"THIR, YETH THIR" mumbled the goon, his head spinning from the strange chemicals soaking into his brain.
"That's it soldier, just keep on obeyin'. Y'all know ya want to" whispered the General as he watched his latest victim swaying. The goon could easily remove the mask at any time, but that would mean disobeying orders, and that was something he just could not do.
"Yes sirree, keep breathin' it in boy. It's mah lil ol' snuffin' mask. And dying for the cause is one of yor mos' basic instincts, ain't that right boy?"
"thirrr, yeth thirrrrr" slurred the goon. He was weak and his head was spinning, but the words of the General kept ringing in his mind. He was dying for the cause! He could feel another big surge of pleasure, even his dick was at full attention now. Dying for the cause!!!