The Telemachus Story Archive

The Hollywood Agency 1
Part 4 - Chapter 4 "Training for the part"
By Dylan (Illustrated by Dylan)

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The Hollywood Agency Book -1-


Chapter 4: "Training for the Role"

"Troy," Mr Meyers said, trying to jar the boy in front of him out of his sexual revelry.

"Yeah, Dad," his son responded, not removing the musky boxers from his nose.

Not many knew the secretary was in fact the Agent’s son, and Meyers did not plan to reveal the little secret.

"Troy, I need your full attention. Put his boxers down for now. I want to work out our program for Callum and I want to make sure we're on the same page. I don't want you to fuck things up like you did with Keith."

"Jesus, Dad," Troy responded with some heat, dropping Callum's boxers to the floor.

"How many more times am I going to hear about Keith? Yeah, I fucked that up. I know that. But that was over a year ago, I learned my lesson. You want to take it slow with Callum – I'll take it slow. Just tell me what you want me do. You don't need to keep harping on Keith."

Troy let out an exasperated sigh. "What do you want me to do?"

Over the next half hour, John laid out his plan of attack. When he was done, Troy looked at his father. "You're a fucking genius, Dad. You really are."

"Thank you, Troy," John replied easily. "But just remember, the best laid schemes of mice and men 'gang aft agley.'"

Troy rolled his eyes as his father quoted Robbie Burns for probably the ten thousandth time. After hearing him say it for years when he was growing up, Troy had finally searched out the poem. Couldn't make heads or tails out of it – it was hardly even in English. What the fuck! Why didn't his father just say something like 'shit happens.' It pretty much meant the same thing and people actually could understand it. Stupid. He grumpily shook his head in agreement and then stood up.

"I'm going to head home, Dad," he told his father. "I'll take the hard drive with the videos with me and start working on them."

"Did you watch them at all?" his Father asked and, when Troy nodded his head 'Yes,' continued: "How were they?"

"Super, Dad. They were great. I loved the footage where you had him posing with his big juicy hard-on bopping around all over the place. You did everything but make him twerk."


Troy had shown his father what twerking was just a couple of weeks earlier and John had actually considered having Callum do it. But he thought it might be a little bit much for his first posing session. Besides, he had to hold something back to keep his subscribers hooked. The website “” needed a steady stream of new faces and fresh meat.

"It's fine if you want to get the tapes ready right away, Troy," he informed his son, "but I'm not going to be posting them for awhile. I want to make sure we have at least four or five sessions in the can before we introduce him to the viewers.”

Meyers smiled, considering his next words:

“When a guy like Callum figures out to be real popular, I don't want to give the regular subscribers just one or two episodes and then tell them that's all we've got, like we had to do with Keith. That just pisses them off. I want to make sure we have enough footage to keep them satisfied for at least a month before we start uploading footage on to the site. “

He saw that Troy was on his page, as he went on:

“As far as the premium subscribers are concerned, I personally want to be sure we'll be able to deliver the goods before we even start advertising Callum. Keith was even a bigger debacle with them. So we won't be posting any Callum videos for a while."

Because he was not happy with the constant mentioning of his mistake with Keith, Troy didn't respond right away. It was obvious that his Dad was never going to let him forget about it. Troy just gritted his teeth and ignored it, since he didn't want to give his old man the satisfaction of knowing how much it irritated him.

Instead, he reached down, picked up Callum's boxers, and jammed them into his back pocket.

Then, he straightened up and smirked into his Dad's face:

"Whatever you say, Dad. But remember, with the new AI software I can make him fuck or get fucked as much as I want now, having all the necessary angles to digitize his whole body. I can even make him hotter, tighter, and more muscular.”

It was clear that he would use the software on Callum anyway, just for fun.

As Troy walked out of the office, he turned back to his father.

"By the way," he informed him, "Kerry showed up while you were in here with Callum. I got him ready for you and put him in the storage room. He was pretty nervous when he arrived and that was at least a half-hour ago. By now he's probably climbing the walls."

'Or at least would be if he was able to,' Troy thought to himself with a suppressed chuckle.

John Meyers eyes just lit up as he thought about this ginger-haired stud-puppy. Friday was a big day for Kerry – his first auction. He was in the office for his final prepping - something John always saw to himself. As he had informed Kerry when he set up this session, he needed to be assured that Kerry was prepared for whatever was thrown at him. Even though he had popped the boy's cherry only a couple of weeks earlier, Kerry had already come a long way.

