Remote Garrison
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The squad leader entered the main control room. A single trooper was there on duty. "Hey Sarge"

"Hey yerself", muttered the Sarge. "What yer doin' with that there lil' savage? We got orders to kill 'em on sight. Get too close and they play mind games, make ya do strange things"

"Oh him" said the squad leader "Er, not sure. Anyway I got some orders to foller"

"What orders" said the Sarge looking quizzical "I ain't heard of no new orders"

"These orders" said the squad leader as he shot the Sarge dead center.

The Sarge staggered back, experiencing the full, pre-programmed force of a goon-troopers death orgasm, "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Dying while following orders, what could possibly be better?

"Yeah, orders" muttered the squad leader to himself. He couldn't quite remember where the orders came from, they just seemed to pop into his head when he looked at the beanie. But as they say in the goon-barracks, 'Orders is Orders'.

"First I gotta open the main air-lock outer door. Hey lookit the monitor, loads of beanies, all waiting outside. Ain't that sumthin'?"

He touched a switch. A green light signalled the all-clear. He touched the switch again and watched the monitor as the door opened and the beanies swarmed into the air-lock.

"Next, open the main air-lock inner door. Hmm, won't that let all that bad atmosphere into the base?" He paused, unsure of the wisdom of opening both doors at once. But goon-troopers always follow orders. It's part of their DNA. It's what they do.

So he touched a second switch. This time a bright red warning light began to flash. But he touched the switch again anyway.

And a really loud claxon started to sound.
