Jayden and Kyle - Unlikely Bonds
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As Kai was going out the same fate was awaiting Jade only at the hand of their other captor. He too begged for air, but received little. It must have been the plan of the villains to get inside the head of the heroes by planting ideas in their minds. While Jade was going down, the criminal spoke softly into his ear, "you two are pathetic heroes, you don't even have the strength to get out of these chairs. If only the rest of the world could see what their true heroes are like."

Jade was so angry, he tried to respond and break lose but was a futial attempt. The villain continued, "you are the lucky one, he plans to take your partner over there and basically experiment on him or take him apart to try and figure out how this cybernetic implants work. Chances are he will be permanently damaged when he is done. If I were you I would do what you're told to keep him in good health."

With that Jade was also out...

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