Kerry had returned from shooting his first video scene just two days ago – your standard prison rape. The producer had wanted to film a full-on gang bang with at least six guys but John had figured that was a little too much and way too soon for Kerry. Besides, he wanted the boy's ass in good shape for Friday, so the Agent had insisted on limiting it to two assailants, though he did agree after a certain amount of haggling and the addition of $500 to the contract price to letting a famous porn star with a ten-inch cock have two go's at the boy.


Kerry was real sore and completely hoarse after the filming was over, but it wasn't anything he wouldn't recover from by Friday. Of course his upcoming session tonight wasn't going to aid in the healing process but Meyers figured Kerry had to learn early how to perform even when he was in pain – he was sure to get a lot of practice doing just that in the next few months. Boys like him always triggered the deepest hidden desires in powerful men.

"Send the bitch in before you go," John instructed his son.

"Sure thing, Dad," Troy answered as he closed the door behind him. Mr. Meyers remained sitting in the chair behind the desk, reviewing the session with Callum. It had gone just about perfectly for a first session. There was no question about it. Callum was going to be a real money-maker – as long as they didn't screw it up. And John was going to make sure they didn't screw it up. That was one straight-boy's ass he definitely intended to plow.

He had been sitting there at least five minutes when he began to wonder what had happened to Kerry. Did Troy forget to send him in? Just then, as if on cue, he heard a rattling at the door. "Come on in, Kerry," he shouted.

There was a slight pause and then another rattling of the door.

"Get in here, Kerry," John called out again. This was followed by another rattling of the door.

"What the fuck!" Meyers exclaimed as he stood up and made his way to the door.

"I told you to come in, Kerry," he complained as he opened the door. It was all he could do to keep from laughing out loud. There, kneeling on the floor in front of him, was an obviously distraught Kerry.


Troy had told his Dad that he'd got Kerry ready and that, if anything, was an incredible understatement. The boy in front of him was a sight to behold, able to harden any real stud's dick.

He was on his knees, leaning forward at an awkward angle. Several tight leather straps were emphasizing his muscles. His fleshy nipples looked swollen, and Meyers envisioned how Troy had worked them with a pair of heavily-weighted alligator clips that made them stretch pendulously towards the floor. Looking down the curve of the boy's succulent ass, the rubber tip of an obviously gigantic dog-tail butt plug waved back and forth in the air.

As if that weren't enough, the straight end of an anal hook protruded upwards from his ass, connected by a tight rope to the back of Kerry's neck forcing the boy to keep his head upright. The rope itself was tied to the back device that held Kerry up in place.

The boy looked down, humiliated, unable to fight what Troy had done to him.

Kerry's pretty blue eyes sparkled with tears, whether from pain or frustration or humiliation John couldn't be sure. Probably a little of all three. And, completing this picture of abject male submission, Kerry's hard 8-inch dick was confined in a tight jock-strap made of black leather..

The contrast between the boy's covered crotch and the rest of his body was so great that Meyers reached down and ran his fingers along the bulge made by the boy's shaft. Kerry immediately emitted a loud groan. When John opened the hidden zipper in the front of the jock-strap and his fingers touched the dick and balls hidden behind it, they began to tingle with heat. His suspicions were confirmed. Troy had Ben-Gay'd the boy's dick.

When John bent down to check whether Troy had provided a similar coating to Kerry's balls, Meyers discovered the piece-de-resistance of Troy's preparations.

Kerry's balls had been separated from his cock by use of a humbler, which explained the boy's uncomfortable posture – he was physically unable to straighten up. Glancing behind the boy's ass, where his scrunched up testicles were on painful display, it was clear that they, too, had been liberally coated with Ben-Gay.

Meyers knew how uncomfortable the boy must be. The ingredients, Camphor and Menthol, patched up Kerry’s blood-flow and must feel really itchy and burning on his sensitive parts.

John wasn't all that surprised. Troy was a devious little devil, and this newest prank would even impact Meyers himself if he wasn’t careful.

It had been obvious for a while that Troy was bordering between a submissive and a dominant, even sadistic personality, and he really had the hots for Kerry – just from the vicious way he fucked the boy every chance he got.

