Hi, welcome to the House of Telemachus blog. Please feel free to contribute by posting a message to the address below. Especially, I would like to hear your views on the stuff that you particularly like, the stories and pictures of all the contributors. The more positive comments we all receive, the more fired up we are to do more!

To post a message directly to the blog, send it to the email address below with the word 'BLOG' at the start of the subject line.

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Saturday, 6 January 2018 10:35 From: Telemachus

Happy New Year

I am wishing you all a fantastic New Year!

Saturday, 18 March 2017 10:58 From: Telemachus

Statistics - January 2017

According to the stats from my Service Provider for January 2017........

- The site had 3.7 million hits with 59,015 visits from 28,675 unique visitors.

- The no. 1 country is still the US by far (1.6 million hits) but interestingly China has edged out the UK for 2nd place, with Germany and Canada close behind. The Vatican managed only 3 hits!

- For the authors - Ken Laben came top with 4,641 views for Adonis Village, with SHeroNY second at 3,880 and Cicero third with 3,702.

- For the artists - Priapus came top with 10,390 views then Jotto with 7,961

Interesting! I must check the stats more often, hehe.



Saturday, 14 May 2016 10:45 From: Telemachus

Google group

I have created a Google group called Telemachus12. I shall issue a message to it every weekend with a list of the weekly updates so members won't need to keep checking the website to see if their favourite author or artist has added something.

And if your favourite hasn't submitted anything for a while why not drop them a line? A complete list of contact emails is available from the website main page C'mon, give 'em some loving!


Dave Telemachus

PS: I will also use it to notify members of any technical issues which may interfere with posting (e.g. maintenance), hopefully this will be rare!

Friday, 22 January 2016 11:58 From: Telemachus

Farewell 2015!

I have (finally) gathered the statistics from my service provider for 2015 and I am very happy to report the following:

* Hits-per-month have risen from less than one million in January to almost 3 million in December (2,823,823 to be precise)

* Total hits over the year were 14,637,053 from 159,664 unique visitors.

* The top 5 countries by visitors (in order) = US (6m), GB (1m), Germany (0.9m), Canada (0.7m), China (0.5m).

* The top eight artists/authors viewed were (in order) = Herodotus, Jotto, Priapus, Cicero, Franco, Wolfpek, Gix, Wrstlr

We go from strength to strength. Let us hope that 2016 is just as much fun, if not more so!

Thank you all
Dave Telemachus

Friday, 7 August 2015 11:33 From: Telemachus

A million ways ...

Just a quick note to say that my service provider recorded over a million hits to the website for the month of July! 1,049,573 to be precise.

My thanks to all of you. It is good to know we are being appreciated.


Dave Telemachus

Friday, 3 April 2015 12:30 From: Telemachus

Re: He man and the secret of the sword

Hi Jack,

Thank you very much for your excellent email. It is that sort of appreciation that makes working on the website worthwhile.

I have forwarded your comments on to Wolfpek and Herodotus. Whether or not there will be a sequel is out of my hands, but my fingers are definitely crossed here!

Cheers and thanks again


Friday, 3 April 2015 12:28 From: Jack

He man and the secret of the sword

Hi Dave,

I'm a long time fan of your fantastic website. But the recent He man story is the sexiest thing i've ever read! The amazing artwork is very special and i love the detail of how the young, athletic hero is utterly humiliated and punished by his arch enemy Skelator. Truly special!

Are there plans for a sequel? I have so many ideas for He Man


Monday, 9 March 2015 10:22 From: James Maverick

Just Found Your Site

I'm really glad I've been searching related sites for gay erotic stories. Just recently found and I am not disappointed at all with what I found. The picture stories were especially a surprise for me as I haven't seen other sites do the same thing. The galleries were much hotter and erotic than I expected them to be too.

Though my favorite so far are the picture stories by Herodotus. I found them to be extremely cock raising :). His stories of domination are fucking amazing. Literally read through Penis Man vs The Slaver, Super Dave in Peril, Falcon's Fall, Green Lantern Defeated, The Collector and finally Super Magnus in one go. Am now reading The Lost Gods of Aragone and will hopefully finish soon to start reading Cult of Mithras.

I also am excited to see what else your site has to offer. Can't wait to read more picture stories and text only stories as well.

Thank you guys for posting and see you in the next update!

Friday, 16 January 2015 11:38 From: Herodotus

Lucien RIP

I'm sad to report that we have lost a very enthusiastic fan, Mark "Lucien", from Huntsville, Alabama.

He died just before Christmas. I don't know any more that that.

It would be nice to give him a mention on your site, he had many friends in our circles.


Dave Telemachus adds: I corresponded with him a lot over the years. I'm sorry to hear the news.


Wednesday, 10 December 2014 09:07 From: Peter Parker

Your excellent website

Wow Telemachus, there is so much to look at and read on your site. I love it.

Really liked Sacrificum by Priapus of Milet - very erotic and a nice twist. Are you expecting more stories?

Loved the Jayden and Kyle by Gix - so glad they managed to turn the tables on the villains and a great end sex scene. I'll certainly be thinking up a story for chapter 3. Have you received any clues from Gix as to how he'd like this story to develop?

Thoroughly enjoyed Superfag by Jotto

Great story by Cicero - James and the Leeches - very good idea. Working my way through the other stories now.

Thank you Telemachus of the effort you put into keeping this site going. It is worth it believe me.

