The Telemachus Story Archive

What’s Up Superman
Part 3 - Do Men of Krypton have a G Spot?
By Kyle Cicero

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What’s Up Superman

(Sup’s Suppository)

By Kyle Cicero

Chapter Three: Do Men of Krypton have a G Spot?

“Doctor, I have a problem. I need your help,” Superman hesitantly stated as he walked into the exam room. Gone was his prior air of confidence as he stood before the Doctor.

Kumar noticed that his cape, which was usually draped behind him was now positioned over one shoulder to cover most of the front of his torso. “With what,” he asked though knowing precisely what had caused the superbeing to come.

Superman took a deep breath and pulled back the cape to reveal is erection. Occasionally, one hand would slightly rub the bulge.

“Ah I see,” Kumar replied while affecting an air of grave concern. He suppressed an urge to grin seeing the powerful Man of Steel twitching in front of him. Clearly, he was in sexual heat and struggling to hold his condition in check. The famed superhero showed all the signs of an addict needing his ‘fix’.

“Well,” Superman sputtered revealing his embarrassment. “Ever since…the exam…this problem…you might be able to help me.” He felt his dickhead lurching in his briefs and resisted an urge to touch it.

Kumar was enjoying Superman’s discomfort. Like many other evil villains, he found Superman’s over moralistic, smug attitude to be extremely annoying. Seeing the once confident Man of Steel struggling with his condition and, obviously humiliated in revealing it to the Doctor, was something he intended to savor. “Maybe you could explain the problem in a bit more detail.”

Superman took a deep breath and continued. “Since my exam, I’ve been…” he looked down at the tentpole in his briefs then back up at the Doctor. “I can’t seem to…” he suddenly moaned as his craving to jerk-off to satiate his erotic needs almost took control of him. “I can’t get it down…I …you know…a lot…in fact all the time…but it won’t ease off,” he blurted out. “Right now…I want to…just to get relief.” One hand grazed his mound. A wet spot appeared.

Yes, he is bitch in heat alright , the Doctor happily thought as he observed the growing wet area and how Superman could barely resist touching it. The Doctor knew that the next step would be critical to his plans. Clearly, he was desperate but would be desperate enough to comply to what Kumar had planned. Affecting an air of concerned he gazed at Superman. “I think I can help or at least detect the cause of this condition. First, I need more medical information. Are there any other symptoms besides being in a constant state of erection?”

Superman, his face flushed with embarrassment, looked away while struggling how to answer. He nodded the said. “There’s this itch…in my…rear area.” He finally gazed at the Doctor. “I can’t seem to stop this itch inside…. inside…” he paused his eyes seem to well up with tears “My ass. I don’t know what’s going on,” he replied shuffling from foot to foot as an ever growing need to edge flared throughout his torso. He was so desperate to jerk off that emotionally he would do anything to stop it.

“Well, I suppose we could exam to see what’s going on, but I don’t know how that would be possible,” Kumar explained. “Clearly the answer lies in your prostate. I can’t conduct a physical exam as it require a probing your snus to detect what is happening. You’re a superbeing. It would be impossible to conduct an intimate exam on you.”

“Maybe not Doctor,” Superman quickly replied. He suddenly sped away returning barely less than a minute later. Standing before Kumar, he reached behind him into a pocket lining his cape to bring out a small lead box. “There’s a piece of kryptonite in here. If it’s opened in a room with me, it would nullify my superpowers and enable you to conduct a thorough physical exam.”

“Well, then that seems to solve that problem,” Kumar said with a paternalistic air. He took the box, placed it on a nearby table and opened it to rec veal a shiny green rock. He heard Superman groan.

With the loss of his superpowers also came the loss of his super self-control. Superman gave in to his desires. He reached down to shamelessly rub his bulge to satisfy his sexual urges. His actions released a flood of endorphins as well as other pleasure chemicals his kind emitted during sexual stimulation to take hold of his mind. Soon, mentally drunk on them, his eyes glazed over.

“Why don’t you takeoff your uniform and come out for the examination. Naked naturally,” the Doctor softly stated.