Thinking about it, the Father realized that he should probably expect to see a load of his sexy Son's cum dribble out when he removed Kerry's butt plug. Well, it wouldn't be the first time that John had been forced to take his Son's sloppy seconds.

Troy was really getting off on the power he had over some of their models, and considering how the Agencies' future depended on those models, Meyers had to think about his Son, very carefully.

Shaking his head with a bemused smile on his face, he stepped aside. "Get into the room, Kerry," he quietly ordered and then watched as Kerry slowly and painfully crawled on his knees into the Boss' office.

John's own dick was leaking pre-cum as he followed the boy inside. Thanks to Troy's ministrations, Kerry's prep session had already begun. The sexy model had clearly been meticulously prepared by Meyers' son, and it added to his imperceptible slowly decline down a slippery slope. In the end, that much was clear, Kerry would be one of most profitable projects for JM Modeling Agency.

Mr. Meyers wanted to take his time to prepare the young, hot model for the upcoming gig. He knew perfectly well that the party would feature the newest trends, so Kerry would more than likely be cleaned out thoroughly by the patented ACME Flush, a devious device that made young boys look like pregnant bitches before giving them the same feelings a young girl would have at giving birth.

Meyers slowly open the various leather belts to give the boy some more flexibility. Kerry slowly crawled over to his Agent before he concentrated to get up on his knees to swallow the mans thick dick into his pouty lips. Now only his hands were tied behind his neck.


Meyers took his time. Even though his earlier session with Callum had tested his ability to restrain himself to the max, he knew Kerry needed the training. The boy sucked the mans thick dick for almost 30 minutes before Meyers decided to fuck the pouty lips hard and quick.

He did think back to the day when he was invited to see one of his boys perform at a party. It was the day Meyers saw the machine, the ACME flush, in action for the first time.

While Kerry moved with just the small, awkward motions his restraints allowed him to do, Meyers relived what he had seen that night.

JM Modeling Agencies newest star model Chris was presented on a little stage in the main hall of the host's mansion. The party was in full swing already, but this was meant to be one of the highlights of the night. Everything was prepared to look like a presentation of a Las Vegas magic show, with lights and props and sexy assistants.

A cleverly costumed man walked onto the stage, pushing a device that was hidden under a piece of cloth. A similar piece of cloth covered the tied down, struggling, moaning young Chris, and an assistant, wearing some sort of a tuxedo outfit that would be perfect for a stripper, wheeled him in.

Both were members of JM Modeling Agencies' stable of hot boys and young men.

As the covers were torn off, the audience stood, excited, cheering, giving a huge round of applause, wolf whistles and catcalls.


Chris naked body was displayed. Still sitting on a device that held him in place by chains and locks, his skin glistening in sweat or oil. He was a perfect specimen, an example what the Agency could provide, and the men in the audience had clearly already considered what to do to the helpless young man. His legs were already spread and laid in leg-rests as the assistant made him lay back.

Chris could not see the device, the 'machine' the "Magician" wheeled over, but soon he felt a greased finger slide into his ass. "Auurghmm...uhgggg" he panted, in vain. The man just smiled knowingly as he commented:

"I know you have had bigger things up there, so don't fake it for me, I'm just doing my job!"

Chris felt a cold stainless steel pipe that was forced into his greased ass, and he grunted, but did not dare to say anything.

The audience stood and watched, thrilled by the unknown machine on stage and the fate the sexy, tied up man would go through.

The Magician waited as his assistants helped him to put a long shiny black rubber coat on, clearly to protect his impeccable outfit, but also a fancy piece of fetish wear.

Only seconds later Chris felt that the machine was highly elaborate. Some rubber ring inflated inside his ass and held the pipe in place, and water started to flow, warm water that felt almost good for a few moments, before he realized his colon would be filled merciless. The boy started to struggle, but he was tied onto the device, unable to move. The Magician was explaining the function of the machine to the delighted audience, while Chris felt the effects all too well.

The young model's tight tummy started to push out like the boy was pregnant, and even though he did not know the water was soapy and full of chemicals, he felt that he started to cramp, even faster thanks to the detergants.

"Auurhgmm god ..please aurghmm it's too much!" The guests were delighted to see the boy's face show his obvivious pain.