Will write soon with some ideas for Gix's chapter 3




Hi Peter,

Thank you very much for your excellent email. I will forward it on to the guys. No clues re. the Gix story I'm afraid. Should be good though.

I know that both Priapus and Gix have new things in the pipeline. Fingers crossed that it won't be too long before we see them. Herodotus also has a huge-mega-epic something in the works, due next year.

Cheers, and have a great holiday season

Dave Telemachus

Friday, 21 November 2014 12:08 From: Stephen


Love your work. Saturdays are not the same without something new from you. Hope all is well.



Saturday, 5 April 2014 10:42 From: Reuben

Great Site

I just wanted to say that I am enjoying your site. Plus your stories. It seems to hit a soft spot and that is good. Oh how I love a good hot jock getting tied up or captured by a mousey type guy. An Asian guy capturing a marine or a football jock under estimating a nerdy guy.

The historical one are great as well. Yet current day ones are just as good.

Thanks again,


Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, 15 February 2014 11:02 From: Telemachus


Hey Guys,

Once again there has been a surge in visitors to the site following the publication of a new Herodotus story. It seems you like him!

We hit 3,237,231 hits in January 2014 - the highest ever.

And don't forget - if you like anything on this site please send a message of appreciation to your favourite author or artists. They really love it! And it encourages them to do even more of what you like.


Dave Telemachus

Saturday, 4 May 2013 11:18 From: Telemachus

April Stats

I've been checking the statistics from my service provider.

April 2013 has been the busiest month since we started this website - 3 million hits which averages to 100,000 per day.

So I'm guessing you are enjoying the stories and pictures. So why not send a message to your favourite artist/author saying so. If you can't find his email address send the message to me and I'll pass it on.



Saturday, 30 March 2013 10:54 From: Telemachus


A special announcement!

If you have been following the astounding works of TAM then you will be delighted to know that his blog at is now up and running again. Check it out!

Cheers, Dave

Friday, 22 March 2013 12:20 From: Telemachus

Getting Stuck

After putting up the final chapter of Herorotus' magnificent work, The Collector, I had two seperate emails from guys who said that they couldn't see it! However by the end of the weekend they were OK. I check with some other guys and they had had no problem at all!

So I talked to a friend of mine and he said:


My guess is that a bunch of people kept visiting that page again and again so the "no new chapter" state got stuck in their cache.. after the cache expired it loaded the new version and everything was good again.

Ctrl-r doesn't always clear cache either, although a lot of people think it does. In Firefox, ctrl-shift-r is required to force the cache to

reload, not sure what it is in internet explorer or chrome or whatever. If folks have that sort of problem again, they should try ctrl-shift-r :)


(In Internet Explorer refresh is the F5 key or the two little green arrows button at the top of the page)

Anyway, my thanks to the two guys for alerting me to the problem so quickly. Glad it all got sorted!



Friday, 15 February 2013 11:26 From: Telemachus

PAX Celebrity Art

I recently came across an artwork blog by PAX. He specialises in fake pictures of celebrities - mostly American, so there are several whom I don't recognise, hehe.

I found it very impressive and great fun, even more so when he very kindly did a pic for me of my favourite hot hunk, top international soccer player Gareth Bale! (I live very close to the Tottenham Hotspur home ground).

To see the blog and the picture of young Master Bale check out the site. The link is in the column to the right.

Cheers, and thank you Mr Pax!


Tuesday, 22 January 2013 17:22 From: Jubell

An Artist has passed away...

Calvin "Cman" Washington was struck by a drunken motorist while riding home from the local library in November and he left this world in early December.

You can find proof of that here among a few other places that list the accident.

Cman, Calvin, was a quite prolific and talented African American artist. He did buoyant, lively, and masculine erotic work. In many ways he was fearless. He ran a few blogs dedicated to his work and was the official artist for the Woofytales books.

You can find his DA account here:

One of his blogs is here:

I just found this out this morning and sadly I never would have known. Calvin is someone I befriended online. He was warm and affable and so free with himself and his creative vision that I was always inspired by him. He is the second person I've known to have been murdered by a drunk driver (the first was my beloved cousin). I don't know how to feel about this. I never would have known he'd died because of how the internet keeps us all apart. In fact, I'd been thinking about him the other day and wondering why he hadn't posted anything lately. My heart breaks over his loss. We needed people like him in the world, and now he's gone.

Rest easy, Mr. Washington. You will be missed dearly.


Saturday, 22 December 2012 13:14 From: Telemachus

Seasonal Greeting!

I am delighted to announce the start of a major new story from Herodotus - THE COLLECTOR - Check it out!

And here is just a reminder that if you enjoy anything here on my lil' ol' website then please send an email saying so! Either directly to the artist or author, or send it to me and I'll pass it on. It's feedback that inspires us all to do more of the stuff you like.

It doesn't have to be a major critique or deep review, just a quick 'I really liked ....., thanks' will do just fine.

Have a truly great Holiday and a Happy New Year


Saturday, 24 November 2012 10:33 From: Peter Parker

Your fantastic site

Hi Telemachus

I hope you are well.

Thought i'd drop you a quick note to congratulate you and your contributors on a brilliant site.

I love the stories by Cicero and really enjoyed 'Night Warrior'. I am reading the short story by Handy 'Prolonged Treatment' and it is excellent and well written. Love the pictures in the Jubell gallery and have read 'The Fall of the Jaguar King' twice now. There is so much good quality material on your site that i can easily spend a whole afternoon looking through all the different areas and keep constantly find new items to review.

Please please please keep up the good work.

Love it!

best wishes


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