From Thief To Cop
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Cam strolls out into the open in his newly acquired disguise. As predicted, the police uniform is doing a great job blending him in to the sea of black uniforms. As he mounts the police motorcycle, someone calls out to Cam, or rather the officer they think Cam is. “Hey, you look familiar... haven’t I seen you somewhere?” 

So close! Cam is nervous for a second until looks back and sees a cute, young 20 something year old kid. He follows his initial remark with “I know where I’ve seen you from, Police Calendar, 2011. March right?”

Cam smirks, not believing his luck and responds with “Sorry kid, got the wrong guy. I only just recently joined the force. Look for me in this next year’s Calendar though.”

“Oh I will! I might even join you, if the rest of the force is as handsome as you!” responds the youth.