The "Magician" smiled as Chris moaned in vain and even started to test the strength of the cuffs restraining him by flexing his muscles. It was a sight to behold, the tied down muscular model fighting the inevitable. The man did his job, he wasn't interested in being gentle. The boy was going to have to get used to larger objects than this being shoved up his hot little ass soon enough.

The audience realized why the man wore the black rubber coat, protecting the man's suit against any stain, but while they seemed to wait for any spills, Chris knew the coat was more precaution then necessisity as the "Magician" pushed buttons , and the machine flushed the water out of Chris' intestines.

Evidently the man could see the water flowing out , maybe in some kind of gauge glass, as he noded and started the process once again. Before Chris could get used to this new feeling, he heard the machine whir into life with a new sound, and he began to feel cool water flow into his guts.

The "Magician" could easily have used warm water, but he wanted the boy to really feel the sensation of the water filling him up, and there was no doubt that he could. The boy's eyes were wide, as he wriggled his hips, perhaps trying to dislodge the tube. However, there was nothing he could do to stop the flow of water up inside him, and slowly the chill liquid swirled and seeped deeper and deeper into his bowels.

Watching the process eagerly, the guest's at the party could, once again, begin to see the kid's flat stomach starting to distend. The boy was so slim it would not take long for the water to fill him and start to push outward.

There was a distinct bulge in the kid's stomach and grunts of discomfort had begun to escape his throat. He was wriggling on the devilish device designed to hold him in place, trying to find a comfortable position, but was unable to do so.

The man handling the machine watched with pleasure as the boy's belly grew, and his writhing, grunting body began to sweat, as if the water inside was escaping through the pores of his skin. He knew his superior would not permit him to use of the boy for long, but at least while fulfilling his duty he could have a little well deserved perverted kind of fun.

The machine still pumped the water into the boy's guts, until he looked pregnant again, and was begging the man to stop.

" UUURGHHmmmmmm " Chris had grunted as the water filled his colon again and he felt like he would explode.

Mr. Meyers, looking down at Kerry sucking his dick, vividly remembered that he was tempted to step in as the cramps started again and the boy started to plead for release, but the audience was thrilled, watching the machine on an automated cycle.

Just to raise the mental torture another notch, the "Magician" had turned his back on the boy and walked off the stage, leaving him to wail and sob into the watching cameras, hoping that the man would return and save him from his torment. And even though Chris once again had no idea he was filmed, huge screens hanging elsewhere showed his merciless ordeal in high quality and full detail. The Audience had been captivated by the show, it was a huge Success.

While Mr. Meyers watched a video of the spectacular event, Kerry worked his dick.

A computer screen still showed the grunting boy, tied down and worked hard by an automated process. Meyers' dick was hard as steel while Kerry sucked him like the pro he was. Meyers watched Chris on video, sweating in pain as the machine had pumped enough water inside his ass to give him the bloated look of a pregnant girl.

He grunted another tune as he felt the machine open up valves to release the presure, and he screamed out as his cramping muscles relaxed, very painfully.

Chris panted as the 'magician' walked in again, still wearing the long rubber coat to protect his suit. The man pulled the deflated probe out of the muscular boys sphincter, not without feeling Chris' bubble butt and probing the tight muscle ring once again with his fingers. Kerry felt surprisingly good after this ordeal, clean and refreshed, as if the painfull and degrading treatment was quite normal. He certainly had no idea that the water that washed him out was laced with powerful drugs.

While thinking about the party that day and the way the young model Chris had performed, Mr.Meyers now started to facefuck Kerry, kneeling on the floor in his office.

Meyers was overly excited by the session with Callum, the memories of the show he had just watched again and Kerry's hot, wet, mouth. He knew he had better coat the boy's throat with a first, quick load, before he helped the boy to get out of the specialized bondage equipment Troy had used on him.

Kerry's well trained ass was plugged and the hook had to come out before Mr. Meyers dick would slide in deep in a hard fuck.

It would be hours before Kerry would retrace his path out of John's office – once again crawling, though this time because of exhaustion rather than the humbler. His brain was in a turmoil, after Meyers had first made Kerry take his dick so deep down his throat that the boy couldn't breath, then fucking him so hard that the young model had screamed and wailed.

After the powerful man came twice, he slowly and carefully helped the whimpering Kerry to untie, slowly opening all the locks and straps and buckles. He had taken the hook out of Kerry's ass earlier to be able to fuck him, and now opened the tight dog's collar around the boy's neck, helped him to get rid of the ball spreader and the humbler.