Superman, in the throes of those stimulations barely nodded. As if on autopilot he shuffled over behind the screen. There isn’t a gown here Doctor, “he said

Minute later Superman, clearly distracted in his arousal, sporting an impressive hard-on, emerged from behind the screen. He looked down at as his masturbating hand, then at the Doctor, before dropping his vision to the floor. “I’m sorry I just can’t help myself,” he muttered as he let go of his shaft.

“Nothing to be embarrassed about,” Kumar assured him. “If you’ll just sit on my exam table and put your legs in the stirrups, we can begin.” He watched as the tall muscular Man of Steel meekly obeyed. The Doctor had never gotten a full view of Superman’s “jewels” during their last visit. However, now they were fully on display. Superman’s erect cock was thick and long; his nicely furred balls were equally impressive. As he climbed upon the table they nicely moved between his strong thighs.

Gingerly Superman laid face up upon the table and put his feet in the stirrups. With his legs spread wide, his ass open t view, he couldn’t be in a more vulnerable physician. Once again, his right hand drifted towards his shaft to touch it. “I need help,” he moaned.

“Let’s see what we can do then,” the Doctor said as he put on a pair of latex gloves then grabbed a bottle of lubricant. “Clearly, I believe your erection is being triggered by what’s going on in your anus so we will begin the exam in it. Hmm, you have no problem with erections,” he added as he took a grip of the leaking shaft that waiving about and tugged.

Stripped of his superpowers, thanks to the kryptonite, Superman’s control over his sexual urges, which should always been tenuous at best, completely collapsed as his cock felt the strokes of the Doctor’s hand. “Rao,” he whined as beads of sweat along his body. “I don’t know if I can hold out from the need to… I’m in so much sexual heat,” he groaned as his body quivered on the exam table under the hand job the doctor was giving to him.

“Perhaps you could continue this while I conduct the anal exam, he said putting on his most professional demeanor. He reached out and grabbed Superman’s right hand and brought it over to the erection “Take it,” he sharply instructed.

As humiliating as it was, Superman need to continue to satiate the erotic impulses throughout his body overcame his reluctance. He began to move his fingers up and down his shaft. A goofy smile appeared on his face as his actions relieved the intense sexual arousals he was experiencing.

“You can do better than that can’t you,” Kumar stated.

Superman quickly changed his grip to one he usually employed in jerking off.

Content at how compliant Superman had now become he decided to proceed to his next steps. “Well now let us go on and see what we have going in inside,” the Doctor said, as he slowly inserted a finger into Superman’s quivering anal opening. To his surprise the muscles ringing the outer wall offered little resistance. Superman involuntarily moaned. “Have you been inserting something into your anus?” He queried

I guess I can feel something he said as he moved his finger in deeper “you’re not uncomfortable are you he asked.

Superman blushed. “A finger. I rubbed down there once… a few times over the day. I had…that itch…to ease it,” he told him. He stopped talking simply stroking his cock. Little beads of pre-cum were forming in the slit of its head.

The Doctor was delighted by the confession. This going better than he expected. “No need to apologize for trying to alleviate things.” He pushed his finger in deeper then outward as he began to finger fuck Superman. “I think I know your problem,” he stated as he kept it up.

For Superman, the Doctor’s deeper penetration were bringing him into a whole new level of sexual excitement. As mortifying as it was, he was finally getting the anal relief he needed. “Don’t stop,” he grunted as his desire to satiate his sexual itching overcame his old morality or reluctance. Doctor, can you go deeper,” he asked as he moved his rounded butt backward onto Kumar’s finger.

“Oh, I intend to,” the Doctor assured him. Using a second, then a third finger he screwed the happily bawling superhero.

“Uhuh. “Superman shamelessly mewed as his torso’s movements helped finger fuck his ass. For the first time in his life Superman, no longer fearing his abilities would hurt someone, gave full vent to his sexual needs without any holding back. “Yes. By our gods. It feels so good,” he whimpered.

Kumar was disappointed at how easy it was taking down this once strutting hero. All beef and no brains , he thought as he rammed his fingers in and out while urged on by Superman. The great crime fighter, who defeated so many villains, lay before him on the exam table with his leg spread, jerking himself off, begging to be fucked while lost in a world of sexual heat and lust.

