm sorry, Sir," he started to apologize, but Mr. Meyers cut him off.

"There's nothing to apologize for Callum. As I told you the other day, it's natural for young studs like yourself to spontaneously erect when they get excited. If anything, you should be proud that you have such a nice big piece of meat between your legs. Most guys would kill to be as hung as you are. It's just that, right now, during a photo-shoot, it's not something we'd be interested in drawing attention to unless we were planning on advertising you on porn sites, which, of course, we're not – even though, looking at you, it's obvious there would be a real market for your talents."

A little shadow of doubt slowly crept into his thoughts, imperceptibly reshaping his own point of view of his career. He shrugged it off quickly. He simply could not stand to think what would happen if his mother would see a magazine featuring him.

"I'm sorry, Sir," Callum repeated, churning his head vigorously to really shake of the thought he just had. "I've just been real horny the last few days, ever since I started increasing my work-outs and taking the energy supplements."

"And that's to be expected, Callum," Mr. Meyers immediately reassured him. "That's totally normal. I'm not criticizing you, Callum. If anything, I'm the one at fault here. I should have anticipated the problem and told you to work out any excess sexual energy before you came here."

"I did, Sir," Callum interjected. "I jerked off right before I left the house. It was the third time today."

"You've already masturbated three times today?" Mr. Meyers asked with some surprise. He knew the supplements in the water and the protein bars were powerful enough to keep Callum hard, but the effect was even more breathtaking since he learned how much energy the model felt in his balls. He reconsidered the amount of money Callum could bring in, silently expanding even the most motivated plans for his future.

"Yes, sir," Callum admitted. He was a little disconcerted to find himself discussing his masturbation habits but he wanted Mr. Meyers to understand that he had recognized the problem himself and tried to deal with it.

"I jerked off in bed just after I woke up, in the shower at home after my morning gym session, and then right before I dressed to come here."

His response generated a quizzical look from Mr. Meyers.

"I don't understand," he said. "Why were you showering at home after your session in the gym? Why didn't you just shower at the gym?"

Callum was totally unprepared for that question.

"Well, sir," he tried to explain, as delicately as possible since Troy was in the room, "it can be uncomfortable showering at the gym since there's a number of.... guys who just hang around the showers watching you. You know what I mean sir," he appealed to Mr. Meyers

"Oh, I know what you mean, Callum," Mr. Meyers replied.

"I definitely know what you mean. But you can't let people like that interfere with proper grooming habits. You should always shower immediately upon completion of a workout so you don't clog up your pores with sweat and grime.”

He gave Callum a stern look before he continued:“

The last thing a physique model needs is having an unsightly blemish any place on his body. So, as a matter of course, you should always shower as soon as possible after you've completed your workout. Besides, we've already discussed the problem of your excessive physical modesty and this is just another manifestation of your insecurity. From now on, I want you to shower at the gym after every workout. Is that understood?"

The tone that Mr. Meyers used was so demanding and forceful that Callum felt he had no choice but to assent, even as he blanched at the prospect of showing his naked body, now bereft of all body hair, to the lascivious stares of all those perverted faggots. Damn, he was going to hate that.

But Mr. Meyers wasn't done.

"And, Callum," he continued, "I don't want you covering up your body when you're in the locker room and shower. You have a really fine body and you should be proud of it and, as a model, you should be glad to display it. So every time after you shower, I want you to spend at least fifteen minutes in the sauna, uncovered. You've got to learn to accept attention from other people."

This latest order really upset Callum. The idea of sitting in the sauna, totally exposed, while those disgusting fags just ogled his naked body was repulsive. Just thinking about it made Callum feel creepy. But Mr. Meyers seemed adamant on this point and Callum certainly didn't want to upset the man by arguing with him. 'Shit. Shit. Shit,' was all he could think.

While Callum tried to hide his consternation, it was obvious that Mr. Meyers had picked up on it. "Look at the bright side, Callum," he offered. "You'll probably be so uncomfortable at first that you won't be able to get an erection. Maybe that will help you get your excess testosterone under control."

But while Mr. Meyers had seemingly intended his remarks to ease Callum's fears, they actually served to stoke them.

Callum hadn't even considered the possibility that he'd get a boner while he was sitting in the sauna. The prospect of having to sit there with a hard rod sticking up from his groin while all those perverts raped him with their eyes actually did cause his gorge to rise. For a few seconds, tasting the acrid bile in his mouth, Callum was afraid he was going to vomit right there. Fortunately, he was able to get control and force the bitter bile back down.

He was still feeling somewhat shaky when he heard Troy pipe up.

"But we still have his boner to deal with right now, Sir."

Callum's problem, his rigid cock, was all too obvious since the shaken young man could not hide it anymore. The dickhead oozed pre-cum like a faucet, and Callum looked up upon hearing Troy mention his hard dick, and saw the glaring glee in the secretaries face.

“Yes, we do," Mr. Meyers agreed, his attention returning to Callum's crotch.

"There's nothing for it at this point but to drain the balls."

He looked up at Callum and shrugged his shoulders.

"Callum, why don't you go over to the couch, sit down and rub one out. Looking at the state of your erection," and at this point Mr. Meyers allowed his glance to return to Callum's groin,

"it shouldn't take long."

He gave the model a fake, glaring smile, evidently covering his own revulsion. Callum knew his Agent would rather be not in the same room while he had to jerk off.

"Sir," Callum heard himself say, as if he was somehow outside his own body watching the conversation take place, "you want me to jerk myself off right now?"