Meyers even helped the boy to sit in a chair and carefully made him drink a glass of cold water, as soon as his trembling hands could hold the glass.

The Agent knew well that Kerry's head by now had a hard time to cope with the mixed emotions.

While he had fucked the boy, Kerry had grunted out words like “No more, Daddy!” or “Please no, Uncle Bill!” and Meyers knew the kid relived some scenes from the past.

The young man felt good in the hands of his powerful Boss after he had fulfilled the task and mastered today's training session. Mr. Meyers knew what the boy needed to succeed. Kerry realized, as he slowly made his way to the storage room and his clothes, that nothing he faced on Friday night could possibly be worse than what he'd gone through today.

As promised, JM Modeling Agency had provided him with the training he needed to be a success in the entertainment business.

He had no idea he would be the next model that would be treated with the 'ACME Flush'

Despite his exhaustion and the painful soreness that seemed to emanate from virtually every part of his body, Kerry was grateful for everything Meyers had done for him – even if he didn't always enjoy everything the man did to him. But there was one lesson that Kerry had learned from John Meyers. Modeling was tough work. One had to be tough if he wanted to make it in this business.

After his sessions with Troy and John, Kerry was sure that he was tough enough to do just that. He still wasn't looking forward to Friday, but at least now he was sure that no matter what happened he'd be able to handle it, thanks to John Meyers.

Meyers was one hell of an agent, and Kerry knew he was lucky to have the man watching his ass – though watching sure as hell wasn't the only thing he did to it.

By the time Tuesday rolled around, Callum was finding it difficult to control his excitement. It was going to be his first photo-shoot and he had really been hitting the gym, just like Mr. Meyers had told him to do. Even in just a few days, the already athletic model was sure he could see greater definition in his pecs and abs and even his thighs looked a little bit bigger. He was really anxious to show his Agent how well he'd done.

Maybe it was this heightened anticipation that would lead to all the problems he encountered during that session.

He had shown up slightly early, dressed in what he thought was a fashionable pair of tan slacks and a pale blue Polo shirt that really showed off his muscular arms. He had been careful to jerk off right before he left home. He'd been incredibly horny the last few days, probably a combination of the rigorous exercise schedule and the increased energy levels he was feeling as a result of Mr. Meyers' energy supplement. And going commando full-time seemed to exacerbate it.

Callum had always had a high sex drive. Hell, even when he was banging some bitch every day, he'd still manage to rub one or two out by himself. Bitches just couldn't keep up with him. But now he found himself jerking off five, six times every day.

Just today, he'd taken care of his morning wood, knocked another one off in the shower later after he got home from the gym, and stroked himself off again just before he got dressed for his photo session. Yet he was still sporting a full boner when he stopped by Troy's desk on his arrival.

And, of course, that fucking faggot noticed it immediately. He'd made a point of staring straight at Callum's crotch before looking up and saying, in that grating effeminate voice of his,

"Honey, I see you're as excited to see me as I am to see you."

And then the flaming queer reached down and groped himself right in front of Callum. It was really disgusting. Normally, Callum would have laid him out right there and then, but he reminded himself that he was going to be working closely with Troy now that he had signed with JM Modeling Agency and that Mr. Meyers wanted the two of them to get along. So he forced himself to ignore the blatant come-on and simply replied,

"Hello, Troy. I'm here for my 1:00 pm appointment."

"Yes," Troy responded. "Your photo-shoot. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it."

While Troy's comment wasn't particularly off the mark, there was just something about the tone in which he made it that made Callum's skin crawl.

There was a significant pause, while Troy's eyes once again raked over Callum's body, before the secretary continued: "Mr. Meyers said you should go right in."

Callum thanked him and moved to the door. He could almost feel the eyes of the young secretary on his back, undressing him. Little did he know what Troy did to the videos the hidden cameras had picked up the other day, and a really hard porn film almost fully made by Artificial Intelligence was carefully stored in the hard drives of the Modeling Agency, after Troy had jerked off several times watching it.

Callum would be disgusted to see the size of the dicks his avatar was able to take in the hot animated film.

While Troy watched Callum walk over to the door of the Boss's office, he watched the video on his computer, licking his lips, comparing the fully dressed real boy and the perfectly constructed visual fantasy.