“I think we’re close to the problem area,” he said as he rammed his fingers in deep to finally hit Superman ‘s prostate

Superman eyes shot wide open; his entire body went rigid as he let out a gargled howl of pleasure. He began to ejaculate.

Kumar quickly used other free hand to grab a hold of Superman ‘s hand that was holding his cock to aim the shaft forward. The gushing spunk splattered onto the Man of Steel’s face. Cream-pied, the doctor thought. Some flew into Superman’s open mouth.

Until now, Superman had not known the jism of Kryptonian men was a powerful aphrodisiac. When he swallowed it, his system lit up. The Doctor watched as, his victim’s perfectly muscle torso spasmed to produce multiple ejaculations.

Once he finished Superman’s arms fell limply to either side of his body. His cock, however, was still hard. Superman lifted his head to dully stare at it. “The itch is still there” he pathetically whimpered.

Just as I thought,” Kumar said with fake concern, “Something about your alien biological caused this condition. We just to continue to stimulate you for a day or so.” He took plug from a nearby table.

A barely focused Superman stared at him. “What are you going to do?” he asked.

“I believe that the only way to fix the issue is to allow your body to continue to experience these erotic drives until it adjusts the stimulations, and you regain equilibrium and sexual control,” he said as he pushed the plug deeper into Superman to fully ram it onto his prostate.

Superman let out a howl along with something unintelligible in his native tongue. A glob of precum oozed from the slit in the head of his cock.

The Doctor hit a remote button, causing the plug to vibrate. As the hum movement of engulfed prostate, Superman’s body quaked with lust. His right hand moved towards his erection

“Yes, I believe that you also need to constantly masturbate to truly effect a cure,” the Doctor stated as he watched as his prey began to jerk off. “I suggest you stay at my clinic for the next week or so you can engage in this treatment in private.”

“Stay here, jerk off,” Superman dully answered as edged into another mindless state of sexual bliss.

Yes, I believe that if you spend a little time with us, we can fix this problem,” the Doctor replied. “I’ll leave the device in you, and it is vital to keep masturbating.” He signaled to his assistant who entered the room and proceeded to roll the exam table, with prone jerking off Superman on it, into the hallway. “Don't forget this the Doctor said as he grabbed the kryptonite and placed it on the now completely sexually absorbed Superman.

In the next week, Superman stayed in a room engaged in constantly masturbating. The butt plug up his ass continually vibrated, stimulating his prostate and keeping him in a state of continuous erotic stimulation. By the sixth day he had lost all track of time. His entire focus was on maintaining the constant pleasure that he was undergoing. By the end of that second week, Superman’s entire body and mind was fixated on maintain the cascading waves of erotic pleasure coursing throughout his system. He kept up his rhythmic stroking of his shaft. The bots attached to his prostate continuously stimulated his erogenous sons throughout his Kryptonian physiology. Quickly, nothing mattered to him now except satisfying his sexual needs.

On the third week, Dr. Kumar looked at the gooning, exquisitely muscled body of Superman that was now quivering in sexual heat. Superman’s eyes were dilated, and his alien language mutterings were barely audible. The sounds of his panting filled the room as his right hand continually his masturbation. His left hand pressed in the device in his anus to scratch that relentless internal itching deep.

“Turn up the bot’s stimulations to maximum,” the Doctor told his assistant. “Let’s see what that does.”

“Are you sure that safe, Sir,” the assistant asked.

“Come now. He’s a super being. I’m sure we can take the risk. I’d like to know for statistical purposes. It’s not as if we can break him,” he said with a laugh.

The assistant nodded and adjusted the dials on the controls.

Superman howled with pleasure as every cell in his body and brain suddenly lit up. He quickened his stroking. He felt as if every part of his body was on fire. Erotic stimulations overpowered him as an uncontrollable need to orgasm exploded within his brain. Then a million lights erupted inside his brain frying cells with their sexual heat. His last conscious thought was a strangled cry to his god.

The shocked Doctor and his assistant watched Superman’s entire body violently quaked as cum shot from his cock.

“I think you broke him,” the assistant mumbled.

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