"Yes, Callum," Mr. Meyers easily replied. "That's exactly what I want you to do. We have to get rid of that erection, particularly for the underwear and swimsuit photos, and we need to do it now. So just go over to the couch and pop out a load."

Again his disgust showed, much to Callum's relief. Mr. Meyers would stand by his man, he would not look away while Troy might molest the model during the unpleasant procedure.

"I don't know, Sir," Callum began uncertainly. "I don't know if I can. I mean it would feel so weird whacking my meat off with other guys watching me. I'm not even sure I could shoot."

"See," Mr. Meyers retorted, pointing a finger at Callum, "that's exactly what I was just talking about. You've got to get over this excessive shyness. This will be good therapy for you. And, if it makes you feel any better, we'll both stay on this side of the sofa. But we don't have all day, Callum. So I'd appreciate it if you'd just get over there and get it done."

It was obvious from Mr. Meyers' tone that he didn't want to hear any more argument. Callum took a deep breath and then unlocked his fingers and lowered his arms. Slowly, he walked over to the sofa and sat down.


He looked down at his hard cock and noticed the crown was almost covered with pre-cum. He smeared the pre over his tool and then took a firm grasp of his aching cock and began stroking it.

He must have been going at it a good two minutes before he happened to look up and realize the huge windows he was facing.

"Holy Fuck!" he exclaimed, jumping up and trying desperately to cover himself with his hands.

"What's the matter, Callum," Mr. Meyers asked from his desk.

"There's people watching me, Sir," Callum complained, his voice rising.

"The people in the building across the way can see me jerking myself off."

He moved to get on the other side of the couch.

John Meyers smiled inwardly. He told the model to stand up and face the window. Callum hesitated, but gave in after a short time, obeying the will of his new master.


"Stay where you are, Callum," Mr. Meyers sternly ordered. "Stay where you are."

Mr. Meyers voiced his command with such force that Callum immediately stopped where he was. He looked over at Mr. Meyers, tempted to use his hands to try to cover his exposed crotch.

"Now, Callum," the man informed him, "I want you to return to the couch and continue what you were doing. Ignore those people across the way. They'd need binoculars to get a good look at your body. You need to concentrate on the matter at hand. Get back on the couch and rub out a load."

"But, Sir..." Callum began.

"Do what I say," Mr. Meyers roughly commanded. He was clearly angry now. Callum closed his eyes briefly, tried to compose, and looked up again, prepared to see right into Troy's grinning face.

But Troy was not in the room. Callum had no idea that the effeminate secretary had left the office to go to a room Callum had never seen. The room was windowless, and it was full of screens.

Troy could easily control the footage of the various cameras from here, and joysticks made it possible to steer a few of them. An experienced operator could use those cameras to capture closeups, totals, shots of all the angles that might be necessary to edit a perfectly professional porn video. And even though his Dad had said they would not start to air Callum's videos just now, Troy knew they needed as much footage as he could gather to give the new model's channel a rousing start.

Back in the office, despite all his misgivings, Callum felt himself turning back around and retracing his footsteps until he was right in front of the couch. Then he sat down. His dick was still painfully hard and fully exposed.


"Now return to the business at hand, Callum. Jerk off that cock. I don't want you getting up until you've shot your load. Is that understood?"

The hidden cameras filmed the handsome stud in lucid colors, showed every detail of the boys body. The humongous dick looked now even bigger, cleaned up of the unruly bush of hair, and Callum's hand could not fully hide the shaft thanks to the sheer size of the tube of hard flesh as he grabbed it and started to jerk again. Troy was already jerking off himself while he watched the boy's degradation. Callum did not even realize how Mr. Meyers slowly broke his will, bent his mind, destroyed any resistance in the athlete. Troy knew that the paying users would love to see the utter humiliation of the hunky jock.

"Yes, sir," Callum mumbled, looking down in shame, not believing that Mr. Meyers was making him jerk off while total strangers watched – not believing that he was actually doing it. He did look up again quickly as his gaze fell upon his own, red, fat, pre-cum glazed dickhead, something only he and maybe some girl should be able to see. He took one quick glance out the window, saw all the offices that had a clear view of where he was sitting and shuddered. He didn't look up again. Instead, he concentrated on getting himself off.


He didn't know how long it took but sooner than he would have thought possible under the circumstances Callum could feel his balls rising in their sac. All it took was a few more hard strokes and he was there.

Even Callum was surprised by the volume of sperm that erupted from his throbbing boner. The first spurt landed on his chin and it was followed by at least four more large jets of milky white semen which splattered onto his chest and two smaller final squirts which landed on his groin.

In the studio, Troy was ecstatic as he steered the cameras to capture the moment in glorious detail.

The dumb hunk was giving the best jerk off show they had filmed for months, maybe the best they ever had captured, and the footage was worth a fortune, that much was clear. Troy had to force his dick back into his tight trousers, leaving nothing to the imagination, as he ran back to his Dad's office. He needed to be there to play his part in Callum's training, his slow, intensive brainwashing.

As Troy slipped in again, Callum was breathing heavily from the force of his exertions, continuing to stroke his cock as he tried to tease every drop of cum out of his system. Finally, convinced that he had totally drained his balls, he leaned back against the sofa, trying to catch his breath. He was careful to keep his eyes on his cock. He didn't want to look up and see a bunch of strangers looking at him from the other side of the road after he'd just shot off a big load.

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