Some minor corrections still needed to be done, but soon even Callum's Mom would believe it was her son in the video, on his knees, giving head, or getting fucked, tied up in a sling in a seedy biker bar.

Troy liked to be efficient, and just in case his Father was wrong he had prepared a Plan B that couldn't get wrong.

Callum knocked on the door of Mr. Meyers' office, heard the Boss tell him to come in, and opened the door, just as Troy called after him, "See you soon, sexy." Involuntarily, Callum shuddered.

He was surprised to see that Mr. Meyers was on the phone when he entered, but the man motioned him in front of his desk. As Callum stood there, trying not to listen in on the discussion Mr. Meyers was having, he noticed that various large lights had been set up in the far corner of the

office, near the window. They all seemed focused on a small sofa that had originally been set against the wall but was now positioned so it faced the window.

Bright afternoon sun shone directly on it. Obviously, part of the photo shoot was going to take place over there. Callum was still studying the set-up when he heard Mr. Meyers say 'goodbye' and hang up the phone.

He turned to face the man and was immediately unsettled to see that Mr. Meyers did not seem pleased.

"Is anything the matter, Sir?" he quickly asked.

"Yes, there is actually, Callum. I thought we had agreed that the first thing you would do when you came into my office was remove your clothing. Yet you've been here five minutes and you're still fully dressed."

"Oh God, sorry, Sir. I forgot," Callum mumbled apologetically, reaching down to untie his shoes and remove his socks. In less than thirty seconds he was fully naked and stood in front of Mr. Meyers desk, his arms at his sides. But, rather than being pleased, Mr. Meyers seemed even more exasperated.

"Didn't we also discuss the proper position for you to take when you're standing in front of my desk, Callum?" Mr. Meyers inquired, his voice now clearly tinged with anger.

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir." Callum immediately responded, as he spread his legs far apart and placed his hands behind his neck, lacing his fingers together, careful to make sure that his elbows were parallel to his torso, even though doing that put somewhat of a strain on his upper back muscles.


He could feel himself blushing hotly.

Mr. Meyers continued to stare at Callum for a long time. The boy had no idea that the man was delighted to see the muscled youth to be so deliciously submissive, since he knew the whole ordeal was being filmed and would be selling big in certain circles. Many men out there had suffered from homophobic jocks during their time at school, and loved to see a degraded muscled jock sweat in front of his superior.

Finally Mr. Meyers began talking to Callum in a low voice. There was no longer any trace of anger in his voice, rather it seemed laden with concern.

"You know, Callum, I have very high hopes for you, but I'm beginning to wonder whether I might just be expecting too much from you. In the modeling business it's absolutely essential that the model knows how to take directions and do what he is told to do without repeated prompting. You have to be on the top of your game all the time – you can't have any 'off' days."

Meyers motioned with his hand, while he changed his tone into a “Father knows best” voice Callum had loved to hear from his coach at the high school, the man he had adored the most.

"I'm sure it probably seems like a small matter to you, but we had already discussed what you were to do whenever you came into my office. Yet, when you came in here, you just stood there in front of my desk, gawking around, instead of doing what you were supposed to do.”

Meyers paused for effect:

“I realize this is all new to you, but that really doesn't matter.”

As he saw he had Callum’s full attention, he continued:

“Anyone who hires you expects to be hiring a professional and you're expected to act like one. I won't send any model out of here for any assignment unless I'm personally satisfied that he's going to perform it satisfactorily.”

Again Meyers paused for a second, while Callum held his breath.

“Right now I have to say I wouldn't feel confident sending you out. I'm sorry to say it, Callum, but I'm disappointed in you."

Those last words made Callum's self control shatter, just as Coaches words always did in the old days at school when the team had lost, or Callum had gotten a bad grade and risked being kicked off the team.

He looked down in shame. As he stood there absorbing this tongue-lashing, he could feel all the confidence he had when he walked through the door rapidly seeping out of him. He felt like a little boy being told how much he had disappointed his parents and it reminded him of the many times his father had ragged on him about what a total loser he was.

Callum no longer gave a damn what his Father thought, but he really wanted Mr. Meyers' approval.

He wanted it so badly. Mr. Meyers held the keys to Callum's entire future in his hands. Callum realized how amazing it was that a man of Mr. Meyers' caliber would take a personal interest in him and the last thing in the world he wanted to do was disappoint this man. Yet that was precisely what he had done. Callum could actually feel tears start to form in his eyes. He hadn't cried in years, but he was afraid he might now.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Meyers, Sir" he apologized, his voice almost breaking. "I guess I was so excited about being here for my photo-shoot that I let myself loose focus. It won't happen again, Mr. Meyers. I promise you. It won't happen again."

Despite himself, Callum could feel a single tear trickle down his cheek.

The look of concern on Mr. Meyers' face seemed to soften noticeably. He pushed the chair back, stood up and slowly moved from behind the desk until he was standing right in front of the boy.

He raised a finger and softly wiped away the tear from Callum's face. His face did not show how delighted he was to be able to hit the boy's confidence so hard that the hunk started to cry.

Again his dick strained to break out of the tight jockstrap he wore, but Meyers for now had to hide his true plans and feelings.

"I am disappointed in you, Callum, but there's no need to cry about it. You have to learn to take criticism in this business, Callum. No one likes to hear it, but it's nothing to cry over."

"It's not that, sir," Callum replied, embarrassed that he had actually shed a tear and terrified that more might be right behind it.

"Then what is it, Callum?" Meyers strong hands now held the boys face, made him look up and directly into the Agent's eyes. The man could feel the certain tingle in his groin, and he gave himself a second to fantasize about holding Callum's face just like that when he fucked his big dick right into the sexy hunks pouty lips. The sensation was over in a second, while Callum answered:

"It's just's that I'm afraid you might think that I'm just too much trouble. That you'll just tell me to pack up my shit and get the hell out of here."

Callum was really close to losing it now and he knew it.

So, apparently, did Mr. Meyers. The man took a step forward and then suddenly pulled Callum into a tight embrace.

"Callum, Callum," he murmured into the boy's ear as he pressed the boy's head into his chest.

"That's not going to happen. That's never going to happen."

The older man continued to embrace the boy tightly. Callum was a little uncomfortable at first since he was naked and his hard cock was being crushed up against Mr. Meyers groin, but as he heard Meyers assure him that he wasn't going to dissolve their relationship, he could feel himself beginning to relax. It felt strange to be standing there naked while another dude embraced him, but it wasn't totally unpleasant.

After a couple more seconds, Mr. Meyers released his grip on the boy and stepped back. But he kept his eyes fixed on Callum's as he softly explained why he had been so critical of the boy.

"The reason I'm hard on you isn't because I'm getting ready to get rid of you – it's because I have such big plans for your future. You have such incredible potential, Callum. I know you have it in you to be a huge star in the entertainment business. But you also have a number of hang-ups and insecurities that might short-circuit your career and that's what we have to concentrate on correcting."

Callum stood there wide-eyed and taking in the words the man spoke, breathlessly hoping for the best.

"I want you to think of me as a surrogate father, just like I already think of you as one of my own sons. I'm going to be tough on you. I'm going to correct you when you screw up and it won't be pleasant. Being corrected never is. But I want you to accept it in the spirit in which it is given, knowing that it's for your own betterment. Do you think you can do that, Callum?"

Callum looked up at the man, feeling a surge of gratitude towards him that he could scarcely control. He wanted so much to make this man proud of him. "Oh, yes, Mr. Meyers. I'll do anything that you tell me to. And if I screw up, I want you to correct me. I need it. I need you to help me reach my full potential as a model. Please, Mr. Meyers. You just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it. I promise."

"Good boy," Mr. Meyers replied. "And I want you to remember that, regardless of any criticisms I may voice, we're family here. We all want you to achieve your full potential and we're not going to stop working on you until you do."

With that, Mr. Meyers gave Callum's ass a friendly slap and then walked back around his desk and sat down.

Having seated himself comfortably, Mr. Meyers looked up at Callum.

"So, now that we've cleared the air, why don't you show me what you've accomplished over the past few days." He smiled as he looked at the model, who was oblivious of the show that played on Mr. Meyers computer at the same time.

Immediately, Callum resumed the proper position in front of his Manager's desk. Over the next five minutes, the man directed him through a number of the posing positions they'd previously practiced. Mr. Meyers seemed pleased with the progress Callum had made. Then he paused for a moment and searched the top of his desk for something.

Suddenly, he stopped. "Damn," he said aloud to himself. "I don't think we ever did it."

Looking at Callum, he inquired, "Did we take baseline measurements of your body, Callum?"

Callum screwed up his face as he tried to remember. "I don't think so, sir," he finally said.

"Shit," Mr. Meyers exclaimed. He reached over and pressed the intercom button and picked up the phone. "Troy, could you come in here."

Mere seconds later there was a knock on the door. "Come in, Troy," Mr. Meyers quickly responded. Troy fluttered into the office.

"Are we ready to begin the photo-shoot, Sir?" the secretary asked.

"Not yet, Troy, but soon. Right now, I want to take baseline measurements of Callum's body."

Mr. Meyers was looking down, rummaging through one of the drawers on his desk.

"Here it is," he said as he pulled out a fabric tape-measure. He tossed it to Troy who, to no surprise on Callum's part, immediately fumbled it onto the floor. Callum bent down and retrieved the tape-measure and then straightened up, holding it in his hand, while he saw Troy lick his lips in anticipation.


"Where do you want me to begin, Sir?" the assistant asked.

"We'll start with Callum's chest," Mr. Meyers replied.

"Oh, yes, sir," Troy answered, almost giddy with excitement. He took the tape out of Callum’s hand, who wasn't pleased at the prospect of having Troy to do the measuring, but, considering what had already transpired that afternoon, he had no intention of making even the smallest waves. He steeled himself to not physically react when Troy touched him. And, boy, did Troy touch him. Troy was obviously thrilled at having the opportunity to manhandle a real stud's body and he let his fingers roam all over the naked athlete's torso.

Callum was damned if the little bitch didn't even squeeze one of Callum's nipples while he was measuring his chest. And the fucker pinched it hard, too. Mr. Meyers probably didn't notice because he was busy transcribing the numbers Troy called out, but Callum had to stifle a little yelp at the time and couldn't help glaring at the faggot. But despite the way Troy kept fondling his body, Callum pretty much managed to keep his reactions in check until the very end.

Callum had thought the measurements were complete after Troy had dropped to his knees to measure the athletes thighs and calves. It had been really hard not to react when Troy's hands had glided up and down his inner thighs.

Callum was surprised how sensitive that area was – his cock visibly jerked as Troy's feathery touch played across his skin – but he made it through those measurements without visibly flinching.

He was just beginning to relax, figuring the ordeal was over, when Troy reached up and grabbed the model's totally erect penis.

"Jesus Christ," Callum exclaimed, stepping backwards out of his reach.

"What are doing, Troy?" he heard Mr. Meyers snarl.

"Measuring Callum's big dick, sir," Troy replied. Mr. Meyers couldn't see it, but Troy actually licked his lips as he said that, and made Callum hate him even more.

"You just leave his dick alone, Troy," Mr. Meyers sternly replied. "I've already taken those measurements. He's nine and a half inches."

"Oh, he looks even bigger than that," Troy gushed, his face almost in Callum's pubes. "Maybe because he's more excited now than he was before," he added, looking up Callum's torso to his face and actually winking at him.

"That will be enough, Troy," Mr. Meyers said in a tone that brooked no argument.

"Callum is somewhat self-conscious about his body – that's something we're going to have to work on – and I don't want you making him uncomfortable right before his first photo-shoot."

"Yes, Sir, Mr. Meyers. I'm sorry, Sir." Troy quickly responded, though little about his demeanor seemed to indicate remorse.

"Callum is the one you should apologize to," Mr. Meyers noted, and Troy turned to Callum.

"I'm sorry, Sexy, for grabbing your big, hard, juicy cock" he said in fake remorse.

"Troy," Mr. Meyers called out. "Behave yourself. Don't make me discipline you. Now apologize properly to Callum."

"I'm sorry if I offended you, Callum," Troy said, again facing the boy. But while the words were apologetic, the leering smile on his face was anything but. Unfortunately, seated behind his desk, Mr. Meyers couldn't see Troy's face so, for all he knew, Troy had properly apologized.

The Manager looked at Callum, obviously expecting the boy to accept Troy's apology. Callum would have loved to call Troy out on what he was doing, but, after the way the session had started, he just wasn't feeling confident enough to make a fuss. So, instead, he did as Mr. Meyers wanted.

"That's okay, Troy," he heard himself say, even though it wasn't okay – it wasn't okay by a long shot.